Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Aug 1895, p. 6

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e body esstng) ar sect le tria edify. riee of n te al en Mfr. le love Vltlçh dotii nol teeketh not its ke nd tlaink- lu ininiquity [th, 1beaetli all el~ qhopeth- ail, wor. 134-13) is .4,amoiig (pro. 9l'tre thaaî as 4éart so ishRe' 1'by his works. iea of mon but 4tlrS'elveaand 1* t&-be judiged rce at church, t coianribu- ~~-thie rai and ought I4 Xask Mr. "'thitrh mani- ,Ciltgs of Jesus e aUl have thie -the sanie Lord twe find thie dredes of war- Jeeds, each sous of, èacli to law with hmtes tells us hoie envy and ïOn and every hihis fn:inn kà a pesceable, ,reatedý full of rtiaut"partia1*- SIt je true 49o&»years of rh4s-and they Q, viîth, al îbth lac~pel 10 suit 1r. Brown's L' .ia open ques- bier the stand- [ove, sympathy ,~ neiglabors eiiiie.) ,or thie V ýntr1biXtions p>1k the deter- inity. Contri- fibrbefteVôlent 1surely flot so itir that none ied in ils ac- roue (?) contri- tiipt gan any- 'a 'question, as the public iect to be lest efforts te buru ê7 state 6f thie ïqot1 Let tRhe e shadow of a ,1he inispfing" n, chwrchand. goodif IScMred In a chatnian d wordi and oor, to thie A. FORMANq. j bo who fr(à a:lyhappened to b. at ' h pot, crdu, e4W*im th.,îraiàI> Wkth one *trtëàlndouis pufl l Vt.. çout pulled bis horse backoff the traçk à JuIt W ~ the tra'i reacttispot- and then jumped out and cauglit the anfinal by the head where it stood stock stil1 potmore than six ltiches ,fromn the movî. Cn trin. If the smal boy had uaot bent present a terrible calamiy would have been recorded to-day, and as it wu if they had been driving a vicious hors. they cpuld flot possibly have es- Scaped. Wc have 'frèquept.ly drawn iûatinon theae dMagerous crossings anè it la.biglatirnethat the authorities should talce hold of these maltera and '.eithejocompel the railway iuthorities to , pr6ovfdewatchmnen apd glsfrspots of Iis kind or provIde elevated tracks Yvben the. lives of ,part4es driVing wil flot be endangered. The -ýQueew- vs. J 'ereiah a Murphy, Allan Murphy~ Wellington Murphy, William Murphy,, Lilly Murphy and t Fre-derick'Murphy, ail of the township of Manvers. and'residing at the resi- dence of Jeremniah Murphy. The pris- oeswera charged several by Detect- with having in their possession and use the- plant necessary for the manufacture of counterfeit coin. The prisoners, through their counsel, Mr. Stone, of Peterboro, elected fo be tried by a ful court of complete jurisdiction in the County of Victoria. On application of the Crown Counsel the investigation tand hearing was enlarged untîl the I ollowing day, on the termination of rthe examination into the specific claarg- es preferred against several of the prisoners. The hearing of this case *took place on Tuesday afternoon. Samuel Shore was the first witness and ton being sworn said:- About the 5th August, 1 was instructed by Major *Sherwood, Commissioner of Police, to prôceed to Lindsay and look up some cases of counterfeit money which was incirculation. Actihg on these instruc- tions 1 arrived in Lindsay about the 6th *inst., and proceeded to make inquiries 1and found that counterfeit coin was in 1circulation particularly in Lindsay, 1Omemee, Mount Horeb, Milibrook, 3Bethany and in the townships of Ops 1and Manvers. I received counterfeit coin from different parties at these points and from the information 1 re- ceived I applied for a search warrant and on the twelfth August I went with Inspector O'Leary, and Constable Short and Crawford to the farm of Jeremiah fMurphy where we arrived about five o'clock." He then outlined the par- ticulars"of the arrest which appeared in tsubstànce in The Watchman of last week, and related the finding of metal .clippings, a piece of zinc, white metal, »a wooden mouid, a quanîity of plaster paris, a small brush, and a ladel con- ftaining metai dross. In the kitchen he fand a pair of pants, in the pockets of which were two pieces of counterfeit coin of twenty-five cent denomination, andi a portion of a ten cent piece and sorne diamond point clippings. The acçuqsçd ail denied the knowledge of the money and ownership of the pauts. On Friday the i6th Augy., in cmpny da lnd. 1T h aaaoh~re.lugwhil. over thone. fr-om the QId Coue7 1h11 vek Wh-bre they hadbe"u wth *caIlle. The trip wtas a very,, 1asant on«*. Day as gomng aos a in course of a few weoe. John Baulders is lesving Ibe Squires farm on the labo shore and bas, reritedl the. Hallfarm on lbe esoutb état eoornrieof, Whitbj township. He vili move smre stc'own the nexi week. G. *R Docker liai; a nomber cf herses ho is fitiIng op for the fali faire. On. of his bay team ig laid Up juil DOW, but George expeota te bring her around ail rigbt very oocu. Mr. aud MUn. Petherham aud daugbter are atIl"Pleamad Field," 1the rcsîdpxaoe Pf erbam lu chief engineer cf the M. K. and r. railway Texas. Reav. Fathen Galiagber returned from bis trip to, Ireland on Wednesday. He had a very pleasant voyage and en*joyd the ontin ,very muoh., He retunadli the beut o'h0 lh À gléat î2taby of Our people wersata Whiîby on Monday attending tRe. Cale- donian games, hcld ufldar the auspices cf the Sons cf Scotlaud, cf Whitby snd Toronto. It vas a irrand day cf sport. A lad named Ralpb, one df the Sum- mer boardens aI Chas. Clark, near Don- barbon, met with a sevare accident the other day. Whiesliding on a chain the bock aI the end canght snd Jacerateid his brea8t fesrfnlly. % A number cf alitoli- es were ueeessary Ici close the wound. The littie fellow la doing as nicely as conld be expected under the cincum stances. A. beriona accident ocurred on- the Kingston rcad, weit cf Dnnbarton, ou Thursday lait. Mrs. W. Cowac, cf Bosebank, and a numben cf ber sntmmer gi4ests were ont driving. Wbile crossing a colvert the back seat tipped over sud Miss Telfer, Mns. MoPherson sud two cblidren were tbrown baokwand upoù the. rcad. Miss Teiler vas very eronl injured, while Mrs. McPberson sud ber twocheildren vene aise injured. The twelve year old son cf JaMes Gilobnist broke bis arm tb. other diy. Ho was for the cows; on bomsbaoki, lu4 riding tbrcngh the fielda 4 loosq horse came up, and an order te prevent bas -leg from beiug crushed between the ýwp herses, ho lried te ibift.bis position, lu dloiug mc ho lon ie isbalance and feU te tbe ground, fracturing bis arm below thla eibow. The same was promýptly r.dueced aud the. boy i. nov pçogresins. TRier. died at Gagabowop ,Miohigan% con Saturday, Aug. . lth, Mary Abu tiPlëi beloved vie fé, o iard OGordon$ in ei _# 51 year cf ber age. Daeeaed. wa 'rol aud favorably kow b 11epeopla of this jqiage, suc haviPS resided on 0C' urch. street-for manyryears. e r lrahubd vas Win. Fenguéon. The- funeral tod place on Tuesday frem tie rosidonce of Wtu. Varty, sud tue romains wvon. ifd te rost in St. &ndrew's cemetery, :.east> end. The bereaved ýhusband atid frenêis bave otan deepest symnpathy.-Nes A~~ GBTJIgCO coettIto 1 bWinvii CI Wia 4wy ulad bYwhîwaaI ddaof dolarste d out. Ad4te dendaflyasd enclose sîaiuý> If convçnfêi D. dewi , J4011 etan tfpruuk S-*i tibi$~. 1a Et tW bit RN. de P.O. The BddhB aval e climates proMidefr 801 850 usu»d tbe «epe ulrefoetC,0, 90- o new ebipansd armassent. Every season cf tRie yi&r bas ls 0o« peculiar malady. Toredrtsytmnaafp<O dnring these , "auMg"'sd oppressivedoal. the blood should ha kept -pure and vlgqmmu by the Ue ot A verSarsapglla. " Iii llhelp yen weuderfny througb the dog-days. Thora are more islandeinl the St. Lawre nov tht,> ever before, owlng te lth. 1ev vater. Whlle pillansd cuber purgatives opnly relieve billcusiesu sd reaet, laaving tbair Moiih mmr £rone te uiugglohueic ot tbm liver, Etel. anenhver LozenRes cure posiîivbl sud per- Grace Newman, of Traverston,- com- mitîed suicide by jumping into the De- iroit river. Eseljays Liver Lor.euges are net briuglug the dead te lite or performing unbeard of mir- acls, but tbey are bnîngipg bealth and sun- shine te many a homee previoualy clouded with troubles reaulting from bilionmneis anu torpid liver. 25 ets. a box at &al drug stores. Mm& Baiton, Parry Sound, died of grfief b.- cause of ber vaywnrd boy sent te tbe reformn- atmor. I WAS cuasn cf a severe ccld by MIN. ARD'8 LINIMENT. Oxford, N.B. . F. Hrtwsoi. IWAS cua> p£ a terrible iprain by MIN- ARD'8 IIET I WA5 CuERDof Black ÂRD'S LINIMNT. Inglevil4e. Y.A.A.C. Erysipelas by MIN- 1. W. RuGGOLES. - Wall stret stocka vera active sud very stroug Monday, and good advances vere sccred lu the Grunger stocks. ,Ur. Tboias Ballard. Syracuse. N. Y,, b4e:' ave beau afficted for nearly a yeal It thateoSt-to-be-direaded disesie spep- l i*, aud aI tumes woTu9Out witb pain aud vaut of-It;eopt nud suer ti4 al àmoat ee th' r- d,. lieb6o tf rmeloé'u tn"t ezerly eli, ud b.- th r- Lwopld!flot'h fh À)e ford the otbàa day »agôed hp >va soldf oîn76 éenf1.- EtasU*àbeuccsIt-or bilions, et"é l, . mpreetsaggisb, te al a en -bt 'é aês sd iver ,te aS healthy ac0iy vtotiriaagor *wsanzngthem, to~ ~ ~~ýô d9e odchs od or leve s e Syrup .Mount Forut cihizens vaut a systcm -of water.,works. * $ Uiasr4'*Ltalmeat Oui ~Ph. tar ou Bollevillo'. la Ibree oeuts PIIWI P4~J lartei to,-Uonoe tb Loan. Issuet Block, Sou cif Msrket, BI ock St, cWhby. DOW,&N.GLI~tY Barrist ,ers bSloitows lu hancory, etc. Offfce in Matlzleon ès wkeW's n.w blook Brook. St., WhitbY,ý son$h of Ontario bank. Dr8. Warren d Moore, J. 3. Moore, M. D., F. %Wàrrem, M. D. Brooklil. Whltby. Office houri 9. a. m. Oafce houri il a.zn to il a.m. tb P-i. -m Privaie Tekpýhoe Communication. Dl P. BOGART, Dfi.D., L.D.S.- Phygicaa, Sugen aud Accoucher etc. office and VReidence neit te Ail aint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in &Ui is branches promigtly attended tb. rMH. Wightman LENTIST. W. E. YARnoLD, D. L. 8. Oounty Surveyer aud Drainage Bugineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, late -with Langley, Langle Burke, Toronto.- Deuigns for Chuiroh Villas and Cottages a speciaity. Drawluge preard for remedeling erlting structures. Ofie-First flat over W .Hwesdu store. ISrP O Box 202, Whitl>y. Wu. CAILVERkLEY,9 HENUS K AKI!ý, WB1MT- Hasviug movad mb toour nov prommis ev are proparod te extend the. range cf businasa. A okpertaining t the harnenis-makiug and sadloery business wM l h doue t4oatiot- faction. Colinareaspecially. C<Jand sceo my shop and stock. W. CALYEBLEBY* Second -door west ofo!adshp Dundai Street, Whihy JNO.. NOBLE, -ELRIN ALL KINDS 0F- sumber,"Mie, ,je Al oa'ders ox Informatioan b oetaied'from JOH* NOBLE,- Dundas StretWhibyoppsite Mr. A. C. Wil. ras OMbgottua Cova 11e ai~llorIlsyth i~mritk2 185#. Jeta Ole rk.- u.4 a sep. 5; Nov. 5. PoRLT pli~E P PeryBOer-. gai Mar4t# 1 Y 12;OCet 14; Dec47L Jan. 81; Mach;Jiily 15 ;Oct> 15; Dec. 18. C~r-Mac16 & ~oZL 4'i Peo, Cler,-àgrc4 ïif; >gay 18Met, 17; l?#o S October 151h, 1894. Noir ;Ivéraiysao .f tP l9 D uIndi W ft J. T. NEWPoU, Proprietor«. Commercial men, liberaily desit with Teaming doue at rewsoiable prices. Freight aud -Bagg&*ge .hauledst ret0on- able prices. A caon clicteia. LIFE INSURANCE. Manufacturera' Lite -&Accident Ineuranée Oo., To6ronto. Largest Capitul Stock Lif eIniurance Co. ou the continent. Ni iety per cenit. cf ail accumulationis et ureus n areturaed tte-the poIicy holdersm.. Air 17ýeime are paid vithout delay or discuuut on proof ui death or maaturity of endoWment Feb lt, 8. J. B. rOWELL9 Feb. ot, 3.Agent Wbitby. 10. II RJG-GS. DENTIST. cor. EL Yne t Teroutto. -For the. next tare inoutha a ivu spela atenqutapiteus~fromaads Fai w.' DE.&LBB D~ I. P. Lott,ý LocuatHiiS"nt Sunday luat visiting friends in tlais vicinity. Mr. Waàddtnto of Ninsale, .e onsomeof hie' frienda n- t.his vicinity S. B., and N. B. HoJfver, spent, a d4y nàot long'ao'with iMv.,CuIp, of the -ith e pas:

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