Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 29 Nov 1895, p. 2

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1~ /ROBItSAston seh MIEN OFSCIENCIE. A MEDICINE WITI*fiUT AN EQUALS - ot*temént'iafw WlI nown Doctoî, "A.yer's Sarsaparflii ts tovtt 'flqu . Y as a~ L'od-urifIL-r and i pa4mdîi. *Me1nt have l:raL.o enougla. 1'lavc watt 'li, lns e e tt lronto cases. kbere c<.1- r * trat.et ra of no avail, ndbae '. as3toulsh3d :ot the resuits. No -oîber,bloodi neilcine th:..>t I iay 0 ever used, andi I bave trIecl thein aaU, L 80 thorougi iln its action, 44d effects se maî y permanent cures ?ts àyer'Sarsaparllil'.-Dr. IL. F. .uIL Aye'~~Sîsapai1I 41yors 1a Pifor lE ver and bowela CORRESPONDENCE MMs. D. Cunningham. a! Toronto,. k *itJlfrjends bore. M~r. Browna, a! Toronto, is bore with bhis frienti, J. D. Forsyr.h. Ull1e Parker, o! Dunbarton, spetit a 4Iew daYs this week wit.h Mr. anti Mrs. Mr. a ntiMrs, Joe Smith, ai Scott, vstdwlth the lattér's parents, Mr. and ;Mrs. Wà.' ýcot las: week. Mi ss Alice Burges18 visiting ber sister in Whitby. Mr. Wm. Coultis anti family paiti a visit't taUxbritige on Tuestiay. Mr. Ed. Derusha bas maAeti into ç-Ir. J Fao«,s bouse, Under the expert harsèmansbip of Mr. Duncazi Dolpin, Mr. lra Bayer is havlasr bis cata broken. s '-Mr. ý,and Mmm. R. P. Hoover spen: 'Tbaiilsaiviaoe wkhfrientsisnluToronto] re was a faully g4hering at Mr. i Gregg'son hankegi4ing day. Sunday week -Constable Gilson's glageti four ytars. feul anti emo arn above the elbow. e, Êskine church people1 intenti ga concert on Christmnas ove. Thomson k s sdi makiug, exten- liiprovemnonts >ta bis promises., ad abeeon Tue$" ychainge on o! part of bis d elling M4artin Linton- moveti Miss M. [e back ta Glen Maj*or -on'Tues.& erPresenace miilbcmuc1h Dd. ~oe4* la rp1irng the foo MlIlingýtao ewhre ey an b pickin U lltheiko$; turk s. içtcibaýUl a coienes, utta t urn bey t.a fe were maoUd ta one ni and -tefine bird take off: eedare'o*tibn 'un > willing ta iveyuce information as would bre ing ka neig ta ify Cand disgrce o, otsoet uld e doe more poarfto f to rete.hidi ho ba not re ma trioe. Thany epfine willhn to ahorsucgtnormation. Theyld wga seenbhel, ir seentd pdiaefr oineh pond plu.td.b 'n E. oes ois h aing e'hi ltpue re- mosh i l e.Thyee-patf wthouheter nd Otnarozttiee. Thn ielws onf sburhals mved onote frm arr Pundlat acaedb Misos Ei Emmersons has le fr Torntol vn ecrd dod oi tion. theeMay shenhaesincess.ti Woe aher tat Azi.hur J antaon ind onhvobuh theMKa farm at lately ctdb Mcuise byRober ason.slf o Torono, Ge and evie White havei returned to their respective homes, having spent the fali with apple packers. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Peak, of Mid- land, are visiting at Mr. Laidlaw's. Mr. Laidlaw, we are pleased ta state, ià improving. George runs a large barber shop in Midland. The top of the bill folk have at hast found a way-to keep ta keep the boys away. On Sianday evening one of aur -bbys was severeily bitten by a dog. He. wiIl not go there any more, much to the satisfaction of some. Frank Thompson is having a well dtig on his farm. Neyer in th* history of Greenwood has water been so scarce. Nearly ail the summer and fail no water could be obtained at the .:op of the bill. The creek has been the re-I source. jas. Sadier, we are sonry ta say, sii cantinnes very low.14 Wm. Fowlie, of Brooklta, paid, aur burg a fiying visit last Sunday evening., WiI1 bas stili a tender spot in his beart for his oid friendsata Kinsale. Jas. Tripp hashd a gothlc'window'ý placed in the south side of bis bouse. It adds greatly ta the appearance of his home. Baley Weatherall lias once mr finished the apple-packing, andi is nowý to, be seen at his old station in the post-I office. Robert McAvoy disposé4 1 hb îvl- uable borses this week ata very moci- erate price. Mr. Harknfess, wus tli years bas ived with J.-W. Steveusorl, severeti bis connectionrhaitt week, His familiar face will naw be nîaseti on the main road. Most of Our farmetishave -fiuishe(t finisheti their fall plOughing,ý anti art -<0 no c a4uling apples afiti grain 00 10telraoklin manket' r'-M. M. McEwan, o,-f titis "P1aces lias où~ purcbased the -iivery uejeIsianti husi- tii nesfrein Dun=an MRae,,of! Beavesr- dý ton, and to osesoon Monday OP, ;s. We i hIta iicei u -bis 1 inv Cole ini ied t Canadians to rend the woirks ofaCaa dian author. This Mtateinent, howeve*i 15 not true with regard t>ýTnoPS-turd4t Nsgh4 which hs'slarge èi>kérculatiott'asu any newïpapor of its class in .Arerica. Ats Christmas Nùmber, wýh ich vwihIb4 isst-ed Dec. i, i8 the eighth ina series'of art nüm-. bers. It will ho accompanieti this 1ea1by five suplendid -cotorèd- s ý lemen-5I1tr Iargest, a reproduction <if a painting bY' kt Canadian artist, done specially for $h4~ iVehSgt 524133 inches in size. U iii «"Chamlplain the Ex&plorer," and depicts' him and a flotilla af war canoes ettain~ th-- m.),h of a riveron La-ke H-uron., The picture has been praised by the Historicall Association as the mostirteresting anid artistic attempt ever, matie ta carry tis back to the old days when Canada was little more than a geographical terini Th e other four pictures. are done -i sixteen, colors, and the book itself, consisting 61 over forty pagest contains the four prize stories in the Saturday Neght competîtioni. Following is a list ëf contents g ist prize "A Reconnaissance at Fort Ellice" by, Williarn Bleandell Canierotn. Illustrations by J. Q. and prize. "*Boh Shwcy5's Ruby' by W. A. Ffaer. Illus.rat:ons.frorn hotographa. 3rd Pr ze 'AMatter f o ctt wobyjolin Mc- Crac. Illustration.s b' F. M. Bcl.Smitii. R .C.A. 4h prize, " Widow Modlony," by J. C. Innes. Illus trations Iby the author. -Jirn Lancey's Pass, by E. E. Sheppard. Illus.t1 "From the Sub&ne." by, Warrn H. Warren Illustrations by G. A. Reid. R.C.A. "Nan tons ster,' by AiS Ashworth. Illustrated. Hendershott of Strathgannon," by Joe Clark. Illustrations by Carl Ahrenis, A. R.C.A., andi Beatrice Sullivan. So.Lone.- an ctching by ..Don.~ Iiawkies1 Dream.' (pomm>, by Alexander Mc- Lachlan. "The Lov'e of the World Detected, (oni.b Willianî qCer Illustrations by J. W. Bengough Life Chaplain." by George Stewart. M.A.. D.C. L. A9 a Little ChIId, (poem) by Es'eyn Dïsrand. "A Sont," (poem). by Gertrude Bardlemt The price of the number, postpaid to any address, in a ?asteboard tube ta protect il from damage ia the mails, is 50 cents, and in point of literaryV excellence and the quantity anti quality of the supplements it far exceeds anything offereti by foreign holidaypublications. Mr.James . Hughes, laspector of Sohools for Toronto, bas said that the Champlain picture should befratned and hungina"everyschoolroom inCanada," and schooltéachers everywhereL shôuld take au interest in bringing it before the pulc.4Te IlesadYoung people can doagoowork bysenn for a Christmas Number of Sté,a N g4and aà ettèr work byacting as agent fo t -and indncn their noighbors to oend -for it a el liberal commission' la alowed. .Addreiss theSheppardPub ihaConnay,Lim1téd, of the regulareéditlsim d u' ~ Nsh wbiêh undoubtedly tad a î"Caa das most interesting p thorwgl I6 c"asailuatrated wely $ PCtye t*ie veniM9I wben a, very-p easan ttuo ýI0.- tîbýal who0wreprisent À c &esS Cas miiila tflrun andi .Will contiue ta, do sa as long1 as1 G he'~urdg as gone ta joint bis iaxniy a$ a untsvlle, whereXje wl.l MrÎ. John Kemp dame home for a -Vlstlt wtek. ýbüt h as t--iawgeeo Sault Ste. Marie, wbere tie expects ta be employed il w inter. ,. t. Mj. James Gleude-nning, Ex-. È. P., paid us à short 'visit lait week in the interessof the 1, O. F, A ',rather unfortýate accident hap- ,pented,"Vo Mr. Wm, McDalnalti last Tuçsdey, which will neîsitat h keepîng indoors for a cQrnsidi6rable Iength-of time. 1: appel ha: Mt-_ Donald, Who was ernplbyed as catiter in A. McPhersotv&rk Co's miii,- had. as large log. ou,,.hë skids, when the. cant- hook slipped, and, endeavoringî tae- caver himself he fell. breakirqg bis eft leg jnst above the ankle. Dr. Mcteàn was called in andi set the limb and wre are glati ta hearn thaï ho is ding welI. The change in rming- the nightl train frc>m.Toonto- .thrugh to Noth Bay wfillprtove a'great -convenience ta people here wishing ta go ta -Orillia in the evening, they having ample time ta contiuct their business anti get back by this train. Messrs, John Archer anti Lairsan have moveti their fainilies bore froni West Toranto junetion. A few mare cases of typhoiti foyer have broken ont bere, one o! the pa- tients being in a vo .ry, bow, condition. (Too late for last issue.) Thanhsaglvig day 'aSoed'of i with very IOttie diffeent:ta h ilm.8v orl retnd thgnka' In their respective Tii.CIl*Ir social Waa a sueoeigs Pro- ceotiso A utdt $11.kshort kpogran d 4gooe upporee he lead alfa tii. Choir e iuimUY bright sad We bave meard of tbree brotheramUArm'y- ing ibre aitera,-but it is unusuai Buti rfor tio familes1w altertiats ma a -sort of "ia Cos! î.u c"ma u>ot xmusàal:et Éometiies the. Co mhiatioulismeal pr.tty. It ha ie n bsloo"-ad-me, to, vvite - ck A A.a ýaze ýbe- p*l ~orehe frial "f' tebiae. Les Look ou fo tbm.r4 bLt irl ~jusZ w i or.peopIe, handling m'oney, to Iooklua little care-w ftyat thoir $4_and,$2 bis.ý The re-4 cent hrîrest of a gang ôfý counterfeiters-1, brings ta light thbe tact that a good. .any.have...been enp - la_ circulationt, tbougb It là ùnderstood tbey are nat of; tehighes:storkIans>'àip, and Ïavery sli gb: oxaminat.ion, 15 -sàicient ta en- able the foreyabe'detected. Rather au unusual cantost t-aok place on- the corner of Laclie and Jarvîs tieson Monday afternoon., M r. Peter Phillips' pet deer secureti his oneryani starteti out taonjoy him- self. He was Ohased' and- aggravated by same boys, and irben he camie ta the intersection af the streets mention- c;d, ho was mati enough ta fight anyone ho saw. "Mrs. Amey happonedti t be- db a' persan in sight and the ani- m!alI chsyrged down tîpon lier. He knockèd ber down andto tre v'icio "ly' 4t: beèr , With bis anters1 thé pr~o whicb are seera fiée"lÏong. Mrs. Aiiey's daughte r ami her mother came ta her assistance but the infuriateti ani- mal iras too much for them ail. The unequal cantest iras seen by Messrs. John McClincby anti Huihey, anti thoy roscueti the ladies, who were ail severe- lY1 bru iseti. Fatal consequencos iroulti daubtlèss have resulted hati the deor not been driven off. It was captuxe4 a short time aftor by some after by saine section mon, irbo had ta belabor it freely. Znspqtd Me iaku. ,Ur. M4anserg, the. English engineer, engageti by Toronto at a cost o! $i 5- oaa for -oue month'asésrvices ta givo ativice in regard ta proposeti wa:er sup- ply sources, inspecteti'Lake Simcoe last-weo1c. Mr E. B. Osler's steamer "MXinota," ,took himon board' at 0Belle Ewart and ho visiteti Jackson's poinet, Snake Ilaqd, Georgina Isinam other points. Prof. Sbutieèworth, .wio accopane& hm, ,0ksamplos otIý water att :be places for bacti4oo gical tests.- Mr.- M4 erh ditifltmitvisit Lake COUch nii hrefore ignor.. an ofte.aiiterà re ow, io's averý go:i thé wates olor tha fi.-daer' ons for thé pýresent $teamer&.'tci navii- ýatethe lake. -Invie* Qof titis Mr. Mansergh's views onthedesirability ai da n TorQrit&s N-Mter':uigpv-for (T» late for-laut isue.) Mmi. T. 0. Brown, andi ohilde 4nt thanksgfiving wibh-hem ette.,~ ai Georgtown. Mi. Geo. Peek and i mieare "iî miiitise ltimesse.~ Mim AgesDaf&t m ~hom2 o fr,'* ie vmm. riâ U mm-an *Ad mIvo â "I Mî.Chas t.e St. Catherlne'B, Ont. C.I lood & Co., Lowell, Maso. -< -, --nber of 1years 1have ber1t troull wlthi a geleratiiitd fssllng, shortneu et breath, pnan ,the backId OltOPaUOfl ý-I&ldget retatngumaffount ,O!U-te pain luyl 1 û1et d &&ré atuber0 b 1 8v3érCà unýIt Muon r loirina lf fa frhend, %will made roc îeibetter <~~' aecn tlnu<ûd îts use-, lavlng ttk'lzC otls,0 hir h~e gQFol Likras- Iêew. a dlI, and, _eiijoy pprfecý,re tah ngttt..Ihave niucU las irecommedu otsSr~ paril."Cîîgue STwf LE.- .IPreIre. servlng xCo,.,St zhLleIntVS. - t . ISI uta. ,roi proinýptly a lir. 2e Suuefrmfatl.ei' ia wuthe L n u t 27 c J ýll,

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