Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1895, p. 8

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Hellebore, Paris G reen and Copper Suiphate FOR THE,. Gardener and Fruit Grower. Chioride of Lime, Camn- pCor, Moth Camphor, Inect Powder, Copperas and Carbolic Acid For Spring House-Cleaning Te 0. RYLIY, DR UGGIST, -OSHA WA. tOIËront*t1c. OSHAWA, JULY 5, 1895. OSIIWA PAGE OSKAWA. ~SUES8 NOTICE.- Oshawa subscribers or advertlsers may transact auLybusiness Wlth the CHR.oNXCLEj or Mayob in extra copies at any time, from F. R. Hobbs. Farmuers will do welI to cali at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothing. If you wlsh a nice French china dinner or tea set. or anything in fancy china, or glass. ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. It will pay ariy parties conteînplating buy- lng an engagement or wedding ring tgSC the large stock of Feit Bros.. Oshawa as they wiIl seil this niontb very cheap foi cash. Genuine diamond 14K. only $5. They are also making some special offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. See theut. Feit Bros. We are in receipt of a communication from Columbus treating cf our corresponident'@ refer- ence te resent pasters on that charge. We tbink it best, nov that thec matter s settled to everybody's satisfaction, te let the matter drop We have Ibis to say however, that frem ouri knowlPdge cf our correspondent we do flot tiink he woulfi intcntienally woutid atiyoe's feelings. Hie wrOte simply te show wbat the feeling of the people vas, at baving their desires igtiored by ç*tfçmpçç. It bas been raid. vhether truthfutly or net the people of Çoltimbus van best judge, that some of the prominent membets of t be church proposed to lock the doors of the church until tbey gel the mati of their choice. We readily beliave this proposition was net made through mev disrespect te tie minister sent by conferecce but as a protest agamnst the action of conference. Our correspondent wrote on the Mr. F. W. Brooke, Georgetown, le le love, came principlee r uoi ra mnmctii Mins Winnie Fletcher la vsiting frieeds in by the president ef conference sending Rev. H.r t0io te.I. Allan, a devout, zealous minister of the gospel ~I~crete.te the appointmnent and it is best to e Itich malter Dr- Pattettâh ipetit TDomienin ay ile'Peter- drop. Ufr. Fred Richardson, Columbus la home from The bridge for the Oshawa railway company Englaed.for King street and thte read te tic laite arrived Englandat veek and vere delivered at their respective Miss Morphy, Toronto, la vsiting Mrs H. E. destinatione. The lake road bridge vas taketi Morpby. down on Thursday on twc truckts hà,uled by tve Mr. S. Gliâden speut Sunday and Menday in teams of herses. The contracter was afraid te Bellèville. venture on the old bridge, feaing the weight ef Mr. S. A. Woodford spent the holiday le the bridge. iS tees, migbt break the structure tovu. dewn. but il stood the test. On Friday afierruoce M.Wm. Edmison. Brantford, spent Demaie- îrolly No. te hitched on tic fiat car that beld the ion Dy in own.girders for the King street bridge and brenght it Ion Dy le ove.up te the four corners. There vas trouble then Arthur Beck bas taken a clerksbip le the te gel the fiat car on the King street trmck ahead Standard bank ik tOelborne. of tht trolley, and a flying shunt vas tried, but Mrs. J. Raid, Bowmanvllle, la visiting Mrs. the fiat car persisted le refuising te take the R. Kiever. A.lbet . svstch sud each time kept the main track. nie- Mr, los. Bioskin, Torauto, spent the bolldays ally -tic îrolly utidertook te trail the fiat car en viii bis parents. the svltcb, but agai the car kept tic mnaie track, ansd tiecocupling chain beween the two cars as Pcv, Jas. Kiees coaducted ianniversary services se short that the corner ef the freight bar caught ai lysume on Suidlay. thc end et the trolly fair le the centre, svnng the Mr. John Shaw jr., Hamilton, s lu tovn, the rear ed ofi the traék. and for s time it lcoked as guest of Mise Janet Ky$c. tbougb tbe îrolly would ho upset. The enly Miss Kinver vas seccescful le ber examiti- damage donc vas te disfigure the ed of the atsaithe cchool of pédagcgy. trolly. Hemss ere theti hitched on and the Mr. ran Manai nd A Blck, orotocar unrned the cerner. The Kieg street bridge Mi. FterblacMs ina ani. Bakworco as tien closed te îraffic, sud a temporary s~ict th boldaysle lvebridge eorth le now used until the eew bridge ts Mm. Dr. Clelad and chlldree, Toronto, are put le place.-Vindlcator. vlsiting Mis. A.. R. NcLean. Mr. Fred. R. Hobbs, whe bas had charge cf Mr. D. Hepburn, of the Dominion bank Tor- the CitRoN icLE' Oshawa page for some ârne, onto, speet thc holiday le tove. died on Moeday, ef hemmnorbage, aged eighîeen Medcalf sîreet Sueday school pienie vill be years. it vili ne deubt surprise eur many held on the lakte shore lI>'16th. readers te 1learn that the prepeenider of se much Mr. W. Fyfe mand Mr. W. R. McCaw, spent phiosopi>' and referai vas a mere lad, but quch thi xaîin Peterboro, vsiting relatives, ta tht case. Tht poor boy liait a master mmnd, Fred Luke., son ef T. M. Luke. la, le the office but a dying boedy. He bad a strong ambition of tic A.. S Wbiting vets. Cedar Date. te become a geed and useful marimaddvas pos- sessed ef ail the necessary qualities. barricg phy Gea. H. Garti, of the frm cf Geo. R. Byford sical strengtb. He livcd dove bis malady by &Ce. bock bieders, speet Doiminion Day ini great effort, sud neyer gave tmp hope until witi- te". le s fcw days ef bis demise. Thet ieh gave alI Rey. Chas. Reynolds and vite retureed te directions as le bis funeral, even naming those Suadfidge on Thursday last after s tvo yacks vbo vere te bear hua remaîns te their last rest- visit le Iowa. ing place. Deceased vas a yeung mac ef ex. Mr.- J. Edmison, of Brantford, spent a few treznely high intellectual and moral qualities, and tisys le tove among old triends, tic guest of Mr. had alreadv acquired a racy sud forcible style of and M". John Helden. placi is ideas before the public. He vas a Roy. 1. Couch, Tynpee, ecoupied the pulpit ofbman able tve, as cee may sa>', neyer having Simone sîneet meibedist cburch on Sunda', strengablesud do anythieg requîring physical preahingtwo xcelentsermns.stregtbandthus vas le a position te collecta prcablegtvo xcelentmermca.fiee budget cf neya. as veli as te secure a vide Mr. J. P. L. Stanr, B. A., LL. B., superin- cemparison of ideas. Hie great tbeugbt vas tendent of Bathurst street Sunday acheol Toronto. social nef orm, or le other vords te encourage vawu nove lait veek, a guest at Mr. W. E. hocesl, decent living, ever lceking and prayieg ]>Mi. te God fer Urne aed eppertunit>' te go through 1Mr. A. E. Lambert sud bus friend Mr. Bob. the vorld raising up tbc thoughtless sud eare- Brevalee, ane spendieg abholuday le tove. Mr. lems Out of bis Weakeess be hoped te impart Brovele yl at tiheed ot bus vacation bere mil strength te others. But It vas net te be se. lu for Inelant. pleased God te cal bite say le the heur wheur Mr, Poney Fletcher basâ been called t0 and ac- thc publie vould miss hlm meat. GLae time = tedi ticnatorate of the chrisuan oburch and and strengLi. Uic posuibilities of suci an able Pm.r. sun aioa sro o uda.ad stalwart erometer et morality caneet lx Eld Prssr frewlld Snda l St d>. estumated. W e are sure tiat tic readers ef the Eide Preser areelle Suna>' îi~CHuosuICt. vili leare cf the death of our cor- Rev. Mr. Hogg, vbo was pastor cf the Presby- resprndecî viti sad hearts. Our sense o terlan churcb some 13 ycara ago, befane Mn. the lm ese have sustalned le. iedeed, ver) Eastman tocit tht pastorale. preached lein he guat. A. ecvspapcrs mission sheuld be imaii) chburci las: Sueda'. I-e in the gucstet cfMn. J. te do good. and le the deccased youeg mac vt A, Gibioui. at biudt up semne hopes. The large number e Miss F. L. Maxwell là hem', for ber holidays people.-S.- atcdedbis foural, very maey c After &pouding a profitabl teeraaithLe Toronto thete peo f age sud maturl:y, sbowrai tii C ofl Music; pssng lie, îvc exanmnations Young Hebs brilliaut ad deveted mnd bai lu muais. She inueeds rcfureing te tale ber matie is impression. We exîeid our deepeo -11al la muste sud ether branches tbis comleg sympatby te the parents aLd fricuds vbo basi ternibecs callcd spon ln dire sorrow le par ifi 'Mr. Ueo. Millar salled for Mdontreal tutus mo. sucb a brigi: membeir of th*irhousebold. -En log on the steamsbip Ontario cf Uic Beaver hm. TOR CmsxcaauCLE. .He viii spend a few monthe in tic aid countr sight win puan cha X ng@ds for the Arcade. b4r Sa &m wntbom ni.osti sainebuat OUW5 UUWimu DITLý 8d M r. ~her i ibCe*0Piano verba le aise a E u. VXOKiZT, batt ber"Sinsesstrs usscron a Vit terelivu lala AutI. g >o uv z Suies strie% =réal, 3. W. Borsbcrry ___aa4Me . RV, Chbafflsse ahe.Sis iet ru Iemcon Ilg .se mSaturday'la 04te b. sa sae of 5h. R.%aras4 B$apaiaT. 0 Me um , ueor isO.w chanci 1Mr. EL.wvasm Lb. bgiau ddur. snd tii.D.PwZu .S.auOi»5 was kuoecietidowa to hm,, -uJila bis Leooaw« i u l to dv*lugbous pkm» -dëf Re uaime e.» of tic- lastut ud niais owD ilUM i tow uadrtmc 7 u.te_.0 DDsg ibr. sbni, how 0, W.. lIgwig wuk ~.Casat uIa busamd b@0Mry. - oa fnu~ ia hautviso o dut -- ud The Galt Reformer of last Weduesday hafis haîf columae article on the Oshawa rallway. Mr. Hartnett bulta Une from tuai îown to Preston lest summer and from the tone of the Reformer's article tbey tlilnk as mucb of hlm there as the. people thlnk of him bere. He taktrs pride in dolng bis work well and avods glving cifence to the public He is well liked here for bis agree - ablenesa and the present good condition of our main thoroughfare which he ripped up a month ago, speaks well for his manner of doing bis work. lp Iis better wbeeling now thse before be began bis work. Bishop Bethune college had its closieg exer- cises last, Tuesday. The Bisbop of Toronto was present and many of the parents eftih pupils wereileatte edance. A miscellaneous programme of instrumental and vocal solos and a dialogue was followe' by aasne from Sbhakespeare's*' A Winter Tale." At the close of the programme the Bishop awarded the prizes for the year. The physical culture exercsses on tbe lawn was a pretty sight. The college is undertbe maniage- ment of the Sisters cf St. lobe and bas met with succesa from the start, The cornpany present at tbe exercises were by invitatio. The following officers of Oshawa lodge Sons of Temperaeoe were installed in office on Tuesdav evenlng by A. B. Hall, D. G. W. P. W. P., Bic. Sulas A. Urqubart; W. A. Sis. G. Thomas; R. S, Bro. A. R. Goyne ; i. R. S., Sis. F. Bennet; F. S., A. BR Hall, D. G. W. P.; Treas. Bro. 1. W Elhis; Chapîsin, Sis. E Coedy; Cond. Sis. A Lancing; A. Cond., Sis. Pbillips ; 1. S. Bmo. Sundle ; 0. S., Bro. W Thomnas; P. W. P., Sis E. Voe. Rev. G. W. McCall the new pastor of Med- caif St. methodist church occupied the pulpit on Sunday Ie bis official eapaclty and preacbed te large and attentive congreg tions. Hgis manner 'S earnest bis matter weltîouRbt eut and forti fied Ie every point by scriptural qutatiens. He is atbeletic in appearance and in ail that be says and does seems te bave s reserve power that pre. pares you te accept that wbat he says is the re suit of thougbt and is said because it h bclieved te be the right thing te say. He is a man wbîî will wield an influence tbat will grow rather than diminish. It Io estimated no lees than 300Ã" perstiS were at the lake side on Dominion day. The Christian Workers held a picnic which wsas well attended. The feature of the days proceedinge wae the immersion of five mem- bers of this religous body le the water, in ritual form cf baptistu. The only eveiit to mar the pleasures of Dominion day was that whlch occurred te Mrs. Sykes and ber two daugbters. Their herse became utimanageable on the new bridge over the crecit eear the lake aed backed across the rails and down tbe em- bankmetit. Mrs. Sykes was injured con- siderably, but the two other ladies escaped more fortunately. However, we are glad te say none are very seriously burt. A disgraceful t0w teck place at the Brook bouse corner, Simncoe street, on Saturday evening. Il appears some of the young mec returning from Whitby camp came int collision with another section or fraction witb wbicb trouble bad arlaen over a shee brush, and as the rules of milllary discipline preveeted this belng worked aut on bhe parade grounds at Whitby, thîs vas the first place of meeting after disbandment, con- sequently tbey wect at il lu gobd shape. A b-ystander after lookicg on at tl* minee for seme lime, and becoming disguied, utep- ped across thc street frein thé- Book -bouse and put an end te bhc fight, by knocklng three or four of tbem downand they tien dispersed aller making cotWsderable noise. Mrs. Fowler and ber son and- daughter of Moerefleld, are visiting friedrin tis lneigh- borhood.1 a tioni m and chai the' clos Irul yeai A to- r :urg m Are2 shal risi bell lii :a r Cor Ni Ma tait Cz2 pin anÈ abc pla las da, th( lin ne ta% w ho nt ini ýb; hi la ei ai Mrs. W. L. Courtice and famlily bave re- h turned to their home in the Western Peniu- n Sula. Miss Emily Courtice will leave for Eegland ' on July l2th We wisb ber a pleasant voyage, ti Rev. Dr. Marvin, our new pastor, preached two very acceptable sermons in the churcb t on Sunday.d The patron picnic on Saturday aftornoon d was a decided success. Ail who were pies- ent seemed to enjoy the outing.a SOUTE DARLINGTON.c i Miss Ida Witherage bas returned to ber fhome. 1 Mr. Thomas Vancamp is some better at Ktimne of writing. Miss Nettie Witberidge, of Toronto, was at home for Dominion Day. The Patrons held a very successful picnic eon Saturday last. Tbey bad a very pleasant g ime. h Mr. Wm. Vancamp, of Cprtwright. died1 Tuesday morning. The deceased le a brother of Mr. Thomas Vancamp. The recent raies were a great help te the ecrops; everythin seems livened up. Hay- ing bas commenced but the farmers report a* very poor yield. ie School closed on Friday for seven weeke r-bolidays. A number of the pupils are try- >f ing for the entrance examination. Mr. rYMartin, the teacher, returned to his, home i IY Welcome. ie of NEWGASTLM Of A nusaber of local sports attended the al races at Port Hope, and wertenot very oeucb Ld impressed. with theli vist. VeMins Carde Feroomb, tonAdon, le, th vleiting ber sunai Mis Farnicomb. >-Miss Vida Scott I. home, for o vocation., Mr. Klii 1avldou Io. presdina e school ewam. *t t4lbrpok. A oleasure vyacht c0old hém* on -Mondor 1 l'a us, Il, dovu' tue St LawrenS ctlroi Bey. Mr-. CarsWel preai sesa-(MuoSnoday lat 50 a1 Ù09, ioneet fcep rp naldrc Ve have a nice assortment of shirtings 1cottenades at very low prices at, W. H. Lrren's. [r. P. Wilson, Toronto Juection, bas pur- ised a business le Buffalo a.nd bas moved >re, [r. W. E. O'Brien's gallery bere le net sed since be moved to Oshawa. Il is n every day. [ay usually comes down and becomes a g on the market at this season, but this ar il is going up. SM. Rose le giving a great remnant sale norrow, Saturday, July 6tb. Go and se- e a few bargaine. Ne have a handeome assortment of neck- ,r. Anything you want either in color or pe, at W. H. Warren's. Ur. Wm. Toms, Campbellford, le her( Ïtiegh bisbrther Thos. He likes Camp- Iford, wbich ie a live town. Get vour fire-pots, grates, iron or brici ige for ai kinds of stoves, ranges oi -naces, from J. McIntyre. Warren's stock of ready made clothing nnot be beat, either in quality or piice ner and see for yourself. Mr. J. Hully, brakesmnan on the Whitby- anilla traie, bas moved int town anÉ .en Mr$. A, K. Rmce's bouse. We have a nice asgottruent of belt buckles .arine buckles, side combe, fancy bai: as, etc., at W. H. Warren'e. W. H. Piper can sell any bled of purnç il on easy terme. Orders for repairi ouid be left at Fred. Jones' harnees sboç The Garden party announced te, tak ace at Major Farewell's on Wednesdayc st week had to be postponed until Thuru y, but was very successful. Dr. Grant's "Hairene," for the hair,i Le only preparation guâranteed te stop fa:, ng bair, aed remove dandruif. No leac D suiphur. Ask yeur druggist for it Remnants ribbons, laces, cottons, shit igs, towellings, seeungs, flanaelette lwns, prints, etc., etc., reduccd te j pri( )r Saturday and Monday, bargain days, VG. Walters'. Inpitheaduncatin Mises ofnthemei o is ptlcinatisst ze oet srgicalo ài cawon Missrtha rystifor optbalmgic îrasnganMiss GrtadByayfor obtanag [rg. n isGay Ga o adg The isses Warren returned frorn coilege a Toronto on Thursday last Miss Cart- Wght, daughter of Rev. Mr. Cartwright, rother of Sir Richard, and Miss Baggar, .rddaughter, of Sir O. Mowat, came ornei with thern for a visit., Corbett's Point, which once was so popu- àr, la no longer heard of here. The aar- ,rwness and want of enterprise of its own- -rs has spoiled its large prospective value, nihave conipelled thepeople of Oshawa nmd Whitby to iniprove the beaclies at their arbora, and then Corbett's Point will have no value at ail. Mr. E. B. Harper, founder of the Mutual t.eserve Pnnd Life Association of New York,) in which mnany in this county have their lives insured, d.ied Tuesday. ehi do wihdogda hover. The cnothin tog dys becau e her.e lwabothea leg s eas hyre always hot, as aulg We suppose lb le hârdly worbh while te say that be-day, Eriday1 is tht baptist ex- camsion te Toronto, sud Lii t all ehotild go. Familles who carcfuliy re ad up the bar- gains advertised in tbc CHMRoNICLE cati save a dollar a week eacb le makleg purchases. Onie ofiers one bhing cbeap, acother ofiers aeother. mr. and Mrs. Thee. A. McGillivray ai- rived here frein their honeymnioftrip on Mondry. The boysm ltes lu a weIcome te the=n andin wishing thent louÉ i lfe sud happinesa. Wm. Semeirville, Toronto, espeni DO-' minion day lu town vîith .relatives' and frienesd ne mùch dlsappointed on accunt 91 ilIs-e or the EautToronto- club to cotg Whliby for aaini-n- on d4Y. ,wcr of <the intende.d defauit wvset Sainsdam night, sud liai -left no chant secure aothet club. ý,A ,çrRldi gatut PI&Y y; 0dcsý4mnfre6'iniosugithe1 Chiuca iu:The aidecnuoedl lutter won 1bY,57 *Q-fý9 FrËy.B PDatne», Gilpit>-and Brouglial eaclilrad ble figures, and tor Goid' teSfiGo; bad a score of jQ filiaL NomS sesrsla. c' c FIE AROÂi~EU l Auetios Bàzmu-The subteriber viOi be lu 0mb Town LocaIS ave, et th. central ]Rotel, 5'r14&y ot eaoh *iOl frein one te 8 olook nm, to mak. ar- Mr. Frank Bryan has taken i position in angements wftb parties wlsnd te ha"e sales.. Cobourg. L PiANwsxa uetioneer. . Mr.. J. C. Connor, Teronto Island, was ln P. L,%BE»T & 8oxs-The leading tailoring town yebterday. and gonts' turnlabing boum. ol Osawa. Splendid assortment et tweeds, worateds, Mr. G. H. Sonley is the oely butcher now frowserings, shirts, cllars, etc, always kept left In thie market. in Stoos. FELT Biat - Watohmakeru and Jewelers. Mrs. R. A. Patersoni, Perth, is in towin Dealers le watohea. ocks, jewelery, silver- visiting Miss Logan. vare, apecta4es, etc. Enrvig gold and M rs. J. H. Delamere, Mindeni, was bere silver plattng, aedold igeld rings msde ever. Fine watsob, luck, and jewelery repairing e visiting relatives last week. apecialty.MrH.CransoHeroStay, OsEÂVA ROLLEB MMzLS-AtteiitiOfl of farmers MrH.aradso HeyfStays is dlrected te teed c kDping nov oarried on spent Suiîday with relatives in town. dally at 5'i par bag. eebratedl Jewel brand On Monday nextJudge Burnham wlll heai ef flour, best in(',Canada, sold by &Uaifretî.cla.ateapas rmtecut frvsoi grecera ln Whitby sand Oshawa, and ab our h pel rmtecuto eiin milse. Campbell & White. Vou can get repaire for every stove and EvaEasoi & EUwExms - Importera u.nd dealerF furnace made ln Canada from J. McIntyre. in farmers', manufacturera' and boesetniBa- tng supplies. Manufatretira oftd.er. Bave- Hr. Herbert Rôbson, son of Mr. Wmn. trougbi nsd other eontracting done. Fur'Robsn shm rmNwYr navs nas i.a andetiers and lampe. A stock of boi orefo e or navel btoyoïes Ispi on band.. This is tbe excursion season, and there are T' r e .e o ýs' ,ce at *Every lune of Goods, at Sprices neyer so low for high cIass goods. CASH ONLY. wail at PELLOWS5 anad see his Wrought Steel lTGFES -AT- ~co.o andGi AL OES and -FRSOM-S $5.50 to $25-00. )shawaSteamship Ticket Âgency. Steamship Tickets o Europe by the best Unes on the Atlanic. bpecial railway raes, Oshaa to Montreal, in nnection with Seamship Tickets. Danadian Express Co. on all passenger trains; aise coilectcd sud de- liveredti bal parts ef the tovu vitheet extra charge. Us Moey Ortiers on sale heom eagh a. m. uzelil eigbî p.m. Give ihese a trial anti yen vii alvays use them. Great rahOomp&y Forwardnessagles tosil point Of Canaà& and U. S. Messages received -promptly delivered. Office opposite the Post Office. W E. DYER, 0 Bale Block, just north of the post of- * fice. Inspector of Agencies of Aid * Savings & Loan Co., Toronto. Agent * Sun Life Assurance Comipany of * Canada and the Emtployers' Liability Corporation of LoNDON, ENG. Ai Great J. Is that we are making of Rings. It's equal is not to be found.n the county. Here you cati have a stock to select froni that is prac- tically limnitless. Amnong the beautiffl and real y arti£tic things are our 5k Ruby and Pearl Set Rings. _AOEgagemeflt and Wedding Rings q' specialty. N. B. -A new line of Silverware ust open- ed out, at 0BOYD'8 Jewery some KING STREST WEST, - -OSHAWA. ..-HEADQbARTERS FOR--, Seeds, Mangels, Field Gar- rots and Turnip Seeds of ail varieties. Ensilage and other corn et lowe8t mar- ket prices. Staple and Fanc at bottoîn prces Highe.st market Faim Produce. cy Groceries tprices for OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, THE CORNER SHOE STORE, C5ýýOSHAWA-. E) Leather 8teadily Advanclng. Wholesale prices for footwear SVare 20 per cent. higiier. Our immense stock in seiling fast at old prices. Save money by buying yoiir The oppOrtuplty, wImsoon P*És. One pic osLCasb- demi. Diits ý log lg-Our rate of profit is the loweet l ila7 district. IT KEEPS US POOR. We have always. a general and varied stock to select from-latest desin and finishes. Prices rigbt Undertaking department fûUly stock- ed, and embalmlngaccording w latest- methods. Picturè franIlng promptly and satis- factorily done. Luke'Brasa, - '0hawa. The ioseph Bail adiueM -ESTIABLISHED 1857." us. u IMMEIYS loarlllg Sae--fl Mr W J Chaplini left tor St. Catharines on Saturday. Mr A Brooks, of St Louis, is here renew- ing acquaintances. Mr H Robins is visiting bis daughter, Mrs Walder, of Preston. The G T R laid another girder over Fare- well's creek on Sunday. MIr and Mrs Myres, of Barrie, left for their home Thursday of last week. Mrs Thos Hanley, of Newtonville, is visit- ing ber sister Mrm Walsh. The Misses Mullens, of Toronto, were with their parents over Dominion day. The Misses Maxwell, 0f Toronto, were visiting with friende during the holiuay. Mr T E Brethour, principal of Weston high scbool, is here visiting for a few days. A numnber of residents took ini the I.0.0. F excursion to Peterboro on Monday while a large numnber enjoyed the balmy air of Lake Ontario at Oshawskntbe.lake. The bridge over the creek near the lakre was laid down in position last week by Mr Martnett. It is a good job and mnuch credit is due to Messrs Butler arnd 1-arinett for the good work done. Mr. Kirkpatrick's horse unfortunately got mixed up in a barb wire fence surround- ing the pasture in wbich he feeds. the result being Mr Kirkpatrick will not be able te (jrivç him for some time. He was badly, ànds ýfthc 1 - 1 CZDAB DALIC ci p b Take in ail these excursions. --, 7.7-70- 1 Beaton's Grocery, Ontario, Oshawa,

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