Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1895, p. 5

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mas Goods. ver Oppossnm at P3.50. Baltie Seal. S. vory low priceii. b Capeis, 30-ms ut of H[andkerïý and 25c. rtment of Lii lRîng tthe old,: the ne.1 1896. sIr.Barnards wishes his customersan and friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year. specially on for ....$1 ..........i its only 45 c Offolal Oouaty Organ-LarSg.n Ociula- ti o f aMWlocal papea tu amad FRIDÂY, DEC. qos 'IFTS b Brushes, Jew, 38, Collar snd ou ie ail the 14te Card Stands, Pl pricea Dattou >odis. Bibles-I i1 Hymn Books The Days of Au] 100115 Booka,,J"v Ma variety and Io, 'bI gift. àDoUae' Carriage ibdreri's Sleighô 1 Clubbing Rates f< 'EARS GOODS,~ lance of the sn WIIITB', Goc mgs, Colfee, tl the Ti Ladmaa 27, 1895. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. Nominations eext Monday. Scott repaire ail kinds-of pamps. Hon. John Dryden vas here Mondny. No echool this veek. Thc boys are havlng a big time. Miss Maud Martin, Toronto, le Vlslting et Mr. C. F. Stewart's. For sluggish Ilver use Dr. Bright's Eeg- lish LUver and Kldney Pille. 6 piece salid vainut parbor suite, p bush. with silk pbush bauds, for $32, worth $45, nt W. Till's. Auto harps. Violine, and smabl musical instruments at lowest prices for Christemas gilts at Mrs. Allins. Mr. Wm. Crysler who has been firing an one of the big C. P. R. boats running froin Owen Sound le homne for the vicier. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Toms, of Chicago, are in ;own visiting the former's parents. 1Er. Tomns bas been away about tlfteen years. Mr. Gea. Cormack, af Aberdeen Scotlaad is here visiting hie cousin Mr. Oco. Cormack of titis towe. It s the former gentlem.an's intention ta visit a flamber oi tie leading flouring iUs in this Provjuceand examine into the class of machiner used and the niethods upon which they conduci business. Mr. W. C. Micheil, B. A., dropped us a ictter from Cincinnati on Tuesday, much ta otir surprise. He is lengreat luck just now. The guardians of on. of the young mcnata Bishop Ridley college have commissioncd bEr. Micheil to take hie pupil for a trip south as far as Fbaida and Mexico, the exhibition at Atlanta being one ai tbe chie( objective points oaithe journey. Variity Tvo Stop b7 W. Alan Sadier. For sale at Mns. $47 75 Scranu nCoal" E. R. Blow vili seli Scranton coal at $475 a ton at hie coal sheds aitich harbor (lieuit- cd quantiiy) antil after New Years. Office opposite CHRONICLE, Whiîby, Ont. Courtlng by Toiephone. Hie Honer Juâge Dartocil held the. divis Ion court for Beaverton in a very peculiar way. The suitors agreed to bae a state- ment ofîtheirrcspectîve claims sîaîed ta thc judge by 1 1phone, and upon ibis basis bis, bnrdisp nsed justice ta tic satisfaction of ail. The Rouge Bridge The. Ontario goverument bas decided eut, to agree to tih. action ai tiecocnnty coancil, of York in trying ta unioad the Rouge bridge and roadvay upon thc township ai Pickering. Itilesupposed tint the counîy ,)f York wii next seek ta farce tic county ai Ontario to cceputhe road vay I question. or that, fatiling ln that move, anotherWvilbe' mnade to establish a Joint ownership bcivcen the counties af York and Ontario. This- should be strongly reesîed by unr coenty authorities. &amaet w, frj. M, Ua1ftp Ift. ad S ' JÃ". _é.àemis.bnèa- Mr. 1 W. Tiomptipu, -ýu4 rdl, Se&toa1 DR. euyD rgh' Fogu L ver sud- Klidne4y -sare saur - lu hit roduced la CR»1*1bci*bld atu 1ea là rh edf. chie. n a' i - as ýéPîCend:jdstock of i *w ln, prices, n>w that the . Chriimias Baie la over. fie re l18le goed aceB.ý .D- Brown, Mun. 3rouwp And cbildn of Tor. onto, Miss Brown flasher Frmnk CauIIGdr of Osha#ia,, And5 r. ILE.Rôbertmon f Celara ar e i guetosaf Mr. and Mrs. QUîgIey. trhanklng you hbrYor klntd 'patronage for the past y car w. a k7 a contibtince 16fthet sameand w1sing il a very happ hit mas and proaperous nev year beg leavg, to say we have nov got in ail -Our Chrtas purchases of chice gooda, cànsisthig of thé very cholcest crains of every varlety made. They are too numerous to llst. Cali and see Our stock of milxet and ôther candies' is of the very best -and complet. lu ail k"hd of our own make. Brown, plaît and white sugar sticks, thie samine buls eyes. Taffy, plain browin, Almond, cocoanut, wainut, pea out, andl maple creain by the. pound. in cakes v. bave In case dalIv, angel cake, walnut, almond, coccout. lunch, per paud qponge, lady fingers, fruit cake, and ail kiode of tea cakes, freSh bues, scons, amal tes loai, fresb cakes and bread daily. Leave vour ortier for cakes for Xmas and New- Years to b. iced and ornamented, done witb despatch. D. MATHISON, Whitby. Nut, stove, egg, U475; NO. 2 nat 4;a yard. J. a. Downey ât Co., opposite ps office. Reonew yenur Subsiptlous. W. vould arge upon our subecribers to renew subscnptln atonce.The advantag in gctting eitiier the Weekby Globe or Week- lYMal-Emplre wlth CURONèICLE for $t.2,5 must b. manifest to everybody. ChecherClub M.etlng Anyoae wlshlng ta join this ciub, vhfch meets thus (Prlda4y) eveniag ,linthe. office lateiy o caplea by Messrs ur»s& Hov- den, may do so, by calllng at the romviien the club is i session, Sole Agèey TEL CZInoMzXczhas the. sole agency for the. Weekly Globe ithe . County of0Ontario. Tint dae not icrease the prie, hovever, and ve shall still Be11 it witi tle CHRoN- ICLE at 81. 25 froUI nov til Jan. rat, 1897. Adjourned Couaty Court At the above cout iield Thnrsday before His Honor Jndge Bnrnham, Michael Mayock, Marn, for stealing a neighbor's winter supply of butter, got tirce montis in the central and Chris Mann, of Waghago, goes six months to the. saine place for shoot- the. indian ingersoil. Xmas Hutertalnment. Methodiet church S. S. had a fine tdîne ai their Xmas trce gathening on Monday night. The BaýPtist Sunday school held an Xmas enteriainment on Xmas night thnt vas mast enjôyable. Ail Saints' held their S S Xmas entertainment Jast night and although the. weather vas uniavorable,. an interestlng and Profitable evening was spent Ladies' Home Joa E.rsdent Harrison recevualgr sain for bis articles onu "Tbis Cutry 0f- Ours,W whic# ie la vritingfor the. Ladies' Home Journal, than bas b:een paid ta any publiewnan in America for Magazine vork af a sînlar nature. His firsi,. article, in the Christmnas pumnher ai the. Journal, sold over 10o,000o-extra copies ai thi. magazineoa whickl 725.000 copies ver. prlnted'as a kits Clyde --va. -Hodgso. The breach ofp rmis.- case bei, Ellen 1HaunniCydîe oi-,Greenbatik Jas. Hodgsou ai Balsain,wvici tic jurysittinga here !haaverdi and case for the -plaintigi; vte 8a"~ Mess. Dayw* MeGllvray c grounds of irreglriti.. at be ,trîi ouiiers beldg oee pies uniMr. Juai ertson vas aniairilbs ma"igemei jury. The. dlvisienal court bas allh appeal, A nev ltai vas ordeni vihî not cota. off ti11fMay. Principal UcCarrai of<the- Whitj ate sehool, atisted by. ibe4ati Ment ai udr achool hinman'on fr#ia~ athe --mgi epoyae to. attend, terme 'and. date. ah the CstaiRzcLu omfce. The ÇHKOuCýtLz -and Weekly EClobe and ïCa da Par 'er rfi"novr taain. la 1, ? rtýNew 'Years. 'Sena, Po" 14,d papusiîl*be forvardedla 'ovceasedre O~ir carrier boy, wvho .conlerable af a mnan, -by thc vaY$,111lIb. rounid wltb an addrxls onNew Vearsday, aâd w. bepeak î for- hlm'a good rePtIM laasties hve been no comnPlaluts 111 regard to is deilvery dur. Ing the. year. Farmurs' 1UStuteMeeting W.ea«U attention toa a advertisiement in another coluaigvhag the programume ta b. carred -ont ast ii.,emeetinigs sai Whltby, Oshava aud Columbus. As it, in nov a slack tinte it is czped that- ail meetings will be unusaly WeIl-attended. The. pro. Prammes are prepared viii care, and mach Ivalnable lutorumon wil resat Twio beat >peu iluthe Province .. akig the. Tromto Weekly Globe as a gencral newspaper, and Txi ugoUrONCLEc as a local paLper vt do not stretch anatters by saying thaitliey have no equal viien coin- bÃŽned. W. give both for nezi year for $1.2&. We4 have the. sole right ofithé- coaniy for the Weekly Globe. Chalatuas Standing. Standing in mat-iematics nt the colegiate institut. ln the Chrisîmnaa examinations :- (r, aver 67 per cent. ; 2 over,3o per cent. ; 3, over 33 per cent) IV Fora-i, C Grase;- 2. Grs.;3, Bunett. Ill F'orm-z,. C McTaggart, G. Pringle, W, Orton, M Straln; 2, F ReweIl. F Barnett, .È Davey$ G Smnith; 3. B Kig K Hlllary,1 H Smith. Il Form-' M Orvýi E Hollday, H Pringlet J M4cPhers;on' "B -Tamblyn, F, ManningB Elarras; 2. L «artop, F Greenwood, B Adar W H Shaw. H Debong.' Forin I. B-î,0 A Smith, A Coakwell, C Adams, -E DcCbeiban, E Correil; 3, 0 Crawfortb, F canner,A CarrUïhCqis.Fùrm I. A.-r I McCauslaud, S Jolies; z, G Blow, G Saunders, C Jeffery, IChina Wedding. DzOAît Er>iToR.-It 15 not afteii I eau get the chance af visiting your jolly aid tavu n owadays. The. aid tînes 1ie ha d with you and my ouher good friends- In Wiuîby are tic greenest spots in my mjemory. For realtv jbl ar-earted frlendly people tiere le no Itownn le Ontario ihat -catisurpau - yours. Rowever, titis veek I have had the. pleasure i r,newx ng old fniendahips and maklng ncw acquainuancesi t he '0'anitnh beig peseuedby belîeg coiacered ie a upneparty txi be held ai ithe home ai 1Mr,. ;andMrs. Hendeepu pa tie ivweutiéti an- niveraryof tudr weddinge. SevèrM ofi is many friende heldaà litule cancus a fevweeks de ar, Ltien, <a BOY' auid-Girls' ~lethem. -XA troaetilt9. C2 :w. 's'a theaunal oliday Gift' frynwfedùghter 'or swe ofrig ht wondb. aât oýnos orna a4d useful? Suoh a wouùld be on of 4these "fine drdiessa pstte ïmark "in sty1eo,,in ree,àqi evything bp4 «h d aah1j the oh r~a. ieb rtt ~ yra>& and telli lier lo yeer T4. * .11 w. Chronicle clubs 1er. CHRONICLE ta Jan. jst, 1897. $1. lng CHRoNCLand eekly Geto ans. tut. van 1897, 81.25. Cam 1897 $1-25- bidi CHiRON;ILEc and Wèfld 82.5o -à year,. font CHILONICLE and famUty Herald aad veek- Ftthi 13' Star, $1-75. a year. 91*118 CatmcLa asud Montreal Wltuem Si 6o çý pe annuina. tb CiiRoNicLs and Toronto. MorangStar o News r73 a yeor. x Marvellouis ad Wkwidagfi.Mou-, The grea , a ied ragisle,.urrahfow Whitby viiere YM .caun get your bootsn sioci, cýeapr'tIt0aaby aCe in catad& Stop fora inoisentLWm a t thle -ýL-; Menésef&ne lhed waterproof meo, --. menIslongrtbber boét ot zut 44 menesfine mrut> zt uat y tint:Cr ntMb ý »M a- line rab ý e î.0 Your -daUli 35-. a, Y*4

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