Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1895, p. 5

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INITL4S, CYPHERS I IRESTS, I IN BORIPTIONS,I Done in a taste fui way, promlptly, and ai P rces, by lowest rS __ _ JEWELER & ENGRAVER, "WIIITB-. Offiiai Couaty Orgasa-Largeat Circula- tion of any local paper mn Canada mnqil e swi îea crowdëà- hoise ophubrMay lu the towùni hall.,Seaia. Dr. Henry Brighî's Englal Lvq m Kidney Pilla, are now being hIntroduced i Canada. Cas be b.d of al oaes inedi- Mr. Charley Francis, who ha% been lu~W G. Walter'sa store fore some years, bas gone te, Buffolo ia search cf a sitation, andi will go on te, New York if he dos net finti oue. Mr. W. T. R. Preston, lîbrarlan of the Legisiative Assetnbly, Toronto, accotnpanl. ed b y his daughter, wheelqei (romn the clty on Wednesday on their way to Port Hope. A concert wiil be held In AIl Salnt'a achool bouse, under the auspices cf the Ladies Aid Society, on Monday 23rd. A lecture will aise be given by the Rev. Mr.. Simmons after the concert. Potatots are nearly as big as pumpkis' tbjs year. It doesn't take much te shake a bushel off tbe trees. No sucb crop of "iapples cf the eartb," as the Frencb cal them, bas been seen for many seasons. Among the many fine drivers shows at wblt- by fair was a fine 3-year-old moan gelding owned by Mr. J. T. McGarry carried off it prize. It la sired by Mambnino Hunter, re- cord 220* hy Mambalo chief size ef several if in the23o 'class. Mombrino Huniers dam is by Gtayl3ob Hunter. 2.21, by jay Gould, by H-amilton io. McGarry's colt is only barely breken to lharness and cati spin a gait ap- paoaching closely te 2.-40. It fs for sale we unde: stand. Flftees moths fer $z aS. FRIDA CCT 4, 895. The Chronicle and Weekly Globe froui FRD Y C.4 85 now te Jan. it, 1897, for $1.25. Tell your _____friends about it. IJOOA LACO IOS. Football. LOOAL LAOO IOS.The juniors efthie cpllegiate drove to Pickering Scott repairs ail kinds of pumups. ou Saturday last antd played a game wuth the Hiardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, enly $5, college teani there, winning by i goal te o. at \V. Tillîs. Wanted. Ladies' ribb merino vests otiîy 15c., at W. At the Royal Hotel, Ibis lown, good din- t;. W\altqers. ing room girl. Best wages for a competent person. Apply at once. jas. Emaney, For shiggish liver use Dr. Brights Eng- prop. list Liver and Kidney Pis. 3Wh Bail.- Rifle Match. Boys navy surge suits to fit ages 5 te 12 The above match that was announced for years only #1.25, at W. G. Walters. the z8îh inst. has been unavoidably post- Get your ire-pots, grates, iron or brick poned to the 25th. Volunteers wili gov. rn linîings for ail kinds of stoves, ranges or theniselves accordingly. furnaces, trom J. Mclntyre. - A capital testimonial. Mr. James Campbell received a.fýlegarm I have much pleasure in recommending on wednesday stating that his sister Mms. Mn. W. H. Piper's pumps to any party ne Anderson, of Toronto, had died that day. ouiring the same. I aise fihid him te be a irst J. and J. Baldwin's 3ply fingering yarn only Si.io lb., do. 4 pi y $1.35, in biack's, grey's, white and cardinal, at W. G. Wal- ters'.- Tht United States Life Insurance Como- pany represented by E. J. Dingman issues the niost liberal contract i tht market. Al profits belong te the policy bolder. % We have prepared a schedule showing the resuits of J udge Da tnell's decision in the issues ef thie farmers' appeais, but net in li efr f..-i* ne. Itf will t-.p ivPn iiPxt, class repairer of any kind et pumps. He has repaired severai for me and tbey ail work irst ciRSS. JAMES CAMPBELL., Whitby, 22nd Aug. 1895. Don't read this. Faîl is here and wintet le near, and tht Oshawa Steam Laundry is prepared to do aIl housebold articles at 25c. per doz., and remember this includes everything froni a handkerchlef te, a blanket. Leave your orders at Bandel's barber shop, west aide of Brock 1.-sreet.nnncsite Hatch Bros. 2 in. fier a ~AI1 iuàh bands, for 83bi; ýoutlis' and Cblldteflil 1-exceptional1lwe àtw. .vvanals.i A cavalcade cf horsemenfi romu Oshawa ac- emaiedethe fair chori8tts5 (rOm t 'at town .01tefrvliilt toWhitby Monday evenlng. Ste Grenville P Kleiser in «Ouf American Cousin D on O)ct. loth, Music Hall, Whjtby, 2 *dtùisslon Onl7 25 cents te ail parts, or the hall. Reserved seats at Willist drug store. The apoual meeting of the W. C. Ir.!U. will b. held on Friday evening at balf past seven, on Oct. 4th,' In the Free Readingfi Romr. A full attendance of meiabers istr. quested. tla We have had mnafy accounts of large POtatoes sent in for publication but have de. clded to give publicity in cases wbere the nlurpby goes over two lbs.The day cf 2o and 24 Ounce potatoes is past.c To Rosi. Good stable, drive bouse and yard, next & lot to foundry north, si per montb. Apply to Wm. Sbaw or E. Stephensoni. Dog taa. Constable John Hopper says every dog In town that is flot tagged by Saturd ay, oct. 5th wil cet bis owner a fine and costs. Hait ? Belore buytng a spray pump, be -.ure and see « the Andetson double action force spray pump. The besti n the world. Ten of theni bought by the govertiment for the experirnental farn. Onl'y 813.5o) each. L. FairbankS, Wbitby, agent. Grain, Seeda and Fat Stock.f Messrs. T. G. Colwill & Son have opened out business here as buyers of ail kinds of grain. seeds, fat -qtock and meats. Their office is opposite Woodruff's hotel. Fanl Fruits. The CHRONICLE was favored this week with a fine stalk of raspberries, the fruit being well-loaded, large and lusciouis. it was froni the gard. i of Miss Anii Smith, on Brock street forth. Gold Broocb Lost. Somewhere between Oshawa and Picker- ing on Kingston Road or else at VWhitby fair the first day, a gold brooch bearing in- scription " PAPA'S PRIDE.'" Pinder please leave sanie at the CHRONICLE office, as it belongs te a child. War or Peace It's a11 tht sanie. The war in Corea is now over and the Manitoba struggle is on, as welI as the British elections. Murdering isstill in vogue and on the increase. The mani who thinks he knows a solution of the Manitoba school question, doesn't know how much lie doesn't ;know. How it will be deait with is a vexed :question for politicans. The British elections are sure t%,' go Conservative, and conserva- tism as carrled on to-day means real reform. We can stop murdering te some extent if we nail every blood-stained monster te the mast instead of making themn recipients cf sym- pathy and outraged justice Readers are favored with these philosophical observations purely witb a view te reminding themn that E Hart still-seils tqie New Williams sewing rmachine, whicb is ahead cf thernail. -ln o asibc L ii O &vuýý EC LCL Police Court Items. îveek. Pretty cool.WatrCne acovtdbfr P There was a large attendance aI Mr. James WVe sent on a lot et subscriptioti acceunts M.Walter frCsanden was ovlte bfore P. Caxnpbell's auctien sale of furnilure 0on Fii- îwo weeks age. te subscribers, msny e .Hrerfrbsaoef emaeofwt âay and saturday. His real etat was offer- whom are considerably in arrears, whicb $2 belenging to Liverymýas McGearry, and ed but no bid was made for any but ont piete latter cîass we consider are pretty cool in sent up for 3o days witb bard labor. of land, whicb was not disposed of- their rnethods et deitig business. If we Buck Murray wa-v arresttd is Toronto on Mn. and Mrs. G. E Gibbard, Toronto, owed them meoney for tbret or four or five Fni d;îy last a-.,d hroni'L er.- thit :ît..tht. spent a few days in Whitby and vicinity years, and paid ne attention wben they On Monday lie appeared before tepolice sitîce our aset issue. They were heartily asked for il ibere would be a row and we -maçisrgte' fnr triçl. He was convicted of welcorned b), many old triends, al et whomn propose te miake those who are so Iar'la ar- bavîng grabbed a dollar of change off Wood- were plçcased to know that they are bappy rears pay up ifthiere le aay way of doing it. ruff's bar as reporteci last wteek, asd wasl. and prosperous in Toronto. We do net intend te, publila an expeasive remandtd for sentence. He-has been bélir. Mr. kleiser le undoubtedly, in our opinion, piper and give it away te those who ha'j. P. M. Harper about twenty lies during the the best al round reciter and entertainer nerve enoa3gh te try and elude pavaient. là3tafve or. m* 1Mgg4indg ays be.-Issahiied %%ho bas yet appeared in tht opera bouse. We shal nake costs for sorne cf ibese part- to meet iî ttt5 soe In hie retidition ef high-class humer he was les rîght away. Os Monday W. E. Hutcbison, of lJx- simply i rresistible. -B rock ville evening Rt- Fine chance for a farmer. btidge townsbip, was brought up before P. corder. Music hall. hty .xt. Attention je directed te, the advertist- M. Harper for sentence for bsrcn ir Resenved Seats at Willis'. ment elstwbere in tht CHRONICLE) b gery et tht namne Gould Bros. ýt ea Apprntie wated Mr.F. owar Anes, f afarmproert cheque. Ht wili go on susptnded sen- Appruitce ante. M. F Hoard ime, e a frm reprtytence, and if people take our advice tb.y In nilliery departnienit Apply at C. F. aflorditig thte pportunity of Witby's spien- àilbo u erbt.W eiv Ia s Stewart's store. did educatiotial advantagts te a farmer . lokotJo i. ebli ta Wdte.wishig ta, educate bis family yet desirous tce sould be tempered wth nerch, and do, Wânte.etfcentiituing bis occupation. Now ibat tht net wisb le cetidemu faithfui court officiais îooo people to buy boots and s'hoeat ; axseta prenyrerctcîye- who do their best te admisister tht law and« redutionOf 5 pe cet. fr te net 3 day tacorrect evils ; but we shall be greatly sur- ntth edu t ic 2er cet nt. Co Ihtone.t 0 ay ed for tht next eigbt ytars, a newcomeir prised if young Mr. Hutchison. cesses bis aI he es s~deboo ad soestoe. knows jusi wbatble isdoing in making a slitte tricks on this style of punisbment. -Ht Barni rasing. deal for sncb preperty. It is a matter ot sntros otls elw n epe A New barnt t replace tht ont lately de- wender te us that more (armers wbe have a oeinsyawrbesflosdpol streyed by fire wae raised on Wedtitsdav on familles do net came ie thetîown, for there wbe know hlm place ne fafth luhim.' Ht tht tan etf Mn Joshua Ciawferth, bise 1lite. is ne aiher in thie ceunta'y witb a better ed- 'na tagiv e lm a doublesentence houldU Every thing wetttogether without a biiclî and ucatienal equipmetl. nhe ever coe îi ble hgrspeftec ht 1mw ne accident accu rred te min tht pleasur e and A Splendid programme. again. m wti tegas fth a Che f rin ulp ad According te, annouincemntilt tht Oshawa James Murphy was trled belore P. M. Mn.R. oiendtiotWolendn- Smith, choir cf tht Simcoe stree.t methodiet cioir Harper et Monday for obsirncting Chief Mr. Rdar. Whitbyde, bas ep o le gave a concert in tht tabernacle on Monday Constable Calverity ln tbe disciarge of bis marle ealrs.Whibybasdisosed of b evening. The attendance was very geod, dnîy. Tht trouble. arose out of tht case of intereet i tht busitness ta Chas. Smith. wbe better Viran la gtntrally seen ai euch enter- tht girl wha came beze a month ugo te csee will carry il on ln the future, and for tht tain la sinWbitby. There were thirty " Mn. Dodds." The salvation-arlfy female ex3odays *l elmouensscrolls members in tht choir, besides the organisi, captain gai possession of her and ýwas ketp- mankere, fencing, etc., ai cest.-43-2Ii. - (rom aour ntigbbornig town. Asd il le toti ng ber au tht aray lodi;gg, wbeu some of Chicago and Relars tee much te say uhat tbe quality of tht pro- tht boys managed t get.the girl druik. On October 3rd, 4th and 5tb ticket agents gramme rtndtrtd was a surprise te those Tht captain misset iber kteys aitt saine' in Canada will sel round trip tickets to, wbe heard lu. Tht audience cUti sot expect lime. and, thinkiag tsaitihe girl bati taken Chicago ai tht lowest rate ever made te thetot hear anytbiag se fine as ht bad the pleas- -tht keye anti stcdred -sonne mconey, freina Windy city. Ticket-a muet reati via Detroit, unre et listening te. Evtry piece os tht pro- trnnk, and had boughtI liquor wlth il, the Wabash railway. Ail tickets are goed te, gramme was well rendereti, whiie taken as constable was sent for. H e. went to the returs up to October 21St1; selil througb a whoie tverythitig was admirable. Il le drunken girl wbo was i company wutb hiaine. Diagrams o f sleepers now epen. probable tbat no other town ef tht saine Charles Stewart anti laies Murphy., Sie Full particulans fiom any R.R. agent, or J. sîze as Osbawa posses ss many excellent- refused te, go wîth Constabe Calverhy 'and A. Richardson, Canadiati Passetiger Agent. ly traintd voices as il dots. Mi. Hunt le bo cltitg te Murphy, wb*ni5todeva8lP5 ttetet northeast corner King and Yonge strets, b. congratulateti on having se gooti s choir. te, gel her loese,. al di. ltime demaniit Toronto.Byan rhbt. Calverity's authority, and wbo sttemptÇd tô Bers md tbwr habits. abeve ilaut tht srmny, qs~tI ~.Mr Dows ai th& Docks. Tht now unfaLmillar sight et sttppingf-a mast in a large vessel was given to a few people wbo happenedt t be abouit tht barber this week. Tht Jamiedoli, of Wbltby, hati a new main-mast put luto ber, and now a nuit>er ef shlp carpentere ad ealior-tnlti- are bnsy putting up the siender top-mo.at and atiachitg the eshreuds, rgnlglg etc ,te tht fint masut fpt, bewn on the dock frein a greai tree eut et a remuant ef forest here- about. Thé wattî lan tht lake le lower ibmn ever and s Il falllng. 1%.Itiles worth reae'Ing. There are a numnber ef articles et intenetinlatItis issue Of the CUR( The letters frein Messrs. WMn.RoO Ferry, asti T. IR. Greerw*eod14B-P- V are betb excellent ilatrudutibtlefl A they proposewriting. tu tbe-,tht cf' <beeprvatî'oals"5 élever 7011 ef Whitby gives a fiaet 1ca'Of 0me life< inte ouit, tefwc6-l whfc we tirôltiaay o& fram ose anetiser. 1iromi tg Osha dicator we bort-cv a wdiu.wrtrn an isdiau n d g tuirh , n ig yueesongto suit Teni *6,s* aany. The Honry St. ScItooL Durin liesn go The cor Who arg papisil clain or schei thé cieg destret couit. the boy rectal A gentleman who hati business la tht s CHItONICLIC office on Wedntsday caiti be- E fore,4e west eut: "I was wihin hearing at distance tht other day of some boys wbo1 were on thelr way bomse frein ont ofihbe pub- i lic schools. Tht langite age e was friglit- t fui. They cursed tach other with tioquenti profaaiiy, and evea weat so far ase t cast m aspersions upen theïrr motberp. I do sot remember toItbave ever botard boys use sucb lange befere. Boys ;art, ilowed îoo toua, £reedoîn Tbkey sÏdonsbave any- thisig o d, and are aflowed tospenti a gréat part oi theiretr«àngdown (>w;4 whert they cos g.eg e ogether andi practict waig $o sg nt chewing tobacco aiblg nd acith@I' ces as, l in ier inna. go te msake tuh ein nbefore ibeir ,mjr0y Thoewbo iry tObî up e boys righu have, o chance. M bpféel tl"bard.- amip of betssg kept 110w an ýezteiided zightly 'r tip &bout 41"1 me- of '1iaint53o1work bôe cileo- ý aréMare eut :3fds, ~ _000L Me W au know te"of en ofthe Young r »u on nentak-a"i may itnb- &Im0rma e~er mieb s o /elaeIion lte . êt ev ~DE3s .~, -thes Anyone Who wantB to se. thavr atet ety1e in Fiei Dre seaGods inipattern, oonflned to uiôi '-0'nI Dres Length in every piece, No one eise ha$ the sjae ioode in Whitby. Spcial Line of H..fevy, ierges t 5c à yard. Do not fail to ceau and sOe them. Grand valite. Low prices. e- m I LLIXZ:, lLL3~ Y Our F'all Opening was f6 grand uccese sudj the opinions were that our display of Hati Bonnet, t., - ar ahead of anytihing ever-shown in Whitbj.-Astesasnavnc'W il epadding al thé n 'etnovel- iet that appear inilte market. This weàk we have reoeived New Sailorai, Walking Hats, etc. * O3R~D ~JI?,ED * cJLoTI~I1~a~ Winter Stiitii.3s, Pantiugs in all the newest patterns, and best goods that eau b. had i-n scotch, Iwih am'i 'analian makeî. Dn't fait tW see them and compare prie -i and qualities. We guarante satisfactonifl this epartment. New Overotingt te hnd. * ee our $10,, $12 e-2i A. 4 cuits. I h I lnaily wentol be st.rt. t nd firetirockrs at die officer. Ina dlièiiig'gh. case Crowný Prosecutor IFarcwelhl Àafedtai 3no peis iad any right titnàet1 Constable, w-tther the latter w» Z ý'ooýt bs usies ltgally or n t 1etw ýwI1I etttii teo nt- stables whob oeI thlei#duiy ,'wblch Censtable d Lrt, II6et0U MiPI was fined o si #P, hlusU Ovetf goeand, allowed a wft;ý" -,ôe. ce Fa Vi'os'i tor s STEWART4 1:0 Wbitby pair -will make it a point before leavingr the town of seeing - w. Go ....MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY. .0........ F NEW ............ WALýTER S , AUTUMN and WINTER GOO - The contents of 50 cases, imported direct from France, Geruany and Bi] 110w on exhibition in our varions departments, con8istrng -of FanDy Black and Colored Surrahe, Ponge Silks, 811k Velvets, -Velveteens, Linens, Shawls, Travelling Bugs and Buggy Ruge. * 4uatu mn'e Faire8t and mo8t_ Fa8hionable c3DRESS GOOD8/llaD 1UNDREDS OF, YARDS of new weavcs andi d!~ styles, a diaplay that in certain to invite thre en- tMfasm of evcry lover of beautiful, Dresa Fabrios, Bias Soleil», Estamene Serges, Henriettas, Mataiumie Serges, Priestis Contille, Brocades, Metians, Plain and You f 's 'f c~3New Xant1,s,'~E) GOLF CAPES adCAPEE A LL new correct Styles, Materal and'Mainet a nd t auch ..LOW PRIGES... thatýtbi prove a. surprise toýevery purchasir. g5rEvery Department fulil of tha n.eeda and no £ýof thre BSmon :.-Gloves, Rosiçry, Ladies r ,*wear, Corsets, Laces, ibnq rmh are we1co.me- tb came and iséct antiadmiré- a Grsd JYsplay hether you-byornt G. WALTERS, Whitby- j- J WOMAN came ini the other Th'r day-waùtea .some xiMe STA/I .IONERY/ID oni LO Road, longiti . , " important' Âz&ctiont Sali of Stock,,and.,mpemets t...: Auc-b. ftie or n dAyto 'on di Nof,l tr e htbyo. nth e, iow ïg toJ.- EFÂREWI saidshedidi%'t kuow just whet...she; wàt PERIL4PS- yoU -CAN, -We 01it inboxs- -udtablets.~ Masis L Uouple et I Mr.- Hi Sundayýw! Tht,. -s ;eoet beng un sm u thé mson Io on lui I ix Il Il 1 1 il é--7w'Come and examine-Our FEM Goob.oel larNew Hats and Gents' Furniphinfrs to band.-" C 1 1 - 1 --,- -- -

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