Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1895, p. 7

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îby, Clark by, C lerk ; 8; Masy 8; ; Nov. 4 ; freenwood, i; Juiy 9; iam. Part 1May 9; 1Uxbridge, lôIbh; Jnily lannington, y 13 , oct. Beavent on, 16, Dec. 19 t pLi rgrove, 7, lie 20. Stables ty roprietor. plicetib ti t reaon. -N c E.- A c cid enrt roto. litttirrce Ca. r ceit. 1 ail trti)l to the ,1without t,-a.ttli or tlit Witby. t. Toronto. h amn givirg f tutti a dît'- ttu ii ubber, à il ier tilliiig 8 operatots at in the City. 1 let me exam- extra charge. th eust corner F3NERM LTH, MBER, [INGLES, RDWOOD, ABS, ETC lý11.î;t of A TIONER ICA, OT H ER. Loan t, -'( cordtng ta Y SIT11, W hii t by, Pv.ma iescr b.a ely genu ine KÎg in a Ern, vere or loi)g Me free-.Arti6. Mlar appliarie idrus TIIOS. AuBtuI, Soutb. or, London. 411 Wi made ai tbe rauent ef Canada' Permanent Resave b foi the ptupfe cf'. 00 .lfe I nsùuoe. cf pplkanuu. 8-3 in. oeive. Th.y us aU imtatios iho having the appesimssed wlth costs. toakert hope tio rés? %0U'~I ?&rDepaftment of Crown landus, te plant-.... tage froin the Wroflherfai taÙ0ci ing o re ne the 'Forestry Act. achieved by' Dr. Williams' PIÙ Ple .A Snset count for medical 4 A.ekyourdeaer fr th~n.attendance on P. O'Connor. -W. Spence, clerk -township Reach, with enclosure Viuit to Prince Edward Island. Of $27.15, balance due from Reach B» s-BociiWa ui township re town lune expenditure and auBore hOf ,Brom itia, eak Leedl DE.AR MR. EDITOR.-Finding myseif unpreformed statute labor. M. Malone, sotnewhat unexpectedly sojourning for re expenditure Sandy Hook bridge. a day or two in the interest of forestry J. E. Farewell, as to the amounit to be in this, the smallest of the provinces raised for county purposes as follows: S ,c tts E n S comprising our great confederacy, it oc- for gcneral purposes $1. 147, education- curted to me to note a few facts per- $342, total $1,499. taining to the Island and its people Mr. Gould presented the petition of Conlsuxuptives slways find greati which proclaiîn its importance, and Thos. Jamieson and 15 others, re snow consumption 1.8 often cured. No otù sending the same to you for the infor- fence across lot 29, Cofl. 5, centre road. srnhs udyadefciey mation of your readers, some of whom Mr. Walker presented the second re- srnt 0qikyadefciey perhaps, likc mvsclf, have heretofore Port of the standing cornmittee nonWe k B b san looked upontlis Portion ot e Domnin- roads and bridges. The report wasre- jae . X oon ion as of flot muc.h account except as ceived and adopted, recommending the are made F4""'ig sud robust by Scoi Al o tthe home Cfa lot o chronic grumblerseto, of a raiIi~n. on established forme of fo 3eern to do them no g( thîng amd i ti c\vcrN-body. Judge then forming the counicil that they had en- reoh nmeSotEul to v srpî~cwhe lnding at Sum- quired into the complaint of W. Mc- Coloe Éwaper. Refuse cheap subi .Passes Bel ief ri) '(ean oi]rnev-ing to Charlotte- Dowell, re washout on established soad Send/or pamphlet on Scott's El M.r. Jas. B. Nicholson, Florenceville, o î, i) ai c Potenwltd fe hecronltclson. thadth coimere &' Bt owne, Belleville. Ail Dr .B. truges reve Ln kîî iapccr o ea -ey gard- not responsible in any way for damage. Tears withcil ro i~e overflowing with the Mr. James Sherrard was heard respet- CANCER ON THE LIP, naýtjoral trcasures of thc soul. it is ing gravel taken from his property, ANDJeCUEED Br ue on n rm 4 tO ~thereby undermining his fencc. dlaim- S Sarsa- mie dc The soul is very rich loam ing he was entitled to be paid for said pa r 1 ri rd-hick color. There are no gravel. parYE R Scr to be found, not even Mr. G-ould presented his report as Mr ' itîso ~nq 'îmil~.îC Al th stne or ommssioner of Sandv Hook bridge.,N NI r.N Idol"n aVq: conqttltc'd AN t t i presc îlbed for niv, but to Il,(, aîin d other public and showing there had been expended the nu Purpose; thie cancer began to îtîî1riant buildings of the capital was sum Of $7-9 in repairs to said bridge. PIN W~ORM1S. TJa it he Fls,'l okoss are for the most Mt. Samuel Bovd 'was heard respect-ICHN IE ua pýat intoitheFleail oer, roof, the n n agatto grade bill on 5th con. TH.qPIE sn ta Mysit ledaIlaonr,1roo, sîde and ga initien. found aUgèe in the rloh vpro i t mv chin, and I fee n 1 Oli.an c oitd sthyuuyoppsite lot i17. Notm ae eer Lh 4 rl n 1'îtz apa~l i Ia, n 1fil Xtris fie a . usuall' a i f1~' '~ tSWdIIii 1- art 1k asts handsome as ouir Mr. Larnb, s;econded bv '.\r. Mîllard, cr erer becomoe warm in bed. [wLici a It i mpossible te procure adlitill.t\ 1tît1î tisues. Iri fl-sSt 0f the nioved that the sum of $'2ebcgratited toon nt rch sen ank for si.ew.ks îform. excessive moltre l& Goondod, an T. Cre\ N isHUV . tram this disease, causîng Ur vît i f tCti er'. hc1 titi 1. i o private, thus gig (ododadT Crvh emns-eeryother aymptom ofet te y, ' ~amInI \ihich ipleasîng at least tuner for sanie. bme nt.I iiaely ai *~ ~~ ~~ ho î~\ Xii mets wîth it for the ()r imotion of Mr. Millard, secCî ded up the maisture tSI' 'F i, ~ î~:. ai her ish ndusrie Mr. L.amb, the clcrk was instructed an( ()lie fsliindstresare to notifv Mr. -las Mowat flot to furnish bu ir, abiindance ln the R. Ilamîllton aniv goods oin behaîf of O ~. n I~~ ~~i H . .~...î. th. tlie produnts of which the corporation. 111,,,ii t o t1 h countries tif the (rin motion of M r. Walker, secetnded ....t. a teWold F r . i teiLr1cultcural roiitswhich hv Mr. ijoold, . Sharrard was pi I~ . I'LL. 1~~j.t.jth<h 'u' h. 1t o In larg~e quantîties are the sum uof four dollars for gravel in at n i d butter. Farniers lieu of aniy daim lie rnight have against ___________________________________________whecat enough for' the niunicipalit. tîirFilic TI sland butter is! Mr. Hienrv IBadgerow was heard re- Between Life and Death. tifor il, bi.alutifI deep vellow color speting a grant on hljl opposite lot 30, il, hilgpileORsYts -- tii. ~rit h l, .T he cattle 1 noice Cst toX'n lne. Referred to reeve as ~mnlgPls e i THE NARROW ESCAPE X) iiî\f the Durhanhi grade and commissioner for said houndary line. The smre intolerable ftchii 0F A WELL-KN()WN tth rptin The farm huild- O oionor.LmseGdd ives 0. t l atrone &MI~ NEWBURH M îi j iii 1t1ter to be hoth neat and hy' Mr. M'iard, Mr. (Jould wvas authoriz- nstant Newmarket-J. T. Bouart, ,Niii ni iti MAN. Thcre are no under- cd and instructcd to inspect snow fence -- nd h(itabîles apparently, at least none of Thos. Jamieson and if in accord- R Buttn -Ur. t3heppard, Mr. By the Lise of a Finger Mr. Chane that 1I met Xith Farming seems to b newt ylwt rn i etf-a Tettenbam-JàmeSoalit Mooe, f hatVilag. naredotheea- i 'lic extreine, the soul readilv cate on the reeve for payment as pro- Barrie-H. IL Garden. inîke d no artificial manuring ne- vided by the by-law in that behalf. The c &lebrated Dr. Clisuasesutinnt a m Bd door, but is Rescued af 1er Doctors l.- M.- mcr scod d l uing raile o y -UinDuimesestuaslric" have fa-ll---.(ILI 10r('(1r1lvas told vesterday that there On motion of Mr.Walke, secnded oru,.etc..ca.or. .Tron, have faîled. vas 11-t a I)1) ariîia to be found in the by Mr. Millard, the clerk was instruct- ., D~0. aa Fromn the Napanee Beaver. wh le frniing cîîmmunitv and 1 be- cd to notifv Gould Bros. to furni1sh In the pleasant lttle village tif Se(w-lie\(e titi ,t itetiietit to be partiallv truc. Chas. Swinson ,Aith goods to the value burgh, on the Bay of(Quinte Raîlmtsy, Tit h iXu from Summnerside to of $4~ per month until further notice. ALNi seven nee from Napanee, lives Mr. C t dlanlottevilie.' a distance of fifty or On motion of Mn. Lamb, scconded On Thursday last the Sabbath school H. Moore and famîly. They are favîr- sýIXî tiss. 1 am i.il rmc-nd. upwards by Mr. Walker, the clerk w'as instruet- convention of East and West Vvhitby ably known t.hroughout tihetîntire sec-o uimlslt~ ia it ought to be, ed to request the township solicitor was held in this place. tion, having been resîdente of Newbungh anîd fr titis thre 1- no possible excuse. T. W. Chapple, Esq., to take the neces- On Friday last Miss Stnîl, our public4 for yeare. Recently Mn. Moore hae un- 1 have tin i i orie crossed over tiie sary steps to foreclose mortgage onl school teacher, gave ber pupils a candy dergone a terrible Beknese, and hie ne- Alps in Southern Europe, the Rockv property in the village of Goodwood picnic in Mr. Harnden's woods close storation to health wau the talk of the Mounitains of our own country anà made by Joseph Badgerow to the cor- by this place. numnbering ini ail about( village, sud msny even in Napanee and many other mountain ranges where poration. sixty. They ail enjoyed themselves to vicinity heard of it. and the reeult wae cu rv es in the road-bed are a constant On motion of Mr. Millard, seconded their hearts content. thati the Beaver reporter wau detailed t n ecessity. (We see a little of it on our by Mr. Walker, the clerk was instruct Wm. P. Thompson is on the sick make an investigation into the rnatter. Own Midland R. R. when crossing the ed to request M. Malone, Esq., to at- itn heH .W .Toms. .ma _ _-A_11.Mor - -crag akr.n hiendgsJtbt eeIerLhera-ed3tend the next cuclmeetingy with alitntheH .Wm Topsn stretigth sud uew ife, sud alter eight STFI""b 111 - -a- -%.,% boxes had been taken, ho found himself impose a tax tipon the whole reseurses i ose bis baud. Dr. Starr was telepnon- again a well man. Mr. Moore is Dow of the Dominion wbicb wouîd indeed ed for and was soon tbere and dressed about six îy-five years of age, he bas been be a burden te the people, and in ad- the hand. healtby sud bas worked bard ail hie life ding enormously to our financial obliga- ~Ms lz otri eefo h uttil the sikeua alluded t, sd D w, tins mig t impeil confederation tself. M s lz otri ee fo h thanks te Dr. Williams' Pink Pll, ho is 1 believe te entire value of te Island*- states ou a visit to Mrs. Wm. Hezzle- otce more able te work in hie ad accus- with al its ricb natural resourceS would wood's and Loren Foster's. tt mcid wsy, sud does not hesitate tic give notbegin to pay the cost. The Island- 0. c le credit te the mediciflO that restiered ens theruselves recognîze this, and1nth hiîi to health, at a coat no grester than a wisely do net expect thbe impossible. 5 BLO3DPRJEz ER ad att mfidid5 h Couple of visita to tthe doctor. Tbey are exceedingly loyal. It would it mises aulo o* neSpou item a DOMINION 0F CANADA Tîme aud again it bas been preven do you good to hear a large company new mediçlue ad coutals newiv dbSvesed that Dr. Williamns' Pink Pilla cure when of them, as I did to-night, lustily sing tngr&d1CDkot mw»WPara" p)hysicians snd other ,nedIoil fail. 50 God save the Queen. ETT ~S WIrrB MMRGY other ruedicine haa mach a wonderf ul re- Tbey assume a patroniziiig air witb- O o VR 1NY cord and ne other niedicine pives uch out being offensive towards their fellowAD OE orTtSIN undubiedprofscfthegeiuilel8sofCanadians f rom the oither provinces. every cure publiahed, snd aile acSiits To be cabbed an Igiander apipears to be e'pulu by means 01 thm mi p, diSea f or tea f sot tibat go where you wil ou gthofsr proudsibatadate iw oi<5 sC 1 I,, te&orEtéius thin butoro1) humourapwblchstaboutt, andblond, peruçlr hear xthngo uFrrda of prame fo r. wbo bail from thre lager and richer tio sWh"utoml he.O pws Williams' Pînk Pille. This 0"&t reputa. provinces, can aftord thcm that bost, to n tm tien aise accounta f or the lactthat un- ecrpulusdeaerehos .~d ~ tbough uttered in out very. presence, THE NEW MIEDICINU scmposde aklrspce n ther cuatoeswben in that acti of theirs we note flot wit te ai tha i "a um apo~'only the love they bcar to Fatherland. itUpeocd semla tu t while a hosti of iitatorS are puttang up b ut their loyal to the confederacy and ,60erthe plain ackagea msomehat simau in festy to thei r ýueen, a love, a oyalty. dbWLA d f60w atlein tue. hope thsthey vii rep thbe a fealty whicb prevails vitil a classes <.usa~beds reward arne by the medt cf the. and conditions of men in this eut be-.i ., u genuine Pink PMle. loved Canada, and whiCh fotin tbC SoIid rsere e e *talad *m upsuSg mut W 99qIdY0à _Yi,& 1wb4 Theo ill ae ~n~~@tie b7%ne basis upon which bat heeri cr te u lhànmsI Dr Wilhiaifl' Ifediino ComipauyBiock Canadian commonweath, a superttlc- îs.[1Why vile, ntrlo sd SchoheWatdyi 2. Y.i tien neath aeoi fwic'w CN ~pTC RS"s an a e oi nl l h xe ta lg t e each one est and 'ive indec d en d iU C ?T * ï .A firm'm trade mark su -fpp«, At 0 truth, the frMst of thefrm amS 1~youts ti te oo contea #àbox, or ai% box«a for 50- sincerely, The may be had fom snq daer, or rY=,A. <%;nwcIAYT the .w, M4 ion rffsipt cf D Crim t"i, ? .L JPOýs~ Dr. Willia tI Plamy . of aiSU & It4 or 4 qiet mail frora Dr. llîue eIu "Oïmp' mfrôm *it.r GdrU.TbrpZl* ,wfoýhet pilla an a>4pak orW fle*d7. met omnt avd , 4m-coun îi et .. éýe . .2eS mont cdit lasi a at* . or -ÛW- e0 mmpa»4l'ml hair m -esa Oô Oold's ga General Debility and oured by aulsion relief by taking it, and àier nourishment restores rhin Children )tt's Emulsion when other ,ood whatever. mon is put up in salmon- >Btitutes!1 tmlsion. FREE. ýrugglots. 50o andSl iiexce di gly paintu l and a n yn q affi t U i suad poor. maie and temae. The prnciD, ln whiloh je woret at nighi ' hon the ai J terri bic la the ltchlng ýýi:tfrequen Bslop. Often the ouflr<" noirionscious~ )a rt à u n til th e y a re a o r - uk n'at ý i tu rno A r sexuded. Fernales are i,'. 1nL&rY affectE bearable irritation ad trou.--. 'rhese s àlng Piles or Irritation iu any art iL allyed sud quiokly oured by Cae'sOn y stop lL6hi g. hesi th. mores adu e 'MENTI lu sanint eUtr.ly differântsUstec.Yai ieffecs asud symptomu am *.xotly the.iq J ; the use oweeRlg orwllug. stih¶ù ni1 d4ue mse.Chas. saôinet ata >rd relief frorn chis tormenr. Mr. Kito. I Harilton-R. G. flecu. r.McDonsld. IKig CitY-Wm. Wa3kee, Lruggjat Churohll-Dvd Gras. b . J.Rod. Bradfa -R . Dav i, J. R id& Sexpresly for Ttohlng Piles, but It inu equa.l- orna, Ich, Bsrber'a Itoh. SaIt P.heum En f-60 cent%. nto Ont,8,&SUAenta for Darntuion d Col] MANLEY'S NERVE CJe1eryCOMPOUND oure8 Blood and 8kin Di8ease8. Ho .Cure AUl Skia Dime.' SiMply Spplil"SWAyNEC'8 OIUMT " NO uteruai medicine requred. Cures tetter, icrrnaieh$ .&U eruptions on the face, handa, îose, aie.$ leaving the skia clear, white and iesltby. Ita great healiug snd curative powers Ure poaed by no oe~er rernedY. Ask YOar lrzyffiat for 83WàyNz'BONTMUT. Lyanu, sono & o., MonUsai, wbolegale agente.. uMahip Empretu o fra, hi anea Vnouver Tuesday. Feua mtteh d rimnta hav e d.tene pouar ith ie pub elicisudhavead ren yesur t arthe pico nd umoç whicb yhia to ouOsUflu"i m t ale reia jibpoeare yte smp vle item ca- pund* sd s a yto, take, asT heoQ uinine mie, lm4e Northop h Lyiuan of Dlure SuiphatS of Quinine, acombiuod with men shrryWîne, sumit os aomahos, whieb irelieves the Quinine of !te bitter tute% snd dees not fimpair i ilate leut dolpes th. efficy of lia action upon tue patient ; Whlle unel dosm. trequenillirpeatd,, strenglben the pulse, iticese mumeular fOoe, and W'i vigoratýe the toue cf lthe nervoui system, sud tins by lie general VIger W"ieh limparti., cOateis anusp petite, vitici Rives t te b. m- acrh tons sud energy sud fortfies the 878- tot 55fl5nt -ail infections diseasos.Asb.-for Northrop &'Lym&n's Qunine Wine;- said by ai&dUggs 'Msno amerally elebated St john, the. B traige Came Ourodof Blood Pohaning DmmueiZMiob, uly I-A - vsy eSuIoua etbas oour ore, sd ne wb i b ii [:f e a"00tl w 4fr a i !c tek W. have th ii. t elc tion in town of those BEALITIFUL AMERICAN WALL PA PEFR82 -WiTE Borders to Match O0WEST :-: PRICES. C!ome early and getfirst claoice. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's aid stsa, Brock St., Wbitby rack in Whitby. WM. TILL, indertaker, Cabinet Maker, Uphoister, d dealer iu Furniture of ahi kinds. The Subsoiber bege Le annunca that se as again epened business in hie old taud, and as placed therein s chiice, tybiah and complote stock ef NEW FURNITURE Yf every description, which will b. sld t s smsbl margin on ceet. Anther baie of those celebrted ixed attrasses $3.25, wrth $6.00. ee those rapestry ar Carpet Launges at $5, worth 88. Eardlwoed idebards, 14x24 glas, for $8.50, wortil #12. Undoitaking. KEý A ful stock of Ooffim nard Oaskets, and a Firet-01aB88 Hearse. WM. acTILL.t Whitby, Oct. 12, 1893. ]RADÂM' S MICROBE KILLER REMEDY. J. 9. EDGAR., Merchant, Wind- sor: M. K. acted marvelusly lu my case et chronic stomach and bowel truble. .WM. XAG l.AZLMDOS., Cook- Was given up t. dis freux a complication ot )Dvspepsia snd Liver'trouble with consumptio ,Arn s well as ever uow ; h t ltrtly wonderftul. London: Chronie ccugh and bemorrbagcs frone the isua wre urringMy wife te an çanly grave bu hanete M.K. she ta as vell tseve?-. Wm. Radam Microbe KMlerCoc.- 120 KiciRg TMWRST, TORONTOvi ONT For, sale.ail&Pohemiati, or st. W. R. HOW SWS WBTgY -32 -tcter of kt anv ?Ppy af tell the f-ier, D J)let ta ,'beyne, wiie, L i5t ta )encer, ;d -N. ling, Ir. 2nd 'eipeud, ticer, j î v. sr. 'ipond, tIv-J. A'u ghs, op, J. <Inight. Grass, 'herrill, g, E K H. hatel, 'Un. tihe Oû- L Aim 'omptly rOOzuiIl ýBeef; 1beef, )ked), 'oc- ;- 'ARS& rTER

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