Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1896, p. 4

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COMI A1 Our]1 wIicil Special do E. Chemj ME i: Brock 8 tr (-%A at 1rlitita t 1 , a t lii t bound to conclude that their cane la based léne~w $ubscriptI!n*. à *W..upon thelir oWn preJudioe ar'd >IgllQbrance. Wo,wbuld uirge upon ýoùr' soubecrfb.r to. And 50 the education commlttee of the cou-n- renew siubâcipions tonc. Théa4vantager j lcil thought. tugettlng either the Weékly Globe Ùr Week- IIW. agree wlt thecunycorc n its-yMaIl.EmpIre wtth CURRNICLIC for 81.25 the ou ny cu ncl ~ muet b. manifeut to everybody. decision flot to have any Jail-annex for the Two boat Papers lu the. Province poor, although it would be better to con-. ing the Toronto Weeklj Globe as a aider somne temporary scheme If the county reera ew pr, u & CRONICLE as TD L.NSPECT counicîl does flot intend to take up the ques- a local paper we do fot stretch matters by tion or a house of refuge wlth any more heart oaylngi that tbey have no equal when com. lnit n teyhvedriayed et. Ifr.. bined. Wegive both for next year for Stoek o start hey hav usiess, et. *mut ei.2&We have the sole rlght of the county Larg eiter rgardthat as the final scheme this _.rrthe Weekly Globe. coupty wiIl adqpt, or eiao we must admit Toronto University. that the money put int the aunez wtil be The hockey team of the leading educatiou- Pe rfum esiIost whenever we bulld a proper bouse of al institution of the Dominion will play our ,e ,refuge. The coutity property committee team tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon begin. liaïr- Brus/es, must have a queer idea of comfort If theY ning ait 3.30 As tht. team 18 composed consider the presentments ofthe grand Jurles princîpaîîy of la,.î yrars famous rugby foot- Toi/et Articles, a being overdrawI1. We visted the Ji ail l teamn a grand game of hockey may be E/C astfallandfoud por od Ths. ante ly lokedtor. It will be no 9 to i Or 7 to 2 ln Lt.,./3t., ng on a shake-down on the floor so weak favor of Whitby but will bc we ho pe a most that he could not move his bands, aud a dr. evenly contested and scientifical ly pla yod i wve are selling at cie ot files grouped around each ey: and game. As thereisano probability of izetting around s mouth, eating the y7 e and on muany big matches this 3'C&T tht.s la a mouth out of a living man. The horror of chance that should flot be mlssed. Game 11Y Lovv Prices. the man's condition isaflot haîf described wlll be called at 3.30 o'clock. Admission when we refer to tbis much. A Jailer bas no0 o cents. Gallery roserved for ladies. means of waiting on such men, wh'o for - -rnonths before they die require constant aI- Wab&sh Monteuma speciai tendance. Every mornlng at 11.03 this superlýtlvely The people of Brechiri are so disturbed by equipped train leaves DeaRiboru station, W / L runen raws tat tey entin peiti Chicago, and stares on ber fllght toward the to he outy ourci asingtohave a loclc- same evening, givin gpassen ris one hour ist & Druggist, u sabihe ndaConstabe appoint:d. t iwthe new depot, the largeat and tins the so)urce of the trouble. They neyer then heads due south, arriving at Hot thougiTt of peiioning the North Ontario Springs, Ark., next morning, Texarkana 2di cal I-al, L-icelise Comrmissiont-rs to cancel the lîcenses noon, San Antonia following n1orninv, and of the taverns at Brechin. Oh, no ! that Laredo same evening, where direct eon- would neyer do! They would riather see neci ion is made with a through train for the "eet, Whitby îheir imbibing neîghibors jailed thon have City of Mexico. Tlme tables and pamphlets eet, - Ythe ba rroorns closed. The people of Brechin of üiexico and this great railway from any hate beenl kept awake nights and annoyed railroad agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian day timnes until they are on the verge of dis- passenger agent, N. E. cor. King and Youge traction, Vet we venture to say that if a vote tesTrno Wt-re to be taken as to the advisabriiy of Accident to W. J. Davey. QII~rD îe1, rostng up even one of their two barroomns Mr. W. J. Davey was seriously injured by tirese sufiering peopile wouid lose a fort. a horse on Wednesday. He had driven a ntght's more of their sleep working nigbit îoad of hay to Scarboro, and was feeding his and da), t( deteat the movement with ail horses onts before returning. Whilst pas- ù)verwhleliigng oriîy. In villages where sing bibt te staîl with oats one of the borses F Ei 13.tirere ils nol sufficient business to supply two comimenceci kicking, and mlanaged to get F K 3. , i~9î hoteis witb trade, the People must expect Mr. Davey down under its feet. Jno. Drap- (that tihe barroo4MS will be worked to the ut- er, who 1 appened to be in the barn at the Short Ntes, most The people of Brechin are getting ant timle, bauled Mr. Davey from under the ShortNotesuNitct tesson in the direction of abolishing horse, but not before be had received several loat irn ar -p 11tour- tile curse of liquor sellrng. cuba, one bad one on bis head, and had aev- ,) A<t a-k tt< that t!le The very able and suggestive speeches eral rlbs broken. He is at homne, but the laé acre a unit in theirloi made ini council for grants to public librairies full extent of bis injuries was not known yes- I ter,1av contrasted very greatly with -the lame argu- 's gui a î< hitri 01 ac i llita as meula set up by the decreasing numiber who à'i b. now op pose these grants. To aay that nc public granîs ahail be made to public lib- raries until each communiîy shnah see fit to bestir itself 10 eslablish one, would be tc stifle aIl libraries, for there would always be some perverse community where they wouldn't wanî one. This lown would have had a free public library twenby years agir only that sorne who bud an end 10 serve raised a cry that the lawyers, doctors and scbool teachers would gel the greateat amount of benefit from it. The people denied themselves a great boon for ignorant reasons < and then gave uearly $ioo,ooo in much good. Every amaîl village should have ils circulating library, even if a sub- scription has 10 be passed round and a tea- meeting held once a year to lreep it up. $25 will now buy more books than $i00 would a quarter of a century ago. The governaient grants are smaller, but the money goes twice as far as formerly. The $25 a year given by the county tb each library sbould buy from fifty bo one hundred books. W]Utby Town LocalU. Leap-year bail to-night. Scott repairsalal kinda of pumps. School board meels Wednesday evening uext. Thte Oshawa Vinducator speaka of Tory Mrs. W. E. Rice, Myrle, apent Saturday Ckasesw.-...ed , Cri.;. 1. sat in bown. - Pt(jro a 'rt waîujer. If pienty, of p.ublic libraries are esîablisbed t1iere a il sionir U a h i,)ie provided for the Bad scrar t bu Mr. Treleaven, and bus ever- lasting alt-nipts to carry the council away to Bear.er tîtut Bothinru the day meetngs and nigbt ses- suons Messrs. Gilulespie, H. J. G-ould aud Curts were nîtssed. Thirnembers enjoyed the razzie dazzle whuch Mess.rs. Pringle and Gould gave each other Frtda), aud Saturday. Tiiose wbo eaîablisb new public librairies during the year wulreceive $25of a bonus, the same as libraries now running. Warden (;raharn took a $5o robe home wibiî him, wbuch uis suggestive of an minen- lion 10 flash a lîttie wbile tbc honoi- lasts. Tbe mertîbers bave a big lime over the poor bouse question, but tbey manage to burk a vote as to how eacb member stands on the qrutaititl. The maintenance of the Scugog-Cart- wright roadway is of vital importance to Port Perry, and we are giad 10 note that the Co. Council tueaed il with a liberal baud this session. The members were higbly entertained by Messris. Pringle and Gould in Ibeir continu- -- ousatatempîs 10 worst one anoîher. The latter came out worst Ibis session, but wîlll no doubt corne down in June Ioaded for a continuation of the struggle. *The able anJ popular membets frorn Reach, Port Perry and Scugog presenbed th1e case of the Cartwright roadway so well that tiîey were awarded a good grant. Mr. Rosa' address before the road aud bridge commit- tee wôn that bodty uver 10 tbe scbemne. One would suppose that those wbo give very litîle 10 their poor et borne would b. 1the keenest to unload Ibem n th e cousîy, but it is n ot so. They are the members wbo figlîib e acheme hardest. Tbey mueI bave r- poor, because the bible Baya the rw will always bave witb us ; but th1e indigent class i. cither very scarce wîb 111cm, or eIao The counicil la entitlld 10 1the thanka of Oshawa, East Wbltby, Wlrlîby township and Witlby tuwn for its grant of $2S o1 cut * down buis betweeu Wbltb'y ansud mhwo. When the enunlcipalities concerned give their $6oo to, mee thIis there wtlI b. eme valuablo Improvementa. Wo trust the coma- cils oncerned wlll &çt et once, and liat the couiWlaocera will bave theïr work plue bridge towakp, muast bave a protIf good ldeofteoelve S<CI$OBU*. Iso cooy wrte the comty emsaci sMau" -that: tbey vaut a nov Pubàlic sefisohpe«@, m bec r curien dmms S thi 'èVeoloM=-«e th* Wukf Aawm£f Mr. Win. Irwin, Newcastle, was in town on Salurdav last. Ladies' mandles reduced 10 4 price Satur- day, Feb. 8th at W. G. Walters'. Old Folks' social at Mrs. A. G. Hender- son's, on Friday, Feb. 14th. Admission toc. 6 piece aolid walnut parlor suite, plusb, wibb silk plush banda, for $32, worlb $45, at W. Till'a. Auto barps. Violins, and small musical instruments at lowest pnices for Christmas giflsata Mra. Allias. Get vour fire-pots, grates, iron or brick iinings for aIl kinds of stoves, ranges or furnaces, from J. Mclntyre. The chea pest boots and shoca ever aold iu Wbitby will be sold during Febiruary, at the new red shoe store. M. W. Collins, cast aide. Resci ve Wednesday eveuing the i9th mast. for the social and literary entertainaient under th1e aubpices of the Public Library board. D>r. Henry Bright's English Liver and Kidnoy Pilla, arc now being iutroduced in Canada. Can be had of ail dealers in mcdi- cine. Lampa and chimuceys aI the lowest price ever offered in lown, at tbe corner deuýg store. Mr. Allin, th1e new peoprielor, ia bound lu reduce the stock. Hasging lampa table lampa, brackeî lampa and other kinda of lampa, at cool. The Wbitby- curlees weee defeated by Lindsay (tbe final winners) ln the finst draw at th1e big bonspiel at Peterboro tuis week. lu lhe singlo rlnk serie, howevee, Skip J E. Willis kept lu until Wdedyatron wben 11e was defeated by Mr. Samn. Ray's riuk. Mr. James Lawrie, of Morris, Man., wenî witlî the Wbiîby meh as a beginner aud curied a good atart, b.ing ose of Skip WiIlis' men. Messes. Hugi Roseanad los. Mitchell were tbe otber Ivwo curlers of th1e eiuk. Varalty Two Step b7 W. Alau Sadier. For sale atUmis Old turnes £o«W At the icaldouce ot Mrs. A. G. Heuderson on St. Valeutnea nlbt, Feb. 14111. The. bot Anthracte oil, Nul, stove, e=,147; No- I2 uI,1 ; -et yard. j. EL Downey& C., opposité put Office. Bqai Rlghlp metlc We ane requaesteil t» anou la b-a vii boe eflu goftlbe tou eua re t at Mr. J. R.EL oneg'a"ofeon ooa nexl, Ycb. th Ti. anutusLmetfs of(tIse Soutit 0mar« Coaaerflve y.AsoOCjsUos I WM *e lo boe cei 5atuday a&termoo. AÀfIt tt4l a«c. larqud OMd linesso dh, - 04 tii. e ssam StoftIm.. f Wai- or Peace ifs ail the sme. The war in Corea is now over and the M anitoba struggle is on, as well as the British elections. Murdering is still in vogue and on the increase. The man who thinks he knows a solution of the Manitoba school question, doesn't know how much lie doesn'î know. How it will be dealt with is a vexed question for politicans. The British elections are sure t go Conservative, and conserva- tisai as carrled on to-day means real reforai. We can stop murdering 10 some extent if we nail every blood-stained monster 10 the mast instead of making theai recipients of syrn- pathy and outraged justice Readers are favored with these pbilosopbical observations purely with a view to reminding tbem that E Hart stiîl sella the New Williams sewing machine, wliich is ahead of thema al. The Onta.rio Ladies Coilege. Mayor Rutlcdge in bis introducîory re- marks as chairman of the initial lecture ln the ufiversity extension course at the On- tario Ladies' College ou Frlday evening made a moat interesting address, in whicb he îraced the hisîory of the Coîlege from the beginning 10 ils present splendid position, coucbed in carefully chosen language and imbued with a spirit of civic prido that la full of life 10 the town, If tbe citizens could but catch its contagion. Tho mayor's speech formed a flîîing introduction for th1e occasion, and of the eloquent, puactical and scholarly man-Rev. Dr. Déwart-the lec- burer of the evening. The Dr's subject- Gltmpses of th1e Old World-proved auin i- spiriug one. For an hour and a baif ho beid the earnest attention of an audience, iuclud- ing ladies, the studenîs, the members of the counîy council, of the lowu counicil, and a representalive gatbering of Whitby poople. The greatest names in British bistory, kings, stalesmen, and of famous literary people, were made to live again mu the gra- phic descriptions of their bornes, aud rosI- ing-places, with whicb the lecture waa graced. At tbe conclusion, Mr. Hoyle in a capital short speech, moved a vote of tbanka which was duly seconded by Mr. Wrn. Rosa. Mr. L. T. Barclay, seconded by Rev. Dr. Hare, moved a cordial vote of thanks 10 the chairruan, Mayor Rutledge. Before bbc lecture cornmenced, the members of the counîy and town councils were shown over tbc wbole magnificent building-the electric lighî plant, steam boatiug and sanitabion corning in for unbouuded expressions of ad- miration. Tbe new Frances ball is a perfect dreamn of tasteful docoration. The sbading of the walls and ceiling, and more expressly the exquisite tinîing oî the transition from one 10 the other in the roll of th1e crevice, ta bighly artistic. The bard wood of tbe doors, windows, etc., are finisbed in their eqatural colors and la very beautifal. The second lecture of th1e course la to-nigbt (Friday). A littlo out of season. Isn't it a littIe ouI of season for th1e Gazette ho stir Itsoîf up so about mabicipal mattera ? For five years past-sisce th1e editor of that journal bad 10, make bis wife bis legatee- it bas nover once ventured au opinion on any hown malter. Electlona could corne aud go, and it only recorded th1e resulta in th1e fewest woeds possible. The racket between th1e (armera and th1e town was fougbî out for years, but il had no opinions 10 express. The scbool boerd contention waxed hot, sud elections on the question were lively, stüll the. InternaI apparatus of our cotem' s cran- tuai was unperturbed. No candidate 'for office could gi that Journadl' good word ; none could sr up ls opposition. But it comea bt pasatat In heyear of race z1~ juat ailier -aulàbads ere0eect by a=. usation, tLat tlils Rip Vau Wlskle of five years' silence breaks ontlu a'néw spot, andi on awakenlng front",bs long lumberAilnda, tisat dnring lIts nap the to*'»o' cl 0 Scbol board haie b Î46mo Ihl by a ict of Crooksv!bo areof t.the=,"t mofan o trlpit the to t b eo4 t aap' à now Aix of tmapu aOfar tacmou of cfle tpappese .oepsdof tii. mayor, eev~sdtii. (u90MuCL& .Tiges WIU be grestueva for itos. mmbernw i a Saturday, R1m1mbor Day and @Rem nant -MMS~ ON 49"P~ Feb. 81h, Having finished stock-taking, an e rosnme0f ennsi i unes of goods, and in order to make roon, for our Date,.u h heard of. Saturclay, ;ýpring Importations entire lot at Feb. prices 8th, neyer f irsf *LU~~IRU~W~ 1 Dry Goods. Mr. and Mrs. John Tarvis, are visiting his mother-in-law, for a couple of weeks. Sergeant Robt. Balfour, 77 battalion, Ham. ilIon, spent las t Friday with bis uncle, Mr Jas. Balfour. Mr. Jas. Balfour has secured a lucrative position as traveller for the Hamilton Vine- gar Works. Our Sabbath eve congregation was aug- mented by a sleigh-load of worshippers from Glen Major. The curtain placed around the choir rail- ing, adds considerably 10 the attractivenes of the front part of the church. Thanka 10, the ladies aid. Our C.E. society is rapidly increasing in menîhers, owing 10 the very interesîing mneeting~s. The regular night of meeting is Weduesday. A cordial wclcomce is always extend,-d tb wen-wishers. The case of Erash vs. C.P. R. for damages 10 hay crop by beuing set oni fire from defc- tive engine, was argued ber,,re Judgn-l)rrrt- neli, Wbitby, Monday, and was decided- againat the plaintiff. Miss Mary Davldson is home again after, mouth's recruit among friends and relatives~. Her ankle whicn was badly-acalded iç not getting much strourger, and necessitated ber seeing the doctor again Monday. The Asbburn boys play their return match witb the Myrtle P.S. Saturday. It ;s boped tbe same good will may exist as on the itt match, but that the score of 5 goals 10 our favor may be leaczened, thus mnaking the game a little les one-sided. Mr. Sandy Johuston, proved a very impartial referee, and if bis services are again procured we are sure of fair play, May success again be A very interesting servce ta in store for ait wbo attend the &annal sermon of bbc Rnva-l Templars, Asbburn, next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Weatherill, Mvrtie, will deliver one of bis usual stroug temperance discourses, and the musical part will be given by the metho- diat choir, of Myrtle.. Dou't forRet the ova- ter supper snd entertainnient the following F'riday cvening, Feb. 141h. Gaz EwENPK James Bush and famnily have moved to Huron county. W. Taylor lias moved acroas the street ln- 10 Mr. Love's bouse. Josepb and Miss Jane Ann Watson of Clif- lord are vîsîung their frieuds. Vlsitors-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marks, En- niakillen ; Henry'McLean, Columbus; Isaac Truex, Oakley; Mrs. Bewell. Port Ferry; Mrs. A. Cragg, Cambry. Samuel Duat bas rented th1e place laely occupied by Wesley Rose and inteuds 10 move bts fami!y there soon, but ho intends to manage bis shoe shop in the'village as .The date of the. Rev. C. 0. Johnoton's lect. uie in the presby. church la Monday evening, Fçbruary :7th. The aubject vill b. "* Seven digèerent eI of whici you -are on.. 'ltt 1 tle'douRi: but itis yul b. a treat Weil wortb lie afing. Don't forget lhe date. At th1e prayer meeting lu, the prcembyteelan chuircli 'st week UmsAnnie- Feekbels' vas, presented v*itlaunalbum an& a handkereie< and gýb lu r appreçlatiou -of ber .kiud.~ ne~alactlnùoranlat duelng thei;. S ofhprgsa tast Me. G.-,A. Raamw:'ff f*miy have jt ftr Sod r4 *mth* ess88s IL ]Readly-made Clothing. JUST RECEl VED-. (~~) Choice ffew Goods. China Glassware and Crookery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries, Teas, Coffee, Fruits, Etc., Etc. Cheap for Cashz or Trade. Prices to Suit Me~ Times.' Don't buy before calling and examining the stock and prices for yourself -.-ýLESTATE OP TuEsDAY Pics, rzth, r896-Auctlon sale of, farm stock, irnplimeste, etc, at th1e pro- mises of Mr. Geo. M. Ormdiston, 'south half of lot 1,5, con. 2. Reacli Sale at i W1clock p. ni. L. Fairbanks, auction- HAa.RPEL-At Wbitby, on Monday Feb. 3Td, r896, the wife'ofyMr. E. H aperof brid c's fither~,,o jan. 9t1 9, h Greeumnkto M1Bjlnte C. dinhero ALL -HIGHER. Ifowjs ti *; Great Sâ1leý r <tai isup-îrcdon a chtarge laid by Chief t utîs <tut ()fgtliivîriig taken sorne dis- i1I gi s Irmitihe ir>Ck-U1 tuOother quar- s irring th it. rght, Fire rrrghi-watchrrran thint urited rountd and lodged an infor- ni arr on ax;i r rit tir tchicf for stealing articles luri ig a r ecerit fire . lhe chief fled bo Barrie, wetit before a magîstrate and ack- nowiedged the corti, and was fined $2 and crsîý, tiius burking the charge laid Rgainst hiri at Orilîra That towrn has sixteen con- ,,tables, atîd açupears to be s(> ni uch the wû-rse for iraving suî h a large force. Some ai<gi) a nuniber of umen (,f that bown were arrt ee in debauchtig lite girls and the tiîree o- ai papers ail kepî muni about it and hIpi ed to h usir it upsu no dou hI the con- Niai:er and evervbOdy else relapsd imb ltIa lssiîess, and the evtl resuls of su ch con- (I înt a ill u hi- denit for 'ears lu comne. Co. Connol Notes. Bialance ()f 'out iXt uncil report on ether prages Kfî. Iy o, . atiningnon, <s tihe orator of e r uit cil fNu jail arrriexes'Eitîher a home for tihe poor or rrothîîrg. 1896, umber of Remn wetfin dai we wilI dlean before 1896. Fees His'Oats-ý-. This fli tot be the eusw ithan animl ,whose blood is out of order. When a horse i8 ail run down he needs a tonie the same mas mian. Often ho cannot have comp let. rest. Give hirm Dick's Blood Prfe end note how quickly he wilpickup. HIswhae systm will be invigorated. Hie MstSion be 8treflgthefled so thatal thénursm~n willbo drawn from the fod an lmor o it: Win b. required. IlksBoo uiirdrives out Bots, Wormns and ail parastes. S u~sen ýMon.ep>f 50cm .Di* a& P..P. O.DBms 42% MNIM. ........... a a vue we find an enormous ni Uî 1 Il - - - & &JL Zomo, 130- st zhoiQ'ot 'Me, Qý ýý yeoman albeene

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