Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Sep 1895, p. 1

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9)isplay VOL. Xxxix. by hip, R ings. lîs eiîial ounts. liere x ou. (roim thati s piic- the beautitul aind tir 15k Rubs and lg ageiul i a nd V. vern'ae lUSt o; il- SJrelry Sforp fac îha t vou d o. le gru.ui »s.selitiilI wlîcre Io get the rea ali (rs Isc4 n qiia1lis tu .111v ýt Io jas i l cr bs. for $1.10. -)irgr:ii (,a:l iii uîCe for W!M i SS Groee'y, Utý1 1, Ontarîo. ýtore, 1 rîînks, Valises, dol1) . militer The pthople will be sucprised wben they find out we are selling Sticky Fly Paper at Two double sheets for 5 cents. Freshi dalmatien insect Powdec 5c an oz..or 4 Oz. toc 15 cents. Shor Piy Poison Paper for ............. 5c. WVlso's Poison Pada for................ îoc. Juat acnlvrd a fine assortruent of Hanglng Lampa, Hall Lampa, Bouquet Lamps, Vase Lampa and Stand Lampa. The prices wil surprise you. _e& Cail and.Ser. tSe W. R HOWSB'S STAND. THE CORNER DRUG STORE.s 'Great (fredit Sale o I-orses, Caille, SheP, Swine, Pou/Iry andIn Imient.. the undersigned bas received instructions from JOHN E. DISNEY, lot 35, ini the 8th conl. of Whitby township, to seli by public auction on THURSDAY, SEPT.!26th, 1895, the following valuable property: 8 hormes, 21 mnilch cows, 7 young cattie, 28 sheep, 2o hogs, 200 fowls, 30 tons hay, 3%. acres corn, 7 acres roots. A complete outfit of farm implements, etc. AIl must be sold as Mr. Disney is retiring rom farming. Sale te commence at 12 o'clock, sharp, Dînner at ii o'clock. Terms -$ro and under, cash; 12 meontbs credit for larger sums on approved notes, bearing interest from date of sale if net paid when due. Hay, fowls and swine cash. Roots and corn 6 months credit. THOS. POUCHER, Bal.sam, Sept. 15, 1895. Auctioneer. Diic1k (Cottaew FOR SALE. A comfort.able Brick Cottage con- taineg nine roonis and summer-kitchen, woe-bouse and carriage-house with stable afttched. Hard and soft water. A good Furnace, w4ith grate in Drawing-ronm and Library. Fine garden with (heicest fruit- apples, pears, plums, peaches, cherries, grapes and bernies. Situate near the centre of the town. TER MS EA SY. G. A. CARSON, M.D. Sept. î7th, u8s. ve -iil svIll wcîîr :orus. Lt i's Iit district.- -l Corners, wceir. Ihave. APPLES WHITBY. j WANTED1 -AT THE- [fruit : EvapoîatIng -AT- 'Il factory PORT PERRY 1 Branch factories at Delewarr, Ailsa, Cnaig, Brussels, Cifford, Port Perny, Picker- ing. Wingham, Forest, Bothwell. Chathain. On and aftrr this date apples wil'àhie hougbt fe-r rcash at the tactecv. works, f Tlîreshers. eatl;er. LOCAL NEWS LETTERSI! 0OIIOLE oeaaasz'ex»aNcB UMANOESBTRES The very beavy rain on Tuesday uiht last played bob with the applea. Mibs A Braiden, ef Lîndsay, was visltlug iast week at Mc John Graha mi's. Don't forget the S.O.T. lodge cesumes business on Frlday evenini! next, 27th Inat. Let their hie a goed attetn(.n-e lu order te malce it a succesa. Memnbers frein other divisions are cordiaiiy invltrd te, give us a Mif. In cor news items sorte time ago we1 stated that Mr A Gilroy, of Toronto, an ern-1 loyer lu the boot and aboe depactment of Eaton & Ce., was vislting here. In thia we wer mistaken, foc be la book.krepec foc the uLbove ficm.- Wr hope Mr Gllroy will overicok our nilstake.j The prayrr-meeting ervices bave bren slarte4 bece again on Wednesday eveuinga.i As yet ouiy a very few are in attendance at eacb meeting. The object of these gather- inga is foc a good cause and ail should take boit and assiat in maklng thern as such. Let their be a goed turnout next Wednesay evrning. Mr W Summervilie had quite a dangereus runaway a few days ago. Being on bis way home one evenlng bis herse suddenly became nl rgbtened at a couple ef approach- lng bicycles. The result was Mr Summer- ville was ieft witb net a few bruises and the rig was pretty mucb wcecked. The wheei- men seemrd tei care very littie about the matttr. but rode on aud left the unfortunate man to bis fate. Wr deem this a very mean trick and if we knew those persôtis we weuld net refrain te pubiab their names. Mr Wmn Therudike, wbom we spoke ef ln iast issue as exbibiting at Toronto talc, was successtul in aecuring the red ticket. He get the farmers' race witb rase having takren thrrr straight heata. Wltb these goad ce- suits bie was aoon sureunded by intending purchasers of lbis herse. A Peterboco gen-t tlemen gave'him bis price-2co--and the deal waa cloeed. We congratulate Mr Thorudike upon his good success. P C GRAHAm. MauobeaterEBusiness Dlrectory. Ma. R. S. Pàltxs Manchester. repaire, r.- novatea or re-fsalons ail sortae of ra sren- dering themin lumeit cases as good and ftahionable as when uew. Orderu aollolbed. Now ta the time te look over yeur Inca for their sa.eby, and te have theni renovabed. TusR UNIEDSTATna Lm uINsup.Âci§ Ce. issues the most lbE rai policy ln bhe mar-ket P C ORÂBÂxt, agent for the connUies ef On- tarie and Victoria. Local agents wauted in every town andhs.mlet, Te such agents wil b. offered fi-at class contracta. Write fer pa.rticu.lars. W. ata.rb yen; enlt free. GREENMBANKE. Richard Jcwrl la on the aick liat, Mca. Hugb jack la home frein bet trip te Ki ngston. 1 Mc. William Rogers, et St. :Marys, la visit- ing at John Lees, Mca. A. Leask, of Cauuingtou, bas been viaiting lu this neighborbood. Mca. W. Arkburst bas bren visitiug ber frieids:ab'u-Brooklu during the last tew days. Dick Ashton and John McLean, of Colum- bus, were the guesta et James Ashiton on Sunday. Contracter jas. Miller bas bren awarded the job ofetecting the new stable -t the Preabyteriau manse Wich. Our harurs maker, J. Ashton, bas coin- pleted a splendid set et nickle mounted show harness foc Mr. E. Ward. Mr. Ash- tons wonk la always ficat classansd givra the beat et satisfaction. It appears that now the principal trouble with the Wick school bouse is tbat it lacks a tew luches of beiug bigh enough. A screw- jack at racb corner aud a littie elbow grease would soon reniedy this. Our genial fieuda Mc. sud Mca.: Wesley Rose intcnd removingfrein oun midst lu a tew weeks. They bave eugaged 10 work bis tathen's tari n o the 9th concession twe miles uorth et Port Percy. Wbile sonry tei bare thein we aIl wisb thein succeslu their new home. Mr. William Taylor bas just recrived a bran new thresbing machine frein Sarnia and started work at W.,-M. Reals on Tues- day. Mr. Taylor bas now a complete outût for tbreshlng rither grain or clever sud those engagiug hlm to do their trsbiug rnay de- ipend on finit clasai work. Appies çad hie shaken off trers, and such It la rrpoited that oee ofour tradramen appies as wind-talls sud packcrs' cuils .Who la still lu singlr blessiduess bas, whfil lu Toronto tbe other day,- punchasard or at wilhie bought. îeast was iuapecting sud pricing a quautity The vrry arnaîl sud soft apples wili no e hieeouse furniture. What dora thus mean. accepted undër auy consideration. Succly this la sueother straw wbicii shows Ail apples muet hic delivrred lunhiaga. wbicb wsy the w ind blbws.- Apples will be bought uutil Dcc. i5th, 189,5. Mr. James Leask bas b.d bis ùnaa! succesa L.MAHLER, wltb bis cattle exbhibited at the Toronto In- L. dustriai lair'on th -tweIve animais shows sept. 18, 9-.O Port* Perry. he was aw;rJed45m 3se"wd u third ___________________________pnizes, 1,3 in ail. He aIse wü oisa ver medal on bis yearling bull " Mouryýtuffeil lad." -VOTERS' LI ST, '8tTwo bréfers se old for a haudsoe pelr te apryfeÃ"àu New, Btuùà*wcki Who ntends te MUNICIPALITY 0F THE The ç6nestb rouxt -to .06TOWN8HIP 0F BOC 'c.leb County cf Ontario. ony hs pisUütrý W1 -- . . - - anc. ondAat.<tintr*ttI - .Lo trnmttc d e Scrapers, -ven ,tbat .1 bave WRteed tote .per cso~~and 6of the Mr. Legak hasdonated the necessary ground -about eighty feet wlde, the leiigth ef the Ms etni tl normdt property-and the sheds are te be moe Mise NewRonchldba sinlurhed vs. bactnext spring.Buo Rtcidba nsh are. A rather unpirasant trouble bas arisen tMia8 Relia McBryan bas returned frein between a tenant te the east of us, Mr. the City. Ebenezer Martin, and bis landlord, -Mr. Fali wheat is leoking exceptionaîîy good Smaithi, ef Columnbus. It appears ene of Mr. In this iecaltty. Matin's neigbbors for some ceasen or otber Mr, Brander frein western Canada, le telegraphrd Mr. Smith te the effect that bise iîîgrlaie ee tenant was burrylng bis things off the place Vtn eaie ee In erder te avoid paylng the cent. A tele- Mr. Alfred Mewbray, V. s., of Michigan, gramn wilî usualîy arouse people te p rompt bas been 'vslng bis relatives hece. atoIfanything wili, and In this case te Wr are very secry te learn of the niucb landlord witbout enqulringz into Its tcuthfui- dreaded epldemlc brealcing eut among the ness at once sent the balliff te seize bis ten. Breokiln cows. ant's thlngs. After the seizure was made, Many firom bere attended- the industriai bowever, it was found there was nothing ce- at Toronto. A good exhibit and a great moved and ne evidrnt intention of removlng crowd ef visitors was tbe general report. anytbing, consequently the seizuce la Illega, ~.Wî fMieu a ensedn the entnetbri g ue.Thethiga re ~OWa few days at the post office. Tom la doing advertised for sale but we presumne a settle- a cushlug brade in the west, we understaud. mq-it bas benl made, as they are advertlaed M.Go atnbsdn odaao' in c. actns wn ain. twork threshing, and stili finds woiek. t BILOOKLI1N. bas bad a geod stafi of belp, causing thinga Miss Clara Anderson, et Toronto, le visit- te move along speedily. ing at Mrs T J HoIliday'a.1 Spectilharvest home sermons were Mrs George Colleý la recovenlng fcom an 'preached througbout ýhe circuit on Sabbath. attack ot diplhtheria. Tuesday evening's entertainment we are The Royal Temolars wil bold their an- net able te give this week. 'uai- churc'h-service on Sunday," Nov. ziothi. Mr John Vipond won second prîze on bis herse " Erakine Style," at the Toronte ex- hibition. Mc C E Scott, et the baptist churcb, wil pceacb ini the presbyterian church next Sun- day afternoon. A great deal of sympatby is frît for Mc Gro Colley, who bas let three cowa and a young hrifer inside of a year. A public sub- acrip tien is being calard te assiat hum in bis mus fortune. lgrs. E. Nichols, wbo bas spent the suin- mer montha with ber parents, Mr and Mca A Roberts, cetururd to Rochester on Tues- day, mucb improved in bealth througb ber sojournhbrrr. Rev J McMeachin, et Port Perry, preach- cd ln the presbyterian church last Sunday moruing and diapruard the sacrament of the lord's aupper te a lacge congregation. In the evening he occupird the puipit et the methodiat chucch. Mc R Crummer bas a large citron patch wbicb bas bren caided several tumes lately by' parties who theugbt tbey were getting watermelons. Ou eue occasion a g9M sized squash w s carcird off wlîh the citrons and aill eft on the aide of the coad atter thcy had bren sampied. The mnethot lat choir went te, Greeuweed on Tuesday eveuiug and gave the musical part et the programme lu coituection with the tea meeting bcld there. On the returu trip tbey werr caugbt lu the rain, for wbiçh tbey were quite uuprovided, aud bad te ber- rew umnbrellas aud a lauteru at Kinsale. On Sunday evruiug, wbule retucnlng home frein church. Master Wesley Reglon was run over by a buggy driver by Mc John Robinsen. Mn Robinson waa drlviug slow- ly, and Wes was net secîousiy burt. A number et other riga were passing at the trne and lu thc confusion the accident bap- peurd. Mr.- Ed.- Holiday was orne oftthe -69r ton-; testants lu the road-race at Toronto ou Saturday laat. He was gves a close handi- cap but pasard a large nuniber et those wbo started ahead et hlm sud apperd te bave ru excellent chance et winuing oeeoe ther numerons prizes wben he met with au acci- dent thnougb a collision wblcb cegulted In the disabliug et bis wbecl. He rcceivrd s uasty cut on, eue of .bis legs but was net acclously injured. The-cpidernic amnoug the village cows la uuabated. There have*een at least haîf a dezen new cases during the wrek sud Mr. Gro Colley, wbo bas bren partlcularly un- tortunate, bas lest anothier, this Urnesa youug animal. The whele community la brîplesa sund thiose wbe own cows that have net yet bren afiected are anxiously watcblng thein cearing te find thein aufferng wlth the now quickly recoguized symptoms oet Uic myzitenieus malaciy. There are thc usual number of theenirs talkcd ever but lu the end the ieneral conclusion le that none ef thein are vcry probable. One tbiug la e; r- tain, thcugh, that unIrsUic trouble gors bryoud Brooklil it wiil sein crase frein hack et niaterlal lu wbicb te operate. For a number of ycars thie village bas had the reputation et baving more cews te the acre than any ether spot lu the couuty, but it will hie neadihy undcrstood that the number bas, bren materiahly decreasad duclng the last two years. W.A.H. GUY & CO., grain buyers.. Da. PATTmsse, Deatîat; at SeboriVs hoen,, fri Thnrsay, ev6ry inonth. BEALL, S. - lasser ef Maaif-e Lene. Besîdence oppsite Town Rani ~e~hu te doUver, or ssiIAa h»dBreokanor W Ail Miess LSian Mackey, wbo bas lately grad- uated witb honors as a professional nurse in4 eue of the southern hospitals, is visiting at ber home brr. She will cemain a short time. Wr cougratulate ber on ber splendid succesa. Applea are vrry cbeap. Many are anxious te arr the old cider mili make a tew et ita old time revelutieus thia seasen, aud give us a chance te turn our applea into vinegar, if notbing char. If George wili open eut we willi guarauter our patronage alor.g witb mauy ethera. Rev. Mr. Bunner pceached bis farewell sermon brrr on Sahibath mocning. Rrv. Hama preacbrd an excellrd an excellent barveet home sermon at uigbt. Wr are pleased te report bis health mucb better, he having enjoyed bis trip very much. After neit Sabbstb be will take charge ofhbis regu-, stu WUFIi. esacs. J. R. Grant, barrister, aud R. G, The edr plyer ar quet f lte ithBaird, lrdger-kteper iu Western bauk, at- Thepede payes ae qietet atewit tendrd Donuybrc>ok fair (Blacksteck) on the exception et ene gent whese bark la tac Tursday, and retuurd home lu the wee werse than bis bite. He tbreateus your amaîl heurs of the mocning, baviug rnjoyed humble servant with almoat an immature:i theniselves bugely. grave if hie dors net crase bis writing about; the social gathecluga lu the club bouse. Juat Plucked. te Bave hlm auy further trouble about stop- A transieut citizen et our town attcnded ping our exposure et bis funny work, wr the Toronto fair and had bis watcb sud othen weuldrenuark that as seon as be conducta: valuables -stolen, sud cetururd home lighter buiself like a mauq he wil mnet bis teîîow lu pocket than wben be went away. Mi a]: citizens. Se aiso, will bis cempanions, and when you go te Toronto go te such good outil thirir conduct la more lu accord witb hotels as the Queen's sud Rossin House, cMIviitatien -they need net loocktoc us te for- .and you will be safe. M M get to expose tucîr imperfections; but we would, mucb seoner hie able te, report eveny- thlxlg unniug suiootbly as it should hie. Last Monday evenii' large atone acrosa the struck the sidewalk az one efth~e plate glasa Eb. CHRONIcLE: Silt,-We bave te ne- lard block, le2ving a c port'oue usual wèekly game et pedro, but bad bren donc by a1 weeo disappolnted lunet bsviug yen sud did net meàu te br your correspondent Jein us. Wr uow fiud sbould hie a lesson thaa-well as pedro your writer objecta -te street'net te tbrows drasàn blinda, sud he chîargea that wc use plate glass fronts. oId Oder. He would assume te, force us te bec elte conispicueus, du lgorgies, and ' .e#cgWllliamson ciel, -te kuw whist we de, éven lu secret.pro hoogyrn -Y*trlwws.ntbigabo± ~- ~ ceiling have bren ni stid-in oder to convinc tepbc ab edwork 'papcced is ignorÂnt Mu the matteîe, wc shah manke Mr. John Rodman. auybody welcorne who chooses te coensd nent as a pin, sud t& take a baud. As te, ther blinda, we have as a great imprevenient rnucb rigbt te, ait evesings witb deawu the interior. I amn iii blinda as bas your correspondent, who 'dors taei mrvua aIl bis wriing with drawn blinda, as it were, hable eoung man. BM fer lie keeps bis (or ber) idrntity secret: la with Mn. Williamsci StilI, we make no insinuations. Ail we ask imn.ý la for your writer te rnd bis owu affales. Stop 1t Wr are net conscieus ef baving doue any If the Grand Tru! wroug te auybody, mucb iras eue ewu fain- wouhd take sotee atrç Hics, sud yeur correspondent- receives the' crewdngof the railwe reverse et gratitude frein those ef eue bouse- nrival of trains he C1t02 holda wbo kuew our wcaknessrs sud forgive appreciate it very mui eue faults. Voue writer nerd unet se fre- theToreutd taie it wa- quertly boSt bis intention te, do bis- duty. -passengees alighting The CHi3oNicLE would dispense 'with hlm if tbrough the crewds, i hé didn't ; but stihl there la nethiug cal1iug iug. 4veruture tes upon -hlm te assail people who do ne barm thoser on Uic platfoîi whatrver te auy perses. His efforts te crun- there. Tbey enly wei der eue, little. amusement promineutiwould on the trains. Espe lead eue te, clss'ify hum -as a fauatic. There parcels thcy bad al th la notbiug s,*Cially nirtorieus abeut 'any througb ther crdwds. dlass of amusement, aud those. who de net farce was peetd tcare te pîse pedre arr perfectly frer te ahi -êen stain freinit. Wr do net choose-te be bul-ThGraPf. lied by eue wbo bas -the privilegra of n .newýs- B y the-tlne týhis a papers witb wbicb te deridc us without cause. bas .bren inalid 1, Tir FURPEROPLYES. swing, - and I aJn a TrS PUR PERO PLYERS. geed ene tee- - P_>te BROUGK&Je .sçcretaiy inferins m Gro.Phulipwasbrr ovr Suda. - shede',flg#t. year-ne .Ce.Penciwahe g orne evr Suday large nymhier are expt fonina nchrwaseleoer nay 6thiatif -se-have fiue -Mrs.- John Hood bas bren visitiug liu Uithe-'ai àsuc çcesful one. City bitdon çencert' on Fi Mm au'baud ba"~ent word th MsMadStevenson -la visitingfi ndaà Toioite amusical t lias, bra b ueea t U h e h r àasaYo dpetaWeklhfred tln. h ad- S Me. Willts and Cosean took lu the exhibi- o, h-Fti io tToronto last week.-as Zda' . B, Mliian-su istr peut -Sunday atj theirbowen~caborQ t ~ - . ... ing somne boy tbrw a -Street, the atour ficat ind bounded, strickiug windows lu the Mil- cieau cut hole as if it buck shot. The boy )rak the, glass. This ite boys on" ther front atones nor balla urar b as bad.bis tonsorial ovatrd. Tbe. walls anfd: ,icrly papered end the by Our-attair Everything jo a a - ren9vtiIgb" imade lu te appearauce ef rsased t*,Ïknpw G.1-W-s., ts he la a strady ;ud, ce- ler. Kern'eth 'CaipbelI on an sudea agood work-; SRaiIwaY autÙ.horptes stepreve o rstîepte çàpîtonio he ai- izens of our,toin wot'14 ch. Last wieek duriug usalmea'ot -impýossibhéiàfr ftÃ"m' the train te get and it was very .annoy- say net oeue quarter. er rm had- any business eut tel ïe who :came -i >eciaUy, if people ,bad- fiy could do_ to frce It ws' higb timie't-h me 'of the CaaONsçIC LE ogr fair wl'v_:be jin,ýJ" NO. 42 Mr. . Pardon My boidneus, butA ara fasclnated byr yowr cbartnn anners, ele- gent dressln an diazzlinggood looks. if I do n6t klo~ ~ I $hall surely die. I Want you to cati -on ime. Be prepaired t - oreaytime witbln one houris notice. Do nettel anyeneor 1 shah! liste you, whorn noie 1 love ne raptureously. Yours, SUsAN."I Any young wornaWho coula witesucb bosh laevxdentIy lacking inithe uppe storey.- Several -letters similar te this have been recelvedby Some yotung men iu town. W. J. NoTrT. Poft PM" Bustuesa »remtry. KILLIEy .-IMxss Tuoliieon ai recelved her new faU stock of rnlfllnery sud la prepared to tarn ou nt s.-Claoo B nihnery in the latest styles and Iow pre«n. 8tamnplng doue to order. Sept. l9th.-8-rnos. Jessop Furniture Co., SEE OUR EXHIBIT 0F IIIGH GRADE - FURITURE AT THE PORT PERRY É~XHIBITI0N Douglas Adamis wilI return in a few days te Trlnity Collrge scbhool, Port Hope. Luke Wilson and bis men arrlved in town on Mo:îday wltb the merry-go.-round. Sherman Eck of Little BchLain, is trimming exhibition carniages for j:. Swan & Sono, Thfe Misses Tntipp have stacted a dress- malng shop over Millard's grocery store. Charles Martin of Zephyr, was vislttng bis mother and aister on Saturday and Sundlày last. Messrs Clemens and O'Dell frein Ux- bridge, were here on Sunday last vlslting friends. Charles, son of our townsman, Mr. Gee. McLeon, bas engaged with jury & Gregory, druggists, Oshawa. Rev. R. Southern ef Wyclffe: College, To- rente, and Mr. Fred. and Miss Anie How- den are guests of Mra. jas. McBrien. Charles Turner froni Michigan, who for- merly clerked for joseph Bilzelow sorne 13 yeara ago, is visiting his friends in this vi- ciflity. Jno. Campbell of Port Hope, forneriy of this town, la here visiting relaivea ai d bas secured a situatioti witb a wholesale wal paper ouse in Toronto. Mfilllnery Openings. Messrs. Jones & Ce. announce theïr fali openîng of miliinery, nanties and dress goode on Friday and Saturday 2ftb and 28th September. Miss Thonîpson anneunces ber first mil- linery opening on Friday and.Satucday 27tb and 28tb of Septeinher. The ladies of Port Perry and vicinity may expect to see very fine dispiays at the above openings. Rev. R. Whitenan arrived homne from the old ceuntrv last week looking weil after bis trip. On Fniday evening î3th inist he was accorded a warm reception frein the meni- bers of St. John's presbyterian church. Jno. A. Rodman, painter, met with a nasty accident last Friday whîle trimnming paper in Wiliiamson'a barber shop, the knife be was using slipped and eut Mr. Rodmnan's left thumb badly, requiring him te carry it in a sling. 1,97 20 and 21. £SSOP~D Furniture W. J. NOTT, :Company. - - MéANAGEZ. TIRY W. L. PAR RisH PORT PRY for cheap H A FD WJRE, Jtust UOW WO &1T6 special indilcel LANTEBN8 à- APPL D- -Ue ' .) etc. MILL rebuiltp &-I rnochanic. any nîîtke. a.nd Model ad I>ingle çWH1TBY, ONTARIO, 'FRItDAV, SEPTEVIBER- 20, 1895, Sept. v

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