Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jan 1896, p. 1

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ywberc tu get Tea at very clo In quality tu an~d .et to day. We sreýý m low price of 1bs. for $11O.,< bargrlni. Cali and r, ('heese, Eggs, duct, for whîch we Grocery,' ;T OFFICE, Ontario* & DYER. AND COM- of Canada, whilh is ily the Leading Life :mployers' Liability ton. Eng. te Glass Companles icashire. (;uardian, and-in- Iland. oToronto. the Western Bank, W. F. DVER. R LOST . -%M~ LPHABET jour School BeH the largesl a#W ublic Schaol Bei in the county. " ir to ixispecti cercise booksa. n the market. 9. STORE. )f Post Office, ONTAR, ?sha iush: RE >aying high p ption' iJS, the accu !rs, and c for Presq SIIAW 3C.,W TSTRO mi PA.RIO. h the vey best o tftd for tbe p se at once.TI males: noxtous eds, if ne=e",r' dlxd or otherw se miâe iril red VOL. XXXXe S TOP!e IF YOU WANT A, NICE vXmnas Present * at a LO W PRICE, do flot fail to go the -CORNER DRUG STORE. * . They have t11e choicest stock of PZR- FUMERY and TOILET GOODS ever shown in Whitby, with PRucus te suit EVERYBODY. They have a beautiful line of LAMPS wbich they are offering at a Cut Price. They are bound to please the people both in GOODS and PRICES. Cail and see their XMAS. GOODS before you buy. T'hey wiçh a Me'ry Xnas and a Happy New, Year io ail. THE CORNER DRUG STORE, AUCTION SALE Standing Tiùmb'0oir The undersigned has received instruc- tions from MR. A. SIDSWORTH, Lot 18, Con. 4, of Whitbv township, to eldiby pub- lic auction on TUESDAV, JAN. 7111, 1896, 2o acres of Standing Timber, ln hait acre lots. Sale nt i o'clock, p.m Termus-Three manths credit given en ap- proved joint notes. Two winters alawed ta rernove wood. Purchasers to pile brush. L. FAIRBANKS, Dec. i2th, 1892. Auctioneer. L OS T A purse containing about thirty ($30> dal- lars, on Brock street, on Menday about noon. Owner's name on inside ef purse. Finder will please leave a: THE CHILON- ICLE OFFICE. Suitable reward offered. Whitb> Dec. 23Td, 189,5. ANN7JAL MEETING Tbere wilI b. a meeting, of the share- holçfrs f th.Martin Manulacturing Cern-il pany (Ltd.) at 5 o'clock p ru., on FRI DAY, JAN. 17111, r896, at th1e office of t11e Com- pany, in the town of Whitby, for th1e Iran-i sacti of business. THE MARTIN MFG. Co. Dec124th, 18%g,. AN IMPORTANT OLRAN .SJYRp. Pi-toS talk for Cash:s Good Wire Mattras, worth $2.50 foS (1-7&. Good Mlxed Mattrasa, wortb $4i for $3. irst-class Etension Table worth $6 o for S&. Bedroom Sets worlh $14 for $îe.90. Bedroom Set worth $z6 fer $13. W. have nothlng but first-clm swarkmen ini our Up. hololcring Department. Lieaoding tndertaker,-' E. "J. JO,,"O BROOK ST.0, WHITBY. For Deicate Children, Invallds and the Agced. JAC KSoNs and àa;Methe mstdbca Fbaie Adk!i <p la aaand ëd an"Lou r U»ulul To*. f grt Nuâe veue t uSd tdh4xu i seadO et Utapols. Botb gent tme aauprp>yw. wvers >h7'*I.etr r sp keeas the mever, and seconder ofMrf.j fteim eCost W«,ffley,'sud strongly uwged thé necessîîy ,Mt.ir.tbur was, pteaç. d beaâil ofta-change nt the couneil, but dld net M>nn "tdfr'tefnt ptyýn, tlionwhcbbparticular 'oucUohywishe]d consalderaltle le-gitb wl i u kOuàn *1< l. 'lf At horme. Mr. J. L, Suii lunominat- dltlon of the towanshlj; claliing that thlng ' o 1,44--gMr. Royal R ageras pe e lati. ce axe in 'geod sh ape. R e e- I & rc rat a. er fllelgtrms of liaI ýgentteman's «êvieFs Jfàirs aInaly, dealing *l theic ecape,,ot pfihs-wi d~rng the past year, anid trusled *lie Would oera rom lite aunty Jaoli aud otq t$' )t be rtned.Mr. Wmn. 0ke approved of the' couIncils ateýmpt te ýcut clown 4ie 130' h course puraued by Mr. Rogers, and old tsala y~T ii.émouby ofe t ien"hl saythat bie frienda In the. south would,,give.jbeen i 4,vidcd"te the best advaàntag.jrsslandî hlà -,streng support. .He, beped the. ld eliMcPbaddetî ,aid that ltere arè 17 wlifg counciliwould b. returned. Mr. Smith l cpall. <n he cou ty,.lns ,eby sidi nomlnatlnt Mr. McTaggart,, said be was a the counîy valtiators tbe vorlf 1 ?o, ti0 mani of abilhly, and consceieloualy dlscharg- cao.-Brock maklIr or elS o ii ot1 Md ed his duîy Bt the couinctk Mr. H. Meen A.fter touchbing UPen -ounîy tateï 'iiý teôè jwith said 'in aeccndlng the' nomination, Ibat he up the -m atter ofnigntep.dt1.,au in .apç fully agreed with what Mr. Smnithbmd'said, advanced- the opinion, htnewoe sold I or Oy and hoped Mr. McTaggart would bue eectéd.: be pald te I ndigents, xezpt îauw ope- 58112e Pop.tions, .Ther< ! FR 2RV. t'Wetherall la satiified tbat ti.tdiWnof thl Chas. Calder was next calied#, sud ad- ahlp'sbusiness bas been well handled. Did' net, t dressed t11e electors at some lengtb cin bath net thlnk a bous.e trefuge would-afferd'aniy 81h>p township and-county maltera. As tbeSiad solution cithue poor bouse question. W-I'-tel been nethlng of importance beyoüd the stand for 2id deputy. pelle regular routine transacted aI eltiier board, j.~ St. John Jr.,- retired.. tala ý i. would 11e almoat compelled' te content Mr." McCully thougIt 1e -was net prestua. a bimscîf with tie financial statement before lng too manch l tepnga adrne;gor b. e them, and with answerlng any ques'tiosthat 2ncl deputy aftcr servinig as counéhlrft3York any elector might submit. H. shewed that years.Ithe, t the council centrolled only about $aooo eof .Ewrd U a aanfrconlo.ICOU yearly taxes, and it was-nonsense for any Mr.uEdwaTho wmeon Illaie r tta. Mr. M- outil man le talk.o e bcg able te redluce taxation -Artiara lana candidate for counclior, ',"M ic>iit Ilhe ratepayers of SAt Wbitby nmet ln' tbefr fine bric* hall, whlch- hi ecently been embel-' lshled with a -fine coat of kaiscnine, mjd rtebots credliton :the nuniclpajity.,Tiis l oneo f the best managedte twnshipsa-in the Prvice n d the ratepayers are ve ywtcbfnl'that ita afiùrS $hall continue in good banda. The 'nomIûâtkma were as fohlo'ws FOR RRRV-R W.-Grieruon Jno McQregot. S L Kerr, Wm Smîtb, M P.' E Tink, G E Mowbray, 1 T lH Hancock, z>' FoR DIcPUTY-Jas Stocks R W Griermon FOR COUNCILoR-Wn Dýavis, W- B Guy.. jas Stocka, t E Hlenry, Jno McKenzie, Ww lBreaz1, Wm Batty, m DooIitI. The efficient clerk Mr. Wm. Purves, was ci.I ed to the chair. DOa. MC-Gregor saud he weuld stand Agalu ýfor reeve. He took the fluncial stateunent in band' and explaiued the items ai length, answerlng many questions to the satisfaction o the eleci tors. The expenditure on roads wus ifcreaaed during 1895 by the purchase of a gravel pi for 8275, and by attier ueeded outlays, partly aris. ngfrom the building of the Oshawa rallwayto the harbor ai port Oshawa. That oompany bad pald ail legal expenses, but stili there were sane improvernents which the council deenied It wlse to make whllst that road was being buli, and s0e the circuuzstanoes ad compelled theni ta make, He belleved the reuits showed that the township counicil had succeeded better lu their deatings wiîh the railway cooepauy in regrd to d&mage te roads thau had th1e tewn of Osawa. In answer 10 Mr. Breoldng, wbo aald Mr» T. Connt had enclosed rond alowances beleuglug to th1e corporation, Mr. M,-Gregor sald 1e was not aware of glus, and uext year's council would look into the matter. 'In regard to the'county councîl, he bftlleved its funcîîons were cf flot so, 'imPOrtance as former1y, and that it should soon be made the subject of legislative reforni, R. W, Grierson sald 11e wouid be acaudidate 'for deputy. He hiait favored a grant from the countY COUncil ta public libraries.and strongly urged that action 11e taken to, resuscitate the lib- rarY now defunet at- Columbus, Net mauy re- sidents of the towmship can afford the Iuxury of a Private library. and lie beflieved all would bene- fit from having à public institute. He tbinks that deputy-reeves mght be dispensed with frora ceunty cotincils, but doos not believe that five' county comnnssoners, would have suffaciçat knowleage of the whole coanty te undertake its management. Doiug away with municipal re presentatives from th1e miner couLeils would en- ttuil th1e expense otdepumations and lobbying. The expense of the Oshawa railway wonld 11e about 18e. lames Stockas stood fdr councilor. His ex- planation of the part cf the township outlay cein- ing under bis contrai was satisfactory, and h1e. eut his remnarks short. W. B. Guy had only served one year, and had te supervise -rond expenditures in the north end of the township, which made le difficuit te* have everything done even te bis own satisfaction, but this was to sanie extent owing te the fact that men who took contracts aitoe low a figure, had failed te carry theni eut, and ltus had en- tailed delay. A. E. Henry siaid.1e liait expended $34o te the satistaction. of ait ,sse Tr as he had' bearç4 The 88o spent 'on, accouaI cf theexuilway was weflinvested. as tle agreemeni coinpelled thé Company to btd a ew ýbridge fer townsbip usOý ai th1e harbor, whw.h would halve cou t roua 0300 te 1500 in a year or two more. SL.Kerr retlred. Win..gSmlth, M' P., sâd h. was glid ib hma the talk about reviving the public libïliy, a3su oo or 6oo books have long. been locJred up at Coiujm. bus, a crying disgrace te the peple. Âs4 for, township aftairs 11e beleves they are weilband- led. but would like te sec some Conservaties lu council. Favors reforua cf Our countiesI'*'conuia by legislative action. The county council & iscr. tainly an educator teour reprosetatives, but we have to pay soo muc.h fer the whistle. In l con. clusion lie urged the incooelng concils tokeep exp our leading rads. E. Tink retire&. G. E. Mowbray thinks the redtir counli dl w ell. O nt 0cd $." 0 ta es thiey outrot leas PICKECRJNG 'i'OWNSiirP As Proof cf implicit-confidence in'the às ner iu wbi ie hëpreset couùn st -sacted- -"ie busineso 111e7psîyear, x verY Masy iere preseut,--ati four of th numbeïr, were, elected by acclaMation, ï! 0.0 <eio, or eeo;R. R. Mowbray2 deptgai a.Hîltl3rd'dépàtjad R icha rds, cou 1I r.t 'l , eA t 7 x i clo ck t h e -cl erk -teck t h e. c h ait annot#nced liaI b, wua",-réacly fornouii l.ions, Wbich were received as foliows A Boyer, A oi T C Mc4 Nta* T C ýMc ars the aus event cor et t 'aeVner. -'w V hui n. R o b e î l r, j. ýioy. Chas Disney. Mison T C MlcAvcv;. el and, oe iu thq Co alks. b à duo. Mdcieuzxo wudafs Ibo t u-o-ï terwhethcr or -aMta oWteta44,sef M. Doobttle .ltê~ti Muny Grits la the o*àdBvWd pal ~>f~ e eplained tie $_çS item for jlault, sud bis attitude on th1e bouse ef industry. He &-hankedlie electora for boner conferred ln electiug him by acclamation. DEPUTY REBEL J. L. Smith thaaked bis mever and second- er. He would flot go over the ground cover- ed so ably by th1e reeve, but wculd expiain one or two votes aI 111e counly council which the reeve bad forgotten. The deputy reeve et Oshawa bad moved fer a grant ef $SS ot be expeuded between Whitby and Oshawa on th1e gravel road. He epposed that grant because 11e found that every muaicipality in tic ceun:y would demand a like sum. He was pleased to say thal 11e bad voted te 'aid the velunteers in connectloh with their, annual drîli, and <cl taItbey were flot con- sidered as much as they should be. (Applause.) H. was a candidate for re.ele-_ tion and would askr their suffrages. M. MçTaggart didn't think, that any oee weould b. surprised to find that lie was nom- iuated fer dcputy reeve. Had been there once before, and in tryiug le gel higier hâd <allen. He would net cause an election, -but if there was ho be an election lie would; stand for deputy reeve. Had doueblbi Mt b serve- the township, and if ie had ailed&t ,ras through Jacket iuÙd'ùi-it~hta

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