Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1896, p. 2

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t; t 1o'1 '-, 0 *1, 'ofr weO. 8. j' t"' t ~' James Anderson ie seriously indispoeed _with inflammation cf the lunge. Thos. Elickingbottcm and family epent the holiday with Wbitby friende. 3H. Jobbitt is able te be ont again by the ati of a -cane, ho having doffcd bis crucohes. Mre. Madell and David Bundy, uf the oity, are bere with. their parents, George Bundy and wife,. j Mr. and Mr@. leghorni, cf Prince Albert, are bore thie week vith tusir Iancary 9. Mr# JamseFat, w1Ul "pP" fur tu la tnebt ra. biohn di-. Mr. John Matou. vil g et eriçh 1 n grain this year. Rf.ba h me0ý housea. fuit of grain andi bas'lpp.d * àfr. James Poil ha.mov.dmin-tOn te lire. Mr. 0. Bsmsay Io goiu 0çoteai he public ohlool nezt yar. Mr-. RP.*"- wiii n'O 4ouý4 do goii od v n ta he seoo for the. pupila of thia section. Mr. Charles Cooper hms tradeo3 bi genu. oral purpose driver for a youg âýe wbihie a re4ord of 8.48. Rumo ys. Cbarley wiil bustIe John F. noV. Mr. Dav" White là learning the oper. ating vith Mr. Byam. Our tewn le very quiet aM prosent cw- ing te the b.d roadis. Mr. John Ganghan 'is apending his holidays in Detroit. Mise Mari& Kyle, of North Cri111., le et present residîng in the village. Mr.Bandy White's Leaàm took fight while tied in the-. eheds at the Victoria House, Thuraday luat, and made thingg 'lively on the. main etreet for a short time. Mr. F. J. Gillespie gave us a pleasant eall Wednesday. There vas a pie social held in the littie stone sobool on Friday nigbt. Mr. James Sheridari made a mies top Tuesday last on the door way and slightly fractured a couple cf ribe, whioh je con- ,fining him to the honse. Mr. Pat Judge who was ini company with Mn. Fred Steele when the latter M~et with an accident on the Front street ra&i- wey way oîossing, rIlla, while returning home, is yet Unable to be removed to hie home. 0'Boyle & Coc. made a large shiprnent cf hides on Friday te Peterboro'. th= vtwo hair as rstore to toigin colorami eaae fllng ot. M R. F FENIClC Dl ut . A 4terothe of Jaiof oneigt o yeraI ad thvagr o ously was q ultèedabW at.I rle feoarn hd eermfalnenotb. A Srou g l home atte b f Ayner'sp the air nbegacnaitonet B.se. I i shrt imey, Y. ha. 10 gd n gtapear g, and the low id, andproset m4 a t hi a rwth Mrsl. wa. W'EiEt, ?olyna t.,1 Nrew aOvrletis, La.on, utwih tisR. in C.aYE sh0, otELL, MAS., i SrA N. Burton and frandywere inoot hieekpopc ýastikago asf radlyas psbe.ervilns. Mrs Stos, adfmlo ootl her fo Pie curedaS.c edas wihNoa Burton.viyweei oot TeMisses iohe nd are ore fom Jorhn a high acho s sbio ul Johr. Moa, of Dakota, ije with hie brother in-law, W. Doiphin. Mrs. Jas. M4ruray, of Wniel lisiting ber father, Mr. Jas. Smtb Mins Mary MoKinnon, of 'V' ellore, le ie gust cf her aunt, Mie. John M. Me- Donald. Mr. Richard MoPhadden vas ienewiawl )d acquaintances on the Monk iead last veek. The Uptergrove tea meeting hma been ustponed for a.veek, on account cf b.d cade. Mis. Reerinald Robinson, cf -BIfao peut Xçuxif ih ber parents, Mi'. and, Ira. syrningion'. Mise Binghttm, Our toachor, leftiheMe litutday for ber lhome.ii -ma nti 40 14e vilIb.eaiyms by sra, of Our te tako hargeof ouisohool for th eon W, are ea4 o tohebpleauê ffue- cf os 1%olan in Our x»idit once Çporê .after a abso.~.of "be mouthia-in h. ao.,j v Iti 0. ow t -daugbter, Mr&.-Eddy. P Jamaes Birrell and family Jeft for the t o e'ity liet veek where they vil in future sp eu «Baide. Wo regret exceedingly te bsose "Ott wiuch woîthy citizen8. 1. F. Wilson and John Graham had aome S trouble ovor a herse deal, and for a trne S tr' h. police court vas threateneds but s Y t £bo~S Dr. Smith, of Stuffille, vill visit ~ rÀ~fl ~ laremont- ou thc fret and third Tuesday 3 ~of eaoh mouth. Ris dental r<ome areinu 1' *~'Iundy's block, neit dcci b ithe maïket. -. Houi. N. P. Clarke, cf St. Cloud, Mfine- ,sota, purohased a pair cf thoroughbred a stallions from Mesers, Graham Brothors, J 'They voie sbipped on Thorsday fron Teicuto. ',Olang " and 11Meon&a f wore a flue pair, the former beiug perbap 4qual te any herse in this couty'Muhi elase. Tho puc'es ne*lzed woufl .do 4o tbink chat hers e oe on the.Incliner in p,1<,. doi thillîs, Qoç> Saua C u t civont tor r, Bueking hasytte itwnya o, Doar ft ';" Yd ïlo Ù ho ld'w" lithes dîvide, And, thuï e a ow n ofmercy -vân. The Wvintry blgata wthfilerce delight Sweep -by us t*=m tIi. fnIgld orth, Remnolug us th atifuai bllght Must ccime 'to niake -t1s' exrthb brinforf4 'tue fruits of toitluýi greater yleld. We long le see:the snowy field, Eacb llside decked in bllowy vhite, To hear theimerry belles by niglit, Whlçh tell of joy the season bringa. We note that Urne vith fleeting wlngs Hurries the passlur years away, And oft recurrlng Nev Yeans Day, Thougli velcomed mucli, cornes all toc socu, A.nd fande unflnished work bestrevu On every hand. Toc slow are ve, Toc careless of the fliglit of Uine, Till corne tbe annual New Years dire, Reminding us that-we should be Watchful cf opportuility. We've seen the Springtime vith its floyers, And mucli enjoyed cool Summer bavers, We've shared the Autumu yield cf grain, The fruit from vine and ail the train 0f luxurles the gode provide To give us jcy at Christinastide; Yet, reckoning flot how mucli ve're blessed, And how in Plenty's lap caressed, We view the werst side cf the case, And thoughtlesaly fly lu the face 0f Providence, and curse eux fate. Dear fniende, if var ehould wreck eux state, Or plague, or famine's ghastly moan Should corne and seize us for its own:. Or if some sore internai strife Were laying vaste our country's life- Or if te tyrant dictates we Were forced te bow humility- Tien miglit ve ail our lot deplore And pray that Heaven would' restore Tie beauties vhich our hiomes adorn, Anud comforts which our people accru. 'Tis needful nov that we should ive United both. in heart and hand, And thue te threatening focs impart The knovledge that, tbouh numbering amati, Iuvading hosts must aght us AL Our coutry ls great, its vast expanse Afforde eut public men a'chance To formnulate amnitieus aChaest,9;, But, wilet they wite 'snd tsik mach themes, Our motte should '"«Cotentment".l> e This isuno age cf chiyalxy, When men for love or mere renovu Would reek in blood andi traniple dovu The rights of any foreigu -race. Ail suci mati notions nov give place To virtues taught ia cburch and school, Chief-imong vhich tue Golden Rule Sets foth a universel plan: The noble Brotherhooti of Man. No race or celer, cre oi et, But flnds in Canada dte, respect; Our country makes tue îoiegty toast Thàt nyrsae iniscoast Was held lu bond. No other4laïd Pren Articseaste mnterutrand A home of freedoni wer uan:- Pree i ui-trigbt te .legiàlate, Pree iifoair Itpeýýn,',makete tate A coe i6 sfilnctions tQdisciarge: A mode! to tue vorld atilarge. jizet ov ve haer rnch-talk of Vvaný, Ai soon our country,'ean.Mfar, UaIeny = ruepoa And Peotieé'f a tenwlscegt W'Of bcaosd foyl t a y* eak, Xlebeusthesk. lauger c ie oie .Of fortene te menacethe souorg, t " f b inder mi.riwog In- bands 0f ePéenlatots bo6id E a*V e s$ t t he v e n o f w e lth abl z Alid fo8tered te Its heighta aei Which svlgwidîdusealeswlg Cannot but dire d"aterb$ng W To those who fo*ohly emtbark With seemintgmadueisw lu Uidark, Rteçkless of C'onsequences dire,. Clevelanid bas set ;ue wvend afire, B! soundlag loud hie wanllke note 'ro wln the dynamitard vote.' 1 Thus, to euhanc Ie thfrdterm, acheme, Ho wantouly takes up a theme Whlceh migithave led' to endiess woe, And laid the natton's millions low. This dastard game ofpolitlcs, To aid him in h is selfish tricks, Should class hlm vitW the ruthiess Turk, In hie foul deeds and bloody vork. How long shall Christian men be shocked, And every human feeling mocked, While Turks reek in Armenlan blood? Great nations j oin te stay the flood ; But each wlth jealous eye lma scan2ned The moves cf those on ither hand, Whilst almost 'neath their very eyes The wails cf thousands reacli the skies, As Mussulmen, with wholeale glee, Cleave from their heade the bodies free 0f " Christian dog".'> Confound our kings 1 They play their ehowy hippodrome Counting their soldier millions each With anchored slips at easy reacli, While Murder sails ithbioody wings Ioto each humble Christiani home Till noue are left to tel the tale. Where'er it goes it mnarks its trail With blood of evezy Christia" breaet, The boasted union foud expressed To have Armenia's wrongs redreseed Hlas but through weaknessr urged upon Victoria 1 grand idol cf our hearta 1 Whose virtue te tichenrd imparte Rxaunplee neyer yct outdone Since ruie by force, cf right began! To Hlm who camne fom heaven above, And for oux aMus atonement madé, Thou -art but second in our love. I tice ail vil tues: are displayed That need to grace'la monarch'es sway.- Pour unùdred miflli6oti#béës ?roiup everyland wlier 1e God is knovný" That ev'ennore niay Brhtalursthrone! Be lov d as loire e bear tothee: Theii eould we feel th t destiny Were fllled witlrpronxise to thc state, And that amung the nations great W bhat about]Manitoba ebo> . ýWhy, truti WoFspeak, hkWe Te fooie Tr-o baose0 r bhedâe lu uchàalis whatç ver rtsh vdeefareÏ tet ail insistthtcba.oe. Ignnig a1~.if ciebegun Musttai rh t last Taidaq 'lcr yar.age whb ela the ocil omutry ~Iglad>, nMy daugtrUainb waas sent away trOxa -the hopltlu very01W condition with IcontlufiPtl cf the lùnga Md1bowels, and weak ation ett1ibart,-tue trip acroas the Water tO t49- county éà odte make her f eel , ottr -a r»l. ThmsezI abbegan to get WOUI OL~I~k4OW» as&ble to get ef tI C.a.grewWorelorflve months and »ý t e»ot3ior Uibeand lcwer parteof body mIZtf sabbtWUp ln bed"had te b. proppeï - ýUp wità plfows. râlyaIoIan SiI4d-the Wai.Pa*t AUl Ilelp and wantdme te sçnd ber te the 1'Home for Ineurbles2 ButI 1(185 along 881 eould hold MnY band up shashould tgo. We thon began Hoo0d as4-0:Cûr es to give ber Hood's Sarsparlfa. n1e l tg strong, walks arouind, la out doors every day;, bias no trouble with ber throat and ne cough, and berheart seems to be ail riglit age2in. sIoe lias a'first elass appetite. -We regard ber cure as nothing short of a miracle."e W. Wy.ATr, Spý Maxion Street, ?arkdale. Toronto,, Ontario.' Mqood's Pille à',are purely vegetable an«,- perfeter armles i. Sold -by ail druggists. za I d g IL Mr. and Mim. Luther Pflkoy liad rai r-.livoly lime of b on satiurdy oem ?They bad been shop i g l . vl aud voee éturiginel at thoîr youag driver bippeUed telooçk it MWd apy the umbrem I bevhon ho ti =&ade for thb' ditoli. The oauI #s oi tomred sud, bath o->wia iti. .4a i opposite bora. gol 'e bUt wh ami item uan auim the . orbse "M.pd aaro eepe. ( n 1 __ ~ I 'vel paity ~ Ch id Mr. Martin Beach, vho hbu bee'n iait ing in the village for some time, returnod te hie home lu the Queen Oity, Saturday. Times were lively iu the village Thurs- day cvening lutL, and as a reeuflt some cf the Participants in the fray have not made their appearance yet. Messie Âinsworth Bics. are doing a înshing trade in the chopping mil.' Mr. John Pearce, cf Toronto, bas sent a nov gang to prose bay in this vîoinity Mr. J. W. James, of the carrnage shop, has donc a roshing trade iu cutters and sleighs this winter. Mise Emma titewart has ietuined home after visiting friende in Orillas. /00,

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