Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1895, p. 6

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ËURANX5MCE COMPAN<Y ASItOel ROUE Lle- FOR $,0.TEE LQW' ADLANCASIRE TO BR LAID NDR TËiUBtn FOR $4.000. XRS. âLGXâ DECEIVE» INiONE IN- ~STA19IEAN» ýKEPT INiIGNORANCE IN A1ý4TXER AS TO lRER OWN LITE ASSURANCE-FRANCEY AND ALGERt ?O DIVIDE TEHE SPOILS-RISKS 1 T.,EROUGE ON MIANY CON- AV»S(?TIVES, SOME 0F WHOM AREi ,-,AREADY DEAD. - HOW MANY ~9IE ARE TH ER£E? -G*ôtge Elisha Alger, of Pickering, wuapraigntd, before Police Magistrate having-conspired with Dr. Franccy, af WhÏtevalc, ta defraud the Equitable. Life Assurance Company. County At-' toraey Farcwçll rcprescntcdl the croVrn and wvas assisted by Provincial Detet- ive John' Murray,, armed with s large valise fuil o! documents furnishcd by the various insurance companies vhose 'cbUers had, ben endangered by the schemea o! the tva mn. The iaw- yens for thec defience were Mesar. Mac- donald & Fitch. Stouffville, J. H. LUn- naox, Aurara, and S. A. Joncs, Toron- lÎg-ouij Constable Calverley 1ýPre Wed àaýthe cbattom end oai'the table, , d.preserved good order amoug the lj ,.numnbera1 uninvîted but higfily i 1erete gucats. Reporters were present for the Globe, Mail-Em- pire, World, and the local papers The itory of chesc frauds is a Vcry long one, and vas broughtut he fulîcot, detaïl hy Drs. Ea1 w&Wd Franccy, and it will sccm from Uic cvi- dence that the charge ini regard ta the ,Euitab1ée franc) la only a commence- -ient to those which ruay be laid, if the cr<>va desires to puish matters ta the utmost. Saome prelmminary cross-flring be twee n counse! wuas ialged iu e; the commencement ýand. kept up ail dayý .ýThe first resuît of it was thc expulsio, fuomtourt of t.he itrovn' witncsses the defence stating their intention rio ta cali any. Dr. W. F. Eastwaad vas Uic fi=s vituess calie& He first sav Mrs Alger profcssiouaiiy l 8. S Fouat 6li ubcd, cougliing -a great dcal. am~ thc top O! her Ict luag badly affected Saw her itquently afterwards. Sb vas gradually goiun 'jute cousumptio and bac) every symptoma af that dl seasc-.bad cough, spitting aIo blondi and pIe-urlsyr. Statcd Uicnature o! li trouble -toA also taMr$. -Alge and bher motheir, ami ta other partie Has-scen ber frequcaltly ever sinct Sav her several times lu 1894- Heai fram Alger ber lUe 'vas nsurcd iu th Equitable Life Company. Was *, pointed ta examine ber for a risk lu tb London and Lancashire, ,uIn ntir ,downanswers ta ýh#-quest*ý =s aske ber if shehad evçr bçrejecccd by lIfe assurance compafly. She said ai about Mm, Alger bciag retedgt Lonadon and Lancashire, ~gaust bca fooI tù wjry ormct rlsk on bits viles life. 1rancey said meaureméiit by awo luches, 1sud h proi ,&à, wu. tio! tht latt M.,Agf eiv i~ Dr. Fe*guont'Torot ogayt detais o!6 ,ce hahl ê the <IIseamd condition o! ýtheluqgé " Greno h'tI is d'gIe hval in autopsy.ttame 4d ro .eut thougti <ic. tougha , rno raianBroughamn «> huit--tbU - pWemetA manager for the, EcjutabIe lasuranCe hmes f j~~4lo~b4 coaipeny, identified the policy pouced -wfhhl Mlwlg gr t o drive sbelngthe cianed uion the i1fr of , mY 19%,O h =aY Ellen.Alger ln De<çember. zk44. io AIgers w ed .'th *e uituation. Hé alo gave a lilt of the ather xdli e l ong ~ ath b ome_ Blý - th a no ht elthe,,puït t1hrough or',atteraptediU ltc utr sbc h_ý Wiiu Dr. etincey's examinatioflu, as follows: * iehâd hon t J. H.Besse Whitcvale; DoniI1d Bea- --He' abC ,OO ton, Whitevale; las, Sadier; Preen- bo88 r*wCU U tue io. .je aid his wood; (since <ied of consumptiol) bohr h sO4O;9>adaol@ Mrs. -Gleeson, Grcenwood; two of-the âdar réoA%« was dthu "Oived Tharnton fainily, Whitevale, and Mr. eaMrA16'W5focnsnpi, and Mrm Alger. AUl the, polies -and that dyscntery. -wae whatthe issued on Franceyps examinatiofis bac) claimed ta be #et 'Présent trouble.ý sine eencaceld.The next time ie miet was at -the ýlaw sinc ben caceled.office o! Macdonuld & Fitch tuffvileè. DR. FRANCEY S TALE. AIgr ndan krlitt wete preSeat with l~e lawyers dnriflg thej interview," The court room waS crowded whefl and'the conversation vms regarclingl Dr. Francey took the stand to bc Mrs. Alger's life assurance.' They ap- swarn; and there 'vas considerable ex- pered ta assume frqMl the first that citement manifested over his possible thc business wàis' rauduleat,- which 'l revélations. Has knownAlger for five denied. ýas I did flot wiSh to admnit my years and 'vas very fricndiy with *hiiii. part in it in the presenice ot so many Was clled upon ta examine Mrs. Alger mnen. I nôticed, 'however, that they in Aprii, 1894, and I had found hier aIl knew ail about-the ichemne, so 1 ad- left lung iu a very bad condition, Told niitted it ail, but advised them flot ta Alger she could flot live long. In the attempt tacollect the money, as the fall of 1894 Truil, of Oshawa, teaetfcsrgrnghebiness had A~l of thce quitable company, came to me been published in the Toronto World,* at Whitcvale and offercd to pay me *25 Macdonald& Fitch explained that they per cent. of the irst premuilms if I intended ta counter a--the influence of would drive hlm around and exert what the World's exposure by Suing its pub- influence 1 could ta get himi some risks. lisher for $20,o000 for libel. This, they We went to sec Alger among others, belxeved, would frighten the insurance who said he was too busy ta talk tO comdany into paying up. The writ, them A ew aysaftewars Agerthcy said, wonld anly cast about $25, came ta me at Whitevale and spoke and no further-action would require- to about getting his 'vif e's life jnsured, be taken upon it at* once. This would but I said I did flot sec how it could be allow tire ta enable them ta se what donc. 1 askei hitn why he had nt' effectthe'libel suit would have on the taken a risk wlth Mr. W. J. Murray In insurance .'companyi and if .tt did no the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Aso good the case could be dropped. I ai> ciation of New York. Alger said there ject2d ta this-course, anid ciaimed that was no use iu discussing that flow. as it Alger had agreed wlth me when the ici. was too late to get it donc. He stated surance 'vas applied forlthat he 'vas nai that if I could get.her put throuhfr tePt to collect it uileos Mrs.AI . $5.oa risk he would pay me $1000)of ger lived a year. I B:d vised that Algei the-insutrance money whcn she dicd. go to the Equitable people and make -He did not gate haw long he expected the best setulement lit cxrld-, but the éher ta lim - I haLl explained to Alger others insistcd that the aniount of thf that an Equitable policy is inconltest- policy could be collected, 'and tha the)c able after one year, and that if she would press for it all. 1 expressed lived through the first year the moiicy the opinion that the ùpshot a! the busif Scould not be withheld. I kncw the ar- ness would bc that I1woul get it imc!feflt between. us was a fraud- trouble, and asked thêni todela y actiol ;t ulcteut andamI sated tiis ta Alger anc month, ta enabîciflhe ta sel) out ml ksevea tinica, whx) agrecd chat hc médical practice and leave the country dl wOÇLIdrOPç the nisuraliCe t anY ime Thcy 'vere bouud ta go. on 'vithout an, dj tbàat i %4s would be likely ta coanpromiîsc, and when ,I -heard,,tbsa -get In1ioUISo11OI*Iis, 1 told him seve- 1, qlabecmay had trefused-t e i rnes tha t if e could not live pthe annad U t~-~ A 4 quentlyreplied thet boay wM'tGabexhulcd, I thaughtl Î_ Dr eClaremont, had cýx- t>est for me to leàve- the ýcountry. I pà~t ù.c oinin. ga Ttll Cross-examined by Mr. Lenuox- f o ore am Oshawa and wc went to ,r- to~ com i èuc ic.jlctan ogd the Albany hotel: whilei1 . but - and eanxcue e pplton, the uffaIo. Dr. Eastwood andT7tr. Gauli Smedfical e nain!becaiuse there an cýae çvW é t.i erd te ate t Algcr's. 1 wcnt I decsd t Come k~~$ àe back atone seme days ,later and <id over hdcie t ore boâ à that part. I had arraged with Alger- <>nsl el c voe fraüs. I as'no àe that lt vas ta bc doncesecretly. The <,bsu1r'encjersdIwsnt tg Uarau'ë remainatîôn wasn t~titac e apa d belon1 I meft tha tsmt c) questiôm s Ikoew 1MSStatesproviddItrdQee!e -a Alger,-<ëýd Jïoasertrutbfully wjh dence.:-The.ggvy >Iu hs~3r - M 1s 1*tb c*Éc 11gttn te ed nme nothing, of the sort. -'AUl he~ he~ have for it is that Détective uirrz er Upa*,od heitheeas ated to that cfdItold theýtiux er qUes4>IzU *Rkè ai4 e nswcrs a onid __ aýli.*x-çikh - w1 iù uffalo ýaboni rcý she 'vas not 1f - fred with Êtiru têd à0t onlct dog ta% tram 'thac folu ln ns : Mrs, H. IQBbo - ment. -Carrie. M14. Graro ivdBok8. bty thatthe reeve grênt, his arder on the oixsO ,.A, treasurer la favor ,ai M r. Thas. GuCiy -ln c u " e for thesum ofi co, being two-thrds Âtre*1w o inttr thae -Yib Maue of five sheep killed by clog.- rothd iPoil 'OffOicenc kilI' Crried.ý Mr. Hnry moved that the Block, Brook Street, hs y r e grant his order on the tressurer g o G fl I H L - lu favor oI Thos, Hall, for $4, befng G MT. L tÎvo-thlrdsvalue ai tva shep kiiiedby iBarrbtu retc.,-Moàey te m..Isr dog.--Caried. Mr. Guy moved thati;eft0 11e rdiges Office - smfith'u Uice reeve giant his order on Uic treas- ocBul IktBo tWhby urer in favr f Mr. Thos. Perriman, !DOW &K(ILV1Y sr,, for $t.dog tax, bcing error lu as-, .~W S En, ct>rg in hamcery, ec sesint. - Carried. Mr. Grierson office in Kathison- h&avkens nov lblck moved tat the reeve gramit his order Brook 1t, Whftby, îeOUth 01 Ont*rfo bmuh.' onethe suc)clerkin faor fthe siess i seectiagdjurar, for the rsevicin$. Carrcid. r. r y heSMOfc ha$h1 _________________ Cre sd Mlr benra comittther ~ chvan ca frk thisomiipaiit for-eD8 w re ZM oe cs c89e-ar xtid. iiait o h D 8 W rel or@ Mer 1. Hnr moedta h olco be instructed not ta collcct taxes for Moe M . .WSflbyl,M.D tatute labor from Thos. Allen or Ge. Brookilu.Whby Hawkins, the work bcing done.--Car- omc houri 9. a. nm. office heurs il11l ried. Mr. Grieruon, moved that the reeve grant his orde .r an the treasurer te i 11 -. -te £ p.m for the Iollawing accounts: For relief- 2 P' utvaiT"neLûlComrctOV Smith Iamîly $3.23, John Abrams 3. D,, p. OGAUT, M.Dp,LJ>.U so, Mary McCarthy $, Jas Hobbs $3, Sugon ad Accouche)r etc. MIs. Bufgoyii $3. Roadus ad bridges Phgsi010" ureo -Thos Shorbridge $î, Wesley Giaspeli (gO Stareoane et htby .AB. $3, J. Hamilton $2. 11, Geo Brock $4, Dental SurgerY Iu aU its branches PromnçtI Jas Pieruon $2. 50, Jas Stocks Jr. $18.- attended te. 90o Gea. Thomas $1 2.30, T Slceep $28é. 6o, Jas Carnegie $ 15.64,. Patrick W gu Shero $2, oh Mte'zie$7 1, D .glhin in W Purves $1. 91. The council thenDr H W adjourned ta meet the firut Monday iniD N lT December at la o'clock. W. PURVES, 1D N IT Clerit. _______ &GaWgs. Whtby- LATTOIE. Ir Open every saturdaynght. r Wc are sorry to hear that aur wýell- Idiggers have lelt our community.' They m uA t.l0 have gene towârd Uic south iookiug, as ve suppose, for vork or rathera varm- ïetr climnate. Thcy have donc severaiWdy~tLD .8 jobs iu ýtlianeighborhood sud have ý,oouuty Surveyeî sud braluage Engine gcuu V'ry Muuu f an LIoitIp, Ont Teamlug doue astzeusoib!éIes. LIFEINSRANGCE.ý LaeasOpi5o Coi - out1i@~cthitftNlu OccUuaiost upù they wil ind ,s specim en o! it at th e a e w thig è ý union shos ection-2, 'Brock ')an dct ai ihLmleLul Rec.Thiýsiection wrk s ~jofBred Desigus for. CurO Os, thttiyundcrstand their',business and-V Iilt8 a poa~ thygaatçe stsactg ' nopayfor re-7MuodIIm i 1 e's]DErT Titiys l tei rd trp t't icsautherc ItcOOBo 02 htb. . E dca trancdi Ue that,,they,,have W.4ALEtE, 'Cor.KigY>~ ,coxtryan tsC vxswus. g cv iLBiibe 'I wu ,~fNO. NOLE> w-DZALICR'IN ALL KIUD, O- ahùmed for pogt cm DiSmber 0iwhi Doeb 44r oIY*EÂ - m . Z. cbh S. rvO d ait ul Tbide 19; 0 5t 4 ec. 17 -?or OAOI~~~ e mUtbCWIflY 16;le Dac.28 Oler~-MtOh10 M.y7; ckt. 6;Dc New~Lffr~ .4 aisStales MeV?

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