Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1895, p. 6

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bis ý%ârhi' 7-y-Flf, éd "QI teed folks get imore pro. hie.é A Ul' own te _I',ýrP* bitSteokton's -mule, o. as uful ef irans trox tbigýt1ýu4an ao cens, halt-- ý,ýan'white men, Mo;.- ann'alaugh an a 'oldIkO's whiskey hy pr6"f O lv mleakn ehad thiLi..O.evmueckn ic re le liabeit 18-foot whips, ichare r.,1, Itlduit shot fr.. tt te tip, q alW ki'c 'me os a .i n e f em ,with the es 3ay, çapcat.t, loiîberate twist of ~the vri, ,I , .bisWhip fsquirm lu the aiVir like a urt ëü, a'ale ee "~traight '-ilout tith the, crack ef 20 *fea'tIh* buoksk nPopper veuld eut nioblua lOosbuýffale robe he'd hung M l th0ýt Invetin' tve uunees lactuel sftrcaMh Severel of us 'vas a hkit,' on froi the hotel prh plu. 'ief the goidulmts, iihen Short Oreek 14v.speaa ~»Yoacok Moore an' saye: "Jack, Y9# itj'jd that old Navajo you ove':ýUtheBan Simnulest feU 1?" l indà 4tl miitY. clear,"lays Jack. ï wua atiea'MY boss et the time, i n'[tkin p5i,.ove it by hie akelp on my bri4le rightnv" . Welli "a1%8Y SÈort Oreek Dave, point ing te a dirty, saddle-oolored half-breod who was tflkingg hunseif pretty numer- eus, 1"that feller they oelsa Pickles la bis * nephfy, am' ou vants te look eut a whoe lots, for I've heertj hlm allow that the killn' etisurqe as mighty rank, an' ho didn't lik4l'itWnhow' iiThattâ à11rkt » said Jack;-,Pickles 'A' me a, Uh 'mc ohrfer au bou ri, private if ho go« to .bit, te an4 hi8 D tk ethtegbefore "Biue~ I~hscores&long viiere ell, ao,'h.ass.'Been makin' âý 0t dioky d in tnhe San Simon lately?' "'o, net sno. lest feul,' says Jack, -'"u ov I litaof it, I sec that old 2<avaio' boss tef et an 'uncie ef yours when 1v*s down, lut. I ain't met him latelye hoWgh.-Whore do yeureokon ho's dones'lope, b 1' '$O5nt-say mself' saya Pickles, vill a sort ot wick 0 ceerf ulnesa. 'Our tirnîlisa ha4 a reunion over on Bear 09SeekAaatiprmný an' I coldn't count h' is nege among emi nehov. Mebbe ho Lhad en. ement and couldn't get "..tre.. Menue's eut sioshin 'round in th i 4graasa some'ers nov. Gret man to >go round prmiws, that Iij un 'vas. 46"Yoek,'1 ays Jack, 1'1 didn't k no w but whaî he miglit be deed, beceuse the time0I1vwu 'ludin' te I vua ettn' in camp _e4-ay, an' appens te look up an' thmtr wsmy , Alazan, viii a perfect etijnger ou nu. .Aazin vas e pitchin' a4 a buokipj an' a 'cavortin' quite frigh t 1 J mi ookedlike li.evas gemn' tecripple thUa tranger shoe. WoUl, yeu know [ me. I'd rather' lose tivo herses thai, bave a sa4,don't kuow git hurt, se 1 ptabilMY Wltacheer 'and allovs te kill Alezan. Bt it waýia^nevgun an' you know *bat Swv sigits is-ceSarse as sand - burrs--an' 1 helde 190 high, an' I ketches the stranger, bang 1iright beck of bis loftt 'Mer, an' the ballet cernes outen bis rpht y'ear. 1 nover vas se displ.ased *Îti nmy shoolin for 10 years. Tii. ideaJ of me holdlxa fotir foot tee bigi in a b un - -4red yards. wuva seplumb disgusted àk on- i.,' Io ve'al vent ln forounr whiakey, and eicltlee vatchin' oaci other y close, and ail tho roset us on the >ee as bhe French Bey, te hep outen if they teck toeshootin.' Well,' saya Pickles, as ho seoreted »0. peint, I muai saddle and git eut re. I vaut te se, Ennght, an' I reokon l'Il find the old Pinte ibis t Prescoît, eltior, Wien do you you'U beave yuurself, Jack'1" 1 don'î putl h up 'Il ave for a long 0,y- Jack, 6'mabby net fur a menti, e't go te main' an>' friendl w aits ne nowha on the trai, Pickles, > yen'd moat likely rmn <out of water ;Wohin' before 1 gel aloug.' Imeby Pickles ho getisuaddîod up moies chargin' 'round on bis littie ~I bucuttimi' all meuner of $oiciun ' furi tg on the çround. ~'or, Mlaçàns' hais, an' jumpin' o1"'evýer o flges, an' camp t~a-Wheopmgn' an' yellin' an' th .14 tiii. ael b~vbmef (oobah.. etdovn bui.roesan ', li*MtTwo or tie. O14 méRn' by wbar vo voro, '4-ieêbim uaako& r>' for ~flpJà.or 4' 1'No?'1 Baya 3e.ok, II' Iopsetaa met tee. àn yt, Pickles, net intetidin, no luin nona th'il for I, wouldn't b. personal with a horned toad, I'm notouly ourespeokfuil et an Injun, an' thinks the bgSuv'ment oughter pay a beunty for their ikelpé, but 1 states a belief that e mean, enaery, mnud.blooded, aneakin', hou atoalin' mongrel of a halfbreed je lower iyet, 1 holden ho ain't even peeple, ain't E even nothin',' in feot. But te change the 'subjeok, as well as open an avenue for anothor round ef drinks, V'II bot yu, Pickles, yeu stole that houa down thar, an' that the "7 K" brand on his shotildor ain't no brend et ail, but j est picked on with the peint of a knife." "When Jack pute it ail over Pickles 1thia wy we looked for seme shootin' shore. But Pickles couldn't steady hiru- self on the piach. Hie wa jest like lots of ponies I've seed. He'd ride rite et a thing as though he was gemn' cicar through or over, an' jest the lest second he'd sby, an' flinch, an' weaken. The feot le, son, it wasn't Pickles' fauit. There ain't any breed of man on earth buc the pure white as will play a desperate deal dlean through an' eaul the turn for life or death et the close; an' of course Pickles wes oniy haîf white. Se he leughed kind of ugly et Jeck's bluff an' ellowed he'd order drinks witheut ne bettin'. " 'An' then, Jack,' he says, II want yeu te t.eke dinner with me. lIl have Ike git us up somethin' right.' "Iiil go yeu',' aý's Jack, 'if it aint nuthin' but sowbelly. "'l'il fix yeu peeple Up a 'feed,' scyg eld Ike, 'but yeu cent do your feedin' in ne dinin' reom of mine,.l1il ix it over in the canphouse, t'ether side of the corral, an' yeu kmn be jest as sociable as ytu please. There won't be nothin' nor nobody fer you te hurt or disturb over "Aftor a littld their grub was got reedy in the camphouse, an' Jack and Pickles walks over side an' aide. They goos in1 an' shute the door, an' in about five min-1 utes bang' bang !gees two six-shootera an' we ah canters over an' finds Jack1 etin' eway ail right, an Pickles ever the1 othetr side with bis head in his tin plate,i an' his brains runnin' eut over his lefti eye.1 I'I dont look like Pickles was hun-1 gry much after aIl,' says Jack.t "They'd both puiled their guns as theyt set down and put 'em in their laps, butà jeet as I sey, Pickles couldn't stand the1 pressure; an' gettid' nerveus ho grebbed t for bis gun, an' as he went te git up the i muzzle ceught under the table top an* i ther his buliet was ail sefe in the wood, t Jack, bein' dean strain, had botter luck "'Finelly Cherokee Hall gits up an* Baya: 'This here killin' was ail right, but there bein' sone preont difficuity of a givin' the reasons why it's ail right, an'ç owin,' as we de, a dooty te the public, Ia moyeu you, that our verdict be 'j ustified r homicide," based on the ground thato Pickles commits suicide.'0 "This was geod enough. 0f course,8 Pickles didn't comrmit suicide none, butF that didu't hurt it for a reason jest the r sa me. -.c 1. O. F. ini England. LETTRS FROM ONE OIF THE DELILGÂTES.- TRIP ACROSS THE OCKN.-WOMEN LIKELY TO BE ÂDMITTED TO THE ORDER. GL&sGow, August 9th, 1895. Somebody eaid sometimo or another eornething about four days of -"solid on- joymont "- 'vo bave had neariy t'vo veeke ef it. By geod iuok the S. S. Kensington canght the tide and disom barked ns un the wharf iustead et on the tender, and 'vo found that Liverpool in cempetitien vith Southampton had a railroad station et the lending stage and ail the convenionces vhicbhbave becu gradually attreoîing the passenger busi nous te the south et Eugland. Witb uittle delay the largoe ompany from the steamer crossed the Mersey to Birken head, where a épecial train of the funny little coaches ail divided tmp into compari- monts and drevu by what looke hiko a toy englue vas vaxting te carry us soutb- ward throngh seme eof the Most dclightfnl sections et England. Castbes and fine resîdeuces, griiet and uimail farmnhouses witb red ti'ed roofs, are passed, sud the tonnai fiuds 'snob a diversity et ucenery, snob uudden contraste bet'veen the large rnanufaotnniug tewnc and the picinres et rural hife vhioh are and vill always be the oharm etf England. Even tries we had beard ot, suob as rabbit varreus and the bedgea andi fonces et the oounty bunt, wvere ceriy deciphorable evon te bbc un - tutored cyca et those vie bcd crossed tho Atlantic. Perbepe3 the muet intoresting feetureofe -ho initial journey lu England vas tic Iivcrsity cf opinion botween Canadiens and thoce frun tube United States. Li'verpool vitb its numeoena lnos of doks and its unisupeachable pre-emin- eo s a shipplug contre lent courage bu tho tengues cf ibose from tube British country, and of course tube sons and aughton eof UnceeSam bcd bu make ih &S diffionlt aïs possible for thbe step-oid- on cof Great Brtanto feel over prond. 1imagine that this vas the mosl difficit fitustion lu vilci the Foresters' ezeur- sion vas plaed during the viole itiue$-1 U7. wblhivaevu ei planned sud S euco.u.!ully earuiedout. If,#liovever, gUinternau atmnsdàpuuebtwanuCaada1 uid he irnW r sotte4 sa mnicably as tiat on, vas, lhir.viU mmov- >r b. var. By tubaci one t bLPartie mud to e b. ugguuiv.-bhe Oau4iaast Inig ttte b. over sW.ou uÀ the r ~#sie.~mirmmn04 I c e t c d s r I s s a s' a a s e: e fi ai tE 4 0f Y.et theo tbof othis toric iôm "-'i~o make8a the hoMe of Shek*p.aI t. he Ntoces of 411i ourita watrnéul Iose '0 business and Pleasure bout, ,and the majority peered eagerly into th. bedrootà where il is said Shak-eepeere we. boru, and loitered about the deck undet the lew eeinmg where ho i. aeid to have wrftten aome cf* hie plays. The gerdoti i. pretty, but the bouse sàflot suggestive of the grandeur and genuine of Sbeke speare or hie werk, in deed, many cf the rooma lookt bUe the gerret cf a brewery, and one oould hardly imagine enything moire clever than e laundry bill being produced ini any cf thein. The abarpeat contret in the character- isties of those who bingored for tbe hall day et Stratford -on -Avon 'vas fonnd in the rnanner in wbich they spent the turne thère. The cager sight-sc-er and the on thusiastic student of Shakespeare boiter. ered net for food or drink, btt ew the birth place and biil place of the great peet, and even hannted the biouse of An Hathaway, the of' the groat bard. Others went te io r shops mud hotels and rested theins lvus, and let Shanke spero and bis r il-, r, imaein liriewi th the other events et* the patit whichb htve ne connoction with money making or actuel pleasure. Spaco forbide any dptailed acceunt of the jolly journey th2e Foresters had from Stratford-on Aven te London, and it le not the purpose of this lettor te attempt any lengtby description of the meender- ings and sight seeing we have engeged in. The attention of ail the delegetes was engaged for tbree days et the session of the Supremo Court of the Feresters frem haîf pat nine in the morning until six or seven et night. The ladies of the party did much shopping and sigh soeinrz, but the men had te attend te business. The sad event of the meeting wa8 the deetb of Dr. John MoConneli, of Toronto, who feil dead in the prime of hie man- bood wbile he 'vas busy with many ideas ler the promotion of Forestry. The chie f business transacted wAs the changing of the sessions of the Supreme Court, se thet hereafter they will bo heid ne bien- nially but every three yeare. This wibl effoot e great eaving lu the ceet of the legislative maohinery. So much has been donc lu lagisiation and the adapta tien of the constitution te the intorests ef tbc order that trieunial sessions 'vii be ample te previde for everything that may be apt te crop np and is net covered bv the prerogative of the executive or the lettor of the constitution- The change in the salery list bogan witb the propesi- tion te increese the stipend puld the Supreme Chief Ranger from 88,000 te $10,000 per annum. The Chiof, Dr. Oronbyatekha, protested vigorously againat the elteretion, but hie opposition was overuled by a unenimons vote of the supreme court, wbo were deterznined te reward the genins and energy of the beed of the order. The increase of the sabary of the Suprerne Secretary frem $5.000 te $6,000 i. really e reduction of the ex- penses of the order, inasmuch as fie wll now attend te ail the coliciter's end conel's work. This change will- pro - bably effeot a saving of frein two te) tbree thousand dollars per annurn. Dr. Millman, the Supreme Medicel Examiner, bad his alery fixed et 16,000 per anui. His duties are quite lIgbori - ius, ho is now debarred from all other >rectice of bis profession, and it was eonsidered but fair that ho should ho properly, remunerated, as this change wili aise effeet a ezaving. During JulyI éoms le an oxceediigiy popular man, id the conteci vês ea very oloeeoee, ho *ing elected by only ton cf a majority. 'ho remainder of the executive rom2ain. Sactically unohanged. The folloving ie lit cf the officers elected: Oronhya-j Bkha, M.D., S.O.R. ; B. Botterell, P.S. .R.; Hon. D. D. Aitken, VOB; 'bu A. McGillivray, Q 0., S.S.; H. A. Uins, S.T ; Thomas Miliman, M.D., .P.; Hon. Judge W. Wedderbiirn, S. 2un.; Bey. W. J. MoOangban, S. Chap.; 1. W. Greor and C. R. FitzGaerald, S. ýuditore. Several changes wero inade lu the, ,nstitution, but tbey were, cf a verbal baracter intended tW utreughhen the. ading the reading cf tii. awrallier' 2an to alter itasapirit. On 1?riday-even- Igthe 8ureme Court djo0=ed Ici ieet t St. s d Hallhler. '(Glas- >w), vitre th, ohîef batu.re ofthe nia.$- 1 will b. lu regard.Icto tea4ml86w*4 -es i o rdLs 1 ni>4e» sot in il lufaivor of, a4t111 WoOO ibo tb. Courts, bu iferitp puberon c*oederation anduslibes ot'hoivhotrle&'t0 b.happy thetmel. vêe and4 te make jptbers happy on Ibis nov Argosy ufthle Forecters. FOBESTER. (Published by Request.) .Dear Mr. Edilor .--Wll yeu kindly in- forum the readers cf your veluable paper that I 'viii gladly send FREE te any sufferer from Lest Manhooti, Nervous Debility, Night Losses, Varicocele, Impetency and the rAsults of youthful felly, Paruculars cf a simple and inexpensivo means et self-cure which after be- ing humbugged and imposed upon for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured me in a few weeks. I have nething to sell or give eway, ner am I advertising any patent ruedîcine business, but wiil be pleasedti te ear (rom any sufferer auxieus te flnd a cure for his complaint. te whom 1 wjil explain confiden- tially how and by what means I 'vas cured. Hundreds have been cured through my ad- vice. Cosus nothing te learu what I paid bun- dreds cf dollars te find eut. Address confi- dentiaily and enclose stamp if cenvenient. Toroto, nt.D. G OWEIN. Toront, Ont.Rîverside P.O. Holies bas received e telegram purporting to be from Minnie Williams, one of bis sup- posed victini,, Saying She is 'veil. I WAS CURLED ef a severe cold by IMIN- ARD'S LINIMENT. Oxford, N.S. R. F. Hicwsor,. I WA5 ot-asu of a terrible 8prain by MIN ARD'S LINIMENT. Yarmouth, N S. I WAS CU7RES) of Black ARDS LINIME NTT. Ingleeville. FBED COULsoN, Y.A.A.C. Erysipelas by MIN- 1. W. RUGOLES. A furnace explosion in the steel 'vorks, Pitts- birg, Tuesday, kilied eigbt mnen and badly burned others. Have yeu ever bad in the rnerning 'vhat is fancifully called a "dark browu teste" iu the mnouth. If se, it is the effeos et a dorangedi stemech and liver, the best remedy fer 'vhicb is a dose ef Ayer's PUil, togptber vitb a luttle diecretion as te diet and mode et living. The C.P.R. bas reduced rates on butter, cheese and eggs from Winnipeg te Mentreal. Esoijay's Liver Lozenges are a theroughly gcientifie production of the preeent day, and are the beet remedy known for bilieuses, constipation, heedache, etc. 25 ets. a box at ail drug stores. The Canadien teemn for the international cricket matches 'vas chosen Tues3day night. A lady who gets very il], Anti wbo nover cen ewallow a pill, gays that rather than try She sureiy would die- She'lI try Eseljay's metbod, she 'vilI. Eseijay's Liver Lozenges are pleasaut, herm. loe and effective. ; 25 cents. The Porte bas declîned te allo'v the preposed referces lu Armenia te be under fereigu con- irol. Fe'v remedies for bilieuses are et ail agres- able, A pleasant and port eetiy harmiess mcdi- cine for aill iver and stomnacb troubles je Esel- jay's Liver Lozenges. They effcotualiy re- gulete the digestive orrana and purify tbe blooti. 25 centsent aIl druggss. Thc Manitabe wheat flelde had a close oel on Monday night from e siight freet. To Cleanse the. System Effectuelly yet gently, 'vben costivo or bilions, or vhen the blood isl impure or siuggish, te permanenîly cure habituel constipation, te ewalcen the kidncys end liver te a heaiîhy ectiviîy, without irritating or woakening tbem, to dispel haahs colde or fevers use Syrnp of Figs. Foret lires are stili ragiug fierceby lu several parts cf Washington state. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget la 00w. The North west Legisiature wili meci et Be- gins on Au mot 29th. Pules!1Piles! Itelai.g Puie». StMP'roUs-Moisture; intense itehing andi tinging; mo8atD igt; worse by mazching. If allowed te continue tumors form, whicbà often blced and ulcerate,1 becoming very sore. "SwAyine' OINTimNT" stops the itcbing snd bleeding, beals ulceration, andi in moat cases removes the tumors. At druggiots or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadeiphia. Layman Sons & (Jo., Mentreai, Wholeseie Agents. "'ICommend Barrister Coünty Crcwn Attorney, and Oouty èolcit.or. Office-Southi Wing of Court House, ý hltby. JADKED AUI'lLEDGB, Barrister, etc. ODffice formerly oconpied by Farewell & Rutiedge, next Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID -ORMI1STON, B3. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Office -In the Office south cf the Post Office, in McMillan's; Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMlITH. LL, B., Barrister, etc. ,-Money te Loan. Ismuer cf Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith'B Block, South of Market, B7 ock St., Whitby. DOW & Mc<J',LLIVRAY, Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office in Mathison & H:awken's new block Brock St., Whitby, south of Ontario bank. Ors Warren d' Moore,, J. J. Moore, M. D. Brooklin. office heursa 9. a. m. ji-Privale Telephone Communication. D. P. BOGART, IY.D.,L.D.S. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Office and Residence next te Ail Saint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in aIl its branches promrtly attended te. Dr. H. Wightman F. Warren, M. D. Whitby. Office heurs il a.m DENs& TIS Tr'. W. E. YÂRNOLD, D. L. S.. <Jount Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Ârchitect, late with Langley, Langiey& Burke, Toronto. Designa for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drewings prepared for remedeling existing structures. Office-First flat over W. R. Howise's drug store. 1"'P O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HÂRN&LS8 MAR, WRITBY. Having moved intc eur new preniises, we are prepared te extend the range ef business. Ail work pertaining te the hernesa-making and saddlery business will be donc te satis- faction. Coilars a specialty. Cali and see my shep and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west cf oid ahep. Druides Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Dooràa nd Blinde, Turning and I ret-Sawing. _20- Ail orders or information can be obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wii. sou' s residence. WhbitbP itroik Establislhed186 I per annumin &advance, otherwise 01.50. Subsoriptions always -payable et the office o1 publication. The publisherr do net undertake te deliver the paper at cn eut office but Whitby. Any paper wh ilh tall breac i ilsdestinationswtll be replaoed upon notification s a metter cf oourtesy. Adveriin rates unies. by con- tract, 10 cents per line, nonpariel, firat in- sertion, and 5 cents per linoesoch subse.. quent insertion Local., 10 cents par lino. HENDIIESON & GRÂHAM. JOHN STANTON~, Poreman. Pereos Railway Time Table GRAND TRUNIK AND MIDLA.ND No. 8, E N. .1, E xpreu DAI llymai.... ..548 am ailte4 Bxpros ......6:24 e n .OOalh exc.ptiudy.,.9:00cam Es&t a Grge ". . . S p Oftng f Tho WHnTBY-D. . MaodloÏtàli WtbY , Jan. 2; Feb. 2; March 2; i1 rif ï 2il >29 June 8: JUIy 6; sep. 3;p u? Dec. 8. OSu.Aw-D. 0. Macdouel ,witby, lerk; Jan. 8; Feb. 4;- March4; Avril 8;.19$Y 8 June 4; JUy 8 ; sep. 4; Oc. ; Ko. 4 Dec. 4, BiaoeiuGH - M. Gloeeon, Greeflwod, Cierk-Jan 4; Maroh5; My d; -July 9; Sep. 5; Nov. 5. PORT PEnny - J. W. BUrhaM, ort Perry, Clerk-Jn. 29; Marci' 9; Meay 9 JulY i; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UxB]RmeG- Joseph E.P. Gould, tlbridge. Clerk-Jan. 80; Mardi 18; May 5th; Jly 12; Ot 14 ; Dec. 17. CNNINTON-Gere Smithannington, Jan. 1; Mrch 14; &aY 16; 'juy 18; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. BEVERTON-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. tPTEROR0oV-F J Gillespie, 'Upterpeove, Clerk,-March 16; May 18; Oct. 17; Dec 20. By order, J. E. FAREWELL, October l5th, 1894. CekotePae New Liveîy and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Commercial men liberaly deaIt with Teeming done st reasonable prices. Freight and Baggage haued t reson- able prices. A eall solicited. LIFE INSURANCE. U 0: Manutacturers' LifA. Accident Insura.nce Go., Toronto. L-argest Capital Stock Lif s Insurance Ce. on the continent. Ninety per cent. of ail accumulations et surplus ie returned te tbe policy holders. Ali claimr. are paid witbout delay or Iiscz)unt on preof uf desth or maturity of endowment J. B. POWELL, Feb. lst, 98. Agent, Whitby. C. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the next tirce menthe I ara givin-g speciai attention te patients from a dis- tance. Arn stifi -rnekiug plates in rnbbier, 88, ceeluleid #10. Geld aud silvcr filing work crowning by first-cîass eperators et the meut reasonebie rabes iu the, oity. When in the city oeil in and lot me exam- ine your teeti., I meke ne extrae'cherge. CJ. H. RIGGS, Dentiàt, scti eaI erne-r King and Yuuge Sts., Toronto. Nov. 8th. 1892. w. H. WARNERA DEALER IN GOAL, LATIZO -- . SHNGLES, - - OORDWOOD, BLABS ETC. SOLE AGENT in Whitby foir the "Celebrat- ed" PLYMeJTH 'COALS Office and Yara just Uptown. Station. A8K VOUI? 8TAT1ONEîI SPIARTIOÂ - East 'of J Res DIS CL 'AI IDn n v pained Co Who foi u7per p 'mana tri )hie Higi Aver' A M( 01 Pi Frein t mast use of People peculi filet tI gentbci Mr.(ý phono Who r intervi the fol of Pin langui in 'mgoo inua 66Upi uf h( Gla@gi ployac -*-and I wile. niysel * -Wronj luwe :and 1 as M wbem 1 Over DENTIST. i VýMtby.

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