Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1895, p. 7

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.vr sod lu buk orby 'the dosein orf4d haa rd d u . Irwho offi msb- w in o i à .sooth"ô h ,e illig, a tftti tia fdrm i h rying to defrand gePgowf you and sbould b.e aoided. ihépubliec oOtIi taiks 1I4 1I IG$ loiW. hive a are a&Wo otiionèdidigainst all tthn r sa mpi1e. 13..ý ýý-1ý. oalied blood builders and nerve tonios, At Green Iver, on Wedueiday SePt. ti put up ln similar form intmnded to ae. l8th, the wife of Henry Hopkins, V# S-1 coive. They are &il imitations whose of a danghter. 0 makeru hope to reap a pecuuiary advan- W. il Abbo tt, *of Toronto, formerly of O1 tage from the wonderful reput9tlOn the Pickering pharmaoy, wum with frieDds 17 S aohieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. here this week.w Ask your dealer for theru. Miss Libbid Woodruff ha& gone te Sud. These Pille are manufaotured by the bury, w-bore she will spend a few months Dr Wiiam's Medicine Company fBrock- with her brother. Zelotus. ville, Ontario, and Schenectady, N -Y, Mrs. J. J. Gameron left Saturday EL -~ J and r eo ld ol n boxebarnth morning for ber home in Athens, Ont., U &imsrd e ~rk and wrapper, at 50 after having ispent a month with ber son cents a box, or six boxes for $2 50. and fernily at ýWright's camp, laite shore.a «w. ýr. w»&Tbey may be haci trora anv dealer, or The Methodiet church, Pickering wl A nI osL will be sent by mail on reoeipt of price. have its annual harvest home on Tuesday aDr. Williams' Pink Pille may be had evening Oct. 8th. On Sabbath Oct. t oaidruggists or direct by mail from appropriate sermons will be preacbed by j, * Dr. Williams' Medicine Comepany from Rev. Bucbanan, Markhsni. For particu-i A TevLbieCoug. X itber address. The price et wbich the lars of Tuesday evening'e program sec A Terib* Cumh li Bot Ntght pille are sold meke a course of treat- bille just ismued. net D167. Given up by Dotors. ment cooiparativcly inexpensive as Jsp at xM .Po oot oompared with other remedies or medieal wuose eph ai, Ex.M.P. theof Trotof A LIFE SAVED treatment. « hie biscuit manufactory. Perhaps there UT TAX e. GRIENWOODis no better nw politician in Ontario ABEYs C ERR E.Grat, n od E eN woodiSn than the above gentleman, but just 1D0w ~~ E R RY daE ratanl r eewodt, u-bois not in that business, hitving been MiaEd .Gei-,sedn her worsted in the last conte8st by M ~ Marter. holidvs i Tornto.classes in drawing and painting at the "Svrlyears ago, 1Icaught a severe cold, Miss Nellie Shea is at present visit- college. The recent succees of Mis1IL a! tended wlth atril cough that allowed cn e arnshru. Corneil, onJo1 ber pupils, at the Ontario nie no rest, elther day or night. Vie doc- 0 tors, atter worklng over me to the best of Miss E. 13. Teefy, Toronto, is visit- and Durham County Exhibition, doee their abtlity, pronounced my case hopeless, ing ber parents bee er great credit. Miss Corneli exhibited and sald they could do no0 more for me. wlepcusarynoftn rt A friend, learning of my trouble, sent me The harvest bomne people cleared prizes anld one second, as weli as the a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I about $65 at their entertainient. diploma for the beet collection. began to take, and very soon 1 was greatly M r. a age ilwihof ikr relieved. By the time Ihad used the whole *.hSapageroisl-orightpublic lbayhr bottie, 1 was completely cured. I have never ing, is at present making extensive re- no reaaon to complain at the selectioti (of Iînd much of a cough since that time, and i pairs in Greens roller milI. books or the quaiity of reading. If you f1inI!y believe that Âyer'5 Chierry Pectoral M r. and Mrs, Raudenburst, who desire a book that is not now in the Il- sAve, my llfe'-. .Mus, iflb have been visiting at T. Maddens, have brary, ail you have to do is to meke a reuned to their home in Rochester. requeet to the librarian and the work will Ayî' hery Pctahe eamn is running a usual- be procured, if in the least practicable. Chery Petorlcul eam h ernad o as wel Such requeste ehould now be filed, as e HIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLO'$ FAIR. f ulI ba. oThe deennNod ortetels- purcha8e will be made withb'14w weeks. _______________________ kown ran of(;renwod uttr ~ It wiil be juet one bundred years next ycr'a Pi<U the ose utramav rhysi. frmr ta h cem people can j une sincc the Township of Scarboro supply. wau firet settled in accordance witb the - -W m. Pengally bas rented the farro Gxovernmente survoy, and a movement j A Young Girl's Trials. forrnerly mworked by H. M. Sadler. Mr. now on foot to hold a mooster cen tenflial Ilengally bas about 40 cows and in- annivereary to commemorate the fact. UER PARENTS RAD ALMOST Gî\'- tends going into the creamery business The idea wae firet expressed by the Elles- with a rush this faîl. mere Mechanios Institute. Tbe officcre EN UP HOPE OF UER F. L. Green bas a gang of 12 men of that library are now obtaining signa- RECOVERY.ad4tai avsigcr we. tures to a requisition asking tbat the and4 tanî bavesingcor ths wek.reove calî a public meeting at Woburn t Lale and Emiaciat.ed, Subjeet to Severe He bas about 25 acres wbich is being discues the matter. By ail xneans the Headaches, Shhe \as Thought to Be cut and piled into his commodious movemnent sbould be encouraged as in no (bing lun a D-clmne - Now the pic- concrete silo at about 5 acres a day. way can Canadian history be as wel] ture of Healîli and Beau îy. What it wrong with our football taugbî to our young and riising gencra. From the Richibucto, N. B., Review. teani ? Why dont you wake up, tion. As yet we cannot state just whal boys ? You bave a field, almost a shape this demonetration will absume, There are vory few pe,.pie, especially lawn, and flot a single match bas been but after the above meeting bas been among the agriculturisti- etf Kent County, played n h this year. Now is the convened, we will bave something more N.B.,wbo do not know NIr H H Warman time of year to play the gamne, and definited to state-News. the popular agent fur acri-ultural machin- there is plenty of good stufi for a teamn ery, of Moins River. A Retvew represen- here now. tatîve was in conversation with Mr. T ET R I( ON Warnan rocentiy, wbien the subjeet of Very sad news flashed over theé H ~T RNN ON Dr Williisn,' Pink Pila wqs incidentiy w1res one day last week informning the T C U âgCOIMRCT ANI) SUU8 touclied upon. Mr. Warman ssid ho was people of this village of the sad demise is GAKNEM 13Y TU.1Use00 a staunchbteliever i their curative pro- of Green Mountain Every, and our pertieis, and to justify bis opinion hoe ne- worthy 1'. M. antd W. Haney went to lated the cure of bigs sstor, Mi;ss Jet;sie Pickering and called on Mr. Every to Warman, aged 15, wbho e saîd had been symnpathize wîth hlm in hiesSad be- 66almost wrestêd froni the gyrave by Dr reavemient, bnit imagine their surprise Williams' Pink Pills.- Nliss Warman w,,heip tbey were informed that il was liad been sniffrîng for neariY a year with' the old grey borse that had departed. troubles 'Incident to girlhood. She suifer- E--xciternent up here is kept rolling iný great shape just now. Everybody is talking of the Taylor vs. Catherwood c-r l,-il-W harCatherwnod has tion, and had aIl but given up h1ope Of A. G. White, of this place, ana J. bier recoverY ier father, Mr. Richard C. Major, of Aurora, left for Chicago -ireti f Book ami sampk4 of cred è Warmaan, Who is a well-to do farmer, this week. frt drs e rdno expense to procure relief for Ms eteCoeo owli ljL URRSNC. otl, MÇe poor enferer. T he best available Miss N ett e oop er, f olill,isWLS&RcxoCOMn niedical advice was employed, but no re- spendiflg a fwweswt e itr ________ lief came, and although the parents were Mrs. Beaton. G331 atoti epithey stiil strove to find A. E. Major has just returned from RENEIVE the mneans of restoring tbeir loved one to attendance at the expositions at Ot- are very iîl with typheid foer. hiealth. Mr. Warmn, like ever.ybody t.awa and Montreal. else wbo reada the newap9apersi had read Chris. Reesor arrived homne from. Miss Eva Hurut, of Henspee.i in of the many marvoileDO cures effected by Buffalo on Monday, having spent the. îng with ber aunt, Mrs. Hloplcins5 the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilh, butBoerifouyogflk;t< like some other, looked upon these summer at that place. thev&t Hom o a ereoung folksa stonies as "4more patent medicine adver- Under the able mnanagemnent of Mr. reprt heving spont an exclIenttl1 tisernents." However, as everytbing Metcalf the mnethodist chunch choir is W eesryt erÃ" else had failed be deterifed that Pink showifg a decided improvement. ilînee si o FweilbthO-lr Pille ehould ho given a trial, with a resuit Mr. Andrew Hamilt.on returned last Maie Spence, but plessi no les marvellolls t-ian that cf maliy week to bis homne in Kilmarnock, Scot- tir reoovery. other cassrlte bog the press. land, having spent the summer with Anme forCraiu u Wiaaer5'Pik led h ave t Dr. Wilas ikPll aocmltl friends ere and inVVestefl1 Ontario, Mr visitd the 1hn1tisr I 1 cured the yong 1m&y, ge that in a few ,rn" cbib moth, ro ahepîeSan sppSOlYand was highly deligbted with thi Tnesdêy eve., te hear 'ýo o dying girl. Plie as becoalO a picture ofc ouftf. bes, Jolie Ferrier pr e'*,1 aa b eath ani activity. Tho Warmalfla - Dr. Hutchison, a silver medalist of havng heard a god wom-,Ëv ily is goweI nn thiis part of thé Toronto univefsity, was here last week on- country that ne one eldtlk fd s spyn Qut the Iaw." We under- We amro srry te héarÃ" ptiinRanystategnent made by any o! ueS tand thlewas favorably ipressed llIueut ahle, in memboe. Mr. 1H H. W&af, on s-with the loation, eand _will relurnin ,& pand a fesweeé counit cf bis business as *dein for few days to 'commence the ptactice of! et440y taken iii wft agricuittiral machinrs iprs<>%uy ha ,profeulofl. r m. v b.t aoquslntedwitb nearly ,,erYb6a * it4i' lstotÃ"!th Mitiodat hucl pott;f gowcf.! S orcIi * *nuwyruad ~ti>l oo~rÃ"1g ~heé ~i& 4oingodworki41nQeW eounýj, and we i a 'AmUrtd enqut'y wo l hia woervlng'betan nçdiy li 1e4 '# tiae >ci «grmotêlti lusàn fmiiefitly '«â ent 9=or o etat ente âwe ffl.XOVGMYI. oeueiit t wnx 'asë lý iü - ýici è',,a n s i xu n e r l y re co g- îized11 etS b-l0fi'1ttldte aiid we1ctoTed it as otie-of 1d in meicne bc- it c ireedscb.a wide* range )rtsefuliïesà-and brouglt into reqtiisi*tion.the' most 'Imarkable.foôd-4Uedicifle iiiexistée ' -This discovery aScott' ruso ,nd this wonderful n.n±rient was Cod-liver Oul, bu" ît'il it was made available in Scott's Enaulsion it waE L1iost useless, but by their proces of emulsifying il amd nmakrng it palatable and easy of assimilation, anÉ a1dding to it the ilypophosphites of Lime and Soda ,..,ey have given the world a remarkable curative0, 'en in ail wasting diseases, both in children and aduits. Scott & Bowne, Belleville, Ail Drugglsts. 50c.'and $1 4 w, m'a z: 4 E o j I s I I i We habve the Pineaji oie- tien in town of thoas BEAUITFûtL AEPICAN,< WALLPAE8 Borders taMatîc h A.T LOWEST ::PRIÇEs.- Lt Comne eariy and getfirst ehoie. .0 P. B. WARA, - Bzr2k18t., Whit>y, H.SCOTT, ' pUMPMÂKER,WHTY (Successor to H. Thtnpsofl.) The Subscriber bas again opened business hene. Hie office wili be at E. P. LOw teiegraph office, factof y at Mrs. Newbery'5 hQuse on Brock Street, South. New Puip mnanufactured and old pumpa, repaird., Firet cdass material used and work Wlutraflt' ed. Wells dug or cleaned out.- rdr solicited. Feb. 14, 1895. Whitby and-01ba*a. DOMINION BAN. Oapita1 Paid up, i90,0 Burpu9~ - - $1,50 0 0 WhitbyAgenois,*ï Generai Banking ~snS Transated. BAVnios DPRPET In1tereli aflowed s bghe0t o0Urresi rates. Nqonoticee ofwjthdawalrequfre z ]RÂDAM'S MICROBE KILLER- RÊMýED'Y. - J. 8. ZDGAR, IMerchut, WinitI-l. M. K. acted marvelonsy in.lumi case of O cn stomach and bowel troble. 0yppi Fe ; a"~:aerr eFrm Zd!ates r8ae . Lo ,5 Wsiv suank eehiesl aw istandppli- ThoFamsSiewrt asi S aluce.h ndr catioi of r. Çaee'sOluimnt sjayedthe igned to ssii byPuiblic Acino hVeuse burfli g, îtching sensation. one bo nsd a Lot No. 8 iu tbg 4th Cn hty s iD half entireiy cured me. It la aIse intaut relief NpA. CT B R t b, 285, t i -Ut oiCî W i. forohlbîiu. Hnr A.P.mter, St. (Jatb . M. that frmbeingte" atbaf theai No. armes, Ont. l h t ouW lbpAie a h artito: The deiding race between the little yacht as see osras..o urhr rici Sprace IV ad EthelwYnn waS won by tiihe.FARAKS latter. " e f cctlalagoneer.by aFo8tïý8q - The universl prevsiusc oe I sfo bty &g 8b 85 well known te phyuicians. Tii. oulY medicins U M that bas hitherto proved a sPeolo o hsFi'it et s! ofdreadful, cempiaiut laAyer'aSar iriI 205 acreý,xoae, wel watered b y mia whish -exes ,very germ cOf poison from -these pingà n vis adapied for elther t t<k '~'bled. en annt bginto seit 100 soon. orgran rIngï large barn'i aUd- ttc» =4n Wod o=jbuOw o sr n h"uead-rhr os3ý3 ew, Lient.-WQ. Ir Walter Wilkisnaas s tables3, 1, husesudob AWtd os3-3 MOeeted Lord mtsycr cf Londen. à GEO. BURGSS- 1ICy Tii Bribte Flwera muat fade, but youngAug. 2net,19-8tfCarol. ibic. ites euïdàonered by seêv0re ooughs ênd coi4 hml may e peerid yD. HMA'EOUYSTOOT R OILOrc ,wheopg cusi, rouhiisinV' lRS' L$ 9 tbis e _9n prepartaioni he aie o isrbtfhstOpais5Bore, UNCPALITY 0F: TUS kldn.y .ie r l ti' ' d- 1 1st eonoflCI li. idrw8twrt f ahîgefshta ..TINBHIP ROCX burlarf teùthi oue turday moi- &-the mzi.a TCE s I et f a c t u r e c f a ) n ['m Vm eP i ô n ï a n - e' o ta ajs-ê ToOtOc repddI& 120 K

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