Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1895, p. 3

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uKortn-Ontario 0. 0. T. North Ontario District Division Sons of Temperance, convened in the flethodist church, Wilfrid, on Friday, June 28th. There was &,large attend- ance of delegates, and the convention was one of the most successful that bas been held in this county for years. The MORNINt; SESSION was opened at i i o'clock witb the offi- cers ail present, as foilows :J-1W Shier, Udora, 1) MW I1; Miss Nveil, Sunderland, WVA ;C(:-E'kaincy, Lx- bridge, D S; J Wetberall lerr-yville, 1) T ;J Mackie, Pinedee. Cbe1ain ;J Giendinning, \'roon.nton, oduetor- J Moore, Wilfrid, Sentine!. 'l'le min- .00 Utes of Iast meeting .verc u rad andi ap- proved and COIn 11) ittcs ()n rer(icntials and finance werc .q)poi ntrel, ,fter wb ich the meeting adîorncdtili Ot t iotk, nlM i a _______________________________ ~.W. EVans has almoast entirely te- covered from.n hi.s recent iliness. F. Michel 'nd wife, of Toronto, visited with his, father here over Sun- Mars. J. Turner, of Colborne, is with lier sister, Mrs. Joshua Bundy. J os. Walker, of Markham, was visit- ing at Mr. R. P. Hbpper's on Dominion day. Mrs. W. Dowsweîî is with her par- ents on the Manitoulin Island just now. E. R. Eddy has gone to Port Perry to fil his accustomed place as presid- ing examiner. Mrs. Bunker aud cbildren, of Toron- to, are visiting at Joshua Bundy's this season. Mr. Banbury, of Aurora, visited bis daughter, Mrs. Sherman Rumohr, on the holiday. Miss Sarah Hood is home on a visit for a few days, but intends to return to the city. A, CRUEL AND FIENDI8'H> M/VDB UMMUL-îi MO0NS TE/i' Always Conquered and Banished by Paine's C eie ry Compound. r'Joshua 13undv and family leave for The sad, weary and wailing cry of FRN'o " ~ teir H -men and women around us je: 'Il an THF, 11I N'teircottage tiNIuskoka on Tuesday, -,ick," "I1 suifer so mucbi from day to Wa a ivelv onu, (NI -L.îtcs lbad 9îb inst, day," " WVhat can I do to regain health arrivud il()inta i r('ltt<it a 't 'i1i 1lill(-s Josepbh ilickingh(-toomand %wife. of tnd strengtb 'E Was ' tranll,a tId Iit We<uithy. visited wîtb is br 'ther Thos. The intense heat of summer aLgravates trictt rcasu.îrur i" '.t liitt' this wAeck. ie sad condition of those wbo suifer in the traIr <i h)~f!. rom dyspepsia and indigestion, and there the ii\ ii n1 ut ' ~(;0(). ow.sv'ell and lir-son Parks. of s t ("h t bat l I 't lreont. \-r Niîig 'er Sabbatb i s o phiysical or mental reet for the af thaN1hr. and IN 1r'.. oteRawson vere at pound , tliat m arvellis beait hiand t IiitgV i( r i . t\ loth( li t tti (- ti\ t tu congratula- ..trengthi giver ? It is nature's trup andI * " r t -- it ()fiî 'i'Id -tth. fallible cure for vour diatrtssing ail w tt 'i ir~h iin~ . NMrs. Ed il s ~t cr, imente. It never faillito banisli disease tlit ii i r r nb lc i.a i tgte s natural and beal thifui st.rengti reîttr tr' 'îr ."t t' a fw î"k~.'.çen most required, so that the oppres ru trc m, l 'ii d'*'*' h't\- ing and enervating weather cannot over- . Wi \itu i<id sl-turittttt corne your bodîly powers. <il ' 'ru- n1,(.-Il'rriing "t bu -liniic r lnth ru(i;tuîh. hciv i 'eader, if you are numbered in the thiit i :. .- ' ... .. o i le gne ittil t ree nîonîhs. 1 large arruv of dyspepte, bell and cap- llcrtt il qtk -, " f Nianlitt tiîirrr. V«itu-ci ive by a cruel and destructive disease, iU't ittr:"frnt-.hîurC aftîur 1f-iftue u.r-. <lt-enue. se Paine's Celety Compound at once, if I ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ o %-rî'.tr ti"' it ou desire full and robuet iîeaithi, pure hîîîrt 't th 'K, 'r iIli blood, aîrong nerves, good digcestion and w t hue. r< t'h ' . t b I <ntialhy appetite. In past days thlon- tue rie trtt n \t-.t NIis~ Ninie .tlîhat tf oroto s have been saved bv Paine's Ceiery in n t ci îr r tr "'i at h i r ~ ~ ~ ~ v , IC o m np o u n d . It w ill d o t hle sam e b lessed s til lt '-.. >d-\--. 't ehidi-renari iîttng at t heic tho- lwork for von. Strong testimonial@ sent wecuIhi',]e\'.11tti iii; r'h tttIltii'. parsonlage. in et-e r¶ day from cured people. Suifer- Ci e C ;r.î.l \\ i'r 1 t'.I h \ l'inIl (of 1 n kcrig. ltt'e-.e(-utud or, trt' it, 'it makes people wetl.' I3roo)k' and i (' .îîI ' 1,: i t ot ni- Ine t f bis patent w ui(-ritli.. for Nobcrt -_____1_____ inLZ a kru.t iYrrr .' 'ttn('arti. ih vu whbave -cen theENIELLN muet ing . mo b nu a wt îr pr nn nue t -n Irs V. \age ani t wo \voýingest i tt la>s ' nd iotb ow cubcal cildren. \Winnipeg, are guests if lber liitut îti tt t u v( ur barber bad bîiO i( rcm îarlor brotheD.Nice 1l.ýIi( I. '1 . 'Il' . , ltaîiîf l iuinatud i witb Cbînese MIiss Nfaud Aaves. Pr1ince Albert, h~îîitlîî o .-. o ' ' ,'.':'~t inturnlson ind v ctning. The 'Nrs. (y. and 'Miss Lottie NI itcbliiMrs vi îîiit \ ' ' o r etîi ta-rt fsjientid iuaitvandtbeand Mîr. A. J. and N s Lockbiart, town, v( îtr'iîr'. . t.iiic ()f sru uonti',dIaIit(h. nd be ave been visiting fri»ends bere. Wiliid iiý[( 1M 1_kýt \%i> uilâticidc on NIr. T. G. Virtue bas çînrcbased the vote of liaik, '11 Tlo 1li liuturI)r)tiIi fron to stock and businless of NIr. G. L. Stev-ens vot if tiîtk- o't', n~t r' i,.u-.iî' Btte îrttigt ftt 13toand()I tened out for Il imsclf. NMr. Ste',- theil li er- c!1 tý. o cnts fol ad sch nsintends ta move to C.aesarea to at- whichî t hi, r-. i i ' .rr'r I . "idri sale at top figures. If 't1 otebuiestee was toktiatt r \ tr 'l t it hil _anlt to seli n tbcl)ust (loCaltedothbuisshr. thethy soud tt-ndClaeron VICTORIA CORNERS, the - ti -<jr'< 't-"'t k n . "k t tb u sbiî d aten tlremtnt The farmers are busy bhaving. fewplu lý-l)ýrnll(ý da. TosGraani This littie town is alive withb ticy- fet' ie.î,îrt ."r r- "t t. ' ~ i rrîrî tr da. "il Tbs. ra cl es. Tbey are adding to their list tht' Mviîr .-- '-r itrNaun.îb. Ir.. wecrcecxereising everv -day. I i t hu(ie lt Iti'U o . t t 't r t tlîcîr beue.tefotrme r colided NMan)- from here attended cburcb at cil ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lI t hch tr.ott.r-ebEas ausing a terrible Sunderland on Sunday to bear the Or- ____--trtumlc fotr ail bands. MIr. Evans -is a ange sermon. There were four lodges East Whitby Council. gttttt-natured man el-se trouble wvould and about forty biacks. Tbey paraded bave vi-ited sîtmie person. No bones the streets beaded by the band. Then The counicil ittt tt iîtîttti dat- were broken an'd the injuries are rapid- they marched to the hall where the Members aIl pru- .;.-.Neuve in tbe Ih1îîprvig sermon was delivered by the Reverend chair. The minutes of îast meeting The Dominion day celebration in Mr. Stewart. This lodge intends cele- wererea troi te fohowng: romC laremont was a great success, scarce- brating the I2th in Orillia. the department of -rîtwn laînds wIlv bot enough for lemonade but exactly Mr. Edward Home spent Sunday reference to the tree-pîanti,ig accuit:igh.frcmot h rv a i ee from W. E. Yarnold. P. L. S.. re sur- ;ahive witb crowds of people and the Mr. A. Swanick spent Sunday with vey of Nonquon roaci at barbtr. from numer(>us swý.ings were in constant mo- friends at Sunderland. Sce Good Riîads Association ru rtîads r tion. The programme was listened to Mrs. Geo. McGuire spent Sunday from the countv cherk, ru tttwnsbi1) witb attention and the speakers as weil wltb Mrs. Wm. St,Jon assess5ment. lne. as reciters were equal to the occasion. A big time is expected at the garden ,NIr. Hienry- codeNIr. Stocks 'Tbe band gave a number of brigbt, party on Wednesday. moved, that the reeve grant bis tîrderI new selections, The total proceeds COURTIOE. on the treasurer in favoir of W. E. were over $îoo but about $70 wili be Mise Eva Bandera, Pickering, is viuit- Yarni)id, D). L. S.. for $31.75, for sur- cleared for the Sunday scbool. ing friends here. Uyey o)n road f rom Cedar Dale to Oshawa' Mie Lucy Lander visited Mises Little- hbor and survey and gravel pit. C-ar- johnse "Sunryone" reoently. rîed. Mr. Henry gave notice that at BLEEDÎNO SICK PEOPLE, MiSB Ethel Hall, town, wau guest of counil e wil T RE OVE ISE SEber sister, Mrs. S. 8 Brooks, set week. the next meeting of this _____________________VE ______S Miss Florence Courtice has retned move for leave to introduce a by-law to 1 t---- _*- .. - &- amnend by-law No. 536 imposing an ad- ditional percentage charge on unpaid taxes. Mr. Stocks. seconded by Mr. Henry-, moved that the reeve grant bis oriler on the treasurer in favor of Mrs. S. Giover for the sum of $2.75, to be for purchase of graveh pit, to be paid bier whveni the papers are properly ex- ecuted. Carried. M r. (irierson, seconded by Mr. Stocuks, nioved that the reeve grant bis Order on treasurer for the foliowing aceounts: indigents-jarnes Hobbs, $3; Mrs. Burgoyne, $3; Mary Mc- ('artby. $3; Mrs. J. Dingle, relief J. Abraîns, $3. 5o; F. L. Fowke, relief W. hloîlgson, $17. Roads and bridges- Tbos. Dowson, 75C. ; McNally & Gov- eV, $11-78; F. Glover$34.io; Howard Flintoti, $13.97; R. Angle, $35,85; E. 1). li-alliday, $333; A. Truli, $5.28;' Wmr. Thoînpson. $13-20; Ed. Huibert, $2; E. llarnden, $10; John Glover, SO.6o; John Haion, $3; Willia Bright, $8; John Luke, $16.io; Samn Bond, $4 ;Wm. Goyne, $i ;,O. Wilson, $0; P. Harper, $4; Joe Valihant, $6; joynt & Ellens, $7; Geo. Armstrong, $2.5o; John Joynt, $3.75; John Sykes ,& Son, $75; jas. Carnigue, $29.36; D. Cinnimion, $38.68; A. K. Farewll, $io; D. W. Rogers, $12.55; W. A. Morris, $45.,84; A. Farewell, eS '55* ý hn Cinnanion, $6; Geo. All, $2; m.Smadden, $2.25; Geo. Thotmasi' Wm._ Edgar, 75. John Clark, $8.10 The council-dieu aLjourned to tneet the lot Mon4Y,,luAugat atzdok P. in. WM. ?UPüRv£S, Cler OL.A8UONIr UBED TO BE CON MON N OW wM'IDIFFERENT. Poor, wesk and wat.ery biood in turned ito yich, vita- Iing snd tissue building. The new dia- eooey" THE KI ND TI4ATCURÈS,18 makes the change. THE BIG FOUR' AHEUMATISN. SCIATICA OCROFULA, SYPHILIS orne medicins urm uld cases-lt tau .the latent difcover lan oUS dica ctc-soo&s Bar lap4r ils-to reeih stubboeu cses.cures EDAION AT.SaCO., *TTM. eoTre *#Ulm OAP umm"as £b NEAL iroin a viair 10 J.Lie Irîtain acoompan- ied by her cousin, Mies Annie Allin. Mise Emily A. Courtice will leave with a pleasant party of touriste for Europe on Friday and wlll nojon in England for a feu' months with relatives in Devonshire. Mesers. AIf. Tucker sud Bolton, Tor- onto, spent Sunday at Mr. L. I. Cour- tices. Mr. sud Mrs. IB. F. Richards spent a day or two with friendsinl Orono recent- 'y. New officers installed at ML~ Carswell division aset week were : W P---MeK Pentound ; W A-Mise E Rundie ; Troa.' JasBalson ;FB-F Gay; B8-ÂA 8- Misn M Frank ; Chap-Mise Phair;-, Cond-P Worden ; À Con-MissF, Gay; 1 S--MIssEva Coirtioo; O 8-F BaIo~ P W P-H Pliai, ; Organs-ia Walter. sud pouondie nnaUy f"oupch bave bou"Saved Ifr 1 rTI" -b ussd. If taket:Melavurgèttln boWte o« Di-. . D. K&lIoggs »si1swy4 dia1, tbe ow1n batuvr &f# t$feUc mmrs Thase wM'ohavisuw dit »Yye t A4#,Iu bous, Wfr oowbide to >W 'Imky ' pi the - Linduay mon won nearly, evny- pigeoffered and will ne doubt- meet lwttb a good succeis this tîne, thus oomikg into possession of the handsome f rophies. Fully 2,00.1 railway men will meet togetlier. and nutaide ;,f Linosay no ;)reftier spor cuutd h-ive be(ýit eh' s.i3l for 'he dais o îîing thulOVÂa.îL, Lliuj.,t littie oity by the lake. The manner in which country roade tire repaired often bringa cursea- low Mperhape, but deep-from the hurried or benghted traveller. When a load of grave! is dumnped in a zrut it je left there unspread for every nervous horse that passes Wo shy at, or a snag on which smie paasing rig ije very liable Wo corne to grief. On eveuing recently a gentleman who livea southwest of the town in driv- ing home af ter dark was duniped into the ditoh through a wheel of hie buggy striking one of these gravel beapa. If thia atuif je worth putting on the road at ail it ahould be worth apreading. On Sunday last Annie, the five year old daughter of Mr. John Carew, bad a narrow escape frorn being burn6d alive W hal e outeide with Rorne other children playm g he attempted to ligbt a cat tail with 'a match. and in Rome way the match set fire to her dresses. She apeedily ran to her fatheras arma, who took in the situation at a glance juatas the flamea reacbed her hair. Mr. Carew amotbered out the flames with his handa and then tore the clothing from the littie atifferer. The rigbt arm and aide were badly burn- ed. IDr. McAlpine was speedily sum- moned and the lutile girl is now improv- ing nicely, anîd wili be out, again in a few days. On Friday afternoon last wbiie Mr. John Richards of the Central flouse, was standing iin the atall door with bis back turned towarda the popular etallion, Juat the Thing, the animal kicked vicionsly with both heels at another horae that waa being driven paet the stable door, striking Mr. Richarde juat be'ow the ehoulder blade and knocking him down. For- tunately he was just far enougyh away not to receive the full force of the blow, but not 8uficient to escape. He waa re- moved mbt the hotel and Dr. Jeffers wae proniptly sumnmoned, wben it waB found that while no bones were broken he had received a rather stunninz bio-w whicb would affect him for Ronie timp. Be je improving ateadily, howev-er, and will be able to attend to hie dutie8 in a few days. - Watcb ia n. DE t.ICI OUS MAZAWATTEE TE AS, 15,0009000 Packets Sold Ainually flGreat 1- --j.sn IFeathi erbone Skirt Bons A light, pliable, elaetic boue made from FOR GIVING quills. It is soft end yielding, conforming. readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to STYLE SHAPEss SYE AND HP . The'ouly Skirt Bone that may be wet wltbout injury. -TO- The Celebrated Featherbone Corsets are oorded with this Ladies Dresses, 1 era For Sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers. What is Castoria la Dr.% Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Chlldren. It contains neither Onium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It la a harmiessa substitute for Paregorle, Drops, Soothlng Symups, and Castor OIL. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee ls thirty years' uap by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and!gUlays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomlting Sour Ourd, cures Dlarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castorla relleves teethlng troubles, cures' constipation and fiatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regula+ea the- atomaeh and bowels, giving healtby antd natural sleep.. Cas. toria is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's ffle"d Castoria. "Oasterla Io an excellent medicine for chul- dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their chitdren." DR- G. C. OsciooD, Lowell, Mass. eCastons las the best remedy for children of which i arn acquaiuted. I hope the day la flot far distant wheu mothers willconsiderthe real Interest of their children, and use Castoria i- etead of thevarlousquack nostrumswhich are deeta-oytng their love ones, by forcing opiumn, morphine, aoothlng syrup aud other hurtful agents down thefr throats, thereby seediug ghem to -premature graves. " Du . F fELE Couway, Ark. The Centaur 1COMPauy, TTIà - Castoria. "Castorla lesowelladaptedtocldmetia I recommeënd itassuperlortofflypr..1tiptb krnowu b e0 111 go. Oxford St., Bro<*lyný, m. 'Our physilcie lthe chl1iJr sdepSfC- meh ave spoken hlgly of theùr expoef- ence lu thefr out"ldepractice w"QCstefaj and although we oily have aMoeg Mro medial supplies what la knowu wwreular producta, yet we are free to coufes tbat the mants of Castons s Swo u steIo*kwuff favor upon i. ALNC. BSUIE Pee&§, umYî*t" Sfr..t-NOv W okev..- SevereIa Ctn'ed b Mwliewmssfflled'fwo &. .R; ter e imany ,esedhk sold 1 a "lu erbone Skiert

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