Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Oct 1895, p. 2

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k/j .~'vo ~ T Pases-.Belîlef È' ANCER ON THE UP, ~~ Sara.. I~>* N~i pasùiodfor nit but te hoPlcîe;te cer begj.n te ~at ~totheFlesh, 5pr- tomyhn, and 1 suffreei In uti~.or two i oticed a IV :~Inlprovemeit, rr edby thl.q rtsuit I t1 v i un i oj , " s th l 111) ' vllî l i o I l l o i 0. ticSarat-aniafor sîX ru': tllq U ' sceoWu ecancer disappeareu., athe World', Pair. WIIl Muckleson las engagt-d with Mr. Swanick for tht- faîl and winter. Miss Nettie McMillan has joined tht- dressmaking staff at tht- Greenbank tRev, Mr." Learoyd pt Epsom ex- changed wvork with Rt-v. R. H, Leitch oti Sunday last. We regret te report that ter,dauglter of Mr. T. v wlthtyphoid tever. Miss Etta Salter, is We are gbad te, set- that Edw. Dusty, boé,he pôpular- carrier et tht- royal mail, is b1b te resume lis werk. T tOia te esudde.u deatl of 1er Mther, Mrs. RXichard Cragg las, the Sinpatliy et tht- communîty. Mn. T. ýE. Cragg teamed bis alsike te Blackwater this week. Ht- reports tht- price for No. i at $4.56 pe-rbusl. Mrs. Isaac Oke, ef Uxbnidge, with bher brother, Mn. R. Moore of Saudtord, paid a visit te Mn. joseph Lt-e rect-utly. jMess. McKitric and Stque are about lhirougl cuttiug cern; tht-y bat'e more ihan enough te-fill tht- utw silo. theMisses Pihkey of Pickerng, and Mr. Trugan and wif e of Mankham were lately the guests et Mn. Francis Ward. Mn.T.r . G ebd brougît twe rt-cf tickets back te Greenbank trom Ux- -bridge tain, taking first for lis driver and finst for.gentlenman's turnout. Johnnie Burton las given up lis position witW «Mr. Lt-e uad.is at pres- ent. out et eimplôyment. Ht- thinks ,i. eriously,ôt #oing home te, Engiaud. Rev. Mn.. Carneron -.preached the- an- nmal sermon to, the Gneenbauk Division of Sons c f Temùperance on Sunday e<éroon. A large c fowd was present. Ireopen conlcert te le given, by tht- S.- of T. Thwusay eveniug, et this week & iuc»ked forward te with ceusidenable În Tterest. Judgingifrom the- amount cf ng doue we ouglit te expect tihabitants Qf our town greatly atcthc improvements beiug put é ~ 4a ks. It would net be a ' he e for tihe pathmasterwtehave 1,)he latgê stonès removcd frointhe parts t i oad newly gravelied ithis. sum- et Uxbnidge., las n oee milb eut et y, who cornes eiýl Lisc reget-'tito lose1 od Mn, Ed Bewel, o be a dosirable has taken a farin ëteu- am ong thode appointed to tkesbsfîtoflrr tue starting of, the proposed new màethodîst church,' intend starting their canvas this week,, (better late than neyer). The uneed of a new church' is ver y apparent and general satisfaction is feit over the decision of the trusters te take action. The decidedly popular site for the building is the Harrington corner lot, which is beautiful for situation, and for convenience cannot be surpassed.- Journal. BEAVERTON. Beaverton baseball club was badly beaten by the Woodville team on Saturday last, our boys bcing unable te get onto litcher Stacey'g curves. The score was Beaverton 9 runs Woodviile 2o and one- innings to spart-. The re, turn match w-ill bc playcd in Woodville on the 9th inst. The lacrosse match in Sunderland on Thursday last between the Electrics, of Uxbridge, and our Young Checkers re- sulted as predicted in last week's Times in an easy victory for the Cbeckers by 3 goals to i. Uxbridge had changed their team quite a bit, and also bad two men on who were supposed to be ringers but were of a ver' poor pattern. l3eaverton w-as not to be caught nap- ping, bovever, and itnmediately put on Messrs. E. Westcott and D. Calder and there was neyer any doubt as to the re- sult of the match.' Mr. Win. McIntyre, of the- Hamilton flouse, hb purchasedt the- residence of Mr. John Batton, Oshorne St. M r. Batton will rcmove to ijawkstone sh orti y. Miss, Lizzie Campbell was the guest of ber aunt, Mrs. jas. Cameron, John St., for a few days last week. The Rt-v. Dr. Moffit, cf the- Upper Canada Bible Society, was in tow-n on Tuesday last. Misses C. Cowan and S. Gillespie cf Cannington were in town on Sunday last. Mr. Geo. Williamson succeeded in capturing the special prize at Brechin Faîl Show given by Mr. Jno Kennedy, cf the- Grand Central, Orillia for the- bt-st 3 year old diving herse. ORILLIA. Messrs. Jake and Charhie Gaudau ileavo noit woek for Austin, Texs, t take pant'in the regatta. Jake will roi in th. singles sud betb will now in tb doubles sud tours. Orillia ought te lau about $8000 ot the pnize meney. Tho firet 8110w cf the season toîl o' Monday attennoon about tour o'clock 1 did net amount to niucb, the flakes ouI ceming dowu for a tew minutes. Out i Oro the fields were white, and in Lhe vi cinity et Toronto a couple et juches c snew oovered the ground. On Fniday lust Mr. Thomas Geffatî wbile at <Jeylou Island, Lake SimCOE shot two et a flock ut six bhaok-necke, geese, whose hibernating greunde je La brador.. The sýpecies pay very rare vieiL te tis part ot Canada. Mr. Wm Sathor baud wiIi stuiffsud inount the birds te Mr. Goffat. A Close Cali. Mr,. John Malloy, engineer at Tait' Miii, had a close Caîliou Friday evening H. approached tue clesely te a revolvinl wbeel sud a prejection on the wbee caught hie shirt, windiug iL around thi shaftsd drawing Mr. Malloy jute ex tremo danger. The quickhy nevolvinî 8hatt speedily wound the garment off Mn Mslloy'e back, giviug him a couple eo turne in doing se. Ho was providentiall able te geL away witb seme bad cuti about the liead sud a tew bruises. Capt. Drinkwater hurt. Capt. Dnunkwater received severe in. j unies hast Saturday eveniug while driv. ing to the station Le meot hLe brother, -%n Sumner Dninkwater, whom ho ex. pected ou Lbe 9.45 train. The oaptaîu'a herse Look frigbt sud bolted. down Peter street, bringing up in the station yard with a round turn which evertarued Lhe rig. As a result Capt. Driukwater re- ooived sucb eevene braiseis that ho has been confinod te bis b.d ever since. Ho is jut about able u geL arouid* again, howover. Ncarly Bw"oiwed a pin. Au infant child et Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Stepheuson, Canice street, ewalioe, a safety pin wjtb whicl iLs niother W84 about te tasten a garmont. The child aecured Lhe pin on Tbuaday. moraing un. neticed by M r. Stephenson, whioe th# latter wau iu another room. Drm. Han. vie aud-Harvie wore sent for sud becated the obstruction in the throat. It wua apeediby remuved, othorwise death trom itrangulatiou would have beeu certain. SNaa'ruw Esape. Min. »oIy LawroueneaW a uarrow es- ap-, frein deatl. Last Sanday ae = eayd te, take thecork out et a piokle 9 tl, ud it booning z.trenxeby obdux. ate, ah. finally was torced to samas hLe- i.o e b.bottiesth.e ohy way te ýget et ita oontentà. Thereafter- eh.re o of theopickleIa s 'ud wAa alet 'mmcd- ýZ1lùk à wwith sverepMfiur Bbl ad we_ rokee' picce of glaadi had become .faat.néd iu thé Alienar gaul befere récins the .sîomacliMc ical a1d.was sommnoned and t'oLie. gassfoi- woe r e bianigeSaiuÇ» ~ uh~~ go 0ladies flW .& the ïat4 ecrgeè, wit1i boarta eaitftiq feuat ànd tte idat1vn,and à buggy -full of bdeeh-nuta, whi lwl not begin t the bill tho teleplione tôompany lis ? in to, thé hushanda of ,tWo of the ladies. Moral: When you go beeoh nutting take a emnali bOY along tho shal<e dowD the fruit. Whr.in G..Thompeony George Thompaôn. who couiducled a hog-raising industry on a somewhat ex tensive soale on the old Smith farn, at the eâseorn extrm oy f the farin, has, it is said, lef t fÏor fioreign parts. l3ehind hirn ho loaves iseveral iscrrowing creditors, to whottîho is indebted, it ie alleged, for about $600. Among themis bis father, who went good for his rent. Thompeefi until recently was a widower with two young children, but wua marrie4 flot long ago to an Orillia girl. Bis wife, with her stop children, are also left behind, but they disclaim aIl knowledge of the whereabouts of the mai?, who je eid by this ime te be in United States territory. Thomp8on's assoe, $it i. etated, will net cover t.he ameunt cf hie iabilities. Mirs. Thompeon gives ne aigu te lier friends of hear.-breaking, and it is juet possible, they say, that she will jein ber huaband nt no distant date. Thompeen wa8 of an orralic turfi of mmnd and those witb whom he did business lay hie failure at making the thing go ýto a want of attention tu business. &,coldent to Pontmanter Goffat. Postmaster Thos. Goffat came through an accident Tuesday evening which wilI confine himi to bed for several days or perbaps weeks. Ho wus returningu from Ceylon Island, in Lake Simcoe, crossing frorn the island to the mainland in a cari0e From this point ho jntended to drive to town, having engaged a livery horse for the purposo. The road for somne distance lay along the lake shore and in some sections was very rough, re- quiring wayfarers to prooeed eautiously. The noise of the waves beating on the rocks is suppoaed te have frightened the 'horse, whieh, theugh net running away, became restiese, resulting in the upsetting of the rig and throwing the occupants to Che ground rather for cibly. Mr. Goffat retainod hie bold on the reins and was draggzed a considerable distance before the animal was stopped Regaining his feet the driver righted the carriage and procoeded to town nearly exhausted fromn the losa of blood which flowed freely fromn a deep cut on the forebead. On reachinR home examina- tion by Dr. Ardagh disclosed a broten' rib and a much bruised body. Four stitches were placed in the wound in the forehead. The patient suffered intensely Tuesday night and an indefinite period of extreme quiet and reet will be necessary before Orillia*s post miaster wilI be him- self .-News-Letter. THE TURNING POINT TO HOME cOMFORT AND succzss IS GAINED BY THE USE OF DIAMOND DYES. Tht-se wonderful Dyes save thousands et dollars anuitally to happy homes in Canada. At this season, old, faded sud soiled (1resses, cap,jackets, an uitns' ad.boys'suits can hor-yed, sd made teo k a el as ut-w, at s cost etfLt-n cents Dîamnond Dyes are the easiest te use ; they are the brigbtest, strengest and mest durable. Ask for the 6 "Diamond "j; refuse ilU thers -irec&gop Book &id smples of colred clotk free ; address WELLS & RicHARDsoN Ce., Moutreal P. Q Mn. Frank S. Mason, et Prescott is home on a visit. Capt. R H. Bunt, Toronto, is guest, et Mr. T. Elliott. Mr. Jabez H. Elliott lias retunid t6 tht- Medical College at lTeronto. Mn, De Barrîtt If ctured m te Meti o.. dit church hene - ei ýug' Mrs. john EI nWt4 are vSitn Mr. 'A. -T. ioiôt< '« eea<re r-ý Mn. Wil Çibsoôn fias rctetoad- fýx pleasant visit - itil frleudsat EFraakfo*& 1 i. The Public Often Imposed On. Pro perty Medicines and Pi/s8 that are Ut- tonly Worthloss. When You Ask For Paine's Celery Compound do flot AIIow vour dealer to Recommend Some- thing Else. Yen, the roe i a vast ameaunt ef double (eceptien practised in the country. The double deception iniposed on a tee con. fiding people, just messe the însking of wortbles iquid inedicines and pille, and putting thom into the stores et dealers, wbo otten receujmend themwbwen when Paine*s Celery Compound is asked for, because they psy larger and band semer profits. This work of talsely reoemmending and Pubstitating, je fraugb., with many evils. IL encourages deceptien and tale hoed ; iL brinize the public Le the position of islaves to the wdl ot Lh. grasping deal- or , iL tends te prolong snffoning sud agonies wben the eîck are forced te, buy what tbey do not ask for; sud lastly, the vile work et eubstituting assiste the spread aud circulation et preparations that shou.ld ho prohibited by Iaw. This werk et recommending poor and trashy uediciuos when Paine's Celery Compouud ie asked for, je meeting with iLs just reward in mauy places. The substiuting sud deceptive dealers are being shunued, and the mouey for Pains 's Oelery- Oompouud goes unto the bande et upright sud benest business men, cou touted with maoderato profits, sud wbe are auxioas to give mon, women aud ohildreu just what they ask for. The Rreat desireocf sick snd diseeed people is a,,new ite, which meane bealth, streugth aud bedily viger. This coudi ieu jesarely sud speedily realizod when Paiue#e Celery Ccmýpouud je ueed. This tact is proved every day by the number et testimoniale receceived from cured people. The clergy, idical meni, bank- ers, merchants sud the evoryday people testity lu laver ot Paine's Celery Cern- pound ; snob letters cannot be sbowu by the propristers efthîe medicines you are TIMON». About $8 7 was realized from the har- yest home. The speaker of the even- ing, Rev. A. C. Courtice, B. D., and the visiting minîsters, ail spokýe briefly and to the point. 'Hampton choir won great praise for their efficient services at ail the meetings.1 Mrs. (Rev.) A. C. Wilson is improv- ing slowly. By mistake Mrs. J. Wil- son's name appeared last week. Side-.valks have been nicely repaired this week. Inspeçtor Tilley visited our halls of learning on Monday. Mr. F. Wilbur is home from sailing the Northern lakes. ANOTHER ýDiscovERv. of Intcrest to Bi1cycle Riders. A will known bioycle rider has made a -ai Covery tht e god Re ailW1 wh dèoeot. ontewhl.H -À & xutber :ot ouxr - treffants have 41l their goods te&aLed ce't rôm ,Toîë nto 'Il Atead ei haviiig diem #ipped ôtif 5the G.Lfl. Teamestere wifi bring'*eut a load for about J5 which would caet about $10 or 612 by fréigbt. This le à slap at- the Grand Trank for their cbeap Saturday fare and we trust a&l the merchants will join in it. Mr. Seth Jewell, et Mount Albert, who upset at the Byer bridgre Bth con , et Markham township council for $200 but lio saye be will settie for 8160.(Jouncil. ,er Scott reconende a compromise at $50- A committee ef Messrs. Jas. [aawrie and F. K. Ree8er, were appoint- ed te try and settIe the maLter. On Seturday laet the youngest son, Neleon, e& lMr. Peter Byer, ef the 8th con., Markbam, while playing fel cff the top eftbte ice bouse and broke both ef bis arms, juet above the wrists. The rigbt arm esustained a comnpound fracture and the lett a simple fracture. Dr. W. Saugater, of Stouffville, was called and attended te the cbild, who je progreesing favorably. Reeve Aeh, H. Wilson and G. R. Van zant, J.P s., est Mondas' afterneen in the oneil chamber and found Kato John 1401 a.nd Jennie Hagen guilty et the charges preferred, of keeping a diporder ,y bouge and using profane and obecene languaue on the public highway. They cemwitted thente the Industrial Haie,, wbore the peer hait witted wemen will be pro perly loeked after and provided for. A prettier sight can harilly be imnagined than te see the publice chool children rnarch eut et echeel et di8missal. Frcm the infants up the march ie taugbt and therougbly drilled se ihat in case of fire ail rnay ho remloved witbout confusion IL je of the utmeest importance that the strictest discipline be maintained at al 'Uies, se that should such a dread foe as fire cerne the papils may ho safely march ed eut. The principal and teachers sheuld ccnstantly keep this in mind: The case et Hegi.. and Carter, arrested fer fraud and conepiracy as repoirted lwa, week, came nup again on Menday and was immediately disoeiesed. Write have been issued by Hegle and Carter against W. B. Robejon for $5000 each., The tact cf the caee above are, cii Aptil lot iset, Hogbe, Robsonsi tenant, was $120 behind in bis rouI aud gave a note for the amount aud on the samne day Carter was made Lonant in place cf Hoglo. Mr. Rebson thon dispesed et the note te iti preseni holder, Mr. Jas. Torrance. Trhe noe tell due and was notmet, sud, dur- ing the past few menthe Mr. Robson hau endeavored to get the r.neney, but was uneucceseful. Instead etf collectiug the noe by Lb.e ouuty court hoe tried te col- lecL it thrcugh a magistrates trial aud in this way has probably rendered.-himself hiable fer taise arreet. Hogle, bowever, bas netyet. paid the nete.-Suu. Iu Jan..- 1892, Mny sou was taken with Kid- ney disease. Thoagli sttendo't by three pby- sicians, and change ef climats ho gfréw woraa suad by '93 lied f allen freom 196 Ibo. t 51s In 10 'da.efrein atartingLt oie -Di.:O'S Kidney.Livor Pille wo were able tW move hità bo.. ne 4 menthe lie gaixud 50 lbo. sd w»S fally restored te healtli by :be use t 8,i medicice. Jiae. il. Hastie, 25 St.,IPaul St., Montreal. Ameesss Weod, St. Tho ne.,ý bas coutributed 81,»00 for a DOw organ i i the Metbôdiot chanci thore. When Baby wasusick, wegve her OestorS. Vhnshe was a-Ohlldah cried for Càastra. When ehe became Mes, aie chwg te Cestola, When she had Chlidren, ohé aohi eLra English sud French cenioteries -àil Md'ga« car have boon violatod by nativesj.: A.S -'eliabe oz:9oDgrew§s.3*F sti My Ti MR. W. ROS, 1PO1 CROSS F,()C INdMFDEyTg 0F 11r. Chas. Steeze St. Catlerne's, Ont. "C. 1. ifood I& CO., Loewl 1, Mas.: IlFL- mber of years I have hecen tronbled wth a general tred feeling, shortness of breath, pain ln the back, and constipation. I could get only litte rest at niglt on account of the pain and had no a'-tite watever. I was thattred in My limbe tat 1 g ave out before hall the da-y ia n.1 tred a great nuxber o eicinel1s but Žld fot get any pe=mnent relief fein a"y lloocfS M Cure s source un.11, upon recommendaton f a frlend, 1 PLrc àacd a botte of Eeods, Sarsaparilla, wlch made me feel better at once. I hae con. tnued ts use, havng taken 'three botties, and 1 Feel Like a New .Man. 1 have a good appetIte, fel as trong as ever]1 did, andl enjoy perfeet rest at n1glt.I have much pleasure ln reeoinmending Hood's Sarsa- partilla." CHARkLES STEELE, Wlth Erie 1're- ervng Co.. St. Catherines, ()stario. -'odsPlille are pffimpt and efficent, yet ý--sY i action. Sold by all drugglsts. 250c. And Dow for t, erin£! tue prit-e P'Y they bhave tco fairlv good food. carrlei1 PORBenuer $2 to au auent"fIn feed thpin 10 da, MIL. i lr K6, Hloweve, Mr Edi c>Orl to hfve wbe Thýcabin pasE fra -rntl were Ainencan contàn was represented, the Domninion o alout 22.5 and thoroughly. Son mencemetit of th( was not what it n pleasant after al, that if the cabini Dlot on land, w room to move ab The quarntities steamers for use ous and we were qualbty. The reg very noticeable a were living to eat at 8, dinner at 1 what they cail a biscuits, cheese kept us quite bai; between meals i selves chatting, i ing at ail kinds c night some etex for which woul talent ef the pas that unlesoee ocean in a ten-, might term entei Amengst the C: many passengere nae. I de not sailor but wste attsek of this tei but I saw enoug returu joarney 1 and rained for people get sick alune crossing t desoribe seasicli respecter of p large aud emal ehildren who aE Nearly every coming home i worst -were ti gentlem aa1 Milgan, said S get off this ship another." I ha scrihed by somne When firet, sick the slip is gein, fore-long tboY 1 go down. Oh could be heard needîssa te saY for ene would suc»h a great c -witb aeight 0et home, iL sbowei Oft the -watrîý There -wer. a r but we did not e W-esaw thefIYi are distwWrbedb semble a, humir the water ent c0 te infest tle -c0 saboule 'of th s-round the a called " Boa mers and great many birds ou ally there weu r~iuê. ________ IL F G Osilsia Meoisi eri

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