Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Dec 1895, p. 3

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Iwo l Iià on tiib b 0 -î gfortifttions~ ait rounéI. Th ii il 91ou i les ini oireu"ooe, 84 tees bigh, end le irroubded by a oto dite 1. There a", ovor ilt gâti lodi~ 'inL the City, besidu opotuga for r:?. W and a siffCiaI teAx j'O lied on &U mode Uiitterlfg thertin. vlis river Seine flOVs thf0u#h the oity1 I fil at r fi wihes nilu th p o g 0ad h. coused frotx the nùlorth to th( 501th side by about twooty.ftvý b tdee ue of them Vefy bandoome, Most of tbom 1) <'rical, and many ha,. i« boe built t ):IerL great vie. Te cil,' poptilation of about two I 8od a 'niih , and bas, th>e finest andut a~ (1orL. The Flreuol peupl mhave rebe c d Liie and ajzain againet the 8ztâv-.ýtu( 4of 01 u 'lin ioneys ~ City it rll' IYo strt3eis radiate f rom certain squares lîke Lhe spokes of a wheei, ar broad âwi well kept, usually planted with trees, aud as straigbt As an arrow. Indeed they are a kinid of 'loptioal de. 'B h1 ion', You look at a street and think, a 1 conm. well, 1 can walk to the end in Sa.y baif ma os? woré hoar, and after walking perbape an hour, t I could and after walking perhaps an hour, you find yotirsecf atill walking and nio& tothe es ed of he treet. 0f orse theri are ad akn fnelong orie.- 1588 ha There Ï: a great uniformity in the odtiarchitecture and heiRzht of tiie buildings, 11t)(1fi they are zuostly buit of white àtone. Sspa peculitir fenture of Parisiau homes je tha t a largo n m ber Df faàmilies live ndir ~the sarue roof, in homses built lu tii. rcttshape of a quadrangle with ,an, îmer r ca ourt, and ofLen ean be seen lovely foun t; ains and Rlowers in the ceiltre, of thoge Co urty ards, and there is a porter to ' ' ;'information regarding 'the mmerouîn. Imates. IL is surprising that the people seem to j~live eut cf deors. The. streoe, or-Boule- Varda, are liued with Cafés, aud café res. taurante, ther. mea a distinction bé wSen these two, the. fermer selU onlyý4*i4kei and tht. latter furnish meals as- veIL14 Tromn eanly Jmorning tlI laPe into *hàe night, people ait uuder the, arnumo the very broad pavement, - at-'littié, t*bles< and uîp their wines snd liquor ej o etI their meals and 60e6M Le Lhrougbly oM- DYoy aL. It must be rememabered ,tbat-French kies are clear and blue and. ta raîn, js R!, go frequüent- as iu nglxdadt e outuidé duriug a great part of the r yosa ear. Tiie Freuohoeu are alwffl tsi b demad errspe c% uhà aken of me that tao elan voman Ma 0ar" k Our' attentlqn waa oalled so freqiaeuly the alan> working wornen withàut an>' C SMU ewsboy, tiie papers are al sold at nova. 8 Là ande or by monq sud vomon in, tiio 1Suppoe vo inepeol a fow of -9~ no- able publie ýbuilding of Pa-rie ô ,whioii hon. arà,bundr.ds minef thein palaes ilt b>' former rulers of theoPrenoli Peo- e, aud vo commence U,~ "To de- Iel'. Titis ohnroh with, its broad stoneo to extending ite enLire 'widtii, snd ofypillais, 52 in naiber', formingý a alna&e around it is x4uim'poaia>g build* g. IL je buit after theo modef of a reek temple. The interior ie moet atiful, respiendent in rieii marbie,' Id ad statnary, sud iL va', in tisi hrch that the Comunist lea4ers took S fuge, sud ver. shot and buitaiered LIII ýF he beautiful mnarble floor vas 'deeply, tained w'itb their blood. Icannot begiu 13 eem te everyviiore and-pon Le ver- )t. hipere sud viskorsj at ail ijoura. W. I. t a pleasant hat day at St. Denis ein g the old churcli ther., and VIév*Wing eo tombe of the illustujou Froeh men d wornen, kings and quooens long stuc. BSS ed away. A~ nd ofeouree v. vieited Notre Dameii thedrai, pa"s.d iu tréugli ,oup -ofuhe ree famoun . diVaye and e.a* tiie a pets and wonderful relias lnside. W. etbave vitiited at least a d'oze» urches ail of.tbem elegzenb and. inter-, ..; n cy~ Lt is remarkable the. numbor of monU Onts, etatutes and: eolnmuâs there è re Out tbe streets of Paris W. roiemm rE rthe olm Ved b<ilt :>yNsa bo "Triumphal A.roh" of the theO Car ousell bujit also by Napo I and any others but flot lea8t te. "Arc de S oixpe wbioh We one of the ai-ihit0otUýMa bries of the capital. It wal. commeuio.4 1806butDotcomowe tili umonyr P M 'iafterwardB. It à. thé lsrgeat'Ârch the world beipg 1M0 ftWbigh, 164 ft. in idtb and 72 foot deep. I aïsked 'cur d to tell our cabmaa to dr'ivé tme PR nd you mbonld bave o.m the, look lii. 101 gave me, it is obafned off arnd à 10 y t a, tiiorougbfare and J:1 guoemi tbaà i VerY Ïbpleaant' o the bug b ian tcq set theGrzx Out and one is soveti1'ý mkb*mn 50 w e iited the morgue, whmihit00m OItOseehe b»jj, of, thél4d ý w t.for identifi<,ati«M T3h«,e wil Oet of two men% and 4k À&o oking into a Ilhop window a'ia lovuily- luk6,r frorith grg-ce wy~e~g se~ê~-4oin Ui the-,lacIçrài's ligu s ~~wlyàwhe* i goodk unre ariay 80 I w e sed int n Jveki 9 d, tteririg-une est Wishee for.,long Mn Edftor, joins J a* &Udrawm qt o« W1ItbY B bou#ded eartýly JO William IO'Grady Awxleesr~ h~a-Uo. epia,~n!WIsaaclhaS st MY nati"e Iandkdear ho oMY cznorz sLil on4 Wa> ezt? la eacb deep gm.n. aüdý weetl lhril#ll Whieh Io. ootfu ye, and 1fléningo Several.from heý Gav iguts sud uo(uds 'twae ;Qto mbandhesr; eral of the late W. Each aouÏ;tanp n w Jovial HIarry-e Stands iko a bride la bridi wieêth,àry~ oncinif And.each grese biWsde4- anâleach hataoëy'moor 'omences neît I Seemas uea.gilt. radiant as the K~o4ooer , win «ter w:tli Selah( R. ing ht oin ail the. Isudac4)e round; le ot yûr b',05oYe axnd nboty grçund. Our -,bired, *nen. Here stand"I o'C'e ugeluon Qrohoa rOon< théir t~~t Where oft An boyhood>s days my foot bave bm.titis wreek, and a ch HRsm thoeld Baicksinit held hie Cout f Lo"e, viii be made ail roi An-Mi Wtlataud, dt(es0ftenomtgi@ye0), SÊ'rà -te id Upon bis anvU, wbUle tesparles flew hot S eý te Bàund fa*t twîolIiveu oee ith lon knot., lot suppronTu TuO lm eths rat fathr of-, te #dla-Um IÀ u ate I ôhainba Slr No mut ~dcumsç will bretess b inibgrd. w25 5an4bufldaiit 0o *o hSouth t lift ÏMy woudetlug cyca, 'AftCt5a lam of) Abad sec sfresIh tIe Solay's eieaise-; Messm. Chapm an Wave ove w-ave with rapld st".d and grand three siieep lSt. The roarang billows roll aiong the asod,. Tili tilhebWsh t h~lpsaenln; 4th côncession- n Tfien Sores thee .k, wh ls siow backward pull$ , others vere seen2 >Twason shfflo sandi4 bowcai tb tal IStaket, be ho-pçd theywiI A .Scooulah wndev4 for ler dear Lord'ssalie Rofuee t d rtaaao Ikby a Wdued' Andllea artry'oaa îÎe # siý U Mr. Chas. Gainr Oft wbon a sebool by o Iroamd about troke cf cutting 'ft tlpou fe ewhite sandï when the ridews u fare tiog And, gatbered shuioep sea.weed, - sad coMe utti n.bo ne Uistouln the. *bile o wsouudofcf Caulebois, inoe feed- cutup ch. Or, w adîng up te Esk or Kirti 'surcam 1enployinig Chaý;. Have gaddedfloéps,1Ièa ,,7ý - The windstâWOrm 'Have natod tbe la" el oeA :fron t aiudarn considerable _4ata. Wlîb nonsee aI hbair, fstened to-g stick, alfne n n Sipt nîsnbiy 'oatht thon >urked vitia motion tlenwes sud unls hanorn bbilbp on te seü-bâk tiés haro, on tic 7t 9r won tlm.reeds% or ferns or 11ishOetIIL- out or on oftte b e<ý,a8t, ÙLown sud SN' éù=b, chester bex-social And **Hadiiais Wana mrosI thsre r ahé sie«f h iclm -Noîîth-tst stands M=tmnlesbill Wîhisround îtofhe'nlm Adte the noMt thelÀ.ngiiolm bille lom up, of the gý-od skatik Wbîlerange cm rn f fl 1 ý ntaira ýtOvoniaig ondlmstweek; butl -bigl1aé k. 1 i he w Lit their huge shoulders tobe very schange'i hew Westwrd sMads CmRlfe, froin whosc sbowery brought tue skating brow 1_ àM,1jI Ot-came the rain-cl--uds .1n 'utb as now M.sd r.5 Wie Burwrwa, k rearsis îsproud front t the s ea mov -d _ore last N And'frowns upoxa the Solway relling froc, uuanint'ouely in ext Acros% wtaesoe tide, frein aouth.cast round tb west jwe!comn n Risc Cumbenlandïs green1 feUs4, sud. Skidda's - And Saddle.backs bine tidgos; stretchinï fa, n to . att Mt Whose alopes ot bore the brunt lb<Q'dr er t. 6th <x - ncmios1 n, wli< Now_ happecr ,days have davuel, I tho rtough iaag for tie present.. No more grim hbeau of border tboa divldp , MiI Cor4 -e . Art with a bridge of steeh4-p Uý3Aùà And 'crossthe w"cfrîen's baudê' ops ~~ait Here o emy rigbz, vhcre KÙ*0tl. oOm g, ca Gldes tbrougla the verdantaaaoad sud Stand two round towr, înnureel ho wt Grima, gaunit mmoiouf ef ihst U aas,~ 11~~RV oit Beneath whcushsade p<hp b Chïloça f. nttthe ÈUMmrxtý WhulsL Yeti a yvaùh. uaruâad soene earIù!Ià p Of th, Bathe Oaa hi TC) & Boem Of vwa Ana adi.«ý F. M. aud se>s $paring yteîr chcic- b 9lIie, ý Your scribe, »l n w#ishuithem 'un- YIs home, hale and Wi b. tarted a feWm of his e Nre -attended the fun. S. ,H. Orvis, the news Mi 3a shock to some. Ai hn' Bee severs hi a essrso;ý Puckerin and h M1onday to spend the )rvis, Esq.hOf 1 will hav;e finished o -but fe e ce U n g hange for -the winter Wi e tbe ount ion'th May last-and replort : turne. MountZtion Of. i dintiers,'ag itus one agi ne..ah ffive ýor sit.-months.- founde one of 'the.,'u [v as found, on the sh- it, seems heto a near there. It isto ýbe- find'tti: test, ns la doing. quite a bh eed for a ,iumber'of me Lere ,smg 1isown ine. ,Aùyçnewisgh, oni ýaply wilil14o weIi i ft -, ~ uoi n, Tuesday isetdid hojý Who' , or tmot setffng bore on - eeki were ,very .09per. AU tLii eu. M-r.,. Dusy; o 0l1oi I&Iiu.We±âo me been ike me] GrO be- IMsd lch oeMay tbé wi child Of dmrold Scotilil pk whiohboo'the u *ig for the, mMaom of l osInft4oeiith-e '&à ,-îb &asdlong tlii ro~ hL~ ~ i fio,,,omuegto "Pl&"o dela cnnordeo<ne Of &he.îb*st uii.qa ini th. e nd. To Stand at the, bue.Pt thie Va )>l ot Lonqbore wbioh àa a moi fonJgYpti antd look'awaq threugli-théi Tuileries g ten o 'th ovwr~ tiurning w» ýthe- w.st look,,up Qh4enps Ei.i~ Ith !stwo ýMue. aVeDUuQoftré te tii, Arc do "Trlenipli.L à &a beeî "iht, and to ,iîew it atiight zïilbe vîtui hudre4of ighwr-ýniît'ipla7n fountas, aud thon wilk on- hotii 1

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