Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1895, p. 5

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ii I At examination don't add to youm %v~rong by usirxg a poor pen, one that you li.vetludip, dip, dip. Get a good fountain pen and enjoy an uninterrupted flow of your xloughts. 1k-i TERMAN ID FA L, Are good 1-11'EI'A UL E, .IR T, brande, and you FILE MERCANTILE,j can get a nib lu suit youm hand at BARNARDS, the Jewelor, Whitby. OffiiaiCouoty Organz-Largeet Circula- tion of any local paper in Canada FRIDAI, JULY 5, 1895. LOCAL LACONIOS. scott repaire ail kinde ot pumpe. ltardwîod dîning tables, 4 leaves, only $5, at \V. Tî1lis Mirs. o-o A. Rose and family are visiiing aitltrockville Hre;lî year for but-terflirs and ail sort,- of moîths 1,ooli ont for t.hein, lîîrrv up boys and gel those straw hais, aX.rren lias o111) a few left. Mîr. Rda iolden, Toronto, sl)ert Domii uon dav with the family here. Bargaîn days sale ai W. G. Walters', Sat urda anid Monday, july 6th and Sth. ,Nm -lue. Adams, Rochester, was in towtn this wvek. He looks well, and bas plenty tu doi. Mrs. R. Ross lias gone to Muskegotn. Mlici ,tu visit lier daughter, Mrs. WV Joilin s o n WcV' hale a large stock of boys' and miens odd panis which we are selling very chealp W, H. Warren.1 Mmr Geo. Brown, jr., S,intfield, camne tu Whîyon Friday last wiîli an excuse to du) bunsiness, but really tu se the soliers and Siieathe ibam figlit He spetit a good da. Mn.Jos. Barnes, Batavia, N Y., arrived lieme on a visit on Saiurday niglit, and stayed 'iittu 'ednesdsy visitîng frîends le and Connty Atorney Farewell spent Mor'dav nil the streame beguiling the frisky iront, and were highly successful. Rev. Thos. Manning p reached on Sali bîath observance on Sunday nighi aset. He maie no compromise with those who wouid break up our quiet Sabbath, even though favomed with a plaubible excuse. He refer red incidentally to tne recent trouble in Oshawa over the altempt ruade by the Catholics lu run a Sunday excursion up town over the trolley line, giving those who succcssfuliy opposed the move much credit. Remember That Dr. Grants- Hairene" is guaranteed lu stop falling hair and remnove dandruif. Lost. At the camp grounds of the 34th battalion on Friday, June -28th, an upper set of false teeîh. The finder will confer a great fayor by seneing them 10 Ibhis office. Twice the regulan tare of difference. We notice that in an excursion to the Thousand Islande now b>eing advertieed in the Buwiwaniville papers there ic a discrimi- nation Of 2o cents between Wbitby and Oshawa ($220 and $2) as againet Whitbv. and only five cents between Oshawa and Bý wnan ville, which is nearly three times as far, and unly 25 cents between Oshawa and lirt Hope. Evidently îhey do not wanl \\'hitby people 10 attend. H onor to the 34th. Mmr Michael McSweney beld a garden part y ini honor of the volunteere at Mm. G E. (rose' bamnyamd on Fniday last. He got a larmge supply of bread and whisky and other necessaries, but sonehow forgot to send womil lu the soldiers tb attend, uîntil lb was iii,, laie Nul 10 be beaten, however, Mike niade iii hic mmnd t hold the garden party ai al bazarfde, so be inviîed McSweeney, NIi k e and imself te a ttend. Firet idike toah %. IcI whisky,; then McSweeuey ; Iben be ,% nIld take a swig himmseif. He kept pass!ng it round untill be was paralyzed under al bis -;(briquets, and then curled Up upon the nlianume pile 10 spend a ighort period wltb Morpheus. The breud and other thange were lefi over. Decoration Day. The (>ddfellows of Wbitby and Oshawa hava appointed next Tuesday, July 9tb, as the day for dccoratlug tbe graves ofîbheir de- çîated brothers. Tbe Whltby OddfeIlov" will be met by Iheir Oshawa brethren, headed by the Oshawa band, wben ail ivili mamch together lie Ithe 1 rounds. The cere- muny will be much the same as lu former yeams, so fan as the Oddiellows are concemu- eh, but it le aIme urged that ail people wbo have friende lnterred theme shall take ada- tage of this opportunlîy te cerne out mmd de- corate their graves and take pat lu tb. beauti ful1 ceremon y. The action ef the Odd- fellows in penformi ng this service of romena- brance yearly la one wblcb appealste lthe heurts of ail, aud we teed that acon their annual ceremony wlll be made a public baif holiday, and that friends will cerne from far and year te decorale. Lot there be a gen- cral turnout on Tuesdmy next, and let every- one brlng a lot ef flowers te place upon the. graves et the dead. A telephone ewamp, A force of telephone men .cam In lWost'- luke's field bere lait weck and voie acu to be bouling maltcf large cparmttrocs up sreet. Bright and carly Monîday morulng meonvoe seen dlgglmg immense pIts up and demi Brock street, mmd lu heethe codari trou wer.iitOd, r.mchlmg-aboUtM f oo bemvemward. Tise ples are vor *srmlt, snd t lessald tboeTy b pieeu s*d Pol- lshcd up eai v ol piil bt e t a viw upad dowu-»toCk X i1b. limsble foWIe* ; wlth tioctie llgbst, >tolgrspb and telepiton a ourh modern townis svP.aVto bd s.ek- ngtepdlue#alîty of du oid"r svanp. of tiPose. ui te.leoé $"Cedtriug te te** W<st ehat- -lion ç~e truP ueOh 'homm. sud throuah (Mx *tt*0aip, e Miss Beatice I)ecker has successfully cumpleted ier year at the Toronto Conser- vaîîry uf NMusic, passing the teachers course in pianloforte (under Mr. Edward Fislier, dîrecîîîr, une of the beel in the con- inenti xvih first cascs honore, and second class lhonors in theory of music. She le now çrpared to receive pupils, teaching the modem isycîem of pianoforte and harmony. C, F -J The CuaoN- R -a 0O C se IcLaE.&nd %teekl% Giobe to tho end ut the year for 50 cents. Speak lu youn triende about this gli al) Coal at Toronto prces Selling out durîng nexi week-1 will sell ver>- best Scranton and Lehigh coal $4.75 ai shed, $5 delivered-ept cash only. H. B Taylor Teachers' Exains. In-,pector Mcflrien and Mesers. Ferguson, Uxbridge. and Gale, Whitby, opened the exama for pritnary and junior leaving from cillegiate institutes and high schools. There are 12 writing for 2nld ciass certifi- cates ýjunior leavingi : for third class ( primar-)ici for univvrsity matriculalion, and 13 for honor .ýl..iculation and senior le a i ng. Haywards locals On Saturday, July 61h, colored spotted mnuslins iSe, worth 25C ;kidd gioves %oc, wurth Si -, lace millei 12,4C Up ;silk gioves from toc up to 35C; lace sale stîll on at haif pnec; satin ribbous, white, cream and black, cheap; leghorn hats 2e ; dress ducks Sc, worth x2%.c ; sugar 22 Ibm and 3o Ibe tom $i ;fine teas 25C. and 30c, worrih 35c and 45C. Dominion wareroems, Whiîby. The Ontario bauk Mr. Holland, general manager of the Ontario bank, has resigned, and hais been eucceeded by Mm. McGtll, Peterboro, who bas been une of he banke inost euccessful managers. The change bad a very marked effect on the market for bank shares, Onlari being quoted ten points higher in lese than e week aftem the new manager assurned con- trol. A great many people bave beld the opinion for years that the Ontario bank needed an overhauiing as 10 management and methode. Time table changed. Our readers will note the change in the G. T. R. timetable in another celumu. As the railway company makes no annouacement of its changes until almoet tbe boum ef their occuri ence, it le bard to keep tracli et Ihem. There once was a lime when the railway ad- vcrtised tbeir accomodation for tbe public lu a manner that would keep people posîed, and îhey made money then, but duriug late' years tbey bave acted as Ibengh il were a favor te the public to aiiow people te ride and psy for il. By Ibis latter systein tbey are iosing meuey. The Fakirs hal to mo-ve on Twe fakirs, calling themeselves the Daven- port Brothers. strucli tewn on Wednesday witb their valises. Que of them had a silver polish whicb would quâtdruple plate a tumu- pUce la five minutes, wliile the other bad a cernent wbich wou Id stick air and water te- gether and m P e a solid bar of it. They had the long hair and glib longue of the prefessioual od artist, and we bave net the sllgbtest doubt but that there are a bun- dred on 50 of fools ln IbIs town wbo bave money and ne brama te tell tbem] what te de with il. A rich barvest always awalls a street fakir bere, wbicb fact ise well k0owu ibat Ibese chape came oe u udrd and fifty miles at ene jump toestrike VWtby ; but Chief Constable Calverley got bis hawk eye fixed upon the two sharpes, and. wamu- cd t*em te witbold. They argUed for morne time, but fiaally wltbdrew, statng their 1,1 tentlon ef spendiug the ulght In Othawa. Board of Educatirn Met Wednesday night. AU th e mbets weme _present. Mr. Dow IntioduSCd a re- port frona the finance co0iUitte. WC01 menintpayent asfeUOWS: W R, Bowse, 171 S lOZ, -m50 0 " S -C14$e Ul mMurray, $1 ;HJ WoitlpIotI, So& Gili, $12z5 ; MUn AlOun5$KM, r %tereport was pased. Mr IPergombrougt hIfa r.- pot frM the cMUnittee MI,, o 1 lO*ý perty, recmmudig Uteic it i- provemeult te htscol baUdint0AVbIchi ivl otbetween i*and$704*#36doble Or 72 siagle deska 'sr oliqlSte, Laud ta. plainmand polatlng (esav. tmu50Smd Mid r epte I>uffedbis t 5bOO conendn h an t&Ud uvd* - - n_ j Chbld ingdlb o'ot4st ýSimat bran âlu gqnt's ielcelp n Vaitera. Great a ra ha ti aud j thÉ, at the new. red store,e> COLLINS. Mr. G. V. Martin s in Xe W Yori this week. A, numnber of Toronte people are campîng!' on the hatbor bar. Now le the timne to buy your àufl2rer sulta' frorn W. H. Warren. You should attend W. G. Waltersa bar. gain day sales july 6th and 8th. Don't for- get the date. Mr. Wm. Meen, who Is taking a short- hand coarse n Toronto, was home to spend the holiday. Sonley, south side market etall, deals in ail sorts of fresh, sait and smoked meats. Ail first class. Give him a call. The steamer Garden Clty wil mn to Rochester from thiese points on Aug. ist, we understand. That will be the great trip of the Season, Mrs. Ratsey and son Geo. left on Tuesday for her home in Davenport, ]Eng., after epending two years he--e with her uncle Mr. Saniuel Hughes. Mrs. Geo. Ayres, Toronto, who has been visiting for the past two weeks with her daughter Mrs. Chas. Mackey, returned to her home on Saturdav last. The crops aroutrd here are looking well. The promise of a good crop bas been good for two years, and then has failed; but really things promise well now. Civic holiday in town bas been proclaim- ed for Aug. î9th, and on that day the Scotchl socîeties will give the biggest day's sport ever seen ini this part of the country. At the monthlv ciidren's service next Lords Iay mornîng in the baptist church the I-on. johnI)i rden wll i gve an address on 'Two Model Bovs- These serv:ces are heing enjoyed as malchi by the the old as the youlng folks and ail are invited for next Sun- day at i i o'clock, At 7 the pastor wjll preach on -why join the Church." After a niost trying period of illness for sorte moriths past, fromi cancer of the stom- ach, MIrs wilkitison, who lately conducted the ice creaiii parlor here, died at her resi dence, (,retn street, yesterday. The de- ceased lad%, was \ery muc h respected, and w hile it nust lie a relief to have her greai sufieriing enided, lier relations feel deepl)y grieved Hol 1 or Sturgeon. The annual excursion in counection with the baptist cburches and young people's socicties of the Whitby and Lindsay associ- ation will take place on Tuesday, July 9tb, to Sturgeon Point, the beautiful pleasure me- tort of the Midland lakes. Transit by train te Lindsay and tbence by steamer 10 Stur- geoib. Rev. 0. C S. Wallace, newly nemi- naîed Chancelier of McMaster universily will speali ou the work of young peple'e socicues. Brown's orchestra of Lindsay will provide music on the steamer and aI the Point. Traine leave Whitby at &15. Re- turm fane 10 Lindsay, adulte 70c., net 65C. as given on posters, children 35c., Brooklin 65c. anid 35c. Fare by steamer 2.5C. sud '5c. A delightful day's euting with boating and bathing is offered tbe public by Ibis excur- sion. Ail are cerdiaily invited. Flne voyage te Oak Orchard. The excursion te Oak Orchard on Tues- day per Sîr. Garden City was a success in evcry sense, the only hitch being IbatthIe steamer gel eîuck aI Frencbman's Bay in the morniug, aud lest uearly an boum gel- ing off the bar. More people went frein Whitby tban from other places owing te the intenest we take lu Oak Orchard as the pro- poed American line of the lake ferry wbich te se mucb talked of. Maay leadiag men wenî from here, among whom we may men- tion Reeve King, Councillors Devercîl, Jackson and Smith, Police Magistrale, Har- per, Josephi White. F. Howard Aunes, G Y Smith, Dr. Warren, Dm. Carson, D Ormis- ton, E J JebustonJudge Darîncîl, Collecter of Customs Philp, Ce. Treasurer McKay, Chief Constable Calvemley, A M Rets, G V Martin, J H Gale, Wm sand Jno T Newport, Chas Scott, W H Tohnstoea, Gee Cormack, Franki Hatch, H W Willcox, Jue Allia, Van V.lkenburgb, Chas McCaw. Jue Stirte- vant. Chas Bateanan, and many othere. There we re 35o passengers lu aU,. The ex- cursion wss mâaged capitally by Commo- dIore Jackson, aud the steamer ram aI the rate cf fiftecm miles per heur during the wbole trip. Oak Orchard was reuched ut 20 o'ciock, and was foeuid te be a watening place with piers ruanulg eut éther side of thme moutb of a <deep river' Ib formlug a barbor. There le a marked contîrast be- tween the grecu, fertile, tbrlfty loolUng bille md crope of Cana&a mail the nome21wb pumburmt shores of lte atite of XNew Yortki on landag we were' met bymakit of mms hospltble,. frieudly amd jolly 4m.rIcams, wbo eztudcd everv corty 11cm tise tinte ve srrlved ou Amerissu soit until ve teft. -Oak Orchard may ho s»Wdtoe blong to Mr. E.W. Emnroo iw4 î chiof promo o f tho lako forry, snd viii la U-titelcote a very attactveâ mtlg ,place NPailosve Youngpojle to datt . wbk busns wne ita u, sMd a-vory good Uiitas Cri ub~l uoko o e uo'tei l~ of igitw~gh G~d fr ummei", we Br.v Swiee Spot Mueline, which inilcles whitet pale bine, greent etc. Aiso Dùicke, Piques, Fawns, Indis Linene, Chambrays, Seteens, Prints, and various- other desirable and fashionable wash 'Éast Black Hosiery ..... A fulllline of Ladies' Misses, Men's and Boys' flosiery from 10c. a pair up. Fast Black Gloves and Mitts ...... 11014, la bqiatisflttereet ed as doî2gola àt our store. Corne and In- fPect oui goode and you wlll find onr prices 2spet cent. below any other sbot store ln Whltby. M. Collins, west side Breck st. The moade are very dus.ty. Mr. Wr. Black la now wlne clerk in,.the .Paalley bouse, I-tapgnee., Mr. Geo. -Taskrer,.,Totonte, Ioaspeuding bis hoelidaye ai home. 6 plece sôlld walnut parler suite, plush, with stUc plush banda, for $32, wtrth $45, at W. IIIs. Dont forget tbat new Trllby corset, It le tbe best ln the market. To be had only frein W. H. Warren. Saturday and Monday le bargain deys at W. G . Walters'. Prices reduced t0 4. See advertjeement. The weather clerk did not keep up hie shower for every other day, as ordered by the CHRONICLE. Chief Constable Calverley has stopped bicycle rding on the walks. The etreets lie laime are good enough at present. %Mr. W. G. Walters has moved int the residence he purchased from the Campbell estate on Green et. He je making consider- able improvements in the property. Mr. Chas. Campbell, who has been teach- ing at Cooper's Falls, Rama, returned to town on Saturday for the holidays. He je dropping gradually mbt the ways of the professonal pedagogue, and ie a success at it, 100, Dr. W. E. Hamill, well known 10 many of our readers, aft. r an absence of over two years in the éye, ear, nose and thyoat hospit- is of America and England has returned and resumned practice in Toronto et Roomn ti, Janes Building, ni. e. corner King and Yonge ets. We beepeali the same success for the doctor in hie epecialty which has pre- viously marked his career in general medi- cine. Silk. E~.SFECIÂL V.A~LUE~~I Ladies' and Children's Underwear. A large variety in white and oream. prices ranging from 5c. upwards. Corsets .......................... The best known makes ; several linos cotifiinec excIueively Vo onreelveii. We eall epecial at- tention ta a line of Sumrner Corsets whicii we are offering at 60c. Also a heavier make at the sarne price. These goods are much below the regniar value. CLEARLNG-OUT PRICE1S in Our Milinery and Tailoring, Departinents. GM £ STEWARTN wu Fr/day and Saturday kil fancy Parasols reduced to one- haif price. Mi Remnants redueed Vo one-haif regular price. 20 pieces Cream and White Laces reduoed to one-haif price. Stainless Black Hose only 5 ots. per pair. Saturday and Monday Men's and Boys' CIothing. Boys' Navy Bine Berge Suite Vo fit ages 4 Vo 10 years, reduced Vo 990. Good Tweed Suite, 2-piece, 4 Vo 10 years, $1.25. Mçn's $ 12.00 Suite reduced Vo $9.00. fi 10.00 "Il dé '.7.50. Men's $5 Nêàvy Serge Suite reduced Vo $8.75. Knee PantsCyDý 50e., ,60e., 75c. and $1. G.WALTERS' Bargain Daye ~AN OPPORTU NITY1 $for e'very person town to buy goods -= OiVE-HALF #Regular Prices *2 T WO D S ;95- !r, D -t 10 iYne, te, L it te ocer, SN. long, .2fld ,)ond, - er, j sr. lghs, f2, J- îight. EKx on- 8aturday and Monday Special Pants. $1.05 for regular $ 1.50 working Pan-te. j $1 .85 for neyer rip everyday Pants. at $1 .90 for good $2. 50 Tweed Pants. for 2 Pale blue, navy and white striped Zephyrs, regular price 25e., re- dueed to l2ic. American Liama Clotbs, light and dark colora, regular price 20c., Bargain Day price 10c. 20 pieces light and dark Diese Goode re- duced te j regular priceB. Victoria Lawns,- 42 and 44 inohes wide, at ô te 160. yd. 124c. Printsail redueed te 94c. loc. Printa reduced te 8e. 1 plece Butohers' Blue Duek, warranted fret celer, regular price 20c., redueed te, 10e. Double width bine and white stripe Zephyr, iregular price 20e. do. 25e., redaeed te 15e. $2.50 for Black Worsted Pants worth $8.50. 8Saturday and Monday (~2 SPECIALS. I s w 25C.,1 5Rata regniar 40e., White Straw. id 75c., beet in town. si $1.00 ; lateet styles. . ana Soft Hats in ail-the lateet LADIES' BEGULÂB. &300. Blouse TIE D U ED WTaists TO 340C. OO"'»The e.bove prioes are for Bargain Days ONLY, Saturl*y and XIaÃ"]dayt July 61h ai nou~ * o * o * o * o * o * * * o o..... o. *0 o. *0 o..... Goiug te Toronto nov te gel Jewclmy cbeap, for CONNER, the new Jewerer, ià -selllag cheaper than tbley do- ln Toronto. He whll seii yov auytbing et Eatoxf s cata- logue ç,rîce. It e ise sowortb aomnethiag le deal witb a bouse in your own leva, In case anylhing yen buy dme net glve satisfaction you can have il chamged wlthent furtber expense. sterling Silver Ladies' Watcbes for Sterling Silver Studs and Cufi Links Goid Platcd f" f Sterling Silver Bell Pins ut...... GenIs' Sterling Silver stem wlnd and stezp sel open face Waltbam watcbes fer ......os*@oeo.- $450 1.25 1 .oe 25 7.50. B..pairing inauanrmt withus- ,-Try tuantism.. '"D ~iLÂUGESl W. (3.. WATRS. b e 1JUST RECEl v 1P.9.. CrDon't buy1 *Pure, Newý Made Maple Syiup. China Glassware and Crookery., D inner and Tea Sets, Cep Choice Fa.miIy Groceis-,'Teas9", Cofeei, Fruits, Etc., Etcè., Ckap for Cash or Trade. Prs. to -Sit ith~ej before ealing pnd examiuing tii. stok snd priffleyuri" MmmTT!Iof YEMAN ON 9rWÂNTED.4ýppIes, iitter, in stock the. Mens. oms&Hfay eemmended b les ëdin g T Ut(rwr them as ev.r rvr hu1 SIae Buok $ LowE8OT !222 Lisle, Laffeta and Pure U nderwear.................... The tatement made by our cotem., the Bowmanville Stateeman, that Mr. Or lando Jolliffe stands at the head of the de- pariment of classics îsee Bow. hume) ,ir Toronto university ie evidently a m1istake. It should read that he stands at the heAd of the second year men. Mr. w. 'r. F. Tam- b!yn, B. A., of this îown, stands firet for classice this year, and bas always headed hie dlase each year of hie attendance at the university, making the best c(curse record ever made in thc institution. W.- H. Piper Is busy as ever putting in new Pumpe and repairing old ones. He selle the beet pump in the miarkiet, references :J. K. Gordon, Wm. Newpeorl, and dozens o f others. Sec hie pumpe before buying. Here are smre snaps. The CHRONICLE and Weekly Globe to the- end of the year for 5o cents. The CHROIICLE and Weekly Mail and Empire t0 the end of the year for 5o cents. The CHRONICLE and Toronto daily Morn- ing Star or Evening News te the end of the yeam for 75 cents. What better rates could anybody asI? Send in your orders, and if you are a sub- scriber, send them te your friende. The McCaul modal. Mr. John Hoskin, Q.C., LL. D , hbs signi- fied hie intention of preseriîing the McCaul medal for the current year. The medal was established in honor of John McCaul, the iret president of University College, and had been presented hitherto by tlîe late W. H C. Kerr, and since bis death by hie widow. The present medaliet, Mm. W. T. F. Tam- blyn (son of the headmaster of Whitby col- legiate institute), i tends te go lu Rome t join the new American school of achaeology, under Professer Hale. Two other Toronto graduates- Messrs. Shipley and Hellem- both fellows in latin of Chicago univereity, are also members of the party. -- a.j 1 1 âw auto@

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