~. f. ?rqor hase - s r i g (J a F s' 5r Deetbu.--,N'oar Oehawa, on 8usday, 1 ist JohnMNarrow, ?jed 86 years. Hei s;'èeul whlstsplttlng smre firewoo the yard The orges ln the Slrncoe street metho, cburch wss handled by Mr. Guy Dîngle Sunday last. Mn. CÇe r laexepected wyaà à l à urà Llè;ivi.......Some «thief well dcquanted wlth the promises effected an outriance te Jno Thorn- (g ton'a aboe on Colinasut., on Sunday ulgbt, Pure Dru gs, and carried off twe pairs of boots, about a (E dolîar's worth ef tobacco sud $2 Ilu mali Perftimery, change. An iron bar about 3o luches long (g m il T **' evidently intended to fiston s shuttor was Toulet Roquisiie used ta force the front door. This dld flot 'g work s0 he went tc the aide door wbich Toîieu iJoaps, opens from the work shop ie Mr. Thorn- ~ tan's yard. There is where ho ahowed bIs ±'ancy Gaoou8, famiiarity with the premises and ahowod (g ~ that he has been a frequenter cf the abop. Spectacles, There is a sprîng Iock on the door sud the id ci Anyth ng n th(t hie knew its location se weIl that ho cut a .~nyuîn ~ LL(hale in the pannel with apckot knife, large enough to get hlm hand thraugh and operato the spring lock. By lightlng a few w y i, mathes he located the stufi ho wanted and ~ LD'U~ imemade his escape. Mr. Thoruton places his loss at $10. The town counicil met Monday night There was a discussion at the start about manufac:uring firms who ai-e searching for s suitable tawn ta locate in, and which men- wbers of counicil have an the st-ing. Mi- ?yley's JJPu(I Store, ho Morris was appointed assessor and coilector at a salai-y of $3,5. The mayar reail a letter tram the Waterous Engine %Vorks, Brantfard, stating that the camparry had delayed repairs ta the tawn fire engino Si [ii' St s t 1, çshlwa. hecause they feit that thcy could take their time, as they had supplied the town with a substitute engine which warks well. Coun. _________________________________ ienderson was instrutcidta go ta Stirat- ford and wîtness a test of the tngine befare r bringing it back ta tawn. The tollowing mc- n couis were ordered ta be paid: for the s finance carnmittee $167 55 ;fi-e and water 3$4?-2 o -relief $129,oS ,tawn property c fi 2o 61. On motion ot Mr. Tamblyn Mrs. i Kelly was ordered ta be sent ta the heuse otfi- O~1IA A, ~providence, Tordnta, wherc she will be tl os 1IA MA 9FE1 3. Y 1 G.more comfortablc and wilI costi the town p iess. On motion af Reeve Coulthard ta ps1Y a hait the cast of a wire tence for John Wilson tere was sanie discussion, showing that to..n couniclîs do not look upon the wire 1bAf fence as heing altogether a boan ta the O SH A W Alkon, T. Canant (enîphasis an the Con) has trar'sferred his tortnightly announcement tc OSHAWA. froi he Reformer ta the Vindicator. WNith T that liberality and tairness which is ti i t:,iN1. ).taoa -iscr1bcrs charactertstic of his nature, Mr. Collant or ai *. intmn-it aniv 1business seeks to brighten up the calumns of the tn witi th( ('i ilN T (Ni)tai extra local papers turn about. This time he gives hý cop)i sat an v lti nu troiIT E. Rogers. ont that whî st at the Atlanta exposition he et F arrileis , d %%(, :to , ah at M l secured a large amount of the paper nioîîey M aN s , lr t 5Tt t i\ à i dt tin i b sied by the South during the war. it s e Ifvnwosu a iii e h i na dinner or'lot announiced on this occasion that he ac- c F behilqui red the "curies" by any scrreptitious is tea ,(,t, or 11)\st tign>Z l n(-%i( t ina, oir glass means, and we are t-tus obliged to take the in ware, go toFI IlHlr '-týz iî bald statenient of tact and draw train it such nE It w i l aN attt tarilescit einplaî tng b)it - nferences as we may. These bills would iri1 a (ng rîirienit or wsîîng ring ta see have been worth a fraction ot their face tihe largt, s f k I lt Brw *.(}shawa a,- value had the cause af slavery and law ft thev -iI 'H tttt ri- î,h verv cheap foi cash. les-ness triumphed; but atter thirty years l Genullrie ,ltanîrttl t iK miv j, Thev are of waitîng for even a partial redemption, w ais,) riaknlg sreie qtctaiofiers ini (ests',the southerners now sel! them ta hmwiiio laî-sitI sg i irtîjj(jstiv"e' waîcîîes. at large as tokens of their own hmlaind Sýet thtti i i-' e, and foi-ced purîty. The Hon. Thos. is per- ____fectly frank with the public at ail timnes, and while he mentioned in his last bulletin ta thi Itrts li, fe ,t NMr F' Lick, Whîtby the local press that he had tipped a Budd- Ov tri rsp. r oihist priest ta allow him ta despoil a temple ne 1ookng ftertheot the Orient, on this occasion he candîdly w( MiIIIvro s (ioking afierlthe ansounced that he cxpects the money ofthe ru teus bsinss îî~wee. ~ersrî aw South wilî be iedeerned by tîhie Unted th Thecorr s ickrtg wîh om mau-States sosie day, and thus he will be i-c-th Thecýbnc! i iike 1 g 1 h s-m mau-cauped with usury, a hope which is pleasant s fa.turingr- 'îtreiî whi'.h are lookisklfg eves ta anc who has money ta burn. Now, loi- desiraiiicti to add variety ta Mr. Canant's lite, we have 8 Mr- andi NIrs. A W Anriersotr Toronto, a suggestion ta maire. According ta bis bic- Dc vere 111t twiîn ttrl Mr-. Anderson was graphical and autobiograhical sketch ofthte Pt ecenily in the niai hie business. Canant tamily--which by the way cen be Ba A small boy%, son of Mr. M. Fitinegan, traced back for a century or two, more or ani ffipped and fell oithte sîdewaliri 1n. r Iess-accordipg ta this sketch, we say, Hon. SIE ight. fracuriîng lits shoulder bone. T. Canant might before now have been a P member of parliamesti. He han now an- Ec The towii hockev club visited Whiîby on other chance. The Liberals want a new VI( rtudsirghi. and %vere defeated by 7 ta 2 candidate, and no man under the sun is de- Co ,oais. The gaine %, as a goo)d orte. An- [lied a right ta be the man. We are tld 4'11 ther match leîween the two clubs is likely that Mr-. Canant is a sound Liberal (in poli- Wi o icurnex wek.tics) and have no daubt that the re m n- F'eb. died D on 1tu vusts ( )slîaw.a eveuy Wednesday, and ma% be secs al Rogers' book store trom tt a. ta 1) p ni. lersonais, news items, adver- îiserniit, eic., will be (hiankfully receiv- ed.- lu1 preaching the fuseraI serman of the )aie Constable >'>a Father Jeficott took occg-sion ta say that the tuniction ot buz-ying thie dead belonged more pi-operly ta the church than ie Iudge, a paint upon whicb tnasit îeopie will agi-ce witb the reverend gentleman. Mi-. Proveru lias secui-ed fifty-five names ta his list of mnembership toi- a golf club, aIl be- ing saunes which carry weight in town. It looks very miucbh ike as if a club with at * lemst seventy-five members will be estabîish- ed bei-e this sum mer, and if the garne car- ri-es as- mutch popularity bore au in other places a field wlll aftîrwards be Ieased and put in order loi- play, Osbawa and Bawmanville hmd a curling match bei-e oui Saturday. The weather was soft, and fi-cm the report in the Vindicatar ît would appear that tbe bog lise was the basis of apera lions for the skips, and thet the side whîcb could gel the most mortes over the hog was allowed ta score. The gaine was sot fin îshed wbeu ime was called, muid wms made a draw. There iý sco telephone ibis week, and the malien appears ta be a hopelesu case for some lime ta corne. Il is a most incon- venient and expensive season te dig post- hales, and the pales ai-e so badly broken down that new oses will have te ho put in before the w ires can be atreîched. The poles wei-e al uew and only pat up lest fal, and il us a wonder tbey broke o smrucb, aI- thoagh in somne cases lhey were bîdly bol- lowed ont with rot. Vindicator --Oshawa curlers veut to Poierboro on Monda y atternoon le take pari lu the grand bonspiel w hicb opened ihere that evening. There vas a singleo nk cors- pelilion open te nol more thas four rinks fi-cm any club, for four paire of ted houe curling atones for the bout rnuk, sud four agate fobe (curling atone pattera)l for the asat cempeting risk. The othen eveuit ul be a club competlion-îvo ninks on ecd side-tor a valuablo ttophy presented by the Pt-terboro curling clubs, and 'valued At $59. (>eimswa vau represented by W j Claplin, A Rankin, F 1 Lamber-t, A j Sykua, T G Ryiy, T M Le, E 1 Roveo &MdP Il Punshon. Tli ere eto o em iePoset In ihe firsi conleat Oshawa won b«t lMt M Tuesday Iluthie eçond; Thetropby Coote inl stîi lo be pisyed,, The laylng -of die Mstettaway r bc1à level wlîh the acsdamlsed roadbed - l provjug, s source of hotbor sud ezpque the çony Wiienever tbmu. la as tIsw durI re wluter the*Imite~r sis to the gl'oqt beade ibm I-mua Wh"Icbs for %he lauge of'ih wuukao the tracks sd4" rsetb relu#so bl Of ?I c « bese bo U . r " ilst"o 'em -:000:- Oshawa Businss Dtretory. E L. VICRERY, barber. Simce Street. BROOKS' LIVERY, Sisicoe at" t, unth. WM. ILOLPH, hs.rness ms.ker, Slmcoe street. t. B. MOTHEBBILL, butcher, King 8t.,.West, DR. PirrsBsoN, Dentit; office aven: Bowse's store. X. J. 8TLTER-Daminien pianos sud organa, slmooe Street. A,. C. WÂ2NÂAN, Veterlna.ry Surgean snd Dentist, King street west, Oshawa, Ont. WxxIIAAir J. DxâŽis, Dominion and Ontari o Land Surveyor. Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osh- awa- CommoRcI&L HoTEL-J. C. Woon, pro prinor. Modern hostelry, neat sud oomfortably equîpped. D. M. To». -Caterer for Bala, Assemblies, Wed- dinga, Suppers, etc., etc. Alec a&U kinds of ftowers. OSEUw BooxsTom-PuflU lino of books, stationery s.nd fs.noy goods. E. E. Rogers, aimoe street. JOs. HouLIMi - Whitby-Oshaws stage Uine. lesav'ee Oshawa st 8 a mrn sd 2 p m, and Whiiby st10 arin and i4p m. JoSEPH fOnAwI manufactumerof ftne carniage., carte. wagons, and a&U hindie ofcuttera and amwxa.Reptrîg aSpe"i.tT. $01M< B33uvuE palnur and daorator. Desler ta wU pers. cellng deêezstions, pite, où, arnfflesbruahea, wln,'ow nsade etc. JAuMEs PELOW.dealer la u s à ýtors 'ra ,ins- varo, etc. Large stock kepi o<aatay nti hand. Jobblng a specialty. ?lmoooet ie north.0 L. K. NuETO, B. A. - BaWeter, Saliitft Notary Publie, Oowreyaneer, &o. Money tc ienft. Oflice over Dominion !Bank, Slrnoo Street, Oshava. Whu outemPlDpu%2-sUthurmo Their Polisiesa"e bema"tathmauiv. LanXigarsee M. E. mai-ele1O Tm a oo&-SW u b l * Wotten 946, Mliue Ha--à Mi Chas Wilcoxen ashimabisOtU 38ý el Nioholas-oeusl aon,ý 269 -fatIe Bond 21 iltLisa wm. Rcatdon oa2, Tom Am ,i l enysoni Poramp*0 Kate l1arper 302Maud FrSl 200, Icxen 184 Edua ERUons x65, R.nbby Smithbz4 Lidney - Bond î6o, Harace BIlons za8, 1Jno Niceos 86, Walter Plowrigb, 71, Fred licLane 47. Clea 2 sr-Bckel Giuy, o44, Annie Purves 23e. Allie Woen iî6 Louse MeLArte i99 Fred Farrow z8g, Anale TIÛ> 184, Geo Harper174. Gertie Tlnk x58 Millitrd mc- Lari.a 548, ,Tommy Plowrlght 134s. Clsam 2jr Irwln Omiston x76, Annle Wottes 96, Agnes Hemn 43, Minute NichoIs, 40. Pt 1- PaUl Panvos M0, Cecil MoLaren 55, SamNi Nchais 34 M. A, STILL. itcher. The sick ln thîs neighborhood are nomr Mi-s. Jno. Gorrel spont Meut of lasi wei James Botlias gene to work for Mm. Jol Quite a number frorn Sunerland attended the sacramental service here an Sunday. Another contest has started at the division here with W. Rundie and C. Roach as cap- tains. The epworth league here intend holding another social in the near future. We ex. pect it will be at the home cf T. H. Sonley. It is seventeen years since Brock sent a mani to county council fortunate ermough to get the position and honor of being Warden. There must, be great attraction in this neighborhood for certain yaung men if we :an judge by the hours they are seen going sout h. Those interested in the beef ring are to neet at the store nt Layton on next Tuesday night te complete arrangements for the nry -ek hn We wrote somne timne ago cf the fact th, crtain parties in this section were neglec ng ta send their children ta school. \%, understand steps are to be taken ta enforc hem ta do so. It is a great pity that soit people have ta do what most people ar anxious ta do. JC. BOTT. Our village iooks very lonesome ut night vithout the light in Mr. Sleep's store saine- bi»ng like a man with a black eye. A Koodly number of aur young people 20ok un the basket Social at Pleasant Point. bhey report a large crowd and a fai-ly good at r e This is leap year. Are the Young ladies naking gook use of their priveleges. We ope the result will be mosiey in the preacb. ýrs' pocket. The weather lately seeni perfectly adopt. , for sickness and Dr. Park the man this ountry seems ta have set iLs affections upan s u g-reat demand. Excuse us Dr. for amy. nso but you are much thought of in this The following is the standing of the pupils cf S No 13 Reath for lanua-y: Ir part aud- onnie M unro. Mai-y Parish, Edger Butt. Sr. t nd-Lucy Parîsh, FrankIe Watson. 1Louis urker. 1Jr and- W illie Dewey, Ccii Tait. Sr d-M maie Moon, Florence Clemnents, Florence lep. Lk Srd-Walter Moo. Ada Bu, Çlara, arish, lorence Lane. St 3rd-Utiie Bligbt, lward Dewey, John Maure,. WlIgie Watson. tlet Wbitter. Jr 4th-Jahs Watson, Rose oates. Cimnence Dewey, Lillie Clenients. Sm. i-Hugh Munre,Flore Watson, Liii Druean illie Webster. Miss N. Bray is iudisposed. Messrs Lyle paidea visit ta Hai-per's, Miss Madden speni Sunday a: Mr Scqaelcb, MLÈs T. M min la visiting fiends in Toronto. kernember tbe S. O. T. concert on -the ove cf e Irth. in c on. Pi Vale hept Good sleighing la the resaIt of sanie icrty loads cf wccd passing through car village daily. We are always pleased to hemrof new mem- ber's joining the S. 0. T. Division but more os- pecially are wo pleasod te have thaso amnong us whcse lot is te be among the' inempenate. Mr. and Mrs. Holiday spont Sunday in Toron. te, visiting theur daughtor wbo in M proses: ndring treatins: t the Sîck Children'a -op a.We are pleased te boit she lu lin. giss Hamley, our wcrtby seanistreass, is again our midst. Or. M. Martin was 'the guest cf Mr. Squelcb Sunday. 'arties are anxiously looking forward te St. lentine's day. ir. David Thompscu is on the sick list. We )e for bis speedy recovery. Ir, anid Mrs. T. Maffat are spending a few A large number cf Our Young people attended the epworth league bhe on Suuday evening. Could Dot some cf car Yennger members take a more active part in the meeting sud se mnakeie more Interesiing. Mý Anyperson wanting to mts a goodfarm sho4d mme 1w Dun. Mr. Chas. Mackey spent Sabbath under the parental roof. The recent thaw caught a- severe cold Saturday evengIlst. Mr. and Miss Le, ftom front rod ile their sncle, Mtr. Jno.- Rodd, on Sbttles't. Mir. snd Mmr. Luk viejofd the Tipp on Sab üe 8.SJ.6xilÎ.MI Quarter board ineting =et at Greesuood cmoModya roo ust. T1ieusuabnni  ~ ~ ~ ~ h fewfratter ateuyd s I.Zion Sunday orîg.-.S ai ,r tiio afterton-suaj, LsIy =éeml ter.nlmeomsw~ is Rodd has been visiting at Mr. J*io. Report ot S. S. No. 4 Reach for diie month oftjanuarv, names in ou dci-of menit: Fifth cla-ss--Maggie Robertsos. Faubrth class St. -Annie Robertson, John Weir, Susan Weir, Wm. Moore, Wmn. Graham. Fourth Jr,- Lottie Coates, Alice Coates, Mary Coates, Edith Espin, Howard Coates. Third class- Edith Franklin, Howard Franklin, Ehi Coomb, James Casin. Second class - Hlenr-y Humpage, Austin Graham, Edith Coates, Laura Fr-anklin, John Spencer-. Part II-Stasley Spencer, Louis Canlin, Wm. Coates, Clarence Stevens. Part 1- Mabel Frailklin, Edith Caates. Average 33. H. HYLANIa, teacher. Mr. enry Lan is vstn red Egypt. Miss Idm Banbury is visiting at Mn. R Mrs. L. Grass, sr., is away visiting a sic] Miss G. McLean is spending a few days in Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pike spent Susday in Sunderland. Mi-. Beckett i-ecently visîîed at bis son's, Mr-. L. Beckett. Mrs. A. Drew oftOshawa, spen: Suinday ai r' k Mrs. J. Luke is on the the sick list with ai attack ot la grippe. Mn. and Mrs. W. Marks and sou, oftEgypt Mr. W. Dyer was elected as delegate tc ttend the E. L. convention to be held ih at Ou Sunday cvening t] e epworth beague held their services instcad of the regular sertices, Rev. H. J. Allen beiug at Kedren. A.large number attended the quai-tei-ly seirvices in the methodlist char-ch on Sunday mbrning, quite a number fi-cm Kedron being present. il :1 Miss Ida Briggs is visiting friends in To. Mrc Jae etto.nth iklitpr ci last weekr, but is able ta be around again. Qaite a bit of custom work is being donc at the grain elevator bei-e in the way cf cbop. pîng grain. The familios cf Messrs. Geo. McTaggart and R. C. Pike have cach a new baby girl ta gladden their homes. Mr. Hai-kness shipped sorne twenty-seven herses fi-rn the C. P. R. station bei-e on Fniday nigbt of lest week ta Menti-cal. A twa horse slcigh load of youug. people fi-rn bore went eut ta, Mrs. Heard's concert at Manchestier on Frlday evening cf last week. .Mn. Edgar Harîbut, whase home lu some les miles frorn Owen Sounid, was calling on bis aId friends lu Ibis section the early part Miss Edith Ellerby, who bas been at To- ronto for somne weeks past, returned bomne on Saturday evening last on account of ber rnotber>s illness. ï After spending sorne ten days visiting at the borne of Mrs. Annie P. Hodges and c9tbers, Miss Kate Logan from Whitby, re- turned to ibat town on Monday of this week. The Sunday school bere are putting a new library ithe churcb to better their system of excbauging books, and are adding nearly twenty dollars worth of new books to the ou alredozy oug aiesed.tP Abryo t dayoung loaie wi enuPrts taken with Mr. W. Bateman, be bavMngj>een their Sunday school teacber the mUost qi the Armoitr's store for bargalus d uring the resi of the mnoutb. AUl goode at cont prior t» stock takmig, Peb- Irst 50 overcoats sud 2wo pairs wlnter boots must go. Speciai lises in ordered clotbing. W. G. ArmouIr. Tii. followlngsbows the standIng f.pupilsý of S.S. o. 6, wbIthyý, foýr t>9 -.ntlr>f Janury zzutclas-Lone Bruat, Aitlig [âe Lri TIIEA envlroument E bas soute notion of pre. piing hie life blstety -aud hînaditg It dôwu to Poetenity'. It le sme yeere since the cosseo<f oui town hae becs taken sud we wouldjust sy te Our township thers that tbis matter re. eelve Immediate attention, as the population in beccming dense of late. Trwo more rep- resentatlves of the human family were ushered ie e ut vicinity witbln the liai two days. Messrs. A..- Orvis and Ed L4awrence are et preseni rejoicing over the lite edition te their famiiy circles. Frosi proeut indication a sqaally seasen may be looked forward to. 'On Thursday of liai week the sad inielli- n ce was neceived here cf the death of eaiter Thomi, M. D., Danbarton. Althougb his death being expected it was very sad news for his many fniends in and arouud Kinsale, he baving, tanght bis fint echool iu car section, and baving been in aud out among bis friends bei-e ever since, We tender te the bereaved family the hoartfelt sympatby cf bis mîuy Kinsale frlend. Amaug those who attended the obsequies cf aur fniend Walter Thomn were Mossrs. McCallough, Chas. Mackey, Rev. Dove, C. J.h Stephenson, Royal Rogers and son. Tey report ose cf the largesi fanerai pro. cessions they ever witnessed. The juvenile temple gave tbeir concert on Fniday evening last. A good audience greeted the yoang tempenance workers The childreu and aider oses connected with the arder did splendidly. Recitations, duets, salas, essaya, etc., etc., were reuder. ed in splendid fartn. Rev. Liar-ris and Dove gave short and pithy addresses. Chas Mackay gave an excellent recitation, and first and last, and worst of all connected with the meeting, was a continuaI disturb- ance caused by about a haif-dozen boys from Greenwood, whose naines we could give, but as they are well known at home and will not be forgotten here, we will re- frain this trne, but ta put it tnildly thebe Young men's bebavior was simnply shameful, and furtherrnore we are requested to state publicly that it bas been tolerated ini Kinsale for the last time. riii.s GENUINE STOCK- -"4AT OR*" hlii BELO W + GOS T. fa:, Miller Z Cali at PELLOWSY and see bis IRJ -&iWrou.ght S -AT- $ 50.00. A I1so bis COAL OIL and GAS STOVES S5-50 to $25-000 1 ala n toi'io sip g9 s 1 bave becs tiansfcired ta the OSHA WA RAIL WA Y CO., whose offices are a few doors soutb f is foimer place of business, were ho will be pepared ta supply al required Railway sud Stean- sip Tickets t rates guaranteed to be au low as tbe lowest. The best seamsip linos n the Atlantic are represented. Special railway rates are given in con- nection witb Steerage sud Intermediate Tickets. 'bugli Railway Tickets are sold ta ail points in the United States and Canada, includ ing tbe Canadian Nortbwest. aggage is checked through firn Oshawa te Pali prs oits. UiedSae yhv Paseners for thexnited itsn ay bave thei aigae xainoe u oe a, h fth i gayicovnecea h iifrationfll ivn For tickets and ali information cali sud s00 -W. P. STERICKER,- et Railway I .ele&/ htdyo8, This * eve ofereW i Osawa m is not Greek or Spaniuh; but rea4 it from right to left, and find out where to get the biggesu bargains JeWefry anid Spectaele83 our 8 day ;4 hour striking Clocks, Oak or Walnut, at $29& The best value in Canada. .. . . . . . . . . . . . -AT- MOIS JEWF[R SJOB[, To the a'mis o o o MILLERS, will give 38 ibe. cf They hope by this indacomnent to draw a large ahare cf the tnade cf the district about Oshawa. Flour, Bran aud Shorts always un band at loweat wholesale pnices tO Farme rs. CAMPBELL & ELLIOTT. lut clama Flouir, 10 For Delicate Chidren, Invalids and the Aged. JACKSON'S NutitveWine Thi plaabe ndHIGHLY NOURISHINÇ Wine, prepared with Cod Liver Qil , is e"sly retained and digested by the most deicate. For Wastmg Dise3 , eral Debility, lmpaired Digeston, CaLd, CaMrhal and Branchial Trouble aldLmossf Muscular Ton. 0f great Nutritive value ta Adults and Children. A marked increased in welght la noticeable aFter taking a few boules of tii Wine, which represents au euiquantity of Cad Liver OU. Ai druggiats. CLARKE & DYER. INSURANCE AND COM- MISSION A GENCI. Sun Life Assurance Co. cf Canada, wbich is to-day unquestionably the Leading Lile Company. Canada Accident and Employers' Liabillty Corporation of London. Eng. Among the Fire and Plate Glass Companies we bandie te Lancashire, Guardian, Mercantile and Hand-in-Hand. Aid Savings and Loan Co., Toronto. OiFiFIC just north of the Western Bank, A LETTER LOST C. CARTER, Agt., OSHAWA. No*#. I4th, 1895> Li q I We have always a general and varied stock to select frorn-ýlatest desigus and finishes. Prices right. Undertakring department (suly stock- ed, and embalmlng according to Iatest tethods. * * a Picture framing factorily done. uiko Bro8g, promptly aud satis OUT o? YOUR LHAE If yon do stbuyuSbo Books ftrm us. Wecar hlagtasr- nint of 11gb sand Public ScboeF Books Invite everyaclilar t us et OUI Scn b b2 iu g s u d E x e ins - >o%, k s. W e bave tbe boutiflues l te aket. We lead lu li 1 tpriceýS- ROOERB8 00K STORE. O se do r nori i ol o Offi <e OS~1& A, -ONT AIM U . 1896e .1 2i Bfi 20 HaN st( A E' A.N pi 1 win'ior 'Tho:. millir Son:§ sterîchees 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rc 1 -ý 1 1- 1 £1i 1 TI Ba Il 1 Ai 1 SALE!1 1- 1 1 M-. A Millier hâ.s cutcred an action agais- ft the Howry Ca of Tendlon Falls for cutt- ag timber on bis praperty in the northi. Ve wish hiu success for as far as we cas arn Ibis comupauy is noted for their unfair ealings. We think they have the wrang lan ta play with this lime. That was a good ides Mr. Millet cutting he lower branches off the trees that haug ver the sidewalk but j ust araund the cor- eis a trce he missed. It is an apple tree, re know, but just think of saine persan .unnuUp againsi il saine dark night. sten ta the works that follow aud alsa iunk of the temptation ta the boys in tbe when Innkiniv fnr Clocket pà NlwA6LX. e e - zf ý k KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. ýCAMPBELL & ELLIOTT, SHIRLEY. SEAGRAVE COLUMBUS -FROM- MYRTLE. 1 S. CLARKIE W. E. DYER. RAGLAIN p the