E. wILLISS Cbemi8 cf Dr mgist orl 6t 1895.,C WHITBY, EC tailler, Duildas "St. t On ëdav icf each wek. ýlJAxuo.. Whitby cofleglte.Intatc SiUrS NOisetheuie t1l ~1wub1fPl Th1e trial of the Hyasme broihers in Tir.- frOuttul4 Bs qmtoh baM.ulted In thelir acqiuits1 On thO wt i l -' charge of murderliig Wm. Wells. PublkDic beato« S cuv" <fçemIiPB l gpeat1y outraged, though net bAdly The dedîcattou cf M 4dbffPltd by the. reslt. Mr. Osier, A> c<rnivemwasIoe of thé Ont publc propecutor discbarged bis ýdutytotht swil take Place on Thui est~e wlth great fidelity and abillty, but Spstl train wlll b. -r roui> the first the feeling prevMIild tiiet tbe c5fY POOe b-hrt- and jadg as sý"TroUglY lnfavor of the. priscuers HORI john Dryden, Ra. in b6i rulings, sud whela bis charge was de- 1D., Gea. A. -Ccx snd, liviçred there w as littie left for the jury te do meni will b. premt. tmit brlug'là a verdict cf acquittai. (Ou Granéd 1aad'Supper uianuycaions jurles have been blamb4 for T!"' e xitannual ban aituttiflE îlir -eyes to evidenc4lý but, the NM ty IPire Brigadew mst of the. blame goes elâe*befo:t tl timer music 'hall, Whitby, o a4 w. (.11 to set the oadvautage cf asuch edi- Dec. 3ist zSc895. A totias as that In the Toronito Globe, glvlog comjrl*ing 8 pieces) éurybody <Conuected witii the trial .hiéM the occssion.Th 1Ieto V*Aan sd assuiigthat s gffat ub~ p uitans to M*ke I b1.the fuution bas beecninbly executed 1 but wltf-,1 od iiËt i Ù' .* ouit ventuitig'to makng lbe publé aoy fî.bU and5Osu~~ wiser us oits opinion oftba rêsult. 4e the agemteULet ané World pute It, nine qt9 f anpelyl i- 'erry. *t nmi.ol ,ways beIeve'tbat,the -Hyams shoeldhave ÇosPtLi4 Aj ri nconvicted, sud. for asny gteM uews. & Ipprto glosti ever wbat 1* aintitO ai tim - >**ttrtj ousaly belteved ýte be s",open ,miscatrageê0f '- omst"d u4ra, e justice mnust be rozaded as a quiestionable pi iai4,'SIXItto -t proceeding.ý The. Hyasisare eçowob. put *~b»êsof tht1 on trial for consplracy to t I'Üýlt f 0'cf e autVery godesi jl". H. P. Hya'ns, the. fdécéased 'wmtt4$ýt OWIt nnot -Wels' siater, for. the sake cf -scuing bot ý 0QkW>P l !ver ~hem 1iý'ssUrance, but we scarcey séeth lt illtý" -. ro51f NV' i 4$slich a proceedluig. If thiitsý coiitIilte lofeTogt *&ing to defeat justice, tien* -p1eët'~t~"~~ lt Usý t. e dorirts~ * I * * * 4 t J t e * e :~r& he~vy, : t p e * ~ a * e * et~ *. e ~r1ivaa¶ we ttem' congreSu 0 Cleveland'8 adi nalaffaire, thot et. As tih. presi Soff beftire 'ano mifsuuil h. di frank netç frç I ifbhe Co grwbs to wi tor.. uT ~L. lit) id *tid week- rnýflngI star- p- i r I nnùil' ?Iiie l'