Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1895, p. 6

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hok Gorou 1rs, hmsl.Hoha arather iough timefor polt taat. wwo~- à whilel but hi came :ont veut and Under Daisy'srocm u, a s9 4y t À DOXMIODAY sTORT. itruck look iu ptospeotlng befoe ho vasu> intID flames, tor od.enJaodly oalling "Pire 1t t6 oue1he r" m i - L th rilwy taton f cetan l. ,Oh, lu heo ldi" sBaiathe listener sieupera, Who Wétld Det have 100 mnuch1[111 1 oanté,r47etaion ofea cetaenBock- blankly. , ime te gel> dowu freinthe uppeU? yoois, -est r»a number of mon wvewibit>ing thele Oh, De, net roally, but hu feels kind bu climbed up te DPo Elbe biconwSuof oet Ionlute of the mail oe bright day in Of eld and foloru. Sometimes, when be pended at bar windew. , ai rap* <>< Yn" Al, 1892. Thore wus ne upecial resaci hoars other feilows, lalking about their ped a shawl about her aud lalu dovuig u àÙexcitement, but the newly estsbliah- methers and their sisters, md-wiveis," withaut undresmiing. Sho sprang -te the byqu .4 tact cf a aiy hait of the train sud a ho fmished vory softly. window white as doatb, but understand- rt'e l wost.office of their own wue enough te at,- IPocr fellow 1 " said Daisy pitifully. ing ýnst what ho wauted ber te de. &"Lot ive as tffa hexet aesWiasÃŽal Yshs a poor kind cf a fellow," me in sud I will carry the bib Y .,n frmin whom the. reeeipt of a lutter would b. a puruaod Jack humbly, "lwith ne educas. tairs," ho cried hurriedl, ortlewind complai amrri. tien or bringiug Up, or anytuhing te ru fanned flames vero making quick head ially i Âmong the scanty sopply of Jlttera cemmend hina te a woinan, ozcept a way with the ligbt boards. "FIoUow me 1-undre brougbt by thsaastorumilwus a daiuty whole huart fuil cf' love fcr ber, and-and close; den't stop for anlything; I will vice, ( square envelepe addreseed te Mr. J. -oh, Mrs. Lane, it's myseîf I m talking corne baek for ycur thinge. êedt Loess, whieh the. postinaster lield n p for a.bout, and I eau have no chance with But aIl ber possessions had te go with dnil admiration, wfth tho remmrk that it yo.' And poor Jack, in an agony of the tout, for thbe line gainud force 80 Tarai ,weuld have te gc te its o wu fuural in iliarnu ana fear tubat hie avowal bail but rapidly that Jack had ta work bard to the. dead ltter office, for there was no bim even thu mereut toleration frarn the asuist sorne of the others to gut out alive. Tbe crie cf that name in that part cf the lady of his love, rushud frow t.he room. Uncbe Jerry, sleeping on tubeground Charles country. itsfrIf bu had beau composed enongh tu floot, vwu onu of t bu firet OUL, .u d, wlth Stade, "IReLon i' frm, " aid an elderly take one looki, heornight have gathered Daisy sud t.he trembhing littie one, stood Why =an on crutobus. moving slowly through hope frorn the bright blush that suffused at a safe distance sadly watching tube de- petitue, the curions crowd. Daisy's face aud tbhe tender, happy light struction. Snddenly Daisy dartud for- Af mee "Weil, I nover thought of your having that spre.ug ta otuyrus.wand crying: 'Oh, wbune is Malcomi? Fin ti: en nmebu Ueb Jrr,'sad he The beautiful color* had not left ber Re bau not orne down 1 " As she spoke lun:'e postmaeter, handing hirn bis proporty, face bufone Moedaunts soft, well rnod- a cry frorn above drew cvery one's eyes. article "but 1 'spose yen know bust." la.latcd voice at the door sougbt permis- Frorn onu of the higbeat windows a bers oi Mr. Lucas langhod, then openud bis sion tta bave for Lily a pretty, acuntod white, bewildured face looked ont. "Oh gestiot lutter sud read it turougb. "Boys," said grass cradle of Indian manufacture. Malcolm," screamud Daisy, "'you shall and ne, hoesoberly, "iLs frorn ry niece, "abu "Made froni a drawing of my own.' bu bu savd 1" And she flew dietractedly 80to q i;hsad id'oetbydbu od Mrs. Lane witb a smille, that brnugbt towand thbe fiery place. canc tue mB.rriod a yuar; sble wantus ta oorne on Ont all tube nncomrnon beauty of bis face. "Go back," sternly coornandud Jack, would sud livo wiiuh me awhibe, 'cause ber littie Daisy rusisted an impulse to declinu bis "bu shall be saved, if 1 dis for it -, Hf, strengi gîrl's aIl brokun dowu sltuer soarlet fever. gift, because it wonld bu sncb a pluasune dasbed intuo the buruing doorway, and order, The doctonsa seuding ber ont to gut toned to Lily, so she thanked birn prettily and for au awfnl moment the spectatone with t up. But, good Lord, what sbal1 do eXpnessed ber admiration for the ingen wited. Then witb a crash the roof fel sant t, witub a wornan hure, where's thereas no ione oy. Thun tube conversation driftud in on one ide, cutting off the aùairs = e accommodation for thein ? " on, tilI at last bue mentioned Jack'@ But Jack was seun the nuit instant at prepai Wonld you mind 8howing nme the na-mo, lookiniz steadily at ber as ho did the wiudow by thbe docton. Soniie of thbe and v ltter ? " ssid Jack D.ins2one, nather so0, and oatcbing a look of interest tubai imen wene strapping two short. liglit lad-yo heeitatingly ; Isomnetimes 1 eaua get quite nfuriatud bum. "Jack seeme veny sol durs5 togethur with frantic haste a-nd Dt an ides of a punson by a lutter, and may omnu lat8ly, but thats natural for a fei- steadying thern against tuhe wall, where Ott b. I couild suegoet sQuaethinq to belp you Iwstae k u"tbey usarny reacbed the window. They Lawe out." Why, wbat's tube eculiarity of Mn. sbouted ta Jack cheerfully, flioenz inhini ubi i -f!tey vers ail ooicions in suggestions. Dinamore's situation? a ropu, whicb ho was seen to f asten -0j btUceJrywaited patiently for "Oh, ha, ha!1 Havent yon huard ? around tbe othen ma-nswai8t. Hle o PopI but sopin , eliein, s tot of the And 1 tbonght you wure snob friends.' Iowered bum to thbe top rounds, thon hopel, cornrnnity did, that whateven sense and Hulard wbat ? I rually don't kuow Rtood quiutly waiting for bum to descend Ayer' wisdorn bu did not possess was not worti.h wat you are i.alking about."' the Iadder, whicb would hardly bear the effect muntioniug. He haudud baok tube lutter, "Weil, if Jack baut told you him- weigbt of two, swinging bimsgelf ont, saying: "Dont worry about ber, Uncle self, I dont know as 1 bave anty ight wbile the faines;, which hsd buret into 0oru h Jerry, but bltber cornu. She dont write laughed "tube Beauty." "But every one tube rooni, seemned to chase llîi'n, bu drop. cure. liku a vornan that's bound to sleep on kïtows that be's eutaugled soae way pud upon the ladder. As bis feL touch- Set rose boavus, sud remembr, " aoftly, "'if with one of the girls over at thbe fort eé! the gronnd s crowd of men snrronnd- af ter tbure's rney wanted to ma-ke ber 'coi Saine of tube boys gueso bos a ra-ed to cd hbu, ail sa-ger tu cia-sp bis baud. But Dr fortable, I'vu s nauleso pile of iL alneady ber. I kuow bu sonda ber money often they fell back to make a way for Mrs speed foriyou te dip inte." Thon, baving plantod the seuds of mnis- Laue, wbo rau up with pale face sud ,umr "& guese we'U hbave enonglh of it. You chief, bu bowud bimaeof ont. eyes sbiniug like stars in tube early lhgbt incid notice Daisy sys abeas collectued a life in As bu left tube little panbor bu muttuer Theru wsre uoquent vends on ber medi surance, sud vont bu a- burden Lo no- ed to binisoîf, "l Allas fa-ir iu love or war, tongue, but not onu couldabe spuak. cucuc body AnXd latuely I've been doing prettuy sud this will be bath, if Jack don't keep She coula only put ber tuvo litutle bauds cucul vol1 vitb thatu atone postu invention I put bis ugly face ont of _,thbu way. l'Il bave in bis sud gaze np at bis aad honuaet uyes, on1e, soaie mouey juta." that woman if 1 have to go tbrougb a sua witb big tua-ns falliug froni ber own. ti Uncbe Jerry vua-samoat helpbess wth of lie',, and ' ' well I stnuck in tinte, for It va-s a bard moment for Sack, sud ta A rheumatiani, but Jack vas a- most a-bie obe looked prettuy baggard wbeu I told relievu bis embanrasamenthobu rmured: drow coadjutor, sud by uublusbing bnbeny aud tbat ya-n, I vonder if sbu's idiot eougb "I wau 50 glsd te bu in time ta getu bu corruption sncceeded in secnning the tuvo La cane for thatu fool of a fellov wben down safely for you." most duceut roornain tube tua-l sbanty tberes botter men round." He ba-d not "For rny sistur, tubat moans. You afin csllud by conrtuesy tube botel. for tube useo tbongbt bua- fool once wben ho stuaid know bo je my ouly sistur's busbaud." of the expectuod gueuLa. Thure wa-s mnob bebind their -partuy at tube isk ot bis life "Thon ho ts uaLtubhe onu you are un- à uxciternunt among tube residonts wbeu tua spund days and nigbts nursing bu gage te ? " gasped Jack. tried tuhe appointued day came, sud tubs pretty, througb a brain foyer, but onu forgutus "Engagedi1Wbat are you talking TI gracuful woman wbo istuppud from tube favors in love aud var. Thon in Pur about? I arn notu engagud te a-ny onu, dayi ears migbt vel bave heun tumifiud at thu sua-ueo of bis tacties, bu sangbt an eanly but I hua-r tubat you are!" ' said Daisy, hmn spetale f patfrr cowdud witb opportnnity of pntting a tuoru in bis rutreating in great diserder froni tube o men, who uagorly watcbed ber eveny rival'aaide. rapturons embrace with vhich Jack, Kil motion . But abs ba.d ne tbougbt for "Don't tube course of true love rmu made bold by something he sa-w iu ber gWu suytbi.ug but the sleeping chibd beneath srmootb, eh ?- ho said, rnockingly, atu tbeir face, refutud tube statement. ilu viios weigbt ber owu siender framre nuit meeting. Mordaunt ioined a vigilance committemgoi seemui l smostu beuding. Sncb munas 'I I doi't unders;tand." that rode off at once te seurcb for tuheoinlm thosu wbo watcbed ber veeutee chivaI 'You're convuuieatly stupid, old boy. cendia-ries, captnriug thuin, as tbey badl -di, rotue o ait for Uncle Jerny's slow a-r Weil, nover mind, I va-s a littule soft tuba-t reason te hope frein pastu uxpuiencu, atu a inqi proach. sud half a dozua sprng forward va-y myscîf, till 1 fonnd ont in tino by Rronp of miserablo buts wbicb shebtuered withau utrc-tu ta u s:o1d1to-e- gretu-oodlnc _tb- *t _I wa9sa'tu.frtf9htube1agan_ cf r;probatus; ut.intead of ru The baby gnev strongur uvury day, cent, sud tube amount of patuiotie tinden thnown on the hiard road bed. Missof sud ube othn va willy appy wuvsom large tt uo wagons venu ru Sheffield fortunately escaped with ouly biE adtheingtherhae l ber apping woquirud te transport tube vel boxed pa-ck- a severe shaking up. bne accu bucamu tube idol of everycrie. ages freinthbe train. There vas great Oving to the prolonged drought the fe The long hotuel pizza, devoed t nuuisnsogtb niud Ever hay crop us going ta be very short.A sinokers, vas fot a fit place for a woman, wagon lu tube settlementu vas supplied We understand that saine farmers in sud at Ja-oka instigation sumne of tube with boa-rd sua-tuansd tube big stage, vbicb - s vcinity bave tre h ateit moun rau ont a- rongh balcouy, or galuery, vas eue of tube fort proertuies, va-s bon thîs irmaosTh turn the atinto in front cf Ms. liane's toom, sud tuer. ravuil for tube cenvomiencu of Mrs. La-neteireaos Th tunp bnig like a queunas b eld a ittube receptien and tube only otbek tuvo vomen iu tube was alse a- failure and will in mnany cases *very uvuning, vituh Unole Jerry uas cea- whose position ontitlel them in. have to be doue over again. 'To get cbaperon. AU bot nov frieuda wo si- vitation. Jack vas te drive tube ceach, euougb fodden for cattle will be quite a Wedtube brigbt littlo voman, and suvetal in vbich, of course, Uncle Jerry b ad a- probletn unless immediate action be who bal ne home ties tue bluder feU place. Lily vas nov eoîl tuba-t ber taken. If the ground geLs sufficiently mnaly in love wîtb ber. Borne oftbhae motuber arranged totebave ber te tube care rnoist it yull pay to cutivate some'land medestly rualizul tube hopeeuen o cfe!a trnety Irish voman. The unturta-luansu OW corn or millet. The former hemîr fanoy sud accu druv cf, vatohing menu aste bugin and end early, for vould by fr11 give abundance of fodder vl&h tube othurs tube woîng e! twe, onlyou condition cf retuirninig thu sa-me if planted uiy ime du A ng the neit tvo inbo, suetbsr bepeles eornet, veto nigbt, vould Daisy bu pemnitteil te leavo veeuks. ta d6ad sarucet. Onu o! tues., aspirants er huth por They have discovered a' new fake vau Jack Dinsmore, the. other a las po>p* Wu tb m ing cf the ziut came wnlroeinY kç ularmma, nicknamed for obviona reasonaDiy e ub ia uiu ic u ndeov ndecursaue wl doWi 43.uyModut rival, vas at the. station viien tube train " ob ndecus iifn pr 1118remarkably andsome hfan Mil me In, and Jack s»4 Merdsant, a turunnu ieofteIn.Wjv *~fi mannors 414' net vin baby Lily ting op, »wV wlth mtoulahid eyeo her pa-zticulars so uhat oun readeru mray bé e -te1~1 cuse fr ~1~l4 ~ pret>y title âpigre bot te ight for a brie! PrePated for the fakirs. ,'As. te -story, *1~apinu4 the*rt ns br p4e alulà intWbeféout mbrse of a duster goes thbe plan iîs sm thi#l&e, hi 01M .0.fI uon ie l. ur OIth~yIUImo à,wbp siappsa ùfreIL " m come" abong wêa$obb ther è. u étsitC ho Ita - te ber îï-t bme. Ani cr UY8bo i&tt @àe g 0tira a~ 08i haI1gCd 'tabt1'sh0UtuCe 'ktondbe huopelbât shyly thidde o @i»ot, D&4.0Wey re- A fev ho rs twoo in calland'ask 1s 4 rt~uhh 4 the. nu- ak» Thé hoeen o» 1I topelo," M be bads=ena cert=*ain SMai gu the ~g.loe . aI *r ber moler iskOOfW&"U Ok 7t W. deat anizisd the iuercbant,, repUës, À* ~ Yi -ygoém4 big MIecret-»sd c ms oem.- fl v i to-uodthat lie cliaed a -L$Io bll'for a i_0: =z MO i hla ulely "0 ~aDr., Bras u» ad e ou of tubp me ruansvrng that eomdw~ura -~ivn *p!5h usbsess, in;i!yaC'k ~WhO le DObetre.: ÃŽt imarchantiicr-ihp U4s;; 0» V.tan. a- biOg*10$_*b -MrU7te è sif fot ' -,n bâtbi nu=.9i wI.b bal!himést! k courts (PibJ4,/d &y Rgqfflt).. cQtiT*' 0WONTÂBIO 185. Mr Arr <tor o» lddly la.- te rea &ers cf v va uab lo eugpp r bat . lit s A i i w l6 r oC etl bdal W iý y l Iadly ujdlEE as ufeerfor~Wmni-D. O aaoefWiftbCer W!n iecd, Netvoua , Deblilty, Nlght Bmniter o nnc t or- , o -S u h wi 0 o Ja.2 P. 2;'; Dot2 ;N uY 2 ; , V àricoc ele, I opotency and the r uuts O u f a c f or f ic o ua V A D f 3 n e - i 1u J ' ; s ep . ; O . 2; N . , hfül. folly, parnoularsof a simple and Oout oHuue, Whltby. Deo. 8. nsive means of self-cur which after b.O WL-.0 Iooel hty lr imbugged and luaposed upon for yeas JA.UE8 ILUTLIW(E, 4; D.O.Maco4;Dll, 8;*h ay 8er; acks and patent medîcine sharks, cured 00 D. 8; Nub. 4;Mrh; prl8 a ; a (ew weeks. 1 have notbint tb mcl or Barrister, etc. Ofice fornierly OcuPiOdl June 4 ; 3111Y 8 ; SeP. ;Ot N 4; may, nor amn 1 adveriising ny aet by Farewell & Batledge, next I%ôyal Ho0tu,6 i c. 4, ne business, but wll b ieased to bear Brootk St., Whitby. BOOA M. Gleuson, Greenwood, hit. suffwboanxi wîll exin acrnlq ide- DA I O NST lork.-JBfl 4; Match Ã",May 4; July 9; kint sufee auo us1 tl pa in a cur e u-forIDbis BTO . . , *9 sep. 5 ; Nov. 5. hds have beena ea1 cured treh n d Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor' in OhancerY, PORT PIKRY- J. W. Burnham, Port of doas a fiend Otidt rSgh conSad- onvoyancer, etc. Office - In the Office pe-rry, Olerk-4af. 29; March 9; May 9 )OSts notbing to, learn what 1 palid bun. south o1 the post office, in urMillan'a july il; Sep. 28; No«v. 18. of deloes tapif onv Aee nti. Block, Brock Street, Whitby. UXBBGB-joseph B. Gould, l3xbridge, RiversideenclosG.sYOUNGif lTn.eLie. . Clurk-JBfl. 80; Iarch 18; May Isti'; J n'y no niD. G. OWEN,..Y UG JIH L.B9 12;oct14 ; Deo. 17.gCnint mto. nt. iveride .O. arrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan Ismuer à ÇoiTON-eOrr? Smit 13; O t.n weIl presorved body of a warlor of of Marriage Licensies. Office - Smith'e Jan. 81; match9 14; May 16; July 1;Ot imagne'.u tie bas been uneartbscl in Block, South of Market, B'ock St., Whitby. 15; Duc. 18. P Hanover.BEÂvToGeOO F. Bruce, Beaverton, ysuifer from weak nerves, want of ap- DOW & MlcfI1LLIVRAY, CIlerk-March 15; May 17; Oct. 16; Dec, 19. ,and genural debility ? letting the Ios Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. UpTzanovz-F J Gillespie, Uptergro-ve, Bp and rest impovsrish the systemnsuri Office in Mathison & Eawkefl'a new block Clerk,-M.ich 16; May 18; Oct. 17;- Dec 20. îe bloo<1, when uuch a real.ýy menitoni- Brocli St.. W hitby, south of Ontario bank. By ordet, nedy as Norhrop & Lyman s Quinine J. E. FAREWELL, niay be bad at any dru tore. Th'e *Clerk oithe Pea.ce. a srecommended by theighest' mem- I,'t~ October lSth, 1894. f the medical faculty in cases of iDdi. l, general debility, losn of apptit., trvous affections of ail kids. It i al-~a ciaîîy beneficial taobhidren and deli- Drs Warren oetMoore. New Livery ana Sale Stables emales and to, business mon, studeuts, tose wýo bave niucb brain work. We 1 ay, Nover b e without it." It will J. J.m ethen you, keep your systeci in regular . re, M. D.,Fl. Warren, M. D. and eîçable ou to, euccesàfully grapple Brookin. Whitby. he w ork y ou h ave to d o. It 18 p lea- ( fi e h u s 1 - ,o the taste. and contains nothinR in- Office honra 9. a. m. Ofc or lml si to the moat delicate constitution. to Il . ar. to 2 p.m. tumber to ask for the Quinine Wine, red by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, ;AMPr-ivale Telepho-ne Comnmunication we are sure you' will be satisfied that have full value fdfr your money. Drug- D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D.B. ell t Physican, Surgeon nd Accoucher, etc. awa College bas; conferged the degree of Office nd Residence net to Ail Saints Duridas St., VVhitby, Bon Chief justice Davis, of British Col- Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- s. Dental Surgery in Il its branches promtlY J. T -NZWPORT9 Proprietor. )ne of my sick beadaches," you will bear Comttendened to.y eat it e frequently say. as if the complaint was Commeial on lîbraoail ealt ith lessly incurable. As a matter of fict, LU Teigamndne ag aue at reasonab- cs 5' Pilis not olyrelieve sick head ache but rVHa W ighnIU bepics AUMBliit :ualy remove the caue of this disreseingDEA laint, and o brig about a permanent DE TIS T. f LI FE I NS JRA..N CE. rator Burine, of Bathurst, N.B., je dead, Or rsa & G-ner . Wlb'.:- ran ilnese of about wo weeks. Manulacturers' Lifé & Accident r.J. D. Kelogg's Dysentery Cordial is a 1 fIffD 1 l nuac oTrno Iy cure for dysonterv. diarrboea, cholera nu nc GoTr t. ,mer coinplaint, sea sickness and complainte _______________Co._____ dentai t0objîidren t.eetbing. Ih gives un W . A NO D D -largest Capital Stock Lif e Insuranc o laie relief to those euffering froru the W .Y R ODD .S on the continent. Ninety pur cent. of aIl te of indiecretion in eating unripe fruit, Connty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, accumulations ot surplus is returned to the m burs, e s t a t ih w n ef lr Pid p rt P rry ,O t policy holdere. A il daims are paid w ithout adnvris te. tce i heodieu m. Neo Ot.delay or discaunt on proof of desth or neud fear choiera if they have a boutle of A.* A POST, maturiiy of endowment medicine onveniet. Architeet, late with Langley, Langley & J. B. POWELL, 1nu litebnamon lia m ASndersnoning. Burke, Toronto. Designs for Churches, Pub. lat, 93. Agent, Whitby. wndi aitnby nSna onn.Villas and cottages a specialty. Drawlngs____________________ prepared for remodeling existing structures. officu-Firat flat over W. R. Howsu's drmg Q EJ~ T ~ C - Lrd's ILinimet the bost bair resterer. store.- iÊP O Box 202, Whitby. D E NT LST. Lbreach of promise suit is sbortly to be WM. CALVERLEY, Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. I beforo a jury of women ai Louisville, Ky. HÂnNggs M,&KE, WRITBY. boere are ail manner of diuge ued nowa- Ha-ving moved iuteo u new promises, wu se to kl i dsease breeding microbes in tbe are prepsred to extend the range of busines. For the ut three months I am giving an system, but tbey do i at the expeseAUwik pertaining ta the harnesa-making pIal atnint aîn fo i bhe nealtby portions of the same aa, by and saddlery business wiil bu done ta, satis- tance. Amn stili ms.k-ug plates in rubber, àonous medication of the blood. Microbe faction.Coaraspclt. ai and Be $8, celluloïd t10. Gold aud.osiver fffin 1ler do not o s a a si g e p i on u n ol a sa.ec at . C l w ork arow ning by fl.st-class operators al doutins mk posseaS snglo i aesonus My shop and stock. the most reasonable rates in the City, usina for troubles of any kind. W R Howse W . CALVERLEY, When ini the city Cali in ana lut mu uxai. but. Second door west of aid shcp. ine y ux tuuth. -1 makis ,no extra charge Dundas Street, Wbitby O. IH.' BieGS, Dentist, scuili eut cornz [ru. M.agdalane Bunke, of Berlin, died ln a_________________ King sud To:ngu_ te., Torouto iiehuaing" institution in Ohicago, and an NNov.L , _______________1892.____ nueet will bu beld. N . OB E DEALER IN ALL h:;D: OF- W . W R E WAS:~~~ ~~ NUE o rncîi adAehabySs, erssdBlne The international jnteOroilegatO cricket Ltch closd ai Philadelphia With a viotory )the United States. piles!1 plies!Itobng piles. Syxmlrms-Moistflre; intenge itching and nging; mout at night; worse by sciatching. (allowed te continue tuwnors form, which ton bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. ,3wAYWE'5 O(INrmzNT" stops the iiching and .euding, huais ulceration, and in most caues emovea the tumors. At druggists or by mail or 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. ýyman Sons & 00., Montreal, Wholesale kgents. Your husband wil; notice a great ;mprovement la your cooiag, Your house will uot be flle d wit Ucodor of hot'lr » your do4or wiU 1lo0sc Of* i ]Cstablshed 1856. il pur annum in wdVance, othervise #1.60. SubscriPtlC'nq slwayu payable et tube office of publication. The publihurr do not undurtako ta duliver tube papur at any post office but Whitby. Any paper which feils tc roach Its destination viii bu replaoed unpon notification as a matter of ourtesY3. Advertising rates unlesa by con- tract, 10 cents pur lime, noupariel, firat in- siertion, sud 5 cents per lhue oach' subse- quent insertion Locale, 10 cents pur Uine, HENDItEBON à GBÂHÂIM. JOHN STANTON, Foreman.I~Pit Railway Time Table GRAND TRI4 AND MIDLÂND No 8, Express DaUIy Msi....... :4 n No $ 5 Liinited express .....arn No. 1,~seigt" " ..95 T Noc. i, Express, mai' oxcept Bin..8u p Np. 6 Express. dallY, 0epi Su . -&05a m Ne- 4 Express, le - Nos14ifosene s- - i No. 81 Losafr <' « 4 i Btop'n sigal - MiDL4êND- DIVSIOX ' Pl rAimos -Pali Mrjas.E N N. B.,Strui A-ND AY[ ilunto Betwee TE-NARR' OF By te Losi Moore, c door, ht. have f ail Froru the Nap iu the plot burgb, ont sevea miles f H. More au ably kuown tien, baviug for years 1l durgonu a tut storatuiol te i -vilage, sud vcxity huai tbat tube Bus mnaku an in, Mr. Moore i vorking lu met witb an logs cf tube fs It vas f ollc siokuesa beg sufféred fr0 that samuetî falling. 1Re tried aumet a-ny benufit, wOreand t and noue cf recoer.O Meure t Pi D)r. Wilii ter mach Pi a few days ne longer hlm te cou~ veoos CI - Euh day e trength s boxes had about sixt~ k ealtby an -antUlthes thanks te tomel wa~ -:ifhecrediu - lim to h $Couple ef -; Timiet that Dr.' e«atsu if tu BLABSt ETC. SOLE AGENT iii Whitby for the "«Celebrat- ed" 'PLYMOUTH GOAL. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct>. 25th, 1894. A8K YOUR STATIONER SPÂ-ARTI1:CA7 Tuffl.8 eoixe WBBTWA». nul ùw. fi

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