Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1895, p. 2

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bon hiulrdiUl r Mgn Oftbef Vt& hUltdaIphis lare Courethqoi-ticiz 1 t Drrow sud peorti artty abôu toms cf thsI SsahitértPt thnn tw.sw iii i of fthe 4) laanhIol& ation , of octii citiees s iht lb. e r u Wittlyin anBMl atuIat nl Iow-i tle ning in the gutters ardas uyoti walk along noie'] u suybtno- t bY'Î. the iaveent us i co~tiSitlY.pplng have ilt dowflfine andab .lOVl~ Vl over little ranning ttreams fwtr n netiilb'O'ai elt 1 he And 1~ W S:: ~~Theeare tsaby the people-uas moyen. .-i 41 - uwa i ale h am The oîty hais regtiiir sLretS, in well butt tractiitoOOBD. And, bals a population of at-out 1i millions sad One fine afterncofl tbe chief enginefr Fo th le well suppllfd wil Il *Street cars. A fa* of the ship ehowed us thaoush hie depa.rt Coi mi tre of the cars is îlîtt tey al rn in in ent. I raked one Of the furnaces vwtbh o H ad one direction, that le;, there are no double the huge pOer and threw smorne l on That, traks on the etreet. If you go on one the fires and wue for the motflOt a stok "'*hat - etreet and wish te return on the eame or. We were ehown the workings of the "Exoei yen cannot do se, but muet take another immense englues and ail the varions 6"Tht sireet. The system cf transfer je good pump5 used ln connection therewitll, the -'Away however, whicli makes up for tlis defect. ie and elctrie machines, ad touk a "-Ani There are soma egatsbops, large, weil* walk along the great 150 ft. tunnel at -the Or dis, stcked and seemed to be dong a thriv bolf the ship where rune the "hita.,Bil 9*0.M . e k ing trade. In6mprabiy oonneoted with the that work the ecrews which piro peitheO 1"BU m onaa'.a trade of Phiidelphia in the great store of #ese. There le great isciplieobadTo Jno Wanau>ake,. I was told thas hie Ship, the men are changed regulariy ai, u empiyg sme 8500 people and that hie the différent wathes, 50 nany huro on ir has one cf the mc'st coerpite departmnent duty aud Ro0 many off. The day is dj U m fu, ______________ stores in America. These stores are a e'] into Watches and the bell tells the M flm Ifeture of the present day trade ad every time every half hour. Our time peces "Gv Pulimn o md Vi U 1IJ Imf gret city or town as ee or more. 1ilhadte be changed every day, for oui The ,AW W~ W ~ ~ ~ hal hvemore te ssy cf thon> when days going eout were 24J heurs long, aud -She .Sarsa- "hl ae trs Pt'- whn w g c, ndon we were five Foi ]E R S P£Lrilla phia is net wit bout its attractions in the heurs ahead cf Tor, uote ime.. GoirgSaBi CAB-BRIMS STORY.way of parks and piseurs grounds, and over I hl.adl a number of chats with the Youk CA'.E.VES TOY.we had a lovely four heurs ride on the boatswail3, a bearty, good natured Liver- Uni "Ikwtop of a coac te h drawn by four herses pool man named Andiv. 1 said toe ùiW Wei boe o t years witbisalt pc o n OhuM urng thatime,I re a great through Fairmnt park. As we entered oen day, I are you e ver fraid ut on thim She oum& n ed , bnoe ga re hig h . rec- fro m th e city th e green tu rf w as do tted ig e a ," u d e s id fr i î \ h A d WU eat last advised to try Aye's Sarsâ- with parties, boys playiug at. baseball, of, why there le plentv of rooui eut lîerQý, îâd parilla, ayea d rtend AYOme that I others piayiiig tennis, soW6 laughirig sud there is uothiug te be afraid of. Tise Thý accerslngto ditions. i[yielded teo catig nres witb baby carriagus, and ouly thing I amn aficared of le fire quil ne asion, hocht the six bottles. and children beueath the shade of fine oid (To be Coi ,1uéed. ) M) k th otno thre o hs bt. trees,an thn opasttie Shuilakil river SHeri Betore 1 Iiad flnished thse fourth bottie, passîng oR up creof its precipitieris Sa ny hands were as banks aud wTHATg i CndoutG HEAD. S Frefo rto srocks and overbanging trees, with the TA CIGMA.Te Frefô rPti rushing Waters belew. For severai miles Be~~~ lw yf~C o an ever they ver. My bliineqs, whch we passed througli the most beautifrl sud Wa assltadgwOee . Fr heoeut in cold aud wet vveather often rgged natural scenerv, and the Whole How often the remark, "'Oh, In head w1thorit gleves,' and the troiuble bais was lit up on Our return by the bright aches, and there are se mnany varietieS of Ai neyer rotu ned. - TuoMtAs A. JoiiNs, ravi; of the spttiug stin. We speut three aches and pains the head is subject te ail Upc ètratiord,uOnt. days in Philadeiphiti and visited the mint along the me f rom the duil and heavy ili A y s_____ ~ îs~ ;I*I where tey mnake the gold and sflver coin, and ppressed feeling over the eyes te Witi f i_ _ _ _ _a 1 1 1 t i n o P r k w i c lee a h d b y a s a ili h.pe s i te n t, r a c k in g a n d to r tu r lfg M ______ rdown the river, Memoriai Hall at Fair misery of Sick H-eadache. The cause is OnIY h Wrdle ?ýai.in rmost cases the same, the Ovelrfiew of A mon Pak werole mueumsudispoisonous uric acid is not extracted frein T i.,v'8 F1218s Cleause tiie DowrelS. k ept in remeu2brance of the centennial the bieed by the Kidneys, and accurnu- uÀk exhibition heid in 1876, the chamben of lating in the blood, causes'high and irre- A commerce sud many other notable places, gular pulse, headaches, mental depres- Sih, - I muet net forgot te mention the State sien and nausea. Chase's K. & L. Pis V My Trip to England. Honse sud Indepeudeuce Hall where the toue and restore the Kidneys, exciete Sb 6E declaration of indopeudance was fnsmed poisenous mnatter f rom the blood, sending No MR. WM ROSS, PORT PERRY, TAXES US AC aud siguod. Here are relies of the mou iL on iLs way pure and health-gîving, cur- 1 CR988 THE OCEÂN -CLEARLY DETAILED made famous at that time lu the c f i"'ada e adreovn al h a-'i INCIDENTS Or THE TRI BYONE~ WHO 18 portraits, pictures, furniture sud curiosi tending symnptems frein its wake. Mm3 OBSERVANT. ies of ail kinde and the liberty bell Which G. Bird, Harristen, Ont., while atteudiug M . . EITO.-Iwasquîe srprsedprociaimed liberty te the land. There the 1894 Fail Exhibition at Toronto, was Mii EITo.- wa qitesupriedare of course muany fluer museutin lthme taken very 111 witis Sick Headache and QU on Weduesday te have yeu caîl at my State,, bttirseeniîyant dizziness Shewas sub>ect to these at- ehopand sk m togive your reader' one and the obliging gentleman iu nag tacks for years, compelling her te take te Ai oehObaeratsk onme myte rcharged. ber ibed. lu this case by using Chase's someobsevatins o 'nî tnpabred."told us that he has eften witues.sed some pis relief was immediately cbtaed T Yenremmbe myrely:"Tht i istrange sigli e tiere. of how the old and the usual days of misery and pros- w could make tbe wrîting of it as interesting people comaiug te visit the place are tration aveided. Tbousandsof such cases te, your patrons as the reality was te n>y aff-ected by the reliecs, especially the eld can be referred te where Chase's Pilîs SI self I slîould do se with pleasure." bell. bave cured Sick Headache and it5 atten- 1 malte ne dlaim for briiliancy or The arrangement wss that we ebould dant symptoms. ?$ centsi a box, cf al o modellhug, weil kucwiu.g that tise grouud ho shoard our vesse1 ou Friday niglit se dealers, or y ddessingEmaon for ur ubjet as eauttsreuhlyde.as te sailinl gocd ime on Satnrday. We Bates & CO., 45 L ombard St.,," oto soribed by former travellers, but will cen- heitstod te go on acceunt cf thse ieat. tout 'mysoîf witmh a simple racitation cf Tise woathon hpA beau extremely wanm a~2'(~ scoues that have corne under my ewn sundvas thon 98 lu the shade mc you eau odesatise. r teeva iiorimagine that wedid not care to go on'a Died.-Ât Kaiceopg, B. 0., "on, wo ship that w'v 9 eftOêmii ai n4~tbiJohn. Bûhn , oomp&uyj Dr. Jus>. P. Rose, Dr. Sillt okn ~ fo~-e o oi oi Dr. P'. J.Capot, ine Capon, of Tcrcnto ,evir 4,ecmelëdz>andiiïjýjat e b . en-weeks. Mises Wetsud Milen Bunton, ef Port fortablo sud steep but ceuld net. On Thursday afterneon of lut weqik Huron ; aud on tise ocoan trip Mr. L K. At six o'clock ou Saturday wa ware enB Dr. Bowerman, dentist, extracted 3 S Murton, of Oshawa; Mr. L T. Barclay, dock sud watcbing thse passeingers arrive, eetis. One lady had 23 ont aton méa. afetig.M tRfnhseeag-psengoneeiypdeaitly . .Aa te m e hi r 4 n f M 1 i f L - n m o u s o th. boat from Toronto te Levieton. Tise good slip Kensiugton visicis vas F - S. Kiug bas erected ou. ý- vitias caps- i!bs.m pat cf tise journey sud aronnd to take. us senees tise great ocean teamedciyfabu sixty tens, vhile Mr. Geo. Niagar. Fallu lu familiar te many cf your aa apodly pioving tise Watere cf tise it IeJ. ssUttie eliieo readers and thons rire fev PISOe8 tisat I Delevuro river. At 12 o'olock ae. ast close on tve hundned tous. This le a c haVe seen asugCod or baller ase regards sncor sud waited for tise neit lido. t nov departure lu Thoransd ebovo tise oluialteisanLb.Nisha distriet, an-d the oame ab>out 7 o'cloek sud tissu va voie progressive spirit vwhichin l movinag among inatura. ooeneny up t Niagara lr O off sud by miduigisl hast loft tise landlighltih. farmers of tise toviip-Eipî- tise Fails is superb. Ou reacbing Niagara va should se. fer a long time.. 13'als-oui journey propar to Piiladaipbia My ovu incfinatons are to givo yen s iYogan. sud setlel comfontably in a parler dotail of tisattip acoroas tise oean sud car, wé onjoyed tb. ride lunltheeiu homo. again. but I imagine thati vould <saa idctr 'S'On thse 16W- York Central Ralro'iOD be tîoo tedicus, so I viii muat tllU you once ou a time, where stands the iii, £ ~ ~h.le ws racised ut &bout il about tise shiptishe people aboard, hov An Indian pitcbed bis camp. qtilcèýk A.Eooh i O Ci, u S tiey live and enjoy, tbemses wesO5 TheouWypitehwsSiâlib Yoot e *~nsylvani i4 ad, sd.tie mgta 'One8me98 in Crosing tiseeucodadaip ~ vas h tbe rotera jou- vlr.- A ShdI ike roof o bed the inl u~q wa uitdêy dayigistmd va Thse a.8. E ainion of $4 mi] auI= Leave o eah edi7at'ems 'LI.TISW#o~~~~~f the oouotry. Prom caboillan- is t d t '1erap L uI tw Iibe et siendY 8« is bsrk esop =S ite hau ouriDucr aus"- ~>wun894regiterêîstLveamol made, btbark*çnm loge _% ý iron, 0, e lmon a'ls~ t1se BtIUII is Wle48fie og bs1s4o iu atss$nlst ,u,~. ibougs fnefaiaislis tin grwu,, doble >expandoa on- ,Thaü dcm the tank of4ogp$- ad i utiia toW. HArls' ý=tesmmtee Y li~ er' a wu -m1iade, -one r>>~ ~m e sralee~wWisd ~ ~oro cf18o men uui lpwe .,o OAioo,10 A àùd --he the CofiM o hnecff.*IheLiam 14 voo4Jifbots, 4 fli *t"41 eril. a lonely d ,1 '2>Oè ,~ namia ~ie c'Ml sin. fou* 41 sniandi we anmi.watt ýPapa 1 -1 ao : )us Ui a m e about tise meuid, premeiber to hls heait, P. pr al4 ad RlIg Moon, thon bs gve a start. roug the bums abhe mi ber tati le creeping IBOwàa at I osMuslcat t;applug sud ,,t'ày he smnelt à rat SIlOatns tht, meeting ? hisseitise chierf, 1Maiden bluused sud peuted, ,Pt Teurself," said seting Sun, lre s nembîng mean about lh." Yuew," cri4d the chief onraged, id go upon the mn, ,for yen are soit ceudemned t at eer ickl Pe. I net rue," ald Setleg un, ut fis-mly haro I1 stand, Lid rum aU te atari s rue on this bauk ef saud. 1net budget but boidly aak ehand of sming Mecs, l cf pluck sd spirit tee, frefetence. lohnny Wou." en umy daughtei 1 N-e-v-e-rsr' ie muaid cried "Oh Papa 1" have a skuuk without a cent? - thaîs just wbsî yen are." Settig Sun, "Don't lose youî beati, legiýcsl .my brother, cnew I caunot be the eue, Mess 1 have the ether." Il cent or net l'Il net cousent ishall be sont away, your decent, yeu Setming Sun, )al corne wiîhout deay. Io it now but I'm alone, hat's why I loi you talk, te lorgot te brng along ýy faitfui Tommy Hswk. seized his dcsughter. new more mashed han any boiled potame, threw a Iciss te Setting Sun, aid ho "l'Il mcc you lamer." .y left the yuth, uow sad and bluet cneath the codas-'. shade, ,cdas-s then grew large sud tatI Vbore ieeders now are mad2 ; -n woodclîucks gamboled in the wod, Lnd haros were woet te play oe the vos-y spot where Hare's iz foundry stands to-day. thie thse lent thse maîde's mind lNa8 net content te sicir, watched hem dd sud chances for %chance to run away. chs mensing she would have te swear l7e tay le camp alone - e Wash. se wouldn't tell a lie. Ad ceuldn 't tell a phone. i'd fly wsîbh hm. her Scugog chiot, WVhen ho arianget he rue, ie said there vos-e no files ce hicu, 'l1Il trust te Seuing Sue." w frein his camp thse curling scuoke Will mise ad cumi ne more, lheugh hey've bult s curling rlek Rlght there upon tise sheo. e dîsmal eight brave Settlng Sue Came wltb bis bark cance, ite silentîy acrois tise creek, Wimh room eneugh for to. Md Rislng Moce, îwitheut a iight. Whicb mlght atîrset a crowd ; wo quarters hldden le ber dres, ArouVd ber heat s ciond, Vas hanging by a willow beugis That be knw wbere te Sud. ;be quitîy dropped lu tise bew, &nd lefitise bon gh bebind. )nhaplesenes 1 that siy old chiot Had brought, upon thse sly. 'roux tuffin'scrékbis baudcf braves, .Tbey novin' asnbush lie. lun levrs bouad fr Harmony Llyed flot toenth day, rbls aiù d areweI sud str teod ut T'ge.th e a, uavmy+ ow r s Sunu> S ots, mdichse vasiasWgbii Wbereby te stop bIs mentis, W1hen ther arase s feerful wbocp, And rocks flew tilck as bailà, ',aid he"Farewell me.Hriny Fil1 -mi> for Codai Dale." Anud then ho seized his trusty bey And made bis arrev ring;'a C ie rt as he . ' * b a v e n o e x t -, b a *£ lt rcoW upon tise stîing ;" S u -jthe paddle as aclub, ÀLa Ldeait, '-orne fearful blows, Iu fact sbe"gave ber dadd> e The chie thonW0 eemwau swfuetl ha W b = » a g is are ro g -M ' a , As far u eilas the ler dam, And uorth teO Prospect Park ITisbhardto »S an ndiau ghust, Eslayat niglss * MesMcikUddy 1 cf TcrOrltO, W-00 here over $unday with Mrs ra* n John Gordon bus leased' the o faim on the 7th, 'Of Whitby, sear the townite, We understand that tiere le a wed- ding about te take place te the east of us shortiy. John Howe is home fremn Parry Sound again. Be is fot mucis peased witis' the way they do business up there. W. Handrehan and faiiy are away on vacationl this wee k.H le brother Hector is operating the tonsoriai par- lor. F. Hutchison and wife are at Oshs- awa and other towns east this week on Sabbath schooi association. business. Simeon Hardy has moved jute the cottage south of W. J. Grahe.f's smity. and. ii, therefore,' be more convenient te the miii. The ladies' auxiiiary of the W. F. M. S., of Et-skine church, wiil hoid their annuai thank-oflering meeting on Wed- nesday, Oct. 9th, at 8 p. .Ail are welcome. A truant cew with her catastrophe decorated with tinware, hurniedly pass- ed through our village the other day. The same furnished amusemeut for our smail boys, as veil as teaching the cow a lessoti. Mr. Gait, of Beattie, Nesbitt, Chad- wick, Blackstock, and Gait, vas here this week iooking up evidence' iu the Alger case. The Equitable Life seem, determined to veutilate the matter to its fuliest extent and if possible get eut of payiug the dlaim. John Hubbard, east of here, fractun- ed both bones of his left leg on Mon- day. by falling beneath his wagon whiie drawing vood. The wheelE passed over his iimb with the above ne. suit. The fracture vas s-educed, ans John is nov pnogressîng nicely. Robert Graham returneti from hi trip through the States on Monday day, having been absent a fev veek and visited many of the western stateý He purchased a iight staliion and team of drivers for shipment to Scol land. They were American priz winner. C. Garbett has somne fine sheep. F took them to Toronto and, having t( many of each class, ioaned a numben them te other exhibitors; in each ca his sheep in thse other pens took fii place, and his own pens camin lst ond. He nov thinks that tise exhit ens andi fot tise animais were given t avard. -News. The. amaert Of Hocd'am srssilla wlu s fiienda wbere it faitly sud housstI> tnmecf. To bave perî beelva ttehanapue boimtetakêHOp.and -' A MarelGus Medicine Whfeyer Given a fair Trial 4OOd's Proves Its Menit. Tise fellewiiig letter 1.1 (rom ifr. .T. Alcîde t3treet, Montreal. Canaa" C. L lgoQd &Ce., Lwil ~s. S a s P T l e fo r a b o lt six n ith s n a rof g oad . te 3,.1 that It bas (loue10me S great (decil gd Last May My> Weight Was 152 pouni ", but si lice $&gLsapariII a 1 begas te t&,W Hoed'I 8sarsillaIt ilbas In- eressed to 163- 1 think HoOti'S 8sr515P51lla I3 a iiavlin edicine sSn rmery mucli pleased v 9t . Il. JÂLCTI CUU5' 1loodS pulls cure livrorIll&. Ceonstipatl(or), bllosues, SUldle,11Khedahinietin aver rect thseI strengtb buildor. Lt expels sl u ttOf sctr funIa salt rhonm and anl cuber humors, and at tise èsaie ime builds up tise-visole syE'tem. Hoed's Pille ans prompt sud efficient. 9.5c. Russian royal palaces hava suffered vistita- tions frein ire nedt urgiare. Iu Jan., 1892, my son vus takan vitis Kit- eey tisase.Thougis atteuds4 by ibrea ph>- sicians, sud changeetofisUmate ho grev verse snd by '93 bad f allenfrein 195 Ibo. ta 9b Ibm. lu 10 dasys from starting te Use Dr. Chsses Kiduey-Jaiven Pi)). e-ane able ta mers hiis bomne. la 4 months ha galuet 50 Ibm..spd vwas fully nestare4 te bositis b> il>. pas- of thie, moile Jno. 8. Hainiits, 251 . nSt, Moutreal. Mayor Stovant; ef HAmiltoîs, bau rehmurnoti hom rno rtEurope. w e wsfi~ ,mheoeed for camion. Pas8teur1 tho dletiegnuhed Franc> chemist5 ~UW '~Mu(r, ao~oas vlsitiiig Rev. McDo'y miss guest c .Mrn elocuti M Csy Misc have 1 mis Toron jeveil Mis ing O Of mi Mli at Tc Bnltt Crag Crag M ' eu Joseph J. I houge, Toront brother cf E bousge here, à fia.mmatory 1 forty five yea& Lindsay wbez The body waî the funeral t 3.30 o'c!ock f, Mary's chnfE catýýoo.ic cela lar-gely attpi num ber of Ca The citiz3ns' playing app Marv s churc S on Kent stret no clildren. Fpatal accidem On Monda train for Cob drawing near tbe sandpîts, bell, driving James Hopk' the roa.d. 1 solnnded the rang the bell that the cvi the escapinR warning. 1 Wagon, toget sound by th wav Sole of voung tman . nst as the the team cal tbey could b t1je drivingi nearest boriz wILeeis of tb he be drawnu trai -d into unfortanate crualied as 1 the train% grade. Th back by the on ita way. tors first ceu tbeir mindE rip. The 1 strong 'menl passed thrc where the dangerous fully, sugg, way Cornp an electric Chicago ar I ndiana, cro8ing. try where The cuttir high close approachi Reeing 'thd etngineers The eeg1 dangeroui Always SI with due ei&mals c1 alow toc eor guar with lb trùe lai are MOT the eplI train. stance a o f those ýafu

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