<EORSES e~~*e~qtobth. , M p&fbnliâtf D A$ I _nclyaxioe cfofthheetrm<b.' deiiiçeof GSR. Me19UqIç ýù arï 'lau t1. he ho. M tb u'> 'dte~i Ig eutan b.dmigmeu, ti t. tii, !1îýZblîid wht oluel mount: ou Tbon 'e t'*1 @ 5O1eo dIAkI 1< U:li"ar < (lsremu. <0 boê Mt lthsed lusoto Il ~ plu<dsC~~ bO*1~<~9iWNe*bfea. fiAters su It takete hde rE'hot=,aed uanoktgmioten dlgubM '> * ,i OertOWhAePSd.Te b Ditu.,'nd laa rdl t beLII.tf r n&a 1 iý » a b*il»t4<; ascl<latetutéuinss1rcane b double Bheet, CEgtives u o Neday wthoat<be adpet0i and M ar eb gnutre d anortgem t e mat. ha q itoae u c als gl g t e b t gnptshneJ u ra, t o to , bas urtaie d t ten o e e xprv f nd. ab el vedp in tha t e bèM yneancp aei Mdeth ter s d ifôlilte. o flothe a cts 1.deand <bat ,Ive lù,thinkiug o nttklng eThePc mlugm-etlie. We e-on ta heta uatfye t ir emaîk? W. mdeone eete. MENT. Pigrousea<hie dscIin, ud certalof-u gas an heand -puoti. <tfii-c o heir aartoctliwusfan lalposiio, utsiply &PERS, 5.ad artigtmei mley u gleery r-AivembIr t eun epl rmti lce asredoaUerpr o lesbtcnurneb <bIs sampleef bis attended <hae4û -eth at t v a dlyornde. a <bis mis *e1ge, 1' fiabld teIo a. Pttuteadiso roma& gattnu pary atEsesfl eadng r qute nîre ?eD. work every otn.Id te ue pht ocrat h euld Tued> valgbadreethaîga oou w. A.pt H. beawdetsmn btwudlv o oee. ol-bv'evdte ih.Êïýýtmelldth o«teta éti ilpeein ars. Mr. Obaen arepots bm unesulc reaik Ms . asu.tGaebu, tp- htb onsl oucl ~~ t., rapy inbe ae o vu su srey u h pîng at crs.Je. Orha , w heisaire t Moe,-nd a gr st. Leter re ed i-cm c o workas le tune ut d seres a apreia ti sen o- h e st ckla, u as, g 1d9e-b a ec.respo t ol:,a niet Oshaw. suepatore fthïegpblic. T0. Bitck re wlll ctfo hi lb i hýnwpâesbv ae ar6admn u am leo e dune xibtive uone un til Tuedy ht tg eShe le lopranin. baemieenwasappzfed the couloer withRec dtarnt.e Frex hibiton eorMr parncf the M. r ud Ms W nr. chTrnoae co . m Dr-an : er comp ela d iatwtr auhln Crnge o' exibtiorersJsltu uraythefar -ntliol.bfiont o the sroad unI biemîesd to a h be iluite de in chalenceng tétîcetowrshappoineted te pabate tasePtroubldd ofabor ady was oseved bei-eon o nday by a c ir.eS. HAl nan, cf oodchrch i th hN s tw'and was ai tse fc r egadig a iD o mpl hee aint b 150.serestacf tbebal andther u gafine, whicb wer sies, e-e visiingredW e ee n thS un-Jms Bornder. Mi- S inclaeor ws pad 811. flup be fd in P des c itik. n'h.ea n t cf the moasi*-n day 1cme 1te 3sheep k 'sianidb ea. l ostio , erue ps APER e i5 . adwatsi<h. me-iumd baebaîl t ch be we en Mr.- Jacob e tea f yu Z eopyr was do n ou ut oin tha reoro fg eistte sufr 8bu theAthetis e Bcmanill an <h Onle ofSatrda' yck ud eckMis Saalack Coaunt ty pross, $219460; ded a bnturis- cage# a Oshaa. to te v ter a;romed i tcn flo bi th dehe m. do . 81383.92; o ledigrqe uie-EDllvy$ CHoosc enusrias enfent cf anqwulshig toe home <os eyd39în;ep.aesbol,$2.o S to1r9 , tream; but in he îca ey twr ade m < c h Missp. Watoof Gren, k top- nhlp puonsp o ues 8a49. Toa$07 7 porknaine ut. nstuit dfirs t he Inuing a oa n- Te aboMrs'Day .holi d 'a was ne t r TMet oa a set d7-er milîs o th e . Wm 078haile ecoehibitwioi-uns, lch scor, wen te main- la arnegvng cm itee was apaî nd .o onfamagate buggy Totaed hiitoc to tU a a o fhewa eputrpndMr. C. H. S f Toront, paid luhion c ulve;t. The neeve, Concîlot r c * yLugo gine. rande tUe hiihcth i xnth innnge a bief nguncete pi- reta l rt of. kTaggarothae Overseer Cook remapi ,nd te fl5 1 <ho score st od ~o tr. S.l l ver cf t e home epai r a a l o t e th o. Cole the rouMeen jj~~J plaer TUe attîngby <eh. BcwnMoaye ta Mis Broks s gaur wokitheds-peand his b walo n ed, :wh ali as declaretfa serie of aseblanatr gaes-Bwman. maksteswercme stn r :ld bro:sre on ntome ry. Ter. Mr inci aotsre:d 81,1- 3 beinPosect andkWiThcex; eawofCtheamou Geoa. W uthscice 5t ebiefor h pid: at dhB og as U,ço;DW McDoalsd bn as eîl camed awee tUeatc eai fte M.udaco efn o ext. bs on nareaking thee $îlo5e' A arnet cfties 8e theAiolthei fBrber & lle a.ncftheroof nd Mr C. E Scoandeftoe BapistscSurc bandck C artypieswor9on road d4.enuF Scot vashwa suThees U Qi-oIe icf O rsa. i-c e it clf he h supplie 8 75;N ea r gi-allve i$ .5; holsec pla Oisawaonien tofleaqi nh iith lhcuIomi.F.Sot fe mreî, Han-levybrea9kin8çste e m oho te wor3.8 ap y 85 buiess ;butgs tUescres d~tey n aer f ooe saapcage plits lst bbaN. tonsoade u.o Ms iden49,4.boal$g0Mr20Mill !Obtan exra ate hlhToI-n therfailedte ornne sudon heThe ape r o eraouts notabsendThdentrt ;oDeboy end 7-10kou o the$. 50 -.Rgrs t vlls e0tUe rsltweaicerscor hOsaihaw oebu bCesarencecgsien.TlayaieWTGdsro i-e8.;cfohrsedam40;e'tobuey ailatM.E.byae scoe cf î5te5. atersOshaw - ilputtngsh te aiin fruit. gt Thravi 35;GoBie work 85; on Mu Iothiag Cinna e atnBs;teno-WmnillomaindMTheBrgentlean oatra ntesy aking wrkwtdh team$3. djournewasd teaet Moay bPAGdnEr- onlcth.e oles rfeel alatdoer efeowang baris bi- rMsers. Elday rs cftoHe. try.TUefloigacut eeodrd , v. otU ha owmeyandill s hhama-ninam Gofh . W.Bu . . - -. - * hrefo b pid:at p.-hBotlgc;DWMDn 10à COntemplatiug buy. r weddlag ring te sec elt Brou,, Oshawa as b er cap for cash. .oly$.TUey ai-e eclal offers lu Gents', 4d lad silver watches. igfdeads in Toi-ente. PeU t ha hoiday in To. SauItSte. Manie, spent Mt s t ew daye viiting Moà . vehI kucwn Oshawa k town. estler le visiting at Mi-e ,Inccefei-s te L. 1. Max- 0l Satunda>' iornnng. Fe isopening <hie week. 50usd for <bis yean. ccnupled the Simcoe et. $nda>', bctb moi-ing and Aud Mrm F. Godfney sud ~New York. ai-e visitîng o.fnel f Maxwell'@ NewYeOrk. where lie ex- Situatio. beUttesare bue>' hie week mep vIresfrei Mi-. Star- t of dma Oshawa Railway Ce. b",. Of Pacidena. Cal., atten lawa et about au Years. le Mr. John Ressieilly. Mn. inubaetofYeats cSchman anr ofth<e Improemeut lu th. 1< lseaxPectad tUat ha i seivice nan Suaday aven- Schancb. As Mi-. Hunt, bock trotu bis holidays by vIcavwili be given. 4 Dyar have added te <bain ' sses agendas au egeno>' l't l& Altitoughit 1< l è -eDyar it ib.- 9 Offlo.bus already becoma > lsusnaaecdtany and ail BO(i Christisa Esdcvor for theOboatios etOf fi. b& lui. fouowlug ofi. NIrM. JI»; 15<-is vice, WMvce MIssHopkînk 4th VIoeE Rogers e; gaIs, I.W. e Wm. Buti va beaxu at <ba Pflar M fur a moment 1bit btand tnder e Béit. About WMu Prkinsham tis oolwu ~Oui. l@me ItemfS uos. ie5bom bw a-s -I« o tegiva weetou" Toi-ente Manufacturer's Leagiie, and Manager Nott le open to eceive- challenges frein any quarter, (Wbltby town lins aine barsd>. At thie close cf <ha gaine the victorieus <sain were paraded hy <lie 34th batt. band te tha tune cf 'See the Couquering Here Coens" A football match wae arranged loi- hatwacu Hearm*n> sud Brcoklin, but as both fafled te put la an appeai-. suce, a scrub match took place be<waen some local playars, in which <we men wene dlsabled. and neither sida got a goal. Deng tha aftar. noon gaine a yeung lad y aamed Maggie Gar-1 i-ev, daugliter of Mr. Alex. Grrw, waa strucix over <ho ight eye by a foui ball, sud lied te ha caried froin <ha field. It le a wcuder soe peo- ple are flot hurt in <is way, as <haei-rowd hahind thie bat is aiway langer i han at suy othar peint eft<ha field. Dunrng the afternoon IZame'Pitcher Bone struck eut sixteen marL. Cinnamen sud Bene for tlie home teain and Alcott for Toronto did splendid work. As a pitcher Boue le bard te Sund. Lennex played i-et base for Oshawa with4 good resulte. Manager Bryne witli bis mtamn mari-y-go-round did a tbriving trade thi-ouglieut tUe day. He will ha here until the îtt. <chou lie will pull up stakes and go to 4htby Exhibi- iou. Au exhibition cf firewcrks was given lu the evening. when a very large crowd vWstad <lie park. Soe disgruntled players cf tha Oshawa club made tbemseives conspicieus by <beir roastings duiing the basebail gaines. SucU thinge only give outsiders a b.d epinion. Elh. S. Edmonscu was the busiest man on tha grounds dnning tlie day. H. will ha at ail <imes plaasad< <o show visitons thi-cugb hie levai>' promises.E E E RO;ERts. E Os"a amBuine»s DIreetony. E L. VICKERY, barber. BlinoooSstreet. BROOKS- LIVERY, Simoce Street, nerth. WM. ROLPH, hanuesa maker, SimoS Street. T. B. MOTRERBIL14 butoher. King U., West. Da. PÂmuziscx, Dentit; oficee ove rBovae's store. A. J. STLm»-Donleon pianos and ocrgans, Simooe street. A. 0. WÂNNAN, Veterinany Surgeon sud Dentlst King Street vert, Oshawa, Ont. Oounoux, HOTL-J. O. Woou, proprietor. Moderm hostelry, noat and comtortabi>' equippeti. D. M. ToD.-OCatener for Balla, Assemblieu, Wed- dingo. Suppers, etc., etc. AIse a il dsof OsavÀBeexaToun-.pnjllins o! bookg, attosery sud fancy goodgs& E. E. Roerîý Bime Sstreet. OsHÂvA DPUG STOP-L J ail, dbuSftqin COemlst. Pull lineof0 pure drmsd ehemni. cabs alvsy on hanti. LevsOshvaai 2 s p in.n MME ~aOLUG, manutactnm OefIa mn â» s sBrts wmons, snd a&l kindu ef cutterstu IMMN Bavua.paf ter s»4deonalor. »eer 011 v l .payra, windo. tO. J&a uiow. daim n stova, mntei n-. noeslh. laid.O~eeovoeDominlon Bemi, Siniseaý *zut 'e sibueév M~~~~~.o 3,. *,Immlmoeees a as-chis Ungu. inrough misînfrmation I gave <heur names as Rogers lest week. Rev. T W. Leggott, pastor of <ha metliodiet churcit. will ha absent tnom home for two weeks. Efficient pulpit suppl>' bas beea uiangad for, sud <ha regnlan aah services wlllbe held as usuai. Mr-. George Wilson went te Toronto on Tuesday evaming te nemain for a tew weeks. Sbouid lie fiud a situation ha vili nemain there. Mn. George GiII lais la inthe city on the lookout ton an cpeniug et sema kind. - Mr. Albert Wells hes potatoes lu flowan, that ware planted in tha sarne ground that bis fruit cnop wes du g tron. The second crep vili be i-eady or digging la a few weeke, if the fi-est dLes not cnt, <hem off ha- foea. Hou. Jne. Dryden sud Master Wiil Dry- den bei-e neturned frein <hein four weeks va- cation speat lu Algoma. We are utuch pleased te learn that Mn. Di-yden's itealth bas beau mucli benefitted b>' the change andi i-est ha bas enjoyeti. It i a a-great pity <bat someone did dot se- cuie an injunction te prevent tha manage- ment eft he Ontario sud Dunhamn fair frein posting up <bat itideous representatien of a fiaud's bead vitici the>'ai-e usiug tq a ttnact attention te the adveitisement oet hein exhi- bition. The othan lithographe -have - a - very creditabie appearauce, but whoever vas ne- spousibie -for the selectien oet<his" e n as surel>' given evideace et veryr bad±aste lu jLuch matters. The finaucial district meeting' held,:iti Breeklil methediet church lest tiursday attandet b>' rapraseutauivas ef cach circui4t c district. Reports presetedsbowad aprospé condition ail round. The supenanuared m~ tai-s' fuud was discussed, ' d ltepresut am mueut was eocopted. By Iisrcvisad systerû circuits ana gi-catI>' rclievddand i mustars i up the différence frein <hein pai-soxitlfuntis. muistny rasolvadt <at eaoh miniate r p bic for missiomar>' and educainaImais. The myster>' atteudiug the, diseese am <ha, cova ln thia 'villae tlasdee ever. There bave ben ,saveralnew, titis weak, soe of viticit are serions others net se, bail. Titosa reponted <yack ana betar, witi the exception >of Geoe WCoey's which died on Monc Mr. James Knigitt basone venry sick af- eut, there belug no expectatiôn of itsJ m er>'. 1ese cases, ywhle net genarý, -savane as <hase et last summer, arc certs van>' s Inlr, lfact <ha>'may ha classa the sanie. Anrd again these quýesticuea beln~dicnaed-bat la <ho dieasfe,, why it ba-eÙyýcewa In Erooklin aflactaed byit vbei lun: *nootiplace ih contyu a titane beau anythlng.of theI and admitted a nuunber of funs -who: ne immh~ac Ahe'ord«.s-tolte tî tne ocçasson. 11A: abeheur was ope vws matie up asi Wbltetend ; real MoI sik ddni quartette, misse sud Mesora. W,5,, tng, Mn. Ketcan Business Dtreotory. GUY & CO., grain buyers. Da. PÂTTEusoiN, Dentiat; at Bebert'e botel, ftrst Thursday, every month. Reuideno. opposite Town Hall, Brooklin. SORÂNToN CoÂL -D. HoLLiDAT le nov prepared te delis'er or sell et shed, BreekiUn station, or off cars te celebrated Scranton Goal at close pnicea Lor cash. (The best le the oheapest.) Siept. Brel, 1lm. W A MONEELY, D V S.-QGraduate oft Ihe On- tarie Veterlnary College, Toronto;- Honorary men>ber of the OntaleMedilcai] Society. Treats ail 'ligeases of the domnestioatecl animnalo by the most approvedl method. Alo particular attention te surgical operations a nd- dentistry. Day or night calis proniptly s*tM de o. Office and residence Brooklil, -on.n. Weekly Shipmen ts Keep our varied stock fresh and fully a8aortod. People want goods ini August as well as in May, and they corne to us for thern, knowing- we wili anppiy their wauts at loweit- pros pos- sible. Hence we have ne summer dulinees here. ereus THIS WEEK vs open eut a lot cf nasa. Oolored Toilet Sets tak, sud other fines in The C. rockery anld Lamp Gooda. meng We want yôu te seethem. ep e, BUTTE andEGGS wantedl. 0-~Store closes at 7 p.m. shO , al ansday eveneh Mi-. Tu sd yand Thurs a e ni g tday. HOLIAYBRS lys goBROOKLIN. A A 1E I~R L S are mnh n~ua4. TI 7 pieces cf Stripe Lawns;, regular 12%lC goods foi- 7!4c. 6 piecas cf White Ground Muglin, with celored spots, regular 25C. ' gooda, fer i,5c. 4-nch C pounes, lu piuk aud ble, White Duckiug, regular 17C. goodu, reduced te 12,qC. Our $2.,50 Parasôls reduced te tI.75, Our $i.Se Parasols neduced to $i.oo. Ail 12 54c and 14c. Prints at i price, îoc II qâ Chimezette, regular 35c. lina for 22C. Io that we are makini-f Rings.t'eqa Ladies' White Lînen Cuifs for l etteh futIin<U ount. efeye Lades'Stnpa ki-a, eguar s cs.,can b ave a stock te select font tais prac- foi s Sri 0 c s. t , r g l a 5 c s , tic a lly l m t a s . Auog < a be e t fu d fo 3i-s eau>' artiÉtic things are Our 15kRb Summer Goode reduced to P ean S et Us ecElgacmnts 3that will ternpt every one. N. B.A nelasaseoflt>'. jent op>en- cd, eut, at he oeprice Cs tr. KING STË91LT WnsTi,1-.-I SHAWA. DO YOU DRINK' TEA?? Let 'us assume as a fact that yeu do. We nearly ail do. The great essential, therefoire, ii to know where te get the best TEA for the lest money. JAPAN TEA-We have just purchased from a wholesale Tea House, 25 pack- ages of fine Japan Tea at ver>' close figures. It la- equal in qualit>' te an>' 50c. Tea on the market to-da>'. We are offéring It at the ver>' 10w price of 25c. per Il or 5 Ibo. for $1010. This lu an excellent bargrin. Cali -sud get a saniple and try lt. SWe want Butter,' Cheese, Eggs, and other farm produce, for which we Beaton's OPPOSITE Oshawa, and vv rout tee66 -AT- qP50.00. Mohis GOAL QIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- $P5.50 to $25-00. Oshawa Steams hip Ticket Agency. Steamnship Tickets to Europe by the best lines on the Atlantic. Special railway rates, Oshawa te Montreal, in connection with Steamship Tickets. Canadian Express Go. Goods forwarded on aIl vassenger trains ; also collected and de- livered te ail parts of the town without extra charge-i .v0Moev Orders on sa!elfrom eigbt a. m.unti eight p.m. Give them a trial and yeu will always use thein. Great North-~western Telegraph Company Forward messages to all point of Canadla and U. S.' Messages received promptly delivered. W. P. STERIOKER, Agent Office opposite the Post Office. WE. DYER, **Bale Block; just north of the, post of- *fice. Inspecter cf Agendlesef, Aid- *Savips& Loan Co, Tproeno.-Age*à t » =u îe.Asrance Comnpany, e! *~ ~~ ~~ Ca a as d h E poyers'-LiabîIit>' ' Corporation of LONDON, Ez<G. -Grocery, POST OFFICE, THE CORNER SHOE STORE, GýO S HAWA.,-ý- Leather Steadily. Advanci!ng. f Wholesale prites'-for footwear are 20 per cent. bigier. Our immense stock fa selling * fast at old prices. Save mone> b>' buying yçur shees atence - The oppotu iwll soon pes. SOur rteo!proi a<alv We hava alwayS'agnrF stock te select from-4at.0s snd fimeihes.': Pncea rlght.- Uudentakiug çepartment- fu ed., ami mbalmlug -accordini PELLOWS, ses hie ITPC IDorP DýP.c . . .................. -Speeii for this week, ru r. 1 l1tg c made el Ie c i Ifhncyic ma soiS mia,- rgas Tho:. Millor A:o:. Cali at week. ot Fulton, N. Y., bas1 f.e