Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Jan 1896, p. 7

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AYER'S Hafir VIG-OR Col" te the h"&, aud also prentu IL W. Psuwiok, 02 Digby, M. 8.9 laya:- "A littie more than two years a«o my haïr began t urn g ra -y lUI and fal out.Af- trthe use cf one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair was restored te its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition."-Mrs. H. F. FXNWICK, Digby, N. S. (irowth of flair. "E igvers ago, 1 had the varie- ost4' li my hair, which previ- olisly wa.s quite abundant. I tried vîty 0f preparations, but with- t >('fetcial result, till I began to foar 1 should b. permanently bald. .\io,ît six months ago, my husband lHi)Zhit home a bottle of Ayer's liair Vigor, and I began at once te ii-,e it. In a short time, uew hair l"(-aii to apI)ear, and there is nov (I. (rV prospect of as thick a growth of liîir as before my ilînesa." - NIs A. W~EREI, Polyninia St., 11eW AYER'S NAIR VIGOR 1'REP&RED BT DRJI C. AYER & CO., LOWEU., MASS., U .S. A. A îee laPi'la cure SLek Readach.. DROPPED ON TIIE STREET.1 noeva "Iodi bWAk or- b.y the, duen -or handwe, aMd any dealer Who 6fferes. eub- atitutes In this form le. trying to defrau you &andshouid Ié avoid4. Thepublio are 61so oautioned agmiat ail other mo called blood builders and nerve toniSe, put up in 8imilar formn intended ta de- cive. They are ail imitations Whose makers hope ta reap a pecuniary advac- tage fromn the wonderful reputatov~ achieved I'y Dr. Williama' Pink Plls. Âsk your dealer for ther . Thesie Pilla are Inanufaotured by the Dr Wiliam's Medicine Oomapany Brock- ville, Ontario, and Sobenectady, N. Y., and are sold OUIin boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 82 50. They may be liad troni anv ipaler, .,r will b. sent by mail on ree P.qt oi prîce. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis i.y be had of aIl druggista or dire-c, k' mail from Dr. Williaim,' ilt-dtciiie Company from oitiier addre.gp. The price at which the pilla are fiold make a course of treat- ment comparatively inexpensive as oompared with other remedies or inedioal LINDSAY. A 20 below fero helped to, cool the election heat at Monday and aise added in drying (or freeziug up) the. defeated osudidates tears. Jndizing l'y the~ feeling cf patriotisu and loyalty te Great Britain, expreseed in tuis office by the. staff and the Victoria county mnen, who drop ini from ime tc timne, it would go hard with the Amerlo. ans if they decided te swallew Canada Something would stick in their throat, perbape choke tbem-tbat's sure. Last week Chief Bell arrested the. Peterkin beys, charged with setting fire to a barn and comnjittine tbefts ini the neigbborhood of Sturgeon Point, sorne- where west of Toronto. Tbey vili r. ceive a hearing before the. police magis- trate in town to-morrow, Saturday. Lasù Friday Mi% Donald Anderson, ef town received word that hie siater, Mrs Caseidy, cf Oanniugton, vas very ill. Tii. newa proved but tee true, Mrs. Cassidy dving on Saturday The deceas- .d lady was well known in tewn and vicinity, and leaves a busbaud and six objîdren te monrn her loss.-Warder. e I eby Gle* 8; Iuv4y JuIy 1 &MI, Port May 15 ; Uibridge, l9th; .hîiy in ni ngton, y lût Oct. ,Oct. 16; pte~rgrove, ;Oct. 17 P Te rmiso . at ihr rm Tii. rfemains cf tiat e ihard ion mrv d elcfE eteityonwereditere i Grovetede omryonrtuaisd4Mr We x. ndofr oratulatiyon hs ta Mr Tho otRend. of Prt erry, ion bis evl- tieoMn t i.dep atrveah of ta vil lagieont fMoklaay is a.r udi as a reil aide n rkind fe ers areu ptli asm ny frindue hrewo r pr.eFsedeHuow cf ybs succesTrot Mr F6a re Holiiayhen oeaTrote t ak6 Ateiree mesthe's corse a . MrBratik AericngBusns sde. Albrt. Frank Delnlienv sudnta Albet cle ea ievillm e, eatne MrQuie it. nbr from herealen _ _ _ _ _ _ q v - i ttA a a w e r a u y- -a . M L _ D'y, iprietor. t wxth rices. NGcE. Lccîdent n.to. urance Ce. ,ent. 0 aIl ned to the. bid withount d.atb or ELL, Wiby. ,'oronto. amn glvlzg lma dia- in rubb.r, ver filing eratoru i the City. me *iim- ra charge. «at cornier IER.- Dr.~Vîîîan~'Pink ±'ies, aud almoet frona the oI&e t they helped me snd'after Lhe use of about hai a dozen boxes I vas as wellas ever." "D yen itil take tii Pinak Pilla," aaked the reporter." f4WeU"l vau the reply, "I tiil ke. them - about mae and once in a vhile viien I think I require a Lenia I take a few, but a ye eau se. I do't look like a man vho r.- quires toLakte medicine nov." On tus Peint the. reporter quit. agrff vltliMr'. Davis, as le looks as vigorous and robusi a Mu ucould wiab to me. Afte 9 Mn., Davis the, reporter talld a Pimýry&Oo'f dMR gtore, where lie eav the manqugerM. Van H(Utn, vho corrobort.d vb1st "1fr. Davis hud said rgrigLt *Of Dr. Wiliams' Pink l'ils, sud ,târ etate4 tuat ho beiieved Pink PI».lu 1» liethe fineast tonio in the varld, s»Mpie 4h. Damues cf neyerai vho hbd g.ai' . able beneoft from, tkeit us Adepraved or wateryCondition a444 1 bioÃ"Id or shttered cues are lia. frifîsoui'oes Of almç.* GWWTl tbt aflioss hn ie~~ Isa d o ode, _Ù1 b~ r moto "v- Y tiç mnu aN nuJ tue £&ira fl. Grit machine. Smnarting under their defeat in thie-recent bye-eet o the Commons, the Patrons openly boasted tiret they would make It 't fi for Messrs. Brethour, Mculy d yards and Tiomïpson. .là OMrarté do so they enlisted the support of a nuun ber of prominent reform vworkers, bu~t the Mtempt sinlly fhllcd. - Instcad 61 dcfcatiug the above nained genIaIèen, tha ýPatron-Gt WnUon IÀa defeat and nain ta tuýeir omi le ýn4d lates. Tfe sole alm:of, tiie e;ib tion wýS to, bw'stheê old ..Çone;frW psryluBrolc.bâtthéir.4fforts etneavail. 1-Tô4 da~ Ou hisdy Trng of:lest *tek. the meotnber Of thi e b~rau tinda ashol ei~op a hrlsmastreat i tihe 1*obooTheoom. About airdvrpe sent Theprogammewaagiveii alto. gether by the children suddvas Véry in terssting. At *is c-oeinion oaybg wer. distributed. A feature of the, muet. ing was the. oolleotione' made in behaif of the 8iok Ohildren'sa HoSPital at Toronto, the anicunt raiaed being 87.10. In this way ail were given a practical illustration of the truth of thîé Bitble texlt la j more blessed to give than ta receive.ep The oembtirg of the baptist congrega. tion held tlîeir buisiness meeting and roll. cali oit Friijay evsning. Ail had tea ta. iepr ini the~ basemeut after which -thie Uane4 un the churoh roil er. oalled and reelpunded to by a quotation from, scrip. ture, a few vards of testimony, or some other appropri&te vay. Mr. 0. E. Scott, the pastor vas present and presided dur. ing the evening. He preaohed at boh services on Sunday. Mr. Thos. COurtice, vhose illness bas been previous1y reported died on Monday evening. He had failed se fast that the end had been looked for for soin. days and the anueuncezuent of hie death was no surprise. H. had been a reaident cf Brooklin since he retired from farming a uumber of years ago, and enjoyed the re speot of a large numbeyr of acquaintaucea and friende, as was evxdenced by the flambera who attended th. funeral on Wednesday afternoou. At the tire of bis deatlih. v as eighty three years of~ ment Celery Compound. a t<E Niagara- on-the An Astonishing Victory Ev.ry man, women and child in and around the prutty town of Niagara-on -the Lake, Ont., knows Mr. Hi. W. Cryaier, the deserving and successful merchant. Hundreda cf families in the ditriet are already aware of th. fact that, by the use cf Paine's Oelery Compound, Mr. Ory- uler was raised up f rom a condition cf utter belpiesmness, misery and weakness ta a new lfe and is now in such a health- fui condition that he is perfectly able to look after the detaila cf his flourishing business. Mr Oryalersa story cf his long flght with the worst form cf rheumatîsn. ie î failures with useles medicines, and hia grand triumph with Paines Celery Com " Abo ut fo ur years aince, I had asevere attack cf grippe foilowed by nheumatismn for the local physician prescribed the. usuri remedies which helped me at the time but did flot eliminate the. disease. Becoming graduaiiiy verse I fiually be- came disoouraged and began posing 'pro- prietary' medicines without auy benefit. have received froni Paine's Celery 0cm- then I vent ta 'Ouf ton Springs' took the pound, I cheerfuily send tua letter." Over Disease, treatment and feit soniewhat botter;- but after coming-back I bec,,mimn. very mauch worse, and wua oonflned t,, b4d for some Mine. I then vent to 'F'reâton Springs,' aud reaily improved ; but afrer returmîng home I got verse, aiud was a perfect martyr for more than two years cf ten confined ta bed sud gradually becoming verse. " 1 vas then induced ta, try Paine's Celery Compound and have gained in health and istrength up ta the present writing. I now wak frein my houa. ta the store a distance cf one quarter cf a mile, daîly, and ta church Sundays. Paine's Celery Compound hag done ail this for me. My friends are surprised and astonished ta, see me able to attend to business again. I might add that 1 have been in business in Niagara for 41 years, anddvau 70 years old on 7th Jan. lust. "Beleiving that it is my duty ta let other suflers kuow cf the great benefit I tTOPII'Tj AND No Miore Wisery, It CI Y G Pu n A &Oi L E S As a-n ex oee ug y pal atj n s d £uueyng , alli tie , ou d a la A th n* h udpoor. m ale and fe maie. The r sc p "MrptOms are a sovere tchiuw hIch ls worst au nlght when thesî ferer becomos warm An 1 '%IlSe unnble lathe itching that frequent t las mpossmile t. »noeun. oie».OfDth ie muxYier 'seisumi durinx e Dscratches Lth.e mlDatbey are ser-ulct cisudt=m torm. exfelqromoisture = , Fcma 1r re r% anyaf bedz Aren iedia sd uié It UP U ="djstr W.have th. Pinest Sele. tion la town of thogfe BEATIULAMERAN.ý WALL-e PA ER8ch oBreSto ac Com. .early end goeefirgt okoice. P. B. WARAM, Il yn'sold Stand, PUMpMAXER, IWHITBy,. <Su9ccessor Io H7opio. The Subscriber bas again opened business bere. His office wiiil' e at E. R. Blov's, telegrapb office, factory at Mrs. Newbery'a bouse on Brock Street, south. New Pampa, manufactured and eid Pumps repaird.' First class materiai used and work warrant- ed. Wells dug or cleaned out. Ordems solicited. H. 8OeTT-à Feb. 14, 1895. Wbltby aud Oabawa.. DOMINION BANK* capital Paid up, - 1,lO,otS SurpluA - $,0 >y Aniguy t9ntenSj liowesd At bigbeteune 0 lIO0j~ Of wthdraw>r-equs»d E. 3. T H I N T RADA W B MICROBE KILLER ~ I ~ ~. EDGAR X.~,chant, 50v: Instant Relief, =Tv» Re. . E.KoaM d-pTON' eà ms âonary sermons on Tyroe circuitSun- Howprd, CrydermnMis visiting riends ;aBfl. Mr on Hooper, Cleveland, is- ising s ier Mrs. C. Oke, Rev-T.-H.A-nderson, Troe =epidoupupt Snay morning iicinteev nîg Mr. lre4 H IO.rd.- McClarty-, North Dako>ta,' paid -a ling visto ie frends here. Mfr., Jos. clswrhy las'been -vii 'frieiids at- Port Hope this wek I a Wbss* The Oldest Merchant of Lake, -Ont., Stables Mr. mAliruaeedSidswrth'swoodsalTe o South Afriosue mintiug boom. sale was quit. a succese, the average 'l t Vt Wlat Happened a Weii Iu London sud New York markets it is price realized being over 880 per acre. knlwnl ResideritofLnnBC. a commou occurrence for stocks to quote District Depnty Niceoliq, of Bowmiau- 0f Uion B.C.,1000 or 1500)-ef their face value, and Ville, instalîed the. officers cf Beethoven \\'lî> Ilat Been In Declinirig the8, sud almoBt ail otiiers vhich have Iodge, I.0.0 F., at their meeting luat lic 'tIt î1 been lancbed on the market have been Friday nigiit. rthr News, Union, B. C. resdily suppli.d vithout quetiening or Msr.J .DhrW .Mdad condition. But the lateat venture beats ndAM essrs.aJ.eN. e art, W G.edlad, e A litile over a vear ago the reporter cf the. record. Iu less than haif a year au A. Millhe have ben Roalpeunte t tit' News wbiîle standing in front of the. amall enterprise ini Africa bas gradnally predstrt beeroin aRoiyaTmiaa offivte, 1Ietùre itts reinoval te Union, noLie- grewn int.o a mania for vild speonlation,LbditctmengaWhby tci folr iinen carrying Mr. J. P. Davies, and viierea8 Afican gold miuing stocks We again direct attention tu the date t1in %%ell known tiorist andi gardener into brougbt harely their face value on the cf the -Olde Englishe Fayre" te l'e held the '.urtenay House. The reporter, market stock, have nov risen ta 8000 per bY the Danghters cf the. Churcb on fev'r oni Oie alert for a news item, at once cent., altbough so far ne dividende have Tbursday, the 2Brd mast. Bille sud pro- weliii()Ver te investigate thfe 'natter, and been given. lu England the. Kaffir craze gramme viil be eut shortly. Icarueti tbat Mr. Davies liad i ad a sliglit bas about reached its limaita, cousequeutîy W. A. H. ttrke cfparalysis. A note of the circum- there is net a man, voman or cbild in the BTODFVILLE. S'Llku o t4 pp oareti iu the N ew s t th e. co untry v h c bas n et discus ed K affir W T El - M & I I W . A h e i e G tiiiii arnt iîng furtiier wa.s heard cf it. stocki, aud everycue cf mins, recives no ITRMTEB....Lti eieo 1,aýs 81prisî1K Mr. Davis vas observed te be And of preapectuses. Every nevepaper cf tbe bride's parents, Dec. 25tb, 1895, b y Akie ~tly Mi Union brninig in fiowers, (Euglish) centaine long columue of min- tbe Bey. W. Percy. Mr. Richard Wilson andi later vege tables for sale, sud the ro- iug compitnies advertisements, and every. Witter Le Miss Neilie Florânce Matheva, \srrter meeting him on. day, the. follov. body is in a state cf feverish speculative bothcfh.tvsicfPkeng ing consersation took place :-- (1usd te activity, seramblinq, troddiug, tumbling Creamery extensio see you ioeking so veil, Mr. Davis," said over everyone else te gral' for Kaffir LutL veek the Stouffvilie Creamery t lif, reltorter, -" Oie last time I saw you stock sud tremendous riches. And alG.prhete plant anood.mn c f yotI seemedti t be prvtty badly broken this because of .Baruey Baruato, wbh o.prasdt. su WA 111)', luuced Kffi stok i tii Br th e Ringvocd ch eese factary from J. A.- Yes,- saiti Mr Davis, "I1 did have a market, a man vho aome say is a produet$M5ic ellfrysk the l f$0 i ashr sude prtrtty teugliitirn t Ot. i was troui1ed of the Whitechapel district of London, $in ot rem e . tocuii.g lattroare witti mny ear, liaving frequent severe and whom othera eay bas; bad meney ail dir u rpt a eu.Tthe building aa or spasmes, anti ebortness of breti on slsght bis life. Whatever acceunits sayhe iaory purposes. Tii. company haetaiser exertion. I liati a se a @welliug ef the the saine wonder, vbo in 1886 vent to a bout oormpeted teirage.mfr 1(eck wljich vas said te be goitre. Two Johannesburg gold fields in the Transvaal are h emery ainthUebdige Thesein years ago I catue up frem Nanimno sud republio and iuvested in a fev mines forarmoe ne ithdreinsfi- tLook the llarvey ranch beping a change a mere song, as the. diggers ver. unabie cr.asrng the fluancial strength of the. i- te meet with the heavy, monthîy, otev. stitution sud cf produoing more profit. able resufta to ai concerned. - armers erumet licnse uey. ut Ba neysould remember that oreamerier, cheese did, eacb mine turning out a tromp, e atre racmiaino hhv that Barnato wva awealthy mn:u. Tins fcmtistor a sobintion cf basothae, buylng mine after mine in 18ft h. be. cretasaa by ti mens loex came head cf the DeBeere company, the eau thie Osuadianagr.ulurs 11e-e-e preaent sole ovuers cf the fields. To.Pe"t in futureta cope vith the sil. day he is etyied thb.IlKaffir Kingý,' sud conoentrated ,lbro berdiy " 4scie Ring cf South Africa," "lruiler ofcf utis the Kaffire," sud vith Lie exception of Deteotive Greer has been st 8uttan i _ Ceu Rbdesth~ rimeMiniter f o.~.vestigating into an slleged robber of the - Ooiony, ie Lb. rioheat man in Afrios. m'ails vhioh t»ok PIS". oà Friay, niglit London people place bis vealtb at $50, ist vieti. ost 0e4odotdb 000,000, viiile careful Wall street mon John R.Bo euchr ie iecrnso rate hlm betveen tire. sud four millions. private batik vas entoed suderogisteda Whatevr it is, iL cannot l'e denied that letters Conta ing 81 umoneYaddress h. bas met with wouderful snocess, and ed ta Taoran1te eesoe.Ti.psa- is eue cf the. fev speoulators vho have i.sloadlutemebligast. 1 FILL DOWN ON THE STREET. been fortunate. fauoy gossoro .D.T ly. -On, ivou id do me &'eed, but lu this I vas dis- BROOK TP. tii tui!.sudbisataoteftmade beg appoi'itîed, and 8eemed to b. stea.dily thoa n i ostn ettebf ~roîngweker I ia the, ocorset ne of the fiercest municipal con- in Townha7's store rn order trlit latter,, hý differont times, but tbey appeared net tesseecae nteadhs.rcvi e mda$rmgsayii u(eratand my case. At last L got se township cf Brock vas brough:ta a 4t theutation on tbe4'Jfo l um ç.Y (1w that eue day I fell ou the street, sud close at five o'clock on Monday even- On 8aJUý,q a7 MOruingit'W' A t1loB vho picked me Up tbought I vas ing. The contest vas doubly intensi-*t i. Df a _outkn.4_lp< lyîug. After that I van n.'o..A t ..i.r. fied<i 1wthe t i...l . j- LES, WOOD, pETC. 'eebrat- QOAL.- 7-,ast of 4A, 1ER. rH, Vhitby, ,ent La&U 8outh- %don. Speaks Victory scorri WALL PRICES.- w General --Transaocted. a à Irrg-wvm,

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