Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jul 1895, p. 7

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rs )f e j a 4 0.... W O - Almnost Passes Bel ief Xr. Jas. B. Nicholson, Plorencevjjl,j, N. B, Struggles fer'Beven Long Yes.re with CANCER ON THE LIP, £.ND Io ouan E]Y A~7r~~,~'vSarsa- AYERSparilla M r. N icholson gasA:I congulted doc- tors wlio préeîlbed for nme, but to no purPose; the cancer began te Eat into the Flesh, sprtid to mny chin, and I suffered In agoiny for sev on Ion,ý years.l-"nally I 1 wt'gan tLakuig Ayer s Sarsapallia. in a week or two 1 tàoticed a Decided Improvement Fncouragod by this resuit. I pebrse- vere(t ioiti In a rnonth w or 0the sore ulider rny chia began to heal. In Lhree Inilis My lhp hegaii to heai, and, alter uslng the Sarsa parilla for six mornths the las L "ce of thoe cancer dtsappeared. 'l Ayer's -""SarsapariII a Âd ,ted at the World'a Pair. L VER 'â PILLÀS Regsdrue the Bowelà. Brock Council. The regular meeting of the abovg coun cil wau held at the t.owu hall Sander land on Saturday last. AU moember prooent. The minutes of the provions meetinî were rea.d a.nd approved. On motion cf Mr. Edwards, socondod by Mr. Brethour, 85 wus ordered te h< te h. paid to Mr. John Argue, heing for clearing out legs sud stumpe eut oj Beaver river on lot 19, con 14. Mr Wm Martin said hoe found the gravel pit on the side road was in a had condition to bo made a now oponing tU the pît between lotit 18 aud 19, con 18, Le had loft the road in a much better stato than ho found it. On motion cf Mr Brotheur, seconded by Mr. Edwards, 82 wus ordered to be paid to Mr Win Martin for opening gravel pit, opposite lot 18 and 19, con 18. On motion of Mr Edwards, seconded hy Mr Brethour, 88.50 wae ordered te ho paid te Mr F Doble for repaire te look on towu hall, and t-e piring lavatory. On motion cfMUr Wetheral, secended by Mr McCally, 817.40 was ordered to ho paid Mr Airant Sidders for M4 loads of grave! sopplied the corporation. Mr William Martin came hefore the council, ho said that ho had put in s culveri on the side road opposite lot 17, con 18, hoe had onuppliod the rnaterial and built it at a cont 86 ; the culvort was very milch required. On motion of Mr Edwarda, seconded by Mr Brethour, 86 was Qrdored to ho paid to Mr Wm Martin boing far furniah- ing rnaterial and building culvert eppos- ite lot 17, con 13. On motion of Mr B-e ' Mr, secondèed by Mr Wetheral, $19 was -,rdered to ho paid te Mr Richard Edwards for 295 loada of grave] suppliod the corporation. On motion of Mr. McCulIy, seoonded by Mr Wetheral, 81.15 was orderod tc, be paid to Mr H Baldwin for writing ink, peno and note papor. On motion of Mr Brethour, seoonded by Mr Edwards, 81.00 was ordered to ho paid to the Dominion llank Fort Pub- Ilihing Co. in full of account rendered. On motion of Mr Edwards, seconded by' Brethonr, $7 wau ordered to ho paid te Mr Silvostor Amey ; $5.75 for gravel supplied and $1.25 for repai.ring railiug oin ilge over Boaver river, con 11. lOn motion of Mr Edwards, seoonded by Mr. MoOally, 81.50 was ordered te ho paid to Mr Moses Chambers heing for opening gravel pit on lot 12, cou 10. On motion of Mr Edwards, seconded by Mr. Brethour, 1.50 was ordered te be paid to Mr H S proule, beiug for work d,'ne scraping an d levelling the roàdbed tarough the gravel pit opposite lots 18 and 19, con 18. On motion of Mr McOuUly, seeonded by Mrt. Wetheral, 64 was ordered te hoe paid to Mr E McCully, for 80 loade of gravol, one halE ef said armeunit te, be chargod to Beach. On motion cf Mr McCulIy, '*Snded by Mr Wotheral, 84-70 wus ordered te be paid to Mr A C McLean fer gravel. On motion cf Mr Wetheral, teconded by Mr M cCully, 67 wus ordered te b. paid fer rmaterial and building onlvert oppgosite lot 6, oon 2. On motion of Ur Edwardsi, sooaded hy Mr Brethour, 020 w.. ordr.d te b. p aid te the reeve, being the amonnt paid by himr to Ur Aroli Crouter, sioijeitor, for p orsonai injury astalned to Mr John~ Hop Paterson, mmbcant, Sutton, by belng thrown ont of bis vehl u to a ýdeep poolwhil, crousln.ç th.gravel pit on thetonlieof GowgnandBo - Clerh ý'lerk lay 8 wood, iLy 1) p Port &y 9Y rid ge, , hiy 08 c HASES nom LIVER U R F am AÇK Ac H-E ONE AU»LIT. No church here Sunday. Quarterly services in Kinsale. Mr. C. Pet-kins lias been here. for a few days. Mr. and M rs. Carter, Sundayed ini our midst. Mr. Chas._ Lynde hm as lcubusy ith alsike clover threshine The yWcd we believe is above the avct'age. fr. >Pau-. don threshed 4o bush. in 'haUf a day. Creeka and wclls a= about diricd up and the wa±ering of stock is beOcoiîig a question. It is no wou4cr'they are dry as we have had no grc, rasli .Ice and dream over the OurbSiaggtobSchool,ëi'1,$CP bookkeeper of yc his accounts; is -Far frorn it; he the company thai Lady-lt is s man like yeu ca Trampý.-Well, y wants references an' he's been dea, IlLîz," said Miss Kiljordan's young- est brother, "do you say 1'woods is ' or ' woods are ?'1"1"Woods are of course, " she replied. "Why ?"-"lCause Mr. Woods are dewn in the parler waitin' te see you." Maud-Were you everceme by the heat. Mabel ? Mabel-No, dear, 1 was prostrated because I couldn't think of a new combination in soda flavors; it ceuldn't surely have been the seven glasses 1 had taken. Madame-I have been chat-ted with your visit, bat-en. 1 shall forever lead a geod ile that I may have'the pleasure of meeting yeu again hereafter. The baron-My dear madame, de net, I pray you, be te7) good. He-That's just like a woman. She can't view any questieh impartialîy. AUl on one side, just as she is on herse- back. She-Yes, John, and haven't yeu been on every public question the saine way yen ride on horseback ? Blobbs-I hope we have clear weath- et- for our trip. Clobbe-Oh, we wilL teI Blobbs-,-How do you Icnow ? B=een Uic. readimg tise weather predition- scesb Slobbs-No; but 1have iust boughta a tà new ubrella and maddcitosh. Theodore-TU nme now, what le, y AI yourlo?" R Icut ten yo u in »o umny w ordo ; but 1 will Uuar3f You .havent t ,Sm ýbpyouthat you cnltme have for a vck or two? 1891.......... 182........... 7 3 u 189..........8.0...87.89 He (meaning 1894 -00..........40 ... 114-45 How becoming $408.81" Fannie. Why, Makng n anont of #21.58 e8887 2d er? And now1 in xces b Bookon hetownline dur. she treats hims ing the paet six years. He-I've a1 On motion the report wae reoeived and She- -You'd bet adopted. about. On motion 8 wa orderod to bep aid WymbeW to Mr Wni Oliver for work on road beat corning to, Sîy 18. hpofamn On motion of Mr. Wotheral, sooondod she-o ayn by Mr Brethour, the oornissioner was HeYo sa instructed to lower the oulvert on the Sîb and married qiu con, opposite lot 18, and t.o deduot the see it was simpl exponse from the grant. -I conclude' On motion of Mr Brethour, aeconded young trout. by Mr MeCully, 816 40 was ordered to dear, " said th be paid to Mr Jamtes GQrdon for 828 jump at conclusi loads of gravel. r.Hsm On motion of Mr Brethour,' soconded d rs. u rn(av by Mr Edwards, 89 was ordered to be tle UP or flav paid to Mr Williani Modd for gravel sup plied for the roade in beat il ; and 2.25 at they rnade mn to Mr W J Doble for work done on con Friend-If y( opposite lot 6. with your husbai Mr James Douglas, lot 6, con 1, came a divorce from 1 before the counoil; he said a suitable 1 arn afraid 1 col culvert wau zuch roquired on the town- 'You will floti lineofo Brook and Reach, opposite his the string," sai( property ; in thoe pring large shoots of . water accu mulated Lo snch an extont that Yes,"- answerel it was alniost impossible to propel a i what makes r vebicle through tbe imad and water. Ho Mell-Why di said he had boon unjustUy deait with by up old millionai the ai thorities cf Roach; the Beach him with ail hi aut.horitl es had forbade the building of a he said he would oulvert at the propor place. Hie appealed 1 oyucn to the council, or a comrnittee et the e Do ?- ou-ones connel, to orne and inspeot the road, ho told me withou would be prepared ta take the levol and stole that dog prove conclueivoly that a culvort ehould be put i n at the place indicated. Hoe eening. presented a numeronsly signed petition The husband in support of his contention. You must prom:i Tho council agreed te inspeet the local. every time youi ity at ita oarliost opporttinity. that would nece On motion of Mr. Edwards, seconded much oftener. by Mr Brethour, $17-20 wase rder t e suopose paid to Mr John Kirton for gravel. e eiaigy on motion of Mr Edwards, seoonded ehesmock ?"y by Mr McCully, 88.85 was ordored to e h mok paid to Mr Allan MoLoan for mrvel. replied the saleý On motion of Mr Wethoral, seconded t.. by Mr. Bretheur, 85 wua ordored te ba What's i m paid to Mr George Vale for supplying leaves college ? material and building culvert on cen 18, eddication enouý between lots 3 and 4. but if he hairit, On motion cf Mr Wetheral, seconded newspaper."- by Mr McCnlly, $ 10.50 was erdered to ho He-How dc paid to Mr Edward McCoUly fer 211 Misâ Barrow? loads of gravel.$1 wual'Hecntp On motion of Mr Bretheur, doai. e ceiari ordered to bo paid te Mr R Charters for do dtetben coffin and banial of Mrs Lette, an in Ww digent. Caller-Vour On motion of Mr Wetherel, eeoonded pretty; but coulc by Mr Brothour, the indigent host wau re- American Hoste vised and the monthly allewances fixed paid the desi'gne as follows: Mrs Moore, 88; Mms George copyrighted. Swinzer, 82: Mrs O'Grady, 85 ; Mrs Husbnd.-I'm Jane Smith, 88; Chas. Whiteside, 8 0; orwthls Arthur Kelly, 88; Yeoman Burko, 88; yourewantchilas Mrm McDonald, 84.thees e-hthirt Mr T ?nrvis made applicatien for a Wine-Wathes grant to the Sunderlane Public Library.ddntw eth Mr. Wotheral said ho had supported a Musician (irci grant at the County Council in anticipa. my music is disti tien that a township grant would net be are talking ever t' asked me, 1 rever tho On motion of Mr Brethour, seoonded play so loudly. by Mr Mocully, 820 was ordered to be Bacon-Did yc paid te the Sunderland public library. caefo ih On motion of Mr Mocully, seconddcaefotih by Mr Betor&thIler- ws n -rctdwas onithe float. Few are the remedie. whoae benefiolal qualities sud real menite have made them nos popular witb thse public, snd Inoreased frb= yêar to year their ceusumption, whie whilst peeuesaing tb. mont voluable Îemedis preperties, are yet si simple in -tbolecoi- poudsaa0ey teft-,Se Tbe qinaime = ppMeodbyN 2orthrop h&Lys*sa.ju Torouto This rtile Ioprepared frita. b. whit rBoiotiipci i ts and dm o..nt -mpair in the ismêdp.th afl.oe f4is t-ionsé i ptes;whl 9to be complimentary)- ethat veil is te you, Mis, don't you wear it often. he is trying te tell wh: se coldly. good mind te kiss you. tter mind what you'rc 'hat is the corning womnari lyler-Anything in the ythey were born wealthy uietly ? She-Yes, yot [y a love affaîr. that's a fly, " said a You are right, my .he mother, ',but never sjons." ore-You'll have to, set- e. Summer Boarder- Y.The last place 1 was e do both. 'ou can't ive happily Lud, why don*t you get him ? Unhappy wife- uldn't get anyone else. tice that I have you on d the boy to the kite. ed the kite, -"and that ne sear. id you rnarry that dried- aire ? I wouldn't have is money. Belle-But Id die for me. ýsider Lifter strictly hon- st to a fault. Why, he .it my asking that he he had with him last (seeing his wife off>- se ot to ask for money write. The wife-But ,essitate my writing Se ;e, " said the fair custorn- -"you can warrant this Yes, rna'arn,"-briskly esman. "It's buit for a-goin' te do when he -'Well, if he's got gh he'I teach school, 1 reckon he'lI edit a you like Foppington, Miss Barrow-Not at 'renounce hîs r's, and I addressed as Miss Bow- coat of arms is very Idn't anyone else use it ? :ess-No, irideed. We er $io extra to have it 'n son-y that burglar got tnight, my dear; but ng te be thankful for, that? Husband-He baby. :nically)-J arn afraid utbing the people who there, Hstess-'Dear )Ught of that, Don't rou see Hooker when lie ing? Egbert-Yet; I - Was there any fish ? " '1No;he was lying Whaethe Finest Solec- tien lu town ef those CONUUTO Cano without dotibt, be cured in its -eajy'Stages. It isaa battie from the Start, but with the riglîtkidofw ap n ProperlY Used it can'be overcome and the insidious foc vanquished. Hope, courage, proper exercise, will- power, and the regular and continuous use of the best nourishling food-Medicine ini existence- S-cott's F3muLsio0n -th watin can be arrested, the lungs healed, the cougli cured, bOdily energies renewed and the physical powers made to assert themselves and kili the germs that are beginning ta find lodgment in the lungs. This renowned preparation, that has no doubt cured hundreds of thousands of mncip lent cases of C omsump- tion, is IpY Cod-liver Oui emulsified and made p alatable and easy of assimilation, combined with the Hypophosphites, the great bone, brain and nerve tonie. Scott & Bowne,, Belleville, Ail Druggists. 50c. and $ 1. Bord ers to Ma tch Cornue early and getfirst choice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old Stand, Brook St., Whitby Back ini Whitby. WM. aer abtLL Undetake, Caiet A.nd dealer in Furniture of alI kinds. The Subsoriber bega te announce that ho lias again opened business ii hie old stand, and hua placed therein a choice, stylàh iand complote, stofe NEW FURNITURE Of overy description, which will b. isold at a amail margin on ceat. A.nother bale ef those celebrated Mixed Mattrasises $8.2, worth $5.00. See those Tapestry or Oarpet Lounges at 85, worth #8. Hardwood Sideboards, 14x24 glass, for $8,60, worth 812. Undoztakig. 95r A faul stock of Coffins and Oaskets, and a Ffret-Olaas WMa. 1TILL. Whltby, Oct. il, 18934 IRADAM'S MICROBE KILLER REMiEDY. J. S. EDGAR, Merchaut, Wiud-, Bor.* M. K. acted mvlously luinT case of chronic soinach and bowel trouble sbire, Qué.: Was given up tô dis frein a complicaton- of flyspepsia and Uiver troubje withcosmao Amn as well as ever now ; it la trulywoudrfl T. H. LU800XBE, Bariat ert ]London: Chrnic cough ad hezorrbges frein tÈe lugs were hurryiug my wife to au early grave but thanks to M. K. ahe la as welles evenr. Wm. adam Microbe KMuer-.0coi (Ltd4 120 KING STRMT WESt, TORONToi ONT For sale at .au ehemistâ, 'Or lat W. B. HOW8Rtg, - wIB In thte malter of the i'state of SYL VANUS BROT9,N, fate efthe Towns1repof Pic- kering, uin1Me County ce Onta,*, yeo-- man, u'eeased. Notice ia hereby given pursua ut te thse: provisons of thse Re'vied Statutes of Ch., tarie 1887, Chapter xio, tliat aUl personae havIng'claImaor demanda ogalat thse es- tat ofthý sidlate Sylvanus Brown whio.- died on or about thse twenty-fte l; day Aprili XD. i~ame required on or before th shda affu,x8gD into.und sud estaen or-1,., delvc Io , .,id,. PA PEIIC9 'tc: Ibý 1 ut ot VI I. 1 &flh - rn.er &,ýj i mý, Alive To Titeir Danger. Minneapolis People Masking Enquiries with regard te a Canadian Dscovery. MnNuuoLie, Jiy 22-There has bean an unusual nutuber of destba frein heart disease in this city duriug the lent few monstheansd in niany cases the victime were unoonscieus of beig sufierers frein the dread complaint. Post morteins have ehowu in several instances that the trouble wae directly traceable to a dis eased condition ef the kirneye, aud people have become alive te the danger. A number of on. quiries have boon instituted with regard to the beet methoda ef cure and the uew Canadian specîflo remetly known as Dedd'e Kidney Pilla bas corne lu for a great ehare of attention ew. ing te the extraordinary number ef cures which have been off octed through this agency. To purify water, bang a amati bag of char- cealinl it. ErFnciUAL. -Charles 1. Booth, Olivewood, Cal., Baye: 1«I have nsed Ayor'a Pilla in my family for several yoars, sud have alwaye f ound thein meut effectualinw the relief of ail. mente ari8ing frein a disordered stomach, ter- pid liver, and constipated bowels The Canadin Pacifia auhorltios have appli- cations frein Man itoba farinera for 2,000 men. n MAN LEY'S Celery NERVE COMPOUND Cure8 Bl.ood and 8k/n Di8eaee8. LowEST :-: PRICES. WALL WM. TILL, Makop,

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