Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 27 Dec 1895, p. 4

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I "j I I y) f 4 p ( 't col te? cd s lu ow -nu ! the aa loi, -p, Iî 3f 1 a4j CW~ERRY XtMA Bermuda ......... 2,222,463 3,620,625i an Wisaolteeuvst Br. Honduras .. Ls ha2s of 967at' bJ'noWelis' ing a Candi......170,184,682 237,760,759' Newfoudland 2, 1os, 627 - 7,492,383F Sarah Lawrence pai afyuvitteo-.P Br. W. Indits 67,556,53 o23,3 nte the latter part of lag- Xeîk. Br. Guiana ... 21,021,36 942 ,6 W.M.Mleran:ilycTont t Hong Kong .. 3.873,663 2.342,23,5 spent Xnias at C. J., Steu>ns Br. E. Indies. 1 o, 19,324 18,410,2t4 j.N. Reoi*Pistl:ttloek-ker the làter- . CtI Austnalia ... 30,635,988 49-471,243, eMt of the Ont. Mutual Llfý Insurance Co'. lu Bn. Arica .. ....37,372,725 19,428,824 Other Bn. ports. 9,,319.582 2:84o' 06 'Ur-. Eleaser Qi-vis, Of Wssterfr, Canada, ____buasboSnrecewing'old acqualntanceubeti tal 1,255.7550 1,670>609,56 er late.- o It will thus be seen that tie Unitedi States Mastole. teie b inai- fair, - selis nearly $4o,o0,000 more goods te Great at-W . il usaylit bo ~ 0 Britain and hor colonies than are taken inlu W5rcPore-ecellant.' exchange, and would ho that mucb the worse J. W. SteW ouf -l o rimg>coe4 *sgo.> losiet by a war. ti&tieus for &.bouse and ilutnoier the- old -e 1rt- - .1- -q - BowrftF-nmn 'iin l.i- 1,an.ti,ý, C Up 10 date the van betveen England 'snd the Unitedi States bas been confined te financiai matters but it bas been moet d4w- astrous. Englisi capitalists have booýts so ing their Ainerican securitios Lt 5acprce and nmoney lenders bave been csilig tueur money to London. The result liasb"en panic lu New York, andi frein tables au:- plieti by luit Sunday's New-» York Adjver., tiser, we notice that'tic declino -linseogixl ties alone dnnlng lust week ws $3ooî- ooo, or equal teooe-sixth of the t* ota et of the gi-est Amenican rebelliin. Tic re- sources ef thse Unitedi States Mre ptliilte4, but its mouey system buntvex been onua sounti basis, and.lt would nov apm tht if war really becomes imminent a capitaliste willl* drav' &Illte gol4 C'th country avay, and tins çav* the United States govçm-uot te commence 4efa7lsw' theo-expenses of a natglty 'war vlit n'x a.ggerated silven coirony or elinf tlaed mouey. Itis aflgu hn hi*bt Canadaâlokd y= ,:»ât spective batte fzel e iofuthe eiIôt bave boest-uen dW ,Éhould eo.éiùeàd see the geat-Bargeinswe, are uany 'fil at Nt ~ D ~ ~ QWT Tbè déimtonof Prines1aail, ne itz ~w ot Ontari T lad1ll' eg toë,*place We are offering for the Holiday Trade atudentu. A spoçal trati from Teroato.car-ý- ried a large aïffber of vliitôrtftxàU,. City. Perfumes, The dedication smrylce 'wuB bQd lu ih, newhll.Owigtotheunavotdab!eabse*oe Hair l3rasles, of Mr.Geô, A. Côx preiden of the câllege, 'hN Toilet Articles, board, Dr.> Dewar presidedt - On the. plat. form wore also tbi Rv.TÎ. 'Man aB Etc., Etc., at the Ro'z. Dr. Germazi, Mr. L. T. Tîârclîy,ý the. Rev. D. C. McDbowa l, Milss'L F. Msssey Specîally Low Prîces. p ae ont worm e rs. R.' C.Hmlu r j ~ Sore, G. Y. 'Smith' W. R. Taylor~Go Ros H. B. Taylor, sortr- 1 ire, u de t W L L 181Dr.Adams. About 6oo people ver. l attendance, and the magnificent'hall pre. C hem/ist il Druggist, :eats were occupied by the. pupils of tii. ,Medical Hall, Theofirt srakor wass Mr. L. T. Barclay, 2ud vce-prs de tit. board and chiair- Brock - Whftbyman of the building comtnittee. Mr. Barclay, WhitbY ormnally announced that the building was1 ________________________roady for dedication. Ho stated that the i - college was foundod in 1874 for young ladies ,eeking a literairy oducation, sucb as pro. vided by Institutions of the Whghest grade.ý He gave a short but interesting history cf the scbool (rom its oarliest days to the pros. lated the architecte and buildors on thes WHITBY, DEC. 27, 1895. quickness in which the work on the: newm six months after the corner-stone hid beena Short Notes,.lahd Frances bail is z130 x ýo (met in dimnens. a The war scare created by President Cleve. ion, with a kitcben extension S x 38 foot. r landis s(iate tohav caseda dpreia-The buildings are constructed of white brick i lan isestmaed o hve aued dereca.and Cleveland freestone, and are finisbed in al Of $300,0wo,000 in American stocks and se- the saine elegant Gotbic stylo of architecture a cu n ies, as the main building. The fact that the ai The British bRunkers can give any nation latter was modeiled aftor Trafalgar castle, e: ailthewarit ant beorethee i a lowan eld palatial horne cf Englisb aristocracy, il ailthewarit ant beèrethee i a lowgives a unique and aristocratic appearance m struck. Since Cleveland's message was to the wbole structure. These additions to read Wall street, New York, has figured up the college property previde a new concert its losses in ail ways at five hundred mil. hall, new dining hall (on the ground floor), lios.new science bal, kitchen, laundry, etc. rm Over 2ooo saloons will be closed in The Rev. D. C. McDowall offered a dedi. catery prayer, foilowed by the Rev. Dr. Chicago on Jan. ist. Since the word's Dewart. who delivered the dedicatory ad- fair the most of these groggeries have been dre.s. Ho was bighly pleasod witb the. suc- maintained at a loss by big brewers :who cess whicb bad crowned tho oftorts of the a were contending with each other for cou. building committe. Ho thougbt the general trol of the drink traffic. public did not take as mucb interest Ii, odu-0 Drastus Wiman was conivicted a year and cation as tbey might and shouid do. Sucb t an institution as the Ladies' College was of a hait ag'o in New York of forgery. A sent- a a great importance, and bad far-reaching re- ence of five and a half years was inflicted, sults. Ho oxpounded te the fair sciielars Pl but he bas fought the malter out in the the virtues of application andi diligence, andi courts and established that he was unjustly pointeti out te them bow their after life was a triud. The chances are that he wilI soon be infiuenced by their achooldaiys. Ho touched-! tt e V, upon the many discouragements of school 'The Dominion parliament meets net it , and urgeti the ladies to meet difficulties Thurdayandthe anioba emeial illbravely, as scbool lite lbaves its irnpress up- el Thurday an th Maitoa rmedal illon the character. The doctor toiti et bis ha i.s expected to be introduced at once. Mr- visit to the Olti Country, and stateti that the ai Greenway bas decided t'iat ýhis is a good building iu wbicb lie was most interested Pr titie to apDeal to the Province, and has was a ittle scboôl-bouse in Ireland te wbicb called on a provmnc,.al election for jan îi. a girl carried him on ber back when ho was fie Sani Francisco heldi horse races 278 tisys four years of age. 0f the eroction antiddud- ba cation of Frances hall hoe coulti not express as during is9_s, witlh purses Of $35,900; St. bis thougbts. It was a substautlal token of ad Louis 146 days, wîîh purses of 8322,250; energy, enterprise, andi perseverance. lu Of New ()rlns 113 days, $138,700; Gravesend conclusion Dr.,Dewartiexpiained that Mi9ss '« 26 dî3 e, $3ub,ooo, anîd so on. The total L. Frances Massey had preferred net te ainouri t purses put up for racing in the attempt te speak,,sud ho asaket that she b. tIr.itd States durirng 1895 was$22679 excuseti. Dr. Dewart bati ne objection te P, $282.49 earing a lady speak from the platferin.' le, ln Cardweil on Wednesday the Mc- «<'Miss Massey is net a new weman," said iR Carthyîte candidate, Stubbs. was electeti by the Doctor, who concluded bis remarks withJ oven 200 mai orty over the Tory and Git a witty story3.'S Dr. Haro, the principal, welcemed the candidates. Some i5oo voted for him, visitera. RHo teld of bis troubles '*lin- ho which is ioo votes more than Patron Bran- firat toek hoîti of the scboel, what an uphiil don rece-ived in NrhOtroa gis ot obtat trbtt h taypo Mr james Rundie bas erected a nov driv- Ing shed ince winter set iu. Mr. T. H. Sonley is taking a trip te iichigan te psy bis brother a visit Our ente risu stock raison sud ex- à1bitor Mn. .HSnley bas recently added L fne ersi bllte bis already largo stock )f catte. The contest which bas been going, on at :e division closeti lut Bro. T.H.E Sonley Lnd these on -hie aide vilU nov consider it a )eaeure tetreat the crovd. The epworth league helti another social Lt the home cf Mr. meo. Pinkiatu on thurs- lay evening ef ilut vmek. It vras a success i every vay, proceeds $îe. The goed sleighing wbich every one waa xpetin teenjey1'or the Xmas holitisys as dsppeaedt Smepeple aay it is on 0conte hotrrbe et ch prevailed )reviens te the election. The veek'befene last tvo sbeigh leada 'om the division bore dreve dewn te Gi-cen- bbk an-a paid themn a visit They report Lhaig had afine time but we weuld ne dvie teni-togoagan ý threis pleuty >fsnow, as it is very dangerous drivitug iu asd eut of-deep. -ditches. The 'following are the.officors of thse ivision heëre fer t.he onsueîng quarter; W. )J Baird ; W. A., M Piukham ; R S, j son- ey ; ARS, EGorden ; PS, j Roach;T 'S kundie; Con, James'Bott; A C, H Pinkai; S L Piukbailn;0 SG Vo Qney. . , e bp Town loamls. Mr-. Warden àould is bore assisting lut the. election of ju-rs for i8q6. Make your liens-lay by footing bnshed yster abolis, te b. bati at W. H. Newbeny,,, rhitby. %rddiag alairy. Aboutirooet the- fr!nieutisefMW. aud Mrs. L."G. Heudersonteck ativîntageof Mondayý ast, as the -.twenuîeth apniversary.- itheWr reddang, te pi-osent Ù1be , wih ha ands*ome ia dinuer sud tea set- eII.fHéàodâ tôk iesessico of Mr. 'Heu4ensois-me degçe bout ,8 o'lock in thie evouiug-:anelci.d t mü1 early- the uext morning. Inspecte cflrien vas sppoteted niastér of céi on-- s, andj, rats off, a lntvprograme e of eechesasud iusuic,'in bis h-*pplest style. wetera -'of congratulation ,andi regrets at ince vere, read -frein îa'ny pndbiinènt eidents ani *.resldenta0f the county. chWhlti)'8 Mr.n. i.Crsereoe the ." Tasu [drents- G. La Caps st Wns Nutria. Caps a nai~Sable 08a. sat Wehaveaise reeeiïved a large ipzuetof ~Ie chiefs for the Holiday: Trade, ranggig-ai' 4<6.*11e., 60., 7c., 8e.,9e.$ 10e., 12ko., 16e, 0-P and 2500 Gents!1 Cal and se&e the grand aeori'mt.«fLined ________Kid Gloves we are shewligi A full flue of Ties, Collars and Cufs ,specally for Xmas Trade. ~ FEW SPEOZÂL BARGAN.. 8 pair of Braces for........... $1 00 I 20 yde Extra H1eavy Cotton- for.... $1 00 71 pair.of Wool Sexe for ..........1 00 1 pair Blankots' for 66041 00 .5 pair of Boys' Mitte for............1 00 7 Ladies' 'Vesta for......... 1 00 -~~'Ready-made Olothing Department ini full swing. Boys' o-dÏJ Pants onlY 45 ets per pair. Boys' Suite for $2-75. "A MERRI X-MA S. TC» YO U ALL." ANDREW -Me- ,-ROSS* -Boys' -Nutria Caps se $2.50. Mien's Florida 'Otter Caps at GreeiandSea Caps0a GRockla Stt rcaes.a Meu's Bea~er ~ppossnm Caps at *3.50; Men'e ]3eaver, ~al#e Seat. 8. 8. Seul Caps ut very low~ prices. Beet G. La»~1> Capes, 30iu,, Board Wanted Two high sehool students wish board. State term& from Monday to Priday ; aiso for full week. Box 167 Greenwood P.O0. Dec 26th, x8q. 0F BOUTH ONTARIO Farmer'8 Institute Meetings. WHITBY, JANUARY 7tb, î8&». Tnesday afternuen-î .0e, question dnav- er ; 14, local papon ; 2:i5, maiiitalning fer tility ef soul. Prof A n Sbuttlevortb, O.'A. C., Guelph; 3'.15, spnayiug expeniments anti its resnits, A H Pettit, Grimsby, Ont.; 4:1$, boy,* wild seeds lower the priJce ef grain, j H Long, grain moi-chant. . Eveuiug -7:30, tai-mer as a membor eof seciety, Prof A E3 Shuttleverth, O.Â.C., Guelph - local fruit gnewerès' asîsociations,, AH Ptit Gîimsby, Ont; local-paper, - OSHAWA. JA:N. Sth. 2, -groving fruit on' the f'ari, AÀR Pttit, Gnimsby; 3, local palier ;3:45, warnung,and ven elatng stables, Prof A E ShÉutevorth, O.A.C., Guelphb. PEveig-o, address, AR H Pettit -'Ontario ilèlturam olee P'rof A E Sbuttleworth ; local- papen. COIEUMBUSS JIAN..gJ TIhunèaafterù ,,,-., uestiffldra*uer: 1 z>ana- NEW At Greatly Redueed' Prikeg. Glove and HandkerohiefBoxs, Brush and, Oomk Bzuhesp, hwel Cases, Manicure Case, etc.-in celluloïd. Dremaing, Vases, -colw* sn& ouf Boxes, Card Oases, Purse,, eto.,--in leather., AlbumSîwin -ail t*'0 Itest, istyles. Iuk Stands, Âsh Trys,,' Fancy Whisik Holderàé' Card Sgtaàds, Pin- Trays, Paper Knives, an endiesa variety of at very loy price.:- Dutton, aiso Tuck's Oelebrated Calenders, Bookiets. and Xam Goods. Bj*>le-The î Oxford, Pocker. and Teachers' editions. Frayer -Booksand, Hynn-Books in great variety. Poetical Worksl, a' very âne selecticm. The. Dayu of ÂAuld Lang Syne and Beside the. Bonme Brier Bus.- Miscellaneou ok.Jve nil.e BooDka, Toy Booku-American a'nd Englial-* in tiel variety adk prie«. Fanoy EB9xed of Fine Statio1ïery alvoLys -an-acceptait. gift. suad: Sluigbs, Çsrts, and fRo Invi"ig your irispeciofe our large and &variedstoek om ghan--ngyou all for, past -favora sud aoh«iitn W is h u ig y eu a il th e . O o p li m e t' f I i s a s n . BOO0K AND) MUS!OC STORE,' (v M.ur Mi-.l eveIu<, 1tagh', ai4playiujofi nl ti. 4e mailé,us<1* ernîngi;;ga te davu. viien *il rturnedbore hcouh ly satisfied wtbti laatotn bys mach enjoye. W he acce u te b. able tù- go daal. Mi- V/tu. Lawtou ltft bome. on Tbursday for Uncle -Saite demains, where-be vil loin hlm bter, Oilling a lucrative position se. ciadby' hlM. V/r. la eue of the Kinssie beys~~ "loyl u btedly niake bis mark In'tbls , orld. I,*Of bus boon very, succsaful inu bis studies sind le nov coïmpetent to 811 a good position, W. viii hlm -abunts-c. James Sadler, a young Mau cf(sOuie 18 suammers, whe bas been a %ilctim Of ton- sunPten durlngt the last six mentis quety passod o0 the stage cf action aad vas tunbh-. ed into theo eternal vend on Weduesdày afternoon of st vweek. Ho bat! net thought mucb of dying as b. vas a veny pluckv o nsuma, sud nover gave up tilt the last. Inflam~mation of the bowels set in a f#w heurs before deatb, causiug the deatb mes- senger te> do bis work more rapidly. James stas a yng man with bis fallungs, hiko ai others of the bunian family, but vas always- au industrious, seber. anti ambitieus young man, condutting buiseif in a crotiltable mnner. His remalus vere quiotlv laid at rest lu the eld Salemi cometery. Rev. Har- ris couductod the obsequies, proachiug an able sermon, rmminting oeeand ail of their nortality. Tbe doceaseti leaves a mether and sister te mourn bis untlmely death. We extend our sympathy te the bereavod, (arn- ly, remomberng that vile we are lu the nidst of ltevo are lu deatb. 1 1 - _U4 i

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