Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 Jan 1896, p. 4

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44ND t)VSPËCT. Our Large Sto ck Pet-fumes, Hair Brushes, Toi/et Articles, Etc., pEtc.,y which we are Specîally selling at Low Price d. E. WILLIS C hem/st d Dru ggist, àMedical Hall, Brook Street, WHITBY, JAN. Whitbý 10, 1896 The Criiseat Ottawu. of ei di oy to br eu -a log luai te tri p4 Ai Seven members af the Dominion govern- ment have resigned, and chaos le the proper word ta descrice the condition of thîngs at Ottawa. Messrs. Foster, Tupper, jr., Hag- gart, Montague, Dickey, Ives and Wood have banded in their resignations ta Sir Mackenuzie Bowell, and have becu reiieved by hlm tfrjm the cares ai office. The whole trouble appears ta bave arisen out ai very hatle. Several letters were sent from anonymous sources ta the Governor- General charging Sir A. P. Caron, phatinas- ter-general, with having been briied ta put througb a Montres! railway projeet. These Jettera vere secured by Sir Caron and sent ta famous experts on writing, who ail de- clare thein to be from the peu ai Hou. Dr. Montague. Secretary af State. Somnehow the story leaked ont, and Montague aud al his friends in the cabinet resigued. Monta- gue denies the charge in such indignant sud emphatic terms as ta satisiy cverybody ai his innocence of the charge ai treachery, wbile Caron and Bowell pursue their usuai course of saying nothing and allawing peo- pie ta think what they may. Tiiere is in the letter episode au excuse for q uarrel, but manv shrewd ones helieve that tdeleat of the goverumeut candidates in two Quebec constituencies recentiy, witb the prospect of a loss ai votes elsewhere, bas satîsfied the members of governinent tbat the. Manitoba policy ai the goverument wiii riot succeed at present, sud that the seceding min isters were only too glad ai an excuse ta abandon Sir Mackenzie at this junctmure. GrO&t Britalu enouaod Just now Great Britain appears to be men- aced on ail sides. Her plans for the fur- therance of the interests of civililization in China and South Africa have been thwarted by the active influence of Russia aud Ger- nuy. Her atteniphs ho shay the. baud of the murderous Turk in Armenia have iound but a cold and fruitless response froin the Christians nations aifiEurope. In Venezuela the United. States have :tnherfered ta make her di fficulties gi-ester. Thene is a world-wide jealousy ai British -diplouaacy, sud aLlier nations have for thc hîme appai-eutly combiued ho stay her pro- gi-es in the mather ai colonization. Nov t that thing-s are gehing bot about hisecars, evcry nation îs laying aside its other quai- fiels, sud esch isj popping up with lus de. fiances ta, John Bull. The extending in- fluence ai the ever-spi-eading Anglo-Saxon sems ta, make thetn al i..l that Gr-eat Brihain's grasp upan the whole world is be- cotning dangerouslyv near. Lord Salisbury me the only forcign min- isher ai note lu the. world, sud they ah fear bis schemes. Lie is backed by unlimited monny, sud sa, great a paver stored away in arsenals aud uavy yards that no intelligent estimqte af its extent can b.e ecured except by puthiug 1h ho the test. The Brlt.ish plan bas alwas been ta vin by diplomacy, sud bas generally been suceeseful ; therefore ber neighbors,-who si-e not enemies ex- cept thraugb jeaiausy-feel that bier scliemes cau only b. baffied by threateuing war, whlch it je so inucli ho the intereet ai lier uubouuded commerce ta, avoid. 1h goca vithout saying tiat Gieat Brt4nu daesn't vaut var ;but 1h Isalsosa iact tiat she can stand as xuuch war as the. case de- mands. She bas arsenals ai unknown strenghh lu every part of the woi-ld, sud eau mobilize gi-est- si-miesor make Immense naval dispisys in auy ses or country lu -- lees titan a veekls turne. No persan ever beardofas hi-e British subjeet via wonld nat valunteci- ta hake lie battît 5ie14 on a day's notice ta defend ber tii-anc. Noue but valuntvers are nov,- or ever wMflb., in lier service. > Canada je i-eady ta scnd her lens qf lions- ansds ai volunhteere, if neeessary, sâd vili ane-iourth ai tue popOM1 tion of the cmxli quite as iredtojïUIê lier battlc and' wihh plenty mnyta cquip them, sab* eau hold lier ovu. It looke bad ho sec'nofewfar merslinat* tendance ah the meetings of theccouuty lu- stitute. Tii. govemment uot, only keepe Up colieges sud expcrimental firma fr education, but alsa sends round lecturm, and model dafriea ta evexy loality to a1- fard thems extra Ikiliîties for etudylig thclr calting. No other avocation las o -apowfed. sud foslered, yeh ulue ont of teù i nuers appear to (ccl no lutemt in thegp*k.,,M It were not for the towuapeople who2at4sdý tics, meetings the Cro*4 vould lac to emailtlobe wo4bs pcakingLp tis l6. quit. a 'wlntei c"uval-their are - aving at Ottawa. If the warr1nt cabinet ministers bad-given the rtilway àmagers a hint about the winter show thNy were get- Unir up, fares ta Ottawa metghtobme bien reduced aud a tremendous traffic brougbt about. The Americans have ceaad tailng war for the tiîme beiug, and are trylug ta borrow sîoo,co,ooo lu goid (rom themeves. They are littieeafrald a forelgu boan would have ta b. floated at a higit rate of interest, snd b. aides titis, are a littie dlsposedi.to believe that by borrowing froni theniselves they mnay get ricit, 11k. the mn e w. ear the story about. The wars of the ffiture vil! b. largely fought out by the uewspapers sud stock «x- changes& If a nation fais out with Englaud the newspapers of the tva nations wiii com.- pare the pros and cons of the. matter lu the ight of modern intellgence, wbtle the fianciers of the respective conteudlug powr- ers wll give ou. another the razle-dazzie. As a last resait torpedo boats and other lestroyers of life and property will b. used r> argue the. case. In Ex-Warden H. J. Gould aud F. J. 3iilespie the county council loses two ai its rightest and most spirited men, and tii. ,>unty tva able municipal oficers. Tbey iave taken a leading part in caunty matters br a few years, and each leaves bis mark as Slegislator. Both being young, we shahl ook ta, see tbern back ber. at an eariy date. dr. Edmonson af Oshawa, le for the hlme a ass ta the council but h., too, wili be back gain. Amoug those wba without furtber est may b. rated as decided acquisitions to he counicil w. may mention M<r. Rossaof 'rt Perry and Mr. McPbeeat Maia. Others ,the new members are higbly spoken of. There ie a red-hot squabble lu South fica, this week. The Boer country is _ai republic, and was originally setled by a race known as Loy Dutch. These half- civilized people have kept ail power in the country ta th emselves, and thougb the popu- lation is about tbree-faurtbs made up of intelligent people ai European descent, noue ai the gaverument bas been allowed ta thein. They have no vote sud can bold no offices. Led by Dr. Jamieson, a Britisb subject af Cape Calony, 700 af the inhabitants ai the Boer counhry rebelled, and matched ta take Johannesburg. tbe capital, but were dei'ated sud captured. The Emperor of Germany sent the Presideut ai the Boers a tel. gram caucbed lu terme afiensive ta Gîcat Bitain, sud there is war talk flying betwcen the leadiug newspapers of the two nations. cei tbf cal pli The latest uews ai the Ottawa crisis as re-1 âler eci WeatIMràsî Ti. ethtracit comit Ntstove, egg, $#411; j~No. 4,#t, $4; st jyois Trabate Comaig.ý To*n bail, Whitby, Saturday Jaà.-Iii î8hz'wikesa~ad~c galéry ftor cbldred Toc Auches busines. *PartiswliahIngIo. espioy the ta attend itir'liales cau make arran gedenits as to terma aud dates at the CRhtOZ41CLIC Office., How's this for a maap? The CHRONICLIC and Weekly Globe aud Canada Parmer, fronz uow ta Jan. jet, î8j, for $z.23, payable at New Years. smàda postai cam and papers willi b. forwardedat. onc. soie Ag.acy ITm, CIrIOmmeCbuhasle sole aency for the. Weekly Globe in the. County To fOntarlo. That do.. ual inerease the. priée.however, aud we usll stili 8.11 1h wlth le .CHuoN-. ICR t St.i3 frOmn ov 1111Jan.t, a1897. Hockey The coliegiate hockey club was re-organ- iged on Thursday wlth the foilowlug officers: Hon. pres., Principal Tamblyný; pres., Mr. Hogarth; vice pres., Mr. Sldey; sec. and treas., E. Bradley; *cgptul, Robt Stewart. Grad atetaimeat The. Royal Templars of Temperauce are arrauglng foria grand entertalument ta be held iu the. town hanl on the. eveulngof Tuesday, Jan. 219t. The. programme v'iii b. chiefly supplled b y the chioc.st talt of the, district. Admission ta cents. Pro- grammes u.xt week. Tvo best Papers ln the Province Tuking the Toronto Weekly Globe as a g.nera. newspaper, and TnB ICILRO NICLE aS a local paper, we do flot stretch matters by saigthat they have no equai when coin. bie.We give bath for next year for $r. 2. W. have the sole right of the couluty for the Weekly Globe. Deaths At Tara, Bruce county, on Saturday, Dec. 215h, Frances Phillips, relict af the late Syl- vester Lynde of the 3rd concession of Whit. by township, aged 73 years. At Tara, on Sunday. Jan. 5tb, Wna. Betts, formeniy af this town, aged 58 years. De-' ceased died ai bearh failure. He leaveàaa widow. wha wae the eldeet daUghter of the late Sylvester Lynde of Whitby township, and eighh childi-en ta mouru bis eudden and unexpected deatb. «IAt Home ' and Smoking Concert. The Highland club will celebrate Burns' anniveraary this ycar in a manner somewhst similar-but more varled-than that ai last year. Provision will b. made for social gaines aud amusements sultable ta al hastes, and an excellent literai- and musi- cal programme viii b. iurnised. «romeet the beavy expenses incident to sucb an en- tertainmeut an admission fée of îS cents wili be charged. The date is Jan, 31sh, ta give the members ai the couniy cauncil an appartunity ta join lu thîs celebration. ,ived yesterday did nat ludicate that any. ICara cIIa' int ung furtber bad been doue since the seven Lbuet ministers resigned. It begins ho b. ain that Sir Charles Tupper is in Canada as mucb for the put-pose ai assisting ta curb) the rebelîlous young factionists ai the Con- sci-vative party1 as for auy other purpose. Dr. Montague sud Mr-. N. Clark Wallace, tva firebrands who by sane means have came ta rank far above their veiglit ln-, Do- minion politice, bad s bot set-to in the Hanse ai Commons ou Wednesday, the former cbat-ging tbe latter witb flying about the cont-y ryiug ta find evideuce ta prove that Montague had vritten anonymous lethers ta the Governor-General chatging Sir A. P. Canon vith having receivcd $2,5.000 for put- tiug s railvay charter tbrongh the. communs. The wbole cabinet trouble probdbly ai-ose out ai saine trick played by an outsider upon the cabinet ministens, vhich set thein al into ecdi ther>s hair ; but viten titis phase ai the matter becomes apparent tbey si-e hoo beadstrong ta act tue part ai christian Sgii. aud seek each other's forgivencas. lu ttcý meantime the bolting ministers bave left ,upon the aid premier the great ioad ai car- rying ont hie poflcy ta redress the minarity grievance in Manitoba, sud the general opinion ai the pr-essand peuple seema ta b. that 'a very shabby trick bas been played upon Sir Mackenzie Bowell. Yesterday's papers appea-ed tu have varions rumars, but sa decideiy different that noue ai Ibein could be b.Iieved. The Globe believes Sir Charles Tupper, sen." vili soon be premier; the World taîks ai Su- Mackenzie« appoint- ing a new cabinet ; the Neya haike of Mr-. Chapilesu, vho je Licut-goveruor ai Qnebec ah present. c Town J.ooale. :et your- cutter out ai pavu. Coal Is a quarter of a dollar cheaper than Iast winter. The Ontario Ladies' CoUege re-opens uext Monday. Miss fZditb Gross in visiing friends sand relatives in Toronto. mmr.R. K. Orr left on Moudayto continue ber studies at -the woýman's medical collegze.. 6 plece id walnut parlor suitepuh witb ïsllk PiWsh bauds, for 832, wortb $,at W. Tifl's. At tbe conclusion ai the board af educ- tion's business on Wcdneaday nigh, Chair. nu McCleltan invited the. membersoaithe board, the teachers sud the presseha visit Mr. J. K. Gordon's nesidunce-a member ai Mr. McCiellsn'e famiiy iieiug sickr-wbere ail as- eistcd lu disposing ai one of tue best apreada w. have ever accu in havai. At the conclu sion ai the reçpast. Trustee Orniistou -pro- posed tih e bea--'- ChirnMcCllmn l flthing words, eulogiugn bis servic'es athe bead af the board. The toast was honôrcd iu good style, ail joining lu cbeering- and inu the Cbairmau's pi-aises. The re- mq'ainder ai the entertaiument vas conducted ho the satisfaction ai ail. War or Peaceit'sailU the same. The war lu Coi-es is nov over and the Manitaba shruggle ie on, as well as" the British elections.Murdering le stillinluvogue snd on tbe incresse. The inu vto tiinks h. knovs a solution of the Manitob4 scbool question, doesn't knaw boy inucb hé d'oem't -know. How itvwill b. deait vith-is ,a vexe queston tfor politicans. 'the iih 02tou are sure to. goConservativ,and contserva- tiain as cariled ou. to-day means resi i-ekrm. We can stop murdering ho so ,me extent if ve nail every blooês&tainéd mouster -ta -tic ash iustead of inakitig thein recipients of syni- pathr suad- ou»traged justice. Readers are- isvar.d vitb these philosophicéal obsraions purely viti *Mviw ta remindingthe tba E Hart stîll sella the New Wifamsà sewaug . machine, lvhich ta ahead-,ofthem aU. - -Mr. J: Ashby, viteelsinan au noý-'ýf ttc large, upper lake steamérs, is 1bome for>,the. 'winter. Mi-. Jos. Sotitl*e, ai 'Robei-taon Èros. tonfectiouery woks ornto, ïS ievslhing his ,parents here. Arthur Storey, second son 0ôf Mn. sud Mrs E. Storey,,base, lie veet,. died at -bis home on Sunday'ight at the. eOrly *age of ffteen years.- Many of bis- friends bad not héard of bis ilines s ad hiesudud d wtimeély C!patt ivas-a great'shackto-all. On acctùnt ai bis unselfishand good natured -disposition, Arthur was,,à great favoite with hisje ,boôl- mates vlan-vil! fSud lthar to teali ze4blat.e vbo aIt the' losiugof- cbool v was ou of tbé w j- I i ~" j .11 ~~cIAL STOCK TAKING SALEI Stocks must be reduced previous to our annuial inventory and evelry department- will present its quota of Bargains during the present mnont]. Odd Uines must be oleared ont no matter if it be a ls no it, ie not our cuiatoÎ to carry over stocks. M This Weeku 0 0 o0 0 o o 0o 0 Ladies' Ribbed Veet, selling now at 15c., 20ar., 25c. and 30c. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, selling 110W at 26c. and 30c. Ladies' Fur Capes away down ini price. corne early and quickly picked Up. Dry Qoods. Sosa of Scotland. The. afficers of Roderlck Dhu camp ver. lnstalled on Priday ev.nlng last by Past Chief Hendereon as fallove: Chie f . Dow - Chieftain, Gea. Movat; Past chief , Jno. Burns ; Chaptionjahu PEerguson; R.c. Secretrry, David Wilson- Fin. secretary J. T. 13athison; Treas. D. ÙcKay. Mar. Oea. Cormack; Standard Bearer, jais. McGregor; Senior Guard, U. J. johnstou; Junior Guard, Oeo. Mathison- Physician Dr. McGilliv- ray; Piper, D. 9utherland. Tii. society is now i-n on thie graded aseessment plan and juarantees safe insurance ah tie Iowest posible cost The Conuty COUnoil. Wbitby Town-King, Pringle. Oshawa-*CoulIzard, Hart, Dingle. Whitby hp-Cakder, Smith. E. Whitby-McGregor, Grierson. Pickrig- Gerow, Pouier, Mowbray, Hilts. -Uxbnidlge tp-Dowswell, Walker, MiUlard. te tow-,t-j B. Gould, Kelly. Reach-Munro, Real, Weir. Part Penry-Rgsp, Ruwile Seugog-Ham Brack-'mpkrey; Brekour, WeîfheraL. Scot-Cooke, Quigicy. Cannington-Hoyi. Thorali-Brown, McDougagl. Beavertn- Treleaven. Mara-Graharn, MePhee. Rama-Cle>aveley-. *Conservatives in italics. Liberals- i& Canservaivea 2r. Darltmgto~ n w e-e ~ ~. -~ 2 ~ fi a- ~ 5% -z ~ Pollock 8o Vancamp. 39 DiEpuTy-Ritsvu. Pascoe- Woiiiama Coupesos Çlsecn Osote Osborne ~ ~ ~ ~ ei 303 46 4 7a--n - IL&R~.5..wn ofw We iv blO th, Ots ut Oreah n- ttaof W. gt pivbiow tht oer ahfrcaicni -tbet Ta date~~~~~~~~~ at uiialeedael oca: to ktx ~~thermacle 4. _1 Tct thesr paO 'ifç l... 6o. -28 6 x6 --4 xS 14- tlicaucti Evans.. 67 à6 50'Doniel .. U tf 2 Id a *Reid....... 4~9 '-sir 5 Sa, 70 55 80 zg - 61.5.5 46""396 27 30 75 20 49 4a-2 S1 49î a8 56 39 69 45 45.20 ý57 -69-35 77 M 573 4 0 5--46 76'49 43 335 .3 as they will belllay ]Read-ymmade 1C1othinge JUST, REuCE Ohoice Ie-w ,Gooda. Chinia Glassware and -Crookery. Dirier and Tea Sets,. Chesp. Choùee Family Groceries, Teais, Co$I'ee, Fruits, Etc., Etc*, Chea# for Cash or Trade. Prces ta Suit thew Timu Don't buybfr cliand'.xmiin thesoc d-pce >y4uei DuFF.-Died?, la Pôat.Pery, on ,Tu.day,. Janaary 7t 4. 96 7d77Dut ,gd yersk I Roi MO TABMSLE urder ând by virt ild : lu a c eritai n rmort d-tcedatrhe-tiïe ofi ed for sale by #bi< batt), -iniihel té-.'w- D'AY- 14NV1Ak-.ýV of the paver cantain- ige,- vichU-bpro- ilIe, tuer. viii b. ofiù- -Witym, on SATUR- h 4AeîPx8a aht vol Pon>h faIt ta attend bargaie em anta W. G. Walters', Mr. Thmç.,Rlc as exbibitings Poulkry ah the provitcial poulti H>tfoj>c tiis veek. Auto harpe., Vi*uct$, and tama imnstuents a1 f~pcca b tvftst raM1t- *1 I ~hIu j) Bargains: 11 - I Oh; cmi i 'ail 1~ k4 - If 'I a. *~ il, - I.,t -vel ti-av J 1 1 - 1 obi% fil t t t c f ia op Ti lý TAKING 1 ,S-Wemcure the Bargains &- m p me 00

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