Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Nov 1895, p. 4

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The Leadéttg P'v - ins the County. Store .Pure Drugs and Ohemioale. Genuine Patent Medficines. Pret3ariptione and Roepte carefully and aooîîrately prepal fE. W IL4 (3hemrnst d Dru g, Medical Brock Street, Hall Whitby U31 'E' 5J ~4~4êv*" vvr&i* osueY na% commienced lRaking eider fon bis mauy custorners. For sale F'our thorohred mînorca roosters . appiy to J. D. MeMiIlan, Whïthy. WHITBY, NOV. 80 1895. Onitted. - _________ Inlu ur report or the election or officers of the teechens' InstitUte ou an inside cAlumn, Thie Town Hozaored. we inadvertautly omitted Mr. Underhitl's nome from the committe. of management. Our town was honored on Thursday and Convention of Co"uty Teacher. j.ri(lay by a meeting of the Ontario C<linty We devote a large amount of space this Teachers' institute, (see report) consi6.tng week toth county teachers' convention. of about one hundred sud fifty members, e Education sbould be one of our first objece, lx>dy of nmen and women wbose workla of snd we feel like giviug k e big pusb once a value beyond estitmate. To the menu5ers of Comnaton auctionmal. this grand profession wo commit th,. Intel-c lectual development of our children, sud to There will be a great auction sale ofbhors«es them also we should commit their moral cattie, imipiements furulture, cooking anc18 sud physical tramning." Our teachers reveal heating stoves, and varlous other articles àt t the hlstory and wladO=of the pMt asnd lu- the Queenls botel bore, on Saturday, Nov. t struct the history mnabera of tlsfufiture. AA 16th. See the posters. t a pteole vo hardly s3upvecitet t>whist ex- Broken nb. teud the teaching çf -the t pent u4ust cou tr»ol the history of the &l'tce. luis cou ' Mr. P. Hodge sustalned a fracturcd rnb r is eaiu e e&efot taowsr menI early tbts week vvblle eugaged at Gross & rnorj adphsicu deeloutei, U i Gu~rangerasacoal 7ard. It takes more than a a generatiou lesti the worM sui point of ew brokteu bottesto kuock Philotadh good citizenship, for 4tis educatiqu tRust de. tl eps on tiue movo regardless of tbis tl velops the best type of patriot. , slight drawback, Cd Not hal f the consideration which is due to St. Aad.W's DRY.ri our teachers is sccorded tbem. Their work The above day falling this year on Satur- is lwysluadvnc o te intelligence of day, the St. Andrew's Society of Wbitby h -of the age, sud must nocosspariîy h so in sud Pîckering have decided to hoid their a order to be a guaran$ee of nstioual PtoRTeau. annuel celebiatSon on Frîday, the 29th iust. Vet, singular as it may seemn, these advanc- Th*e suwl sermon wiii be pnoached lu 5t. vf rd ideas which our teachers are spreading $uliws vhurcb on Sunday, Nov. 24th, at render the n and their mothods the subjects 3 pM.tl direction tbe F'riday's celebra- l of nîuch ignorant criticisun on the part of, tiou iillae.ilgss ot yet been determined. e people Who do net fully understand, thePl course, Who, as'is often the case ahways et oppose innovations as dangerous. W[' these Whi are sonry-y eport .à t Mn. T. H. ar c'rFYticisiins teechers are unable to reply hav-ý Smitb,,,of Corbet , t, -t wItb the m Is-' '~ing no medium tjirough vhich to reja the fotune,-to break' - edesday hast. -S publie, excepting faraway results, wiiicb lHe vwureurnin tow ehieshorse, w unay not become manifest for s quarter ai' a shieti ou the road W'r . Bakney Gibso 's se' century. They have siuuply but ta griuandutiMr. Smith 4as tbrovn out wit» the th, and bear criticism, and toil on. For an lù- above result!th tunately bis hired man j'O telligent beiug te rest -ilentIy tgoder the vws along andM Smith vas assisted home, an uistaken, aud often persistent adi cruel,' where med1c, as aoon reudered. ti stricuresof ths wo oppse te gt ITwa years lu pei diar. S from bonest but mistaken motives, reqifres 1 e -th qualities are titcessarily strong ia ou.r school joff by P -MGex n of Oshawa same lime Wa teechers. ,ago for stealing cW'-r seed from Guy & Som ZO The cowfty C01Qttio eau. gast of ot -vs geueres th~~o tsuu .goad seooIX adt~cuemr *s5it 1 , 4 cash from wssn douletithiat he t~a,<~fl~own from he.dsi vssn The ah et teathet - ed to gn )tence upon uallyielected, uaiar beitiga sec n h ot$o sidériation, audaa ts ruht ve have instructors of whieh any people 1 ta sob proud. WOL velcome the members we st bsnedily noWue profession ta this townu, and weekk soute'àd : rl glad to know that they have euj oye,. ewbe Ür du h stay here, firam s social as Weil as an -- ~idblisteredthé paint R lectual standpoint AZ__ 'cd tho , turns Engllsbh inne.1t, 1 36i. wîde reduced to Sc a yard. -W. GiWetêe Mr. J. D. Pax~op Frlday laiot obun PftÊtryewas bore on Ladies «Pif blouse,% ln black, navy blue anid iik exoetlnaî G. ;a tl #W puices et W. ~ ~Selet anti Misa atie Sebert, of Port Perry, se inpaj"Ie4 hy Miss Alice Brock, of àuhl'O, wtme b to)w7n on Tuesdsy, hslgbeen on a viàit to 'eai~ uPr Hope.reaieinPt Hallowe'en waa celebrated ln town very Ct t es n ar, no dotibt ou account ofI e veir. Aside (rosi peltinK doors and removluJg g"tes no furthler micheva doue. I 1- shewa Miss Patterson and Miss Bingbsm of Brock the Misses Sa'ages of port Peri-y, sud Misa ilîams of Gleu Major, were thet guosts of Mise A Bruce during the teacherst convention hast veek.1 M akag Cider. short Notes, Trials for wholosale murders appear to be ail the go thîs yeRr, sud we are glad to notice that thene is sot as great a disposition as is usuel to let murderers off sud lionie thern. Durrant treacherously mnurdered two girls ini coid blood et San Francisco sud bas been convicted. Shontis, of Besuharuais, Que., shot ail the clerks lu e large office. and is to be banged Tan 3. Holmes, af Philadelphia, wbo shed blood ait aven the continent, its also convicted. The Hyas brotbers, otf wbose blood-spiiliug sot one- hall bas even been told , are faciug s jury ln Toronto thbs week. The taFte for blood and gain has been simutated for Borne vears past by the open snd scanidalous lenioncy of jur- ics, a fact wbicb bas teuded to stimulate blodjiirsty mou;, w kilI au the sly for profit. Wo se9dom bean of a mander vbicb vas committed'lu bot blood durng a quarret or othen excitemueut. The business of kiltling people bas becu ontirely takon up by pensons of sensual on avaricloas prapeusities. -We cen ail sympathize vitb the usiappy mas vbo in a fit of uncoutnollable tempeor pro vocation Milis bis fellov, but the treatheriuo monstor who lunes bis victinu loto hi*4eitÎ4 trap luolds a position which volatMs'01ý< good impulse of bummu nature. Iaginl s tbousend times toogood forU saiimes. Ou Oct. 31 lest twO Pugnactou oafers$ kuowu as Jim Corb«tt sud.fi31e, Fitzslm., mons, vert billedte t puncht each other Mj Hot Springs, Arnc., fora blg purs.. For weeke bath have boaatod, «1 vilI e lanlte ring, ou the dey set for the. figbt,"' but wliec ï.-çaitc . They bod(t r pu l inst sa g la th 1e sbape or the 1mw, an- botttlhtind a fôrce. stronger tLau n Ut - ir ucls hS frth bfIM e' the pgt were lu the han 1.P -a-VIaud iohd. - ij - l re'IoQf,. Pl as 9hercuaytatij1 wbich wero aluce lialle tens closed. 'A firebpl Lectueson physICal Ciw Dr. McKenzie -of Ë lecture at the Ontari Friday nlght. Hl*s' Or humnas skeleton, tbue sud luugs, sud, titis cr brais, a very. ootly':m praduceti, as bsp'bee other modelo'red.re sotely for the bbeléit ic the moit vital lupot choose to go. ýTbere yet to b. given. Cliroalcle clubs. CHZONICLE to jui. i CMRSICLIZ Spd wec 1897, $1-25. C1jRONI<CI* and' ie 1897$r. CzaRc ly Star, pç:r sui Newas' 'roveald~ ~rr. ~~ od~ The plic# la, ke heà41gh"t' Igtil'ëtêérridorm and cle-arefll whtws4d"eâ àüj nt Warmn. lu the. West corridor w. f(lPil4a Yery 'ssddeulng cpec. tae. PirstVUiëwé sa' Po14 dtellow tbiee named 'Ihos1 I(atltîo, rooiUxbrldge town. ni ip. He .73eats of age sud bas guffet.' ed te sucb an extent froni rhleumatlà s aa povertY that bis etolfacitlem have cdol. lapsed and he Ji lu a hl' iejéS state of lm-_ bocillty. 'Hls-'wtbered ýanti diceasod (raine. can no longer bW made toa serve hlm ln' mny way, though he da . làst,1li speak lu a wbisper to atsk forà drink. The IMiter bas made e shakodown ,fur the oid man, wbose white tua~ ~ ~t lissd lp ye tell uis that God wli Dot M *IMo2ger trust tihe unfortunate man tô such a heatitesa world as thus. The sigut ofach wretthedness, mlsery and pain 10 onough tO muake one's hmar bleed. Next we came'.'O John, Acheson. of Osbawa, 83 Kyears oftage. l{è êbas a wooden leg but no hope of ever getting out ofjai nutîl the Lord sai cati hlm bhome. He bas no spectacles to read wlth, whlch denies hloi a great com- fort, but says h. cas repeat a great deal of scripture, -aud gave us a specimen of bis elocutionary power ln that' hue. The old man's hopes are ceutered upon thinga that tbls worldcould not supply, and it la wetl that It la mc. This le a cold world for suc: a beipless creature as be la. Tii. third man we lntervlewed la uamed Wmn. Conway. He la 77 years old aud cornes from t7xbridge cownsbtp. Some boys were playlng tricks on the old mon, wibo ls au oddlty with one eye, sud tbey managed tn trip bim, broaking Ms ieg above the kuee. He feels bis position keenly ln being kmprlsoned for no otber rime but poverty, but will soon foiiow Thbornas Mandie te a. more permanent home. He never bad a relative ln Amnerlos, and bis friends, If he bad -any, have dissolved tbe .ornection Who wiIllbave to anawar for b.e iubumanlty wblcb locks up tbese poor Dld soute in prison? The uext man we 3truck was a luuatic named James Robert 3on, of Oshawa. He.says it 1' a rank Insult te put hlm down as betug crazy, sud that ail het authorules from Lord Aberdeen down 'o Constable Hainan of Oshawa, are e set of f- scoundrets. He talked like a windmiîî -ns, and we void not foliow bis baîf-ar- îculated-words half the time. Duning a luil b is titatenuent we enqulred wby a young nan like e le diti sot get uarlied and net -a le down, but ho lnfçrred us that the'Britisb t »nstitution lnterfered and forbade bis mar. lage, an-d ho fartiier informed us that the ueen . hsd wrltten a grawu ltest lm on Important, sub=ectsan. letrns trmlêss, but wbatever feéeling be has gainst mnankiud is gîven vent te In fieu-y Iu-O ,ctive. Poor fellow, *ble looks 'as if be had >rty years yet to live lunthis cray condi- tl >n. How thaukful we shuould ho ubat wo tr njoy our reasoning faculties, even If the bi robloms of lif. are liard to work out. We =l hall net spe k of those uubappy men who ni te there f( having committed crimes. 'ey are ap arently kind hearted Young tü in, wb use every endeavor te do for thte e ,retcbe olti Mon siýçh £riondly offices as the -ni df-satisfie d,àqin-rrh al 'clasmbas denied Hl te oepesé tirs. We hope these -Pl >un& mien ma'do,ýe;e- when- lberaited, 10 puy take warnîng'fromn le disggu - lýve-,.brougbt tvpof teth e -disiur r vlu;ap'fi4 t ý 0 6 6 , d e*r È ti , ,uck town,. and cbme at once /1 NS> SECURE A PAIR 0F THOSE Whioh ware- seflig at »... UNDERWER..~ Men's Shirts and IDrawers a1t 30 cents eaoh. lwo. ~ci prompty?, JEWELER i Rod Rot: Blankots CT seo&Ç$2 50.... # $4 50ý. Ladies' Yests at 15 ots., 20 ots., .25 ots., 30 ots. and.-0 o ts. Ladies' Wool Hose at 20 cents per pair. p.-MM Dry A. D. Marsh, of Tbrouta, tormerly of Winr Department during Mr. Muir's iIInes . Ve have engaged Mr m-9 AN DI Goods, Port Whitby. Mr White, who through llness as un- able te preach here hast Suuday as ho lu- teuded, vili conduct the servces next Ssi- bath if able. Mfr Mceoed andi faîily bave moveti ato Mr Jas Camphell's ýfhr on the base Une sud Nr sud Mrs Lsasss are oecupyiug the cottage m Mr Thos Smîith's .ihru. The schooner Miple,,Lef, helongng to the Goldrng Blroa <>fthis place bhas the Con- ract for CarryU&to Owego tio hoida of >arlev,(om Tettou sud one front Prench- mans BayO,, which -vIii keep .ber Ibusy tlll avigation closes.> Dsappomt.nent vau plinly'dep'Ictet on' îe faces of evetaLll boys' wh ~asmr- .4 ou Uic mai ' stree er as 1 uss îght. thlie cauW u sqple p ettç alW16we entand, raining br4uugh to neyvent. Cas fl Ir n t h e445- i"lA Abi REW yM. R SS Ready-made iipeg, ta take Clothing'. BANKFWUPT -TOO TSALE- AT- DS, DE ÇLOTEHIUçG, PS ANDFU1»S .- MEIÎS, if URNISING .FA Tii-t fm1rlike ,42i.Black de Suits from $3 ýüaoth Mandes at $4. 50. ~&Cirtinsat $1.99, r" eë bargains, so corne ToellingsCorsets le Linens, Kid GloveL -»-OS Xee heSb: been at work. g ivesbia ti ,tes, College ti 3 based uo -d o tii. b QIiER yt acre- o-ff thç 'ot.Before removng- to -ncw, remise, we est qarte-of sald- have decidd to seIl off 'or whole concession, desmrlh flew' stock of e urteinhut c PNESTÂTIONEULY., aluce Of 75 lukSon U-a ~énortf 74 dektes uce to ,1 i ho nuay Lo N re eight cf the. course ed 'as f said L ,ktyGobe to Ju-lt «tr i grecs e *l Miau!tojau. rst, degtee noithi lêýz-asyýari tepa gy Herald and week- roa SDuitings ai 25c- Ver3 at 38c, ' Fi Bo ys' Ra< nelette 4c. Bui.spacei the crowds Sheetings Men'*s Fui GoodýS'ton Berne nowj, wii: tkis ta Przes.; ge,àt 11be cleared out, this iprices was gýod value ; it is di,,ever4hinne-and well a.- F0 R. PA SC0eii j i Goa to- I :~s' J 1 to *e..$4.00j Men's Shirts and Drawers at 85 cents each. Extry heavy. ,-.qj . r. ig 1 01 Clo-thipge

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