Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1896, p. 1

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e xxxxe WH1TBY, ONTARIO, FIRIDAY, FEBRUARY ........1896. NO. 10 200 Lamps of ail kinds at COSI. LIA .v(;f À C; 11'.>A È /x/:' T LAljH'S, oi < i km - . ý f Lanip, Mondaye .F]Pb. 10. 20 [>< Nl> CRlMNAS-20 Il ~' hm.n l <b (-urncr I)rug ýi1- ' h tnt reducc t h il es. Ax Hu ALLIN, Corner Drug Store, WH ITBY. EvaryUaiy ocoo AN1V //>P) a>TANVT CLEAN SWEEP. Pi-ice8 talk for Cash : (;ood Wire Mattrass, worth $2.5o foi Si ; God Mized Mattrass, worth $,4 foi S; First-class Extension Table worth $0 5o for $_%. Bedroom Sets worth f'4 for $10.90. Bedroom Set wort h $16 for $1,3. We have nothing but first-class workrnen in our Up. liolsttring Departmcnt. Leading Lndrtaker,- E. Je JOHNSON, BROCK ST., WHITBY. WVILL BU>' THE Weekly mGlobe CHONCL FOR 1896. our Club-1 bing Liste* Henderson d Graham@ WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA@ Capital Authorized Surplus $1,000,000 10010001 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. OHN COWAN, ESQ., President. REUBRN S. HAM LIN, Esq., Vice-Pres. T. H. MCMILLAN, - . Cashier. (h'neral B3anking Business transacted. l)ra4îft% isued, payable in* ail parts of Can- ada, United States, and on London, Eng- land, payable in aIl parts of Europe. 334 iver cetit. allowed on Savinga Bank Deposits and credited half yearly. Speriai attention to collection of Fariners' irale notei. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whitby Branch. Farm for Sale. 1 hat desirable farrn. conlaluîng 50 ees, the centre of Lot 2 in tihe mnd CnoSul"--d the Township of Pickering the estae of tbelâme j=o McCuliough, ilires ,flh0, ho. Wbilby twu o, Pickering vIllage, and z 3î tullesfrméouac ld D churcb. The gronda, bbrick ous Md hitias tion are unsurpaasd. Gk o d 6 as ntm buildings; one bars, )6x6ou4b as, bmr A0140 wlth stmsestablNug, udummh. TheI ar i i .l fenoe4 IbuIpIOmIÇ11"U la a good state of ofatmou. rewd"utw lars apply opn dunor bylWe tor J. L. CCULLouen, Lo On Wednesday . g ew M.ji Mitchell'. and Dr. Wama1'" mouuted e07,ie.s"mm" Reward on 1 W4q~ LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. CNCcLu CoanuISPOxauxCNC MANCESTER. Counc'l meets on Monday. Misses Lizzle Grahamn, of Claremont, Naoma Ewers, of Toronto, and Mary Welsh, of Lindsay, are visiting friends here. On account of quarterly meeting lu Prince Albert on Sunday morning, the Rev. Mr. Wilmoîî preached bere on Sunday evening. Misses Frankie Spence, B.A., Peterboro, Ada Holtby, Mt. Zion, and Dora Pankin, Brooklnn, speut Sunday at their homnes hene. Mr. and Mrs. WVm. wood, and Edward spent a few days with the Port Perry races. Thorndike, of Oak- Welsh, of Lindsay, relatives here duning Mr. Geo. Porteous, who bas been spend- ing a few weti earned holidays, visiting rel- atives aud friends here, retunned to bis duties in Stratford on Monday week. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, and Miss Minnie Robson, returned home on Wednes- day of hast week, after a trip and visit <o fniends in I)alrymple, near Orihlia. Masses Jennie Dixson, Lydia and Nettie Hieard, are confined <o their beds under tlic influence of la grippe. Mr. Eddie Hodge was down with it las< week, but is mucb hetter uow. Vie are sorry to note <bat Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Smith, sr., are very iii. Tbey are botb quite oid, and of course caunot brave sickness like younger folk, \Ve hope <bey may soon be weil again. Miss Die Sexton, of Udora, speur a few d.îys of last week renewing acquaintances. Hen mauy friends here were pleased <o learu <bat ber aged parents, who for some time back have been dangerously ilI, are uow im- proving. ý The contcît at the Son'î lodgc is uow at an end, Mr. Dixon's side coming out vic- torious. The loseing >-ide of course have <o trear, and wili do so <o-nihbt, (Friday.) Let ahi the mnembers corne out and enjoy thecm- selves. The members of Manchester division Sous of Temperance intend holding an open divi- sion in the town hall on Frxday evenang. 2<5< inst. lun<lie contest jusît inisbed some ex- cellent programmes were given, and a selec- <ion of pieces [rom <hem will no doubt make the programme for the coming concert very inlere5ting. A good spicy aud short play is bemug prepared, sud as it greatly surpas- sed ans' of heretotore, aIl can guess of i<5 menit. Everybody -tell your best girl, and of course she wil[ not hesitaRe <o come. P'anticulars later. The concert given by Mrs. J. R. Heard and ber pupils. last Fnidav evening was ex- celent. The hall was packed to the doore, so mucb so , <bat it was almost impossible to get standing roomn. Everybody was well tbey might be, for <bey had about tliree sud sud a haif bours solid fun. Eacb partaker iu tlie programme did lis and ber part well, sud much credit is due <o Mns. Heard for bc r untiring eftorts to prepare ber pupils for the accomplishment of<the saine. We thene- 1 fore congratulate lier upon ier grand suc- cess, aud hope at the next sbe may lie equal- i y successful. tAccidents seem to be quite commoti these dAys. A short time ago Mr. David Reese, wbale pitching hay an bis bay loft feli back- wards acrose <lie ladder, and scverely sprain- ed bis back. We are pleascd <o say no boues were broken, but Mn. Reese is yet very sore. One day last week the son of Mr. 1hL s. Sinith, jr., received a severe gash in <lie head wbîle fooling with an axe. On Saturday Mr. Wm. Pearson meceived quite a sbaking Up, due to a [ail on ice wbîle go- ing for some wa<er. In endeavorng <o mount a Ioad of bay <lie ot-hen d,,y Mn. Thos. Graham got somewhat bamboozled sud roi- led over on the ground in a short time. And lait but not hcast our geniai township clerk becamne so, excited while cleaning out the horse stable that lie fell out the window. The annual meeting of tlic patrons of tbe Manchiester cheese tactoty was bcld lu the town hall, ou Fniday, Jan. 3rd. But as thxe business was not fiuished <heu, we were un- able <o give a s.atlsfactony report until atter the final meeting held lait Thursday. Sorne discussion anose over tbe malter of forming a joint stock company, aud having the fac- tory rnoved ÃŽarther south. However the ness will be carricd on as benetofone. The onhy difference of former businew ss lt<at Mr. Panki bas agneed <o, manufacture the cheese for i vent per pound, lu case the pat- rons pay for the drawiug of the milk. The report of thec workiug of the factony for the paît year ia as follows : Number of patrons as 81 amounî of milk 635,747 Ibs. ; amount of cheese, 58.,69 lbs.; average poninuads f If be secs his shadow be goes back for six weeks winter. He saw bis sbadow on Sunday. A load visited Wm. Littlejohn'a, of Brougham on Frida'y last and baving a good supply of oysters a good ime was spent by ail. Mr. and Mrs. Littlejohn, the genial host aud hostess made ail fled at home and enjoy thernielves. The nain on the way home dld not caim off the lively spirits of the crowd. Chas. Joody wandered back to hie early scenes on Friday. He calied aI the achool on Frlday lait and delivered an oratlon at the llterary. He gave in detail about bis early life in Englaud and his iounney out. He heariiy enjoyed the afternoon and showed his pleasure ip lis neyer to be for- gotten '"ha." quit, XT Sco tt, Dakota, pepper and saIt set, Miss S QÛregg ; biscuit bowl, M r S and MinasE Wren,* cheese diii, Mr H and Miss N Greggi cake stând, Miss S Uibson -.dinningroom lamip, Mr andMUn R Baird; pair pillow sharnes, Miss E Watt*n. silver pickel omuet Mr R Tr and MissgE ee; coverlid, Mr and ktrs R Watson; tes set Wlte china, Mr Geo Tomfituson; beauti- 1 ul cloài, M r and M rs 1 Beare ; pair fancy plates. Miss T Greggz; glasspitcher, Mi 0 Gibson; china cbeesedish Mrs H Gregg-, silver glove ee Mrs E, À Hardy; set table napklns, Mn E Hardy, Lindsay; silverpîintray, Mi8s FHardy; fancy ctShlorn Mr and Mn  Leesk; pair vases, Miss R Webster;- set roUler blinds, Mr. T Gan- ton. Editor Clark spent a couple of days in Hamilton la8t week visiting friends. Miss An nie Maddaford and Master W. Thornas Sheppard lias been laid up for thie McQuay have chos:n, up sides ini No. 5 <o past week sufleripg froin a swelliug on his have a litenary conte -i Miss Anuic's side ight band. hoide forth to-day an.' Will's a week fromn A number froni bere attendcd a party to-day. Dialogues, songs, necitations and given by Mr. Alexander Birneli, Broughiam, speeches will enliven procecdings. Programn on Frlday evening o[ lasI week and report et 2.30, and corne and sec <hem. 1< will be having-had a fine time. as good as a moneyed show. Mn. kobert Andnew Informe us <bat he is The amers wlo were ableie <o ld grain, goiug f0 take possession ofth<le Keeler hotel, hay, etc. are growing jubilant over the fact 1West filll, the firs< of Mardi. As Rob is a <bat farming le by no means thc ieast of young mian of steady habits we have no meney-making businesses. The sprnug pros- doubt but that lie will succecd in his new pects of sales are very encoul-aging and if enterpise. thiugs keep advancing in pnicc the agrîcul-1 Agaîn It le our sad doty to report tlie turist will get repaid for ail lis labor. Long death of one of our mosIt highiy reepected live tlic honest toiler, sud improve socialiy as citizen$ ln the penson of Mr. Wm. Varty who weil as financiaily. depanted <bis lite on Saturday, Februany Jet, Rev. Thos. Manning, of Whitby, was aged 48 years. Deccased had been able to noticed here iast week on some very im. be around untîl a few wceke ago wlien lie portant business. Ir seens theneila a cheme was taken te bis bcd and there remained at work to unite Audley again with Picker- until death cndcd bis sufierings. He leaves ing, close Kinsale and Greenwood aud te- a wife sud two children to mouru bis lose. open Salem churches. At present we can- The beneaved famiîy have the heartfelt not give thie opinion of tlie people, but wili sympathy of thie commuuity lu <bis <beir sad comment freeiy upon the subject ister. It is boum of beneavement. the inttntion to 'have <le affair definitely settled this week at Greenwood. Al lie preparations for the concert <o <lie east are under full swing and Mn. MadilI seems <o reet witli a satisfied air that aIl is going well. He bas made it a special study aud it looks as ifsa big timne la going <o take place two weeks fromn to-niglit. Many [rom a distance wiii contnibute while local talent beans its part. He sliould bave a full bouse snd we hope for a favorable evenir(g, one more so <han wass <li concert <o the west lait winter. The findings of the committee ne <the ne- adjustments of the methodist's Whitby dis- trict circuits is abroad on a flysheet. Many are anxious no doubt to hear <the opinion ot Audley ou the matter no doubt. Youm scribe is not in a position at present <o state wvhat tlic members neRlly would do. But <bis much la certain Audley ia satiefied now sud li wehl bere. We have bel ped 10 build the Greenwood pansouage sud stabl. ingi. We belped also <o build Pickerng once tiII aIl was rercue thene sud we were attached liere. At theleaset auytblug that interfères witb the S. S. beiug held at 2.30 cvery Sunday will be bitteily rcîented as <bis is a mnixed commxuui<y. We liope for a satisfactory or ratber proper solution of tbe difficulry. TOWN J124. The sick of our ne ghborbood are ail recover- ing. Mr. sud Mr@. Hook speat Sunday at las. Mc- Gregom's. Wod eams<ens are makiug good use of the fine sleaghing. Mies Beatrice Stevenson, of Kinsale, is <le guesi of Miss Ella Richardson, heme. Our delegates gare a moît eatisfactory report of tlie proceedinge of the S. S. convention ai the opening of our sobool on Sauday. Mucb credit is due themn. The Almonds churcix trustees are caled upon <o set le a question <bat is of great moment. riz., tbe joining of tbis appoin<rneni to <bat of Picker- ing. The final settîcmnent of <bis quesrion meaus life or deatb to <bis cburcb. Il appeans very cvi- dent that Uic people of <bis congregation wil neyer peacefully subrii or accept sucix a change as <bis would necessltate, for such changes and tbe provision that wouhd follow for our pulpit, ho be made sud forced upon us, wonld be an out- rage to the church and <o cbnisrianuty. We wotld advise those wio liave ilmixed the dose" to examine it a little more carefu)iY.O 1< looks as if there was Il silver" la ine bottoni of the bote, nather <ban spmnuty. 7,AI- mond's cliurch lias a clean conscience. I. t pays its boncet debta, doca not interfere with its neagbbors, bas no quarrels, aud everyrbing sems ta be oa a solid basis and ln good running order. Then wlsy Dot let well enougli alone? Be-. fore she will submit <o sacix au imposition sud swallow 1 tbat dose" somébue whil bave to liold ber nose aud pour 1< down, We are always glad to nmke changes whcu <bey ame for the better; but when it la o! a degcwnerg nature, wby the Town LUne people ar e not made < bat way, If! some o! <hem are bayaceda. There are'somel questions we would 11k. <o bave answered, one of which is <bis. If Almond's churcl4 will -Sot suifer any spiritual bp by Dlistng tweuy.five Suadays in a ycar to a loal preséher(aildue respect for local preaclers) instbad d0f lirai clasa oue as la daimed by Oic wortby ebairuôt ! i district. why do so manj churcbes.psy,t±oocoor $1500 salary for a mmsawh=n1ocaltaleotullIdo thc same ox? Posssbly h. tbdlçirwe -wo't kaow thi ercuce. We féai ogéi tar trushees viid <en at ikupbbd~torgi and positio01o!the osuCh", bey loî tut OuWdnsdy e k Ian$"t *0 bou. p Mr. Peter Qanton wus<of G Ie"bnkwasethe soeeto orne of <basehappy eeif hldza1ie wsys amuses lunhaterest In tevsy olk It mis the celbra*wugof <t.enm g 4 1Mis Ad Outon <o one of, aur jpdW'ýowo3almo MLArihur Emset. At aNg.gý î -o: M.ti At a meeting of Pickering council No. 98 of R. T. of T., held Jan. 3<1, <lie followiug motion was carried : That we deeply regret <lie poition taken by thc editor of the Pick- ering e~w's regardiug the repeal of tlie local option by-law in <lie township of Pickering, sud resofved <bat tlie thanks of <bis couricil be tendencd tb the editor of TnnE CHRONICLE for bis timel y remarke, and for tlie noble stand wliclh e lias taken iu defence of the saine, voiecang flot only hie own but we be- lieve the sentiments of every wortliy citizen <lirouglsout our township, s past records have proven. Long live (say we) tlie ediior of Tira CHRONICLE 1 It was also resolved <bat a copy of tlie above be sent <o trp, CHROCNIC for pubilication. Signed on be- hall of the council, GRo. P. RICHAR.DSON? Secreary.OLD CHUM. IBROOKLIN. Mr. A. Ketchen is again seiously Wi, MnrWJMarquis of Ripley, viiied frieuds <bis week, - T-he IýArounef [ndustmy held a convention hene ousý,Tuesday. Misa.lWabd Camnpbell of Taunton, la visiting with frieuda bhme <is week. Fred limÏeu t foot, not bis foot as the pninter aua4c 1< read las< weeic. Wat"r.,Wbibt'erunu coal oll, 25 ors per gal- =n, oamh pria.. Biatanoe af sleigh bouls at cost visitkng bis broîher-in-law hMn, HlIop. Re' la maagrof a brancb store for J B Henderson of The special services lu the Methodiat churcli are sil being carried on. The paston snd bis as- istant bave becu gladdened by <ho fact <bat up. wands of a dozen conversions bave been tlie ne- Suit io fan. Mns Thos Coakwell ar., was laken suddenly ill last Friday and at the tume of witing appears tô be lu a precarions condition. She is eigbty one ycane of age sud ber frieuds fear <bat Ihere la Oue of the linernen ar work on the G. N. W. Ti telegraph line was taken wiîb a severe ilineas if when near hene lait week. He was treated tay TI Dr. S<arn and soon recovered, Finit reports R( made it appear ibat be had been injured by <beir falling froni a pale but this ws nfot the cae. fron Dr. C. L. Sîarr lias dccidcd ho locate iu To. vmil ronto snd la uow in tbat city getting bis bouse No:s in order. His resideuce aud offioe wil be on ' Bloor St, West. Dr. Stanr bas been emlnently Co sucecast in bis studies sud practice an far, and <bat we hope lie may bave continuedl success. Ms. 9004 Starr will go to join lier busband <bis wcck. A On Tuesday niglit Mn. Jno Wellu pesscdl away At 10 bis rest afrer a long ilîness. His dimsase as ma, located. lu thé- stoaach bat appeared <o -baffle t6 th rixe best medîcal akill <o sucb au extn;<at'na give relief could lie procurcd. H.e was a consistent <bhat memnber of thli ethodist chuirch sud eujoyed dand thec respect o! thc wbole commuulty. T he fun.er. nd- al took place, an Tbsrsay afternoon ta the my- bible nde ccmetcy- He was sixhy yeara o! age. attez Thie firat meeting o! the joint cornie nd up o! rcpreiati-vefrom -'thUic cplcssoi :sdl lu Uic Baptiat, lMethoiat, ànd Pr"'sbytenlnThé, arrangements for <he connty conumthn'whc nu wM bi l h esoW the 241h 8154 254 the Isun»> car -M 1 N Déliat was eleoted phabimn. Recepucu, 'cd id -aud will at oèce co mmence vonk. INO ~-fa Bâfi- em ttce v*ltiteet agaik oMau40day g GUNOOD4 Mr. Geo. Law and family Sundayed cisc- where. 1. Adamscu aud sons have neariy coin- pleted their contract of cuîting wood for Mr. W. Clark. Mn., F. A. Lawton, of Pembroke, la spend- a tew days with ber mother, Mrs. Tait, who la very sick. Miss Etta Gee, of Toronto, sp cnt Sunday under tbe parental roof. City life seems to agnee with ber. Miss Troy, wbo bas been visiting at the Gleeson bouse, returucd <o her borne in Oshawa on Saturday. A number froin here attended Ilici concert at Kinsale ou Fniday and were welI pleased witli the cveuings cntertainmeut. Mn. J. W. Saiton, of Kinsale, couducted thec league on Wcducsday last, w hile Mn' . W. G. Ward couducted the Kiiisale league. Mns. W. Tait and VMrs. Geo. Gibson.are both dangerously ill. May <bey have a speedy recovery is the wisb of the coin- munity. Owing to <lie quarterly meeting at Mt. Zion on Sunday tbene was no service here in the moruing. A good rnany from, here attended quarterly meeting. Don't forget to attend the league next Wednesdày, Feb. 12th. Rev. Mn. McAuley is to have charge ofthte meeting. Evcry- body corne and maire thc meeting as inter- csting as possible. Meeting commences at 7.30. Viotorta Corners. Mn.r . Sanders is visiting friends at Wilfrid. Miss E. Rinard spent a few days visiting fricnds here. Lest report from James Ruddy he was about the sanie. Miss S Swanist is gradually getting weak- er although she may recover. Mr. T Miller who bas been sick for the last two months je past hopes of rccovery,ý The I1O P held a. basket social here on Pniday evening there was as usual a large crowd. The hall was fild to its utmost capacity and cvery one enjoyed thereselves after a short programme the baskets were sold. The highest brought one doll*A. They cleared $26. PORT PER. Douglas Rogers, of Port Hope, is in Iown. Mr. Hugh Camnpbell of Port Hope, was in <own ou Wednesday. The genial Blake Doolitîle, Columbus, was caliing on bis friends last Frlday. Mr. Ânchic Campbell and son, of the town- ship of Osprey, were here last week viaiting rela- tives. Mn. George Cunrie, a former nesident, aud re- oentiy of Montana, was in town renewing old acqnaintances some days ago. 4 Mn. 1. Curts as cntting ice for hie egg factory. Pervlous 10 the sofî wcatber of the latter part of ;veral of our youug men ilu town wlio are d' of fancy skaing went over le -Uxbridge Tuesday cvenzng ta Sms Misa Davfidmn, the Nie c»üëraceïgven isemt Fridày>evoukig aI MW_- ster by Mn. Heard nbler clasa was a grand css, the ball beîngcrowded to the doors. ryouc takiug part did well. Pnoceeds $33, dr. sud Mms.P. H. Cragg sud Mn. sud Mns. 0. Bai of Toronto; Mn. sud Mrs. Jas. Box. 01 Lindsay, sud Mr, Hugli Camipbell of Port ýpe, were bere- on Wcdnesday to attend tlie tral of the late Mrs. Hlsoox. miday, February sud waq a brigbt, sunny ruad If the old saying o! Candlemase day lie e, look ont for a stretoix of winter weathen. 'If Candionas day lie dry sud fair, lie bal! of wkta9s o couse sud main; :f Oaudlemass day lie wet sud foui, rhe bal! 6f witr's gane aI Vuhe."l ceeve Ros s ad Deputy-recve Rundle sund r fniends lun<lie county'counoil got agrant m th#t body o! s2oo for. the.Scngog sud. Gant- gt rchdwgy, on oopdlition <bat- Dunbau sud. rtlimberland countes.coun-it -- asiallr iLTas ou, geutiem the! Uc soity M cil. Irest he, un u a t *o >yu s pp e s n tgrant WUb.8360 Mmnore y u ilIiT, oue bd t ot. o n kt the lniegank o! r z <let ey.R.WÏ>c ,B.A.pastcto! NO . Jôiiu re. iùrcb. the M.epbers o! <h ble <ilasa bat tse.,would., eal -the close o!ftlheler a sablpeseo, . m wb e w o w a s t s e o t r 4 n p ie du,&n' thé,y'-s--.-Lait SundâaYft "0en i n£rsetw4'b. itiu fond les suce Evei Geo Hol day, brue, he il entltled; but th=s well able to judge t"lk the speclal committèe appolnted by the-counciI should recommend #» oo te oo au, afair figure to be given <bat gentleman. ACorrespondent'* PO"=io. Sonie months ago I look ccSlon <o comment on tblngs tbat crop Up tu the experfencS of a correspondent. Whilst I do not wlsh ta carry on any furtiier the luttle unpleasantness of las week-tbat malter h4,ving bees settled-1 t kI can refer at least to it 'sud the other expeniences in a general way wlthout seemlng to keep it an open sore. 1 have written aUfd elrposed MMrn vcry pecnuiar and strange thinga lu thelast aine months, andi I ask thc CHiIoNICLE readers and the public ro notice <bat thc oppositlon kn the majornty of cases <o my strictures have been thxe sanie following and clique with a few exceptions, and those exceptions were personal frieadshlp. The question in a nutsbel ia: &in I doing nlght or wrong In exposing wrong-doing ? TMe boys of to-day willhbe the mien of the future. 1 have boys coming up, mny neighbors and other citizens of the îown have boys comin~ p and if th=s boys are allowed to mingle 1n wetlail kw~s of evil and vice, what will they be whcn <bey bW corne men ? simply what many men are t6mday, ouly in their element wben îhey are doing what their consciences must tell <hem 'Is wrong, ser- ious wroug? Many citizens in rowu Say you are giigtic'on a bad Diame. What a spectacln frthe gods. Ldo not set myseif up as a stan- dard for ny other person to copy, but 1 ask in all reason, wbo are those that in the last-ai months have been doing ail those actions that bave calied down upon them the strictures that I have written ? Is it not <bose who drink <o ex- cess, who penture theniselves, who have gamn- bled, who have done ail sorts of vice and whose beha viow- was neither manly or sernly ?- Just recal to mmd <the articles tbat I have been- cen- sured for, and 1 assert that my contention is cor- rect. I have corne <o the conclusion that thé. rnoxality of some people of whom 1 thougbt and' expected better things in this town la barelyslsin deep. No matter wbat I have condemned- there are those, wbo, apparently, are mnoral ànd -sup.. posed to be good living people, who candone the. actions of those I have wrluten about snd con. demncd. Wbat la lobe th~e oulcomeof tie*whole proceedinga? ls virlue or vice to prevail? gamblingto0be allowed? 19,Sunday iquor sel- 1kng to go on ? Io the Sabbath day'to lic hoizor.. cd and rcspected or desecrated ? Mani ass- ners of vice and wickedaess toélbe aflowed $0 oaa. taminate our boys and girls and youug people Of both sexes? Il tbose things 1 bave. maebtlono-t are permitted, wbo la it tbat gives the town, a ba4 naine, tbose wbo do thee vii, or the olie wbo , writes and exposes the cvii? I was-bonrap 4 brougbî up in Ibis towa, and I bave la god deàil more interest in Port Ferry. han someof lisp mushrooru citizens wbo would mun the town if <ey bad their way, and a the tow.n sd then-~ selves 10 Uthesrtb landue courseo! hlm.. Iris~ not fun on my part <o write as I liave dôe Some think I have bit <hein bard .; tIlaIoeaaa. that 1 have nover donc it with maco~ but <o correct and pevent wbat-I verlIéI- were abuses and vices tbat sbould bc ËIOÃŽLI Just look arounti you any dayor nighliadjt. wish to sec a fair sarnple ôt what some, <bey curse and sweàr, ebew and. go'bri and indulge lanIl..inoutiied c e~ they are gcnendWîf found- îxniàos r thé work goxng oui.- jst thbnk ofdso -by* on ln their careerwhat <bey 'wf bewle are a ersofage bdwho U be10te it.their parenbs af course. Wâ sticker whsou mnw nnrt not mnentîint6 niadè is cizeus <bat la no conce, cern h o! my ntown ani it that thethnawib flot alowcd togo90on, noue o insure ifftbyay ame Our ow sa m ea sur e s fl evil <berco." ILetnaais conduc< outselves as - bl women sud wc shall be tc trouble about othcrpe!ople howns. (î bas always-bee record <bet-succesu, ôf'- worncneahtheir sCboOsols u or lu,thelr censcuProfm he Port Perryis My nu every mn#u, vpman sud cMi Iantoc inn onkiÃ"& su d!- if ve-o ne sda il PU C w elosartowsiwllIbeihle A. tA.- E'dé Tuu Uxoe Sa!Sli huam . tssuesthe masS lîuz Ut b er piim m eus* pve 0 t --ud 1 t " ý@osemim_ 9von-I lie Mfed ba le osIp vin * iffl u lasWum%*on f Hurrah for a Gip 1*ire» RSmhmtdjPmd VOL@ 79 1896* NOèý 10

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