Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Sep 1895, p. 5

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DUi INITIALS, *MON~OGRAmsi, CR~EST89 INSCRIPTIOXT5, Done in a tasteful way, Prornpt/y, and ai Price, 6> /owest JE Sm ]BARNARD, JEWELER & ENGRAVER, offiloal County Orgau.-Larg.ut Circula- tion of £Dy local paper la uaA 13, 1895. FRI)AY, SEPT. LOCAL LACONIOS. -i îles vests at i5c., 20C., 25C., at %V. G. SL i r d % q()(1 i dning tables, 4 leaves, only $5, i\\ lii] s mIr t Wi \lson, Perth, is spendîing a !i,:.a\ atilhome Nir \rm, Foley, Ilufialo, paid his parents Jt ii g sit l.tst week. 1i oies' parasol-s and skirt waisîs et cost -at \V. I. Warren's. Mos Illie Finîlay, Guelph, was the guest \liss G-dt ross last week. Vor diseases of the kidneys use Dr. bright l-.tiglislb Liver and Kidnev Pilîs. \Ir, anid Nrs. Geo. E. Stanton, New V'ork, tuc been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hlughes bere this week. Mîr, Alfred (zross and his litile daughter, "iChcago, spent a iew days in town last %%ek- visititig the (Gross iamily. Mîr jas. D. Downey arrived Tbursday nuri Napaniee and oI)ened his office for gr.iin buvîig in the aId Ontario bank. Nir. d Rice was at Niagara Falls on rri.îv and Saturday looking aiter prîvate rterests He brought somne live stock home i t h 1u1ni. Mr riJo, Nott, J. P., P>ort Penny, was lu On n Tuesday, on hîs wav 10 the Indus- trý.u The Undertakers' Association meett .uîT lronto thîs week, and Mr. Nott wiIl kilI i o.~brds with one stone. B3iftl ()n the îoth Sept., 10 Mr. and Mis. Ber- nard Baker, \Vhitby, a daughter. 4 A Great Show, $30o in prenilums. Whuîby Fair, Sept. 17, iS and i9, is gaing to he better than ever ibis year. Good band. bicycle races and special attractions. Set .vertisement in another columu. HaIt ' Bel are buying a spray pump, be sure and set the Anderson double action force spray pump. The best lu the world. Ten ai thern boughr by the govern ment for the experimeutal tarin. Only $13 50 each. L. Fairbanks, Wbitby. agent. Threshlng Coal i oo tans af first class soit coal j ust receiv- ed per Schooner Jamieson fi-rn Sandusky. Frimers, eall ou H. R. Blow tor- your1 tbreshing coal :office opposite CH RONICLE, Whitby. Services at AUl Saints. At Ail Saints cburcb tnt tbe Friday even- ing services tht Rev. MNI. Broughal is -giving a course ai addiesses on the Lords Prayer. The subject of the sermon ou Sunday even- ing nexi wili be "t Confirmation, its author- ity sud ils meanng.' A capital testimonial. 1 bave mucb pleasure lu recommending Mir. W. H. Pipers pumps toanay party re quinîng tht saine, 1 also find hum ta be a first class repaireroaiany kind aipumps. H. hem repaired several for mie sud ihey aIl work tl rst ciasa. JAMES CAMPBELL, Whitby, 22t1d Aug. 1895. The Boat ta Toronto. Tht steamner Tymon on Monday began ho run the Toronto trip fram Wbitby sud parts east that the Garden City bas mnadet 50 popu- lar ibis summier. The patronage ef the Ty- mon was ve: y gooci until Wednesday inorn- i ngs accident preventeci further running by this boat. A good cnowd had been taken on at Bowmanvllle sud vIses on the way ta Oshawa the rudder was Içst. Tih. Tynson was towed ta Toronto Tiursday moruing. H utchisons Financla exploit. on Friday lat a young man frein near Claremont uamed Hui sen entered thei Dominion bank bere sud ,-ought ta cash a cheq ue for $a3 slçned by Gould Bros, batik- týr, Ubrig.Theciieqime vas vnltteu on note Paper sud bad "'<ours trulY," an ex- pressing not Us.d ou0sncb documents, ro- ce-dhug theidgmtuM .ThO.cashie dedned t o cash thse cheque on secouat Of ome Muspi- cions vhlcii arase(rom Its aepearaue, sud suter Hutchisos veuit eUt CitiefCoustle Calveriey vaàs stes:fi. HO fouuid bis Mau sittiug in front of hb< QUOOU'S sud asked hlm ho go ta lb. batik, Where Hutchison staieci liai lie id totiUp tiec ciique as il had turned out te be M. g00d- He clalmed zo have recelved 100 a Imter, sud declared thal btho gilt iî9ood. nevas forawiy arrested o a chageo0f 1org.ry, sud lu the absence of Poice MagitM aleRper vas r manded te jIlU by Mayor RUUllIt-e Ou being searclied aWOtb# ch.ique o(1ie Sa"M dlassand make vswfua4 lula pcha nt Doyen a, laki ed Of for' sneam« rhur st A Port Dovoe's Là»ake Tht foUlivlg relates te lb. auc ferry ou I.ask.En Lake Ontarlo -*I Sheffaugo 'f *u chesp ceai rout Peunsylvma Io1 route, Carryluu ou prodiit"b.9ia4 PM ê~O~1J Aluut parler suteuàuh with siik Plusb bauds, for meawo h$4, a B.Ho6ki*i -,represeutatlve of the Miss-mina Ctumîiàe Ieft on Wednesday for-4k to 0visît, ber Uut, Mms. Camidge. ýMr- and Mms. jas. Finlay, Guelphi, were the guests of Ris flonor and Mm. Judge Dartueil last week. Miss Beatrice Dartnell left on Tbursday ta spend a week visiting frends and rela- tives lu Hamilton and Guelph. W. G. Walteis invites aIl visitors ta the Wbltby fair ta examine their new stock ai drese goocis, mandles, capes, ready made clotblng etc. Mins Blow, ai the aperating staff Western Union Teegraph Co., Buffalo, N. Y., is borne visiting bier mother. She rode from Toronta on ber bicycle. The regular meeting ai tbe Mission Band' wili b. belci lu the baptiet church, to.night, at 7:*40 o'clack. Pastor Sycamore wili oc- Cupy the chair. Ail are welcome. Miss Gipsy Gibson ai New York, her niece Miss Marion Warren ai Rochester and Dr. Oliver Graves, ai Rocbester,' N. Y., were guests ibis week of -Mms. Aunes. Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Kitnç returued on Tuesday fror a fortnigbt's trip ta the greai easseru American cities. They spent a week in New York city, whicb Reeve King speaks ai as a world In itself. Their trip was ai the most enjayable description. Tbe Ontario County Gazette in its last week's Issue annaunces itself as indepen- dent iu politics lu future. It bas made ail it eau out ai bath parties, sud sees no pros peet ai anything mare ta be had through fioppiug back and torward. Besides this, huiler plate is always neutral in order ta make the same matter do for ail shades ai palitical newspapers. Apprentice wanted. In millinery departmient. Apply at C. F. Stewart's store. Grain, Seeds and Fat Stock. Messrs. T. G. Colwiil & Son have opened aut business here as buyers of ail kinds of grain. seeds, fat %tock and meats. Their office is opposite Woodruff s hotel. Save your dollars Almost every _business man who adver- tises in the CHRONICLE has changed bis ad- vertisemnent this "week. aud many dollars may be saved by uaîing the bargains ofler- ed. We dlaim that eacb iamily can save $1 per week, or $5o per annum, by watching aur advertising columns for good bargains. The inu wha dot s not advertise his busi- ness is a back number, and bas no advan- tages ta annaunce. Lincoln as a Laver Abraham Lincoîn's sentimental perplex- ities are ta b. sbowu in an article ai singular interest whicb John Gilmer Speed bas writ- teu fram unpublisbed letters ai Lincoln ta Joshua Speed, for the next issue ai the Ladies' Home journal. Th. article will show that tbe great president was flot steady lu hlm affairs ai the beart, that he floundered in bis love, snd finally induceci bis iriend Speed ta marry sud tell him (Lincoln) wbetber marriage was a (allure or ual. Volunteers, Attention. The Wardeu ai the Cou nty wii present the Il<Colors' tg the M4th Battal ion at 2 P. M. ou Wednesday the i8tb. The presentation will take place ou the second day ai the On- tarioansd Durham Agricultural Exhibition, aud ih hi desirable that as mauy members ai the regimeat as possiple be present on the occasion. Forage cap, tunic sud pants are ail that are required ta be woru froin Coin- .pany Headquarteis. Accoutrements will b. furuisbed at Battalion Headquanters. Volunteers who can possibly find it conven- lent ta be preseut wili notîfy the undersigneci as early as possible. By order jas. Rut- lecige, Capi. sud Adjutaut. Whitby, Sept. il, 189,5. Fair Notes Tht grounds are in capital ancier. The volunteers cleaned ail parts lu apple pie order. The CHRONIcLE sud Weekly Globe wil b. sald for $1.25 durhng the. exhibition, froin now ta Jan. ri, 1897. Clubs will be made on best rates wiii any other paper. Over 1000 enties were taken iu on Wed- uesday, for tIhe Ont. & Dur. Exhibition. This is thse biggest day on record. Secre- tary Jas. White bas ta work night sud day ta keep up viith th entry sheets, sud sihl is happy as a king. Now for Wbitby fair. For thirty years i bas been recoguized as tbe only thorough.J gohug county show in ibis section of Can- ada, sud tb. besi county show in the Pro-I vince. The. directons are nzakiug great e f-I forts ta provide dntertalniug features for' visitera. lnstead ai ibe profesaloual trotting homse viii the siseepikin patches ta keep bis bovea frein cutting tic barness, the speediug vili be doue by breedlng statuions, af whicb there are seven or eigiii good ones lu tbis locatly, aud by tbe fast drivers we see spurting eue another aloug aur ronds. Visitera te Ibis show bave neyer yet been dlsappoluled lu seekriug a day's lulerestUng slgts aud pleasure, and thei disappearance ai the.professlonai trotter viti ail IUs crook- eduesa, eau easily b. macleup foi. The Ae Mge HmliserameCasm . onubMouday word vas seul ber. te the sutboritletbal the. body0fMm. G. E. Agr vics, nsbmuIvesn riof Wbltevae pick*mùng, woub. exbumed ou Tuedy snd tIi~k<O 1 Clv ol aslastruc- ed tu proceed'to tii.B Brufham methodist ceuttsyp, whee the- body wU iterr.d snd wate, Io> prf ventPt#ts - 4t.reime lb. bodiy 4wuimg the *ilbt' The vateli vsa, ntaIomtàaam 1 in te. a bllil, h e 'r Eve ee MprtntLas- nmre specialie MeI orhseing. ecd Everyhody -li wêlèlone here, ookers a' W#11 as huyers. Theie are places tO ait and rest, ta meet ona'u f riends, write letters. and have yofr parceis or wraps oheked- Free af Ohargu.. We want yau tu sena a1 there is to fieo, without. the slightest obigation ta bny a thing unles yuu want to. F%11NOVrO1tiOI3. Nothhig com'nouplace ini the new goads for lu. The newest styles are bore, and the fluest we oould get We're ready iiow wit.h N OVEILTILS IN- D;-css Goods, There w88 no nmeing'of tbheIseoot board on Wednesdaynight, oýwngIo the absence of a quorum. Mr, Adam Gordon, Owen Sound la bomne. H. boldsA position on ont e Tbe Pickering News claims that Whitby sitid Bowminville bave defaulted toa ,tT rlv the rnatter of a promised game ofitlckevî-. Mir. Bert. Dartneli, Richmond Hill, hîlia been among us tbis week. He le reiieVlng Manager Kerr, in the bank at Pickering. Tbere bas been a large efflux of People from this town ta the Toronto fair this week. Every visltor was dellghted wltb tue show. W. G. Walters is offering a line of men's ail wooi ready made tweed suits at 85. Corne in our mîore and ask ta see tbern whetber you wanîta purchase or not. Mrs. MeCrum, of Galt, leaves for bomne with ber five cbildren on Saturday via. C. P. Ry. She bas been spending two months holidays wlth ber father, Mr. Tirnothy Coffey. The United States LAe Insurance Coin- pany ;epresented by E. J. Dingman issues the r#st libéral contract in the market. Ail profits beiong ta the policy holder. Ontario and Durham exhibition additions to prize list: single driver, three prizes, $io, 86 and $4. Entrance Soc, (in place ai class 2 sec. 13 ai prize list). Agricultural class- sec. a and 3. open ta geldings. Heavy draugbts-sec. 6 and 7, open to geldings. Plants-Class 41 sec. il, 2 or more ta consti- tute a coilection. There was considerabie commotion on Saturday night late around the quarters of the salvation army 'officers," over the girl who came here last week looking for Air. Dodds. She managed 10 drift back here, and was taken in charge by the armny ofil. cers, but managed to getl lquor from somne oi the boys. The particulars have been kept quiet, but we understand there was a lively lime at the strett door and in the back yard. Wa.nted An apprentice 10 learn the printing busi- ness, at the CHRONICLE office. Grand Dance An assemblv will be held in the miusic hall ori Wednesday evening. Sept. xSîh. Music by the Whithv orchestra. Dancing ta comn- mence al. 9 o'clock. Tickets Soc a couple. How is it ? How is il somne people neglect ta pay the printer until ail others are satisfied ? No person tries as hard to give full value for money received as the publisher ai a good local paper. Coal-Coal. 1 have completed the purchase of a large quantity ai fresh mnined Scranton Valley coal, which 1 can furnish ta rny customers aud others at remarkably low prices. Also a large supply of sait coal on band. Before buying give me a caîl. H. B. Taylor. Withdrawn from Sale. Tbe Jordan faim ln the townshi of tJx- bridge, which has been advertised ior sale in these columns by the executars for twa weeks past, has been witbdrawn from sale, tne heirs having decided ta occupy it tbemn- selves. S peclalbargains. Ail next week at the new shoe store. Monster fail stock bought before the advance in leather. Prices this faIl lower tban ever before. Men's fine lace boots or gaiters, toe tip, round t0e, $i. Ladies fine kid buttoned boots, toe tip, very neat, only $i. East side, M. W. Collins. A days Rifle Practice. We are requested ta say that No. i coin- pany 34tb battalion will bold a rtfle practice at tbe butts bere on Saturday afteoon next, in order that those who wish to, coin- pete at the battalion sbooting matches niay bave a few shats ta enable them ta get .»teir eye on the target. We understand that arn- munition and rifles wiil be furnisbed ta those payiug for the former. GhQulih Methads Coming into practice. The carving up of Mis. Algt r's body' by the authorities, at Brougham cemnefery o n Tuesday, would appear ta give fair waringff etc. Vi*siiors Vi~,uir F irtr Juatuî On Sunday evening Rev. TIses. Manning g Iswo a preacheci a very stirnhng sud îboughtf-ul sermon, bearhug upan the death efthlIe late. .. Fred, Gibson, vIsa was accidenîally -Ikled ou tht 26th ai Angusi. He chose ufb teil, but set oui by saying tIsaI Goci is sot seeking te tshe away any mnan's lhfe witbout warnumg. W. We bave varuiugs every ciay, sud He. mv- moves us with due censideratlen of crsur- w SE reundinga. lHe minisr unte His-people, ' m filla ticir besits wiii joy sud sorrov at ines, - but makes thein aay alwayi: IlH. dodu -al Ou'0 stook things veil." EscIs ai ns must bave said- r ýL before Ibis: "Instead ai Fred. Gubon il maigbt bave been my cati." Therefore-, we are constraiued te gatber sud apply sncb lesseus frein ibis event, and ginsucb ad- - vair4age fremin i as may b. 9a. the- iu- otantaneous cslling awsy of auy in lu lb. COOL early Prime cf bis antmoed empels al vbo &H() have reflecllug minds to consldi er poul. -hile nd euh of àssbouic nsdr wmat woùld have been the resuit bad Il beeu out lot te b.lMaw theoab Istadf e- , ) wr1tten, sud vamm nover bc, ciamgedluIi s$lt et.eltutu lb.hejudimt 1day; flahla*ni4,w 1nê.,si"ia d"roi an sd see vhat- bar- are offéring in aIl kinda of .Wa~h~ Olooke, _jeweiry, ivrwle aise havej M~IACLES. a -futil i Ue of We eami sait aud Ses. , tZ&IwaT E~k bi io t cati and seeu CFe 8TE--WAI, e IWH (o 8CHOOL 800K8 EBver-yt3in lanew. Everything'i first.c¶assY-outre asi weî- torae - the sigbt as though you owned the store outright. New Colored Woolleu Drese Fa- bries. Marve ls of beauty in colorings and effeetS.- flRUMM ING,-Whatever is new. GLOVES and CORSETS-Týhat fit and wear welI. LACES,-All styles, widths and prices. SILVERWARE,- ~doz. Teaspoons for ... ~doz. Forks for ... And many Fancy Articles at 25C. 25C. 25C. OALL AND SIX US. F am' -wiIl make it a point betore leaving, the town of seeing- w. Go .MAGNIFICENT DISPLÂY. .0........ F NEW ............. WALTER A UTUJMN and WINTER GOODS.1 The contents of 50 cases, imported direct from France, Germany and Englani, now on exhibition in our various departments, oonsisting of Fanoey Silks, Black and Oolored Surrahe, Ponge Silks, Silk Velvets, Velveteens, Ta.ble Linens, Shawls, Travelling Rugs and Buggy ]Rugs. Autumn'8s Fairest and most Fa8hionab/e - c~RE8SGOODSî'ýD ~MUNDREDS 0F YARDS of new weaves and d styles, a display that is certain to invite the en- thusiasm of every laver of beautifal Drese Fabrios, Bia soleils, Èstamene Serges, Henriettas, MsaUlasie Serges, Priestly's Contille, Bracades, Metians, Plain sud Fîgured Oreppons. SYo cZ~New au»1Is'2 GOLF CAPES and* CAPES.1 ).42 ' , Ybuti1amu anner, ele. .~urely die.I . .prepared ta aour's notice. te yon, wbonz wbo couid cklng in trie ug men iu I;TT 21@ lan y. Y, A LL new correct Styles, Material and Minufgcture,, sud Bt mach ..LOW PRiCESÎ... that .thy vil proveia surprise to every purchaser. -- teevery Departient funi of-the needi su novelties- jýof the Seamon :--Gloves, Hosiery, Ladesi'u nr ge'wear, Corsets, Laces, Ribbonsi, TrimumingN ste.1 bo corne and inspect !ay wliether you buy and a'dmire or not. - Wh itl z. Complete Assortment of Institute, Hi'] whlieh ,forprendq the county.e Fine Suit ings, Genis' Ties, Scaifs, 's R4 endacrilivtt<nt tvç( 1T BYe W àIi i are welcome, Grand Disp? G. -WALTERS, Isjustai~aut~~ th anr

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