Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jul 1895, p. 6

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IfflAdtd«à 8oV M poèy. thé ~~~.4ms!ont,~n vwk n bahausandu.uuly ~a. Of torpédo«. and vMd ü» ql£"UI to&iii th* .~todu from My Iown. Bo* 1the brukemnýa'. ght h&vlncua 001gudiotor of tuis grain wau a man 9 *wImrettnee *1hOft al,1tMeu had ofien improssed me. erdthees w moetnela MêSaMar emo ake in s, 'eoOf attempt. at foui pi&y. Th' r ~ ~ ~ n PwthtIg.n ile ho vwu exceed. nesil oyvslifted inte Ibe bar bg)i,ý,ýomeontho,.1din eohagedgage car a aoomprosswuasapplled to "-tamî'Dt oa h' dot xha ce heok th. bleoding. -The. pasengers now ~aor ha a good mornmng» vitb the gstlion'd around, angry yot exultant thai that nvezably w. thtadne- the fello w vio lad evidqutly been play. "-a hatinvrialy ven be rai aping desperado bad been eaugbt 50 noatly. g PtOftOhed lte bridge ovor a certain mill "6But juet theu th. brakeman wbo had Bt.~ho vonld stop aud limten unti les0t bis lanteru, c«Me rnshing up vith the br1att work 0f andthon bo wonld juet wind«oougb lo2ft te say, Id Oul 4a hoCha ctolectg ticet.dowu, givo me auother lauteru and sig- rt n, ay eohnce teboat table witb net sot,' M S thte hotel, sud iu the course of con- "The lok on tbe face of the couductor 'Vlaton aked hlm wby b. slways changed as if by magie. Ail saw that .%stened at that bridge. the shot had been fired to stop the train. g'W.ii, iL le psrtly a habit uow; Yo11 The brakeman again startedonaP o Oft ere. came near bolng a big smash wtbsne ste uplesonbale n Stthatwbe more y e ago Itoratives vere brought ut and the boy gnos tha wa befre yu mved ntosoon revived. Ho at first looked about t.eparts. I will tell yon about it after in a bewildered way aud thon asked. 'Is dinnor if yen like." I aeaured hlm 1 it &II right ? Did tb. train stop 2' WVould b. Mucb pleaeed to hoar the tory "lThere were tears iu the eyes and W. chatted on varions Lepîe during Lbe voice of the couductor as ho replied: »'Maindor of the rneal and thon adjoumu.- Yee, ry boy, we are al igbt; you savod ed to te boel office, wbere we settled the train.' And the couductor was not Durselveacoemfortably and bo told me the the ouly oue whose beart was touched. fellewiug : Traiumnen aud passeugers feit used 'Yen ose., the dam gave way at the of tbeir nap judgment in suppoeing that old sawmull about haîf a mile above thu tbe boy bad been playiug desperado. bridge. Probably littie damage would They now aw that ho was a hero. bave been doue hsd it not been for a "When the train balted near a little qnantity of old logs wbiob came down story and a haîf boume wbe-P the boy with'Lb. water like a lot of battering and his mother lîved, pocketbooks were rains, sud avay went the bridge. This opeued aud tlheir contente in coin and oocurred late iu the afternoou, sud Short- bille vere poured int.o a biat till the Om 1ysfter the tracir vaiker had been over of several liuudred dollars vas Rathered. the une. Tbere vas a young farier This vas placed ini the mothere bhauds chap vbo bird been ont gunng sud wa It was more money than se hbd seen at fellovizig Lb. nailroad tnack as the near- auy oue ime iu ber life. est vay home. He came to Lb. Streamin lTb. boy rapidly recovered. As ho aud found Lb. bridge gene. There seeru îsy ou bis bed hoe always listened for od to b. no otber way but to go dowu the express sud bis heart 5we led with tbree-fonrtbe of a mile to a road bridge, pride as h. heard the whistle as it passed, aud ho bad stsrted off when b. remem- tù engineor's greetiug to 'the boy wbo -bored tbit tb. eveuing express would saved the train.' BSon b. sloug sud if uo warning were The conductor had old biestory vith givon a ismassup would result. Thera so much of feeling at imes that, as 1 vws no ime to go around by th. bridge, tbanked biru, I was rnoved te a8k if b. and b. muet fiud s way or make One, vas not the couductor of that train. nearer by. "Oh, ne, I vas the boy. See, there vI as rapidly growing dark, but are the winklea in my shoe vbicb show I thon. waa mot ligbt enougb rernaining that iL is empty at the tee."1 for hlm te see that a little wsy up Stream 1___________ an old tree whicb for years bad seerued 9rme ready te opple over, hiad been und or- Povez'ty as a Cùe miued sud bad fallen lu îucb a way as to maire s natural bridge. He. madebiVîc- OBRIConrJLBYA way toansd bumied acrese, or nesrly EDiToR. - INCARCERATION 0F THEt acrees, vhen eue of the old limbe gave WORTHY POOR.-STRONG APPEAL FOR t way sud he foul donvu mre six or eîghtf foot. But ho vas on Lb. rigbt side of AHUE0 EUE the. strearu, 80 vîthout stopping to tbînk The Editor of the Elmvale Chrouicle of hie scratches or buises, b. scrambled recently visited tb. County Jail, sud np the bank and started on a run dowu gives this graphie description of the con-g lte tracir. dition of thinge thore . W. wene first0 "But bis Lhoughts began Le work tas- taken to the rooru alloted Lo the poor, aa ter oven than hie legs. How sbduld h. lange roomn with a beucb sud chair or two, stop tbe train ? The ongineer would not sud a plain deal table lu it. No other se. hlm vave bie baud lu the dsrkne8s, oruainent or u8elul thing te b. seen On aud oven if h. did vould pro bably psy the atone floor or stone wtall. Againatp ne attention Lo iL. As hoe rau hie foît lu the bare sud bard but dlean wall stood ilu f bis peekete for matches, but not oue vas bold relief four or five meu ; sud two or b, to eb. ond, sud nothiug to make s fire three vere Sitting, leaning on canes. One il ho bad matches. Ho could bear tb. had uo arme, another wus btind, another train approacbiug. Ho muet do smre- wus old sud feeble, sud others ver. dis- thiug at once. Ha ruight hrov himmoîf eoued sud crippled, but all were poor. fý mrose tho tracir, thon the train vould IlBles8ed are the poor " fer thoy shah b. probsbly stop before it reached the locked up witb criminaes, sud the lecirscf bridge. Lite was dear to bizn, but the are strong. W. have board of people c( scores of lives ou tb. train ve.re vorth leoking "sBad sud forloru," but nov vo ha more than eue. He might shoot luto eee iL. From this room of atone, etilluess h the cab as tb. engine paseed, but b. sud saduss we are led Lth, oen yrd n or o ruo vat asthemater sd or Barrie Bastile wiii b. your dooru. tL vas told that back s hittlo way as ho Tb. little boy bas vorthless parents, sud at came round a cunve the boa Iight show- b. comes from near Elmvsle. Ho vwas ed a follow on Lb. tracir witb a gun in farmed eut witb a kiud bearted ? farmer P his baud ; thon thon. vas a flash sud b.tweeu Elinvale sud Barrie, sud ene day m sutoke sud the beadlight veuL ont. set a dog ou some cova. That settled the Evidontly Lb. tellow had inteudedtLJkill lad'î -"huhb" se fan as the farmer vont. 108 the ongineor aud bird miseed bis mark, Th. fariner sent tb. boy te jalI instead of i fining luto Lb. besdligbt iustead of the îeuding hiru te bis parents. W. pity Lb. front vindov of tb. cab. The sbooting fariner. Witb a beant ache vo turm frem ~ made ail tb. train mien s ittle shsky. the boy. to discover s few muore ef Godas fie5i but Lb. brakeruon muet go at once lu poor sittiug ou Lb. projectiug odge ef a eacb direction te varu any appresohing stono by the side ef the jail. All vishes Th trains.. Nov a Man vitb s lanteru le a teo s y something, sud actually attempted lu eouepicueus target, vbile ho i. himself iL. One poon old fellow up in the seuen- lu able. Le s. but a short distance. Tb. tiot, sud a red man at that, utanaged te te brakeman vhe vas erdored te Lb. rear get a partial bearing. Hia large quivor- il.' did flot relisb geing, 50 the oanducbor iug lips sud imped oye. vil nover b. aîarted te socempany hizu bacir toeLb forgotton by us. Ho vishes a Mmsge the spot vbon. Lb. shootiugocurred. carri.d te someone vho bad a right to et] O"Thepassongors, learning vhat bcd assist him in bis dire necesaity. Up a 4 happ.ne, mauifestod more caution than fiight Of stste t he collaetftthe criminels jea euriiy, and se reutained ou the train.l137o daube doons vere svung opaen, ibl $*The tve mon bcd gene baok but a an et the farthoat end . ofthLe corridor, ho, fev train longthd vben tbey found thte around a sutai four legged tablo, atoodqu boy,,,, bo uedb. tra rmoaning vlLb tbe several oiminalla, somne ef vhom vero Dot pan f a ncubdfesd direc"y obo waiting te b. oseorted te the peniteutlary. obî tii. rail lay Lb. abot-gun vith barrel itam. Galle vas stampod upon eseit feature, frol mered eut to Lnpin,. by ut.evitels aud tle. impression oeegelé s l: Hevfor. j oth tr.ain -tunate theepeople are noet atlarge te "#WeIl, you rssd, I bave oanght-you,' pi'I7 upon the. hiiin family. Un aur n ~ldteconduotor; ye» togh9yaW e 1 inattrolt'a dePartmeont vo have 6 'enddo this vmisobÎiland thon get &a of thei yard vhere eetions *vyddyou?1 Iam glad your foot th P . W. vil! Dot duonhbe lits" *e,4upb.d, 'or vo migit nol ha"ve .lonoly, d.atubly a« I pi aao, una o y oi jr oompany te t4e neareat room by lb. tove ami"WI, d ati' ha rO.IMnlng, nRisg a ery .mm lg, iaci be boy' 1ed ýte anver, but tbe ex. arpt.t .roinavy Wce. tdh~aIatgegervtIjJ1,br*thing sud *bonghglibrg atM't purtot«wibt e mg ti. o gt ï,*Wof pts fot him, Md 6e falat.4 before h.oSPSto4iDe , ha hgec afodMl k uo stii. MatoÎ, 3k». J. . ali,'nd the ondu«S to aa yè URM - ve s. 4" w4u4' '..but4v dovw a ÉIMa WOMM *"h ber hm .burlad *bt uàS yw IgsyneVd94(Wb. "d d 4nLg OB 8-be& -.,mR 451U10M- te *ta eWldBeataidy à& Xlu' th ,a- 't )n le k r ofunsoud mmd Wa hinov . g &ooflenMIatalk wlth her r1re~dti rmatroi.W.b lave thêm to i P*Urin thefr noual' routine- The. balte hop and kitchen Mr nov vWutodt and '0 fier broad vo nover saw. E e yhn rabout thie promises ls keptt cleae and tidy The o - nty ha. ressor to bel prou Yof the 09106er of th. jail. W. belioeve eaoh OnO is actuated by a Christian spirit, and thein.mtI. have overy confidence in thout. Mr. Aloi. Lang, or Governor ang adu eredover forýy-three years. uddring that whole Lime was nover rstrcir but"once This is a geod record. hrifDrurÎ always bas the welfare of t the soul iu vlew, and bis great sympathiz ing heart and winning ways do wondors among the erring and unfortunate. Mrs. M. J. McKinlay. the matron, is a dear, kind-hearted soul, and ail look upon ber as a niother. She bas filled the position of mnatron fourteen years. Mn. Thomas Caldwell, turnkey, has bad control of the big key thirteen Yoars, aud bas perfect control of the Prisoners. V.thile itern he je kind, sud b. bas a tender spot for the erring. A WINTERP IN PARIJS. MR. G. T. *FULFORD'8 RETURN FROM TuE W1ITC U,&£1 . A Reportere Interesting Interview Wit Hira-Somue Statistice and Informa tion of General Value. F'rom the Recorder, Brockville, Ont. Mr. G. T Fulford, who le underetooq to have beiln doiug big thinge in Pari du.ring the past wlnter ande p ring. intrc ducing Dr. Wihiamns' Pin k Pilla, h a reacbed home with hi8 family, and oi the evening of his arrivai wae interview ed by a Recorder reporter, and asked t( give an account of himef. "Well," ho said, in reply to a questiol on the statue of the Pink Pili business ir France, "of course it ien't altogether ai easy matter to introduce a foreign artici( into a strange markiet, but 1 don't thin] wo eau complain of the progrees made and it ie gratifying te report t bat sme at least, of the Paris doctors are open tc recognise a mediomne of which the intrin tic menit. can b. deutonstrated to them. Onue of the best of tbem-at Versalljes, the Paris subtrrb wbere the Eutperors ised to keep their court-bas given favorable Lestiznony througb the pros o quite wonderful cures througb the use of Pink Pille in hie practice; and the Reli gieuses, an order of Nuns like the Sisteni of Obarity, have also rmade an extensive uee of Pink Pille in their charitable work, and given strong testimoniale as to, their good effectg." "lHow do you find business aIl round?" "àPretty good. We have sold in the pat twelve monthe a ltle over two mil- lon three hundred and sixty thoueaud boxes of Pink Pille. "'That is a pretty large order isnL it ?" "lIt is the beet twelve monthe business Vet. Look for a minute at what the âgurea mean. If ail the pilla were turn- )d ont into a heap, sud a person, Be te =unt thoea, working ton heure a day'and ii daye a week, tbe job would taire-I ave reckoned it--4 years, 21 days, 6 iours and 40 minutes, counting at the -te of 100 a minute. Or, if yen want ùrther statistics, it je somewbere about vo pille a head for the combined adult >pulation of Canada, Great Britain, Ire- and, and tbe United SLates. I don't ve these figures to glorify the business, ,n will understand, but to enable yon to aake the fanse tangible to au ordinary eader." "Does Great Britain do its ebare in the usinese ?" asked the reporter. ",Yee, I thinir w. have had a record eore. The head of a leading advertising gency in London to whom I sbowed my gures, told me that ne business of the ind bad ever reacbed the saute dimen ýns in England in so short a ime ; for 2ough we have only been working in cIgland two years, there are but two iedicines there that have as large a sale sPinkr Pille, and o*ne of thesee over irty yeare old, while the other bas been bwork at lout haîf that time." "11ev do you account for the way in Pille have jurnped' the English i.rket thon ?" III cannet attribut. iL iin reasouable pic to anything but the mente of the J1e. Was everytblng lovely, asked the re- rmer or were there any erumpled rose- avee in the couch?2 'Can't grumble, except iu one way. cere 's a certain amount of substitution soute retail stores, and there le a man Manchester, England, that I have had -prosecute on the criminsl charge for 'But what de the substitntors do--do ey duplicato your ferninla under soin. her flame 1" "No, nef a bit ef t ; Lat il; the worst ture cf Lb. fraud. Ne dealer ean pos- Ayknovw hat is -nink M - and ijf dId, ho ouldn't preparethemI au mal Antîties te sel at s profit, Tiiy are1 ct ommen druge, sund byneno eam eap te maire. I supp eihuevsspont mu ton 1 voirele thoUAamdolar. 1. took-over th. trsdena==kin ry. if th. formula ceuld b. ixnproved, d spont a &bane ot isfor Iljgteng? I'lh5t do yeun ru by sbenothing Iacquired -the trade mari I J i I lt . h bllïg w u t -0b.i d 9 a »M- 4* vas imporatm,. tuast Ishould, r* the but touApli,4 tuaIc.u1bmkot LJ~avie ae'i b te,2l ÉwgnI ventho Parla laist vAnter I plaoed my formula and a supply of PixiIk I l lu ehbands f one of th. most Ote doctora in that olty for a threo 'monthas trial lu bis practice, vitit a viev te gouing suggestions for improvemeul ; at tb. ed f that tiino bis snawer vas 1Leave il alonet il '.aubot b. bqttered. You nov have s psrfeou blood sud norve modicino." This opinion ceat me 10,000 francs, but I cousider IL meney volt spent, an IL dotermines Lb. tact that Lb. formula for Pinuk Pille is uow as perfect as medical science eau make it. And coming back te the question of substitu. Lieu sud imitations ; what I have jut LoId yen viii show vbat a poor Lbing it le for a man vho gees to a store for Plink Pilet Le lt sometbing oe. ho epushed, on te hiru lu placocf theut-more especially if iL la a veneut tbing like Blaud's pille -a formula in Lb. Frech pharmacopoeia that bas heen a bacir num ber for yoars until a fov storokoepens tried to push iL on Lb. streugtb cf Pinkr PiIi advertising. Yen eau, taire it from me that a store- keeper vho telle anyone that Blaud'e pill (which le net a prpriotay at ail, snyone eau maire iL that vante te) le lu any vsy a ubstitute for Pinkr Pille le an ignora- rnus sud nover ought to b. trusted teo el màedicine at ahl. A dmuggiet seignorant as that certaiuly isut fit Lo put up s pre- scription, sud wyul poison someone on. day." "ams A Puny na Frot -i Baby Tbis is uow quit. unuecesary1 Like înany othEirs, y9u may nava Your baby fat, laughing sud hppy, if y u give it ScotLLe Eruisiou. Babies take itLik. cream. Vierbotules may ho olesned witb crusbed eigblri n a littie WaLor, IL le your duty sasveil as privilege to look IYoung as long a@ you can. Oua wsy to do se la by dressing yeur bair wîth Ayer's Hair Vigor, It cause, the hair te retain its color sud fulinoîs to a ste pered of life, sud keepi Lb. scalp lu geod, bealthy condition. To bnighton carpets, vipe theru with warr wstor lu wbicb baa been poured a few dreps ef ammouis. àftnarda Liniment tho bout baUr reatorer a Geneneus Offer. (Puhlished by Request.) Dear Mr. Edilor :-Wl! yeu kiudly in- forru the readers et your valuable paper that I will gladly sed FREE te any sufferer froru Lst Manhood, Nervus Debility, Ngbî Losses, Varicocele, Impoeucy sud the r-suts of youthfui folly, particulars et a simple sud inexpeusive means et self-cure which afier be- ing bumbugged sud imposed upon for years by quacks and patent mediciue sharks. cured ire iu a few weoks. I have uethiug te sel! or give awsy, uer amu I advertising any patent ruedicine business, but viilb. pleased te hear from any sufferer auxieus te Sund a cure for his compLatint. me whom I1 viii explain coufiden- tiaily how sud by wiiat means 1 vas cured. Hundreds have beeu cured throuRb my ad- vice. Coots uothing te learu what I paid hun- dreds cf dollars Le Sund eut. Address coufi- dentially aud enclose stamp if couvenieur. D. G. OWEN. Tronte, Ont. Riverside P.O. Lot ladies paie tbrougb a door firet, standing aido for theru. I WAS UREr> of Brochtisansd Aatbma by [INARD'S LINIMENT. I WAS CURED o! a îvere sntack of Rheuma- I WAS CUnR>D of a everely spraied leg b: INARD'S LINIMENT. Bridgewater. JOSHUA WYNAOHT Iu the diig room take your seat aftei es 1n piders 1Ici us ýy r lad SYMPM-Moisture; intense itching sd tingig; met at ight; vrse by sci archng. If lloed te continue tumors form, hictm of tn bleed sud ulcerat, becomig very or. '*SWAYNI's OINTNMET" stops Lb. itching ad bleding, bealo ulceration, sud ilu tetcases removes theoLuiros. At druggies or by mail for 50 cents. Dr. Svayne & So, Phiidelphia. Lyman Sns & Co., Montrea, Whoesale Agents. 117 C0K p 0 CId e Pa>3strr j1Y ROLIkSL- o<~ tiw HQNIf- I Bmrriter Oounty Orovu Attornex, su Ciouuîy bfcitor. Office- South'W ing 01 court House, Whitby. JAMES RiJTILED<IE, Barrister, etc.- Office îormer!y cccupled by Farewell & Butledge, noît ±Royal Heftel, Brook St., Wbîtby. DAVID ORM1STON, IB. A., Attornoy-sm.Lav Solicitor lu Chsuoeryp Convoyancer, etc. Office - Iu the Office soutb of Lb. Post Office, in McMiflsi'a Block, Brock Street, Wb.ltby. 0lrltr t. ,-Mouey te Loan. Isi of Mrnige icenseis. Office - Sit Block, South ef Market, B, ock St., Whil DOW & MCGILLIVRAYp Bamiters, Solicitors lu Ohsucery, e Office in Mathison & Hswkeu's nov hIc Brock St., 'Wbitby, soutb cf Ontario baul Ors Warren cd Moor Brookiu. 1A- Priva/e Te tep hon e Communicatzon. D. P. BOGARTp, M.D.,L.D.S. Physican, Surgeon sud Accoucher, etc. Office sud Resideuce next to Ail Sai.uL's Church, Dundas Street, Whîtby. N. B.- Doutai Surgory in ali Le branches promrtly stteuded te. Dr. H. Wightman' Whitby. tuer bh's by. Btc ock D. DEcs& rNZrS. W. E.YARNOLD, D.L. S... Ooun 'Surveyer sud Drainage Engineer, A.ÂA POST, Architeet, iste with Lsugley, Langley& Buike, Troute. Designs for Churchee, Villas sud Cottages s specialty. Drawingi prepared for remodeling existing structures. Office-Fit flat ovor W. R. Howse'e ding store. KýP 0 Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HARNESe MAILER, WHITBY. Having zuoved into our nov promnises, vo are prepsred to extend Lh. range of business. Ail ver k pertaining toe .hsrness-msking sud saddiery business vill be doue te satis- faction. Collaresa spocialty. Call sud se. may ehop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, JNO. NOBLE, Lamber, Shingies, Saah, Deors and BUuids, Turnlng and Frret4Sawlug. _AM-Ail orders or information cau b. ebtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mn. A. C. Wil- son' s resideuce. W itàbi 4h 185 : 81 per annum in advauce, otherviso 81.50. Sobsoriptions alvays payable aI the office ef publication. The publiiserr do net undertakirot deliver th. paper at any post office but Wbitby. Auy Paper vhich fala to roach its destination yl ho replacod upon notification as a malter et courtosy. Advertieing rates unleas by con- tract, 10 cents per lhue, nompariel, finat in- sertion, sud ô cents per ligoeach subs- quent insertion Locais, 10 cents per lino. ENDBSON & GRAHAM.* RaUlway Time Table G: RAND I GRNEAN MDLO No 8, Express Daily Mail... No, 5 Limùted Expreas .... No*7, Loealp, excpt Suuay..- No. 180 Passengor a, « No. m 1,zeý Exres;IfilO Op Sn. No. 8 Erpresdiyexptun NO.. 4 Express, " Ne. 14, Pamseager " No , Léocal, 44 IUDLÂNX~ DIVIBI0~I GOîNO iv...-xitiLÂiw STATION 5,1a 6:48 arn 6:24 amn 9.00 ara. 2:64 p M 8:05 m rm 6-.40 pn 9:62 PMý Littiags 0flh ~y J. E. FAREWELL, New Livery and Sale Stables Commercial mon llborally deal t vith Toaming doue at reasonable pnicos. Freight and Baggage hanied aL roason- LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- Manu±ecturers' Life & Accident Insuranoe Go., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lit e Irisurance Co. :>n Lb. continent. Ninety per cent. of aIl ocumulatiens et surplus is rotorued to Lb. olicy boiders. Ai clain-s are paid vithout lely r dec J. ou POWu EL, o DENTIST. Cor. Ring & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For the next three menths I amn giving speciai attention te patiente frein a dis- tance. Arn stifl makixtg plates in rubber, #8, celluloid #10. Geld and silven fiuiug work cro'wning by firet-olass eperators ai the moît reasouable rates in the City. Wheun i Lb.city eaUlu insud let me exm- inoeur teeth. I makenextacng. 0. X IaIGSDeulast, thseuioet corner -r dý w., H. WARNER. DE EALER IN E GOAL, LATHX OORDWOOD, in Whitby (or th. "cCelebrat- Office and Yard just East of Upt Own Stat. R SAYORSTIATiNE SPARTICA TÂKE NO OTI{E" Mpoey!ta Loan- 'I c"t p a. A A ni 'PI t - col Lie by tow e con clv -me by. pald 'by et g~ eh pone by I1 paid of g by 1 l'y ! 4pi 01 by Ià paid -done _;ana- 01 1« h M 1: 1 J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. «. A Funy and rreuul Baby. Dundas St., Whitby, . Proprietor. )ver Whitby Peb. Ist, 93. ýt 0'4 SOLE ýGEN-r 1 -FOR- 1 1 f 1 . 5 1 1- WmrnY-D. 0. Macdoug lWbtby Olerk Jan. 2; Feb. 2; Maroh $;à ~ .y2 ; hune 8. July 6; Bey. -; u.. ; N 2; Dec. 8. osmuvÂ-D. 0. Maodonell, Whltby, Clerk ; Jan. 8; Feb 4 - March 4; pril 8; Ray8 ; June4; îuly4; sep. Î; oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 4, BEOuGeAX, - M. Gleeson Greenveed, Cerk. -Jan. 4; Maroh6; M'sy 4; July 9; Sep. 5; Nov. 5. PORT PsnRR - J. W. Burnbain, Port Perry, Olerk-Tan. 29; March 9; May 9; JuIy il; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. tyxrmez-ose BE. Genld, Uxbridge, Clerk-Jan. 80; March 18; May lôth; JuIy 12; Oct 14 ; Deo. 17. CÂNMUMTo-Georgo Smith, Canningýon, Jan. 81; March 14; May 16; July 18; Oct. 15; Dec. 18. BzàvzisToi-GOe. F. Bruce, Beavorton, Cierk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. J. T. NEWPORT, ýl 1 1 - 1

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