Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1895, p. 6

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c -c Thby; art butMô ow o ei ô Mzwv.» Ev n ige t m ajority of wom e I aitd d ii r 014,.ol f C 0 3P A I O N 0 F i" ta k e a littie ,'> a n d a il to o m-anofdolle e o h n , . h e th o . ~ h h a Md.st « C t nt ~WX -iTu OX<» 114them take too, m uh. t!e a reat c"""m fath r" h ie i est mI'4 t.lk #lth bis ~ 4~*~flVL LETTE tomfor a father or mnother tosen o e ,iai o t .he rb lo ho*,n-rmn~.poe 1n mi*, oa~oos~&*", n fr O, N OD .. of the chlldren out for a pot o eer 811 i . her oe swia*idwt, bc4t ~.o .~ ~ty and then quietly guzezle away at home, 1AIi iife_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Wa~ arket tOWfl where the little ones early corne ii 10 il cuhi eth hosn' 1wcm- b b qimk.s i hn~BrIt;ec~10. ~ ~ti he ouflty Of tender years for a sip and as they groW u yighaIlod008. Wlb - .GlexGreôd I 18situted ou the older for a share. In spite of the ad- - eIuua et i t . ae el u1dê feeblehim I usua4an en' Mthe ther V.ck St.,JhIyb9 close t the mitted ravages of the traffic, but f rne;I îid 0rerinetiey rn roPahte, n Ofa's efforts are- madie to resist them, 0f ~» ~ k o th Riercourse, the nonconformi5tst all the lime that ho w'm longing 10 have A& AaornyDÂVID , o1UiStoNB evlurv. 1q t e"ËÜiÙt1y called Tref-Y- nominally espouse prohibition, but oa itm j fîLvttrey.as, ec.Ofilceto-In Omcr> ot]naY-J .Buna o tÇw o te m rtun he ffctin s or'eao;oc fie I i fie wy fr-» 9 ao ;~a ltq~etw uteseems to me to be a very faint-hearted w1 iru wouldnt givo him tie sat. ot ftepot0fci YAIý nIghton possess- espousal. agie 0*tIont public or na- o ngafl thro csnooher mnlike him uTHE 131à FOU R ib t0_ r1vate schools, an nominally prohibitionist. In fact ît's Btuw h ol u a'hmbc ItMTS.*ITC A a common ang and, i ymn a sud tell hlm te his face tiat ho was eieè of Msri~ Liceflees. Office - mh'Jn.8;Mrh4;gy ; ly1;O M4êt'l. held on Thursdays, and practicglly true sayin,:, that the beer-tinouethemeI hfricl 4 >hoe. wk-syn, nmymdsoRe oFuLA, gYIou" Inldce" ae h ,,arrser, aýetc.fMarketBo LoJi S st! OaNNTNer mtOnig ai8hedtvts rnonth uurîflg the age, peerage and parsoilage orni th prnntes0 Po l hteriin bis la ene mdioi im emdcOD a teurbces k o fMreB c tWib.1;Dc 8 Th.sresarý very narrow and unholy trinity that keeps back rnany a have îreated yen 1 - No word coud be raalAl eo tbou01l Ue >W&1cwLIRY 1r~aC 5 a 7 c.1;Dc light and truth avedand progres. speken te solace that grie-strickeo girl c. Contns nOw bIood prd'n opertle office in Mathison & Bawken'5 ew lc lrMrh1;My1;Ot 7 0 t Ik n apple..pie condition. It was certainly that bottle-nosed crmn M incliuationl said, -'It Serves yen rok S.eWvcrfalouhuo Ota The-,~ maOOd 'uplof s t he thetory pryat the lteelection. Bu ".6e ,Allie, huuho4 dntknow B~ OTLE 0o1 0 FOR * rVI.The church living is a per- let us turn from tesrosand the , BATES Lilebîccil. Cleri ofîhe Pe&ch etuaii CUC ini the diocese of Here- influences of the bowl; and let us con- knew it well f rom your actions. Thér,EMAISN, AE O, TRI ? PIr1on> tue Earl of Powis. lider for a moment that eminently an- now, lot that comfort ye . " And I lef t WHOLESALE AGENTS$ cient and bepcal hrce er with her self-inflicted errer. ThatOr Wa en c M or.Kw LêyadSle tai gil a i aWea nstuo oblWhfr oitbyy, la thesie vu XAID r W r en c i 9il market towTilfin THE TOWN CRIER. her harrowing thought. If sho loved P~ Ofd pr Wneso t arjo. yit 5 H r e hv hrce tha the boy she should have told him se. If CoU~ITICE. J. J. Moore, M. D. F. Warr ,M.D ,Ouny ad povice f Otaro. t i 14re e hve chracer hataffection is a good thing, as 801110 daim it Ï%ae-on the main fiue of thre Grand smacks of the days long before the te be, il je good to give and te take. I Visitors - Mliss Squires, Oshawa, Brooklin. Whib was deamedof. s in pernn thnks aythin of ûe, 1want 'ues OOfficess-heursourt'cea.issEvaOOficceouheursa.il ofice r u kk ailway, on the norti shore of printing press wsdemdo.A osntlk ntigc ù,Ifn us fMs F orieMs v 44*COitaxlo and is ýthirty-three miles mnany other vocations in the Old World him te lot me know it while I arn in this Perkin, Drayton., at Mir. J Littiejohans'; t l&Mt ~th ithy of -Toronto. in it are the-son oft doth follow his father's world, tirouÉi which meut of ut; find it Mr Jabes and Miss Elliott, Hampton; eism.1Lp. Lattepublk Sehools, a collegiate in- calling, hence wve often find that the ne easy tank to flnd our way, but through Rev. L and Mi.ss 1, Tucker, Toronto, pe- Privale Telephofle Co-mflf~iWt tiute and oneof the finest ladies' col- town crier of to-day is of the samne which we would travel more easily were at Mr L '11 Courtice's Mrs Gibson and D .BGRi*o 'Ïe ni Amnrca. Markets are held blood and bone as he who wn his wo sware thet many a oeei8 ready with a son Harold, Loddofl Ont., at he fath- eWedne0aysand Saturdays through- bell in the days of the Tudors. In "Crod.sapeed" to 800 us make a succesef ni ers, Mr T W Hiarris. Physican, Surgeon sud Acecocet. )u t rag t;b tp k sd w stk thee crier asand ot qimprtant oficiai. tie fer t e sowe the ltr a eu e an si n ene t o itt year.- The streets arec ide thoeaddw oqiercn ie îugo otepcso hi fo Mr A Annis and Miss Edith Rundle Chrch, Dundas Street, Whitby.N . hd plrace f buplaens Paltr, the Thrugr himail tnewspotaofficl n i Ther on w telttraewho have ha(l typhoid are recovering Dental Surgery in ail ils branchespi çî .T E PU, Pore -IllweracsOsudvemnes.Patare thmohrtgh tt aldthdnew of tomladrdei. iemenower andraarsaredestîtteneith iQfl. J. H. Long. Population 2700. and ail announcemetlts were made. prodigally shed te make the conscience _____________________ 1 ý Ï êrewo avetw tons he o- ir is officiai duties are patclyeasy, for our ueglectiug te appreciato our Mr. Blake, Courtice, was a successful I olid h teonin n.il, h'h tl id okrod yfinswiete eei ls. eht tr tLindsy and Peterboro * rlhsdBag e ear WQhae W twn ion te i 'h tl ld okt ob Someone has sald, IlA pound cf affy is fairs. H i h 'he- higory of the one goes rngîng iris well worn bell, collectiflg a wrti s ton of epitapiy, " and tic îruth Msr elyadSde rosDE TS .L E INS A eO dark ages, whilst the bis- crowd and then reading the advertise- @f thîs adage cornes home the more a sreso eslom and it nyebak.D N ST 401her is coufiued to 'a cen- mnio oeu-odt hpa.cîearly, tic longer we live sud strugglo e enH is ancestors announceri the defeat of fra xsec.Ecuaigwrst *eosOfr 7r Gos~ Gagra bty Ytiietonplacs.omrteri -ra:eitec. noua:- orst thsete lceorther the Armada, or perchance tie death a living mari will produce practical re- APuilsed e quàfei.) I ii en v a f l e ci t o f ofv re the f ir St ts, or t he batethe s s , u heliaz n d ch r c ea upoIlII(Publishnuta turerSRL iues cc twan leth edroetrwoth tatoth ateamassive monument meves ntet seul Dear Mr. Editor .-Will ycu kindly in-aceG. Trno éô W tecompi. n e helfrede of Waterloo, but iris announcements, cf tic corpse buried below. Were It form the readers of your valuable paper that s ttel itbWýcnèe h himsf et alas, are fated te deai with bankrupt possible te heur tie spirit of practlcal I wfll gladiy send FREE te any sufferer freio _________________ ht'o 'stocks and net witir batties, with cati- man soliieqnîzing af 1er deati. oee >ould Lest Manhood, Nerveufi Debility, Nigbî W. B. YARNOLD, .LStagetCptlSok1i nusc 'Of~ zn is ln a greater or less degree cees arccl, moecyadte !ut tri alEaglisi r Wlhtwi;s osadntwitir kings. Soon tire heur somuetiing after this f ashion oS f youthfül folly, particularS of a simple and couuîty Surveyer sud DrainaeEnneacmuaicstsrpsiseand th ~is article is rcial a rom- town-crier will be ne more, ancj an- titiy are pultiriR up a csly monument, inexpesv means of self-cure wbich- after be-Port Perr, Ont. pa=%nbetween Engiish aud Canadian otirer iink in the cirain tirat binds us te eh? Whbat uoed no w? Who gels tic Ing hubgged and îrnpesed upo'n for years dlyo îsen uprc fda tovflIhavng pprximtel eqalmedieval England will be forever benefit uow ? Tic world may give by quacks ad patent medikine sharks. cured A.* A POST, mtrt fedwel towns havin app oxim a eIN e ual roken pra se tom y fa rlil . bupraisaffemy nfatr.iialye wbut. 1 avs affectso slnet pouâin.give away, uer amr1n etia gany patent AcietlaIe & J. B. POWEL ",,.ý OIT.me whe amn beyond their affection new. medid.ne business, but wilh be pleased toe"BarkBen, T oroute. Designe ol hrceFb.lI 8 t~5TJIciALGOVERNMENT.CET. Had lie efforts necessary te prepare tiat frein any sufferer auxicus te Sund a cure for his Villas and Cottages a specialty rwns________________ Temanagementofteafisoth 'e o oet htst mte fabrie been exerted lu comfertin m*!e cemplaint. te whom 1 will explain confiden- pýepared for r structures. town - f Knghton is in tire hands ofmst obnxous feature of Englisir life. mr. ti an huifsinbe Hundreds have been cured ibrougb my ad- store. m-ýiP O Box 202, Wh.ty tir Dstic Concl.a ody f Society irere is stratified, thi , t is te make a Show f affection for our de vice. Cents ncîhig to learn what I p.ald bcn. D N IT citrens lce o apr fdreds cf dollars te Sud eut. Address confi.W .CLVREorKng& oue t.Tc twhk iuen lete ora eio <~like tire leaves of a book, ne upon tire parted cnes. Li. wisxndpatia e etalysd nlsesap feevtfut ire ers ou o he etrea- _trr, and if yeu're net iu tire top show our appreciatien of them while îhey D. G. OWEN. ý W - l othat but four councillors leaf stratuni, you've got ail tireother are with us. Toffltoi Ont D G . ~i nvdhl u'nw rliew t 0 ivavie . grmhé'vea our néiktU an te'e elected cacir year. Tire leaves a1ove you.r own pressing down * * * * * Egadi ledmkn ltiuiuc zdh xei h ug tu*8 ~i ~ lCi's i s o u c r a r a i h 5 u p o n y o u . L e t m e i v e a c l a s s i f i c a t i o n - A m o t h e r i s e y i n « I l f a r e w e U W " l ý o b r ht 5 0 ohe $ 6 ,M r. i c, l 5 4 4 .rgi t t 5 5 U w h I . d ntét s t a . e a * I 1 I AK1 l * J l drtue o rs fic ami tre maud tof nlsrscet sse neer >, on î>t.c bve J I.. . ilek. wokut*ozilng y firs-elUs ierud duie orePO di iecounty: Firstly,.the nobility, compris-", ,W.CALYeILont'W eniii he ity aîl ii rd Il m ing itle peý6ns. Seondy, te g neyer11kî1wéholàniîciry lieé,aa W. éiL th, cf our mayor. 0f course tr n iidpesnScultirhgne ~ agci; "' h cl esnbl aeal ti as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~nyrk'wh mc ew- o epondencv bas takenhl f"h ufrr.Scn orws !odsrp u ortei aen xr t i lj dîvided jute remmiltees as ry, made up of families holding es- tien. She la aorry thal sic had't cher-e Tbeoyhesufres rtre preper admnitgtiosud y feltungog threissot, Toronto«o. aorw r diitaintaes. Here again a line is drawn be- ied hlm more. Tial is ail very geod, fer. There, however, is a cure-one box f Dna N vision of towu goverrnent. tween those wiro have an ancestry and but her chance te chenuish gone now Parmnlee's Vegetable Pille wiil do weudcrs ino.Sî,S2 -.- ,Tis forai of municipal tntiu ioseirhaent The clergy, tirat forever. If aie has not appreciated rostoring boulîti and Rtreugti. Mandrake aud m$introduced by tire Parisir Councils' is Cirurcir cf England ciergy as ne hlm up te Ibis moment, sic nover will be Daudelion are two of tic articles eutering jute o! 1 94, nd i is ertanlY eue ther is r roguzed ocilly, may e in ail w s ow îsî rmpin en a prtealiri. he empestieftcfeanmocmposilt.ionL ofN A L K NDS F- tD IPille.B U the omm nda le rfor s o rlded u tre entr clss s îey ae O f h goo te feu d ahomeforhim el!, Gret-dpoststo-maiga-DEArLEavebeeN'I M E IKI:~ are duly mnarked in chracteristic Eng- rlass feeling. A lawn tennis club was yours alone le lie blame ; sari Ihougir tire SyxmmTsMoitu làpeon--;"Uôtiflsud9m statedin iresprng nd meberhipstatemoul may be- How happy is tire tingng ; Most ut »igbî; irs bY "raucuxng. rte depîO pfl iingcaUn5LID lisir style by blackeued iron POsts set y. Â4v0n*in theratOs uuandeby eou- Office tud Yard ,ttst E S Wlu p etT EI T' s o s h. lî b ng su q tm 10i n sPer n o a ,e> n i e t p i s 1$ oncè e ar form a procession and lu mad joiued tire club. Tien there was greta fer tire pas1. We frequeutly hirn-bl>effl hul uveatcf in dluMeutcse 2~szxgefte olesîny alktir bundaries indignation amoug tire snoblots. Tire eay, "If my brother gels stnong remves thi tuio.i At druggits on 1"y mail U1IE8~ I3~Aé Wit>,Cl2t 84 o.the borougir eding neitier bedge f ew familles of tire professional mien lun5 agaIn1 will maire up luafin nfrhmfr50cns r wyc&Sn Philadelpia., ,Poreou V~*r rler bu ngiteusly tudgigtr onrfsd te payeven on tire wa aengetd" odrsleLmnSons &Ce., Moutrealji Wioloale o' BN S]'r--AXTON, PoeMa.-- 3 IGR SAI phlfiil fsm gudwt h oa d ug hogimpossible of exeuntion,frtieAet._________________ 'Y4Ioreer irehueled Tir oficiis f sme reud wiir ireson nn dag -affection liraI you intend, te -givo hlm l . hç oiicl aprCticlilly tire samne as tors o! storekeepers. A resolution wè olTeogimeiir ientfo i ~fhis4 On pont o! differeuce worth passed by tire committee te tire effect s, wii ubyn onnai.i~ wiA % t~ n-otkkiir owèvr, Is that allta ep e l iol police are tint tire -"iorrid" ____ esp-oplJ sioulU unde4r tire jurisdiction o! tire coutity, ho allowed tire use of tire tennis courtsuf w ~ ADTJI 1>MILI» ~ j j ,,j, and nt~io ir rbndistrict or w e aslniewe, u ito ie But wirile we find fault wti smre VJI 17 Y! , - asft e ur a w sncre t he i e m les o! utir helt y o aonn s stkhes m p l y an o - t are cern otirer dnys tire grounds were to e b imîs~tc ried enliiiet- . tOP ar a rfn scedtoth fmiis fuhes-f-led solation- W. bln txeerenearcie DailyMM I ' 50 x. ncccsas rydnprepor- eite o! tire town. Just ponder over weeyieo h a el icee fer.lu tli ttle tomil tiere tis incident, you unstratificri Cana- the tlme cones> foï pet tmxj *ith- ou&sýf Yourhj à1d U Cgr "Né. ~ ~ o!Police witth tirce aSsist- dians, andt iank you r e live lu f iend3, tiraI bis ,,or ber duty hia beau 'JmnproVcm t IIYoiùr çoo ~-alduly ui~fomv! in blue a land a yet frec -frem tiie curse of donc toirards thew- We offer ôthling w~t~~A~2tx,~ bruasbuttonls and Shakos. Qu rigid social stratifiain. Tire-people new. It is as oid as Solomon,." What- - t sucir a la4h a staft is that tire o! tire ubordinate'classes secS ,to. me see thy baud findeth te do, do iê with 4 Soffençes a r nced.Whaîte obe lu a state, of rprsson tre i, bnLI 'N> -4-3e~t6wfis4~ n à oUcelafiere>rasa scape.Tire doneeltheirsîre th If ht.1 ~I Th etid tei 7P-aourh& # i t Wh UUi4t1st attend tes ewetn anl 4-ol4gt là e o14us eihe Iiiui sof ~a e1lfr 2nd ,Wâtàld o er'l sp n eesit orwroé wol i4 e ,fac ar ,and .'1fyte oui.rothee agladosathatbe yungas 'i tis eîèiybtdyoýU ý hé hita pa c aposessiuagaçstheydt> ie te oor tdaTae donir 1 thuer srnt 16 - ist atn O. s arc becot erpole d m>r 88~ in the su .ns an' en. rt Ce. 811 et. e . e.tb 1or Et. eut dis îloty. oobber t- ERR HIER PAIR Goig ture ol Frem the R Tirere ai ameug the N.B.,whc the poptila ery, cf Me tative wa Wa.ruau 1 Dr WiMsi touclhed u lalmote Wilhiamm' trule id"A -1P aches, becami parent tion, a bar m - thée'l of ti tie i ÂTerrible nor Day. A L AYEI "Seve-al ye ---tteniled witlî De rO reSt, E tors, after wc their abilîty, and said tht A f!nend, lea a botlle of A began te tak relitsed. B3 b ttle, I was lad rnuch et flrrny believ saved ny li Ave.,LoweLl Ayeî's nier'. Pil~

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