Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1895, p. 8

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, A=u t i uuua asuuuewowa get evec wlth Clîbson, Altert4r, Gibson beoame pro- Prwol~r Of %the ei. ilcke begau *0 die -at Ibe rate f ou* lu four a day, unt bis grave yard bega togel soula»thit Mr. GIbson feared he ~, , , , would bave tô mt another Yard. Ulasuspicion' -Toile Î~qusteS pointed to Mni. Thouapson, wbohbeolalmed a t P*, q sit b, oniy enemy be bac! la the block of buildings TQ1et Eïoape, in which lho llved. One monning Mr. Gibsons 4a 21servant aaw Mni., Thompson throw out somne Fal'04y Goods, waste to the cickens, wblch soon attractedt tem. 4< ~ After tbe chickeas begae 10 eat ibis a piece of bread, was thrown out. 5h. went over and Ante*lg in the1. pIcked it up anad Mr. Gubson fiad Eby. the. drug- .<wyiing ii t eigst analyze h. ,He lmmediately sai th at tfii bread was cnvered with 11 Rough on Rats," or it _________ ughi more properly have been calied- 1«Raugh Dru inet ou Chicken." Mrs. Thornpson ackaowledged tbrowing out the stuft, butid it wau la mistake and tbatiti had-been ftxed for mice. The case was dismlssed. '#Dru g Store, fboy E L. VIOKERY. barber. Simoce Street. BSte. SOUtht OshaWa. BROOKS' LIVEBY, Simcoe Street, north. WM. ROLPH, harnese maker. Slmooe Street. T. B. MOTHERBILL, butoher, KIng St., West. Dia. PÂTTERsoN, Deatist; offloe over Rows&ms Store.t A.J. STÂTR-Dominion pianos and organe,t ~f~ruuic1e. OshStreeOnt A. C. WAxNÂN, Vterinary Surgeon and Dentist,y orirnn i i i » àn - «Sre et saa n.f WU.iÂM-ý J. DmiNs, Dominion and Ontari o Land surveyor. Civil Engineer, Box 57, 0mb- 5W5,. Coxx»uuz HoTEI--J. b# Woon, proprietor. Modern bostelry, neat and com!ortably equtpped. D. M. To>.-Caterer for Ballu, Asembles, Wed- dinga, Buppens, eto., etc. Âlaa ail kinds of flowers. OUUnAÂBooraTonn-FUfl lino cf books, ~UAWA, tationery and fancy goods. E. E. Rogers, "B NP=rCz.- Ofihawa subscribers ft'averlaet'May trsusact aunybusiness 'CaoMDXia ur may obitain extra ope aylime, muai-. Z.Rogers. FareIX01%W111 do weii 10 cal! at M. E. M(aylit.for boy,' ready made clotbing. I! you wJsh, a olve French china dinner or ftt O~lr mytblpg la fancy china, on glass- 90 ,*to EBM ga& Son. j it *1l-,pay any parties couîeinplatiag buy- jp * engagement or wetdiîng ring to sec lhbatgeeahuek e! ielt Bros., Oshawa as they 'w1îîil, ell Ibis uiontb ve cbeap for cltsh, Geuulee dlsusond 1K ny $5. Tbey are ,-lbo umaktsg nome speclioffers la Geais', 4de' 'and Boy' gulti sud silver waîches. 'ý$eehein. Pol Brus. MIs uU BaMbrdge lntonds leavlng for Boston "bi i#ek for a course of studies. Mr., Fred Gue~ bas moved lote the bouse laîely ceSuphet by Mr, 9. S. Edmoadson. 'ev., Dr. lUare of,,9narno Ladies' College preaohed blait uinday eveniusg la Sirncoe St. methodig churci. Rev. Mn. Parker la announc- ed forffset Suuiday morning. ,Mn. Grenville KIeîser wiIl appear ia the music bail titi (Fnlday) eveang. fie la *eIll poken of by lie press, andi wiii no doubt be greeted wiîb a lange audieuce. Tis la tbc beginaing cf a -seules o( eateruinnmentS 10be given here Ibis The. Qsii;vs !undry came vry nean bavingE fo ioula for p uew *aggon last Monday. Tii. 'ni <as - tandÎqg 1 iii fnor ' a! ieatouls groceny n te pp sct lýleag std htoqu4 tié wicw imedtaely beie4 ouui'ansu ouithé sidewalk and jul, 4pttc W * ad plegorupsprlnetiere would bave 4 greettisai more çl4auage doie than tiser. Was5b4t #8 It wup oly a pa*ed shaft sud a 014 tJxeculosthe bore ms.loft 1.* lu mmmdMn. 'Iri alzjonise.lng ci uthe young peopie's sacleulýe ftihebown, wicb was belt inluthe !çUsrç rouis o!f-Ise Siaco. St. ciurcb Isat Tbunsdayéveulng, wua sdecided ti cesain oveolyWaj',The.largsroliwscrowded sud ZYbdlsemd w enjoy themielves, Tic re ti y R4i. Messrg. Flet--ier, aautman, 4'McCll and Mr'. Fowln wé -excellent anti en. t t hnetiti.worksrsla"l. feet soceties. -The Mhisés 1Xc. sn las tir muai pieasming nutuiu>q a dintt -Mnr. CUy Din.cotueia piaoso iasHo r ectaticu, miss alassauasm010, Miss eliul.seSti, Hopkfsk and Dinle aquAt 'Misses A. Lick. L. KiniN. MLéan VkiDyer anti &ScoîSt, On sobcollos; and ust ebut by oimien tuvO , lecutions by the cela rateti maie vue deçidedtoI t ave bc guret commiluee, e t teriýs tic e, nayor ik Mr:no, . T. e watteer Of ic 61 rieis i. began Cs. al.d iii tan o bis wai a -quesa tont lbte tb financecom. led to peud lfty amUse tic .towus,*Adt wus gra"te -for .ticé the Malleabi, lmo Jos. HouLDEN - Whitby-O"hwa ota.ge lino. Leaves Oshawa at 8 a m and 2 p m,, aud Whitby at 10 m sud 4 p m. JomSEPCamax, manufacturer cf fine carrnages, carIs. wagons, and &aI kinds cf cuItersa nd alihRpa.lring a Bpecis.ity. Jouxt Bauvan,ý painter and decorutor. Dealer in wall papora, oellng decoraticns, peints, où,.varnlshines, brushes, windcw shadea, etc. hAns PELI.ow, dealer in stores, turnacas, tin- vare, etc. Large stock kept ccnstantIy on baud. Jobbing a specialty. Biniou. street north. L. K. MuETON, B. A. - Barrister, Bolicitor, Notary Public, ocnveyancen, &c. Monsytoc lend. Office aver Dominion BankI, Blmcoe Street, Oshawa. [When cocnemplatlng putting on Lite Insurance, ses W D RuN=tE, cf Tise United States Lite. Their polloies are the moet attractive. Largest guarant.ues. M. E.- MÂ.-Bealer ia Groceries. F"ancy China, Crockeryv, Tln-ware, snd Pancy Gooda. Pure Teas sud Coffees. Boys ready made suit. a speclalIy-very cheap. AucTICI SLe-The subscriber wil b. Lu 0mb uw t the Central Sotel, lniday ci each weel fromoone ock 01 m., tomake.Var- angementa wlth parties@ alg to have sales. L FàuwâjsauotIoneer. P. LAIDKT k&mme-The leading- tafionfng and goals' tnlising boume 0f Oshawua.i Splendid assnaiment ettweedsworteds, . Irowaernugu, shirts, co u, tlwbys kezit iu stock. U~- umm- v. utonjm Dealers lu atahes. ken? and ilsÂ~LLtMX*-hsIO~Ofm asdrce tefod * aoingno e nldu daiy afi' pn bag.Ce eroJ levibrud offlur bout la <3sbgdasoildby ailftrt.ela. amoern in whitby aodP ""thya aad:at our rall, upilihWl pivut5ox &flÂwKKS- Importeras Md dosin Lu farIner.'. mamxlactureng'end housefurnis. lig supp lesMuiusotureru Oftinwoa. Eav-e troghig ad ohercontraotlng doue. pur- mae hndelier.suad lumps. A stock af bicydies kept on han&. Mrs. W. L. Ormiston le on the sick ist. Mr. A. J. Curtisa, of the C. P. R. office Oshawa, was home on Suuday. The. Raglan Junior footbal team wili play with the. Osbawa boys on Sgturday next. Mr. Win. Luke la building a lean-to' at the. north side of Mr. J. Boàtleyis bouse. Our nierchauta seem to b.e dolng a big business especialiy on Saturday nlghts. Mr. A., Medland, and ustser, adMr. 0. Crummer aud sister,,. of Brooklln, spent; Sunday t Mr. Thos.WAdge's. The. Sons of> Temperance Intend havlng a, concert la the near future. -Tbey are stili iavreasing lu memberjsb!p two moriôe Initia- btons.last $aturday-ievtgiag. The. DG W P was presen: and..nstaled the offcerN , wMcb, are as foliowît: W?, Myron Matia;.W A TMine martcn;R S> EiJabMRezzlewood; -A R S, Jettle Sucb; , o.Brhl Treoure, gle Oulston;-,chap ery Grilles;Con,'loStanton; oTn Rosa; ,,ADa.Harpr; 10S, Delb eitSyl P W P, Phuèebe Hlezzlewood ; Organlat M H AROSa. Visltleg mmbensalways wI comA. iv~ stRia as en'dan Mrs. A. mimerals u i U1ry olk frua the allectsof lugiatlaon. W. -hope shcaMay: soon b. better. Mr. Ira flates fad bis niother Mrs. N. Batea, of Toronto, are vlskting t'Mende andi relatives bere. Quite a number from, ber. attnded the Greenbank Sons of Teiperancelopen dlvl sion on Thursday evenln&Jast . Ail report a grand lime. The cheese factory la very sleck at the. present tîme. The quantity of milk bas be- coin.80so rni that businets s only carried on every other day. The old bouse on Mr. T.- Sonley's fami- perbaps better kgnown as thie old McConsiel homesteac-Is belng overbauled and newly bricked. A great improveaient willi b. ibe resuit of the work. Great was the excitement jthsî prevaied here durlng the. few <aying te robbery aI Myrtie C.P.R. depot.- Everybody bas manut'actured an ides as tou who the. gulily person or persona are, aud If ail were takenl nto consideration 1: would talc. any judge a Owing ta revIval services being held ber. at the, present the Sous' division will bc held on Saturday eveulng of eacb week. At the close of the. meetings Friday evening whll again bc adopbed. A contesl wiil be starieci and a llvely dîme la expmcted. -Inthe. mean- time eveny privilege will be given ia favor of the revival meetings. Mrs. Burnett anti Sons have placed a fine windrnillinl their barn buildings, on their farm between ber. sud Port Penny. W. underatandti tey Inteuti choïplng grain fori the fârmers at about une hai the. usual cosi The. miii ia an Etarmnotoir, Chicago, and will Some few eveuinga ago Mn. Win. Tbomp- son iad the mnisfortune o! havlng bis duaier stolea from bis bugywbivb was standing under the shieti.Mr. 0Tiion h as an ides where it la, anti presumesit l ud b. besil the gu.llty party siould returu lhe, article be. fore trouble le matie. Tiec mg la of muci value andt buvaluabie lu b. bast. Mus. Harper la buylng a considerable amouat of appi.. to shlp lu lie *Id cou amry. Mr. John White, foremanaïs arounti purchas- ing for ber anti we undersland be bas ai- reatiy nearly one thousand'barels. These together witi tiiose la ber owin orchprd wil make a very large vonslgnment. This place bas now quite a flourishing junior football teain. Tb.y are bustiers. A few challenges would nuoin. ais, If fromn teame consisting of boys =der four- ten years olti. Tii. club wuas lubave play- eti Prince Albert last Satnnday.' Howeyer we presume the match wili corne offIthis $aturday, zrthinst. Court cf nevision was beld ber on Mon- day last. Ia tic absence o!, .Ua Honor Jutige Buu'nham, Mn. Frank Yarncid, port Penny, presideti. We undcnstandquit. a number wene put on lie list andi quit. a, number struck off. Mn. Leonard Burnett, the, Liberal candidate wa spokesmain for tbe Libenals, and Messrs. Peter Ch' ltue snd Wrn. Real, for the. couservaîves. Revival services are being helti eveny evening, anti ail are luviteti to attend. There was a large alleudance aI ciurcb last Sabbath eveniag. It la boped tuÎs may con- îinue ia urder îo sustalu lie meetings lu lie futur,. Next Suadsy the. Rev. Mr. Will- mdlt WHIioccupoy tise pulpit ints~h e1l" sud ~ ~ ~ t, ehR 0"n ryrslutb -RKefrmers sud Cofiistv.s lok forwtd with tb. bopeS o!00,P& lm611 tbç oQfçcl aftl e ct gencral eetou W;mle isIlt toemoke? Peniaps not -so muvi for lhe wrung *il l us soke or the harn il wiil do thbe amoker, but for tii. x-. ample il sets for thé younger generafion in iearuing thein lu adopt il mimic il. For ç X- ample we wili show iow a -little chultioff lis village came lug re! througb tbc art o!, smoking. Althougitoo bucng 10 have lu.. bacco or suytbing liat wouid prodirce sinoke, b. i-ad s stick l is amoth for a pipe. Rulù-1 nlng arount i uamuse blusseif aftçris Ion, b. ail ah QÇÇouçç tti#,anti falling on- bis face the stick ainst pelsetrateti the back. cf is ucck. Ithe tut was very dleep and la yeî in a dangerus coditlun. IP C GRABAN. Maaebossov E M g Ireolory. ~. S Psu, Xsizeheater, replairaXe. * nv&tos orra- auuio s orte of t ara, . 4enth In a 5,.1 Osas gocd musé tashonaba«ab".isnenovOrders solwe&.j N<Ow la t i u bl over Yeu r xfor tisfrsiet, mstte avetisairenovated. âmot th me nl POIIOY lnthe maret P C tI~~»84egesrfoi tise counis cf On- tnoat.Vlotou'la. L4ocal agents wante< inl vaytowu and ianie . 1o0ach gpts viii oo tee uit clam cotace Wie o pmrtcnJ~ -Ystrtpou cuAI re o suit o! tic Lords'uper was Ciresswell OunSaibatilast. McLeod, M. A. B. D>.,of Ibis d.Prep,,atMl service was riday prevluus. It M~ scarceîy -Mr. McLeoti-COMmmcediùs but by juis carefully -Prepareti i zeat undi punetuaI4lnt i ssnd laber of lote, tbeo5,-.L The. acranj Tho, Rev. Mr. vilge oc-iciati beiti ou the. Fr M n . B r u é e ê a ud -C h àa . A B y n n h a.1e u a ebdl tro e I&qua. hn îiybave been XIiln h siuier wltb lb.eformers lMr- O. Suulff, formerly Of Prince Albeni, lamakitg a long visit wiîb bits frientis ber. aud ln the vlclnity. H.- launched out into the W'orld a few years ago as s type-Setter for the. Times, and inlae e as been report. en for s ftim bero! Papers. He basn ecently been engaged Inagebcn apacity la Bufialo. Rils many triends wicm hlteli d home. 1.1 ecm m ohiol Tii.e eapoor r n OW la full biast. A ventilator has been erected on the roof 01 the. hall anti uow the odor t appie juice cati 1,. detected aboutone-elgbhhO! a mile. It wili b. a sweet Place (or our councîlmen to corne and cotint ballots next January. Mr. Doodentioffer tb. propnietor bas a force on nilbî anti day. VICTOIA COR NEg». A goodiy nuaiber of our residents atteadeti the Brock fair at Sunderland and report a good attendancé. e Owîag to the light crop of this year, Our threshers, Messrs. Scott and Sons, and aiso Reynolds Bros. have nearly completeti this season's work. A series of revival meetings are being helti in the methodist cburch at pres.. ent, unider the direction of Rev. Mn. Power. We trust much good may Our school teacher, Mn. W. E. Moore, attended the exhibition at Ot- tawa st week. Our mierchant, Mr. J. J. Sanders, took charge of the school during his absence. Wlaftby Townsbtp Coumn Council met Monday lait. Ail the. mnu-. tiers present. A communication from cierk o! Reach tp., wilb copies Of agreemnent ne work sud appropriation on town Une noad. It provides for tie expeaditune o! *45 by Whitby tp. lu lieu of statute labon penfoninet by Reacb,, yeanly, on town Uine. A coma- munication from William Auderson asklng tp b. palti coat o! repa irlug i3ggy, -broken by hors. taking fright at a roati scraper left near tihetidge o! tie roati On 3rd con. tii. neeesud dep- reeve were appointed tu en- quit. into thc malter anti report at next meeting. Messrs. John Warres 'suad James Coaltice were beard lu refèrence to watte course on road allowaac. and lots 30 andi 31, con. y,, Mn. Warren claimmng that the. water bas iea diverteti fromaitis original course, lu tic detniment cf tic roati sud lsis proper- !y, Tiie vouncil agnee t lhave Township Englincer Jno. Tweedl. examine sud deter- msine lb.. proper course lMr. William An- ticrsot appeared on behaîf uf tiie Ontario & Dunbam. Agricultural Society, askiug fon a grant o! uone bundred dollars In aid of said So~y.. Aften Borne discussa malter was laid overunutil netn -AT. $50.00.1 ana GAs STOVES qp5.5O to $25-000 Rlwyand 8teamahfp AgencIe8 have been transferred to the OSHA WA RAIL WA Y CO., whose offices are a few doora soutir of bie former place of business, where be wil! b. prepared to supply ail required Railway and Steam- ab p Ticktet4 at rates guaranteecj to be as Iow as the. iowest. The beatst eegahip lines on the Atlantic are represented. Special rallway rates are given lu con- nection wlth Steerage and Intermediate Tickets. Throughb Railway Tickets are sold to ail points la the. United States aud Canada, icIudingîhe Canadian Northwegt. Bagga es bcked tbrough from Oshawa lu aplats.- Pasutengrers fort the United States may have theIr ae exan>ined in Toronto,, thus savlzrg aay incoavenience at the frondier. AIl informationccePfully given. -Wben contemplating a trip oeil on or 0. O.CARTER, A4t,,()SHAW&. SePt. a3th, 18e We have always a general and varled: stock to select troms-iatest designs and finish«a. Prives rlgbî. Undertaking departmnent fuly stock- ed, and embalming according to latest iethodsa. ýPictum. 7FEUR CAE JLUI4g, MMMmm"m i j - ba pnnptlï suda T_~MQP 5CTea on w.the iet.o dy. W. e e oireiîbk Wt at tie veny Jow price.of 250.' per -lb. Ib4b $1lô Tisje anexcellent- battrln. CaU land gel a sample. sud lry l. ~'We want, Buttcrj, Cheese, Kgge, sud 'otiierfanai produve, (f r wblcb w pay blgbest pives. Beatan' Gocr-y 1 O PPOSVI!e POtOFFCE CLARKE'-&,,DYER.,- INSURA4NCE. AND COM- MISSION A GENVCJ' Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, whîch i&, to-day unquestlonably the. Leading Life CanadaAcc7ident and Employers' Llabllity- Corporation of London. Eng. Aniong the. Fire-and Pliate Glass Cotupanies we hanctie the tLancashire, Guar'dian, Mercantile aud Hand-lftiand. Aid Savings and Loan Co., TPYonto. OFFICE Just north of the -Western Bank,., DL. XXý * * OSEAVA 0 J. S. CLARKE. - W. E. DYER. A LBTTBR LOIT If o- yo o t ul boy your Sc4b l-.Bo cks frorn u. W. carytie largest assort- Meut of High and' Public Scboul Bouke s d s o l lei nlutbe. eou uîtyl, W init vcysciofai to - uinectur: Scnbhln atiExrcsebock'MeW QI [. The people will be si. f'.nd out we are selliu atTodouble sh Fres'a darnatof InSeci 4Oz- for Shoe Fly poison Papel Wilsonrepoison Pads ~LAI Just arrixved a fine asa' l-langlig Lampa, Bouquet Lamipa, stand Lamnpa. surprise you v H ORE MUCH -Hi A t *CC We Breened, Oa.refully I Bright ore Poite 'w -je'GW sept26l 4 -4 1 - ~ ~ ~ 11 v.5.5 Âi7J [AWAPAGE t JJ. S. CLARK& - - , .- W. B. DYER. v il 111,9

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