Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Aug 1895, p. 8

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mI~ee~~ R, Se. Se. Oahawa. ~itJt. ~ 1895. 11EL awa subacribors It auY business ma obtaiu extra R, Rogers. Catl s: M. E. ,Clothlàg. ýchina dýnner or ckhina, or glass- en.- te m"pls:ng buy- [log ring to soc ML., Oshava as ctheap for cash. Fe$5 Tbey are fors lu Geis, allver vatches. 4tai laVWahug Mma.Edigar 1 lueetoa, l sltiug Mrs. )fToroto, la vlstng Mass biUjmishomfrom aviq-t te out suecoueote eCa Col& busIposs e.ud aihôthe G. agey Oonduactd by Mr. W. P. epot busbeen nov confred, WpoWsd Indeed to boar atM. itnheumploy Of.teOhw take charigeiâ< ibis d psruiet. bas won gakienopiluofr evervonolagMtha ho 4a.g0 tovn. RHowva sta oballgln ame.r. SeIoe dirtils Itl aimysa àpeaaureo lI'eunof'the ad. vanceaient oou où,ru n.Lu, t eek i.. John S. Linton so 0< Mi, ameS Lnionr. ceived Ibeao in;;taient of m Aiaoo heoI try deparîment of the piste o! -O -Vsudebllî, Esq., -*IBlmore. N. C. He bas already had incubatorsordèrtd (o be abippe t ers sot- borthe tne be arrle One to i olSepmeMber overymbig viii b. lu readiumesa blai to beglu operaîlomsJohnh bousr sucemaul lu the chiclien busiou s ere Ï ati feel certain Ibat ho vWR beable t1'%W echiéhena that vii tc"e the. fancios sud the aippetiteso f7 Our 4amcn oula. MeISW, 7 Plecs 8 tip an, regular 6 pifcs 'aiWbite GrOund Muin1, vlhcolored spots, regular 2e. goodo, for Ise. 44-IlChCedo in ~ uPink'and bine, WIIIte ýDuckiu9, reglar 17C. goode, reduced ta X23%c. Our $250 Parasols reduced to $.7. Oti $1. 50 Psrsaas roducedti o $i. oo. Al 1236v sud 14C. Piuts at 1 price, zoc Chlmemusta',regular 35c. lino for 22C. Lýadie' WhitÇ, Linon Cuifs for 19C.i Ladites' Stripe Skifts, rogular 45 cts.,c fer 3o c tà.t Summer Goode reduced to a F Dthat wUI tempt every one. be one price Cash store. i asti ~ lu klng Mr. I.. arveU, the vell and favdrably known chenlat of tbf. bown andprIopmïtîr of tbe Oshbawa drug store, bas diposeofbs ai- ness to 1. I. jury, EqOf BowmanvMle# snd E. Gregory. Esq.. o! Undsay. Tbey are nov busy tock-aking. Enjoying the conUdeuce of the publiC, Mr. Maxwell bas been one of our Most sucomsful business me, and we, bespeak for bis successors contlnued succesa. Mr. W. H. Gregory, a brother of Mr. F. Gregory, wil bavçebharge of tbe Osba*a store The nev firin wiUl be known as jury and Gregor, snd thoy will nov bave tbree stores under thei control ; one ln Bowmanville, Lindssy and Oshawa.. Mr. Maxwell la leaving town sud bis depajture is re- grettedi botb in business snd social circles. Opposition muat be indeed the lité o! insur- anoe business. We tbought we had euougb life insurance ageucles lu tovu ta do ait the bual nes, but vo find it la not mc. Mr. R., D. Stan- ley, of the United Stâtea Lufe Insurauce Co'y., bias appoiuîed Mr. W. D. Hunier as, their local agent, sud togetter (bey are makdug * ësnvass cf tbe îown vith very satlsfavîory resulis. The Coy. la an old ou. sud ougit tado a goot busi- ness. Tte agents vill te pleasod tô eshov any eue iteir planesud raies o! nsurauce, snd ve think ît vould te volt for suyono dosirous of carrylng any lie insursuce 10 consul i (boe gen- tlemen betore deciding vit compacy (bey viii insure la. Mr. WiiI Laucklaad, vito bas teen vthMr. Maxvell. cheariat, Oshawa, for severil years, will go te Torouto titis falftme attend tbe Ontario ('ellege cf Ptarntacy. Mr. Leslie Harvey viii aise attend thec mre institution. We vish them bot every success. to TOrtOn Weclaesday by jThe Ositawa ire Brigade. clark 'tu Ebys drug evlvi abelngfast oud posesmo f a po- ephiM$, WlgtiDg 23 âiending s 9t ,inobinda in Brasp' sud bis 'ùitr pitotog- atieudiug thc liuasdry six veek's va- of oui baptisi elidieuce lu ttc iie voaing. ladikes' aid efr ioongbt giden Clty. la cm eo! St. e lake, mon-I day, aud en- Ca1rter, man-. The chairman of the deparîrnent and the council are net al la unison. We bave one cf thte best brigades at tbe promeut lime Oshawa over sav, and it l ii e s great disagler il tbey are prcveked into sending lu (hein resignatiens. Tite firemen tbink ttey are vorth mare moaey. So do a large nuruter c! our citizens.. Se do tomne cf our councilmen, but ttc chairnian makes ne necemmendations, and thore the mat- tPr lies. Ttc brigade tas noîified Mayor Covan tbat unlesc ibeir request la acceded mt toey vii leader thein resiguations, We are ttrsting, boy- even. that Mayor Covan vili, vit bitusual tact, te able ho make some arrangement for te coun and su ave any fuither trouble. Mr. Butler, engineer of the Oshawa Railway Companiy, bas posters out wamning ail boys and girls against tampermng vith the company's pro- perty. Sevêral nnrrow escpes are reported of children plaving - whb the trolley vires. Al parents. guardiaus, school-teacbers, Sunday- chool teachers, and others are reqnested to warn the children agaînst going neaz the company's propenty. Thbe company bave been put to ex- pense sud annoyance through the wçkedness o! tome childien who play endless pranks on tbe compSu'property, sucla as removrng ituts ,rom udputting atones in lte companym svitches toélte danger of l11e aud property. Thre cotapany hope that ince the attention o! parens and guardians bave been drawu to the malter that (bey vil! do allin t(eir power to varu aud keep the children from. barrn and froin doinig tue suw of hn Oo'y.E E ROGRS. Bsmw usiness l»Irory. m laVICKERYbarber. SImoce Street. dre JviyEOKLVEIBuooStreet, orth. A. eenthe .xsorM u.Do~a in S td rent. 8I~OMM otrer gKsStreet#iosQihaa, out. ~ K ?-Cabrr1«orBasl, &ssetesIWO&. lait sup a" e. to Ine a fna0 naee"Ming duriltaw eek swsf the hboarbornolçed -tbe le wu saiùe uioul ivsttiàai comeod thait a s, W'protcstl counel V0oulIypruvAlled a wba t ia 'biw~eta rys3 occured to ont or otir , Yung mes of thia veok. Georg je :o= -guaat4,bk awyt4ieagsh game wuias esson., WhIle plodd got into a mud.bo&o4 ad lutM vitfi finluC#lbt The nsPMt pai4, a vîsit tx luti week sd fotnd ayery sîlia Dr. sud M m, Hollldsy, fraiz ver. vlsitlng wlth hfa sister, Mt last veïek. The bons are dInt, s heavy egg businesa lately j so (bat oui or itatita barrow lmoney ta finù i-a I.ek After a long aud tedfoUs spell tarnera are itrough -wti (heuz Iast, and, (boa. vbo ba* tiresb grain turning out a Micit bette tbeY anticipateti about -six, veeki There 1le s nlight change inu mente for aur anni#ersary. Qd: Dyer, of Oshawa$ 4akes tie ovni instead ai Mr.' HeýWevaod wbo to be present. ,Ou Mnay îbeî- afternaon eutertainment -,omm 1e p.m., addressea by -(he Révs, Mr air Myrtie, sud Mr. Wititoc.of' and Messrs. Wm. Smith, M.P.L, of sud D. T. Walsh, Esq., of Stg Couservative candidate for t sirigiug sud recitationa by tbe. ttc evening te Port'Perry arcie lu attendarice for te concert. viii be given by Misses Hamt g Port Perry ; songs by M& Fre4 Prince Albert, etc. Corne sud vw von velcomo. A1 as hi# amvý uI byM h iuOgI5 ýto . r r e we ek, or snCýe thf6bbWDC L81L va~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a eri. MIi MrArstog asreturued fro.» . en, faon the ber -,ilst et Niagara. mi elteistions I4Q thebpSoftiseir former -appolulmont. The Rev. Mr. Keuner> too, . ageetavsf ibe oloîan fiend la ho <Laçd of the SetingSu. e roule tO 0mb. M. m. rckers tuners! sermon vaïs rnrl hvp aslpreacbed' on > unday evenihnbrteRv lio l.*A. is Mr. Whetlock p Pôr Perry. ëTu tct as tg bt ughti aîbly 'dîta lu espet for hi.» who for ne redade. ls'long bad sarvd. wtbus4î.The-wrvk vas led th wote vl!conductécj:»d~well attende!. Le Mrs. Byiugtou left Prince Albert on Mon- sun Cilà u day. She l,»eoded vlsiitlng a short tinte at In on MOncav Port Hope supd New Yark, after which eh.e t lmaelf av go t Boston ta puisa. ber -final year'a Jio aond vbat 0u» n Inedîcine. , erf ail a hope, ligaoun bmme tbst witbIÎ4 ear she ii have the dere of * ,D. c6ferred upn ber, ê 0.,y InJuulpg I aourdutY ta remlnd sonte of (ho par- with sa h enta Of theneighboôrhood tbat lier bave khildren *11o neeti-*eir paternal guidance. Quit.frequeéntly, lufacta u VySun- 4aÈY, lie'Services *exo s ure«fbyafev mp~4t~pday mUIboy-soe parentsare ovidently re- gardies ofwbere and boy (bey grov up to ourasclool 'biey rate U sd dovu tbe side*walk i qçodte. - r o1hcbrch -,sud about et (the top of n Michigan, t. QieéêSoveral times bas their glee ws. seo, bOniînterruPted by officialg of te churchi S bût boing bys, they, taon forget. These bý6ys are knowu. 'aud uoiced by ail, even tra& lu -tbe tb,,r Pateuts wusî Iknow of (beir conduct, week1ty bo - are so absarbe< irn oter affaira (bat tbey ah ~fi~ondcanuo give te boys. qten a Sunday ttougt. Auycon *_ 1 -Lutis iht wàud blual i viî I moult oftbe shameto se. or b.sg :d bisjqcbild vlolating t-itarvest at the Satêsith vîtia nsbeû4iug garnes> or in- ed indther tlTtptlg (. ý1~ces'lu the churcit. And er yield tht» Ilat oly on~ Sunday but every night these s ago. . -îrali boyseare seon upon the streel at un- th ïàne reasonably late -tours for cbildren, We S ay 1Mr. wuld urge those parents who give such 11- service ,CeuctO their Cbiidren, if not for tbe benefit unbl o ftibeboy's> for tbe peace sd cotufort of the eWJlitme an Vilgers 'tol: Checl those injurious habits 11i 3OA #3 l h ilr Y-ouibg -minds are plastic. ~'r~, We are sorty-to repoft Mr. John Stevenson ~rkt$U, it#.'Mis. A touôrtuey is at or near Lindsay 'tsp bf Miss Newton le stili witb erToiot e~ tn rIbis place. Miss Buckley, sibter-in-law of MAuly visitiug bore. - MrRutq F. L. Green sud vifeGrenwood, vjsg.d r and Staî. to lu Brooklilunov. J.N. Hortop reports a.very cals sud barley, itavingthrep h Somne of P. M. WethAie "à been visitiug wnnfIu, Mr. Wititflold Le.snd 1'à read, visited ah Mi. Juo. kod4i isan oudbreý Map utarod bre bad s' rp et, d. tcyedI Mr. Walter Thomi is roported no lato. His frieuds four'for the Wo mnany frieuds houe are anxionsîy i bis recovory. Clarukacu Rogers stilI patronà creamery at Greenwood. Ho is vol vitb ttc results of bis venture,. c Geo. Saltôn is doing good vork t on tltresbiug. Ho tas iru» bis7- el] nearly irS yearsaud ih ruais ansv dayho firsi started out. R. R. Movtray sold a valuail, Richtardson Bros, Coumbua, a fi since for a gootiround tutu, consiJe loy value nov put upon horses- Rev Mr. Dove;-preacited avrj sud learned serm6i on S t, ,-k iuîerxI ë fforts--are, g8uige ,xcèell t, tion'as fat as weocan gaher fm Peter Stephenson, the,,anilkir ma but one -tomee 6viug ta the shturtage- but shauid the- upply de&àâ, &tq, one enna»eu Peterwold ier;Ië wottd bç. foupd oriand, goiugihW ou4, Y Mauy ýattendeti bett's Point agaîn Ilut$Sàbbti-- l veri and a V#as ai w. fornie for ne e ý-ofthee iionda bore attended tho camp meeting àt Corbett's' Point on eke mrA~pour returued borne last rom, in olford vhere ho tad beoit n aAfW*vyswitb bis frieuds Mtur d aj cf lut week Richardson Bros. OlUn1~inh~poda car load of itoavy ig itorsee, ror lte C., P. R. station îsoureiPoint above Ottawa, for luînb- urposits. ýWrge McTaggart teck quie,,a largo 'Endeavors framtit is place ~tô Brook- Ntedn.esday oveningtof iasitweek teo, e atitiress ca':f - McLaî on o 'hb bn» visiting91t iams is harvesUxg ms est. ýui-Ms !Neil was visithù g at Mr. )n Suday 4t liFer inends going t T - ~ugi ~ »ae a ew ac- 'h sh&'e Peu veryleas. AUil price Thom. Mi Cali at anid Wrout Aiso hi8 COÂL and GAS STO' I 'f-p Ia (bat vo are m4lng oU Reae Tt'u equal la not ta be fce d& at1 coupe~. Hre 70» can have A-tbC1k ticaliy lirlâ"t±lýa. ApOcut-the really artatic a* reaout5-ik .~b PeuSet, Ringsg. em-ugEme1t sd - Weddiugigs e aelly N. B,.-A nov* inof Silyevr ia pf. ed ot, atï- 11I P (~*. DO'YOU, Lot uà assume jM a fact- that - you -do. We nearly aldo.. i reato.ýaeta, therefc>re 1 la ta ka6aw -vhere t t te beat TEA for tIhe, Ifflt wue JAPAN TEA-We -bave. Just purtased S froni s violesale'ITes Hanüs, 2 p ages of fine Japsu Tes ai--very close PELLOW S, figurres. Il is equal luuslà4okt to ueo hj~ soc. Tea aon (hoenmarket t& -d. e yr offeriug il et the vory>Iowi ce ýOf -ar ight Steel 25c. per Il. or 5 Iba. for' $1,10, :3-misThis 18 an excellent bàrgrlu. Cal! sud gel a sample, snd try it. -AT- W We want Butter, Cheese, -Eggs, sud otiter farn: produce, for ÏvMch vo dtýpsy highest prices, $5000.Beaton'8. G v_ôoery, ouit wv~ r. OPPOSITE POS~ OPFICK - -r---. v jOM $50to $25.oo. THE CORNKER SH-OE..STO RE, Oshawa Steam ship Le t h. t...ly Ad... ng 'z. 0c£ex .gency. Steanistip Tickets to Europe by lte test linos on tte Atlantic. -Special raillayr0tes, Oshawa te Menîreal, in coanectien vith StL-amstip lTickets. Goodm, forvarded ou all passenger -trains; aise collected and de- -11,emd la ail parts cf ttc tovu witbout extra ciarg * M o e y O denson sale fr cm e g t a. n i. u n t l e g b î p ,r . G v e b e r na tria l s ud y o u Great, Norl-Western Telegraph Oompany Foivard mmss4'dôall'*>lnt cf Canada aud U. S .- -Messages ieceived -prompfly delîvered. O ýeopposite. the Pest Ofi. *e, èSave money-, by buying your- Tbepportuntty W~o~a One. Priée à a». <a~dé* inTIL 11L&WA OMMCE -DY- loghi 11 1 ? . 1 ei 1 1 a ne conn

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