Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jul 1895, p. 5

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may b. truthfully said of our prices for Silver Hair Pins a.nd Ornaments, 511- ver Mounted Bide Combe, Czarine Buokies, and Vail Holders. These are al This Season's Goods*e and are very fashionable. However, they must be cleared out and thus you get the advantage. JM Sx ]BARNAR JEWELER & ENGRAVER, OfficCou.nty organ.-Larg.st CirculA- tion cf any local piper in Cana"a FRIDÂY, JULY 26, 1895. LOCAL LÂCONIOS. S-aturday le special bargain day at W E- Warren 's. Hlardwood dining tables, 4 icaves, only $5 at W. Tili's. Go to Tovonto next Thursday on Gardel City, 50 cents. The iatest knitted Goff blouses, ask ta se tbem at, W. G. Walters'. Ladies' shirt waists li white and colore at only $u, extra value. W H Warren. Mrs. Rogers and Miss I. Rogers, Tarolt to, are visitiag relatives and friends i town. Mr. W. H. Greenwood, who le writing i the Agricultural Departrient, Teronto, wa home aver Sunday. Mm. XVincent McBrady, Tononto, was ber this week spcending a couple ai days wlt bis sister, M m. J. H. Long. Cobourg town council has erdered that a shade trees la the corporation be sprayed t kil the caterpillame and grubs. Miss May Hamer Greenwoad, Lady sul eintendant of the Jewish hospital, Cincii nasti, s heme for hem summer hoiidays. Mm. Smnith ai the Globe staff. was here c Friday last, makîng enquiries as ta the at visability ai wmting up and illustratiug tI towxi for a Satumday edition. Mm. R. H. Waîks, B. A., of Lindsay cc legiate institute, was in tewn Mandsy arl stmole upan us. He le weli pleased wil Lindsay, and we doubt nat that Lindsay well pleased wlth hlm. Mm. W. H. Metcalf, Myrtie,. was hei Satumday. He has finished bis norm course and le now a full fiedged profession .---A I... f"0ý Lca .u, m, %uic wuuW v Qnc. make hie mark in hie profession. Mm. Ed. Halliday, Braoklin, wha bas bee attending Lindsay collegiate institute for yeam, was in town Friday. He has bee undcrgoing the ordeal ai a matniculati' exam., and we are sie lan aying that whe the retumas came lu he wilI figure among ti elect. Mm. Chas. Eastwood met with a painf mishap whilst in camp at Stoney lake la Thursday. He was carrying somne bottie and stumbled, beaking one ai them upor stane. One ai the pieces gauged into1 iel and tome the fiesh back fom the fm< side very badly. An artemy was severe and the flow ai bîood was only stoppd ait considerable eflort. He came h orem1 treatinent, but we are giad ta ay was al ta return ta camp eariy this week with1 amm in a sling. Remember That Dr. Gant's " Haîmene "ils guanante ta stop falling hair and emnove dandruif. Meonlight an the Lake Theme wiii be a moonlight excursion the- lake on the evening af Thunsday ne Aug. ist, and theme will be moonlight ti The run le inoin Wbitby, Oshawa and Bc inanville, on the Garder City. A Sad wanuing. The many people wba knew Sarah jar as a bight and handeome scheai girl int town, four or five yeame ago, wili learnu% regret af ber tragical death, as recordec the Utica column of this issue. She atte ed the callegiate institute and nmodel sci here ta qualify for the teaching pmfessi Subeequently she was lest sight of, and it now turns eut, bas been teaching lu caunty ai Grey. We need nat repeat sad etomy oetlber death, which reveaîed poor girls sin and folly. Our great syr tilv with lhem iamily--one of the moet resp ab;le li Reach-would aiment suggest tc ta avoid the subject entimely , but Eht is possible. Nom need we inoralize upop affair. AIl young wemea who have ju mient ehou id be able ta, draw the lesson1 wc would give themin l the matter. It col so close home te thernsail as ta prove an fui wamnlný, which they shoM.dbeed for sake af thear relatives as weIl as thouasel Port Whitby. The echOacer William Jamescn iwas this week with ceai frein Sandusty. Mm. Jno. McCourt, C. P. R. operatc Onsping, la home for a few weeku holid Mm. Dudley Weedhouse, stenographd the office ai Wmn. Deering & Ce., Ci<i le spending a short vacation at bis i here. Tihe A. C. CeRoy, a large stearm la belonging ta Sedus Point, anti three yi -on tbeir way (rom the Hamilton r calied atBthiis part dunlng tise week. Thse pennant of thse aid Fiona Oui proudly aven tise tent ai Mn. jiso. Wi .and famiiy, wiso are camping an thse1 west of Peny' boast bouse. on Mauadayv lataam~ecrowd cf w te. excusoit atda this barbeir Doon for tise arrivai of the Gardenoit ly la vain. The dn b e ma cth Iten tri O p«0 to thedWopon cfeù tis te Pl""ae ers. Itle apietait $0sou 80 me" o Ol5i t ors tisa adom tntie of 1118 lssi .s , . ik vWaIgb*11 9 ewl eof ,mes they longed fer neyer camne. The feg was peaceful (?) slumbers every one at arbaor tsos dense on the lake that one couid oniy see Bar Pr was greeted wlth the query "Have T. Se at thsa few feet, and steamers that were out la the yen seen our dog 7" On enquiry it was T .S e St ,,ith lake had te stay there, or else run great risk found that saune bolcI robber had deliber-______ d in of graunding. The Garden City found it ateiy abducted the bulldog and kennel frein end impossible te make these perte, and disap- the camp "Peanut." A panty was imed- Paid to Policy Hlolders during1 ion. pointed the largest numlber of excursionssil raniets t scour the park and if pas-Ne Inua ewrtnii184. J, as ever, ail returned good naturedly home, and juet punishunent for such a deed. After a Pba in Dividendea alone in 1894. the we understand another excursion is to be fruitless search a suspicion danenitlher the n ta Niagara lor their benefit ta make Up minds that perhaps the pon nmlhoSrlsoeralLaiiisi 1apae for this disappoitmleut. been murdered. Grappling irons were se- aetarcnasngi I the cured, and after much dragging of the water Ourof th a e (Jazue oi oe TsoAnontoken &WFrcr. fsucessutethe lakte gave up its dead. The carcass as a preaeso h ioc 'lin u stAnluntbene oossle uassnte htthe temrbiy mutilated, being shorn of limbe and rthe TortaIndubstniposszibona a8ee hi h ead. With sarrow it was borne te the idg t e rnto ndthe ad f eptbegu fr lwh be1aPeaaiut Grove, " where it was interred with that opesiyof nn alid aotftleptee. Mil aythe greatest solemnity. After the funerai >mesa dimpraofme le u thebitilacd reMndeobsequies were over an investigation was Dmesimpoveent inthebuidins ad 9 Udsset on foot te capture .the perpetraters cf 1aw- have been made ta furtber the COiiYClliei)c this dark deed cf blood ; but e#ery trace of the ef exhibitoTe and the public, and with the te a disappeareti. A reward cf two ïe.returnof pn en perity t r dollars wae offered for suchIs nformation as of thé.. management 'will doubtîes be reward wouîd establish thse gilat cf parties then un- ed bf a thoraugh appecl*tofl cf the luduce- knawn. Chlef (:alveriy vlsited tise scene of be.mente offered. Thse volumfe of eh 19t ta the tragedy dusing the day, but wbebro season will be llargçr and mare diverelfied not e rked u the case le net ta us pas- Dr Bt than ever before, and speciali BttfULCtioU cf a ltivély k.nown. Sianday passeti and thse ex- ÇIn laye. brilliant ancd exc*tlg charter wlU hpro- ditemntsabatedi som«vast. Quictly thse ýer la seuted, lncltldlt1g the 0DO lita *Po-"pe9ne"sawed wood. 0On Tu"esy e. it fO oo cago, tacle d"Tie Relief of Luckow," wi g~ ur swispeted that thse guUl7 parties bac!hoc home geous Oiental aesoissdprrmucbeen loestedl, -and at 9.ip thse 'Sà" R efete on a ecd f ridOif urad variety frspIu~tdta avut efl 1. fae s 5 0 ofc a ICI" R t" wtba oet eti ,wo dbe F re Lunchs hitherto ueul Ts s en f b9 r hiblaodthirstyoffense. lng ost nd veanue o wttkadvaet ff log an ti a ud.b1Y8ma 111001d 1 tlisp ( air nti- ~ ~ ~ ~ sfbc t repay. the Peâauts b ate hv itestage of theopp ptj nd knWn wtasetid titiveu ou itegopbahr 'itrs& tahi es w h Dgbelm toc~ Oeot6, Il ISOffS 1118 point Alentresck n heatOfAcut Ã" Thse Watr cw* amdtCiP& tm$lsa, wbô#Cs àuthr tmd4 Wa until Thse Sdem , *»a' = =ý fî th*1ak rbut himea f in the *-uIm<1w 4t -th froms la tcbl dier t'verdict of MM beraii ff aUÙ4W- ananÙ"frm019 thefbm -'"-'I tive- purpose to sel11 governs ail prices. ai ont cf siglit in thi s ale io making money, this ieoecrtainly COmm-g h.- ta share in the Bargains of the GREÂAT CLEARING F3UXMMER SALE Mt uur ete dAT~JI If~~~~~ weae oet .M are ~ l4fdo e am C prnteduc, éed ot Aothr QD Garde e r.ts . Bandel ar. , sntTo<>t tis MssMa olin Sa r n tor e alin rduod t 2c. nd 5e Scote e patn ire tWdo ietere. r leit ingM.tCelli es t adeMrs.W.e R. Laud. e rlac d kid giov etoWîH Sa, Howaee.a bran e n I avn rear$1.5ooWHWaren. Miss ennieRobnsn lavs tiswee t furacevim adei andfrorPu ayMcltre Mrand a Westr îiNew to $2.0O 845in 6r pCece kisodwlu afr upuh ala onetmen's, ySTuth's and children'stw withsilkpiush bade fo w, orh twhartredcdti5.eaha agi Mooulight excursionTront on Garden CitynetM.J.SBaaradtwchlrnefJoltofPreoth5.ec, Tursdy, îh . . t ruaWhtb, shwaonWeeday t ta sedawkiitin ii slln t of 2e.Gos 0.t 5 Mnd os aud r. l n oono i Mss ayw Chorlaivs, and frid a. ,i - eu ato25.nd8c Me, iighis Lwel, o BelfsterN. V.hehrevi- is tic hee D t oli f ers nth' Ri Lvadisor eu atingi turn nl $, owed oeo audyls.Reunso ryCto Miss Jen1.25ie DebWH Myre. Mister spobnds o laeîedehi eesym- ing a e dysrepr te foueset o is eassienda* wes au nSaîuh rday in To rciaoeunto eSis ÉitEo Shrng. BallantyBalaneet on Tueday for Naad chra path 6aliecet o ped almnuth vîos it elativs, frmofbatsfe basetofuceaspobtri no e u nso ln eet andh frieride. whih he has urrtha3k,.We ay ad Monlgt xurhnatGadn iy e they. . SwBrrd thenbet we hven eenti eunso otn Mhr. yAge. Suit, nrhofti on year Remnants of Embroideriensselin at25 adwiseetornt ie. m Wit, OhwaLndnd thrlaiesad ren itheis CHONICL.ofAsela st Y.ahe reied Mr. i . J.ngs t son and s MiornesGibsne,bi severapiation rS . ThoelofwathtoeiterraeNatYrkvarlheeet pesnt mEnt oraseigshouldusnouyciums. Tey woweesalleda Canadain aont of Mm. edaw es, teson tof eMaisCsDwe sess M.At.Ga.eRwade andehois asiste hala te em e ftona wek oro itha gang ofatheslte Hen SryAesiofthe tan For-ansofShrin8 Fal o lpe ne amen He ist atoiivesn tuofae MrskeGis ofn'sinjuriesperresflo 50at o lanlet anneriand hscag fagn h u-serwious eas had be n pps. esdMra d e nnso otnd tin geup the tunk unowretotiî Tomont Miss ibson rewha et whe fee wouldansofEmridri to Monttorel. prov ndavetie i e a scii ater aiecutyit hesRs. W.C. AMichel nd A. G. ed Mr.hoida. . Gibson d issan id Wnhib c son, lappompatiniesy . Hendero wn Mois b fe oyas are heea suceseful endeor eso ad ufami ly Mis Miceiand usiess an lxew andorn ay he goon Msr. TDawebyn opitcheamp at Paean adretr. hbflthi ohr h agoges s gaw n lage.Remved ro naebidignearl oppsite lxi anot here corunn a be seen wthea adv. o druhe ' hteleny D. Ma ofthis o n. Ju For-h of tehe ne men.at es le Insurnci uael Mrs3321. isn njre wr ot o Mr.nSr,anley chare iserof a g n t hoae, pu-s e or rany y e enaur cltiend Mrhav bn e pin the ugcanvofmelrubs ceunîyThrownto qiefailia trnwt liceaisre Har- to Montrealxpiin te c rn- a ii otei aiecutyit dMpnysfrableplans o nuan nce,. and e per s littbackMr abnd t an o Jo"hehaby- oun, cot tat te coman ldo a laMessnbee, n asmeulraed mant t olcescourt busnerso an a y Mis ce, a busies ailitherwlic ku.ct a y Je sgio om Poin OtfSadidawe the h yof a teden-w ema in oeaonbtonMna uisan ud tancges esgamintinlar ham, moveingtok a stroldingverlheppote EDIA.1 5, i anohercolu n ma beseentheadse.I, statita eee te northtrin o rn e dow6th n andywew ould issugges hathv uiesstherg b e a b eiugaiitd ulohern dintno-_ ______ ,e ad uontn anvamou is. Thioeu t leahan 4 i c te amac ih oienie until tramn upon pme c e o mne asf aredpalaitecow er lmand groulak nd hmtan pi"Je es. Por av- i ac aaol eue o o shown.y' Butav rablepansyohe cuid net, a d ng eearegod r atbnant aineoli ecopurtl ri deorb wri atte. heeh oid nt fi d a utlrge wa d b l tesapubiced tins. Je elomFrre a d ed t <me- *h-kbu wsn the. (acte, ut if by ahommeans te Whutbyona-the-Lake Mrarkh aminpeoe couldhae s4ipedthsestto osetenrhrancmdw, pEl .& J made fur disapp . o itcideu thoffghewhav e Fihin e rathie slow. regular price. a pcnot t lightesifdoubt th a a itusrd r iadgfu weaher fio apinge. P20 pieA faces Pareasnd d ht Lon mhorendidt roates th ec could than ve me yacht Menaran areut d lapeoe ay rce ooehafpie e rwn ta Mneabouam ne it uniumme. o W enesday Btinles lao Hoe oly et. t n. w the Rev. H.bR. A. O'Mali ecndtis he Jami-o-tesonLarie nAusdU ih ar.met eue ,oeh theferislat. Jamlde'churo und eayvse ol(o aduk.SecerdWd >o n peacihed oinuctattiv sermnorHie esdafor Bwanvie. o apn.2 icsCemaa-ht c-morendi esuet $asPece" and he :The yacht MGrae oaTroun nto atieuis et Satu Monda-af rie O thee dat tohadetharkned te my Cmm.oin Oee adoay. of Hamiltonk, letoly et reini-,Tents!thnH. .Ad thly ea c eenas Tnchors a teobaTuesday. goa wth par - river." The preacher dweit upon the per- The Messrs ArnaIl, the Misses Arnali and SPECIA.LS. $ ndfect peace enîeyed by those who impliitlylsRuelarcmpn r tiwek tobeyed God's commande, a peace utterly Mis usi r apn eeti ek ut nknown ta the disebedient. Ia the evening and are enjoying a fine euting. Msn's an vos lti 'sMr. O'Maliley took for hie text " Jesus eaith The campers have had a period af seeth- unto hum, I ain the way," urging an accept- ing excitement, but ater ail the days and re ance of this, the oniy way ta obtain salvation, nights are moet ejoyabLy epent. oi NvBleSreutso ai aIl others being spurieus and misieading. There was a garden party heicI at the os ayBueSreSiet ai -Orillia Packet. camp presided over by P. Mathison on Wed- ages 4 to 10 years, reduced oCoal at Toronto prices. nesia y night. Nal oattended. 990. enSeliing eut during next week-I will seil A Eteam yacht frain Big Sodas, calied here Gôod Tweed Suite, 2-piece, 4 ko a very best Scranton and Lehigh coal $47 on Monday night. She carried a party of er 15 et shed, $5 deivered-spet cash enly. H. excursienlets from a unlitary school in New #ÉMr&, 81.25.to q. B.Tano.Yerk State. Melle, 0-1 iereuodte$ en A. Tayrd a. The "«Pea Nuit Nine", could be rightfullyif 10.00")"."7. e Wiegven AbPry telde ialsit callecI the Sunflower Nine, as tbey have Men'e $5 Navy Serge Suite redz churc Wlu eg b the ecolaudiesofWensayt'adomned the grounds la front of their camp td$75 -e-n---y on-heBr. A cpitala.7er v. Iy ne-1 bol# Go. STE W:-T' S» WAILTERS' siaurai Mma Bargain Duoysu AN 0PP0RTUNIIJ "I1 for every person in ,on ) town to bny gA T at /"%__ A r 7-- r-!AYE per aL fit d to D 10 .50. ieed dâ Saturday and Monday $1.05 for regur$ 1.50 working $1.35 for nover rip everydlay Pants. 81 .90 for good $2.50 Tweed Pants. Regular Prices for $2.50 for Blsok Woretod Ponts oU $2 TWO DA YS. 2 8.0 Pale blue, navy and white stripe Saturday and 'Màonday Zephyrs, regula price 25c., ro- SPECIA.LS. < - ' dueod to l2ie. American Llama Clothe, light and dark colore, regular price 20c., Bargaiu Day pnice 100. 20 pieces light and dark Drees Goods te- dnced ta j regular pice.' 25., regula 40., Whuie -truw. Victoria Lawus, 42 and 44 iuches wide, raoc., 750., bl t i oi. ai 5to 1Me. yd. 6e, e00;Itss in ls 12je. Printsa alreduced toe. lc. H ad aSoft HieRab 1i at m 10e. Prints reduced te 8e. yls 11 piece Butohere' Biue Dnck, warranted ft calor, regular price 20o., reduced TAbIR Ii1UA Double widIth bine and white stripe Zophyr, regular price 20c. de. 25c., redueed te 15c. 50.Blouse -Waits- REDUOED TO 30 Eabove prices are for Bargain Pays ONLY, [onday, July 27th and 29tb. w. - Life Insurance Company 'Y 0F NEW YORK... Quebeo Bank Building, Toronto. -Canadian Manager. 1894 ....................... $ 984t584 894. .......... 987,82. RX ai any lie. Re.-D; STAN LEYL inspectors Of gentsTonto* Bllok $ Whgt. having put AUl our Stock of MILLINEBY. to b. bleared ont ai cost prices. Job lot of GENTLEMEN'S TIES, worth from 25o. ta 85c. ; ail te go at 16C. MEN'S UNDERSHLRTS & DÂWBS, worth 50c., te be sold at 25a ORDERED CLOTHINO ai greai reduetiofle. HALIIFAX, TWEED SUITS............$10-00 BLUE BERGE SUITS...... ........ ............ $12.(» Special line SCOTCII TWEED SITITS, worth $20.00 for $15.00 to attend the Clearing Bale at inel- tory Iliof hey LENO e lit the NG, and 2.4. jrd hdr and MK. A -OmIvo . K vais, 1, E mSm -ý ý-- D 1- Special ryl . 1 0.JF. Pants. C3%

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