Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Aug 1895, p. 1

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Umm- - .> -w~ VOL. XXXIX. WHIITBY, ONTARIO, FRmAy, AUJGUýST -,15 1~ TÛsa ~y ~nrprimiI The people will ho surprised when they find out we are seiiing Stcky Fly Paper at Two double sheets for 5 cents. Froub dalmation Iutect Powder 5c an oz. o r 4 Oz. for 15 cents. Sho. Fly Poison Paper for.............5Sc. Wilson'e Poison Padu for. .......oc. ->->LÂMPg.«- Just arrived a fine asuortment of H=niu Lampu, Hall Lampa, Buut Lampa, Vase Lampa and Stand Lamps. The prices will surprise you. Sgr Caîl and See. KýeW. R. HOWBE'S STAND.1 THE CORNER DRUG STORE. 17th, lBth and lSth. $ 3,000 in Prizes. The finest grounds and buildings of any County Fair in the Province. Reduced rates on ail trains per G.T.R. aud Msdland Ry. on î8th sud i9tb. Any person w-shiug 10 enjoy s day's pleasure, and at the samue lime see the best exhibition outside of the cities, should visit this Fair: situate as it lu tbe very gardon of Canada, as well as in the finest stock section lu Amenica. The management intend titis year to excel ail former efforts in making this the premier County Fair of Ontario. -Good stabling, beautiful grounds, and increased'entioes, should make this Fair an institution worthy of support. Exhi'bitlions of 7Trotting Stallions, Fast - I ** Drivers and Saddle Horses for bzgprizes. GOOD BAND 0F MUSIC. Bicycle Races and special attractions in front of the Grand Stand each afternoon. See programmes and prize lista for particulars. JD. Howden, J. H. Long, Jos. Wkiie, President. Treasurer, Secretary. Farm and Chattel8 for Sale. Executor of the laie George Sideworth, Mr. Thomas Sidewortb. bas îistrnctod the under- signed to sol] by Public Auction on the preimises, Lot, No. r8 in the 4tb Con. Wbtitby, on WED- NESDAY, OCTOBER Sotb, z895, at x o1clock p. m., that faim being théesthai of Lot No. 18 in the 4th Con., ;&hiy Also ail the faru, stock, etc., on said lirm. For furiher particu- lusseeposen. L. FAIRBANKS, Auctioneer. Whitby, Atig. 28tb, z895. Brick Hou8e Cheap. The underslgned will sou ast 'aàbmtgain the bouse now occupled by Mr. John Burna on Byron et., Wbîtbyý. There are 'two lots in fruit treos and thei-.property lis i gôd re- pair. Price very lo* ..and, terms fasy. Ap- ply to JOHN LYNESSe,>lxir Giadhtone Ave., Toronto. Aug.,14th, 1895-', _ FarM to Rent ." 320o acres. 26o cleared a, 'lai ftst lasu' utate 0f cultivation, iwell watere-G 1w Springs sud wells. Adopted for eit'ber stock or grain farutiug. Good buildings sud orchard ; 2 miles eMt of Claremôal. Schook'close by. Possession te plow axai liaul manure at once. Lots i i and 'z2 lu 9tb con. of. Pickerng. Apply 10 ALEX. WADDLE, Aug. 2, 895-36-41h. Claro Sea. Farm Property for albyTon der.J The underslgned wll receive tondom ilt11 lIte~ ~ ~ ~~~~l&5 24hDV0 e>ZUa.19for lot cO .2, PICkela containlng 2ç)5 acres, ail clearea, troc <no -well i;ane ad dr sohols chrc em dweling boume, iar* Also for Iho northwm 10 8ot, con- 4, Picken cedar aad'bardwooui Dà.t*a t'dm, i. I LOCALNEWS LETTrERS, TOWN LINZ. Mins May Davey lsataîending thie W. C. I. agala. Mrs. Kemp:horn and Mr. S. Kempthora are vitlîing friends lu Toronto. Miss LoUlie Truil lu upend ing a lew weeks 'amoug the Thousand Islands. W. COngratulate Misses Allun Coàkweli, I.ottlé Truli Master Hall and Muster Ca't- ruthers On oLtaining their commercial certl- ficates, Quite a number of the farmers have threshed a part of their grain and in atil cases the yleld bus been good, grain. being over weight and an excellent sample. Mrs W. J. Davey bus been down eust vlsiting ber father who la not expected to live but a shor tlime. Ho bas reached the -ripe old mgo of nlnety years and bas retained al bis facultios and until within the laut few I'ft as been remarkably strong. Mesurm Sam Kompthorn and Jno. Graham tcok a rua on their wbeels 10 Kingston' on Saturday returning by the Algerian 10 Port Pope on Sunday evenwng and wbeeling homoe on Moaday morning. They report a good outing and excellent roada, and say tbey fou nd the people more considerate 10 wbeel- men itheo osaI Ian lu the viclnity of Toronto. UTICA. We not.ioed Mr. Jnio. Crozier here on bis wheel on'Sunday. -Mr. Johii Murray, of Toronto, was hore on business on Satu rday. Miss Sarah Pickering, of Toronto, is the guesî of Misa Zella Christie, Mr. G. Gillis, of Toronto, was visiting at Mr. G. Broderick's laut week. Mr. Jno. Christie wp% visiting at ber Idaughters, Mrs. Stephengon of Uxbridge, for the lat week. Some from bore took lu the circus at Lind- say ou Friday and report it the bout tbey wero over 10. Mr. sud Mrs. D. McDonald, of Brooklin, were the gueula of Mr. sud Mrs. Enoch Kendall over S unday. Misa P. Allun, wbo bus beon stopping wlîbh her grandpareuî 1Mr. sud Mrs. J. Tennyson, has gone homo to attend to ber youug broth- or wbo bae brokten one of bis limbs. We hope 10 soon ueo ber hock again. Mr. las. McBrien paid our school an officiai visit on Thursday iast sud was well pleased with the standing of the pupils aud the condition of the scchool. Ho gave the school a holiday for the Port Perry fair. Tbe funcral sermon of the laie Mr. Alex. McDonald of Epsom was preached bore on Sundmy lust by the Rev. 1Mr. Smith. The cburcb wau filled with sorrowingfriends sud acqusintauces, there being no 5ervice linlte methodist churcb on account t oeroof. Miss P. Harris visîted boere-on uday., Sevoral spenl the Sabbâtb aI Corbeta Point. Don't forget Audley's gardon social to- nigbt. Mr. John Seldon lias boom rather busy bore trying 10 barmonize our choir. Mesurs. Will Lawton sud Lewis Rogers of Kinsale viewed our burg on Sunday. The private picnic to Corbett's «ou Satur- day wu marred by the inclemency of the day. Neiglibora around Audley seern lo be im- bued witb a spirit of Migration. 1fr. Daviâs of te Carpenter farm retires to bis old business of buitcliory. Mr. Huutley leaves us, but la uncertain where 10 locate yot. Mr. Will Bell renta the p lace vacated by A. G. Huntley. 1fr. Bradley bus pur- cbased a umali place iu Darliugton. BALSIUL Threshing lu the order of the day uow. Mr.. E. Disney is shlngliag bis' horse stable. Mr. Wll Hodgson and bis amiable lady were visiting these parts lately. Mr.' and )Me.'Giltuore'of Wtcburclibus beau viîlg at Mrs. Wiikiason's. Mr. Arthur Everett aud bride sbpmot SuW day withbis father, Mr. William Everetu. Ur. pnd Mm. Wilkiason have 'gbne 'th. States' to vi&t relatves there for the beneEit of, bbett' bealtfi. Mnr. Jas insaà MUghbItrt 'e, ao the mendi diid we bopesoéon ,ti6ueo e'-ro lu our midst again. Mr. J. E. Disaey- came la contact whba wild cat'ourSatutdayevefti:ei bu Mwsut frigbteued îtaniýhart,. li nicely. eyrg .Mir. Werner Brown inteada to atarI upi farminr. H, would like to gelMt'., Rolt great u*4s'tsl4 The yeubrd Reb will h Of -Tor Mr. lirrlie Mru. Gea. E. Mu ro of Forest, le vlultlag ln town, and recelvlIng a very cordial wel- corne (rom ber oid *D3e ftionds. It lu twelve Munro will be better knowti ln this district by ber maidea aime, Miss Harrison. Messrs. Rogers Bros. , wbo came haro fritt Coiborne a few weeks ago, are 33w hard at work maklng applos lu -the old cooper sbop beionglng to Mr. W. T. Goldeboro. They expoct to bo busy till tte cold weatber -comnes, and may be here longer, as they ex- pect to get Borne orders for flour barrels. Mr. John Hodgson of Hibbert townsbip, H.uron county, dledthere lest week 1Mr. Hodgson was at one tîme a resident of this couaty and willi doubtiese be rémeMbered by somo of the oldor roadors of the Cnasor#- ICLE. Mr. Jos. Hodgson, who .went to school here some flfteon years ago, and afterwards taught et Dryden's school, was a (attle owserâ tu Ibis vlclnity hie been happy this summér bacause of Immunlty of tiseir stoci from til ndiscase wbicb sopuzzled Che vetericar. irs x ,nd pave Broolil such a uotorluty at year. But 011 Ibrs î.y rmorniug %wo were staruled to lt-ormihîlt thte wrre tbree sick cows ln the vil. Iaî.,e %vith%) mptoms very simitar to the cases of l" unsumîer. '[ho animais belong to -Mesurs G Colley, Jus Kempe and D Holliday. At poeseat it is impossible to decide wbetber or not the fa:ality in the samne, and furtber developments are awaited wlub gres: anxiety. The barvest home flestival of the Motho- diot cburcb wiil be held next Sunday and Tuesday. On Sabbatb the services will ho couducted by Rev. H. I. Allen of Columibus. iu the morning, and Rev. Thos. Manning, of Whitby, ln the eveuing. On Tuesdsy even- ing a bot dinner wiIl bo served, after whlcb addrouses will be given by Rev's. E. Kines, Osawa ; H. I. Allen and J. B. McLaron, Columbus; C. E. Scott and J. Harris, Brooklin. The cburch choir wilI furnlsb the musical part of the programme. About ton years ago Mr. George Mile, a son of Mrs. F. Milis, and brotber\of Mr. A. Mile, left bore, after malking a brief visit, to the United States. For a year or so ho was beard from, and bis famiiy knew of bis wberoabouts. but for the next aine yearu they lost ail trace of him. Tbey advertlsed for him and ln other ways tried to find liim, but witbot restait. Last Monday moralbg Mr. Milis received a letter from hlm. Mr. Mills lu now lu Peru, with a party of gold prospectors, aud at the time of wribiug was starting on an expedition 10 the interior of that country. His frienda wore of course very mucb pleased to0 barn that ho le stili alive aud well. Mrs. Jno. O'Day died on Wednesday morning sfter a brief iliness. She attonded the fumerai of the late Thos. Coulin on the roeigWednouday, aud on ber refuru h on coplained of being unwell. She con- tinued to grow worse, aud when medical adîewas obtained it wss found Chat site was suffering from a sovere attack of inflamn- mation, aud in spito of ail that could hé done- for ber it proved fatal. The doceasod, whds was tinlier sixty-flftb year, lied beea,, res- dent of Broc",in for uearly balf t.-t i*be't and onijoyëd the respect-' if, 1t<' " "& ances..- Thie funeral SïiIëê ý3 day) evenuîng aI8.i6 'ù~ " tory, Oshtawa. " The imeeting beld* in tbî'ý-rýtèr1't churclion Wednèsdy, avoaîug, under the 'auspiceés of thte C. E. socilties of thé villagei was largely atteaded-sud'proved ïo be fîuU of intorest 10 ail who were preseut . v. T. W. Leggott acted a birma«n. After the opening hymus bad' been sung. ànd prayer offered, Rev. J. B. MtLareu was cal- led on for bis report oft the Boston coüveënà tion. This ho gave ta an admirably ar. ranged address, that was briglit aud inter- esting (rom -atarI b finish, Ho Tîadi'tbe ciosest attention, of ail bis, audience sud cartied them with hlm through Chose won- derful meetings lield in Boston- lu JuIy.' A (0w haro (acta la connection with -Ibis great- est religlous Convention of the age w1I u dôubt hé interesting :-56,28,5 doiegatesï were regularly reglstered ; the uilnggwaabed by a choir of 3o9S Voîces; thora. were ropresent. ative&.Of 30 denpominaionu, o theQeplat- forait;.-,Men ud..w0Snu representing ail races were Ibere. thé -ý»nber nfunùciti aobDy ,MiSS 1<4 suad Alfred Hollday Bros. GUY & 0O.rPal w. 7. iP. c. GAI "~Nwleter, Busbaes Dfreucory.. TEE U1IITEDBà'E w I5R&O 0 Ifts tabltostUlberal plioy lu h mkt e&uX&="i c agent,. dering, thotu iu Most Cassas good. sd faahionàble as wheunuew. Ordere eolihted.. No'wis lte tl to look hovor your .furs for ter aatety, audito bave tem,,reuyvatsed. Mr. Melnen, inpector of public cols, 0iWas bore Ou Tüesdïa a ljmspoe£d lteschools. The liarveàu aund bore la-beary ail gatbered- sud ubrem oeatos aefairlÃŽ oomncd i Tbe -yeld'of gramisi oi sàm cases good, but, s lodge .cf the Kniglits hee. -As ,t4 Chosen cro it wlll uàeed igros esssary, tioy willlfind o-oarca i ou rncx- extunïý Fnsday,. The -ecursk report a pieasgant tip bte to of ' Li ds Port Perry j.Iar ni'ngton jir. team ou T Britan for ,ýa ulîver cu Cajningtonz, Port Pei cleuwînt witbîthe te conntry foîku.t Il have leaiürnd , èea A. M. bed beren Master Wm. Stephons, of Toroato,.la visît- ing brlende bore. Mhayw oi ur farmoris have finisbed their bîvs~Ail report a good ydeid. Tro at n Satur d y oigbse . T u day t fr th rho elu oono Mrsb. Bunker mdduitEr Flosse fr- Trie, o we re l ing met we IM.R 1fr. 1 "d Mrison apnd augthîer, on orator iiiga r mul ar Mihua ast fo theiReh osetooki h excrsioBnker asteamger Garon ity oBar b rtbers ariso and sistotr, ofTonopetSn dayoi* er istn at Mr. R.mMulroae- Wil a«kéo. UceTnisCbn #opn Minse, htbrofhebre o enosy or n-h Afer a weekpers vteere Misesdeni and May Non rcoolaft.o audyt ii r. hW,ardire , of Thi to,s eont Mun- day ak ý.it.ng oiats. froUie State s . U srncle o ' i Company Mss Naroma Eers onWo bu boonspn- ing er biayeks uunort horesenroo boreMa rethc ed oot oonSaturday lavsit odeireuetheir meetings again soon Ar serrle of ontest as onîompae ndoa livey m is expecntd. fo h Uie Staesl oi n e okn. Weopee Mrisre ast Eers whbs efbe monen limeag fotrnebigaTornto oreîurday ls.tes 'ntha etst.a ha0fU he Sams being versanck aadg thébaresmetai eingsd son iss Fnime pece,.Aetboeo Ms.turda afr PrborQ l tavigked er lc .uteerr , l oigthe coiegiatenttte ulee. We wlsl ied b as fine rctwure. Miss !FrelilerS onB Alehr sendn thme gafr Miartf er dtaonths ptsosnlIsiada, lastinHegrbortunder tie pharentalrof Upreviomns 1 euing 1 eryak snteýaf, s aclompnised. i ohr pn Ms ïrnday t pMi. Tho . Aha.l wiel Sreiobdhat forey er orm tk er paesio bo t[re n he ecolae thm t u mids. Mr. iuk, of oumss nber, proahed ue. mh eâtparctucb er o Sday mornithe lhasi Islndsule wstigond andaier e wlpae to os d erthernd tan. Mr. îb Laftpnho co hg of et heOIlF hrcba. Weloe he o my givestoî. Mr. II k sofooumupce i h lA eoi h erti e Sn da orning .1 iej Iii Kf~ 'e rs, v ~1' aied' sat! ', wa. PORTPU8 ~etaIthe, Chathîn' WM Wm. mIt, M.P.,wsa lu town this-wbek. Brailbwaltefo, O Toma&;Lud, BuffaléÃ"- wu ln town bis ant to Postmi"ter, ~ee~.. - jable manner and'ii Mr. . McQueen, from àManilla,i jï al éyuo ~o guest of E. LEbbjels. Iyui aio o frienuis 41toa.brothers m tedéi R. Dg <bbiis, of Torontô, là là.twn o os t business, apoiton ln rie Mr. Ed. Mearry.-wh,-bus been absent, ces a fWhs 3y aele, home o, a Visit. dlz nha «,WWen fH ~ ~O ir a ss e kvery. b OUrIv (ro thîrhlidys.'~have known hlmnfrotu Mr. and-Mra. 'flic. A. Poetmati, of->Wood- Mr. Oea. Ballard and son, of Finat# -hi wiag2many ,dàu gan, are vluîtiag Mr. Walter.Hili. my t unoeoim What about, the new pawn,,sbop in îwa .clittrâsgel pu-alyzed-- the wauch, tbe driukiag boot àaii-M tselves;- mhe-4Ssay i1: Mr, Win. Stepheas,-blgb ichool teacier pf if 'tbey-see fit tk' gatiu Lindsay, woAs lu owa on Tlrsday 6 alt 4d-theie are $hoàe w week. mitèif they d'ee fitt Mr. Josua Wrgbit1l.a ble_ 10 came dowa - 'uOÙh ,p aant ;ai tow aI, after baving been laid' up!or boutfaupp hetby do, iv monthsfamily clrclesmakeci moth. - ofi» and, correýt',ud,i Mrs. Laing, Mîs. Meliarry aidMrs. Iaitoa 'frend adIami, ii returned from camp at Wuabbura -Island- woi , typeno Ie Thursday of st week. wïorse, s andbi il M.Soper, of Kendall, and L Soper, of chitdren'and -(moueds, Elizabetirville, - visited theïr ,'unclo Mr. A. Lot, those 9vhoý,com~e Soper lu town last Sunday. . - Say what they pleàso Mr. John Wak4ly, merclin a - , isconsidei-ý*hateffect-à -Sold bis- business and residoaco 10 lMr! Wal . 'And 'actions on Ibeir lace, Pontypool, who takes possesionl gudiîcPregas:J short lîme. .,Yéuths 'and misses, ' It is reported Constable GOrinPowell la- wonson seé Ibosd e bonds to rosiga bis position..as constable. dyî~4yadli Ho says there lu b omch glory anek-co oe.thatsbëulê be littl pay.arrive ?t .years' of litte pa. -,muet ho thé 1eeiags, James McMillan,ocf Western bank, inu able. ebdowved byGdd"C&wil bo bo airound again Ibis woek, and bopes t10 andf.he4rtt ' oto iô be able to resume bis position lu a couîple o6f_ drink and 'sonsualusi weeka.tesbovbc Mra. Wm. Stuart, son and' datighîýber;'ôf ounes -,té,lthe oam .c* Toronto, bave beon visîîing fnienda la town relahfvé ha tbèyey i and tbitnk of movingback 1town Vùand senad-- îl-ite:ù~Car' i.i ing ber childron 10 uchool bore. . legcre"~eyw'M' Miss Tlompson, milliner, and ber assistant; fom whihitIvlUbc Miss Lottie Bond, are.-;tbis, week attendiug' -çxtricatetbùsèves. the wholesale millinery bouses in Toiëàto-, ar1e àl*eyg using pýrc purcbasing gonds for (ail and winîer 'tnade. satloa, surélyýthe3yi Dr. Clemens bas bis now ofilce lan the, MUl-.,wouldnaot.apprbveôf son block, next Laing & Mehairry'o,'aU nice- be 5914 'Pftfà t Iy fit.ed up, where ho can be- found--iù 6u1-' hbtld.theit heeds-'..bi nous bourà. -His place ifrsîec îérIb- lf4fgW àýaiî time is opposite the metbdls cliurch. 'wivès 8t thirfiu14 Dr. Albert Holll-day, fromMiebîgan, bias ~ lb0i~1 been renewing old acqua atances boere Ib'isn àueýï_. Cj, past week, and. sys tboùgh ho hkes:to do;!5 buqiness witb the Amineicans, ho stil'ha s pefrence for Canada and- ber institutions.é çe Conductor White and îam ily-- -m-ovod to býnsa1uei Linksay o0. Wednesday of Ibis week. While RelyX4-h'àaI itis uecessarýy for bim t10 com'ply with the eaYv&ti~ railway regu lations, loutr oltiens régVet ,,, s ta ing good -ciizens'like Mr. Wm 1Whitetanýdý 'Q ý family.,- The atlilicLiîearv sania~tin.'~f oenj,~ rlpool. îble to il Who ouver- hiends wbom .h.1 * ee 1s Zero. Oe~ ho an-d bi' riy concert': ,y or stakes;'- e and us-, rTe Who sï s are viru- ( rom their' lues 'of the*X digace to~ her wives, own aflfaw.~ above lists ta-top âaid. Lble conduct Il o yle ou.ng y's and girls, and Young mtent ne that innoc- suntil they en ýwhoe ifti. "or braïne a% on ose fikâ wboa4It c- sud their .1 in g«I

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