Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Nov 1895, p. 3

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Oa Miracle :Ion-Low ConditIon Resuits Prrom tfah'm d'a Sarsaparilla. iI'ipnah Wvuatt )"hile Il the 1 oitCuntry ight 'r IlAtnnah W:1,1 Rpet away .in a very i.v condition )f the ltl"g! 'n! 1)"els, sud h Ieart The tr-p arsthe try aeeMed to m.Ike ber feel ý- Then ah. holgan to, get tpeks she %%,a unaie to gel t'w m orse for flve months and Îm h, and I. wer part of bcdy [bi bed h.'d to be proppe IhysicLans vas Paut Ail MeIp eend her t4) iié 'Horne for said as long as 1 couid hold >Uld Kit W). WCe seu began Para cures Sb"¶aiIa thal getmlig d. la et doora every day; her t1îrc4t and no cough,ý to be alii rlRIît again. 8h. tre. 'egtrd'hej. cure miracle- I. WyAr, S. lai, Toronto, OXtarle. re pureiy vegtetJ[ an(, Sold by ai] drugglsqts. 296. 'ive Years IN'S DER EST FRIENO ICANtADA 0 's RCE POM psi les P , Pflri lrxlý V7 0- SuppoIUseO tEE tII? W6 vt 0 » niE 2 chq6u, ýiot tttSt>tatousthe -Briish, Musoum. It bua long 11.1 cf boiaefao. tons, saud aLong thedû are 'the àams of George III sud Quosu Victoria. h ila owned by thi nt bn u asperbap sas illuerrioue a board Ïet'tr u e mis te b. found-in Englaud. It was opouod Le tho publio in 1759, aud lhas gradiaally grownui utal aowfit bae sumed colessalproportionis. A handeome iron ratting surrio unds it, and we enter the gaté, snd coesugtho green graus ent t i uomb -A v.ry broad ftiqht of stoe ostops be.u.A bMUs- sive portico. The vestibule 'a ry hir -ea and orua- mental, arid WC plucur'. i Our tickesafur the readir:i non i îici,:t, t~u io ocetre of the bu' d ua, Itla18an 'aL.w)en6.pIDIIc, Linug circulai in forai, 1 140 tuet in -U inteter a ud 106 feot to , _e toi.of l t1%douae,,trur which ln lie centre are circulae tablesansd shelves contairnngr over M00 catalogues of .the books, and rsidating freai tii.. are the doaka for readers. One cau fil! ent au order shoot for any book or number cf books required, and it wili b. furished promptly, aud yen May read &al day if nocessary. IL io stated that any bock wanted eau bo had thero. By the judicioeuse ocf coin, wo wore conuuted Lheugh the galeries. of book seeo, and saw tior on ier of bocks. I have fergotten the. number of miles of book shelvos ini that wendorful collec- tien. It te suffiieouî teVe~ thaL I nover saw se many bocks ab one- tfae'before ner eince. There are about 1,750,000 boekesud Lhey have been aoquired by gift and cepyng ht Sinc 1814 the trus- tees have had a right to a cepy ef every book published lu lii. UuitedKingdom. Near te tthe rea.diug room 19 the noea paper recai and thore wero hundredeocf people reading the homo aud foreagu papors on fBle. Pàulg eut We make he tour cf the -muaenmo .The oxhubits are show in huk~ ~a~wa ugalleries. W. wauderà&l""thirottghe Lh7<reek smd RomaSn Antiq4les ootainalug tatntea, buste, etc., and into Lb.eÈgyptisu galler-1 îe. ccutainicg imilar things, but in par- ticular the '&mous Rosett ' Stone, with ita 8 forme o cf ptious P'rom thoein- seriptien8 on tus satone W94. firat obtaiu-: ed the -ka't th lu taotation ôf thé Anoient langoage-anEgypî s giving the clue totbidntificatiou cf tho loîters cf the hioroglyphi. alphabet. And on, and on, 1 w. weiat halo lthe "As._ i yrisu and MabyI"'*Oa . roome, viewi.ug the rolae, o >i tbW.411efto çonn- tries, asid auto thl,,.' nhistoic aloon,.1 whieh gir.. one ideas. ar or btk than history takes ue, cf this old venld, and through th. dopartmnts atcodes., mapa, mmupts. _prluts, 4rWluge and photos. tom pt te tei of the- voudrôns reliosst6w~ in thatimoense place. If one. had the time te spend s liberai eancation oonld be had through th. oyos and iLmiuat b. a rare spot for students W. vinl bave 1h. museu sud bailàs bus and ont on te, Oxford, etreet aud I muet aay that 1 nover enjoyed a ride se mnucb iu My life. Seawedwath My brother John, aud iu oompiuy witb Mr. Youho cutdon Il .the principasl places of itrî t vr foot ef the vaut .*ya.- u e-.ztrotsu is * rot than vo do in tus ountryPI1s"y Yeu, te a nuls, bât h m btadjSttel..éa1 home4 COuy 1 thi»kthey know bettox boho. te eook méats. 1 am n nt acquainted. vi t &b. mymtorlsb r "tokn usn~ aud fiue ftavored, opee1uli th.e illton of wbkih tbey ane v«y fond, Living is not datk R m)an4If 70q, oly ka bôîw l'*lo , C a N îe, »yeomfrI able 'boar4ug hboumse mb. obWslud i sbnldo#th1ngW bë b 0M 1* a th ~eat~othn ~ e 7 *mongst tti bfbrà, and awthe,, 'le ses lieu, et isaa îd itOv thé.reptile tous.. Thore are al kindq of suikos, tlu tit. iIufest l1111W 1hit et a Nfoiloo the. groalpython, suad lisards, anda&U manner of oreeping titga; W. zord tite sigitt ii ralIo hu. aén monue air, sud tiers wer - scinenoble woln as pautiteresad léoard. W. were greaLy amused a theii. . 8taudlug onn- thepassage. *&y litt Wa4thoep eftLie bear pit o e a ltegreatwviite polar bear sporting himsolf lunLth. vater sud splaehing il viit hie huge pave la the. delight cf the. man ynatters, sud the black bears weuld tit ou -thoir itaunobes aud fold thoir front pave aud catch tho nuts aud cake tho people vould threw te tin. Near by wer.theo camels, vitit thoir loug, sahaggy cote, uugaioly kuaa fellowa they are, but penbapa the sighlt of tb. day vas to ttesa chair beneath the spreadig choitnunt trees, and vwile lis- teiugtote .band p1syng, atoittho ohildren ride the. elephantsà.g There vere Ivo -of thom, sund thoy had qreat aaats 'straMP'Ped ûÉtheïr 'backs, holding about a dezen cidren. The etephaut pased botween Ivo raisod platforme sud they até'4d 'fr einti plâtferm to the. baek cf the animal. Suniotimeas wchild weuld b. toc amallI te ride aIe, n.,sd te motion. or a nurse vould taiet.hei seat sud held the. cild, -sud vhem- tho seata viere full Lwe or tire. of the. Most venturosoine lads would get on hie ne& kansd s e floppod hiehuéo ois tiey Wveuld 'amuse hoforeanoat boy sud thon tii.oy wou.ld b. off for a ride. An eléphant leaflot a 'Very easy walking animai, sud as ho moved aloug tiere vas considérable' swsying cf in alougoide me whose four or fine ciiildren liadt al been for a ride vitat 1h ceet, suad he' îàîaisPetyech - mind you- they vili nover fongel il.. orwsacamel. deiug siniairservice, audi ahei.rate busluss vasbooming vibIýe vo ted them themineme muet b. véry large. W. sa&vthe mooso sud deer, the, .obras sud ail kinds of ani- malg that'aine could mention.. -As Ire 'Wald4e4 trqugh w. ýcam.ie he i plc here th iIîppotaiipis v>re kepti sud an immene, lare ï'efnhdw.usto omo eut'o ethisbath sud vas muniug hiçuseif, standing~ lazily witli hie heïa poiuted te > hi on gnating vihich soparsted him froni 'th. giraffe. Juat at that moment 'the. great long-uecked fellov came' ent of anl okd hie iioad svay up amoxaget tii. tesfor s lest, but spyiug its bhipppola muas la. wàýked tewr 14i, andeclu no more. Wte understsnd SM, retned a en uEyt Mr. Puco Luke h"d teý loge a eew thrpgh ýc ,Mr. John Raines hase. >-centract te cut timber for-Lyons; Goron .& ofe Blackwater. One cf our neighbors bouste et hav- Inoe a Swede turnip whida mmaures _2 ft, 6 iu. lu length *.* .. The. Rev. Mr. Stewart preached an excellent sermon here on Sunday to*the division of ilhe Sons of Teimrnce,tak- igfor hie text Geneses 42, 2 r. T thme et is sermon was-"who is ne sponsible for the.existence of the liquor trafficé." -'[He very forcubly showed that the moat effectuai, way to stamp it out, is wiîh the ballot. Those who calmne to the pie social and concert expectiug wagood ime were plot disappoiuted. The division here is very inuch indebted to the fiends from Greenbank who so heartily came and asststed in the programme. Their recitations and solos were well received, especially was this true in regard to Bro. J. Miller who rolled up his pants' -and went iuto it with a vim that simply brought down the house. Proceeds $13. JOHN C. BOTT. IIEWOASTL. -Dr. Mille, deutist, in empeoted te, locaLe Mu.. Wm. Lee of Goderich, le viaitiug the Miss eLigh. Jas. Osaveti, Geo., Argal sund Geo. Coulson have returned -frein the north- veet. .Mr. R. Warren eepd a car load of fri. Wml. ýýH 0o0Wrspeut sundsy lu tovu vith hie daughfer. T n ho& .e~langt pptenla post. muster, le laid up witiih& a Woôld. Rer. P. ÀAMiuonv et T0ýorqte, a!sin, lovu 8a rd cOai* s. Mrs. Brokènuai ydoronl Mr. Ilas elby has beased tiie Steen tarin aItii the tioa< St.anl.y MoOlung vas in the. atore Bal- urday veek, after sujan ess cf aover tire ueeke vitii congestio f th.kidusys. Tii. widow' of, Lia. Iý stéSmtel Daoiela voreeided for a number ot yesns on tiie base lino, u of th ie village, -died in WbiLhy on Tuenay, Oct. 29, ae-thLe âge ýotM8yeffs. ÂfEd owlsad,, lake ahore whIile ne- Lturuiupg toasho ~1ounLt.he pemryj b"an sd fiaotured ,hie rlght thig iert o01au. ' priie 'VI Slut 48,000. ~flosëpb coullas iasuvacated Dr. Eust- :,Wood!& redeénce sud là nov domiciled lu Mn. Oop.'sbouse e sî t tte-market b4ing. Ti.R .P.l membors 'ViÎted tii. 'U fenb'League open meeting lu tii. naeîbhodist--hunola Tueeday eouing, sud uasiaed wthLie- pregrai. Aliîà Gray, f Broek, ex.arden f Oatio OeDUnty, amempsuiecl by isi vitei, vw lerm ou Tousansd catled upon hi. eld fniend,. Alez. Wilson. Oscar'Day sud bretitor ver. iereovoer Banday viti Chartes' Maousb. IL vil! 'b# rememabered that Mn. Day vas here necontly sa reliening agent aht thestation. Evans & Nantie bave gel -theIr chçop plng Millset lu tii. building adjeiulng W -T Gnahaan' sop. They vilne doubl do 'a ood t"ad as tiiy av. both sheady and re¶iablo fellove. The Baptiut yenng Peoe'bUion Wil have aSsong service neit Sunday eveulng. The programme will censelof soles, duels, quartette,. etc. AUl ar. cor. dialty iuvitod te b. promeut. ,ý Alfred Mandai, et Montresi, varmbore Tueeday buyiug boue. nurchaee fine altegethor; Ivo frein W. Sadier, fron Fi. Norton, sud oee frei J. Baton. The pnices nanged frern $50 ho $75. W. J. Mitcbetts herse,. vitil Linl front -of Geo., Qorov's pump facOry Mou day oveniug, toaik frlghî sud after getllag boe rau avay. Tii. outfit àvasvoylit- le if any lhe ve aIýt 1h. -re'taglà rugi. John Hsm's hors.1 ville ;ied la Bar- ry'e sbed et the station, the.other sveng teck figit sah semïé bonsanÎd sucoeed sbsit. Theo animal did ut e hovever. 'Js-. Courie, (lmbelilrdsSon of Nevtonnille, ws u tze.eoeutly. James Mornison wiieoed to Biho and back Tuesday 80 mnil.y lien. W. Poney Fletcher ah Qiioon's âb.elegy amionngtlag-lo#70, Mr. Wmq. EOddIy remonQes wih i fsmily to Tornto ewing *ho ' hil viws Mr. joo ineùrI- i purchasing snyl 1humber of:,ood oadiom~ casor~s b~. amul ItCI9Spreoett1n for Ku*iu*s Mad Obldrosi, 1$ contins neitber-OWli, -Morpblue uer foe~r<r pi Bolan Srlpsi castor OIL 1$ le P1es"até' t&,guarantee.I& thfrty e 'ueby Milon fttbers. ICastorlad.stroysWorms anmd~,la feverlsbua.us. Castowia 'prevents vOýmlig, son r&. ure Dlriloeanid Wind Colle, È tr-ia reli.ve leethlng troubles# cureis constipe, où,sud fiatuléncy. Castodta asslmllates the food,, reguia*e the stomach and bowèes givizag hoalthy,,.p4ntrllè.Oa $oria h the C blldren's P anacea-th e E tew s Frm d Gir for ebil oaoatbe b* edy f«roadrre fwW*aatwealmoesItasdrbra #40M do», thebrItrot boroby sudtn aimtoyftDSt grvesB." Cntey.Ark. 1 recommend i esspelortaiupnpl "Our e. OkufarSl.BrepumN mumbuiS bbav - ahy taïezPe* and iý- hogmw. oi ars aoeg'-l" medicai sumplmes vab i ow a a5É*v. mwita est luaav"wSunus to oewi% moi1 and me suny peron'-goiug to Ldondon ahoni l ol foigot- hie Zôo. Wo - ' aied anoher, banso i ho locus ho Mr ,the< railway- aj*tona, whici isleauimpor -_u_ tant eue, masIm ntoId hatOO ,0,0trains s-'v'm thie station eveny day, hna sd out e on- Mi" don, suedou te Acton. - »U l thiuk, Mn. Editon, tat viLl anotlmor' letter e' had betton finish cen trip l paris, sud = r omtIZOfgetrueFruh% ~h Mn. Hula (7'bt ûUxe Mnm. Clank ylr accompanied byt tialin ~y1e.Esq.,, attended nthe wéd& dingofhnWalter te Miss; Sazah' Beinl Doon la Stwek. Walter 15 au old 4fap1é, Gr'ove b~,and u ihii and lais. partuýr aî_ ppy and prospeýrous carecr.- Mr_ "d Mr#. Tyler are also viý fniends at- Be-rlin. Mr. Tôlul 'Suowdon iiad a very suc-' cessfut iiusking bee Wedaaesday night. 'Ou ' -Fidar tftenoon ,-Mise,- etie Stevenis at! a quilting bec sund st ight thme boys W.i a baus1clg. 'As h-it vas Vcryny ay ovr_ 2o of hile rici tarnied til rosy (?)mo'ning.Q Mrs IônadMiss Annite Craub visited fleicds In Toronuto bat weec. -Miss Liaih Snowdon u ,bas al ,badge na Are unldoubt les an rem 0t8t Orei PrmI Ilty ,Opt PRIC'E.

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