Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1896, p. 8

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fheniookingfr... 'gF ure Druge,' "Perfumgry,, "Toilet Lequisities 'tToilet Soapsi, .Fanoy Goodes, Spectacles, "Anything in the ~.Drug Line, 's Ryley's Drug Store, siUICo st. South$ Oshawa. OSHAWA) JAN. 10, 1896. OSHAWfA PAGE BùsiNEss NOTICE.- Oshawa subscribers or advertisers may transact an y business with the CHRoNic.E, or may obtain extra copies at any time, trom. E.Z Rogers. Farmers will do well to cal ut M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothing.- If you wisb a nice French china dinner or tea set, or anytbing in fancy china, or glass- ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. It will pay any parties conteinplating buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring te see the large stock of Feit Broi.. Oshawa as they will seli tiis înonth very cheap for cash. Genuine diamond 14K. only $5. Tbey are aiso making'some special ofers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' goid and silver watches.J See theni. Feit Bros. Mr. Thos. Hawthorn was in town Monday. Rev. Father Jeftcott bas the assistance of Rev. Father Hart at present. Dr. Coburu is siightly under lte weatber with sciatica. Mr. H. Manuel, Winnipeg, is visiting friends in town. it.j rTe COshawa Rallwaï.Cowpany tbe rëéent ire ard1utitd - oeat *hic# là lgrgely-coiuened.b4 IUra*' conipany jias one p"senugor car anotor car, wbhlch serve (obr f"*a'et out of doors uili new car' bara New cars will, be onaiwin baud a weeks. Mr. W. *1. Thbomas'lIm been carefull>y tetlinsted, but- hl& tw;> flot of $1200 wil-be-suthcteut ta cieur anOS. Last year ut the municipul voteR. Ca w had 36 plnupers in te southeast wïîd, titis year 38. The quaestion Io, who are tbey ? rTe Saiut's reet should be good for'gt lesat îo, but that leaves 98 accouated for. Mr. McCaw Is a " brebtren 11lunail te big lodges sud the bhirty club and-titi.s- sould score a few plumpers for hlm. Hlis conuection wibh' the citurcli, we are told, was a facor Iu the, manufacture of ballots. 'rTQ net licrease of two votes over lait yar shows t1lat bis personai folowlng lalu ltit gla, tegh In Q uebec or New York Mr. McCaw- wojuld be spoken ef as a aultable man for cabinet poilons, h. having a moid personal fol- In placing Mr. P. H. Punahon ut the head of the polete electors af the moubh-eust waîd have given testimouy of their higit ap- preclution of bbe artlstic, te aesthetic, sudý tbc altogether lovely. 'bey have struck the' keynote of te barmonlous, bbc intellectual and the good. 'rTe ion grind of municipal work wlll now be atuned te ail that la gruclous and concillatory and proper. Wlth te council chaniber gruced by' such s citaîmiug preseuce tbheitard hibtlug -bowu leg- ilaaors wlili no langer bang escit othera'in- teilectual appurabus (figurablvoly speaklung,) but wili find their poluted remarks s3wceten- ed and embelllsited by uetheblc snd geuble reasoning which will carry conviction to tbe soul (provlded tbere be a soul.) We be- speak for Mr. Punsiton s grand reception bo the counsels of bbe bown, aud if lie can at- tend to te comedy and te musical part, fia doubt tbc other daddies will be equal ta te tusk of runui>g te balance of te business. lb baà been suggested to us that Mr. lun- siton's preseuce Iu bbc council oeils for te introduction of a piano tere, but we besi- bute ta, fater the suggestion lest un unin- tended inféreuce mlght be druwu tat lb in- volved te accompanying tought bhat music hat charmtat soote tite suvage breast, and ceitainly sucli a notion ia not necessaiy or applicable ta te faters af titis bowu. Officers lustalled. At te iast meeting of te Canadian Order of Foresters Court Oshawa, elect.ed te fol- iowiug officers for te eusuing teîm : P C R, Bro A Adams; C R, j H Parker; V CR, Dr G R Patterson ; F S, J H Butler; R S, T M Kinsman ; Chap, Geo Piilp ; Treas, j N, Leiay; S W, O Lander; J W, B J Sim- nions; S B. H Robinson; J B, A Germond; Phys, Dr T E Kaiser; D D H C R, Bro T j Boyd. At te meeting af Cedar Lodge A F & A M, iteid on te. 27ti of Dec luat, te foilow- ing officcîs were îustailed for te ensuiug year: 1 PM, Dr T EKaiser; W M, WBro John Lander; S W, Dr F L Henry; J W, Rev J H Talbot; Chap, J F Wiicox; Treas, R McLaughliu ; Sec, L K Murton; S D, S Thomas; J De R S McLuughin; D of C, W Bro C A Jones ; Stewards, J Arnot and J Rosskelly ; I G, T D Gaiioway;. T, W H' Ford. Officers for Corintitian Lodge, I1O O F., iustuiied last Thursday eveuîug by A T Nichols, D D G M. Bowmanville, asslsbed by Bras A T Mitchell, W Fuize, J Roenick, J Aîchibuld, j Meîntyie cf the saume place: N G, F Hawkcu; V-G, R EIl; R S),R James; Per Sec, H A Saunders; Treus, A Hall; Heraid, W Foster; Con, W Ashton;- 0OG, G Jcobi ; I G, G Lawrence; O Ce,W Munit ; R S N G, George Warren , L S, jas Boddy; R S V G, Bro Edmo;ndson ; L S VG, Bra Mayuurd; R SSeJos Pye; L S S, E Fletcher; Chap, John Herning; -PG, A Mason. After te installation thc visitiug- bretitren sud membeis aofte lodge wereen-' bertaineci toauan yster supper lu the lodge room. [S. w, i 132 93 4 - 3#" 24, 92; 97 ;IP3 35 rlty for Dlta<e-8. W E D>yei S Gliddon R laitt - 1~ ~~TacE3~ di~ijU -T iiAai..4i.~iiv I : n the be1ngseàl èe-6Y? Y'àîlo eve be, à iS'ýýf t Mtos cbl ,heread *Îltéd -'a-,finelamsa o4 f vnitefb <ao O~T~y veun% âtthamemWaio tbeP4tos hi nd&e te nn surplse Ma: ad; Mai , F. Pke at the$r ite_' sldeu d fl.ptÏeiented Mr" Pikeo .h4tba'par lor lump,pas a toren of the.,prcatq hi$ setvicies lu the choir 4ort h e as fu Yeats a very pleasant efun~ as SpCp aud ail departed for t ~r 0aésj dawâ of the New Vear. The election for cou~~sueç fui and did flot awakren that an ail a»o#Èhd contestý would have doue. Followlng la vote: NOz1 2 3- 4 5 'rotal Brent 13 39 25 40 56 173 Guy 31 31 SI 70 30 213 Henry 46 57 67 4436 250 Stocks 24 29 4267 35 197 The thrce higbest wçreç lected. iThe "Bible Society" held itsananual meet. ring ou Friday eveulng I luI the Methodist churci. A very Interesting time was speut aithougli there was flot a large crowd owing bo inclemeut weather. Quite a few were. rdisappointed who ezpected to heur the union choirs, as the preshyterian choir are at pres- eut muking preparabions of their annuaI soiree and could flot be present. 1Iowever the churcit choir did go service, aud was mucit appreciuted. The saine directors and collectors Were appolnted. We are pleased to note thut the efforts to reorganize the Mechanies' Instibute Llbrury have been successful. Last Saburduy nlght te members of the old board of control met with the delegutes froin Royal Templars and Patrons of Iudustry to make ail arrange- ments. lb was decided to let ail old officers hold office until the annuai meeting in May with the exception of the office of secretury, which Mr. W. McLaren how holds lu place of Wm. Brown deceased. The library le to be moved from Orange hall tobte residence of Mr. Thos. Perrimaàn who la librarian. Regular niglit of exchunge la Thursduy.' The librarian requests thut ail books- and papers belonging bo the iibrury and which have been takeri out of the library be rturned to, him without delay. leista be hoped that the people and reading public will support the enterprise as the memubers3hip fée la 5 very low, only 5o cents, so as ta, bring la witbin bte reacli of every one, and the ilbrary la a fine oue having books relating to ail subjecta. N. W. Wî.E Ward. C Fciait 124 R McI ln 137z JsCaozier liq A Heucn 13; 1 as Proven 74 j fF,, Tamlt 12 H Saiuelsý 74 A'Zreo JGillyn 6o The firt thîce lu escit wardýarceete d" lu Ward 3 the rtrlgofcrhdtes bis vote between Proveuî andSanesad gave lbte te hêformer, 'hé belng ail ex-cous- cilor of lest year. U . VIOKUBY, barber. Simoce treet BOOKS' LivEirY, simoce streeto Bort&,,, WM. EOLPHhtmeau maer. imoe.Street, V., B. MOTEaURSiL, butoher, Ring StjWemt Da. PÂTfasoNDent"u; office over R ows's A., J. BTÂLTI-Dcminlon pianos andi organ, Simoce Street. à, . C.wANNA, Veterinaxy Surgeon anti Dentist, Ring Mstret west, Oshawa,, Ont' Wiraux J. Da&Ne, Dominion an nt&Émiro Land OSurveyor. Civil Bugineer, Box v7, Ooh- OOXUMCIUL HoiTEL-J. C. Woom, propretor. Modern hotelry, nocet and ocmbrtabiy equipped. D. IL Ton. -Oaterer for Balla, A.msemblies,,Wed- dinge, Buppers, etc., etc. Âlo el kindu of IfoWers. OSEÂwà BooxmeTouu-Fnhl Une of books, statioe ad fancy gootis. B. X. Rogers, ZoI. Houwrn - Whitby-Oshawa stage lin.. Leave Oshawa st 8 a rn and 2 p m, and Whitby st 10 arn and 4 p m. JOEPRCame, manufacturer o!flne carniages, i arte, 7%ns, and el 1kinda of cutters andi 800. pairiug a speclalty. jcm BRuwu1 paltater andi decorator. Dealer in wall papers, oelliÉg decoraktions, jalnts, oùci, varanhlem, bruas, witadow shadies, etc. JAMES PuLLOW, dealer In stoves, furnacea, tin- =ae etc. Large stock kept oonstatl n bad. Jobbing a sipeclaty. Sie. S te merth. I L. K. Knwrox, B.,&. - Barriater, Sonitor, Notary Public, Couveyaucer, &o. KMoey to lenti.- Office over Dominion fBank, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. When contemplating pttin g on Lite Insurance, Ss W D ERUNTEE, cf The Unitedi States Lite. Their- polii. are the moit attractive. Largest guarantees. IL IE. -MÂT-Derner in Grooenies, Pancy China, Orookery, Tinware, andi Pancy Qoods. Pure Teas snti Coleées. Boys' resdy madeieats speialy-vry heap. A17OTzoO =rs-The suboiber wMvin Ca 0b ava, at the Central Rote), Priday of eaob ,Week from -eue tc 8 olook p.m., ta make ar- angemeuts with part«ie iuintohavewsaes. L 1PÀmu4= sauctionee. AROADE. hà 1COÂL OIL a~:nd GÂS STOVESB -FROM- ri 5 to $2.50000 Railway and 8teamship Agenoie8 have been transfer 'red to, the OSHA WA -4 IAIL WA Y CO., whose offices are a few doors south of his former place of business,ý-wbere lie will be prepared ao supply ail required Railway and Steamt- ship Tickets ut rates guaranteed to be as low as tbe Iowest. Tbe beit steamsbip liues on the Atlantic are represented. Special railway rates are given inu con- nection wlth Steerage and lutermediate Tickets, Through Railway Tickets are sold to, ail points in the United States and Canada, including the Canadian Northwest. Baggage is checked through from, Oshawa to, ail points. Pas.qengers for the United States may bave their baggage exarnined in Toronto, thus saving any inconvenience at the froutier. Ail information cheerfully given. For tickets and ail information cail and see -W. P. STERICKER,- at Railway' Ticket Office, Thomas' block, Oshawa. R. 0. CARTER, Agt., OSHAWA. Nov. I4th, 1895. ( 1 Fuz~nitu1,suw~ We have aiways a general and varied stock ta select from-latest desigius sud fluishes. Prices rigitt. Undertakiug. departinent fully stock- ed, and embulmiug uccordiug te latest metitods. Picture fîaming prontptlv asdudatis-r factorily clone. JA1'Mq Tfid"W1 aW;ýustpurchasey frei a b le Tesoase- ak ages of -'iüëýjapan Tes at 'very close figur. it'is equ.al ln quty to and _goc. Tea orithé utarket to day.W r ofrý iaa t eathebveri ow price of 25c. per Il.or;5 Ib. for $1.1o. This id an ýexcellent bargrn. CalI and get a sample and try it. W~ W-- autButerCheese, Eggs, andother faimÏ produce, for whicb we pay blghést pinces.. Beatou'8 Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa, Ontario, CLARKE & DYER. INSURANCE AND COM- MISSION A GENCY. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, which tes to-day unquestionably h Leading Life CanadamAccident and Employers' Liabîlity rCorporation of London. Eng. Among the Fire and Plate Glass Comparues we handie tbe Lancashire, Guardian, Mercantile and Hand-in-Hand. -Aid Savingsanad Loan Co., Toronto. OFFICE jugt north of the jNestern Bank, 0 a O8EAWA 0 0 J1 S. CLARK&. W.'E. DYER. A LETERLOST If yen do not buyyoltrScl" 1 Books frein ns. We carry tire 1ar --est assoit- ment of High sud Public- Scitool Bockts and scitool supplies ir the coMunty We invite every schola lt, inspectOur Scrîbbling sud Exercise bok. We bave the best Uines lu the market. We lead lu lowest prices. ROSERS' BOOK .STÙRË.- One door noitit of Post Office, OSHIAWA,) - -ONTARIO., TUE 'r. f,' il 'f , q

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