Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1895, p. 2

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Passes Bel ief X. a. n itholnou, Plorenoeviue, 3.0 ., trunmien for Beven Long Y«»r.with CANCER ON THE LIP, A1TVY~C1Sarsa- Mgr- NIChOlo s ays: " I consulted do<'- tors Who Prescrlbed for nie, but to "10 PUrpose;* the cancer begLu tW JEat1into the Flesh, spreiid to lny chin, and I suffprêd In 91,101iy for seveI Jon5g years. Ftiiîa]ly I 1 lie. , takiiig, yer s Sariapari-ila. in a wd IL or two I otlced a Decided Improvemeiit. F.nPeoîîrged by Vt¾îq resiîlt. 1perse;(- la I i t,. ioiiii > . !i - sga- U.- l,-.y Chli 1 o b 1w dliv l lin1-e 1.ý0lJt- -î nîy p be ini to bs-ai. and. after IsIng the Sarsa prilla for six r ts IMc kst trace of! L cancer disappeareu.' Ay8f ly Sarsaparilla .&dmitted at the World's Fair. LYW PILLS Rocgulat, the Bowel. CORRESPONDEN CI}' ( -010- - UXBRIDGE, M rs. W. M. Taylor of Wbîtby, is visiting ber daugbten, Mrs C. Flew-ell. Mr-. J. C. Widdîfield ba., bcen again elected president of the Baillits' Asso- rciation of Ontario. Mr-. Jackson Rhodes, V. S., of -Bloomington, Ind., is spending a week here in bis native tow-n. Mr: E. Thorriton, manager Dominion Bank, Whitby, paid a visit to friends in A .i.A. D. Williams, we are glad to jicar, is considerably botter, being able to get up for a time oach day. M~r. and Mrs. W. Hamiltonand Mi-. and Mrs. A. Graham ieft last week for ew York, expecting to spend a week or ten days. Organizer Cummins of the Sons of $Cottand, visited the Uxbrldge camp The paragraph that bas been goi ng the rounds of the press to the effect r hat bicycles will be sold at 830ofloXt year by a huge syndicate that intends r, to pace thern on the market at close Messrs. 'Bascom, Clark, McGillivray, Pirt, Vyvyan and Sharp repnosented Uxbridge in somne tennis matches at Torant.o hast week. They were out- ~-'~Isp~dby the city men. f7 The plant af the Claremont printing office will be .maved to Parry Sound, where its owner, Mr-. W. H. Bundy, lias haintercd into 'partnership with Mn. Irefàncl.in the ptiblication of the Northb Sta~r.. Having gatalong for some years with anc newspaper Newmarkeî now haii anothert'the News Advertiser, is- sue4 by Mr., Binns who bas been con- ducttig a job office since the Reformr At....A Ridiing on the sidewalk is again up for ' dîËcussion, or was Tuesday night at the iýoùci, and we can advise bicycle ri4p-ýtbt their name wili be Dennis if - rdiùt ezercise care and caution. A*:*- er of fact tbey bave no rigbt cm *alk, ut ail. The public bave 1en.but are beginning ta com- Of fast ridi nd we may as wl I our idthba it wilI have ta obpe As the matter is naw y .ag l i the bands of the chief of ýë4k to ý*m*y expect bim ta bring the as funny a -thing as we bave lconnection witb the 1eague ~~tcsthis season is the fol- ,Ë=ouncement that appearcd in S Tribune: --in view of then ies won by the' Stoufiville mthe Rev. 1. A. Shanton. Sunday evening preach on twai of victory,#" He pro- lUustrate just why Stouffyjle tfriends and lover, of our na- e shoO1d hear ibis sermon. h4 t.heme wIibe "T'he Of esus2"' AllcordWilinl. Mrs. Zourtney retnrned ta the city last week. Frank Ferrier, of Torqnto, is here juet now with friends. The two grain elevators wiil be open- cd in full force on Monday next. O. Y. Dey, C. P. R. relieving agent, vrisited here Sunday, with Cnarlie Mac- nab. Mr. and Mrs. I3rodie, of Markham, were here over Sunday with their son Charlie. Mr. Campbell, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his brother, C.P,R. sec- tion forernan bcrc. Mr. and Mrs. Caster have returned from their trip, and report having had a grand time. George Dowswell and Bryce Parks were here on Sundav,' having wheeled it from the c'tN,. John Howe bas socurod a situation in a planing mnilI at Pari-v Sound. He will go up thene at once. Mr. and MIrs. T. C. McAvoy left for Manitoba on Monda), where they wil stay for a time with their son. Mris. Reubon Rawson and Miss Dellie Dowswell are \isiting at Mn. Luckie's, Zephyr. Tbey wil be gone a fortnight. GeO. Gerow sbipped another cargo of pumps to Manitoulin Island the other day. He bas shipped a large numbor of pumps up there duning the present season. Tbe Maple Leaf pinting plant w-as packcd up and shipiedcL to Parry Sound on Tuesdav. XX. IL. fundy hasgone into partnei-ship in the new-spaper busi- ness %vitb his father-in-law at Pari-y So)und. \\ %wisb i ilisuccess. D>uncan Mlacnab and Miss Mary Mac- nah 1 ) il returned fromn the old coun- trv, U1heère tbcy lhave heen spending the past few weeks. Both ai-e enjoying the best of bealth and speak in glowing terms of the trip tbey enjoyed. M r. Macnab, who w'as rather delicate when 'eaving, has greatly benefitd- by the Mrs. David Cunningham, who has resîded witb ber son-in-law for some yeas, iedonMondax-, aged -9 yoars. She bas resided in this locality for rnany years and was bigbly respectod by ail wbo know ber. The funerai took lace on W\'ednesdav -bohn the remains w-cie interred in the l3aptist cemotor-y. A large number of fiends attended. A cheap John bas been bore for a few- days conducting a Dutcb auction. 0f course ho cannot conduct a regular auction witbout a liconso, therefore ho changes the mode of proceedure some- wbat and escapes a fine. We have nothing to say against this strangen but, w'e do wisb to state tbat sucb bankrupt slaughter sales should be stopped by pnocess of law. Legisiation would be necessary, and should be asked for at once by the wholesale and retail deal- ors. Just think of it for a moment, a moi-chant wbo bas good credit will pur- chase heavily and ovei-stock bis store. After a while he finds that business is not-as good as he expected, and h e is foi-ced to make an assigniment. Along cornes a dealer and purchases the stock at say fifty cents on the dollar. Aftor selecting a Iocality wbere ho tbinks there is some ready monoy, hangs out bis shingle 'Bankrupt stock sale." Ttie dealers wbo have purchased their goods at full value and paid for tbem, ai-e foi-ced to compote, and in addition help to pay taxes and other rates levied byi the municipaity, wbile the jobbei- bas but a small rent to pay for say, penhaps two months. The county counicils pass1 bylaws preventing podlars from sellingi goods witbout a licence, and sbould also have power- to collect a liconse foc from these shop-keepers wbo ai-efloti ratepayers. At pi-osent there exists a grievance that al aro interested in sec- ing rcmoved.-News. PICKEE[NO. At Audley, on Monday, Aug. i2th, the wife of Thos. Puckering of a son. Miss Lydia Bostwick returned from thi-ce week's visit witb friends in the City. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Hyfield, of Chai-e- mont, visited with Wm. Clark for a couple of days. Mi-. and Mrs. B. Bunting spent the Sabbath as weiI as the past week with Port Perry friends. Rev. Father O'Connor, of Tor-onto, bas been conducting service in the Catbolic cburcb bei-c during the past f ew Sundays. Captain His bas disposed of bis schooner, "The North West," ta Gouidering Bras., of Whitby bai-bar, The new awners are now in possession. having boardcd ber on Wedncsday. John Miller & Sans shipped a num- ber of thorougb-bred shcep ta New Hampshire pn Tuesday fi-rn this sta- tion. Thcyuexpct their reccut impor- tation ta arrive bei-e this week fi-rn quarantine. e Samnuel Linton, who injured his foot with a pick while.diggig gwellI, viii soon bce-able -4o diseard bis crutches. As those tools bave ,sArved thiotîgh in- numerablecidentu,' anyone rcquining them may be, comdtdb M, ing to Uicaoe Nus Miàs M~ary MlàC:Oteor'Ts gaihý on the road ta good hèè,Ii.. A great many ýf(onr ctizens are talc- ing adv-antage of the cheap trips ta Niagara. The centre road at Bowies' bill is stili being undermined by parties who ought to know better.1 Mrs. T. McKercher has returned from ber visit to Hamilton, where she lately buried ber brother, Mr. G. Brod- erick. Mr-. Iroderick was well known in this part and many wiil be son-y ta learn of his death. A number of changes have been spoken of in connection witb the choir. A change of position and a new organ will be quite acceptable to this part of the church. A few willing hands would soon fix the platform withouî very much expense. The contest in the Sons of Temper- ance is drawing near its close and the ice-cream can is looming up in the dis- tance. A change of prograrç in the shape of debates or speeches will likely prove a good thing as a safaty valve for the superfiuaus eloquence of certain parties. -journal. WKMITEVALEC. Miss Frankie Laur, of Toronto, is visiting friends here and at Green River. We ai-e pleased to learn that MNrs. Bu-nie, sr-., bas recovered from hon ne- cent illness. Miss Ward, of Collingwood, spent a few days last week witb bon brothei-, Thos. Ward, F. G. Wilson left on Tuesday for a trip to Manitoba. He will be gono about four or five weeks. S. B. Lynde left on Monda>- for AI- goma -bei-e ho wili remain for a couple of montbs witb a sui-vey-ing part>-. Mrs. lonson and little daugbter, of Scarboro', bave returned to thoir homo after spending a week w-itb friends bore. Mrs. Stephenson, and daugbter, of Arthur, spont a few weeks with ber brother, C. C. Reesor, on wav, to v-isit ber parents, at Little Curt-ent.-Nw-%s. CANNINGTON Mi-. and Mrs. R. A. Sinclair spent Tuesday with friends in Ponrt Perr-y. His Honor Judge Dartnell will bold a special session of the division court bore on Tbursday, Aug. 2yth. Mr. and Mrs. S. Todd, of Uxbridge, w-ere the guests of Councîllor and Mrs. J. F. Lavery on Satunday and Sunday. Messr-s. W. H. Hoyle and S. H. Glassforàaraie at Hamilton attending the 1. 0. 0.F. Grand Lodge which is in Mi-. James ýMorifield and wife, who were visiting fïends in this tow'n, left on Monday morning for their home in Chicago. It is witb feelings of deep regret we recordc the death of Mn. James Binris, anc of Cannington's most popular young mon. His death occurred on Tuesday moi-ning at the residence of bis uncie, Mi-. R. Muni-o, in Reach, aftor an illness extond ing ovei- a month. Deceased was the son of Mi-. Binris, of Clifford, was born in Eldon towniship One da>- last week some gentlemen on one of the passengen trains between bore and Sunderland, tbrcw a flask from the rear passongor car and stuck a section man named Dunsford on the bac k. The bottle broke and cut the man's back so bad that ho had to be brougbt to town and Dr. Binghum dressed the wound and put several stitches in it. Mn. Dunsford was then taken to bis home in Oillia wherc he is doing nicely. For supreme cheek and gahl comn- mend us to the Inspector of the Un- derwriters' Association wbo visited this town hast week. He struck town on the morning train and immediately i-ushed into Reeve Hoyle's office witb the requcst that the fi-e alarmn be sounded at once. Mi-. Hoyle refused Lo do so on the ground that oui- bri- gade was a vohunteer one, and there- fore be did flot wisb to cali the mem- bers away from their work; but pro- rnîsed the pompous inspectai- that he would caîl the brigade out after six o'clock. This did flot satisfy the in- dividual but Mi-. Hoyle was fi-m and wvould flot consent to the alarm, being sounded. The inspector (or whatever he was) was tben sbown the tanks, en- gine, etc., that behong ta the ,own, after wbicb be took bis departuiè-èîî is ta be boped he neyer returns.- ileaner. ( IIEART-BEATS. mityïqt e~S - UIUL A Frenchman who came to town on ThuràdayeJast, and who distingulshed himself by securing a jag which stuck to hlm for two days like the clammy adhesiveness of a seersucker in a cloud- burst, aiieged to the authorities that he had lost $xSo in Orillia. He said that he had flot been robbed that he knew of. He only stayed until Saturday, and left dead broke, having pawned a a watch for liquids. Five yeasm or Tratn.,wroOker Morris. Thomas J1. Morris, who placed ob- structions on the Northern railway track. near Davenport, on Thursday Aug. i, and the following day, was tried and convicted in Tor-onto Junc- tion police court Thursday last. In answer to inquiries by the magistrate, Morris gave no explanation for his at- tempted train wrecking, except that be was tired of tramping and wanted a change in bis manner of living. He furthez- statod his parents lived In Lon- don, Eng., and that he had no relatives in this country. The police miagisti-ate sentenced him to fivo years' imprison- rment in the Kingston Penitentiary. Wss it au elopement ? Mrs. Harry Rogers, and two childi-en arrived in Onillia on Saturday. Mi-s. Rogers is the wife of a farmer of Cbaffey township in Muskoka and it is alleged that she eloped with a boarder, Nelson Noiris, of Gi-avenhurst. Mrs. Rogers left home last Saturday to go to Huntsvllo-so she informed bier bus- band, promising to return the samie evening. She did not return, altbough her husband sat up until near midnigbt waitîng for bier. Sunday xnorning be missed several articles from the house, which gave him a dlue that everything of the roorns and found bed clothos, a flot of bis wife's and children's clotbing, >the sewing machine, and other articles too numez-ous to mention, gone from their accustomed place. Rogers leai-n- ed from a neighbor th-at Norris was seen carrying a bag of clothing to the Novar station last Friday, and this still more set Rogers to tbinking and put- ting this and that together. Rogers w-ont to Huntsville to miake enquiries about bis wifè and found she had flot been thene, and no one knew of be- w-ber eabouts. Returning home Sunday ovening about dusk ho met Norris on the railw-ay track just outside the town, w-itb bis - 'turkey" on bis back making south. Ho tried to dodge Rogers, but when he found he could not, told him ho was going to Huntsville on business and would be back in the morning. Rogers went homo and noxt morning wont to Nova- to got some information about the bag of clothing tbat was taken there on Friday. At the station ho learned that Norris had oxpressed a couple of bags to Orillia to Mi-. Bran- don. Rogers went to, Huntsville at once, swore out a warrant before Dr. Howland for the arrest of Norris, charging hirm with, flot stealing his wife and babies, but a sewing machine, clothing, bedding, etc. Instead of Norris stopping there, as be tried to make Rogers behieve, he struck soutb walking ail night and x-eached Bi-ace-. bridge next morning. A teiegram to the chief of police the-e enabled Bob Armstrong to gather him in without much trouble. Norris was taken back to Huntsville Monday evening and locked up: A telegram was also sent to the express agent at Orillia to, return the bags, which wa-s done. Prisoner was taken before justice Howland Wed- nesday evening. A part of the cvi- dence was taken and then both parties asked for an adjourriment until Satur- day to get other witnesses, which was granted. Rogers bas since received a letter from bis wife offering to, return home if he withdraw the case against Norris. Rogers is in a quandary to know just wbat to do. He wants bis wife back, and be also wants to put the othe- feliow out of harm's way ta, keep hlm from interfez-ing with bis famnily affairs. -News-Letter. Norvous people And thoge wbo are ail tired out and bave that tizd feeling or sick beadache cas b. relleved oaf ai lhese symptoxr@ by taking Hood'a Sansa- pari"l, which gives nerve. mental snd bod'ly strengtb sud therougbly purifies the blood.17 also croates a 90od eppezite, cures indigestion, heartburu sud dyseppia. Hood's Pille are easy to tae, easy lu action and sure lu effret. 25a. The. MurPhy faRnilY Of alegeod couniterfeiters oonsisdzig of falîber sud--1v. sons, were ern- mitted for trilal t Llndsay Tueeday London i When Baby waa sick, we gave ber Casions. When skie was a ChI4 ldie crted for Catorla. When she became MJa% she clung ta Castanla. When skie had ChIldren, she gave thamCeetona. A sea r4eî pent 40 feet long is said ta have been seen in Lake L\anitota. Plnard'a Liniment Curets Distemper. The new Wesley Methodiët Collegeat Win- nipeg has been cotipleited. 25 Cents va. aîdney Trouble. For 2 years I was dosed, pilJed, and plaster- ed for weak-back, scalding urine and conitipa- tian, without benefùt. One box of Chabe's Kiduey-Liver Pis relieved, 3 boxes cured. R. J. Smith, Toronto. Bindor Twin-el Central Pr ison Make. This Twine is pure, well-made, and guaranteed to bind more sheaves from each bail than any ather make in the mar-ket. Price 7 cts. per lb.r No second quality made at the Central Prison. Ail first-elass. Leave you oriers at once. J. H. LONG, June l4th, 1895. WHITBY. MANLE rhat Ti.re0d re4e191inConstipation and PalhinIn the Back #,ppetite &Md- Neath Rstlord lby NgIds SrsapaiIa. '1- Mr, and. Miss Brethour, 'of Udora, spent Sunday with Mrs. RoÃ"bert ACýOfl. Mr. Edward Acton and his -sister were visitirlg friends here on Sunday. Miss Madili, of Toronto, is spençlifg ber holidays with her cousin, Miss Zella Card. On Saturday evening about five o'cdock Arthur Swainick's barri was struck by lightning at the east end and in two minutes the whoe barn was wrapped in flames. Mr. Swainick was near when it w4s struck and ran to get out the team he had just put in. He succeeded in getting the teamn in the barnyard and thinking they would i-un away from the fi-e let one of themn go, when it immediatel'y turned and i-an back into the building, and the intense beat prevented him from fo1lowingi!. Thene were alrpo five calves, seven pigs and some hens, a new binder and all his implements. His crop (being late) was saved, with the exception of ten tons of hay and three loads of barley. The wind was blowing the spai-ks and burning shingles on the bouse and only for John Doty no doubt it would have beon bui-ned. But what caused the most excitement waLs ôoe of the child- ren i-an away unnoticod by anyone to alarm the neighbors, and was thought to be in the barn at the time. The nows was soon brougbt that he was at Mi-. McKee's, a neighbor near by. Thore was a srnall insurance. A bai-n over in. Scott, one mile west of bei-e, belonging to Mr. Brent was urned also, with ail his crop but two loads of barley. It appears that Peter Jackson chaI- langed Corbott to fight on Aug. 25th. The latter got on one side of the gate and the former on the other, which i-e- sultod in Jackson striking at Corbett through the gate but accidentally he knocked it down, and frightened the both of them. The two wont home sad but wiser men. ~i ~thrIo',Ont 99C. 1. Ilood &Co.# LOweli NUMSs.: Il 1- , - n-ber of years 1 haie bean troubed witth a general tred feeling, shortne<S Ci breth, pÉan in the back, and constipation. I could get only litte rest at night on account of the pain and ac! no a ppetite whatever. I was that tred m y lixbs that 1Igave out before half the day wsgne. 1 tried a great nuraber of medicines but id not get any permanent relief from any llo ds Cu re s :i:urc uý)til, upon recommendation of a frled 1 V -ri2rsd a botte of Hood's Sarsaparilla, whm-11 ide me feel better at once. 1 have cnn- i ue, havngr taken three bottes, and 9 Feel Like a New Man. 1 ha-,er a good appetite, feed as strorg as ever 1 id, and enjoy perfect iest at n;t I have mucli plasure In recommendiiug Hood's Sarsa, paril i:t" CHAELFS ST FEL . twVitt Erie Pre- erngCo.,_St. <atheine'..()tario. ?1nod's P is !"(, prnmpt and efficint, yet L., i a <aion. Sold by a l drtggists. 2.5c. ISiTeSCESSFUL -REIEDY FOR MAUE OR BEAST. OwMU I l R effetsa nd ne blistemu KENDALL'S SPA !IN CURE@ Dr.B.z enonu *,ILTb ,'k Dear 8fra-Piesae =edume=oseo Horue Books and oblige. Ilsese gie t ioyour anOeI avlus ad five bottieg onred her. 1 = 91 Obalmi o n b u al t me. Yoruru, CM& .PowIMU KENDALL'S SPHI0 . Dear SinC-I hne naed ue >eres or Weu y "KendaUirsSavr cre" th mne. i Lu:il it ths e = =41 eneWr usa<l RzHam-m; mmd oseCurb, ->&. o*,Mieê Span& d~Mffl twfa 1oaeIpài Hae e àicý ei - udl St inkol.l"mT oNSTIATO N, REsraUL- tT 0 IE[L APTmR &ArIN 0 INUES BO IvESTvan. u G have ecônietis tbse'Qrostý SpecfloRemdy. lat ~ frie 1at her an Hoi N Ada her M M Ma Mùr .R i. Plr 1 à-idN the CI h( Mra Mulec Mn. Sundâ Cap been ý Misu Mi- Pedlai Mr J trip to Mrs SiSter, MIr Man., M rs. are vis Mi-. S polis, brothe Mr-. Sparro guest( Civil in a cl The w, sîred a cludin{ lage ai from 1 lages. Salem played aid mt one go sports ing we sculi r. cheli; Hastin race, I. race, j h. pale, 1 Ada C P3earl i Thomi F. Hoï Mrs. homei Mrs. Oshaw Mr-. duties No. 4. S.J. f ew na' Ed. Ai Sunda3 We on _pmÉ examin U,îon, MiE of Reach, was ai-- 4taken ta ,NQfth hie PVeitc J 't lw June 14th, 1895. WHITBY. 1

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