Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Jul 1895, p. 2

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IKNOWLEDQR Brflnp oomort and improvement and *snds *teperonal enjoymeuù vhe. tiihtlY Useci.The, mnny, who live bot. 1s't tb.sn others and enjay 1f. more, -with lffl expenditur., by more promptly adapting the. world's best products to the needs of physical bemng, will attest thei -suie $0 heslth of the pure liquid ,laxative principles embrao.d in the ".nedy, Syrup o! Figa. Its excellence in due to Its presenttng in the, forni mont acceptable sud pleas- '&utto the tante, the. refreshing and truly beneficia praperties of a perfect laz- aitive ; offectually cleansing the uystem, diapelling colda, headaches snd lever. ,and permanently cuing constipation. It ha. gven satisfaction to millions and met wýh the approval of the medical profession, because it acta on the Kid- IneTs, IÀver sud Bawela without weak- enîng theni sud it in perfeetly free froin *very objectionable substance. $yrup of F il for sale by ail drug- ginta in 75c. bvotte, but it l inmanu- factumed b y the Califomnia Fig Syrup Co. only, w hase naine is printed an every pacý&gc, also the naine, Syrîîp of Fige, aud beirîg well informmed, you will not Seeept -ity riubstitute if offeredî. *Headache Ayer'sPui .Iwatoubled a Iongtume wltb sick ,euaheZ.1It wa9usay accompanied with evere pains ini the temples, a.iqense of!Itgiuess and tenderness In one eve, a bad taste lu My mouth ton e coated, bande and teet cold, anà sickness at the stomach. 1 tried a gzood many rernedies reeomznended for this complalut; but It VU nfot until I Bégan Taking Ayer's Pis that I reeved ani'thing like pemma. nept beneOit. A single box of these pulis cid the work for -mead 1 arn now free - rom headaches, anda weli man." - C (. H. HUTONDIOS, Euàt Âuburn, Me .AYIER'S PILLS Akwardd Modal at Worl's air OORIREBPONDENOE UXBEM&E MiÈ. Clharles Kelly leaves towil about Wodnesday neit on the Forester'. ex- «oiuo to Ireland and neighboring coun- .'tis of lem importance. Mr. Thoo. A. McOillivray, barriater, of Whitbyi, as in town Monday for a brief cail on frendu. Mr. W. Wînfiiold, who hm. be.n'suoh a lo>ng, tisa. with Mouesa John Watt & <00. boe.,loft towu yesterday for Graven hrt t~o taks oýharge of the. dry gooda ci>- lustont of Muai Horner a&Oo. o* *.tM.ohants. ais fawily will follo* " oikens have boon sfIUng *O l ya t Mc eIr pair. - As long &I * 'OUê o 2 1 t wiUlpay tos»ll j»èrSbil I»OPP unt* 1411for'probably i'Cho&. Fergusonha. p tnd a rîtWeartile oaUed a *milr"oMve. imty A wo Uart mlkosa or P 01 i,-a the uidewigha =Wch Milk Aà ta te oa., -ýtt 1H issi" i uxego0 Crops The ant crap is remarkably short. Hay is rnnning about Î of a ton to the acre ; the beet will go one tan ta the acre. Baley. early sowu, le fair anly, while the late eawn le very poor. Fal ,wheat is fair ta good, filling up ta the top of the head. Peas middling, plenty of etmaw, net podding extra hoavy ».a yet. Turnipe are net up. Somne people are resowing the ground with white ones, sud smre are sowing bnckwheat. Ahùie claver is aood where it waa uaL pastured. Small fruits will bo plentiful if ain corne soon. Appbes are scarce compared with last year. Vliattng Mies Jane Horu is viâiting ber matber. Mme Duncan Town, of Seagrave. is visit- ing at Joseph Town'e. 8 Hoy le visiting at E Newtion's. James Lott le visiting at Jua McKay's. John Nott visited Scugog Islaud recently. David Sauders bas been visitiug bore most of the snm- mer. If ho -tays much longer we wilb caIl hlm a settlor. Ho is a carriage maker, sud do't yau fomget it. Bora Ou tbe 6th, Mme. James Wallace of twiu boys. Many people are visiting, but Frank Hooper's iisit back ta Georgius kuocks ail visitaeout, as he returued home a tew day. ago with a yeung and handsome bride, daughter et William Matthewg, formerly et this place. After the marri- age eeremony wae pertormed Lb. young couple teck in s little of the scenery et Lh. north country, namely, Uptergrove, Oannington, Csmbray, Islsy, Fenoon Fala sud Sonys. CLAREMONT. Duncan Hubbard la home for surmer Vacation. Bige Forsyth is doing a rushing busi nesa mn the feneing ine. Borne good catches of tront are report- ed during the. put fortnigbt. Min Jariesen, o6 -ker Hill, viited with triencis ber. tie eek. Mrs. MeKeai. sud. tamuly, et Kirk. field, are guesuus at-the Mans i..fbs veek. lirs. Stokes and ber twe boys are with city triends. They vil! romain therp for sme veeks. 11ev. snd Mus White loft for the. ol country on Tne.day. Tii.y mail from Montreal on Baturday.ý George Gerov i. ros 0n e h. oelebrsted Broalfrd t "a«vinDdiullato Wm. Oowan, of BMab"nk A number ot .haep ver. kill.4 on Mo- Fsrlsue's orossig on Friday, but veidd notieur te whom they baloag. - Mm is. Davi Igitvander, UMeWal-, lues sa Mr. Besormau of LImm i!,ll *#hers on &Banay viwusB eevo e s"w and bMay, . Jusab S uady msaily leu & b to *To aid . Ohildreire. À publo mçUi$ng waa held in the market hi 1 on the. èven- ing of JoIy 4th, for the. purp of ! gan. tzing a socîety for the. protection of "Ne- glect>ed andDLependent " childreln. The meeting wau faîrly Well attended. The officera elected were as fobbows :-Pres., T C Nioholbs; vice-pres., David Baird; soo-treas., H A Crosby ; agent, Jas. An- derson ; houôrary counsel, F N Raines and T W Chapple ; committee, Revs: Messrs Hanna, Cameron, Reid aud Man. ning ' Mesdames Dale, Hardy, Frankish aud Raines. Drunk aud Disorderly. A few days ago -a travoiler entered the tobograph ottice sud handed ovor a message to be senit "coîbet.' In Mr. Willcox's late ab- sence Mr. E. Ç. Harkness has had charge of the office, anîd înfarmed tho man that according ta the conpany's ules ho could not send it unls it was prepaid. The man, who had apparently been drinking, swore for a minute or two, and thon seized the water pitcher and hurled it at theoaffending operator, Wbo ducked* lu tirne to save hie head. Smash it wont againat the wali, water and braken doîf coming down among the machines. Mr. Hamkneee walked around the countor aud taking the orank quietL by the arm ad- vised hlm ta get out.H e got, snd it waa flot long before ho wasaaut of tawn. If ho ever returns bore it is ta hoped ho will be sober and lu an amiable frame of mind, otherwise, instead of being allowed ta thraw juge ho will find himeolf inside of one -Journal. CPBOBR. The report that Mrs. Margaret Murphy le dead le entirely without foundation. The aId lady ig stili pnrsuing the even tenor of her way. Bicycles are getting quite common in aur little village. The machines are 8o well liked by those Who poseas theru, and Po muc h the envy of those Who do not awn a "bike," that theme will likelyç bo a large demand for these bomees that require no feed. At the meeting of the S of T last week Miss Essie Heisie was installed as W P of the division. Miss Heisie bas been a faitbful member ever since the arganiza ion of the badge. We heartiby wish ber a most successful quarter, aud hope that the division may grow bath lu number8 aud temperance principle. Theme wss a pbea8ant famuly union lu the fore part of this week at Mr. Robt. Scott's. The Misses Scott returned fyoni Gretna, Manitoba, ta speud their sum- mer hoidays, and Mr. aud Mme. Bran- don came from Canningtan, makiug the tamily circle complote. The youug ladies from Manitoba report a most plea saunt journey borne, eepecially tho wstem route. Crope around Grdtua are in a flourishing condition and a bountiful bar- veat is expected. SAINTPI]ELD. p Erskine church endeavorers are takiugy a vacation. No meetings for twa mon the At the closing meeting new officers weme elected: Miss Jennie Forgie, presideut ; Mr. McFarlsne, ftmet vice ; R Raweon, second vice. Prosperity bas atteuded the eocioty ever since its organization, aver a year sud s aîaf ago, under the able atdministration of Rev. Mr Kippau. Mr. McLaren ably filled the office of firt-F president. Every active momber bias worked as if tbey were fornisbed with s commission of service, every meeting lihas been a geod one sud witbout exception, tairly weIb attended. That the society bas been helpful we kuaw aud that it wiil furthem prove a blessiug we trust. Suc cees we say ta the chirietian endeavor - News. GREENBANK. (From an occasional correspondent.) After a few months' stay in the city Miss Nettie McMillan bas returned and is rene%%iug obd acquaintances. This may ho a quiet place, but juduzing by the reports ta baud lately, we bave some smart people, as the records for a 50 yard dass at gamos ini Lame park lately will show. Some of aur young foîke heve not feit well since the social or tea in the S ()f T. division latoby. 'Moral, don't cat more tban one meal at the one sittingy. We have some wonderful stories frorn the eouth or rather oast by the youug man who wus down ta Whitby on the jury. String thein out of town. Mr. Gea. Reynolds haviug purcbased the blacksmith shop froni Mr. Thos Gully is uow prepared ta tumn out any- thiug fram a needle ta a steam loco- motive. Bring along your traps. Our entemprisiug carrnage builder, Mm. Whiteford, is now busy fittitng ont a firet clase tally-ho ta, ho exhibited at Indus- trial Exhibition, Toron ta, and othor largo exhibitions aIl over the province. CEBRRZYWOOD, Miss Gallaway is at pesont visiting at Mr. Pettyis. Mm. Burton ahd wlfe of Mount Joy, visited at Mr. Smnith'e. Mme. Green speut lust week with ber frieud.s lu Scarbaro. Mre. Forthy sud Mise A. Imwiu visited with their brother last weelç. Master Gardon Green, of Scarboro, le spending a few weeks with bis uncle, Jno. Green. T. Heuderean sud wife, of Brougham, are epending their summer vacation at this place. The yaung folks of this place spout a very enjoyable tume down at the bay au Thumeday evouing. J. Cockwomtb sud sister are visiting at Mm. Laughliu's. Their many frends* o! this many friends of this place are pise- ed ta sec their emiling faces once more. W. regret to annonce the death of James Mainland, whicb oocurred ou Frlday, sud was very sudden newe a t th ppople of thie place, deaeased only being bed fast for two days. Tii. funerai took place an Suuday ta the Zion churcb cemetery, west o! tisl place. Tii. ro- mains wore followed by a large ceucourse of friends. The family bas the spmbhathy ef al l their trouble. 800 Jy 1NeW DeSB!I It wed te b. my ,namma's d Ciashmere Wb"ciihe took to pie=e and dyed wUt Dia.m unond Dyes Md made me two nelv dreses, a bue *bd brown. Brotiier'sgots a )aeW smit toc ; it's made frt Uncle Jael-'a l coatdyed over; mamm*n aud'>U Cuayl e wfth D* 9ou Dy " ta±anybody c=a me (ha, lte. Bd.u ei . 1 1 q whing an sd Mms.Pngh every proo. perity. The long talked of sideroad between lots 6 ana 7, cofibessjon 9, i. about to b. an establbbiuled tact. The contraet for opening tb. same has been gwarded, and the O.P.R. Co. will naw be puslied for a orossing. The contractor receives bhe tituber on the road allowance as part pay for the work, and balance, soaie $80, lu money. There died in Toronto, on Sunday, the 7ùh, a former resident of' tlis place, in the person of Jolin Brodie. The romnains were interred in the i'resbyterian cerne-7 tory, 7th concession on Tuesdav, tliey baving been conveyed from Stcoulffviloe station. Deceaised was an aged man and was well known ta aur ider inhabitants. Ail join lu oxpressing sympathy wiih the boreavod famnily. The funeral was large- ly attended by aur people. Mrs. A. Lukce and William J. Gregg are with friends lu sud around Walker- ton just now. HlarVest Will 'be faimly started tbis week. MmI. T. E. Cragg being tbce first tbiat we biavebeard ()f ta do anvy grain cutting. Tbe fine ramn on Tuesday mamni ng %v-ll do a great dea] of good ta the crops, especially turnips. Claver tbresbing is now on tiie go. W. Real w-as ta Orillia an a business trip last A-eek. -4-. ANOTI-ER DISCOVERY. 0f Interest to Bicycle Riders. A well known bicycle rider has made a diecovery that will ho goad newe toe &1l who locomote on the wbeel. He Baya : Since I first began te ride a. wheel, which le several yoars ago, have been subjeot ta more or boss chafing and irritation. Sometimes when heated the itchiug inside my legs would be se severe that I would feel compelled to forage riding for a time. Nothing that I tried did any material good until my attention was drawn te an advertise- ment of Dr. Chase's Ointment for a&l ftching of the skiu. I tried it and ai- mostfrom the moment it touohed the skin the itching stopped. I ae find ite occasional use prevents chaflng. Further evidence of the efflcacy ef this preparatioti is given by Chas. IRoe, fore- man Central Press Agency, Toronto, who vas traubled with Itchin g 5ki of the meet sggravated kind. When the skin becanie heated during sI.ep from tee mucli clothing, would wake up with absolute pain from digging into the flsh with hie nails. Chaie's Ointment gave relief from the firat application aud permant.ly cured. Price 60c. Herse Reutes. bRIoyal Soostmau, (5317), Olydesdale, awued _y Jonathan Porter, Pickeriug. Mouday tu Kennedy's. baseline, noon ; Central botel. Osh- awa. ta1ght. Tuosday, to Woodruff's hotel, Wh.ftby, fortLb.nlght. Wednesday, tahie own stable. Pickering, for the night. Thnreday, (3ordon's hatLa, Pickering, noon. and him owii stable fer the night Friday ta Highland Creek for thi night. Saturday ta hie own stable un- til Konday. Terme, 810 ta insure. NewdLay, (8076) (1912, Olydeedale, owned by Wm. Richardson & Son. Columbus. Menday ai Lonoon leave hie own stable for Brooklin and romain overnight. Tuesday, flortep's, Kinsale, noo»; Maddafords, Ândley, night. Wedpesday, Fred. tante, noon ; Pickerilng.-night. Thurs- dayMGnire. ,Kingston read, noon; Woea- mue hotel. Whitby, bight. Prlday, Craw- forthos, baseline, noon ; Central botel, Oshiawa, night. Saturday te bis own stable until Mou- day. Term 51?te mue. Jobh iiugsradater, owned by Jnathan PorterPearn.Monday, te Woodruft's hetel, Whitbýy, neon; Centrai bhoLel, Oshawa, nlot. Tuenday-, fagleu, neen; et. Chattes hotol, Port Ferrynit.>.Wednesds.y, Heard'a boletuMne:te efion - Wilhon'ehotel,,Ash- hurn, nigbt., Th say ebert's hotel, Brook- lin, noi; vierig ng f ids, Thos. Kuov!si Brook rM oa;Ugl reek, uth 0 ai pi.y Jhn 9d8ox', MO=,* snd to e is c oi tal util Kudy.Torte S4?) te speech by brotber W. M. Weir, in wbicb be w-as pleased the w-ay tbe division was carried on under Brother D. Tbomnpson. lie next installed the following officers: «W. P., Sister P. Hezzlewood; W. A., Sister, E. Mark; A.S., Bro. G. Ormiston; A.A.S., Sis- ter T. Mlartin: b.S.. Bra. H. Griffin; treas., Sister Nirs. H. Ross; chaplain, Bro. T. Fewster; con., Bro. P. Grice; A.C., Sister B. Tbompsan: .S., Bro. B. Ormi-ton; O.S., Bro. E. Wrdge; P.W.P., Bro. D. Thorupson. cola lu the head-Nasal Balm gives instant relief; speedily cures, Nover fails. Thirty tboueand dollars will be spent for the Champlain monumient. Dyspepseor Indigebtion le accasioned by the want of action in the blliary ducte, ]nis of vitality in the stomacb ta secret the gastric juices, witbout which digestion caunot go on ; algo, being the principal cause of Headeche. Parmeiee'e Vegetable Pille taken bef are gaing ta bed, for a whiie, ne ver faîl ta give relief aud eff eet acure. Mr. F. W. Aehdown, A8bdowu, Ont., wri tee: "Parmelee's Pille are takiug the lead against ten ather makes which I have in- stock. An Indian, Louis Martin, was killed an the G.TR. in Montreal. Wa, bave un hesitation in saying that Dr. J. D. Kellagg'e Dysentery Cordial is witbout oobt the beet medicine ever intraduced for dysentory. diarrboea, choIera and ail eummer complainte, ses eicknees. etc. It promptly gives relief sud nover feuls ta effeot a positive cure. Muthersehebuld jeover b. without a battIe when their chiidren are teethng. Quebec le shipping bay ta Toroutoansd the We,3tern States. BE»ard'a Liniment les the best. At Davis' cigar factary, Montreal, 160 men are on etrike. Whou Traveling 'Wbether ou pleasure bout, or business, take ou every tip a botue of 8yrup of Fige, as iL acte rnoet pleasauîly sud effectuslly ou the Iidneys, livem sud bowels, preventing foyer, beadache sud other forme o! sicknems. For sale iu 75c. bottles by aIl leading draggise. Manuifac. Lumed bv the Califorula Fig Syrup Co. only. A 5 year-old boy named Gleason, san o! the late Patrick Gleason. was drowned in the river. at Brockville. When Baby was sick., we gave ber CuLoi. When she was aCbiid, ah. cried for OaatorIa. Whenshbe became Mjis she clnng te CàMoria. When ah. had Chlldre.n, sh6 gavothem Ca&LorIa. CeleryNERVE eCOMPOUVD (From our regular correspondent.) Mr. Archie Black ls smiling ail over Theinfnt augterof r. nd rs is face on the arrivai, of a Younlg Alouza Wood died on Wednesday ofa~tr;adas M iod bast week. Mr. Jos. Ward has bired with Mr. J. The anual meeting of the Metho- Bartley, and we are delighted with his dist Sunday-schoob was held on Wed- sweet music in our neighborhood. nesday evening, when the following Berrie-picking is the order of the officers were ebected fo.i the ensui ng day, but it woubd be well for ail pickers year: -Superintendent, Jos. Watson to keepr out of Mr. J. Bartley's patch. assistant superintendent, T. L. Salter Mr. Michael Grose ann Mr. J. Wal- secretary, W. Whiteford; treasurer, lace, of Mariposa, wcre visiting Mr. E. T. E. Cragg; librarians, jene Ami Wat- Grose last week. son and Fannie Phoenix. Mr. James Prescott has insured bis Jas. A. Miller and Emma Lee have, life in the P. P. 1. comnpany, which he gone for a two week's visit to friends intends taking an agency for in the near Stayner. faîl. Sonie time during last winter Mr. Mr. Carcîl, of Oshawýa, m'as tbrough Johti Blair, eldest sonf of James Blair, this neigbborboo;l on Nlonday last sen., of tbis place, the former at that looking after bis car1l- peas. fielbas time a resident of Scott, while engaged some of the farrners hy the car with bringing in some ire wdod, accidentally bis perfections. Tbe best way ta pull bruised bis left hand. Tbe hurt heing tbern is witb youir bands, wbicb makes slight no attention w-as paid to it, but a migbty slow job. in time blood poisoning set in, and de- RAGLAN spite every effort it w-as found to be Miss Emma Hezzlewood, of Toron- necessary to amputate the baud, the ti gi nOrmdt operation heing performed by Dr . Mr.aGain teno aidst. roh Warren at Wbitby about tbree weeks M.Go tvno n i rte ago. It was feared for a time that be Jobn are nwcnutr ntesre mîgbt even lose one of bis legs from* cars in Toronta. the same cause, but now there is rea- Mr. Thos, Moffatt's barn is nearly son ta hope that tbis may be averted. completed under tbe skilful band of Mr. Blair is now, staying at bis fathers, Mr. Luke. and is doing as welI as could he ex- Mr. Christopher Hudson bas put in pected. Mucb sympatby is felt for a set of public scales, wbicb is a credit him in bis nîisfortune. to the v-illage. Kit's bead is level. MIrs. H. Bewell of Port Perry bas Rev. Mr. Wetberall. of Myrtle. been spendîng a few clays mitb ber son preacbed a sermon to tbe Canadian Edward. Order of Foresters on Sunday last. There was frost in some localities on Mr. Geo. Ormiston, Past Wortby Tbursdav morning last xeek. Ratber Patriarcb of Raglan division, C. 0. F., unseasonable weatber for iuly. was presented by the members with a Robert and Miss Bella Gordon of beautiful pin on Saturday eveuiug last, Pine Dale, wvere tbe guests of W. Mc- after wbicb be made an interesting Millan on Sundav. speech. Tbe next that followed was a THE 1108F SUCCESSFUL REIEDY FOR MAN OR BEASTU * Stla a nteefeom ad nover bliatmu "ed gel«s boiow s KEND KALL'S SPATVIN SURES Dookad m ol. aveumedagreot de fyco âcendajlaSpvn ue ih eodme t1 ,wondertul medcine. Iocebd1 ar 9iz =,«= %y Iotl L bod flthU e « dW Tosruly, CM&a.Pewma. KENDALL'S SPA VIN SURE. lr..LT 3. krnU. Co. CoeMO, Oe.. p-8, U. DeQT Sirs-I juiave uaed ueveral bntlie of yomw 'KendalVe 'a . l C ire" wftb mh sacoooe 1 think lt thse 1 LnmetIever umed. Hame e-,' mooed onc Cete, eue Blodgl Sand kW two aune spavium. EHsve Sý t 10 eerlcmyfrienda who aàîi emeilh eFSbolyAL MSggfosduh DYSP MPS 'SA Sicie' E DA I REGULA'ITHEL INSURES SOD iGSTON For Twenty-Fve Yel.s I 5.ffiI5~EgT ~ t' ANDE bave th Mv .W. DIlem4fl Bt. George, New Bruwitc]. After theé(Irip No Strengthy No Ambition iood'asarsapailla Cave Perfect I'Iaith. The followifg letter la from a well-known ierchant tailor of St. George, N. B.: C. 1. HEood à Co., Lowell, Mas.:- " Gentlemen- I arn glad to say that Hood's Barsaparilla and Hood's Pls have done me a great deai of good. I ha4 a severe attack ai the grIp in the winter, and ater getting over the f eyer I did fot seem to gather strength, and had no ambition. Hood's arsaparilla proved ta be ust what I needed. The results were very satisfactory, and 1 recommeîd tls nedicine to ail who are aficted with rbeimatlsmf or other HRood's %;gCures afflictions caused by poison and poor blood.I always keep Hood's Sarsaparilla In my ouse and use It when 1 need a tonie. We aso keeR Hood's Pis on hand and thipk hghly of then.' J. W. DyxEMA2, St. GeorgeteNew Brunswick. Hood's Pille are purey vegetable, and do not purge, pain or gripe. Soid by ail druggIsta. We lb the last the croî nips. Mrs 1 f ew we Woodvi .The istees 1 paèàh-b Mr J mng friei SThe : and T-yt m»m"wmý John week m Enos is heme W. 'the vilI requ ire He wilî sc)rne ti T ber, Of John erîs 'fan, the tow- Racb were dL dt Park Thev me Or av eve shaking lat! on s abu nda.r R ev. week. m(n,)t bs iýb and th scer ai-e> visi blis retu d It -il: roll wa-s c'Alectoi taxes fo) iinnithe ,-i'(fler. are o<f tF after th( but thet week af pald. sroiner 1 ai] parti court at the cha port car and Ch( pay thei fined S against J. Mark drawn b Smith, look ahi defeuda McPheî Smnith s disposei anyone law ; bi learn s couvicti ed, Tl. for thos with req John Squire]1 charged Lynde c xninded Hillani among f what mi mneanls « went do,

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