]K.OWILEDGE ]Bringe oomfort and lmprovement and tends&fiG puronai enjoymnenb Whou rightly unsd. The many, who live bet- ter than ut bers and enjey lhfe more, with loe expenditure, by more promptiy adapting th. worid'a bout products tc thbe needs of physical being, wiil att.es the valhue to hoalth of th. pure iquid laxte prîîîcîilos embraced in the. reîniedy, Syrup of Fige. Jîs8 excellence is due te ILs preaenting lu the f r niet acceît.ab'.e and piease ant-to tlîe tasale, the refreahing snd truly bentitici,%l j1îro1ertis of a Perfect lai- ati- e ; effec iîally cieansing the uytem, dialpellîîîg ci loi, hesoiachos and foyers suid pt 1riralieit iy cuiing constipation. IL hasglît-eiî satisfaction, mto mililions and met mýh to 1i1iriivrcl c1 f the inedical pruifes i, uocause iL acte on the Kid. nv*s L-, 1- r aid B ~iswitlioiit weak. erîîîîg tiin xi1d olit is 1,rfeit'.free frumi ever o , r v C 1 t. , î1,1)e 0 ubIosi. ce. gý -,a ,,i tJ1'i% s f r s,o by AUl drug. lîtî,but it is ilu fa-î il -v oY- iraFig Sy'ri1i) C-u ' , e- iuirîiîQs 1îrinteml on e' ir V ;îak.~,idout lie nrî'. Sritîî of Fîgs, sdbiî 'vl ii.iîiei.yiu wii neot Bocelut 9 i,y 'o -Ute if nrrui AYER'S Hair VIGOR Restores naturel color to the heir, amd aloo prevente it tallrng eut. M.re. H. W. Fenwick, of Digby, N. S., saye: "A httie mo ~thaul two viýars agi) toi tiii'n or, il -i uof .\vpr'slair Vigor mY 1,111r wx.o test i red toi it s orîin ah co!oor o' ic ilfahlitiîg oit. An ()((,' Ls-imalul app1livation ii as Since kijît tite lli ili gioou euîiîu.'-M Hl. F. L'NWIihgby, N. ïb. Growth of Hair. -ltv ar g ,1-I l thîi î'rio S1 -t 11\ilY oîi N\S i.h i' o i' ulii il.litiit t r-il o - I 'o' ,li îttiîIhoaito f I .4 luI 1w uroroîtyhli îoî.loit lis i 111ilv iu-.hiaîîol1 1 i i iii' a o-tt, o <f A\or's l _- i i uid 1-gui ai orîcu toi <i :v a 1irii.ii'it if a- lu- K i r t i \O ~îu, Iili ua s., New. AYE'S IIAIR ViGOF r<Pni iyi OR. J, C. AVER & WO, LOWELL, MASS., U S. A .l jer'a illa115cure ik Ileadache, CORRESPONDENCE -e.0 luXERIDOL. Stoue a pig. A-k 'aniwo rth juogali ut it x 1miono ol aniltube lro I n the lien, stiwoheîîfroini Mr E, (,îoul 's farni joinig Liii'toi-W n )n iurs(lay ni 1hast. Hetel cha.îge9 A unectuuîg iÀ the license comiss is hume. A short distance from Mr. stable. Pickerlng,, for the nigbt. Thursday, Gordon's hotel,Pickeing, noon, and hie own AIlei-ms b ouse. the waggon tongue came stable for the nigbt. Friday to Highland Creok îîut îf thc neck voke and the horses forth, night. Saturd.ayto hie own stable un- lîccame unconti'ollable. They dashed tIMna.Tre 1 omue nijadlv aiung, and 1s as Mr. Allems' Newday, (8076 o [1912, CI deelaie, owne d by wrn. Richa.rdson & Sonm &olmbnh. Monday homewa reacbed the tongue struck afternoon lesve hieowfl stable-for Brooklin and atn obstructio(n and the littie boy was romain overnight. Tueday, ilorto e, Kingele, tbr îw wîh errfie foce romty noon; M..ddafords, Âudley. night. &ednesday, thron wth trriic frcefron th pTe. Karrit'e, noon ; Pîcke.ring, night. Thurs - w,%aggon again.st one of the posts of the da Mcou<irO's, Kingeton road, noon; Wooa. ru; hte, Wbitby, night, Fridav, Craw- gat. Hlie neyer knew what happened, fortb'e, baeline, noon ; Central F îlu.'wa, as be was kilied instantly, the left side night. Sattirday to hie own ist%, cil mon. îîf bis head being crushed i. day. TermeS$1Oto inseUO. JoehStEiUtago, roadeter, o,, afd 6 onathan Il th'ýJoc 0 accathus ecapt4ePorter Pickering. Monday, to Wood.frsf' i WW oc"MCrtU' hotel, Wihitby, noen; Central hotel, Oshawa, ..s Jock McCarthur, an eleven year night. Ttteeday, Raglan, noon; St. Charles adl- oid celebrity who sometimes lives with hote, PortPorry. night. Wodneeday, Hleard'a Codwtr odi hotel, Mianchester, noon* Wilson'e hotol, Âsh. igt is parents on the Codae hai um, night. Thursdsy, êebert'e hotol, Brook- causing his parents much trouble. lin, noon; Pickering, nigh f. ia, hs no,,Brook road, 1100 ghandCreoir- J ock - up till last Saturday, hiad been ni&t. atursY, JOY oiHedsraon' noon ; and sion-, away fromn homne for -about two weeks, tc hi On tsbO Cntil 1OtdAy . Terme $10 te ers of Nort.h (Ontaruo wilI be hehl nexi but 'that day he unfortunately got wîru- week Lu consider sufle apphic-at*omns, for in reach of Mr. Dreyer, who locked transfers of icenses. J. A. Mc Donald him up on a charge of stealing a watch of SunderlandIs sell1hig out to irs. from Mr, Col. Robertson, of the Coid- Foy of Whitby, T. Forsyth of Rothes water road. The precocious youngster oL. Hutchifisol, John Saunders of was placed in the lock-up preparatory Goodwood to T. Fors>th. and E. to sending him -to the Peneteng re- Dertîsha oft this town to Wm. Lanson. formnatory, as he could flot be kept at It le not often that so many that so home, --Jock" had beenVgwen anew1 nany changes take place in so short a suit just previous to his lest ecpd tizue. and as thiss luintafuers his jather2 à i<f*ry ote brought hlm down anothert whik-he'l The next issue of the Military Gazette gave to Mr. Dreyer, -wih the under- a WD contain the following appointment: Standing that. be would, b. s.Uowed to To. bc 2nd 2nd Lieutenant of No, 5 seS hieson lu the moruing th fiz l»m Company, 34th Battalion, D. NIcGil- up a IÃŽttie. When the father a'ived in wAivry, druggit. The local compeny the, moningtg. boyr Wiescaped4 hav- aesfor camp with the following stff ung donned tht ew ut5 IwHCsp 0%non..commtaiontd officers; Color- tured inroou t h !y.~idWS1 td- $«geant, C. F. Rainey - Sergeanus. lnesd*Y e wau $Mt t*,*ÇO fr.y 'atsAdams A XCoombe sud M. fIêsthrce YCars Gesamai; Corporels, J. W. Little and Wb* ta "? -Y Ur«c hers yet tw b. Qpointed. Tht gr frI4 t à c»lunty coûneil et their reent sess llir4 un 'not a rampe-t f ,S=zo 0the COunty Oriwlï.= bà t*s:*ee 'wulio for the pwipmofse u mtImbut lin. mondAy. tg yritl, noo; Utie', 1'ueuday, Kniltr»tOn; 6*. OhrJmi». Poot Toh cr~s& oluznbqs, Dnm; COUP F447,âa &tmwda mGu'. 1y6m«tweed b<u 01M = Un y.T@ O5oi.KU$ebSu. bas no doubt gon1e well WlU. ii of Ile fired again and luiit in the 11-P'i late Y" ansd warranted hlm of taking hlssed like a locomo tive, stoppe sud- t. a wife. She sat ln the bugg as an denly, and- vomited up a canoê .*ith ~ ornement, while h e did ttge faking. nine indians in kt. Then the Grilla int> First he removed warts or rather one merchant fainted, and wfren he carne edj warts, then oflered to seli somne corn to the night had settled down and the ri meiin.No >yr ýoming forward Indians were paddling away after hav- 1,M at 25 cents, he cut theýpricetto 5 cents ing put hlm ashore near the Inlet. He fine for a limited number and said he would could flot tell wh ere the snake had gone, anda give the money away. He scattered but had 'an opinion it had gonë#to Col- one the money among the boys, flot taking lingwood to goe into dry dock for re- Bc time to make change if a dirne was pairs.-News Letter. A landed up. Then he worked along A urTt.te until he was selling some stuif at 50 MNHSE.thel cents and giving back the money, and Council met on Monday. a l finallv the dollar racket commenced. Quite a number from here took inam He hail a wonderful catarrh remedy the excursion down lake Scugog on c wh ich lie would seli at a dollar a bottle. Saturday. the The People evidently thought they Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dobson spent wel would get a summer cottage or a horse Sunday with friends in Norwood. Sati and c:îrriage thrown in, for they bought Miss Frankie Spence and Miss E. noc rik.When the demand lessened Laffarty who have been spending a few Iun lie put hs initiais on a few bottles and days here, returned to Toronto on Ac soid thcîn. Then he nunibered a few, Monday to finish their examination at a onle, twu. &c., assuring the peopie they u nîversity coîlerve. ofl wo(ul(il) nothing buyig.He was oarri goig t gie-cch uying. pesn Miss Florence Goodfellow and Mrs. the out of his hat, which Iay before him, W .Sec r iiigfinsi h its rim covered with money. When he Toronto. c sold all he couid he scoopcd packages The Rev. Geo. McCullogh, of Park- I of corn cure into the crown of the hat dale, gave this place a fiying visit last (ii and handed them out as- presents." week. . ner A man who had a bottie marked two The annual meeting in connection i got twîî packages, and so on. He then with the Sabbath schooi to appoint e asked if ans' were dissatisfied, or had oflcers and teachers was held in the Qu' bought expecting their mnoney back. church on Wednesday evening., ily Not a hand went up. not a sound was yef head. he ilece as uneal.No Miss Minnie Lanson, of Oshawa, was ter hear thesilnce as fnerl. 'siovisising at Mr. Wm. Stone's the first ofPI one Wanted to admit having been gulled. the week. ber The fakir wvas pleased. Then were the There is some talk of a lawn Party in lov kind of people he wanted tcu meet. &c. ti lc eoeln.Weei tt Ce lie then bIruught tu light some scentec this plaetefore on. Weei i 01 beans, xith mwhicb he perfumed a few beOlylti b on handkerchief. including his owfl wbicb The members of Prospect Sabbat h at lic drîîpped ilver the bat rimimed witb scbool intend having an anniversaryDe thec11nIlen\-thaýt hehadlgatbered. Then sorne tirne soon. We understand that D lic sulil a tewý beans at 5 cents each, and an attecrnpt was made last week tu put dU said the \,voman wuould continue the the children in training for the pro- ait sale w hile lie tuiik a rest. He skilfully 1rme u1i a alue epe lrwthc haýndkcrchicf and the monev sum-e that Mi1ss Ada Holtby the teacher off the bat at the sarne tirne, pocketed (of the schoul here wiii take the matter thecni and sat down to rest. In a in hanil and drill thern after sebool fol mioment lie gît up and walked intu the hours. She is a great favorite with the hîîtcl Thc wumian sold a few beans, scholars. and if she will consent, no 00 rk ng i the nickles that had been doubt the result wili be a grand success. Pl, thr wn ti the boys carlier in the even- of n ydegree's the \,unîan turned TI di w n thlîlit. andl tinally she packed n the valisec. taking care 'tiidisplay a CVI' 4a h fI large lî i rn diiing su. and like her .->r'.. e îiihninquieti\.,%alkced intu tbe liiem OuJLt 1 h e.The ganie is a slick one. n peî pIe. onlv need tii sec it upcrated il iifl(e tii realize hom- gullible human nature îs. loUrnal. rn At the ncxt munic ipal clcctiuns next ebi New Ycar. the OfUitVu Simcoe 'Ail1 No other mnethod of homne dyeing gîves ni \,()te \,ca or nav onîrt the House of In- colors one-haif so fast and beauti as ai dustry questioni. DIAIVOND DYES. p senator Slavon Ahl the colors marked "«FAST)p give full, k I n the fi rtlîcurning distribution of bright, and handsorne colors that sunlight wcii senatorshiils it is just 1wssîble that not fade noir soapsuds wash out, two things 81 ù)rîllîas wot ex-niayur, Dr. J. W. that are not true of the inferior imitations of t Siaven wili not'be uverlooked. There Diamond Dyes. i are no ten vacancies to be filled and Do your Dyeing at Home with the s, and Premier Boweli has intimated his Original and Reliablo Diamond Dyes. fi intention of namning candidates for Sold everywhere. ntWitrectlOn Book and forty these places at the earliest moment. saxopies of colored cloth free. TimeTabl ChagedW LLS à RîcnÂEDoz< Co., Montrea, P.Q. Time Table Changp Like a Mracl Consumnptiofl-LoW Condition W.fldOIfUi Pfo.Uit PFrom TakiR Noodta surar.Pii. ch whbob was heartilv enjoyed by 51. Mi?<J o .~--- oer dinner an excellen't programme cf A coustable from thrt tewn came here in i/* )W Lt "X î Drts was pirovlded te the amusem:ent the afîornoo)n and laid a charge of aron hUias Ha'msalaWyta the onlookers. The excursion party again. t the prisonor. This, bowever. Was Torento, Ont rived at the. dock between B and 9 in oxiy a bozus charge. The Port Perry porea g wi Itholcuny i eenig, ire an wel pleaged with 00enPta. le juet wanted Lo detain the man or708aewu nthodcutl jir day'. onting and a tidy eum in the. that hçp might have Lime to %A sri e i oi the hnglSfl>, I yeAr lew codiio îool troasury bosides. -ULited Siates authorities and eee if h je fromtee h ofpthlu v and lowlco ndo Died-On Bcugog on the llth inet., net the person that ià wanted in Pensyl wlth cnstion f the hung- Te tsid boessudh ve, infant daughter of Mr. Wmi. mil' vania on the. charge of murderiug hie wife we aton thh ounr suThe tp aelrosa eel S, ged2 ms. das.The prisoner did not correspond witb the bwater fte aLuis enTryemed te ms to o9f6e r, ge 2mos 5das.description of the alleged wifo murderel'. vrosuad for 14 weeks she was unablo tO got [ied-Iu Toronto, on the 10th imet., The man. bowever, wae takli back to off the bod. sbegrow wOrse for ive moflîhs and argaet lakey, elit ofthelateI ac Prt Frryl'st the use of!lher limbe and Iewer part of bedy LrgretBlkel, rue ofthelae LssePot Prryand If she Bat up Ini bed had to e rPâ ,ackenbusb, aged 67 years. Thiifm- op with pliows. Physiclasii hsbviug Iived in Port Perry for many à narrow oeape. mrs, tb. body was brought bore for in- Mr. W. C. Merrifiold bad a veay nar- Said She Wat Poilt Ail Keip 'ment on Tuesday, the funeral tsking row escape f rom being drowned on Bon- and wanted me to &end lier to the 1'Home fer ace on Wednesday, when a large num- day morning hast. Whiie bsthing with Incurables., But I sad, as long as 1 could hold ýr of oid friende and acqusîntancea% fol soule companions at the 11baptising boe" rny band up sho sboiild not go. We thon bogan wed the romains te the Pine Grove in the Boaver river hoe wss seized with ýmetery. crampe and snnk Lo the bottom. Bever- H oas t . re Whtyj oeai minutes elapsed before bis cempanlons i ,£ s u e Mr. Rose Johuston of Wib shr missed bim. Mr. Fred Talbot was the to giYeler HOods arsaPerMsl 811là getting Iending te business ini connection wîtb firet te note bis absence and aL once gave stmong, walks around, le eut doors evemy day; ie Royal Templars. beaam r onWel midaeylasfno troule iO wlier tliroat and ne cougb, thoaarm Mr Jon Wllsimmeditel an lir bartseoins te be ail rlght again. 5h. ecoration day. dived at Lthe spot whcre Mr. Merrifield has a tirot cluis appetite. 'We rgrd ber cure Wednesdsy l9th imet., wss decoration was st seen sud was rewarded by find. as nothlng short of a mniracle."1 W. WYATT, 89 y in Port Ferry. Ail the lodges met ing hie aimoat lifelese body lying in about Marion________________Toronto,_Ontario the tuown hall and left for thbe cemetery six feot of water. With tube assistance iiood's pille are purely ioget.ble sud 6 o'clock p.m., preceded by the band. of Messrs. John Taylor sud J. D- Lind. pèrfoctylîarlfle8S. Sold by af druggists. 25c. Vicor McMechau of Montreal is home say bo eucceeded in reoving hi-n te the )r ie holidays. shoro. A rueseuger wae at once des Dr. Saugster is attendiug the medical patched for medical aid, and Lb. othere Duncilin Torente. The doctor basbeon present sot te work te resuscitate the ap- aced on the educiition committeo, eue parently lifelese man. Their efforts wero fLt. meet important in Lb. councl. succeseful sud about two heure after the 'h council wilI find Dr. Sangeter a hard accident took place hoe was rer.oved te nan. as ho i8 tho mainstay of the &$de- hie breLLeraB resideuce, wbere, nder the Q urco " membere in thbe medical coneuh. caIrefui treatumeut et Dr. Bingham, ho seen recovcred. Mr. Merrifield had a MN MisaMalntush f Treut, i hovery narrew escape for if h. hadl been in îest of Mr. Scotut of the mans. the water a min te or twe longer 11f. Mrsand Mme. Horton of Nebraska are would have been extinct. Tii. young ,oguestu of Mrs. D, MoBride. mou who se heroicaily recned hum areW" The mauy f rieude of Mre. J. C. Browne oertainiy deserving of some recegnitionu, H igrot Le learn e.ià uet imprevng in sud we hope ter brave at wili be IOST UCiSFLRID ealth as Lhey would deeire. brougbt ho Lb. notice of the Royal Hu1- FOR MAN OR SEAST. who ive intow ,,ne societuy. sud that before very long a Our" aIaluit ffseW msd nover bUtate&. Rev. Jesse Wbitlock wolvsi oneacb oeeof tbem ruay have thein manly ocablw ut labers ou Scugeg Las been suporan- breasts decorated wth thbe modale et NAL ISSP Dl"URE, uated by thbe Bay of Quinte conference t.bat society.-Gleaner.Lrx24& nd expects te reruain s resideut of Port Bo.k M, blig. Ihaeuaearai~e !y Dear 5fr#-Flaae nd me ome of ou r ors Perry. Our citizons wilh b. pleased Le The taxe8 of the coutîty ot Middlesex tus Bosands oblige. Ihue iST m sucei ofle n e w tubis. y e a r w ilî arn o u n t tu $ 7 0 3 6 8 . w o d er t Hj ein.f 1 n o e - tL L h aî W. E. Yaruold, Eaq5, eennty surveyer, Officers of the 57Lh Battali on have selected kflabtl nbad& b ie a ydys[ ago wae called on te r.nake apico. for their annual outing. E D L'SA I U E areofthe road fromn Cedar DYale t ho barber ou acceunt f a dispute as Le CADre. B. ,'Âp. S, 'O. limite of the road. Ail tbe parties are De». Btr>-I have used sêverel b"'ttls of your atuisfiedî with the enrvey and moved their *1Baby we sick, wo gaveCaroCaIl l5. muéhe>.b m.J14 fonces. MtaoeCrUQ i n ie W..o'rv. When se;was8a Chld, .h. cried frCastorla. SBoupaavint aeromue d Iiit c> ENIIILE.When e eh h.'l , e. ug tR¶fasoiJa ma ee WhenahehadChidre, &h gae tOm aetis- Fm Sale.by anlDmfl or adcres. -Mave T.eA. Bgwnsteofn . rwn.rd he e uesonf E.,W.TBrouwn.ba eengustu atu ueponagOs.Trnoba Mise R. White bas been visiting Miss [jota Potter. Mr. Geo. Rigge. Torouto, was visitiug the honaeetueadist week. Mise TE. sud Mn. A.. Beacock, Blsck- stuock, were gueste of Mr. A. Riggs on Sabbath. Rev. D. S. Houck sud Mr. F. Rogers have spent an enjoyable Lime at cenfer- enco. Mr. C. W. Louch bas been visiting in Pert Perry. Mn. J. Higygipbethsm, formerly of Bowmauville, piresobed an oxcollont practical sermon in tube Motuhodiet cburch Sunday evening Iset. Mr. A.. Gilbert is assisting hie uncie, Mr. C. W. Soucb, in pututing in -a number of tube justly celebrated Provan herse forke. A number of the young men attended the pic-nic at Jacksons Point on Satur- day. - Miss McKay is visiting friends at Wick. Ernest Umphrey. Alfred Harrington. Thomas Oliver, J. Rinard, F. Scott and William White were visiting friends here on Sunday. Thomas Ruddy attended church at Sunderland Sunday evenrng. The farmers are busy prepaning their turnlp grouud.Y H. Sanders, our merchant, le doîng a rusbing trade, Tht fr.. ,methodit are et camp meeting The L.0,'19 legetting a tew banner .for tb. itW ofJuly. Fred suad J"li Scott epeet Sunday at, Mab HUI,..mwiV'wrvi ef the. Arnienian difficulty. Minard'a Liniment Cares Burns, oe. new Cabinet is being formed. A Notable ExooPtiOn. A Strong Feeling in fevor of a Canadain Pro- duct in tube Statue of New York. SYRA cusic, N.-Y.- lune 10-lu spite ef a streng 'sentiment prevailing turouRhuut tîts etate tubat nothing good cau coine out ot Canada, a feel- ing il; beginuing Lu grow thatu thons are certain notable exceptions and aînong them lu claased tube new opecific rewedy for ail disease ofthtue kidneys avd ail comiplainte snising from a persugement utitbe organe, knuwn au Dodd's Kidney Pills The mebdicine has received a thorough test sud je beîig prsecnlbed net only by druggists but tube physicians, whoso weil kuown reluctance te admit any virtue in a proprietfry inedicie makes their testuîmony te ita menite still more nemankable. William O'Brien bae iesued a farewell ad. drose Le Lb. electors cf Cork city. lardloMLinment relieves Neuraigia. Baron Von Rtiohboffen, PlefeOt cf the Ber-' lin p9lice, died fromn a stroke cf upoplexyi; Expsi'teoe ashm vd A triumph in modielue wass taInd when ex. perlenco pnoved tisat E8ott'. eW lloiwoùld Det oui'y stnp tbe profitel of Palýmoiary 'con- ý iotion, but by Ie o.)qtinud Uëe, bh<aath snd- vA 'ôddbe. fQll .tetoered. -.- CO t~iSfiPATIoN, DYSPEPSIA SICK KýEADAG E, REGULATETHE LIVER. 0 NM PlILL APTE.R EATI N II4SU RES BOOD DIGES3TION. PRIcE2s Ct.TitE 61W8 »M For Twenty-Five Item' ANDE "I Ir. Madison WioIamu ls e now inovlng bis bimdeomé residence ail complet- ana ready' for hie family. The unde are the well laid out promises merly owned by Mr. Jonathan Blong John stret. The bouse le built of )white brick, je planned for comfort 1 onvenience, sud le recognizod a of our beautiful town residences. mrsioflS * large number of Sougog citiuone and dr friends had an enjoyablo excursion Lindgay on Saturday, 8th mest., having Dng day of it, leaviniz bore at 6 o'clock a., and retorning about 10 pan. )ur high school pupils and friende tu enumber of over 800 exourted to that i.-know reort, \VaAhburn's Laland, turday week. Ârriving îhereatnearly on every one wat i i good triîn for Mayor Kennedy, of Toronitey i. o o thei corner atonie of the now MêtOiSle ohurcb hors on Dominion Day. Mr. D. B. Browzl, J. P., be. the mis. fortune on Tuoeday 10 fanl Off tbhe sdE. walk at Mr. Bbarp's store and eprain hie ankie. Messrs. R. H. SbipMans EsJ.Ha- wood, Jas. Sproule, Ã,,. MoBrion, P. Dawson, F. Williams, Franik Campbell and H.L Wilson were in Whitby 5,ttendiflg the sessions. The Masonie lodge of Cannington, ac- coorpanied by brthren fromn Beaverton and Lindsay, will attend divine Brv10e at Knox ohurch on the 3otb inet.. wben Rev. David Y. Ross, himseof a maon, will preach a sermon. A wan was arrested here on Tuesday by Chief Constable Hlarwood on the. Ririn.,()f, ,A- ..1<u.AOM& f,.nvnPort Perry. Mr. Moffa sufferinge ai in liver con malady that woînan to t be acute ori there are vu( te Lb. shou cough, fee stipation. i cornpîaint, t tions, such scesises and toms are, w nausea, bill( thirst. whit4 and a host ( Long exp Paine's Cel medicine ti wîtb the dr Hoiîiest anc their patier ery CoropoI PI-i HF mu F'T LAeSo the Deal, Kerr, has foîder con ing story: One t -Knights great feh Most of t' thing tha Knights( to the -ý quite a b things m, the boys called on hardware a joily tii the offict borrow $ not couxi told him now, bei Crooks, drumme gave luii Oddfellc Then I sootg Then M., the Soul Then M; gave hin Brick M Mulhatu make su "Fror -'Fror Bucyrus ",To t bill." "The "I an the boy mnerH0 ',By pie cas( à -Byî i Wh and an 4"6) a drum t'In 4"In regulal à By my chi bunion heavly - this fi the po being agam Tue P aine'