Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 16 Aug 1895, p. 2

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Chartie»Ir. ffutoh<ig& H eadach CURED PERMANENTLY Ayer's. Puis * I wS roubled a long ire,wth slck bode . ,t ws suailvcoM ane WIýtb severe pain uthe témple,maaensel et Ulnees and tendernestu one eye, a bd ate 'la my outh tonkrue Coalcit. lisids sd foot coid. nsuisckness at the 8tomach. I trled a good merry remëlles iecOOInnded for tisl complaint; but It was oct until I Began Taking Bqýuire Bonting te ,answer teoa 0e e using profaene imuguage upen tih igh yw and was fiied 85 and cos. W. s811001 have a luokup bore as the. bicycle à'fo was eqnally to blame witb R1W. He tee, shou id have been detained and tiaken ha. fore a magistrate. The people cf *Pioker. ing have no use for rowd'tsm snd thia fact should be impressed upon stirangers as weil as upon our own people. Iu the absence of a lockup, our constablis are rnaterially retarded in their duty.-News. BEAVERTON. Miss Edith Campbell, of Woodvilie, and Miss Lindsay, cf Cannington, are the gueste cf Mrs. Wm. Molntyre. Miss M. C. McRae, cf Toronto, ie visitîîrg Mrs. John McRae fùr a few days. Miss Maggie Campbelli,cf Toronto, is bpeniding ber holidaye in town, the guest efMs.Bell Dalder, Osborne St. It is proposed ta baid the annual Fal Show et Thorah A,ýricu1tural Socîety, on Thursday, Oct. Brd. Mr. Alex. Dobeon bas purchased the fine residence cf Mr. A. P. Cockburn, Mara St., and wiii move in shortly. Thorah Island campera have bad a 14 inch cannon cout at the fcundry, and, jndging frein the cannonading heard in that direction, they ase getting in ecine heavy artillery practice. IlBig Pueb .ais net effective enough, cousequently she was spiked and sent ta the factory ta be re-bared and rified. A rumar waëi current bere on Saturday that tihe Longford lumaibr milla had met disatter by a houler explosion, a number cf men being killed ELîquiry failed te verify the statement, aud it je probable the runeor was the ,uiccrne of the tre mendous blasting o- ion onw in progrëss on the Baisaii Like section cf the Trent Valley Canal. A regfetta is ta be beld by the Roach's Ayer's Pilis Paint and DeGrassi Polut Yacht Associa that 1 reeelved an ythlng likfo pe.rnrr- tiau oauMorrday, Au&zts-, ltb, starting at lient bonefit. A tngle box of thec 1 ' îîIs 10 o'clcrck a im. Etitrrv-s art) la ked for dld the wcrk for me. and I ;ini rii nuel«I frein beadaches, andi a w-il mn 1. by yachtsmen from beavertoir, Orillia C. H. HUTÇHKUrGS, East Auburi, M and Barrie. It jes uggested thati boats ~ L4~8hould arrive at DeGrassi Peint the day 'AY I RIS ILLS before the regetta in order that they may Awat ada nt orll's aIr be ureaeured. Awared Mdal t Wold'sFair The. garden party at Mr. J. D. Bitch- ý4Ver' Sareaparilla ta t" eBoat. ie's, Paint Mara, ou Weduesday evening, in spite af the threatenîîrg weather whioh 1ret-ailed ail day, was a succeseful affair in every way. A goodly nomber of CORREESPONDENCE rpeop1i- froin Betiverton, Brechin and Ganielnridge were 1)rtseiit wba appeared - .0o-tlborounîzhrly plessid i a b tbe excellent p)roag-aluna.preseirrfi The beau tiful PICKERING. resîieuce aud grmundscof Mr. Ritehie F. N. Leayins, editor cf the, 'Boltoni ehnwed ta good a4,iîntage beueath rbe Enterprise is here this week caliug upoîr hi ihiant moeulight aid decorative han- frienda. Frank je always welconred by terums. -the people cf Pickering. 'Vie cricketers' exi-ursien ta Orillia The townshipu council pased a by law on Tnesday did not uîaterialize owing ta ou Monday striking thet ax rate for 1895. a colapfe af a portion cf the. cugine o9 Tii township rate is a quarter cf a iii1 the steamer. Thre bays rose equal ta tire lower than ast year. It is îraw twe mihîs emergency, however, and prcmptly de in the dollar. clared thrat althougb the excursion wae Wbule digging a weli ont. day last week off, the. gamne woirld preceed. Mr. W. Samuel Linton s3truck hie right foot witb llarriscn'e bandeonie yacht was accord- a pick axe, sud in consequeuce is naw ingly preesed jute service while othere cf co:pelled tic use a pair cf crutches. The the teani went by train A stiff soutb toaare considerably bruised, and wilh be east breeze was blowing sud the. Narrows so days in recoverng. was made in good tine, from wbence One of our promineut business men they' wa1kqd te Orillia. met vith au accident the ether day, sud The party cf campers, who for the past inoonaequence nuesed su injuned foot for three years have visited Thorab Island, $*me -dtaye.. He caught a pike in the made their appearance on Friday aset and REouge, ard in tryiug tic club it te death wene met in town by Mn. Thos. Warren, stiruok oe eof bis pedai extremities, in- Es' ao fth esd ewhmhy fficting a severe bruise. No bones were presented a handeome concertina. Tbe brokeni however. party were in excellent spiritesud made G. W Deoer bs jut se up tras great impression ou the wodlly citizeus G.i at hie liery trajuwithethichaho pur- cf Beaverton by their graceful exposition millat ie lver t ox. h witmaho cr- f city customs. An addrescf welco -re poses nunuiug a cutting ha.Itmy e'viug been disposed et snd a grand pro- s*omoviat discouragiug for a herse te cession and mon dance indulged un, de trsmp qway for an heur sud ruake ne ap- arture was made fer the Island were a parent progres, but then look bow much pîaatbc ekswi edùtb stiravreau be eut up in that time. If ycu pesnt E xres es. wl odutb tedzicali arouad snd see tii one. xx ave jeu seen the. fruit storage build- iç being erected by Meus John sud Wllim Gondon ou Cburch street. The -building in capable cf holding 2,500 bernois of apples, aud is se constiructed that in tie. mater the cold caunot pene- bt ,tiithe alis, wbile in the. summer the. - .tmosphene witbin the building is veny - el,, Tii. building will coul about $500 'wlteu completed. The pi-eseuce of thia n stonehouse shouhd serve te, improve tbe appie market in the district. The Moeans. Gé(~rdon deservo the. thanks of te farmer. fortue-enterpniso displayed, whihe liere iu zo doubli but that the. brotiiers vii l ot lose suything by the voutue.. 'ho Oshawa bakery wagon vas dnawu a' phoreF;day b yeue of Liveryman ]Woek's herss.Upou reachiug thi. vil- laq. the.animal nefused te do moe.and DtoaMeunt ef persuasion seemed te dmuagitanu*nd. Tii. drivriiadte hre stter herse te take the. nîg home. Next uiormng the hors. va. itcedop, but r.fuu.d te go ossa; vile qut. villing te 1mev-el iu any otuten direction. 11 eii animal va. disposed of fi»uallevokuow, tuAe, but lte-botter W&y wud aebeen ta s&itenSe 1hte dath U oce, as iL vas noitiier useful non onu ameutai. Whie tiie peeple of tii village, have noe doute teast ae land boom ber. tiat viii swamp capitaliste fo« à coustty round M sd incresse te an alarmning enIent thé ulroedy heavy pet cent. of suicides, tho7 b. in Uslpwn_« te village tosteadily grov in population aud building verth. -Fo .1rImunce titis sommer Geo. GWrdn. lie ected a comaitolusreuidonce on .hrc #lbtnut, JosphB. Bondy and W. 'ntf bvé o np1.'4 nev Placés eft ai buagang rm m M etvok .nsotiug M 0 h st om- M l ii. ass014oa 4lFst, ' ii b. usd s.0 Ms. WIo. vol *c@Wmetbar iita Asth a oier 4butj mm «M ta âm&.rk..ai iM. ORILLIA. Is e Pou r Xas, ete. Ifispector McKay last, week charged J. Honley and D. Hewis, of Midland, with selling liquor during prohibited hours. A fine cf $2o and coste was imposed in each case. The informers weme W. B. Penley, Orillia, and Harle Cook, of Midland, and the hotel keep- ers laid a counter charge against these two men for asking for the liquor. They were fined $15.45, inclusive of costs. Md la a CoZZLa- In an undertakem's establishinent on West Street are stored a number of coffins. The store ruent bas large win- dows which face the street. Ou Tues- day, a passer-by heard unusuai sounds issuing from the place and curiousiy looked in. There among tic coffins, sbelîs and other death-suggestiug ina- terial were a trio of small boys engaged iu a gaine of bide and seek. The pas- ser-by looked again and, bebold, from a Uoln lying a iittle distance from, the others popped the head of anuzuchin, whiclî went down as- suddenly as it came up wbeu he spied the seeker. Passer-by believes that an arany of giosts would not scare tihat boy. ftr isi te . w.Ox a Tf'ea. Au unsuccessfui atteznpt vas ruade late Frlday n'ft ' t erck the Toronto train on theesr-tuentsouth of Davcn.- port stat4on. The slgualran, Robert Royeiatt odock licarêt a nlise ou thie rail.Me wretto rnves suead a mmuan saawu8y. It ws.d ne tbat twQ tics bhaêbeo e uêMyf=sened LWadiamnaoê haearoti, I of 'the-left hand eut off whiie cars'at the, Orillia stagtiofl on Fi'idày 1morning, the littie finger only relnali:~ ing. Duncan had been a brakemnan- but tWo imonths, having been promoted from cail boy. The death of Mr. Frank Evans hav- ing caused the dissolution of the firin of Evans & Evans, barristers, of this town, the business will be continued by Mr. Francis G. Evans, in the office of the late firm. He will be assisted by MI' W. Grant, who for many years has been associated with the late Mr. Evans. miss maris, courtine visited Mises Ah- tû n, Neruatiei at week. Mns. G.* W. Marvin in visiting ber nie. tor, Mn,. Waltz, Toronto. Our Gun Club is preparing to shoot with Oshawa civie holiday. Messrs. George, Aif, and Bert Tuoker, of Tononto, calied on fiends hene last weok. Miss Beesie Adair, town, ie guest cf her cousin, Mr. R. E. Osborne, -Lake- view.' Mr. D. H. Lent, Alberta, and Miss Foster, Toronto, are viisiting at Mr. C, After the sermion last Sunday mcmr- W. Lent's. ing in tbe Metbodist chut-ch, a recep- Mr. and Mrs. James Courtice visited tion service wvas ld, when fifth-.five their daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) T. Brown, persons on profession of faith wcrc ad- Canton, recent.ly. mitted iuto memhership with the Miss Annie Annis, "'Irlilicreit," enter- churchi, and wcrc given the han 'd of fel- toined a number of young friendg very lowsbîp by the pastor. . The Sacrament pleasantly one afternoon laut week. of the Lord.s S uppcr was administeredl Miss Minnie Everson entertained her after the evcning service. ta a large S. L. ce sta ail ou,,ini at Oshawa wharf number of communicants. last week. They report a very enjoyable Murder 60 veare ago. tirne. Old residents remcnibcr the rnvstery Mr. C. Brown, the Cassit expert who connected with the disappearance Of a has been setting up binders for that firîn1 fur dealer betwecn Orillia and Penetan- lin this iocaiity, has returned t.o Chicago. guishene, when the settlement was i Miss Lockhart anîd Mies Ethel Patter- young. Major Wilson, of Sault Ste. son, Tarante, and Mr. Wmn. Ueard, Marie, told the Packet, on Monday, town, are guests of Mr. Eli Osborne, at that be read in the New York Spectator "'Literary Mansian." the dying confession of Samnuel LoI)i. At the first quarterly meeting si-ce executed for murder in that State. the. new pastorate held at Ebenezer hast Lobb had been a teamister in thiS dis- i week the greatest harmony prevailed trict, and in 1837-38 served in Major The rinister's salary wau phaced at $700. McGrath's troop of Lancers. Prior ta Mr. R. 0. Short bas returnied from a bis execution be confesscd that lie had trip te Tory Hill, where his soirs R. C. been engaged to convey a fur buyer and John, are carrying on a blacksmith- wbo came from the Unitcd States, on ing business. This is a new settiement, bis way to Penetanguishiene, f rom Or- and Mr. Short speaks in the higbest ilia ta Coldwater. Knowing that the terme of the prospects cf energetic set- man bad censiderable rnonev on bis tiers in that region. persan, Lobb detcrmined ta gain pas- MAPLE GROVE. session of it. He therefore placed a A foot bali team i8 talked of here. spade in bis waggon. The passenger j Mr. S. Snowden lest a valuabie caw asked what it was for, and was told that1 it would be required to repair miud iast week. bohes in the road. Near liass Lake. in The date for the opening cf the Sons' a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~(- st hrancallscaln di-Hall je Aug. 30. Particulars later. tance in bath directions, Ll)b go)t out The Sunday evening prayer meeting of the wagon, struck thc passenger over was led by Mr. James Stoilery of Toron- the head with the spadc. and rrpeate(l ta, and wae a really live meeting. the blows until his victim xvwas dead. Sheep and iambe rather than rabbits Lobb took ail the clcad nian-'seffects. ami foxes hrave been the. abjectii of the. strîpped the body,. buricd it In mne lholc chase lately, several having been killed. in the centre of thc road. andhi Mr. and Mrs. IPhilip Tyler epent Suri- clothes in another. Il c dico proceed-, day with fricuide at %Whitby. Mr. anrd ed ta Coidwater Slcun1 there Nlr.. S. Colc aiea visited fricîrds iin that xvas a good deal af talk concernîng the Vîciirity. disapl)earance of the --pcddlar, - bis-- tiendsuppos ted.tatesl'.vtr, wngherem, as~ trien sufrom e tt Cwtrcinghe ia wabelieved lie had gone on ta Pen e- Seo l e rs tanguishene with two Indians. Lobb usdtLey Lt sdt eM went into horse deaiing and other busi- ness. and finallv drifted ta York State, mammbh's aid cashmnere, Iwhere lie committed the crime which which she toekto pieccs led ta bis execution. The body was and dyed with Dia. Ji) discavered by men engaged in road- work, and was buried ne ar by. The wnond Dyes and grave is known still as that of the made me two new -peddhar' who so mysteriousiy disap- resses, a blue and a peared, and wbom Lobb was afterwards suspected of having murdered. brown. Brothers get a 0OKNO. Mr. Fred Rutherford is residing- at Dallas, Texas. f Miss Jennie Long, Bowmauvilie, visited at Mr. James Bell'g. Mr. James Scott, Brockvllle, chas been visiting Mr. Zouman Clarke. Miss Minnie Jones, Bowmanviile, visited Mr. Wm. Joncs. Miss Piriey Porteus, Bethany, has been visiting ber aunt, Mrs. joseph The methodist churcb parsonage is ta be repainted. Mrs. John Mason, and daughter, of Brantford, are visiting at Mrs. jas. Reed's. Mr. George C.owan, Petetboro, bas been visiting friends here. Mr. Robert Cooper, Miss Nellie Cooper, and Mrs. Jones, were in Osh- awa over Sunday week guests of Miss McLean. Mr. Clarence Andrus and sister,1 Mrs. Pepper, Lindsay, visited their father, Mr. F. L. Andrus, recentiy. 1 Mr. C. E. Cuttie and daughter Edith, Toronto, visited bis father, Mm..John Cuttie last week. Miss Emma Hall officiated at the or- gan in the pesbyterian church Sunday eveniug in the absence of Miss Mabel Andrus, who is spending a few days witb friends in Lindsay. Mrs. A, Tourje bas been visiting frleuds in Toronto. Mrs. Sid Gamsby, Toronto, bas been visiting at Mr. L. A. Gamsby's. Mise Miriamn Dent and sister, are visiting at thp- parsouage. Mi. Chas. Doncaster, Bowmanville, ha.s been v4iting friends here. Mr. Harry May, St. Thomas, is visit-, ing frieuds herc. Misn Emmaz Browu, Enniskillen,_ is visiing at Mt. R Colvîlle's. M"s. W. StastJick,- Oshawoa, ias beeù, visiting et Mr. H. H-ooper s. Mai. O0. Sott la visiting lier bsic4her Mr. James Sswyet.MapIe talme new suit toc; it's made front Uncle Jack's oid -coat dyed over ; mamma - said 'twas easy te dye witb Diamondl Dyes,-tbat anybody can use them. lJlamond Dyes are made fer Home use. Absolutely reliable. Âny celer. Sole eeybre. 10 cts. a package. SW- Direc- ton ck an 4samples of colored cloth free. WELs£ idIL&EDein Co., Montreal, P.Q. The bair, wben net properly cared for, loées its lustre, becomes crisp, hareh. and dry, and talle out freely with every combing. To pre- veut this, the beat dreseing lu the market in Âyer's Ilair Vigor. It imparts that eilky glose se esseutial te perfect beauty. Spain bas decided te psy the sinunt cf ltbe Moras laim te the United States. Nearly .ail infants are mâte or les. subjeet te diarrhoea sud such coumplainte wbile toetbing,.- sud as thi. period cf their lives in the ment criticai, niothers shonld net b. witbout a bottie cf Dr. J,' D. Kellogs' Dysoutery Cordial. This medIcine i. a specifie for sach complainte sud le bigbly epoken cf by those who have used it. Th'e propnietors dlairn it vil cure auy case cf choiera or summer complaint. The shaf t cf the steamer Paris wue' found fractured-on her arrival itahSouthampton frein New York. Re Ha. Tried It -Mr. John Anderson, Kinhou,, write.: "I'ventare te ny fov, if' any have received vreaten benefit feotù the use DB - TÉoMASI EerMMYMo , thi I h ave. 1 have used it regulazly fer, over ten yeane,,aEnd have reemendied I1:V ho Ufferes nsIùew of, sud ~ ~ ~ i obyas fud1fgeavi-tuin cases cf seVerebenbtssdIepetosu . Âlpous Gathiron sui v*éu QD, -. 1. WhenRx aby was sick, we gave her CastOrÙS. 'When she was a Child, She cried for Cestoia. WhOfl she becaine Miss, sIre ciung te Caetcria. When she had Childreu, she gave t.hem CaMstorle Thirteeri men are sa dta bave ieserted from the dragoou barracks iii Winnip->g in the paot few days. Minards Ltntment Curea Distemper. The Lake af the Wood@ lMilliug Company 's elevator ai Ninga was burned dowu Meuday. The f sot that bcod'a Sarsparilla, once fair- ly tried, becoînes the favorite spring medicine, speakur volumes for its excellence and menit. Biner~ wine Centirai Prison Make. Tis Twine is pure, weil-made, and guaranteed ta biLd more sheaves 1 froun a ci bail th.an any other mnake in the mar ket.. Price 7 ets. per lb. No second quality made at the Central Prison. Ail first-class. Lcas-e you criers at once. J- H. LONG, June l4th, 1895. WHIITBY.1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS- 0f AeLe sdeoeaeed. According to Statute. notice is bereby given that ail persons having dlaims against the estate of Alexander Leask, late of the township of Brock, oounty of Ontiario, farmer, wbo died, intestate, Februarv 4th, z895. are on or before the l5th -day of AUgust, 1895e te send te the undersigned Administrator of the said Estate, their christian narnes and sur- names, addresses and tfrscriptions, wuth the ful particulars cf their claimns or acconnis. And that after the 4ay Iast aforesaid, the un- dersigned Admînxatraýor wij proceed to. dis.. tribute the Estate of the said deoeased among the personasentitled shereto, having .ead001Y to dlaims or accotits ýf whlch be shaat that date have notice, anýd *111 net be ieffppible for the said Estate, or , "e--porion - thereof, to any pesnwhose dlaim 0ha1 fot .then have been July 8th., ! 89S. Adrnlaliistrator of Estate,* F6rdwik, .Ont. MAN ,jisE.~~¶ "Gentiei Sarsaparll te gay tiat Last M3Y1 1 began to ereased lic msrvellous wlth ivt. I'ood'i blousuel Our bungh l is l imàproviàg. Our. frieud Honest John, cf the.bestlory i@ making the ol c orzter bouse ove? al- Most, anla makng -thinges hine. He haa quite a large kitchen two etorieil high, snd bas put a metallie ro Of n it, snd is roofLing the. old pçUrt of the bouse with the samne klnd of material. Ouir thresers, Pattergon and Meyéra, bave started their machine, and they 88.3 they do good worklaud pienty of it. t1i8 ture, and it is generaliy a pretty li'ght crop. Sorne have part of their oat crep cut, and some are harvestiilg their peas. Peas are a fair crop, the oats are rather a light crop. Our village bas been full of visitors this Rummier. -iame 0f our neighbors have garie back nortb near lake 8irncoe ta a 3 camp meeting. Among the number werp Mrs. E. \Villson and faiDily, Miss E. I3odell, and Mrs. Wagner. tM One of our former ministers, in tihe A E persan of Mr. Livingstone, was bere over Sunday, and preacht'd in the evening in Whene (lie Methodist church. Ee gave an able Ho sermon toau appreciative congregatiOn. Te11 One of the city ministers is to preach Ch fuéà next Sunday in the Presbyteria2 church Street Mc I do nat know hiea naine. f0tC.L tTO Montreal, P. Q arvelouis Medicine ever Given a Fair Tial >od'Is Proves'Its Merit. lowing letter Is from 31r. .1. Alcide architect and surveyor, No. 153 Shaw ontreal, Canada:- od & Co., Lowell, Mass.: nien: -I have been taking Heod's Ià fer about six menthe and arn giad it It Iras doue me a great deal of good. ml welght was 152 pouflds, but since )OD'S BarsapariI la CU-RES 0take 1o0dIS 8&" a ! s I t liast>u I. tink HooSd's Sarsaparila la s as modicine, and arn very mucli pleased J. ÂLczDE CHUvS. 'a IPlIS cure liver 111s, constipation, u, Jaundice, sgj0 bedach, fldig05tton !W~XZZZZZ~ if. -'a PIS OSTOD f ttl?ôý Cures ( -w 's- y c i i .6 0 i

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