Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1895, p. 8

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Hellebore, Paris Green and Copper Suiphate THE--, .rdener and Fruit Grower.1 Ohioride of Lime, Cam- phor, Math Catnphor,1 Isect Powder, Copperas and Carbolie Acid orSpring House-Cleaning TGG is Tg OSEIA TVA.1 ~c ~r~rrndc1e. E[AWA, JULY 12) 1895. OSIIAWA PAGE * OSHAWA. ZBUSINsffs NOTICE.- Oshawa subscribers or« sdvertisers may transact an y business .wth the CERoNIcLE or may o bain extra Copies at any time, ?rom F. R. Hobbs. Farmers will do well ta call at M. E. Mays for boys' ready made ciathing. YIf you wlsh a nice French china dinner or t«e St, -or anything i fancy china, or glass. ware, go ta E B Morgan & Son. It will psy arsy parties conteinplating buy- I.ng an engagement or wedding ring to see tlsî large stock of Feit Bras., Oshawa as they will seli this çponth very cheap for cash. Gealne diamond 14K. onlv $%. They are also making some special offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Se. tbei. Feit Bros. 2 i, . W. Scales has gone ta New York. Mr. J. Brantan is spending his holidays in Toronto. Mr. L. G. Cassels and bride have relurned to Oshawa. Miss McLean, who bas been in Orono for solDe time past, is in town. Capt. Carter, of the Oshawa RailNay Co, wua in town on Tuesday. MIS. E. W. Scales is visiting ber mot her, Mrts. A. Thomas, in St. Marys. Miss Alice M. Coad la spending her hahidays with ber parents in Osliawa. Miss MD. Henderson, ai Peterboro, s the guesu of Ms.. Jolis Hylanti, of King st., east. ,r- Mrs, Fred Biette anti chltinen, of Tisonburg, are apending tlie surmmer witb Mra. G. 1. Scot N. D. McArthur, ai Beleville, was ln îown on buestiay, lu the interesus aifilie Sun Lif. Issur- ance Ca. Messrs. Dycr & Clarke, insurance agents, have moved their office frons Bates block ta the roums over ]. H. Butler's tore. Mn. R. Gerleiy,- iormerly mathansa tical mas- ter of the,,Oshawa bigli achool. but sow ai bon- xmo-to.., is spending a tew days Ir. îown. 'Miss Ida Long, ior some lime past a arutient ast the Oshawa higli echoot, left on Wedneaday -moning la spenti the bolidaya wihlier parents a: Kixley bbe Piano works intendedti t close down for -the firai îwo weeka af this monuli, in crdtn ta talcs stock, but a large onder coming in for Plancsklliey badt ta tari some aifilicir mes to work again lut week. 7Tesvas a amail docker at the division couru cm Mondayand those wlio wene presented no tlçed test J utge Danunelli as ot lookunîr as robust as we couiti deaire. We trust that lis banar's treuble,'if ubene ha any, ha onîy tensporanv. Mr. W. I.Auclanti bas purchamedth le mort gage beld by the îawn on tlie propenîy aifithe .Bi'op Bethune C.oliege. bbc council tbouglit -It seessary ta realize as uis as îbey desiredtio ustise money te retire some nsaturing debes- tures, ari4 Mýltuo mcci current expenses. AI4OrU4R McLean was diving tiown ta Mn. B. J, Rg4r farr last Tbursday evenhng wiîli a buggy 1of~e graceiesc, wben the king fîK te buggy broke, tbrowlng Mn. McLean aber ngace Ãœuliy i tire roati, and allowhng tho herse t nuas away. Tbe neiglibora came ta hie assitance, hclped hlm pick up bis sumerons parsel anti drove hlm ta bis destination. Mn. btcenwaaselo burt, but thie hanse shows the Wlesct o the escapade. Ika bout £we or threc weeks mare the eietric '.mlluy will le empîcîtd. bbc tnacx is lad te :~tbe l~ak andthee nosmnattire GbTR willibe in plac uafew days. bbc troley wirc will be "iulàg ttee 14e as soon as the ballasting la fmge bbc bridRe an King st. west. le being ptdtheatiant i wli ha fisisheti in a ýshrt IM Pedlar Metal Roobung Co, have al.j r@yg sevenal cars ai stock brouglittuhen 'bl~ rallway, anti appreclate tbe accom-I d* *ery bighly. Tbbc business aeems te ipry wci and as soosasatire lakelîne is a lubing business will b. donc. Pt~roy Flechr, the new minlater ai the n olurcli, îook charge of ia: cogrega-ý tilestSusday. He preachedt wo very bcr- sermons, anti bis cengregatien was very peaseti wiîh hlm. He lefils week te thie International 'convention cf Young esClunsîan EndeavS oScleules, w lie held il v: *Jas. Presser wili preacli for Souda> pmong ant imnsg anti Mr. -wilU s4e charge again tire foliowing # wben be wli giv. an acceun aoftthe con- ýA10 #8 meetngs. ;Wy lest wus decarado day for the Otit- Socisties of Wluîbhy aud Oshawa. . At îM1 ý9prooseaWm s lorgned ocftus Cotis. ty thes tis hîyide atte et1scueti as sa'M chap no &"'M= 90 U~Io Mof d weft; ooorW sL s.. me m4dow i*sb.d atoMi l*Ma Abou t oàok'ia the excuirsion W, TOM%*tt by boatonWe4nesAY.' Remve oulbard lias beecs very 111 for tmre tîrne but at present ls on the menti. 4It .z5 Wednesday afternoon the fine alarm, calleti ouit the fire brigade ta a smaTI fire aven Mothetuills butcher shop. No seiaus damage was done, and the fine was put out before the firemien reached the place. Wednesday marning as Mn. and Mrs. Fred. Guy were driving, uptown frons iliir cottage ai the lake, their barse became fightened ai the gravel cars on the electric nailway and upset thé buggy. Tbey escaped with a slîght Ishakrng up, and no great damage was done. The members of Court Oshawa latige af Cana- dian Order of Foresters entenîained thein .fiends ai a garden part y at Prospect Plnce on last Fni- day eveoing. A kood programme was rendered. Retreshments were serveti. A~i seemed ta enjoy theniselves. and th, ught the C.O. F. members wcre gond entertainers John Arnott, of Taunton, was in town an Monday and whule talking ta some friends he had what appeared ta lie an apoplectic stroke, but ai terwards it proved ta be a sunstroke. W. J. Burns made free use af water, after which the gentleman was taken ta Ryley's drug store, wliere lie recavereti in an hour or sa, 1 take the libery af barnowîng a society item frons the Vindicatar: A case frons social liîgl. life in Cedar Dale was before Magistrate Gier- son Monday morning. Mise Aggie Shearban, q black eyed beauty of the place charged Oea. Eadie wîîli siander. Mr. Kadie gave the court ta understand tbar he entertamned only the greaf. est admiration for the young lady and liad been shocked when he ovenheard Mrs Stapieton make a remark in eftect that when the black eyed Aggue was a%%ay fromn home some three years ago slie had erred. It was sliown that the infant ne- ferted ta was the adopted child af Mrs. Rutis, af Toronto. The magistrate read to the accused a by-law af the town makixug i an offence ta use profane or impraper or sianderous language on the streets af the town. The accused professed ta be a sadder and a wiser man and was forgiven by the court. Miss Aggie feut her character vindicated but tlioughther defamer gai off lau easu ly. Thse following pupils were successful at the entrance examinations here : Osliawa-B Baules, L Hunter, B Luke, D McBrien, F McPherson. A White, M Curnie, G Bowden, F Crysdaie, H Edmonson, H Kerr, G Roîpli, F Terry, K Highland, C Lauder. M Mitchell, L McMillan. M Smith, I Baie, L Davison, C Carter, W Davidson, R Hyland. C Rae, C Serviss, M Tam- blyn F Grise, E Hare. A Stewart, A Amsbary. E Clark, E Gregory, M Holiand. M Marris, F Willuamson, G Beck, 1 Armnstrong, H Sugdenj Bucicley, H Funigan. J Stanton. Raglan-A l-ezziewood. No. 8 Darlington-W Salter. Thornon's-W Stephenson, F Mowbray. Z Cooper, L Lick. McKenzies-N McKenzie, E Lane, M Lane, W Ormiston. Enfield-1 Mc- Cultough. L Campbiell. Kinsae-B Rogers, M Richardson, F Rodri. Bradleys-E Rosa. Cedar Dale-L Ellis, F Baddy, P Phillips, A Smith. Maxwell's-F Armstrong, D McGregor. No 4. DsrinZton-I Wordes, L Courtize, Harmony-C Drew, 1 Drew, H Baker. Public Schoal Leaving; Enfield-A McCulloughý Kunsale-1 F Rogers. Oshawa has ai last had a park placed within irs reach. One af aur -most entrpnisung cituzens. Mi. E S, Edmonsan, campieued on Monday morning the purchase of the propenty ai Rev. T. H.I Curhbert on Sumncoe st. norili. knows as Prospect Place. Thus was built as a residence for Mr. W. H Gibbis. and with ils weii appoint- ed grounds was ose ai The prettiest places in Osha%%a. The praperty couzeustS ai about eleven acres, and wull be laid out as a park and sport- ng grounds. Menry-go rounds and swings openated by electricity wult be put on the grounds ai once. Fountains are also beung arranged for, and ut us understood, that a restaurant will lie buult. Mn. Starr, a Sabbath school worker of baronto, has been here looking aven the grounds, and lias stated that lie considereti it a very lieasing place ta rus Sabliaffi achool excursions from boronto, and bas promised ta bning il be- fare promiuent baronronians vèýth that end in view. We congratulai. Mr. Edknonson as Lis enterprise. Oshawa bas been so long in necd of a public park, and n0w ubat we are ta have it the citizens cannai show asy 100 bigblv their ap- preciation afiti. lu bas becs reporteti that Mn. Thos. Canant and Mn. McCabe, iornienly bead master ai tbe Oshawa higli scliooi, but naw man - aging dunector ai the British North Ansenican Lufe Issurance Company ai Torunto. are iun- nishung the capital ta carry on the schense. bbe pnopery was bought fan $4000. and or- iginaliy cool $25,000. W. hope tbe venture wili prove a success ta Mn. Edmassos and that ut crxll nepay hlm for all the trouble ie lias taken ln securing itifor the use ai the town. With cansiderable hesitalios and nsisgivng I undertake tensporarily the correspondence ai vour Oshawa columns. knowing. as I do, the ex- cellent standard tbat bas becs atuaineti under the guidance ai the late Mn. Holbas, and pre. viausly ai Mn. W. J. Burns. I cas lay no claita the dash andi abiiity ai Mr. Hobbs, nor ta the tact and taste at Mn. Burns, who is a cor- respondent tbat we nsay ail take pattern frons. 1 feel certain thai I ams but voicing tbe senti- ments cof tbe readers ai the CHWeNICLE, when Iamy that 1 regret the cincumstance tbsi bas madee h necessary for, you te secure another correspondent here. As an in - tinsate friendof Mr. Hablis, I knew bis ambi- tion and hopes, and I not only regret bis dcatb frons the suandpoini ai a frienti, but also because ai tbis ksowledge ct his aima anti desires. He displayeti energy and ability where ailiers would bave gose down into utten weakness ; be showed unfsheing courage wben a strong mas would have becs filleti with dismay. He wou.lti mile screneiy wben tolti of a tbreat ta assanit bim, anti wben he'would bear the olti joke aifiparties being afraidti a ubis lest a blow,,migbtIdl hlm in bis weak _physical condition lue wouid laugli antrigbi. One possesaeti ai sncb ablity.- sncb courage, anti duclian honesty ai purpose casHd have donc a great good lu uhis world liad he liesn spareti. Even in the short tise test lie wrote for the public we are certain tbat he titi a great deal ai goati, sot ouly is luis own tawn but also ln other towius wbere tis work bas becs reati. Msny a manhaugonc dows to hisgrave in aId age wiout accaoplisblng as much gooti as Mr. kialbb did in luës sot M1e. I fully res- lise the. great usderakit ttiI it las te follew Mn. Hobus as your carrespondent, aud wblle aItail urnes 1 &hall eadeaver te sake my work as use-' fui and as profitabletu tise public, I know that 1 ubail MaU far short of the ideal reached by hlm. Thé reader, of teOshsawa oiumn mmsIbear wihsmeUntil 1 bave, trieti my baud. ard maay fed assret Ia.t ishahspore no pains te gather s fut .budget ci newa weeklyandi to edeavorr te mbaew "bispffa sW<sth;furecord of Osbawa eemicçantide9as. Itrr IIuay be »Me Io de tsome gote s verybody. for 1I fUly appredate tbe 1stsu uesMedby ibe otitfîr umlait *WI bs tao. that aia npese misoa Slidý i -sto do gooti Mr.HRobbsetop a hlgb etan. daid of - ewP . Qu oruI16 andti bd ho bas Spre4.d i nevapeper work as thewçk o bt l$%1 fmicertin athat ina tts 7easý doW e wW dbav be - u rnbe& as carIs, Wa nh, ati 1l indao orouttors uiz JORN Biawa, paizter andi deomator. Dealer Ini wall yapers. elling decoratious.ja1n"tf ail, vars shlses, brushea, wincow shadès, etc'. Jà,una PELLow, deater in atoves, fu=neoes, Uin. waae, etc.> Large stock kept canstantly o hanti. Jabbing a specialty. Simcoea te norte. L. K. MuntTora, B. A. - Barnister, Solilctor, Natary Public, oanveyancer, &c. Money ta lenti. Office aver Dominion Banks, imoae Street, Osha-wa. M. E. MÂY.-tDealer lu Grocertes. Fancy China., Crockery, Tlnware, anti Fancy Gootis.. Pure Teae andi Caffees. Boys' ready matie suits a speialty-very cheap. AucTioi SLe-The subeoriber wiil be in 0mb awaý at the Central Hotel, Frlday af eaoh weeR tram one ta 8 o'olock n .m., to a ke ar- angements with parties wisig ta have sales. L FÂnuBAZIRSanctloneer. F. LAXEDET & loNs-The leadtng talaning and nu trihighusetofOshawa.- asatmntaitweds, worsteds, trowEei2S hrtctas to, always kept in etoost. fELT Bitas - Watchmakers anti Jeweiers. Dealers ln watabes, clocka, jewelery, silver- war, sectcle, eo.En«ravng, goiti and silvr patng nt adgad rings matie ave r. Fine watch, ckéek,ý anti jewelery repairing a specis.lty. OsHn&w ROLLEII MILL-Attention af farmera le directedti ta eed ohopping flow carnieti on tiaiiy at-S-r per bag. 0elebrateti Jewel brand ai flaur, best i Canada, solti by aUl first-olass grooers i Whitby and Oshawa, anti at aur Mille. Campbell & White. Evxaîsai & HÂwKxms - Importera anti dealers in fartera', manufacturers' anti housetu.rnish- ing supplies. Manutacturers af tisware.Rayve- troughing anti other contracting dons.Fur- naces, chandeliers anti lamaps. A stock f bicycles kept on hanti. CRDAR DALEC Mn. j Harvey bas returned from Grimsby Park. Mn. Brethour, of Weston, let for North Bay on Saturday. it us numored that the Cedar Dale works will resume work about Aug. tet. Mn Gea Shipsian, ai the electric works, bad his thumnb broken by being cauglit in a wheel on Monday. Messrs Strand, Hallett and Andrews paid a fiying visit ta their homes os the 4th inst. Tbey are employed in Detrait. Messrs. Ashley and Goodman were out on 'a fishing expedition Wednesday. We did sot hear the extent ai their catch. We expect ta cee ballast trains runnisg next week on the electric road. The ballast is being brougît irom a pit near Brooklin. About i6o left for Toronto by the steamer Garden City an Wednesday. This is be- coming a popular way ai goisg ta Toronto Mn. Ed. Whiting, jr., left for New York on Wednesday. Hle istends taking in the beautiful scenery af the Hudson by boat from Albany. A sniall portion af the "cas'> gang has organized for the summer months and Cropper can be seen daily wending his way westward with the necessary article in hasd. Threshed out before the magistrate is the titie ai a case wbich appeared in the Osh- awa court bouse on Monday ai titis week, the. result ai a difference ai opinion be- tween neighbors ai this burg. An accident occurred ta Mrs Fred Guy immediately after the boat left the dock for Toronto on Wednesday morning. The borse- becamue usmanageable, upsettitug the buggy ; but no seriaus injury resulteti be- yond a severe shalcing up. Dr Cqbourn was called ta attend. SUIR»LEY.1 Farmens are busy haying which is a very1 light crop os accaunt of the dry weather. 1 Thie Misses. Raines anti McConnell sean Port Persy speut luet week at Mr. Roeret- Son'S. Mrs. Stonebouse is visitirug at Mn. R. Grahamn's tbis week, Mn. Stonehouse .having stanteti for Dakota on Monday ta visit a son- there. Miessrs. R. Graham asti J. Stonehouse are away an a tnip 10 the nortli country tbis week, vîsiting fientis ini Cardes anti othen places. Miss Kate Coates lias returned home for tbc bolidays- She gives a very interesting, accessit of tlie country where sic lias becs teaching. On. day last week Mrs. Wm. Wcir founti a fine swarrn ofibtes lianging toas limb ai an apple tree. Thcy secured thens in a Lee hive whene they have gone ta wark witb a will. Mn. jas. Warner and Miss Eliza Jane Hall entereti the matrimonial state by having tbe nuptial knot tied on Dominion day. Our best wisbes go with tiens. Grand charivari on Tuesday night. Mn. W. Butty. ai Oshawa, was in bewn bbursday tant. Mn. antd rs. D. M. bot anti daugirter, Oshawa, bave becs guests ai Mrs. Chartes Ted. Mn. and Mns. Frank McDowelI, boronto, are guets af Rev. D. C. McDoweIl. Mn. A. H. Dale, ai Rochester, visited inl tawn on bis way L.c.ne ta Brooklin ton bis bolitisys. Mn. J. P. Fairburn, P. M., ast famnily are spending a few weeks at rmapleburat, Mus- koka. Mn. C. P. Blair takes pair t in the tennis tounnament at Niagara-on-the-Lake - ths week. Mise Riltia Maxwell, ai Clevelandi, Ohia, is guest aiflier cousin, Miss Frankie Jeweil. bbcersethadist Sunday scisool will helti their annual picuic at Port Ùarllngton ou Wednesday, July 17. Mr. aud Mrs. -C. P. ITael, of Rochester, N. Y., are visiiug Mn. J. à. Marbti suadý other relatives in lewis. Miss Ernily Bakerville ià speuding-- a couple, ef -weeksa t Cfésarea tssjoying thse cool breezes cf Laïc Scugqg. Misses.- Amazda Zsad Efîte ýBond, Osswa$ W . re g -Isof tercousins,'tise Misss, Jmes.Lor 114U, Susday. Messrs. 'L 1N., Hogàri, M. W. Pasco., W. F . Dais anti J. A. .!anme nst the flrious THOUSAND ::ISLANDS!1 Wellington Lodge, No. 19, S. O. E. Bow- manville, will run A GRAND EXCURSION -ON- THURSDAY, JULY l8th, 1895t By special train ta Kingston and Steamer Hera ta îooo Island Park and Alexaudria Bay, going through the Canadian channel, and retdrning through the American chan- sel, seeisg everything af interest in the trip. This will be ose ai the most enjoyable trips ai the season, giving excursionists the entire afternoon on these beautiful waters and re- turning houle in good time the samne even- ing. The Hero is one of the finest boats on the route, Iiglited througbout by electricity and ba-. also a powerful searcli liglit. The saloon and stateroonts are luxuriantly fur- nished, and the cuisine is unexcelled. In order ta give everyone a chance to go the foliowing cheap rates have been arranged: Aduis Ckildrcn Time Port Union, $2.2,5 $1.1,5 7:00 Pickering, 2.20 1.10 7.13 Whitby, - 2.10 1.05 7:26. Oshawa, - 2.00 1.00 7:36 Darlington, - 1. 95 1.00 7:46 Bowmanville, 1.95 1.00 7:56 Newcastle, - .90 95 8.o0 Newtonville, - i.90 95 saî Port Hope, - 1-75 90 8:33 Cobourg, - 1-70 85 8:,52 Arriving at Kingston at 11.-1,5 a. m. Leav- ing there at 6:3o p.m. Take youtr lunch basket and go. Tickets good ta returi on arxy train on the i9th. P. P. DUNHAM, Sec. 32-2in. Bowmanville, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tire mater othre estate of S YL VANUS BRO0J9,N, laie o/tire TownsiP of Pie- kering, in tire County of Ontario, yeo- mnan, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to thse provisions ai tise Revised Statutes of On-ý tarie, 1887, Chapter iio, that ail persans having claims or demande againet thse es.- tate ai tise said late Sylvanius Brown, wiso <ied on or about thse twenty-fiftis day> of, Apnil, A.D. 1895, are required on or befone tise i5bh day of August, A.D. z&% -te send bypasî, prepait, .or deiver t avid r wWhlby .O., Ot.tishe salesrvv mg executoer, wliso h - preved theise- wilI. suîd tés'aneut cf thse saiti late S<vlvauu Brown, cieceased, their names, airse andi .occupatiezs is-th lafutlpa rtiëujàiaru ô! liseir dlaims, sud atatemeuts cf tlzek c - counIs, and-thse nature of lthe securiliçsa,-if aL d tieby - ey ath e ,gvn lâ after snob muft -t»ewrt#nned udat.-uhé.aid, un. AR~OADE~j ,~ o a life full of Promise- end hope waa ciit of whein Jutbuddlng itonanhoà)d,Fosoe years he acted ai local correspondent for the Toronto daily papers and WHIITEY- CHRONICLit. His parents have the heart- feit sympathy of the cornmmunity -States- man. COLUMBUS. The cat has corne back ta stay. -. Eacli of our two merchants lias purchased a new buggy. Four or five of aur boys have purchased star wheels. M r. W. - W. McLaren succeeded in passing his university ezarninations. The anniversary brought its usual quota of friends and visitors, amotig whom were noticed C. Roberts, Havelock ; T. Adams, Kingston; C. Coakwell, Toronta. The young peoples society of the presby- terian church here held a vèry successful and pleasant garden party on the church lawn during the evening of Dominion Day. A large concourse of yaung and aid spent an enjoyable Urne in conversation, games and in listening ta a good programme. The anniversary bas corne and gone. During Sunday and Monday aur usually quiet village was thronged with visitors. The services on Sunday canducted by the pastor, Mr. Ailan, -in the morning and even- ing and by the Sunlday achool in the ater- noon were crowded. Op Morîday the plat. formi meeting and tea in the afternoon anrd tea in the evening were well attended. Pro- ceeds $134. A football match took place between the Maple Leafs of West Whitby and Columbus on the evening of Monday, July 8th. As the teams were very tvenly matched the game was close. The game ended in favor of the Leafs by a score of i ta o. The Leais are a gentiemnanly lot of young men and we hope ta have the pleasure af seeing thent here again 'saon. The Columbus coacher was highly cornrended on ail sides for the effici- ent manner lu which lie perforrned hie du ties. It i a malter of regret that almost every time an entertainment -s held in this place certain young men must make it the occasion of flot only making an exhibition of them- selves, but also of disturbing the enjoyrnent of the other people who may be there. As a case in point one of the young gentlemen (?) of this vicinity while attending the presby- terian garden party the other evening thouglit he would teach a few congenial. spirits in the way they should go. To that end hie proceeded ta go through some gym- nastic exercises at the expense of the prop- erty of the society. This exhibition was fia doubt very entertaining ta bis ciass, but it was very tame ta the rest of the company. This x'aun g man rnay be excused if we cou- sider the tact that hie was so imbued with a love of hig profession that although the holi days had begun hiecould not lace the oppor tunity ta give a lesson in physical exercises. Similar cases ta this one have been referred ta on previaus occasions and young men have been cautioued flot ta repeat their un- assuming behavior. We hope this warning wiil be sufficient in future otherwise we will have ta go a step further and publish the names of oflending parties. Clearilg- Sae1rUMO Every line of Goods, at prices neyer so low for high class goods. .CASH ONLY. Tho:. Millor Aom Gall at PELLOWS, and Seo his Wrought Steel -AT- $ 50.00. MBso his COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FR OM- ,ý5.50 to 025-00. Oshawa Steamnship Ticket Agency. Steamship Tickets to Europe by the best lines on the Atlantic. Special raiiway rares, Oshawa to Montreal, in connection with Steamsbip Tickets. Canadian Express Co. Goods forwarded on al nassenger trains ; also callected and de. Iivered to ail parts of the town without extra charge. SMoney Orders on sale from eight a. m. uintil eight p.m. Give them a trial and yau will always use them. Great North-western Telegraph Company. Forward messages toalal point of Canada and U. S. Messages received prompt-ly delivered. W. P. STERICKER, Agent, Office O te the Post Office. W E. D YER, 0 OSHAWA OFFICE. Bale Block, jusb sailli ai tb. post of- fice. Inspector ai Agencies ai Aid Savings & Loas Ca., Tornto. Agent Sun Lufe Assurance Comspany ai Canada andthbe Employers' Liabiliby Corporation ai LoNDoN, EN. The' ioseph Hall -ESTABIS! Is that we are rnaking of Rings. It's equal is flot ta be foundin the county. Here you can have a stock ta select front that is prac- tically limitless. Among the beautiful and realiy artiLtic things are aur i5k Ruby and Pearl Set Rings. f,40'Eiigagemnt and Wedding Rings;, specialty. N. B. -A new Uine ofSilverware just open- ed out, at 0. BOYDf8 Jewefry Store. KINC, STREET WEST, --OSHAWA. ,HEADQ&AR TERS FORS Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, Mangels, Field Car- rots and Turnip Seeds of ail varieties. Ensilage and other corn at lowest mar- ket prices. Staple and Fane at bottam pricea, Highegt market Farni Produce. SBeaton'is cy G roceries prices for Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa, - Ontario. THE COR-NER 5110E STORE, CS--OSHAWA.-ED Leather Steadily Advancing. I _,g Our rate af profit is the Iowest in tins district. IT KBEPFS US POOR. We have always a generai and varied stock ta select frorn,-Iatest designs and finishes. Prices.rigbt. Undertaking department fully stock- ed, and embaltnIng accordinig ta Ilatest methods. Picture framing promptly and -sts factorily dane. Luke Bro,&, Ohw lino- - v Chha~. Wholesaie pnices ion iootnear are 20 per cent. higher. Our im merise stock is selling fast at olti pnices. - Save maney by buying yaur sboes at once. The Ã"ppartunity wiIl soon pass. -Ose pnice tbaIl. 'Casb-dawn. IMMEEZ 1 acQ.ý6 1 1(lýl 1

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