Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1895, p. 1

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Te ironicle. ~)lay J /1 q N N., ~Ill NIAGARA isn't to be the same breaîh with Prices of our li:, mentioned in the faling of --^ýi.~TOILET SOAPS. They muai corne dowîî, even if bhcy bave to fail down. Our Stock of Toilet Soapa must he disposed of 10 make room for other goods. Tbis explains the stupendous bargains we are gîving, RUTTEMZLKSOAP roe~. OA TMEA L SOA il, jicaks for zc. And a superfine line of TOILET SOAP, 3 cakes for 25c., regular price 25c. per cake. ALSO #* 0 Always an haud * -Fé hDa/maison Insec( Pouder and- -a Il k n ds oif1-l Y PA PS ai ihe CORNER DRUG STORE. 1Z.~W R. HOWSE'S STAND. -0 Alisier M-A lister Fouir chanter sets us a' astr" livre No'u iat 0 l munw! a!q Ruht and nment ai. iust ol'n- t voi0 d1 1 ssentia, tu get Cle purcbased Very Ie.e, Ity tu any We ai c $1.10. 1.al and cery, tario. TORE, qncing. ma ng Ur t in this OR. Excursions To ail point* ~atof %Wlunlpo *Moosejawl Estev~an YFor .. Sajt:10, LOCAL NE.WS LETTERS, CEONICLE OOREE5poNDzNCE, BROOKLIN. Miss Birrel, of Claremnont, is visiting at Mrs. H. H. Spencer's. Mr. David Morrison bas been home from Toronto for a few days. Hon. John Drydetn is In Aigomia where he will romnain about three week . Mrs. H-. E. Davison, of St. Louis Mo., h.îts been vislîing Mrs. W. A. Holliday. -Mr Chbas. Guillett, of Rochester, visited MÂNCOZESTREE. Council meets on Monday. Miss Clara Fitchett is visiting friends in Toronto, Miss Ida Lee, of Whitby, is visiting at Mi. Thos. Beare's. Miss Minnie McDill, of the Rouge, is visit- ing at Mr. Jos. Holtby's. Mr. Gea. Thompson, or Gillsberry, is visit- ing lrienids iii this vicinity. Mr. L. Nildery. or Enfield, was in town doing busincss last week, Mr. Thos, Smith, sr., wbd was reported sick last week ls soine better. Mr. 2. FP. DeFoe, of Zephyr, gave this bis roolin rieds ast uesay.Master Herald Mason, of Shelbourne, is Mr. Edward Nichols, of Roche'ster, is spending lus holidays aI bMr. J. W. Holtby's. spending the week at Mr. A. Roberts'. Miss.Minnie and Loltie Phge, of Whitby, Mr. Robert Hav acconipanied Mr. and are visiiting with the Misses Ada and Tillie Mms. Macdonald on their trip 10 Chicago. Holtby. Mr. M. F. Chinn bas purchased from Miss Mr. Eddie Reese, of be Rouge, son of our Cilburn the property a present occupied by respected citizen, Mr. David Reese, spent Mrs. T. Marshall. He wil take possession Sunday here. of bis new home ini September. Mrs. Chas. Stone, of Vaughan, was here t An infant chiid of Mr. and Mms. William last wcek visiting wiîb ber fatber andi mother L>Wilson, of Toronto, died there on Thnrsday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone. of last week. The remnains were brought 10 The quarîerly meeting of the methadisi Brooklin on Fnîday and interred in Grove church was dispensed with hast Suuday Side cemetery on Saturd.-y aflernoon. morning. A large number were present. The train carrying the Port Perry fine- The elevator at the station is undergatng men's excursion 10 Niagara Falls appeaned considerable repairs. The work is being to be wtll filled when it passed îhnough here pushed rapidly and when completed wiil on Wednesday morning. Few tickets were mnake a decided improvemont. sold at Ibis station for the trip. Thase on sick list Ibis woek are :Mrm. R. Miss Maggic Spencer and Miss Aluin W. Ewers and Mr. Wm. Munro. Esch were were numbered among the successful very sick and under the Dr's care, but we are ones in the recent primany examina- glad to say they ai e aimost well again. lions. This is the samne ezamînation as was Mr. John Bently lefi last woek for Dakota. formerly hehd for third ciass cenîlficates. For the last four years hielbas spent the fa!! Mr. Wmn. Lawrence, accompanied by bis months in those parts threshing and each wife and child, was in town on Friday last year reports good success. We hope ho and cai!ed on a few of bis aid limne frienris. meels with the same or better lot Ibis lime. Will is now in the employ of one of the lead- We wish our readers and friends to know ing business firms of Coilingwood wlîh aud also to remember that your humble whom ho bas been for three yeans. He likes scribe from Ibis place has been appointed that northcrn town weil. agent for the United States Life Insurance A citizen of Hastings wass bre lasi weok Company and proposes to make everybody for the purpose of secing wbeîhor or not it happy. We will cal! on you. woulId be ad visabie 10 establish a cooper sbop Wa perdt eadwsagetds her tomanfacurebarelsforappe pck-advantage came about in the deiiveny of the ing. He reports the apple crop bore as C HRONICLE last weok. Instead of tbem above the average througbout the province. coming Icithe post office from the morning The Brooklin football team are arnanging train lbey wene carried on 10 Manilla an d to go 10 Norwood on Wednesd ay of next left off on the return trip at 12 a'clock. This week, to play the team belonging 10 Ihat was a great disappointmenî 10 many of Oui town. They also expect to meet the River- citizens as they had gone eariy 10 geltbeir sides of Toronto, probably at Oshawa on the CHRONICLE and could not. Tbis bas hap- i9îb. They meel for pracîice every night pened before and we hope il may nover and are doing their bosi 10 get int condition again. for these two games. Tbey have met bothP.CGRHM teams before and bave proved thernsehvesP.CGRHM the equals to either. We hope they rnay do MauChester Business Dbreotory. even better now. Mias. R. 8. Pâas:s, Manchester, repain-s, ne. The Pedlar Roofing Co's works at Oshawa novates or re-fashions ail sorts of lune, ren- lias proved an unfortunate spot for two of dering themin l most cages as good sud Ihe rooiinboysworingther. Afew faionable as when new. Orders soliolted, the roolinboysworingther. Afew Now is the time lb look oven your furs for weeks ago Mr. Richard Colley entered the thefr se.fety, sud to bave them renovated. estabhishment and on Saîurday ho was brought homo seriously sick. Mr. Wm. GENAK Gcrdn conmcned wrk tere n Moday Pive new membera were added te S. of T.» morning and lu less than lbree boums bis, divison ounSaturday evening. The boontis- fingers worc caught betweeu two cog wlieels on, sure. and so, badly squeezed Ibat the ends of sorne Thene was an incnease in tbe family of Mr. of thern had 10 be amputateri. George Aihan on Tuesday of last woek in the Dr. C. L. Sîarn bas decided 10 spend sev- shape of a baby boy. oral monîhs in a numben of the beat Europ- TeRv .Cmrni f o he ean hospitals in the interest 0f bis specialty- weTh Rr.IdayM. Camen. obseffrt breo orthoposic surgery, Ho left bore onMondaywekhoidsteR.RbntLaks morning for New York frorn where ho wiîî expected 10 occupy bis pulpit during that sail for Bremen and final enter the bospital at tilue. Bonn. From Bonn ho goos 10 Berlin and The following have been visiîing friends iu Vienna and wili corne via Paris and London Ibis iocality duning th1e hast few days : Mn. spending about two monthsataI acb place. and Ms. NM. Mackey,yhitby ; Mn. and Mrs. The doctor is aineady very successful lu the George Flint, Stouffville-; Mm. J. Bell, treatment of deformities but is bound 10 be Zephyr; Miss Tbroape, Cobourg; Miss in the front rank in ibis special lino of work. Leask, Toronto; Mrs. Ganlton, Uxbridge. On Wednesday the four your old son of Rer. R. Horne preacbed lu the presbyter- Mir. and Mrs. Greo. W. Liddic, of North Bay, ian cburcb 10 au unusnally large cougrega- died ai the nesidence of Mn. Geo. Liddhe. lion on Sunday afiennoon last. Mauy fionda Mrs. Liddle and farnily came down from fromn surronnding ueigbborboods were pros- North Bay about a mnouth ago to spend the ont, aud. were ual disappointed in hearipg sommer montha on the farm. Sbortly afler an excellent discoumse. Ho beaves Ibis week their arrivai the 11111e fellow was takçn sick for bis home lu Iowa wiîh the bearty good witb acarletina, fbm whidbho eappoared tb wishes aI al]. recovor nicely, but about ton days ago ho Notwitbstanding the unpheasantiy cool bahk a relapse with the resuit as stated above. weatber the social at tbe moîbodiat parsan- The funeral was held ta the baptist burying age ou the rat was largehy atteuded and ground on Tbursda3r aftennoon. The deep- quite a succesa. Mr. and Mrs, Leitch did est syrnpathy le fehî for Mr. sud Mms. Liddle their besîta contribute la the pleasure af in Ibeir peculianly sad bereavement. Anoth- their rnany guests, sud succeeded 10 satis. or cbild, a 11111e girl, bas been very law witb faction af every anc preseut. Aften the est- the sarne disease but 1 arn pleased ta bain uables (of wbicb the suppiy was greator than tbat she is now mnch botter. the demard) bad beeu dlsposed af, un inter. - W. A.H. esting programme was presented consisting Iftaf of addresses by J. Howsam, R. Holdershaw GU B&C.,gituse Docr. T..Cragg, T. Gold, Jas. Lee, inteersecl GUY CO. pai buyns.wiîh music by Mr. Leitcb, Miss Burnett sud DR. Pàrrimsi, Dentist; et Sebent'i hatl! the S. of T. orchestra, und a recitatlon by finit ThmUndy, eveny mautih. $Mn. Browuscouxbe of Uxbnidge. The pro- BEALL, &. - Isiner oi Mmrniage idomons. ceeds amauint to over $30 which is to defray Besideuce oposteTOwu ffl.BroOIII. the expeus iu conuoction, witb the renet W A MONssL«r, D V S.--Graduate o1 thle On- trnproveucnts in the parsonage wbicb la now toana Vterinany Coilego Tonuto; Hononsry ru fnls clase aider and a credit ta Greeubauk mneniber oaitheo iOut~o Nei;4lSoiety. circuit. Treati a&Ul diesuse of tihedomo$stiotd v - -. "lu U& U"UU- j , well-made. shirt4 a»e 50o. uul 75c. eacb, sud tho Ovoinago stI frorh T76c. to 11.10 perpir. J We have just *ermu mk-.0 Bohemisaglasa ruby It 18 veV rty $4 < aood ta m..able tb put up g à lui oreat beutW. P4lne lCDgýbp4 of ýVMg,'ý'apn tM éaýàcdwumSec'. three days and from which he has bappily almost recovered, though he will probably iuow bave a feeling or antagonism for carts. A new bridge is being bult across the creek rrom the pond on the second conces- sion. The Job of doing this has been taken b Mr. John Hill and is under the oversight o? Cou ncilor jas. McCully. They are evi. dently keeping a sharp lookout at how it is being donc, judging fromi the fact that when timber inferior to what they had ot- dered was brought themn they immediately condemned il, and only accepted it after its price had been reduced from i $o to 97 a thousand. Ir they are as anxious bt have value ror their nioney in other parts of the work as they have been in this the job should prove a satisfactory onie, 80 rar as the cost is concerned at least, AUDLEy. Rev. Mr. McAuley, or Pickering, visited here Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Borne spent Sunday with friende here. Mrs. Dr. Walters and children of York are summering here. Miss Ida Brignaillbas been renewing oid acquaintances here. John Richardson Sundayed with bis old employers, Perkins aros. Harvest ls wcll on Its way, and in a week or so ail wîil be safely barned. Miss Alice and Frank Wcstney have re- turned from their Peterboro visit. Miss Jennie Bell bas gone on a prolonged visit to her brothers in Alvinston. Thresbing machines are as numerous as ever. Mr. Somerville is engineering Mr. Harding's machine. The Audley harvest borne wilI be hcld on or about Aug. 301h aud a grand lime is expecte d. Football prizes will be given. Sec furtber notice on bills. The football match of Friday cvening re- sulted iu a victory for the boys under 21. A large crowd generally collect to sec the amusement and we hope to, sec many more matches. Mr. Amos Orvis has a smaI! piece of oats froru the Mode! Farm and truly tbey are great. They are a new variety and it would pay you take a look at tbemn. Mr. O. thinks the yield per acre will beat anytbing around here. ]PORT PERRIY.- Mr. Charles Baker of Toronto, is visiting here. Wm. Doubt of Paris, is home for bis holu. days. Dentist George Barry bas returned to Lindsay. R. G. Baird left Tuesday and takes in the Mackinac trip. M~r. Secor of Woburn, is visiting Mr. Wil- lard's family. Mr. Morrow aud'wife are bolidaying witb Mrs. Diesfield and familyý. Miss -Mary Dyer, of Oshawa, is visiting witWtieý consin Mrs. Archer. -of bis, are spending holidays lu town. Mrs. Buckier, of Gamebridge, la renewlng old acqunintances lu Prince Albert. 'Miss Lillie Besse, of Wbitevale, is visiting Miss Jeunie Medd, of Prince Albert. Miss Dora Best and Miss Essie McLean of Toronto, are visiting lriends in- towu. The Scugog Metbodists will bold their annual barvest home the last week in September, Misses Ellu and Edna Clegborn, of To- ronto, are guests of Miss Etbel Wiliard. H. G. Hutchinson returned on Monday after tbree,week's vacation> booking weli. Mni. James Gale and cbild of Bowmanville, are vishing wîtb Rev. J. Wbitiock and family. Rev. J. McMechan and family bave gone to tbe Tbousaud Islands for tbeir vacation. Miss Maud Irvin, Toronto, 'and Miss A. Doble, Uxbridge, are' guests. of Mrs. R. G. Shier. W Brsithwuitc left on Wednesday for Winni- peg, atter spendlng four weeks bolidays with bis monthe-r. Furn Iture Good Work and Low Priées. Jessop Furniture Co., Fuirniture Dealer. Unde'rtakeffi,, .AND Married, in Port Perry, on the 6th mest., at the Scugog parsonage, by the Rcv. 1. Wbitlock, Robert fJ.Jckson. of Scîigzog, ta Miss Typha Wells of Reacb. Miss Annie Wbitlock, who bas been In the City for the last five weeks, bas returned, ac- compauicd by ber sister, Mrs. Fairweather, who will spend ber holldays under the parental roof. Our civlc holiday passed oft quietly.. Every one who could took in the popular firemen'sex- cursion to Niagara Falls, 200 tickets were sold here, and when the train left Wbitby there wcre 35o on board, An excursion under the auspices of the Sons of Temperance of Port Perry w!!! be held on Friday 23rd inst.,10 Lindsay, giviniz lime ta those who desire fia sec the grest circu& there that day. Fare 35 cents. It is reporîed gambling bas been going on very near to some of oui hotels, and that the parties interested are doîng their best 10 keep it quiet. We do not want any more "Bill7 the sIick' buiness In oui town. A change of officers bas been made in the salvation arrny here, Capt. and Mrs. Staînforth going 10 Huntsville, and %japt. Cummings of HamilIton coming tn Ibis town. Being a clever officer, no doubt he wlf do good. Constable Powell last Thursday arrested Sandy Bell in the Whitney house stables whcre be had secreted himself. He was aocused of sîealing a sumn of money from one Gallagber, of Burketon, and was handed over to Constable Robinson of Cartwright, and was taken basc 10 thai place to stand bis trial. Quarterly services for Scugog Island wcre beld ai the centre church last Snnday. The sermun was preached by the Rcv. J. H. Malletti, and love ('-ast and sacrement were conducted by Rev. J. W. Whitlock, who also condncted the same services in the afternoon ai the Indian cburcb. The qervices iu both churches were uîîended by large congregations. By Wednesday's dailies 1 see the - following bave passed the primary examinations from oui schools, and as usual our scbool cornes ont well. vizt - 8, Oshawa 13, Port HoPe8, Wbitby 15, Uxbridge 7, Bowmanville 18. ida? 7.Our listisl as follows :-M Armstrong, V Emmer- son, E Foy,, W Ash. 1 Holtby, M Mark, C Mark, L Dodds, L McConnel, N McHouIl, P Edgerton, McLean, W Moore, F Paxtod, M Savage, C Scenes, E Tbompson, A Walace. A tent of the Maccubees was iustlîuted in Port Perry on Tuesday evening, by C. O. Trusier, Dep, Supremne Commander, wltb a membersbip of twenty charter members, and the followlng officers: Sir Kt past com., Dr Mellow, Sur Kt com., H Roberts, Sur Kt lieut., W H Clark, Sir Kt record keeper, 1 McMillan, Sur Kt finance keeper, 1 H Batemnan, Sur Kt chaplain, L Hicks, Sur Kt physician, Dr Meilow, bir Kt sergeant, C H Allison, Sir Kt mâster at arms, 1 H Blong, Sir Kt ist M of G., 1 j McKnight, Sir Kt and M of G., L Luke, Sir Kt sentinel, C Phillippo, Sir Kt picket, W Doculdsou. The uew Style. A vulgar expression is sometimes heard, «Tbere are more ways of, killing a cal, besides choking it witb butter," It semrs there are those, wbo, if <bhey caunot buy whiskey and beér during illegal boums are bound to have il lu some way; and one of those ways la, socording ta re-, port, togo to a mdcr mn and sayhe or bis family is sek sand- asic for au order,'sud of course tho botélmaà,n (ng-ultcUllbeis sàfojbebind elck one laugbs l iàstthi ko* cote be la on the guy, bat, '<îtbepre Ïl.amuy a slip be- twixt the cnp and tbe hp," sud h m# be the "ider" business will be nipped lan the bud.' Another way la, on'Satunday uights, 10 turn ail the ligbis outinl the bar sud then have word sent around in the ring that drinks cau be got. Tins kiud of work bas been 'oin an sd i toS-x will bave ta stop or trouble wiI1 follow. Forbear- suce cesses to ho a vrune at limes. Who bad tbe fan. Several, evenings ago some promninent young toues af aur iown and the city were at Wnsb. buru's Island, and wbile there met with a gen- tleman and bis wife Irons tbe city who were campinir there lu their own lent They, think- tnhie lady was ual. a hawful partuen, put -up s& rther serions game on -the camper, andi' dead hourir of the night sieallbilypulledal the. pegs of tbe lent and Lt a given signal tank the- lent Irom aover the campersf beads leaving theni expoovd tç tbe Pigbt ain, uxdijiogin thisrbos sud no eoverlngse xopt tîbýlnsbeets and quilis. The couple, ihlnking az western çqone or ïob-, bersbhad sÃŽrucJcthe su nd îuiafirst kiow, tw b a î t*^ A -d . h e g e I e e i' pn-61f n j "M . J. Hans a à . M -lved back foniM VtW mt, suad Mr. sd Iamly camedon week. Wve want ta nake on the wayfnam Gis day and Monday h-" h a v e red u c d -»., 6 aud à5c. 4Unes tô-one soc tem at W.,G. W Mr. Jna. Noble lia lumber yard, ucar pi nlr nIftoi'and eA B.member{ 04toe. VOLS XXXIX. WHJTBY, ONTAII1O FIRIDAY, AUJGUST 9, 1895.0O.3 ~::Sopany. Sons of Scotland GRAND G(.AA(.THFRINC, -ANDO- SCA LEDONIAN CAMES -wtIl be held in the- EXIBITIOIT GROUNIDS, WHITEY, -ON- MONDAY, AUGUST l9th, 1896, Toronto and Whitbv's Ci vic Holiday, under the patronage or the Governor Gener- ai and Lady Aberdeen, and the Grand Camp of the Sons of Scotland, and under the joint auspices or the united Camps of the Order ini Toronto (which hold their annual Excursion to Whitby on tle above date) and Roderick Dhu Camp, Whitby. The 48th Hlighlanders' Regimental Band in full uniform will (by permission of Lieut.-Col. Davidson and officers) be pre- sent ail day. A splendid series of open air con- tests in pipe music, dancing reels, highland fiing, gnillie callum, seann triubhas, sailor's hortipipe, hanimer throwing, foot races, jumping, vaulting, quoiting, tossing caber, tug of war, etc., will take place. Also bicycle races ror ladies and gentlemen, ror ail of which liberal prizes will bc given. Medals will be off ered by the Grand Chier, Grand Secretary and Grand Physician to Camps turning out the best parade of members. ,PFor Pariticula rs, see Programmes. '@ Athietes from a distance and many or the most expert dancers in America. "looking braw wl' their tartan kilts, their bonnets and reathers and glittering gear," are ex- pected to compete. Sring Band and Phljorm for quadrille dancing in the drill shed. Special excursion rates on the G. T. R., in most cases at less than single fare, from Belleville, Peterboro, Lindsay, Orillia, Scarboro and intermediate points. Good- August î9th and 201h. This demnonstraîton is expecte<> to far surpase any former celebration. Games Will Open at 2 p.m., Sharp, witb a SCOTCH REEL. Admiaaioa2Me. Cbild.v.aundw 1,ie s "Corne a' thegithor 'Corne round un gather 1 !1 jno. Burnis, J. B. Dow, D. McKay, Chief. Ch. joint Com. Treas. D. Wilson, J. T. Mathisoît, secretaries. A UG. 13 d 2Oth -WJLL RtTN- Laborers' 1 vanied designs y stock- 10 latest d satis- iers. 1 W. J. NOTTI MANAGIM. à Whltby TOvU ILoffla Scott repairs al kinds of pumps. Cannngten bs a telephone office at last. Money is being saved in the non setting of tires thîs season. 1 Another haf dollar trip to Toronto on the Garden City on Wednesdaynext. Miss Gipsy Gbson, New York, ia vistJng, er cousin Miss Maud Anes. Mr. P. C. Graham. Manchester, spent. the early part of the week here visitig friend. 6 piece solid wlnut parlor site, lusit witb silk plusb bauds, for $2, woith 4, t W. Till's.. We have been ooking anxiously forward to her of a trfp to Toronto for nothng, one of these days. The town band gave a livelyrogamm at the corner of ýQrock and Dunds tet on Saturday nigbt.. BOYS 2 piece navy serge suits to fit goes5 to 11 years reduced to 99c. ou bargali ayi at W. G. Walters. Get your fire-po(ts, grates, ro or brick linings for al! kinds of stovéesl, ranges. or furnaces, from J. McItyre. Mrs. (Rev) E. S. Roi.eï Bracebdr 'ge, a here visiting the Lawler famfiy, an Mr nj oy- ing their camp life at Corbettl's pointi, See Conner's bi'g adv. this 'weekl _A gvng io per cent. discont-,on ail shool books, stationery,jewelhïyiletic., sojdbyhir.ý Now is your cbence. Dr.- Grant's "Il7irefte,"-for tb2e baix 4_sý the only prep ar to g a teed t top SI. lg hais, and rempve d dm NÃ" ed no suiphur. Ask-_ Thiswete aal t 1 C - i~

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