Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1895, p. 3

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oRo1#O Miss Maggie jeromne is iitn friends in Brighton. .vstn Mrs. Herbert Hili has been vi siting at Mr. Aif. Hils, Oshawa. Miss Ida Smith, Myrtle, is -Visiting her brother, Mr. Thos. Smith.g NIr. and M rs. Robt. Knox are having an outing in Muskoka. MIr. Jas. Rutledge and family. port Hope, visited at Nlr, W. W. Trulîs. MIiss Viola ( 1ilblan and iq.,q had gone to bring home a wife in the person of Miss A'die Walters, of Ty- rone. Witbout any delay they arrang- ed to give t.he newly married couple a right royal welcome to their new home. At about 1o o'clock as the bridai party arrived they were met at Mr. John Walters' by the serenade party and escorted to their own house whete a few words of greeting and some hearty hand shaeing showed that ail were pleased to see a new home set up under cert will b. held iv whtèh sjjm, ýof leading talent of the di8trlot, willt part. The mnembers of the Y. P. S. C. E. the, Disciples church listened w pleaseure 10 tthe addrest delivered by Rl A. DeBarrett on Seuth AxnAren n BioflO Monday niglit. It w&a.8 I&utitd of interest and information and we w him every succesu in his undertaking procure laborers for that part of Go « ... -.% lAib enieau.i iig circumstances. A nic. asseinbly of young people at Adarns, Kowmianville, Visited friends ENNISEILLEN. tended the Epworth League meeting Gb \rPhlps f ope Monday night in the mnethodist church, -MsOOUro Pr oei h Misa Ethel Trebilook read the lesson AdviJvisCbug, Visited guest of Miss A. Pye. .adalbefive minute papers on the .ît Nir,.\. *1 7 W (;rd'S last week. Mr. A. N. Mitchel has returned ta topic, 6 Pure Word, Pure Thoughte and Nî1rs. anîr d daughter, Port his school near Peterboro. Pure DeedB," were given by Messrs. W. I visite i er miother, Mrs. 1) Miss Edith Virtue has lcft for a visit Cherry, T. E. Higginbothom, and Dr. Ni ISS ni nclPr among redinW ty Brimacombe. Misa Florence Tilley rend Creit ~ Messrs. F. W. and John Lee speni. Mr T. Smith lfilled the chair. A cordial visiting NIrs, Chappleand otherfriends. Sunday last in Toronto. invitation is extended to aIl. Consecra- NMrs . Strow gut. IýowrnanviIIe, Mrs. MissNlabel and Mr. Chas. Rogers tion meeting and roll caîl next week. X'or St1îeli and eo issng t Mr. left Tuesdav for Mlanitoba. A very quiet wedding took place on Stac, ,iýu -oi vsitng t IrNJisses G. Rogers and T. and N Wednes la evening last when Mr. T. Dunbar, Toronto, are guests of \Iessrs 11 I. Mc\Irry of the West End flouse, L . k rm hv NI \\c. '. 1 . d Fr d.~w as iurnîed n i arriage w ith M is e E stella hurMrs. F. Rogers s homeyaeain after.1MeKeow'n. The ceremony was perform- Mrs. . Rogrs ishorneagainafterýt 7o'clock1Dtemtoi ouh iis . riner tuaclii-r(f v Iý, v C rm'e. h bie a v G)HI gwoo dn( vicllit . 1, o.tired in a brown travell ing CanM)uellî i . n The happy couple left by s'-ýr'ý . li111ý ad Brcc ý(. euukte take a pe-Sît on n n dIl (rng steru 7.46 .Z. s for the we8t and take a. bU) W I1. t ( dsjst %\1' n St. Max-vs. r un the Mc ncbefore etiniu r t'e m'~...Mcia ake .of vjîh ish to Maser in liY iManaid MNnn -NIr. ' (i 1' i l 1 ','1 t, , ui I w fc l a v e NI r. tel NI 1 (mnh and mu I NI r. l~r e.houruturnemd fromn tlo Ihrrstiiia(nlmp rcctrig at NMorton Park, Laku mc c -l'he Sons of Tuti permîr. e. ( )r 'oo ani Nuervastile dVi o, iX t'a rra edtr a1 Lrafltitiunion picnic .0 tht- îarbt>ror] 1It c r v c hel iîa', HAMPTON. Mn. j lH Ilom, u)flPickering, spcot t Sundax- at home. (.apt. R Il Rijnni ')f Toronto, has Mir. and Nlr'.C \V "i h. f h' hv. and Rev. R. mnl! MIS,~NUC. t...i Ji (X' l' cru (' c .I nîK e ness of 0vrer three years, frîeod ,hure ,.1w11'. . ngt, -îdaugRher of WC'eCongrmtuLmtu N j..Mn v\ Vîtte r . i ,. Knigbzlt, passed away ta be and NMr.i. Ste;,)luoe..01n tl;t- rs--i at rest aon Tlursday morning last at the Ces at the recent primary endmml o ier ujwae of 19 ,yýears and 3 months. She bail leaviog exat-ojoiati )ns.. constimpton of the bowels and althonghi evFrx-thîng was done that medical e3kili Nrir .te11o \og l'ft ohi. hi velu1I culd do sire gradually becamo weaker. F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t n .vo rîg.0( e e ) is The funeraI which took place on $atur. b moun l3îrlurok nar Hlamilton, a day, froin the family rosidence, Queen clstnh'c Of 1i1i() Miles. that da\.flis St, was !argely attended, Rev. W. mnanv frîends here (itier tîrcîr hearty Jolliffe officiating. Deceased waa of a congratulati ons te h11111un biS suCces.scheerful and brighit disposition and had a àt tle recenit senior leaving examina- great many friends as wue evidenced by 1)0 the many beantiful floral tokens sent. STOUFVILE.1 She waiu prepared for death when the end STOUFVILE. 1came, her greatest desire was that ber NI.rkhami village liad somie excite- Ioved one should meet her in heaven. ment Friday, and as a resuit of t .Albert The famu].v have the sympathy of all in "eigmnan, George Srnîth and Williami theïr afflictions8 and boreavement. - ones are on the clutches Of the lax. Statesman. n wbere a liandsomety fornishod t)een \'isiting fricrnds1ici e. Thev, are charged with hav"ing stolen Nliss of 1 et 11,m11î(1e. s gtrest of sîeelu froni Alhert Cross. of the fourth miss E Wt1twc'toncession. After this ît s said that. largud Uv their hatred of Rothschild and NIr F S Nsr ..uî.~' with the . P race', they set mipoO a lelrew pedlar Pedlar Roo 1I g e amed Jaceh Zclioski1. Il inn thev are NI r C E lirowo h11,1, nrý_jrjîd from a said to have heaten and rohbed, cutîing tril) te Western ZIîa i h harness of his horse tepîecees and Nirs Irivin, (if Mi t( h( i,,-:srîiog hcr takîong awav part of it. Counity Con- i St c-r, NIr- V .L eStabrles Sornt h and Stewart arrested the Nri riand NIr, I xi. r iI mn don.i mien aixd t <)kthem before Squmilru Mano., are gzi est..ai iii, ., r,.. nMgLC C(lapmiao. of T hor h iIl. w ho reraod d i NIr. Iopko..n.! t. t itTli.theoi mitil ti-ciay. are vrsîting lit-r laîli r. NIrt >arr ish .i NMr. jas. lieril il(1 U lu idNlinnem- polis, are spend iog .m tuw l'swîtb brother. Mr. C. IHOMni Mr. J. H. Ellîuutt ha-: rutmrned fromi Sparrow Lake. whcrt ht-e bas l)een the guest cf Mr. WV. E. Mla ssc-v. Civic holiday was eu-Il-rated Fnidav in a citizen's Pienuc at Willow- Point. The weather %vas Il thmt cou Id bc de- sired and the att-ndI.nc e wm- large, in- c] ud ng trotonil\- ris i ent.; if th e v-I- lage and cunrii n itv>, btrt.fl..î a nurnber froni lBownarvi liet'idclsrrîoi ding vil- 1 agre s. 1 i 1litb .ml csofnu e 't n ield and Salemi fouu'tmll tt-ains a match was played ht-urthre ' îhrtginîen and the iti men, th- latter luuîog efeated by one goal,.\ fiun îum a pro gramme cf sports w.i a ,rnîe~l 't. ind the folîow- ing went- tlhe pri m/e%% i1iît'r..-Double SeuIl1 race,.-T Il Eillîctt anrd- A N Mit- bll . ut nurllsculltip "ver race, G Hlastings mnd H Hîîidgu .single scull race. L. llastiogs. W ii. (ibson; tub r,mue . 1I. Elli'uttî-walkring the slippery poleIl.-. .1-1 udgu- girls race uinder 15, Aula Crydernntî',girl'>. ramte uîden iîo, P>u'rl Raotu o . , . racuncmer 13, H. Th~~~1) >tî buo- -u M)t rai eCnu er Ia, COURTICEt NI -.t l> kt-lia-. nmturned to hen .NI n.T.Sriiu' d daughter, cf kli,m itre vi:it imîg tienuis Iere. Nn. N I.. ' tuer tý; bas restumed (Iruu'ý at N. s. .mmand Nîr. I 4ýVk-eyat 4 . S. Corîrtl(ice mnul urt. Gav sîuent a fuxw roi\, s ut tmu msluv Park Ilst w e k. NI r.ArthurAn n rs. Tv-reme, anti Mnr. Eil. Anni sminidw i<c-, NI t \N emon, spent \Ve (u ugratulate NIr . T. ourtice (M passmmg lis r'.ttt 'itiu eaving Mm. Wmi. Hall, the 1-puuar cheese ruaker at I)arîingtunIU'nioun, lias also miutîrtaken tire managenrent of Geneva. illt'cse factory. Mfessrs. Wm. Tnick and SiasHn cOCk Ieft for Manitoba Iast week and Wesley- and Sidney Brnooks go this week for a few months sojourn. The mermbers ol Mt Ghrswell divisiou hold their annual picnic at Oshawa.ou- the-lake Thursday this week. AUl are invited. Th -G W. P. j 1. Brooks of Toronto will likely pay an officiaI Visit ta our division on Aug. 28, and a public meeting is being arranged for. Other divisions :nvited9.11 Although the gra and foliage retain an unusual amouat of verdancy ai-d people are still holding picnieg and takiug their holidays and a few husband- men are gatherlng In the last fruits of barvest, the lowçring clouds, the gusty showers, Uic upturncd tlcldst ani the soundsing o4the ctionI school bell ÊCai. ingth uniors sotheirfaltominrernnidý us tha heast ro# 01Sq ,mer ts~ fad*ionu nnthe atii4afr.àw&tfrw The. toligates. C:(umitv counicils are emipewered b) the municipal act ta pass hv-Iaws abel. ishiog teligates and handing aven high. ways ta the municipalities thnougl- wvhich thev run. Such by-laws are sub- ject ta the Lieutenant-Gavernor ir council, and if the municipalities de. cline ta take aven the control and the nesponsi bilitv of main taining the road5 the Lieutenant-Governar in council may make an orden campelling them to do sa. In Yark caunty the by-law has been passed, but four cf the tawnships are unwilling ta assume the bunden cf maintaining the naads. Gounty Solicit- on Rabinson, unden instruction cf the cammissianens, has written the gavern- ment asking that a time be named for hearing the representatives cf the county in the matten. Mn. justice Rase at Osgcode hall yestenday marning andered that David Thomoson, who was brought before him, on a writ of-habeas cor-pus, be released fromn custody. Thomoson, who lives at Unionville, was taken befane Simon Millen, a lustice cf that place. last Saturday, charged with having been guilty cf selling liquan withaut a license. He pleaded guilty, and without the hearing cf any evidence the justice cf the peace impcsed a fine cf $5o and costs. In defauît cf pay-ment cf the fine Thomson was ccmmitted ta jail fan three months and bas been in Governon Green's establishment acnass the Don ever since until Tuesday manning. Nelson D. Milîs, who acted for theI pnisoner, submitted that the proceed- ungs had been irregular and the com- mitment illegal. His Lordshîp concur- red and forthwith ordered the man's release-X -Tribune. DOWMANVILLE. Mrs. P. C. Trebiloock is visiting relat- ives in Brantford. Mis" Ethel Jonese is visiting friensde in Newr.atle. Rev.-E. B. Barnes, Lexington, Ky., is vigiting friende in town. Mr. Lorke QODeU of Guielph mu guest st Mr.B, Mftchels. Mr-n4 Mrs. B. Harrison, cf BùU N.Y,, are visiting their aunt Mm 0 . L. MEr. sud Mrs. Ale%. Boyd aj Ref vTo to, are ving.al1Mr& .. Proi. 11!uT En I1%gft andfs&May of W14*wp, sSd Mse., Optain Palte, Mal.ce"uaaeZi, L . areh m e Of b TYRONE. M rs. J.* A. Charlton and son, Nelsor of Toronto, are visiting her aster, Mri Peter Werry. Mr. Orion Jelîiffe, Ottawa collegiat institue, has been visiting frienda in thi village and vicioity. Preparatians are being mnade for th Flarvest Ilome of this appointment th ast Suniday and Monday in September Q:he Reason. I. I-i 1< N p, ai st or o2 4C to pi Good bealth cannot be enjoyed when the nerves are in a deranged condition in because other orgaus oethte body do flot recelve thelr natural eupply ofnoeve Iluid,. The nerve centre la situated near the base of the brain, and when nerve food ie cuL olf the isolated part l10m5 Us S cottrs ai~aparila Acts Like Magic in because it pou uu ch inaryelons PoWer for Streugthenlng a.nd rebuilding the nerve centres. Nervons beadaehe, nervoue dyspepsia, and aU nerve de- rangement Wear on the syst«m-on th.e brain. Scott'e Sarsaparill feeds the brain tissus, tW the brain coll, Inae STRONG NERVES Seott's Sida Soap Presheas the ski.. ;0oans need fear choIera or any summer couiplaint if tbey have a bottie of Dr. J. D. Keiiogg'e Dysentery Cordial ready for use. IL corrects ai]l o0senes of the bowele promptly and causes a hsalthy and ustural action. -Thiis is a medicino adapted for the young and old, ricb and poor, and le rapidly -becomirg the moat popular niedicine for choiera, -dysenterY, etc , in the market. The election cf John Daiy, who le sierving a terni in prison,%was oancelled sin the British Hanuse of omns Tuesday. Microbe Killer penetrateal the llfe..iving curative principlos, kil eaue germa, as does the sun tb. your chaniber and hisl the germa«ý out danger te sleeping baýes., drug remedioesiaken everyc Microbe KIller 1 Corner Dmig Bingliaun, f mining camp t*#IW1 eft atLake, vas alunotvlped0 Monday. You canne: say that you have tried every- thing for your rhoumatism, until you have taken Aysr'e Pilla, Handrede have been cured of this coruplaint by the use of these Pilla alone, Tbey were admitted on exhibition au the World's Fair as a standard catihartia. Notice of Tran8 fer of Ta vern Public notice is hereby given that I have made applicatiou for the tiansfer of town taveru liceuise No. 36o now held by John Smith of the Railroad House, Whitby, te me, M. J. FOY, Whltby Ont. Auguist lut, 1895-3-2ifl. Oak Ox'ohard Inn IFeathi ~rbonp AOD GIVING Thereglarmonsbly meeting of tb. ,b eConneil Wa85 oonviened9 at the. ti'wn bal], Sunderland, on Sattirday last. Memers ail present, Reeve Vruoîi .1 i tl'p P hair. M n i Ma.iutes of last UA0etiuý read aLId ad. opted. Several aceoun ts and communications were read and laid before the council. On MOtiOn of 'Mr. IBrethotir and Mr. Edwards, the foîlowing acconns were pAssed and ordered to b. paid : G. V. Sc. John 82.85 for 47 loads of gravel ; James Acton $2.25 for 45 loade of grave]; Andrew Lowes, 811.85i for 227 loade of gravel ; Moses Cham t-ers, 82 for equaliz. Ing U. S. No. 2, Thorab and No. 8 Brook. On motion of Mr. Edwards and Mr. Brethour, Sylvester Avery was paid 81.25 for gravel; aleo T. B. Waishe, 80c. for express obarges ; John Moore $4.85 for gravel. On motion of Mr. Edççards and Mr. Mecully, Obed. Bagshaw wa@ paid $4 for gravel ; also W. McUlImurry 88 for three stump8 on con. 2, lot 7. On motion of Mr. Wetheral and Breth. our, Geo. Hadden was paid $12 for gravel. On motion of Mr. MoCully and Mr. Wetheral the following accounts were pRssed and the reeve and clerk authoriz. ed to grant their order on thé treasurer for the same : Mathew Taylor, $5 60 for 112 loadis of grave]; A. Lowes. $1.66 two- thîrds valueof one lamb killed hy dogs; John Miller, 82 for repairing lfridge c n Con. 10, opposite lot 8. On motion of Mr. Wethieritl, Peconded by Mr McCully the clerk was instructed to char.ge up against T. B. Frankish's property on the' collector's roll, the ex. penses this council was at in the year 1894 ini burying T. B. Frankish's sbeep per order of the sanitary inspecter. Ou motion of Mr. MoCully seconded by Mr. Wetharal, Miss Susy Bryan was plaoed on the indigent's list ut the rate of 84 per month. Mr. MeCully, seconded by Mr. Weth- erai moved tbat an order be issned on the Treasurer in favor of Wm. Oliver for tho aura of 810 for gravelling Con. 6, opposite lot 22. After hearing the report of the lot deputy reovo Mr. Brethour, who wus appointed a committee to ex- amine the said gravel job. Carried. On motion of Mr. Brethour and Mr. MfcCully the following accounts were pa.sed and ordored to b. paid : Ootncil'i; portion of lin. lance between town hall and methodiat churce, $4.51; F. Doble and Jas. Brethour, Sunderland road commissioners, $41-25 for statut. labor onpreforxned in the village, and that the same b. ohe.rged in the collector's roill against the eaid parties not performing tatute labor; Wm. Hebton, 50c. for removing atone on con. 5, opposite lot .0 ; H. Parson, 825 on printing contract. On motion of Mr. Brethour and Mr. Vetheral, leave was granted to introduce ?by law to fix the rate of taxes for 1895, whieh is as follows: For county, $8,446.- 1O; sohools, as per Mtatute, $1,467 49; ownship purposes, schoola, officers and nisoelaneona, $10,589.89. Another by- iw to borrow $1,500 waa introduced and )ut through. On motion the conneil aûjonrned. A light, pliable, elastic bone tu" quille. It la soft snd Yielding, coiufb readily to folds, yet giving proper Ob Sklrt or Dress. The only Skirt Boue that rnay without injury. The Oelebrated Feathei Corsets are corded -with What 18 Castorla le Dr. Samuel Pttcer's prescription for and Cblldren. It contaige es eiOtinuMOph other Narcotie substance* Xfk alamoemb for Paregorle, Dropi -"lug~wip ad Castor it la Pleaisant. Its uRm*e tll a m.u Millons of Mothers. CastÃ"ria degtroýWorm and l% feverlshness. Castoria prevents vomitlng Sour Cr~, cures Dlarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castorla relieve. teethng troubles, cures constipation, and flatulenlecy . Castoria assimilates the food. regula+«e the stomah and bowels,, glving healthy and naturai sleep.Ca ( toria la the Children'. Panacea-the Kother's FrlendI, »»J . 0- - 'K Castoria. "Cautorla a an excelent medicne for ci. dren. Motboe have repeatsdly told me of Its good effect upon their chidren.%" Da. G. o. osaoon, lOwen, MAI "Caestol la the best reruedy for children of which Iam acquanted I hope the day lanot far dLstant when mothers wiliconsider'tbe roui Intereât of their chfldren, and use Castoria lu. utoad of the varleusquack nostUmmnswhîcb am dedbeylng their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending du=mto promature graves." DMM.. nczx.E Castoria, "Casterlaso wen adapted tochflidreùi 1 recornmend Itasuuperiortoany pauo<, known to me."1 ÃŽ&à.AR MCUB34 IL1 111 Bo. Oxford t., Brooklyn, MOur' pbydsiamn athe chiidrou' mont bave apoken bLbly ef there once E lhi outilde practice wth 4uu and altliough ve only bave ameag-" medial supplies wbs*i la known «~ rev producta, yet we M-9ret o nfm ath"l montsa of CaMteia bus *on us W l.bIl favor uponIt." -unZTEn HOmPAL AEI>D DSPENU ALIM C. BE4. pre& Severe Pain in ,Shoulde Cured -by"The RD.L'en*thel b laftersn g oe9aiiy remedies .wthot ,eIief à m ettid D.LMMm md wg to ont ehumdc ttheptb=VCbeil1~ibo J. B := =i~tv i Sold Everywhere M~5. eaec And Cottages are on the South shore of Lake Ontario., at the New York terminal port o.' the pr6posed interna- tional railway ferry. They- are amoàg. a magnifleent growth of cake, making the- hotel and beach unexcefled -for a summer resort. It je knowný as .the ¶isherman'a Para'! dise.",There, are 'surf and'_ sitifl-water bathing , fishi ng,ý and ail athietic sports. Beaui- tiful drives$ abound. No wos-*. quite. The Inn.ý provides. the best of savcewith uéd, erate 9haegs *,ý.nd- epoctal rates bythe se an o0h o vweek. Oei al ~ju*~ Tor -M Bý u staé-d zE. W. EÉmQlT( Ew*o.. mem VU STYE SAP -aie T Des- s rXible4 hroatti. id zêt .tIl . < ou anly les i ~ N N N 'I Il 't i or tE. I 'St <roc I 1.4 uN M ~ M Il M 'c I N ii,..d M R. '4. TO. ,rs END DA. 1' Il wtmo r ab lu (- y lift iPuple 1 1 1 - 1- 1. For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. FOR GIVING _aie e - rbone Skîr-t,' STYLE

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