Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1895, p. 1

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__ « -I AJ&.L %-f5 - A , 9 UG~USr 23, 1895. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, A 8Teaiyb ittuted. and kept up. At the PORT PERE.acutoftedneMufoaigsU Mrs. J. Fitchett has moved into hier new preseint tilDe verv little interest seems to be Hb J * îshorf T borne. taken tu the working o hs lc.There is erbert aneo a reJo rno flth nImpossible, and especially with the Mr W. arshbsr un dtat nfom v y sudl. H d e set hî i CHIN ÇL ORIRSPONDNcz, Miss Leola Beare is visiting friends inl ancetrPeople if thytake te ntio Cobourg. bre rSf - :0:---Lindsay. but t P t ri s st e 8e enton, hre ilnso o MrR LEN MAjoRt. Miss Annie Reese, of Toronto, is visiting the fldtlon. Many Of Our citizens can be his father. MIsi i~viii tM here under the parental roof. seen Sunday evenings going to PoFarBtjbaaeo Ohw, a P igie t ok btte ieha an NirR lsi swvstn M. Pai-e1Ifrnme etingronksome kind wasocarrie ro'S r.Peter Christie and Miss Mary PrnceAbet and other places ta church, ove Sunday Mr. .Bo i lwvisiting at Mr. Wi[ Mols rs. hiin inNedYrayit.beforIeameeibeo sgnekfd ws adieoutorHodshei v I ~~~~~~~ ~~~on htere they w ould frequent this place, t M r . M j r H d s n ~ V st f~ fi n a~ l i e c n e t, e c p e h n s w i \lrs P. Kerr, of TorontoadMsJ.Cr Take our advice and see into the a t eehndcpe.Asi sati os Mr e s. A d rs n is again started buying n g f P r e r ,s e t S n a t M r n e o t i u n e to o a f a ir Ce M r arn eron d rn ge , a e t ta lo a. Ve y o Mr .Bushbee i o suflering from Frnk. P . rMs .SeatadMs matter tintil some effort is attempted. j Mrs. Thos. Bedford. îgbidnswr o raytrei f aîl u r e. a H . P e ttit, o f T o ro n to , a re v is itin g a t M rs .P C G A H M . R. G ay s i o ir r ung e d n W d e dtl.b s M n x r s i n o e r t w r e r MisTom, 0f Ubigis now visiting atWm. McClintock's. M&UO]lester Euse ni reotory. hoiasokngeî.hepoesofteirthtshafne-s Mr.C.Ridgeon's. r. RbrtRsIfth oii Meetings are tn%%, being held in our tovil Miss N. Vernon who lbas for some timýe Alas. R.-8.PAIRKSManch~este.rrepa'Ys, re. Rineto s ftDomno akalda, ud5 ieyfribes.l aetle hv the bible christia:îs.beeri i-: ere returned to lher born*fil r-fshons al sorts o!furreu-!W. DtwiTedy ote eorn lret n eymc tu dertn them in moat cases as good and Cbaâ. Dowding of Owen Sounisphysf1torD.adM.Oemn N1r M 'lli m . S haw is oN~v sitî g at R c m ~ . .falio fable as w en new . O rders solloited. ad acq tainta rces in ow n. m s o t n , a h y a e b a y l s r i l Mr. Tiloripron' of Uxhi dge. I Northcote, of Toronto, and Now is the ime to look over your furg for MiseielDacsteo Mr. Josepli Jones %v.s the guest of bis M NjMay No. n icote, of Lindsay, are visit- their aafety, and to have themn. renovated. vstn Miss ab e Danc hs t e yf C n i go , i h rgno b iea nsey r NIAGARA isn't to be mentoned ini uncle, Geo. Sykes, on Sunday. 1 *ig MiNrs. . Grabam's.SAL. Mr. W. A. Forman and fatnl fIgr Preaie o oreahwhtefalling o LaTe on F'rdaeple, da pîcnic et CheIk ---1OOI started on Monday witb Mr. W. Mr. Garmag n agtrvisitedMr sol, are 'visitIng Mr. T. C. Foran prc s O u a e o rd y l s .I ý .Tton and M iss J. D ickson in charge. As Jno. Lewis age San0 a gh ter* i u g r n i o tns a e-à~.~s~TOILT I iMr. Suesswt la trtdu brt ere ih' nonly a small ettendance. Ms dt ileo oot, svstn rnWbuL.ayii ihfrend nNprie etisoe$..ooalisuao$.o ,OA. S. M. SGeo. H eoba red ua abr ' Re'.f(. in Vickery, of Ricbmond at lber grandmothers, Mrs. Tlios. desîred untimuthl antor oould inake ot hvey t acomen our Stock of Toîet Mr. Edward l-owe lbas beeri the guest uf y q11; friends and relations bere. son's. Ca.oiig J A. Miray'sdg Mr.paW.rs. l hae o al dwn Or tok f oietMr. Hewitt for the past week. j,2 mu ic ip from his home here un hs Wteal&C.hv bgnapt akn.iy roopsmursthbe gsoed ofThîsepaîns Hickory Basswood is engaged to work for O ors'h'* eso ntisln iy OC Course ttebusygseesonTiithisxpne bas Mr. James Carnegie bas retundfo oai eiec sntees ieo r the stupendous bargains we are giving. Mr. R. Britton for the summer. After a six week's camp at Pine Point Mr. flot yet begun. trpIaigi BsoNw' R"TR ZKSA .Mr. T. Padderson is now ofiering bis farm, and Mrs. Jno. Spence and family are mak- A few yougÇouls rreh oftointedanria ctis <kT-I 1JE..î SOA P ?î2c. orsae/a teho 25te i .a gn î ng a few days visit bere previous to their Niagara excursion. A good time was tbe iladr~ o,1 caefo-2C euntToot.ever pîeasing result. Messrs. Geo. Evans and R Suies cnasuefor in. eglerofpnie 25c per ake guest of Miss Mey Blackburn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. jas. Hermer, of Chicago, 11.0 Chas. Mackie bas agi euidhstah this week. cake-, for 5c., regul rToronto2,Carerviaki.ingethereMisseseeDennisang I haveR.aSraingdtaiebaveoMrsoJbasBM- Mr. W illiems' owl bas teken his figbt were'. T e et frt errt r rp ns M w ry r eb r a n lit 's. Tbey left for theirfaredlie ireturerT tnpy ont.We wisb tbem continued success. Thornley, Goodwood, aregusaoMr.w ldskedrstpueitbfe 0 Always on hand Miretur n esad M sr.ei f -Od Mr. Frankr Earcbmen. of Epsom, pur- roua a t Conbett's Point on Sabbath lest. Ms ,argaret Colman ao wrB ane -çiDlaa neiPou-der and- Mi o n eres an esrsLewis of ncesond-chased e bicycle b ere lest week. He is flowGreat crowus were in attendance it is said. *fAlaCi Micl f Bo vii laà YPq2 a leSunday. quiet a wbeelman. Witb the exception o Baron RobthAIaCalgMchigsi aget fMs.cr',g J CORNER ~~~~~~~~~~few ditchers bie is doing excellent, slvradrpr bas tbresbed bis wbite Allen Wiiams. b, bc nfeyca stifrS CONRDU TR. There at-e two new boats on the leke now Mess.Pte hrsie . bte obf and rpr a splendid yield. Claver Tbe Jessop Furniture Ca.baeacth exrsin uwhheaboalru frto bire. Anyone desiring pleasure oessodtrChite, took iteSon aislngan burdack culture will soon become front of their wareroonia greatylpoe fbchrhr s tkg" fW. R. EOWSE'S ST N .frIrs n .Woe ok nteSn ftefresgets industny hdcaims. by painter R. Wilson. ce,' ST N .sbouîd direct their steps there. Meyfl ower. Scotîend games et Whitby on Monday. AIl]h h ue' oematceuo u hrho oa Mr. R. McVantine is now seen with a report an elegant time and e good stop. School opened on Manday lest witb a smail Thomas Dancaster of athea Is 5leetOb 're Hsm s to faearn shoomucissted aity Quite a number of our cîtizens are com- attendance. Te tcchet tnkiag the vaca- Canangton, was in town anSncahentngieddtebpeonlr e Havsemolans nchi i pt t aning about the need of cleaning the taon justa te shrae lynpasfo getofM..Wiim. ______________hve_ o ROdays..îanchester drain. The counicil bas taken teftr gave one and a Il a holiday. Wm. Trummotids, Miss M. Wloadlcisiuin r brsbet f' ________________ ~BRUKLN4.metter in band, and it will be ettended ta, at Miss Sarah Lawrence bats been visiting ber Mdisses M. and N. Nott, ail of'Trne eeciiim fmkainaaé5wu Mr. R. H. Walks returus to Lindsay this once. sister, Mn.. Finless, of St. Many's. Hen ne- town Sunday and Mondayvatngtir eneapoesdcisailîe) -l week. Mn. Wm. Stubbs was in Toronto on Fni- tr wle laoked tapon with pleasure by friends. ying the ~Mr. W. A. McNeely lbas recovered from day attending the bedside of bis brother, ber rny friends in and anauud Kinsale. Mrs. James Lazien and grandi Vior IlWo5tiDs1pagÉ mp Jasepb, wo istver iii et te presen Lime. fanvest is almost entirely compîeted fo r Rochester, and Mrs, Crengle adga1otecu-h t eedt dcuae h igh est prîce for 1 Mr. jas. Potts is borne from Toronto ac- We hope to soon beer of bis complete ne- tussesn- A few fields of late grainmyTootaeistgMnJ.A4R mnadehbt hatibe folqu. HÃ" companied by Mr. Frank Leecb. covery. be seen here and there, but very few. The family.ft-nydoaMBw wxeihes Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Macdoneld returned During tbe absence of Rev. Mr. Wilmatco nd sbsbenecpineî ih, Har.ny Bnaitbwaite leaves c ou >-anntri seld ô!s pi A. sike CI 0V0i. frona their holiday trip on Seturday evening. an bis visit west, Rev. Mn. Tink wl occupy. ind bn crop' are looking more favorable hemn business college, and iusuceddb t adftgiyn'ft~ e 000 jon ndWm Manning, of Tor- the pulpit hene on Sunday morning next, since ise sbowers came, Alfred Fletcher. l~b e~li wveek. Su nde y. Mr. Aat-on Par-kins bas campleted one of Rev. A. C. Courtice, editorofhrsana e Mrs. . Cuteli nd Ms. L Cuttli, f Mub symathyla fit bee fo Dr.the finest bat-ns in tbils vicinity.liLs appeer- Guandian, pneached an cloquetdsor vzyuofÃŽ. Toronto, visited ainong tbeir Brooklin friends Clemens, Port Perry, in tbe loss sustained mencesak. awre fn ie nath ng w lerst Sundayevenîg inîemtooscuc e, hshw8ho .eb* thîs week. tbrougb tbe destruction of bis beautiful ne- did their work i the usual style. making Messrs. Jua. Dennison, Jua.adAIfe pnhm Ifateveoeiaigt Our pNlo -iss E. Lick, of Oshawa, and Mviss May sidence by firn Seturdey morning Of lest evenytbing fit-st class bath in appeananceasFetabuAg.stfrahl-py w asrto Davey, of Wbitby. bave been visiting et Mn. we.well àsi . liytheynvrfail tod ti 1gf .. vei.'e Sniiok d iIE[nûis. D. Holliday's. Grain iu beginning to geL on the move. cellent satisfaction. x day trip own te aes, gon sa su5cbrlotià, j ~~Cobocunk adBneor a tume et eet MWvt Smolkedlianis. Mn. Ed. . HliIda s onteof the suc Alieady a large nubro loeds bave been Thin gs ha ve been quiet of late in town. Frissrnataby. cessful writens in the matriculetion examina- soe wyi h elevator here. Mn. Hag-1 The cier bunfot been indulged lu go hedv- Honons.ma exju 8 nnhla e ek g.ennuan bias a pleasent smile on bis face, as ily since the Ibst outbreek tcok place. It Mis Florence Jones, daughterofM.CW.Lrsaemfip ~b m m m *.* lio beld a few w eeks ego. e antic pates e la ge run this f il. alw ys see rs necessary t a, im port a f w it a Jones, an d M iss O live M B nen, d ubÉ fIi w e s r t j i s M mrs. Wm.of Wphion, wbo wassick bis Messrs. Andrew Moore anîd Wmn.Norton or1 uetbut-g tado things lu as rocky as %Xt rMcBniensecured honoraa nla wlboi~u N. B. &~~9.-Co N midTeotponboidaven, ' theseparts on Tuesdavy for Dakota, <Ioet- e t ebe.-o oetm.WeIontFec nuGrin MUore nToonoanMady. work during the bat-veut. 'As wa ges are object.tôlanported stock if-it be. well enough ciadtemn eedb.4ri Mn. M. Holmes, the new principal of thé quite flush thene we would advise sorne brt-e :not >~conlaminate the mot-aIs of ont- 3aptîthr ~T 1E I ES B! foklit sh recei isatiosclasa certi- more of aur unemployed te go te that part. fwoQ y Lc!itlens, but as soo as obscure oc- forge tote-mention' last - week ta ieln ' _________Mr. Albert Pilkie, of Toronto, passed ~we-et,- called ircs-"g, Ota oi te aptia ch W*& wre onsby .. Tbe Misses Brick and Misses Knight, of tbrougb es ni ae on Sau-ay u o teef5t- te Iast *ýeek 'We begW xta désirê Js c ifI~msUWrî.n'Fwr.1W~.. Tootwowene visiting et Rev. T. W. route far bis oId borne in Lindsay. In con- chaÙe>f blood, or else a genet-el clearing 1are ne ok uRoueianig u iiS. rick House Cheap. Leggott,' returned borne on Monday evening. vensetion witbhlm shartly alLen zao ocotf the unewhleornbe ones. ongin utertb5Cron te igt M essrs. Frank Delong, Tho ras W ite and le said le eft the city t 6, thereby m king theftt -e.;w i l n et unm ce onu t ao ngtter er, in bPor5th P e r , n ti se t t.. W . d e ~ o p r I p - -~ The undersigned e ilI sell et a bargain the J. Coates sterted for Manitoba on. Tuesday tbe distance in a littIe aven four bout-g. ayhn eatdninalycn tm n ti lce nbis 5Ih é a kuewldge >use now occupied b',Mn. John Burns on last, gong witb tbe large excursion penty Mn. Wrn. Christian, Bnecebridge, fananerly ourt inhabitalits. qitinpaue.fr ay ye tés, sd of eyCas ut4e~g tstl yron si., hty There are te o lots in that went thet day. . of this plc, ahe ls week cligo TOIWN UNE. ctznadniho.--li 'p an. Pne e r> o and to er s ieasy Are Mr. Lot-ne Campbell, of Lindsay, bas been aid ecquaintances. Hi. main abject-and e School re-opened this week with an attend- occupied îhoido f aetkraiUc*eho 'l ' -i>oiWiCiris~ y to JOHN LYNESS, 1 1 Gladstone Ave., spending e few days witb friends bere. He ,sad anc too-was ta attend the funenal of bis suce of thirty-tbnee. dist church, LPrince Albert. 8np5)..N4l~ hionto.dM.E. Holliday sterted an a bicycle bnotben Robent, et Part Penny. We sympa- Miss Aice McGt-egov and Miss Lattis Horue Raclng et Pairs, muar.tdWen u<~ Aug. i4th, 1895.trpo Rochester on Tuesday evening. thise witb the affiicted in thein trouble. Truil at-e on a wheetingexpedition ta RKing- The Ontario Depariment of Aicutr sp-ut re.~~ _ ___ Mn. James B. Spencer, assistent editor of The salesmen of the cheese factary-did net ston. sending a ciacular ta far association hto-wt l st i'. the Farmen's Ad vocaLe, carne down fram taire aur advice given in lest week's items, ere is a movernent afaut eaong the dinaryhaoe acngl not- lawfil, adsc O.<>& arm to Rent. London an SaLut-day evening and spent e wbicb was ta bhang on La the cheese uni lnn htc epebe-agetnbtvu itessb ae i flnet. receivegvrmnm 320aces.~ ~day an tw aet baome. betten prices wene peid, but sold to Mn. home on Labor day. aid. Thiis a sîep in the naght . di ouM 32e aicuts. e2onlete ra d i bv ispnîns The sale of Mrs O'Melia's bouse and lot to Warrington, of Belleville. Accordingly a M sre einck ya dWilM G eon tlbe te ek eargnsf brýg-îueyaacIua nieso estiovarmon, elwt. Schol clse bypurhese fo berpnaentyfSh basme eekthat adfareoùt-îosentxurin., ,d e sion o twed fr eit er .-stock !or ail eHopnsm bs fnr . en ctrough an d e e oie et. biinrmni ts.,.. L.L. --uilkiireaione.- 6 tu- . .cnsin to echer and aiena, Mn. A. Gilroy, accom- Lots ii and 12 in 9îh con. of Pickering, livewith laer sons there. 1 panied by his wife, pass through hbere an Apply to The thunderstorrn that passed oven bere their bicycles. Mn. Gilroy la warking in the AI-EX. WADDLE, on Saturdey evening was unusueîîy sevene, boot and shoe department of T. Eaton & Aug. 12, 1895-36 4in. Claremont. but did not do any damage in the neer Co's. store, Toronto, but is naw ofif9r bis viciniLy, tbougb some sheep and cattie wene bolidays. L ost killed and numenous t-ses stnuck in bbe Wbat eppean. ta be, and neally was, a nonthern part of the township. great sbock ta us, was ta huer about a fr-ee- hThe public are hereby cautioned egainst Mn. H. W. Edwends is agein bene in charge for-al'fight between twa of aur lady citizenà holding or negotiating à noîte mede by Geo. of the Grand Trunk station during tbe the other day. The fit-st round resuIféd in a Cormack, of 'Wbitb%,, in favor of Lyons1 absence of Mn. Hewzut, who left for Greven- deteaL or knock out of tbe umaller perty. Gordon Si Co. , for One Hundred and Six' bhut-st on Manday ta wed one ci the vaung The beaten party cballenged the othen ta do teen Dollars and Fifty-six Cents, dat ed July ladies of that town. Mn.,and Mns. Hewitt at agan, wbereupon the effort wis repeated. 5th, î89s, payable et the Western Bank will t-eside in Mrs. Oubenne'. hanse in wbicb Tbe second round resulted ln enothea defeat tbree montbs efter date. Pay ment of seme considerable impravemnents bave lately Lîsen and a finish. Wbeu matters came ta suSbaa bas been stopped. rnade. climax as Liis it lu aur painful duty t't-e. LYONS GOR DON s, Co. The Brooklu football team played twoi cord it in these coluxuns. Bleckstock, Aug. 2otb. garnes with the Rivet-sides of Tarante on In llst issue a sligbt mistake was maede iu SMonday lest, as will be seen by the reports some of aur news. It was not aur intention, Farm to Rent. in anathet part of this papen. The mot-ning ta do it, but such was the case and we-are gerne et Whitby was a tie-one garne eech, sort-y for it. It is aur desîre ta give the news 20o5 acres, i8o cleened, well watet-ed by and in the afternoon et Oshawa the game pnoperly, and as conuiCely as possible, aud sprngsandwels, deped or lîbr sockwas won by the Ri versides by i to o~. ta, thet point we are axrnîng. It allendd or grain farming, large bat-n and stone Wt. A. H. ta the pisasure ef e gust ta bave thein stales gad ous ed oched ots31,32(Balance crowded out.) frienda. made aware of their presence 'At sten g 9t co, ofanhitby.App ;loto 1,32al L imes we would be pleased to have eut- anG3,Eco ,o W ib. BURGESS, BU ela.. Dlwetory. neadens band iu items of interest. Ail kno ug 1 895-38-tf. Claremont.GU CO~ whr ulve - - -~ Dit. PaT»Mo ,Dantiot; i etobres hÃ"tel, For saine time past tnere ba busap L8.firse 'I!ursdsy, everY monsii. difiiculty ia.î the worki4js of th0.sugiïa BUÂLL, 5,- hsu ot01Karriago LI U~ scbool hune. Thto-a'h âsouse I Between Kinsale and the Kingston rôad, W A moxmmsr, t L-0:sdp.*. 0* 1 qO- t--mMt-. fpence bas.fand th of5cïê-IsuP.. on Wednesdey, Aug 21St, some wntten t« ýV.*.glnury Copeg Te"oaao;'Eonp7-y çrtendsnt a cumbratace., Thr" L documents beariug My name in sevenel amieabofath*e aslo ts cey us n lbis res egna _Moi' places. Rewand for briuging tbem on send- iat5 Iouea b o ..ot, ~ t~_iu*-h4gip THOS. SADLER. W-Um-au 1sela~mpu Greenwood, AUg. 21.1x89.5. abuff t4OSci leumrcktj Fibm Proporty for Bale bv Tan- der,.1 - The uadersigned wlll receivu tenders tii! the a4th DAY aOF SEPTEMBER, 1&),5, fer lot 4, ÇOa. 3, Plckerlng, containing 2015 acres, aIl cleared, free froin astumnps, and atones, wi fenced aud dralued,' Suvenet te schools, chut-chus matketsansd ralway, two dwulling bouses, large bat-ns, good stablin. Alo For tbe northwest tenacres 01 norïffi 10lt $i COU. 4, Plckerlng,,cgv«ed wltia gond cudar and bardwood. .or paynmt fo« esclot.; $0 teneée sar teerl e tteLt-& Leng, P.4q., Whikby orfrome ç4beundçstn- .d on *0 pmIOW, A. A. POST?, Wbltby. Th neMvessrs. iemptl1arn, Mn. and Mrs. Jua. McGregor and Miss Urqubent ai Tar- ante, wene visiting fiends lu this vicinity on civic holiday. Mr Sam. Kernpthonn was sornewhat und- et- the weatber Snturday and Sunday. Hie is new off for a few weeks holiday. ta recup- et-ate. We congretulate Miss Annie Rowe on ber success et tbc Depetmental examinatians. Miss Rowe is et present visiting ber brother lu Michigan and put-poses attending model schoolthis fali. Fat-mers9 are neariy ail throughý haavest; and al lunthis uelghborhood repart a good- cnop. The fat-mers où bbc lake shore h ave very hegvy ct-ops. Apples are fait- lu mont' orchards. Uncle :Whitfield -ýLee uxpects about onu tbousunad bat-reis* and some fuis' others at-ounld arc .also expectiug, good re: i tut-us, Mr. anud 4Mn.Forder«spent Sunday bore.:ý wiUl o y see itin tliatiigiidOur fen exhibitions Pl will beof therlghtclaass i James MtMillan of, tue Western -Bank, j in met. with a painfuil, iccidentl last Fridit. Several of eut- ladies and 'gentlemen bisd.a- h tuaepcaic* out ôf:towa , and'_wblle h!urdle. Jumping É1fr. McMiHan sevuely-sjtr aed a_ ý foot, Whichbasu'been encased j1u apIptpr o pais sock' , wiIlrequins himt~e1J eside frorn lus dides for, jevera! 4'àys R-p D. Bixrùhamifrom Oosha, .ta es bsPlace untlhé is able tcget at-onnd agau 1~aU zhlblireg M~ad c doctor nt sleep igig a' id Miss ed uoch fi-w andail h wens dufing 4dence, seý use lier au.. id con. ,le ,56-. - end- Immd wn tue v-,l Fale usive )la1 t ario. '0R E. By fru pa pli Fi sta an( gra 2fn PO: y s! ~1, il L qMý qIdamblu VOT rvý;, y " -JU 's WHlTBY. ONT-A-R10- VP TT*% A -%T A Y Y d--t 1 ç

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