i 1 a t t a »bva Anwti IM xow in the o co- "I A n Po rna lonty O red, Th lun musons0f te~eoe oned t m aing go». ihe ewiih tok. lie Am P r a e tyon Tuésday we.k . nwllatif>wahgo e weh BoraI m rusidig, aMd Mr. J. B. Fare à ,Umber ci pur Vflhaers are "cklg ________________________ eliQO.,ing s rown proseOfi or. of etigaging Cap"alnHilte and isi TES GIAND JURY- schooze r for a omuise down the St. Law. The andjurrs ere:-Jo Aam.ronce. This woUld b. a splenhÀd trip rhe doy fui Exclamnatioq of MrA l: W3DaIe,3D orAYeoY,3B8 OUL Alsdobt fo Pickering township; N Olaughton, Bobt Attorney rhirewell, Coroner Bateman J Bwers, Jas Kfrby, of Beach townsbip; made en ires on Wedneuday, as to the lexande M offat, of loi Oha man, Peter Clark, Jas A Jones, death o sixahel Faweett' infant on Tues- A le and r off tt, ofw RH 4vyan, of Uxbridge township; day. After obtaining aIl the information John Viokers, A D Weeks, of Uibridge possible, the coroner deoîded not tb hold M illb ook, Onttown ; Jonathan Cleavely, Thos MoNnl an inquesti, and the romains were, there M il/brookaOnt.Ali Cameron, of Thorah; fore, nerd !eMFoserof annngtn; e B ac The dwelIling on the Greenwood road sion, of Sougog; Robti MoCaw, B ocaupied by Mr. Keeler and family took Paine's Celery Compound Victorio us Roger, of Oshawa; Edmund Stone, of fire Friday about noon and was burned - A fter the Doctors Failed. Beaverton.th cause. Most of the furniture w Mr. A. D. Weehs, of Uibridge, wa saved, and the family are looatied in part quiritr. ý1- _uiy.ý of the barn until other arrangements can Mr.Mofattis f oinin tat ll i8 heykno ofno the meicie tatTUE PETIT JURY. be made. The farm belongs to Mr. Todd, Mfr.ng Moffatrobesopiionthat ari hivesey kn popnodotefecin e at. Tpit ju~rç'Bwerf o A nand, o! Goodwood. The bouse was flot a very riffier oaanttroe h a ter oiinghes uproMpt.an ffctive ry es .Chas Buficher, Robti J Bradley, Geo J valuable one. In lie opanatril ageosTecr !M.Mfata p roV-, Oowa.n, John Look, jr., Aloi Moore, Two of our business men were engaged nalady that je dragging many a mari and every stntement made in favc>r of Paine a Donald McDermaid1, Thos Maddaford, cneenwe idesgdidvd woman to the grave. This disease may Celery Coinpound, and clearly dem on- JohnPoelJhnSiHnr p-cnvBn weuamdeag nii- >0 acute or ohronic. LI the acute form, strates the fact, that when physicians fail PoeJhnSihHnySpn ual paesed a long the street. One of the here are violent burning pa -frisconiveyed IU)t>cure, uature's madicine je sure to docer, of PiokeRinG townshipA;JThos ell,1 parties inforrned the other that the ýo the shoulder and right arm, short t he good work. Mr- Moffatt wrîtes Sami BaIowsip;G Flew elsoJ ne, o stranger had got breakfast at bis place ough, fever, irregular bowels and con i-thus Ubig twsi;.o-Nlsn fU that *morflifg. This bis companion dis- tipation. LI the chrome form of liver t.[Aving been a sufferer for years from bridge town ; Wm Bond, Wnx M Currie, uean awgrwsatocptu. aomplaint, there are nîany morbid coudi- sev'ere pains in'the aide, back and breast, WEleClaettofW orsîey y ; of Whjtt The pedestrian wai overhauled and when ions, such as enlargemnent, softeuiug. ab- eaused. I firnily believe, bya a gs dLdet elySeesn fWi-asked if snob wau the case became very wcse n egneain h yi-lie.1rcie re by e lugfgeiehby township ; Wm Meeker, Chas Smith, indignant tating.:"II guose 1 get enough toeandege n rarona h iiencsyuîphlivri. I aend te amenlt o einentof Wbitby town ; Mrn Blackburn, John to eat at homne, although times are a littie ixase, ilou vmIIr), as(' a)ptIO.furer cat summr nni wner an as Cavanagh, Anson Walton, of I3rock; hard," 1He proved to be an industrious nase, iios oittilos fapett, wner; a so Thos E Cragg, Albert Oliver, Wm Smith, frndrsdn erDnatn h thirst, white and dry tonuee. bitter taste. ad i wear a chamois veat, but noth Geo White, of Reach township ; Frankfbusin esidang nwameDnate faTthat and a host of other rnis,.raMie condtons. .ii seenied to do me good. Camnpbell, Fred Williamns, of Canning- obcsin an o landteoe a ho Long expertence lbas fubly îri,i that -At la-st I was advised by kind friends ton ; Ducan Canipeli, of ama; Jpoople alik Pajiies Celery uoiiiIÇ>ouid l a lnîy' Celery Compouxid; and D Cowie, Alex McEwan, of Thorah tow' medeiciw that eali succussfiîily ~after'usiug six bottles, 1 find that I arn ip e omrto elwsena- in uigtestlyhuso withship dreed dîsease f Kelry, Wesleyperome ueutlyucured.hPairies Celery of iHte deabldieasdoctors are ,iavîsîu pcuud a n de ed. done'wonder fo - Moore, of Mara ; Wm Jackson, of Thursday night, last week, sorne unknown Honst an ale ocorsar ad. -iinL 111ud iasineeddoe wndrbfrme Scugog; S McLaughlin, liobt Morris, persona entered W J Morrish's store, at er Coptits rth ak.e Pa e s l, Y ufei ng ia-uish ithi fr h eet Mathew Olmstead, Frank Robson, Robt Highland Creek and made aw-ay with the uryCoupoud. or he rea ritSu, hatsudriu huauiy.Sugden, Jas. Sproule, W K Smith, of following alB of articles. 25 pairs of wo. Oshawa ; John Spence, o! Beaverton. men's rubbers, 25 pair boots, 2 doz. men's The grand jury returned true bis in sock's, 1 box curling tongs, 1 box brier Proved His Identity. h i!ei Queen vs. Beattie, Queen vs. Mann, tobacco, 1 diarnond glass cutter, $4 worth ..I.(harles S Robinson, do hereon Queen vs. Strickland and the Queen vs. of coppers, $8 in silver, some ladies' 1H t\ tNY t \1 1 i-At!- a hui ni osi. everlastingly and dia- the Bell Telephone Company. They veas, and perbapa more. Mr. Morrish ~-,V lii V ilt-1 . I11\ ~r that 1 will never reveal also indicted for nuisance the Bell Tele- was bore Friday morning hunting bis N andbIvv steal ail the trade secrets 1 phone Company for placing polos along property, but as he could not hear any- Onc f th Cdn11)tfiht use and benefit of the Most the liue o! the Oshawa Railway Company thing encouraging, startod back with the tht l)alwhoe p prt-tr. raik M Auiîct ( )rder.An Ifrte ser between Oshawa and the harbor. Also intention of plaoing the matter in the îhd b DeiiuA-verAgdv1. crve, mwae, ne for fraud againat J.H1. Strickland, bandacf the detective departmont. AI. Ke-rr, lias rt-cent1v î a ' lt i it itittit t.t irct bIu Cannington, for purchasing a large stock thougb a diligent watch bas bean kept, fulder contaînîug tht- folîuîwîuilg ariel- h ir . Ad p frcsthe ofb t 0 goods, concealing a portion of thein, not the shgbtest dlue ie obtained as to îug storv b 1Ar . to e vn Irher swcmearcyth and making an assignment and trade who the burglars woro, or what was done One thig 1 ikeabot thý"edeai~.An eyer%- h aveman o mm iercsial funeral over the balance. Also une for witb the stuif. It is too bad that they (-ntu of hein oaI bi aot the reterdcabîu mowtherany mai r bs wif, Sn e hooting with intont againet Christopher cannot be located and brought to justice. Kuiht fls for dsttrhe at ter. trumteodrianuceMann, Rama, wbo je charged with firing -News. Mrost of tebow for st-lgt rt-t5 itit ()r cousin. unless he, she or it is sound at an Indian, but did flot kill him. The------ Most cf ~ ~ ~ ~ o the drm esbbn otV-V ntegoose.. Binding myself under cases against Bryan for stealing money There hbu been no more imùportant discovery thing that is going. from the- ;rno neess a penalty than te have my grip- (held over froni December sessions) and in mediçalscience dnring recent ysars than the Knights cf the Diamond (;arter- dom-n sack sit from top to bottont my dirty Beattie were the only ones tried in this invention of! Eseljay'oLiver Lozeinges. Their to the --Sons of Intemperance.- I ar sok aeouadm rettonr-cutth ohrsbngedilDem discovery is of interest and benefit to nearly qutte a hand for alT sut-h mysteriou.s moved and burîed in the river at San- ber. Brown vs. Carpenter, a civil action O5Yjro iig thîngs myself, se I get solid with ail dusky avenue bridge, where the Salva- on a promiasory note, was laid over to the boys. My oId friend Muihattan tien army ebbs and flows every two and Jnly Br&. called on me te see If 1I. needed any a one-haîf heurs. So help me Bob Queen vs. Bryan.-Indictmnent for loir.DE CIU hardware and to have a visît. We had Ingersell. and keep me in back-boxie.' ceny. The particulars bave been twice E I OU a jolly time. Whiie we were sitting i -I was then asked what I needed."I defailed ini the CHRoNici.OE. One Daw- the office a chap cerne in and wanted te - What was your repîy ? son, a Brook farmer, buye seeda on com- 5 berrow $2 oni acceunit of a remittance 'Money!" mission, and wus paying the Bryan bo a~ n TIA V IW1 net comixig te him as be expected. 1 "What did you then behold ?" 8180 from a $600 roll ot bille when eA iA A1"-À todhirn my $2 I kept te end was ifl -' oyo u osrrs pn was cailed out for a moment. He olaims told bigsnintedybfr y - oyoDu& osrprsoenthat ho had eonnted the. $180 over -once nrow, bi n en tda efoeby t tecate uyu pnteand was just goizsg to do soagain when Crmeoks utH eyer len-thit'seet t open book res-ied a pair of drug scales, thi. oeil away oeured. H. laid the drum hmers gHerad, hat'gsgme." a in one pan, of which reposed ten $180 down and placed the $420 on the TE kS. gavehimthegran halirg sin o anpounds of concentrated lpe, and in the otew n fted~kadecsdhm Oddfeîlow, which he tumbled to. ohr9a1asah ile jcas.effreadmom tet. Whnho came backm I cam te he grat -'ha¶rin "he at asdid ti lem cksgiy? fe mnt rtosasec h h , seot ~ ~ hli inpe syhni.H ube- "Tesaeidcte h aac elf600rwasone, nd te Branm ere i Then aîhataxi ave im th G. . o! weenthe dbtorand reditr.LTe dr-1ng-way. o hutleObfertho& Feathorbono FOR GIVING STYLE AND SHAPE Ladies --Dressest A Jigit, pliable) elestle boue made fron quille. It L soft and yleldlng, conforming readily to folde, yet givlnig proper shape to Sklrt or Drees. The onlY Skitt Bone that maY be wet without InjurY. The Celebrated Featherbone corse are oorded with tbis materwa. Ãyted ti ,. be ci Castor-la i Dr. Samuel Piteher's PrescrIPUOU for Infants. and <Jhldren. It contalus neither 0»iu3n, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It le a harmiesse substitute for Paregorle, Drops,, Soothlng Syrups, and Castor 011 It la Pleasant. Its guarantee la thfrty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castor-la destroys Worms and alsys feverlshfless. Castor-la prevents vomitiug Sour Curd~ cures Dlarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castorla relieves teethlng troubles, cures constipa4~fln ad llatuleflcy. Castorla assimilates the food, regulae the atomadi aud bowels,, glvlng healthy and natural sleep. Casa toria le the Chfldren'is Panacea-the Mother's Fr-tend. Castoria. 'Oantmila an lexcelent nmedicine for ehi- dren.. Mothons have repeatsdly told me of lis goo Cix ecUPM tbeheMcideiLl Du. G. 0. OaSeoo, Lowen, Nam nOstc,£laSthe bearmdy for childrem ci - whch 1 am acqualftad. 1 hopethe day ino" far distnt whenniotlhm 5wficU>idertboealS bt .g eth.frchdren, and Use C Uti s In- mmd 0fi the vamquack mobum nwh ChW degbvybg d floe o sby of l<0VLOPUHi morpbine, oting 57r, p a ud clt « hurt n aggM do»u thelr throas, iheebyuolg Dy. 3. y. KiNEoEu» Camway. rk. scatmilassoweUadaptUd1do ldR mSt*d I recommendita85GpeYoto8BVfl, i r oin ow n e . 1 % metbave iprikea hghbW f t* pà 4 ses la Lit cuiS. yscpmeti V" IiCiI and althouge c vee amomg o l inedI susppu«msvins la keova«is relwr- prodce, yM we fltq tconft t U-te motOs cf Casis bas vSnut la *8K vil favor upou IL" UE= RUoWWlutI CL O ý5NHNl4 oe.,. SeverePain in CurecI byThoD MyI&,~,U5ciuilfô'tUO 705I8WItT I~u; sSii uùg Usay um.dI.wb1~mS ~ b~a.flhiS5ItIe51hS Sold £vry~ mer - On sixty days' tîme or two per cent. ciefence. -By my cheek and fifty-pour'd samn- off for cash." Queen va. Beattio.-Indictment for pie case. Try mue." "éA I right, begin."déstealing a borBe. The case armoeeotof How iil ou e tred ' - No, egi you" acountry horse deal, and wus anobier- --Howionlon.. Geo. W, De-Ne,,begik rin.,81 - By the square." -No, you begin."logne o.W Dekr4à m"t * Why by the square >1" "Up." 'Em.' 'Set," solciyoung Beattie, of Brougham>, a horse "Because the Square is a magistrate "Set emn up.' The words and signs for $80, takng $40 cash, a $5 uset fbar-- and an emblem o! stupiditY." are right, brother Brown." ns u innt o 8.Wnti '-Where were you first prepared for Crother Muihatten and I each lent note was due Beattie tried fngIing a -litle tegi ime, clsmed several mmsader' a drummer ?" ~the chap $2, and he leit with many anAsiy als.dDeé MYn my md-" thanks and kind wishes. 4hddnoma1.ihe yr '-Whatnx? Now you can see by this what ahelpLvooeLihrs.T. "Ina rinin ofic, ajonin ait is to a fellow whenbegtsd a k il. Shortly afterwards a .boym' regzular post o! drummers." broke among strangers to have these Ploe1 ker wasdrlvm lw 1! * H-ow were you prcpared?> littie things to fail back on.-Elvirat 0w ta o i î" By bcîng divested of my last cent, Bug. teluvsWm b ors U my cheek rubbed down with a brick, a _________________** Th bu ni- n plaste r over ea.ch eye and a cam& h$Dk o b haysmple caà e in each hand. Inl",tmtwu S* h. this fix I was conducted to the door o! Mr*m 'odýk the Post., Th sen J a -How did ~ o now it was a door, 140U5S 8 bngblind?'î By irst steppifi' in a ol utl t,à aofudmn and 'afterwards bumnpifg MY head 0 ., bw the. own; GaU.çgb.r4To tc agzainat the door knob.'" __________ "How gaincd YouadtflsSOfl? B yt.he benefitof mychetk. ad the required ceki *«-bji@ wi*v telb. not but john SmitihadO it for smhu *On tlhe sharP tSOcfa boot, applied to n t"~ trîs=S b t ddtist«"'you' à ixot go (cdolsrnd touwch." ia =lmofîIe »1VPSIn ouasu suId 1 UO Yt-S imaelc Skir Bn For Sole by leading Dry Gooda Derniers.,J What is - that 4 nswer --large - elong- - dge oà -d -beeà .liihit --To-