Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jun 1895, p. 4

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,TO DUO" FINI8il POR USE DRY. OMXIG REQUIRED.' the vines.-Finishes ags with one applica- 5S~way te.... ragpoison....... ...........Worth Its . ...a fertilizer. 2~cts. per lb. cost asi Es WILLI18, emi8t d Druggist, Medical Hall, r set, Whiitby.1 ~e OL~rrnucIt. TýBY, JUNE 28t 1895. The 811h Eattal@n. encampment oetthbc Mth baîtalion r- the past fortnight marks an epoch trIauce lu tbe hlstory et our town and cThe spectacle cf îhree hundreti Moral young cacaof our best drillng a=d marchicg in bright tel one never before equalied ln Mtrlct. Hundreds et young mec out ta 6il every lice, and the insîruc- *î carrled on with a z.i.al and saîisfac- gcb was fttly cheenlng. battalion la officered by mec ef r talent, enthusiastic ln tbe service. îied lu drill anti discipline. Thcy «a meet devoted te the camup, and emmd by their subordinates as com- and kind, The tank and file is com- f vigorous, stalwart, agile Canadian who bave made drill their carnest and gentiemanly deportinent their 'erlstlc. Hunçireds oetbhem have the tovn daily, yet net in a single ,e have the the town>s people matie uplaint as te their bebavior. Impresiý.ons previously heid by oair se ato the character and conduct et lta bave undergone a comnpîle re- 'Theoldtloeeldea et a fortnighî's à bus bien discardeti, and beth suad public nov ficti semething in 160-te be prouti et. The ranks are p of respectable farmens, îewnsmnec, ts and men of leisure, anti ail have themçelves self respecting in a high This resuIt will be laken as a suffi- iueranOee tbat le future the caîl et thc Mtallion for volunteers will be se jy an reelv respondedti t that it b. a qOuestion of picking them eut. 1esfe the tovcspeople we con- ite LieUb.-Col. Paterson upen bbe , oldierly beaning et bis noble staff àtalion, mach cf wh;cb credit is un- *Iy due te*blat efficient maniagement. ïàinn discipline caceot fail to ýoeurpeo'ple te feelings of bbc higb- dot muian d oui mîlitiamen te deetis e and- success, sbould our country kecomae Iavoved ln war. The inci- oinl pleasures ef the camp here wil 014 a place lu the minds ef tbe sol- a inoet barroving experlence 'wof ti unOUths Lord Roseberry's geveru. a. reslned, owing teaun adverse vote lameut, and Lord Salisbury bas been dlton to draft a ministry. A dissolu. 'Ibelbasent vili take place in JuIy, Oie uneautime It ta reported tÊat the ý f bath sides viii imite lu pasing Ï=M« an sd eth e ecesary legisia. »a bash for soute tisse bec» evident b<4Rosterry's admirer. vert greatiy >1ted at hi. vaut ef succees as leader 90tersmeut. This vas largeiy oving Utfgl -:bis bad heaith and thessixet ofhisfollowers. About baif blr-sup. ýWmade up of fiery Irlsh Nationalise ilIuÜtl ael scesehad tobe borne i ï rierta keep them iunlin.. To be MMY of sncb Intrigiuers, besîdes be- rasseil by cabinet dissiensions and &;.lave *0n the handsosse premier i edrdbim glad te give over the Foilm Onthe other baund the Tor- J Uberl-Uuioniste are luafull accord, atlyj, and bave been enabied te pi-e- *troncMgad continuel fl¶,bt. During ebery reglsse SrWm. ci-non Har- cmsn'e2Ior of the exehecquer, bas dWidaIbedblimselfas a financier. rnd aer taleuted Young members lotibeprty-bave esrued splendid :ion ads*of departments. CMÙ wsuu inll keiy be the next Of ýi*YUstgation a, samdaL AI- 'xtmtonlesnly a million cf doUlars ft wssted and the end la not yet. M PfqlfflMalt gravRug dock -case. o e<of tâ e littie t nifl, 0« brothe-r of %»Yt(>ýCRONIcL9 thinks tua eamall numsrêt"= - Beavrtonsiprees. u['omIctà bua apdé no.statement It wss fouisd to e b. udâi-a deloiuMdknd' dleastïroü.spo1lcithet a nmW mâeetngof the sasse legisiature wus caled and every actof lts avon pas.Ing re edl&,(S4eDie- tlonary cof Anericaï Pots.)We don't vaut 5cr. of this i Canada, and the enly trul sthat nobody but the. CHRoNIC dare spc*k pqt in meeting. No couatzy in the world la dolng better than Canada, and we are all proud cf its progress. The peo- pie cunuo» regulate the Grits and Tories if they go wrcng, and there ie ne need of gt. ting any secret soclety te do it for us. W e do net look for pertection in this venld. Canada>. history is a model of progrese, and we are satlsfied wlth the rate of devel- opmect. Those who think everything i. wrong are net posted. The flah la c"». Payrnaster Franiz Madill, M.P., lu very mucli utder the weather tbis summer, wh ich cauFes regret amiung lius many friectis. Duritig tbe fint raaaî on Monday the battal. lon, retired te the drill shed and were lined up for battalion exercase. The \\'arden et the county visited camp on Moaaday, and was pleased tle ban trac couiity lag te the l>t iotaln for the week, and it now vfi.alts over lite drill shed. lrvate Pat Rvaii had lis regimentals s ripped oùi and ia discharged Irom luriher attriidaaict by Cul Paterson, on Monday, for fighting. The Canadian militiamen as expected te fight, ail the same, but il is aliens he is te deccrate in his muscular operations. Puck let a comirade have it betune the eyes. What witha brass band and a bugle band in camp tb. supply of music 15 unlimited. General N. F. Patersen. Colonel J. E. Farewell by your lave. Colonel Farewell was presented with a bouquet on Wednesday by a few lady admir- ers. It was paraded te the staff headquart- ers by an erderly on herse back andi vas of such buge dimensions that the lent et the genial colonel hadt t be taken down befgre the bouquet ceuld be breught inside. Hé'l have te sieep outside til1 the ilowers wither. One et the hardest workers in the camp is Major Rutledge, the adjutant. One thing bow- ever sheulti dater hlm and that is that the tact that everyone hearlily api reciales his abiliiy te make the regimentai orderly roomn a model. Quarter-Master Capi Dillon tieserves anotber medal le kcep cempaoy villa that ont be tarneti in tht No: thwest. He bas performietitht almost impossib'e task et is- suing rations le 325 men with-out causing any dissaîisfaction. Fu riher, ib is owing te hl m, bogether witb Major Henderson, t'îat tht fiing ai the butts andi ranees was se vel donc, anti thet arget practice se cerrecîîy carnicti on. Just a word about Major Henderson et tht 48th Highlanders. Ht bas performeti tht duties et musketry instructor te tht salis- faction et everyene. Being a crack rifle shet hlimscîf, bis services ai tht ranges have simply been invaluable. Tht Highland Latidies et Toronto art net only represecteti by Major Hender>on but aise by Capt. Donald anti Lieut. Penny. During thtetirum heati services on Suntiay we much tear that macy vert admiring tht braw anti buskieti Scotsmen insteati et hank- coiing te tht earnest werds et Rev. Mn. Broughall. Tht young paston et Ail Saints may neat assureti that both officens anti mec siccencly appreciaîed bis services at tht cbunch parade on Sunday. We would suggesî that he be invitedto thîe permanent chapiain ef tht 34th. Afler ail is saiti anti dont tht mac mosita- îitled te praise tor bbc cleauliness et tht camp, tbcentider et tht mec anti tht pregness et the battalion genenalîy is ucdoasbtedly Colonel Paterson. Ht may cet always bt pleasant, but he is certainiy always in tamn. est anti aivays werking for tht gooti et tht regimeat. As a result be haudeti ever ta Major Farewell, as commandett by telcgram from Ottawa Wednesday uighî, the citanest camp and tht besb discipineti rural regiment that Sergt. Campbell anti others attacheti have badt t do witb. Sergeant Campbell, et the Rayai Reg. Can. Iafantry, 1 eroate, bas been battalion iastruct- or, anti cet, as mentieneti [ast veek, in- structor te No. 4. Tht sengeant is not only pure perfiection le maîters militai-y, he is aise a first lues comnade. May b.e be viîb us wheneven we camp. Se say bbe ladies. Tbe youingcst captain la the Batt., Capt. Saroauel Simpson Sharpe, brought down a conapaaiy frein Urbridge that bas openeti wlde thit eyes et ethiur company cemumanders. No. 5 compaay neyer vw as gooti as ib is te- day, andi ail Is due te ils yauibfui commandi- er, thc champion tetnis player of Tenante Uniiversity. Capt. Beck, No. 7, vas net contentedti t bring down a full compaay be aise braught down a bugle band, commonly kuova as Beck>s blevers. This as a nov feature lu the battalion, anti Çainngton's captain weli deserves bbc crodit lhe gefts for lntreduc- Lig IL Beaverton, No. 4, sent dowa a ful Company under Capi. Paterson. By tbc way, we un- derstaad that the saiti captain is senior cap- tain et the battalmon, andt aat bis Muti-Major- ity la nean ai band. Hospital Songeant J. W. Thempson lsaa wboie ambulance corps lu bimueof, vlbb se, mucb of tbe good samarltau threvu lu that he ceulti make a fanerai cbeerful. His con - stant attention to Baudomau Clati-y saveti that good feîlowfrow a serleus attack et ap. pendcts.At thls point let us note vlth picasure the genhine kiunss cf Mnm Joshua Richardison. Net a day passes but wbaîtbf" estimable lady comes i camp ta do vbat god sbeecatu. Sundry preserve Jars, stache et chicken bondà, etc., iudîcate kinduess tbat none but soldions cau dal apreciato. Mn.. Richardson "took Mr. Clan-yte ber ovu homle w vbe b lanov recel ving every aile». 10otÎM0 vlhInandsansd kiudly beasts can gve. The Nartbve«e " odlbadge t*W; Cae. Fr# d- Grieseaun ouWisbracod-u. besoin sboya wbat stuiffho la u=&de o? Soins say thececptalu etNo. j, la lb&ebau- semest misu ther. ,et point i. aidunetlIooeIi Nov, tbercs Cp.Wuu. SmilhM. P. hbo làa aie sald t o in tils "beauîy s wl as tbe b& asineo elain.tb. Ouo- lug »W«va«P to.dy.* bas =de woiWerful pornundo h lututof Ca tDona aid of be $s aI -CapfttisSmUth ofNo 6troted bis SCA" deeacbmouuo mashchaouuj fi,, t u Thers oach vas prayedfer anti strippeti cf his red, Anti may loeked pale andi nerres, As the leader ber Nev Wemn edici roati, Reduclng thein te kheaben service. Tben <Janadian wouien wvon. title. giron Andi plac et the beati cf affaite: Whilo mon vers tausb'. tOlook ta boives And wvrestîe wiîh heusebolti canes. The post office vas Closud early TaW~ay evening- Teachors meeting Frlday ovenlug at Mr.. Waguers. Mrs. Dr. Batemons tvo brotbens spent Mou- day anti Tuesday wlbb ber. A numbor tock ln the excursionte Pèter- boro Tueeday. Mn.. J. Bell fba a unub«,Or ftledshI bonSrof ber aIter âMiss uiloero Mitc>ell Thoe re tftvo rom ber. wtlug on the en- tranc e ewsla WbWtby. * May sucese Thestrawb*ry festval wua. ucs. The Widb choir gave-somn. munscb e ym t»,m o eery dayo Pieceodé abont Fan euat oe to Si. iltlst a ANDREW The~ regiment bas a je*olIn SerT,'mai Lwece1He 1s'everyýiptb a l 1iç>'tia what b e cé not know& *qt bis<ue.i yet to be fo d eut. Hospital Sergt. Thompsen le the bMs known mona»ln t he regiment. From revdille to tast post he holda a levee whlch is more generally êttended thon cburéh-parade. Thanks to the carefltsuilervision of Sur- Men General Rae and Assistant Surgeon Bogart, and the palnstaking nursing of Hos- pitl Sergt. Thomson, the healtb of the camp l8 excellent. Quarter-Master Captatin Dillon' visited Bu ffalo on Monday, Captain Henderson taking hi. duties. The united christlaq endeavor societies of the town hold services att the aiarmi pnst each evening, wbere large audiences greet them. The rigid discipline under General Pater. son bas been the means of making a daily visit of the citizens to the camp &round a greaî pleasure. No private lav-n an towfl can be cleaner tban the lines, and noî a word le heard from mornirg te night that would ofiend the ear of the most fastidious. Ladies parade the men's quiarters without the es- cont of officers, with as much freedom as thev do the streets of the town. General Paterson will inspect the regi- ment to-day, Friday, when a review wili take place. if the weather proves favorable a large crowd may be expected in town. Col. Farewell bas nothing te fear in submit- ting the regiment to the mnost rigid inspec. tion. The rank and file bock kindly te their duties on the first day of camp, and General Paterson handed over te his successer, Coi. Farew,.ll, the cleanest camp and best dis. ciplined regiment thait the Canadian mnilitia can boast ef. A finer body of young men can nol be coilected in the cou nty and the company efficers are to be congratuiated on the care with wbach they filled up their ranks. Every Company was full strength and enough men had le be refused te fill an- other regimrent. Lieut.-Col. M. O'Donovan, retired, has b(en a frequent visiter ai camp, where a mest hearty greeting always meets him from the officers who served se, long under him. Col. 0'Donovan is much pleased with the order et things, as well as the drill and discipline, which he pronounces excellent. The staff sergeant organized a mess which is conducted as rigidly as if in garrison. Sergt. McKay-orderly room-sheves the pen io heurs a day, and brings aIl officers t'> time whe delay returna. As ne soldier îs supposed te go beyond the sound ef the bugle, few of the regiment took ini the moonlight excursion on Tuesday. Plum duif was served out te No. 2 Ce., on Sunday, by ils hardworking and enthusias- tic subaiteru, Lient. King, commonly known as Teed, who had a great task thrust upon him, that of bringing eut a company in the absence et ils captain, and that company censisting ef himself and one other ; but on the i8th he marched inte camp witb men te, spare, and twe old and experienced cap- tains. Teed is a whole teamn and the dog. Lieut. T. H. Greenwood, ef Ne. i Ce., has been selected as ene of the-Canadian eleven te play the International cricket match at Philadeiphia. Camp breaks up Satu rdav morning. We hope te see the drill made an annual event. THE SBOLDIERaS DREAM. A seldier iay on the dry bard eartb, Hie knapsack under bis bead, Wea.riet by dirill, anti gaines, and mirtb Ha slept like a soldier dead. Hie bande tbey twit.cbed, and bis beoinm heaved, As his breatb came quick antd deep' And he sighed betianes lk.e oe wbo grieved. Thus lay h. iu troubled sleep. He dreamod that 'twas fifty years trot» nov, Andi va with our enemies ragiug : That ouw beys stood face to face vith thb. bs, And in combat the line vas engaging. Ail rifles veto cbargedand l in..veo eed UNE DACE M. BARGAI-N TIU1~, ~I ROBS' ~LIST.6,9 A WHOLE MONTU FOR BARQAINS. BILE DRESB DEPARfTMENT. Black Surah 811k st 40c., 50e., 75e- and $1. Black Broeade Bilk, beautiful gooda, at 50e. Colored Faney Biik at 50c, worth 65o CURTA.IN DEPARTMENT. Good Taped Laee Curtains, taped al round, 5 yds long, 45e per pair. Better ones ab 75e,, $1, $1.25,8$1.75, $2.00. Art rnuslins, Peek.a-Boo rnuslins also in stock. BLA.CK AND COLORED DRESB DEPARTMENT. Black Serges at 25e, 85e, 50e, 60o. Faney Berges at 20e, 25e, 85e, 50c, 75c. Also a full lime of Henriettas, both in black and eolored, at exception- ally low prices. STAPLE DEPARTMENT. Faney Flannellettes at 7e. to 12je. Good Faetory Cotton, i yd wide, at 5e, 7c, 8c, 9e, 10c. Good whitc do., 8e, 9c, 100, lc. Great Big Towels, 2 for 25c. Aise nurnereus other bargains. Corne and see for yourself. GENTS' FUiRNISHING DEPT. Men's Cottoi Soxa at 5c, 10c, 12ýc, 150, 20c, 25C. Boys' Cotton Sois at 5c, l2je, 15C. Men's Shirts and Drawers 25c, 86c, 50c, 80e. Men's Braces, (2 pr. for 25e.,) 15e, 20e, 25e, 80e, 85e. Men's unlaundried Shirts at 40c, 500 60e, 75e. Men's lalindried Shlirts at $1, $1.85. Boys' unlaundried Shirts at 50c. Men's and Boys' Straw Hats very low in price. Bee north win- dow. Grand display. ~P. S.-Remember for One Month -Ž.T ID REU mL DR Y GOODS, GLEARJNG PRINTSi 1MUSLINS & t)ËLÂifrËE A large assortmefli le ehoose from. Challies at 7e., worth 121c. HOSIERY, GLOVES & UNDER- WEAR DEPABTMENT. Ladies"Vests, (without eleeves> 6 for 25e. and 12je eaeh. Ladies' Vests with sleeves at 8c, 10ec, 14je, 20e, white and cream Lace Mitts i15e. pr. Black Lace Mitts st 25c., 85e. Cream and white Silk Gioves aI 80e, 40e, 45e. Blaek 811k Gloves 20e, 25a, 85e, 40c. Ladies' Black Cotton Hose 10c, 12e, 15e. Ladies' Blaek Cotton Hose, fast black, werranted, aI 20e, 25e., 85e. ; aise a job lot of ehildren's at 2 pr. for 25e., al sizes, O nly....,.~ RO 88, WHITB Y. SALEI For the purpose of reducing our stock we have decided to hold a grand Clearing Sale of new and tashionable Dry Goods. The stock is thoroughly complete in ail the latest novelties in the trade. We offer: 88-im. wool Berge at 12ie., 15e., 20. 40-im. weol Berge, fancy, 25e., 80e., reguiar 40e. goods. 40-lu. wool shot effeets, 27c., 29e., regular 40c. and 45c. goods. 42-i. wool Serge 48e., 50e., 55e. 45-i. covert coatings 65c., regular 75e. 45-in. Tweeds 65e., regular 75e. Black Drese Gloods aI 25e., 35c., 40c., 50c., 65e., 75c., 90e., $1.00. Lawns, check n.nd stripe Muslins, Swiss spot Muelins at low prices. Corsets, Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, etc.,Prints and Bateens. Duek Suitings at lie. and 14je., regular, 16z. Sco our 52-mn Table Linon, orily 20e., botter quality at 80e., 85e., 40e., 45e., 50e., 55c.. Bleaohed Table Linen 67c., 80e., 90c. Napkins at ail pricee. 16-in. glass Towelling 7c. Roller Towelling from 5c. 18-mn Huek Towelling i2j-e. In Mon>s Furnishings everything up te date. Men's Fodora Hala 75c. Men's Hard HaIs $1. Btraw HaIs for 25c. Men and Boys' Ciolhing aI the very elosesî prices and of the besî quality and make, oqual bo any custom made goode. Il will puy yen te inspeet oui- stock and prices before buying. Wu H. WARREN, 4>THE : NE W Biindor -s Twine. Central Priso .n Mak.e. This Twine is PU guebraz thd froin flh bý Price 7- ets LaoyoiiOu wenlmae, ana ad more sheaves SL. WH ITBY, STORE., £1111 I HAVWARD, -THECHEAP GOODS.MN And will be open for: busines on -- IN TER OLD STAND ON TE- U0 8 At elamination do wrcng by using a poor blave te dip, dip, dip. G pen and enjey an uninter thoughls. WATERMAN IDEAL THE PAUL Ek. W1R7, THE MER CA NTILE, BARNARD'S, the J (ibt (Ë - OfIetal Conty Organ- lion of auy local pa FRIDAY, JL'N LOCAL L.A Grand showers this wi Oak Orchard Tuesday Hartivooti dining tabît at W. Till's. Postmaster Hewden is trip te the northwesî. Nov is thetlime le gel Conner, tht new jcweler Mn. jas. Crowhursî, with friends in love ovex Miss Green, Toronto, days in towc, tht guesti. We have just received in ail tht iatest shades Warren. Mrs. McDougall antid te, were tbc guesl t of neil fer a lew days last v W. B. Pftingle & Ce' away with a ntw dcliv nesday andi damageti il Grand'nain Monday. viii please have it reptal tii funther erders. Latta W. H. Piper can sel and on easy bei-ms. should be left at Fred. je Frein present appearai zext vInter. 0ur tarnent te grQw drin nifil a si WeneilcebatMn. J. Li< zacres o<Ameican cern -Rev. Robt. Cade, D. spet Wednesday i 10 teBlieville, their "e lohs v!jpoo and bri jou» i PutPerry, andi ttesvishes et this di _se Ivelli known and se mi Many _,torn beevisit aytadaàke -part-lu th Gregorytà, .liurch. Ami MQuuglý ey-an famiiy, fniy J. JiMcCarre, 1 Jos. ~ no Sprii u.Coi imo. rmnnon, thbc1D -From Pickering ve 'O'Leaîys,'Jerry Germa A. post. That Dr. Grsut's "Hla 'te stop faIling bair andi BaptitS,. S. BE=. 10Tu Just-keep yeur eye ea -toev» announcing tht i 'Tomot,6'Island c» Fni Hot sud colti vater at 1 coming vets cricket match Menda Wbtby at-be athietic g IExcursion Tuesday 'kOrichard by, A.1. Ràilway excursion ta day, july 5, by Baptist cmtikM Wé understand that -and pres at $ajerS, of lobe orgai=e eplàai matckes4 begmning in 7bor,6. -jet Clark and themWutterln band. II.- Iîory -Joues.Uzbr -of the cea DRY : GOODS :i iii!;? q

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