Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1895, p. 6

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CyIItSWant to- HOW PAR they go on a given run or during the sea8on. HOW FAST they cover .a given die. tance. They oan only do this biy spending 682.00 for a wnr- ranted, ncurate, neat, duat proof Standard Cyclometer. lit 300, fast id e, at W. FI. Crodles ra row escape. Canductor Cronier and Brakoman Drury had a vory narrow escape froin deati at Waabaushene on Thursday. Wile shunt- ut5g cars iu the mW1-yard tioy failid ta ob- serve a tramway stretching between two piles cf lumber and boti veto knockod off. Crozler wouid ia; gOne dowu between tie anovlng cars bad VèUOIrBSPCIa brake rod ;i Drury vas k0ocK'od cleÎrYoffth@ track. Tic latter'. Injuries wtere paifl nM utaoserions. bat Conductor Crodser's aide sud on. log were very *adly brulued. Me came home lait Friday and vill Iay offfor a few days. Boum o f Iadnutryý The. Prîsoners Aid Auixlcat1ofl bus lsued a nuit quarto pamphlet cf go pageacooteau- ing muci valuable Infbrmatio n* eard to County poor bousm». Nis UluulrtImoo f boiIdlàp, exterlor sud InteriosV to- ise vlti liues astaoeO* ofmaintmnance l4 co4sntb lesw bom s. omesaray xs« alvo Informsationuiset caon. 'b.-galsad, snd prove te iedmof ht1~rctI@i of au hulldlog& T're uasu»lt _*bouIIdbave, a You can get them to suit 26, 28 or 30-in. wheels from JNO. S. BARNARD, Whitby, who is a.iso agent for VICTOR, gents' Bicycles, VICTORIA, ladies' Bicycles. Official Conaty Orgex.-Larg.stCUIcula- tion or auj local papes =taadaa FRIDÂY, JUNE 14, 1895. LOOÂL LÂCONIOS. West ide boot and uhoe store. We challenge competition. in boots and shoes. We do flot quote prices to lead you to believe we are selling under coSt. Our goods are marked in plain figures qnd are flot marked 25 per cent. above what we in- tend Relling thern at, to lead you to believe you are getting a great sacrifice by the 25 per cent. reduction. M. Collins. Scott repairs ail kinds of pumps. Warren's is the place 10 buy your bats, both straw and feit. Gents cuif linkg and watch chains very cheap at Diamond Hall. Hosiery and gloves at exceptionally low prices at W. G. Walters'. Miss F. Dartnell returned on Saturdav last after a month's stay with friends in Guelph. Mens colored cambric shirts, with or wîthout collars, at exceptionally low prices, at W. G. Walters'. Corne and see our stock of ladies', gents' and boys' caps, they are the latest style and the prices aie right. W, H-. Warren. Mr. Frank Guthrie, who has been with Mr. W. R. Howse druggist, for two years, lias gone to Toronto having secured a situa- tion there. Cedar block walks have this week been laid on the crossings of Dundas and Brock streets, thus removing another eyesore in the shape of a broken and haif-gone plank crossing. To those who live at a distance we rnay say that the present weather is very favor- able for crops. It does not appear that tht May frosts did a great deal of harm in this vicinity. Messrs. W. R. Howse and Robert Miller, jr.. left for Europe on Friday. By the lime this issue reaches our readers they will be nearing the old çoutltry. We hope they may have a grand voyage, and that they may corne back in a couple of rnonths abounding in nature's choicest blessing, good health. The streets commrittee have fixe<l up the crossings near the college gate, and we would further recomrnend that they spend ffy cents 10 send a man wîth a scythe 10 cut the weeds beti"en the railway track and the college gate, as several hundreds of Toronto people will pass froni the cars to the college on Monday afternoon next. Mr. G. Herbert Dartnell lefi Ibis week tor Richmond Hill 10 enter the employ of the Tortrnto Financial Corporation as teller and accountant in their branch at that point. This compsny have a charter which allows thern to do a general banklng business, with the exception of lssulrmg notes. Their Pick- ering branch, which was opened on the it cf june, is in charge of Mr. Greo. Kerr, late manager of the Ontario batik at that point. Remember That Dr. Grant's '<Hairene" is guaranteed to stop falling hair and remnove dandruif. AUl saints The Rev. Edward C. Cayley, Professor cf Divinlty in Trinlty college, Toronto, wilI (D.V.) preach at both morning and evening "Snjnmer toora."-Pbllti5 isued by the CaaiaPasifc Ry. Co.-*,The aew hlgh. W&y tt beOrient.", "Isffhing snd sbcoting " "W.estward to te the far eai," «"A ai&eto ihe principal cities of Japan and *!hinapt "'rime-ta bic ,with notes," "Arouud thse world," "His- tory of Quebo4" "Acrois Canada toAas- t.ralia, T"Banffmfd tihe Lake cf thse Woods': also nuamerous pamphlets descriptive cf Manitoba, thse Ncrth vest Territories, Brit- is Columabia, Westen-Canada, Alberta,, etc. Most cf theso publications are bsand- somely iiiustrated. Copies nusybe cIais- cd fre. frova 13. R. ElOw- agent C. P. I. and Alian lino tickets, Dominion exPre s e- Obtuary The many frieuda sand acquaintanes of lits. (Dr.) sqr=ee grlevtobosr of ber death on amusomlnç Tise dcceased lady7 VSuanaciebyusgruppe some tinte aoiis, wiulcld#'vel d lât that dread diease; oOM tiu vih d s.tise immediat c.us.fbaT4%éthl. The doctor lias cempleted a & U iiPm ts f« thse rt- moral oum Eceuehto T«@StO. wleb.e i vas ta be ulaced m=dert ba e o ýf*P'eçla- lits, but he meoffl <mp~uc toe tisan vas xpeté4 -,oite dcaeff fa keenly ib s - TROrcpn Otbeuntoeutsa nsvod ably crowded ont. 'Dar Gii farell th 4e Dominion bank, ,~olto*~pettSun a aihome. Nov for coliege week and college weath- er. Thon the volunteer for a fortnight. Mr., S.- Alfred. Jones,- barrister. Toronto, spent Sunday the guest of »dge Dartneli1. Wehave a"well assorted stock of muelins, prints, delaines ani dress gooda, at W. H. 6 plece solld walnuî parler suite, piush, with silk plush banda, for $32, worth $4.5, at W. Till's. Mr. E. R. B. Hayward, the cheap goods mati reopened business in the Powell block on Saturday last. Men's ready-made suits at $3.75, $5 00, $65o, $700 10 $z2mo. Ask to see îbem at W. G. Walters'. Diamond hall is now open with a fulll une of jewelry, watches, clocks, silverware. etc. CaIli in and see the bargains we are offering. "e 1~$4 c4w>e ét Jat reeived nOw Otock black satin nrb. bons, lnaU aiwdîhse at W. G. Walters.' Priceslow, Watches: cl«cha and,"Jew*eIrY repaired at Dlamond Hall on shortest notice. Alkworlc warranted. 6 Miss Minnie Prost, who has been visltlng here for some time pust left for Kingston WedneEday znorning. A fall report of the last three days of the session cf the county-council last week will be found on other pages. *A good matiy are wisblng we had an elec-i tric bathing line at Whitby during tbis bot weather, to tate us te the lake. We have w few lace curtains, table covers, sideboard drapes, etc. left which we are selllng very cbeap. W. H. Warren. The annual convention of the Whitby Sun- day School Teachers- Association will be held at Raglan on Thursday next 201h June. It is obvious from a view of many the fields of this vicinity that the wild mustard crop was flot sufficiently advanced te suifer any damage Irom recent frosis. Mr. L. Mason, of Plattsburgb, U.S.A., who has been in town for the pRit two weeks bas returned te bis home. During bis short viè-t here hie made matir frienda who hope be will visit Wbitby again soon. Grand Master Hoyle and Mr. J. E. Fare- well paid the Oshawa Oddfellows a visit on Friday night last, and Bro. Hoyle paid bis usual visit te the lodge here lasi week. He was well received on both occasions. We regret te learn that Master Eddie Nicholson, aged 14 years, who had his armn brolren at Lindsay last winter, had the mis- fortune te again fracture il in the sanie place the other morning whilst turning a sornersault. A numnber cf"Toronto wheelmen arrived in town on Saturday last. Among the party were Messrs. Bogert, of the Dominion bank, Forsayeth, of the bank cf Hamilton. Cronyn, Mathews and Morphy. Tbey returned te the city on Sunday moi ning. The officers elect for next terni Wbitby couticil No. 57 RT. of T. are as follows: S. C., Bro. James Fegan ; V. C., Sis. Miss D. Linton; C., Sis. Mrs. B. Plaskittî;R S., Bro. T. Hurnphries; F. S.. Sis. Mrs. Ross John. ston; T., Sis.Miss Nellie Tucker; H., Bro. J. W. Brown; D. H., Sis. Miss Olivia Blow; G., Bro, F. Gibson ; S., Bro. H. Jeffrey. The council is in excellent working order in both degrees. Meetings well attended and programmes always inleresting. Excursions 10 Guelph are ail the rage this year. No sooner is one over than we notice another on the bilîboards. The next is an- nounced as the annual Sons of England ex- cursion on the 25th June, and unless the promoters can show that it bas no connec- dion with the Whitby Sons of England, whose guardian angelship the Gazette bas assumed, the said promnoters may be suh- îected 10 the ordeal of being compared to murderers, forgers, hypocrites, scoundi els and deceivers, men who are a disgrace to England's sons. Coa.l at Toronto prices. Selling out during next week-I will seil very best Scranton and Lehigh coal *1.7 at shed, $5 deiivered-spot cash only. H. B. Taylor. Lost On Monday last, a ten-dollar bill pre- sumnedly near the Dominion bank corner, or on either Brock or Dundas street. Fin 'er wiii be rewarded by leaving the samne at this office. Cricket Whitby versus Bowmanviile. The open- ing match of the season wiil be played at Whitby, on Friday, the 21st imît. No charge for admission. Particulars as te hour that game will commence will be given in our next issue. rOh for Everywhere Oh, for cheap tickets to and fromt Eng- land, Scotland, Irelandi B. Colambia, Mani- toba, California, ail United States and Cana- dlian points, anywhere, everywhere, boat- -~1 If you requ.ire somejnew clothes, it wil p'SY You -t9 800 the values being offered Ty us this season. Our reputation for doinàg, first-class work is well known. Never before were our prices' 80 low. ..See our $10 sguitei made to order. No -need to buy ready-:madei suite flow. Gen1liemen, see our Hats, Cape, Ties,- Shirts, Sweaters, Collars3, etc. be-. fore purohasing elsewhere. Prices muoh lower than at any other place. Boses and Chemisettes. We have just reeeived a new lina of Ladies' Blouses, Chemisette, Corsets, Waists, Gloves, Hosiery, etc., ail marked at popular prices so as to .make trade hum. New Dreas Gooda, Zephers, Chambr tys, Prints, Sateens, Drilla and Duek Suitinga. SPecial lune of plaid Gingliama at 8 ct-nti ; won't say what they are worth..Corne in ana see them. 9 LE' OTTLRE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS BTJSI 1Sf E~S AND E WÂAR TN 's PROGRE SSIVE, Why do we talk .... Cut Prîices,.... simply because competition is keen,, and to keep increasing our business we must offer (~~Increased A degree of rain, or probably more, would be acceptable just now. People may be reminded that tilling the soil among hoe crop has a very marked effect in pro- ducitig tioisture. We extend our svmnpathy 10 our worthy friend, Mr. Geo. Shurtiefl, in the bass of hi wife, who died vei y auddenly on Wednes- day of lait week. Her death was in every sense unexpected, she hâving been enjoy- ing fairly good bealîb up 10 the lime of ber death. 1-er remains were taken t0 New- castle for Interment. The Dominion Express Co. have adopted the money order systeni. This company will seIl money orders payable in Canada, United States, England, Scot.land, Ireland, Germany, France, Belgluni, Switzerland, Italy, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Nor- way, Austria, ungary, Russia, etc. Orders sold and cashedealy and late. E. R. Blow, agent C. P. R. ticketsi Alian line tickets, Dominion Express and1 C. P. R. Tel. Ces., Whitby, Ont. Rev. H. R. A. O'Mailey, 50 favorably knowrt in Ibis town, assisted Mr. Soutbam at St. Johns church on Wednesday evening last. The rite of boly baptisni was conferred on seveit children. The sermon was preach- ed by Mr. O'Malley. The chorch wis filied to the doors, ail avaii 4)4: space beiig occu- pied. A great interest is being takexi in the Wednesday evening meetings and large numbers of persons attend to join in the ser- vices oh the chu rch and listen 10 the able and interesîing discourses of Mr. Southam. The athletic grounds present a busy scene these nighîs. The young nmen of the town are devoting their fine long evenings to cricket, basebaîl and lacrosse. The prac- lice in each of these are most invigorating, and our town is 10 be congratuiated on hav- ing such a grand and extensive field for the indulgence in athietic sports. Our young men wili be greatly benetltted, moraliy, in- tellectuailiy and physically. and wiil carry with them 10 the scenes of afler life ample heaith and mental vigor to face and over- corne the difficuities of lite. Write a day sooner. So maîîy correspondents hold their letters baclc tili Wednesdlay and Thursday that sev- et-al .'re crowded out each week. Win. M. Ells Agent for the famouis Stearns, Falcon and Falconess bicycles. The marvellcus record made on the Stearns YVellow-Feiiow by Jno S. Johnson and others have thoroughiy tested thé speed qualities of the Stearns' wheei. Write for fuit particulars to WM. M. ELLIS, box 304, Whitby. Garden party The '.V.C.T.U. are arranging for a garden party in aid of the fret reading roorn, lo be lîeld nt Mr. G V. Martin's residence on Fn.- day, June 2ist, afternoon and evening, be- ginning at 4 o'clock. The programme will be in ch irge of young people dressed in ancient costume. The 34th battalion band wili be ini attendence. Admission i5c. rCricket en Saturday afternoon. rAIl the benedicts atid ail the bachelors cf the town *who have wielded a bat, who do wield a bat, or wbo would lik e to wield ar bat are requested to be at. the athletic gr.unds at 2 p.M Saturday. MIr. Geo. A. Rosi will captain the benedicts, while genial Jno. A. Hay will do the bessing for the mcd- est men. This is a chance of a lifetime andl -hould be grasped by ail levers cf cricket.. The big salstiIE ges on Prices lower than ever. Gents' dress gait- ers, si, gents fine lace boots, $r, gents fine dongola kid shees, $z.zo, getits fine buif shees, 89c., ladies fine kid baîton boots 9c , ladies fine Oxfords, 85c., 'ladies fine lace bool, toc capped, St-to, boys fine lace boot, tee capped, 95C., misses school boots, il 102, 6sc. , cliild;s chool boots 610 10o, 6oc, Every- body comne and gel a big sapply.- M. W. Collins, the new shoe store, eust sîde Brock street. The cellegiate pupils obtarned 153 certifi- cales instead cf 152 as reported. Only two other collegiale institutes teck more teach- ern' certifiCates than Whitbv.' There are nearly four hundred certificates distributed. amongt the pupils at present attending the cqllegiate, so lhe passibiliiies cf wlnning a large number in tie near future are smaîL. WE - Quole .j I nducements ta B uyers. W- G. Walters.- a /ew prices with descrzphions below. Our stock affords abundance of reat Fective malenial for adverii«sing. J4e have no occasion (o exaggerate, you wil?., er goods ai we say t/ey are., In pur Dresa Goods Department our black Serges and Henriettas will draw customers ana retain -th Our prices are eut te the bone. 38-in silk finish Berge only 25e., in il colore. Black Union (heppon et, Ail wool Creppons in black, grey, eream, apple, green at 50c. - Silk and wool stripe Crappons at $,4.40 ta for dress length cf 7 yards. Ask te see our range of 44-iu Tweed effeets at 25. ; a hettar-lin. et 85.. 't are excellent value and we show our lime at 10e. yd., 22-iu. wide, that ahould surrise yeu. It WR î! y ou te look through our Dress Goods, the collection is the fineat we have avar shown.- Lacé Culta.izs.-We start them ai 25c. whieh is only 5e. yd. A better lime ai 87je. ; edgea: ar.e. tàpd. will pay 60c. elsewhere for this partiçular lina. We have them at ail priea. up te $6.75 per pair. Men's, Youths' and Ohildren's Ready-made Clothing-We 'offer yen ready-madae lothkingý at ON»RH ceai cf ordered gooda, that are well lined, perfect fitting and latest style euit., Men's -Navy erge -, Siti $8.75 ; you pay $5 alsewhare. Men'salal-wool Haliax Tweed Suite in fawn, light grê-y nd dark -gre3 $6.50 ; a better lime ai $7.50 te $10. We will ha pleased te show yon our Raadyé-made - C1othi*ng whet 'her w -aut te, buy or net. Youths'. all-wool Halifax Tweed Suite, te, fit ages 12 toe 17 y*ra $.Cid Tweed Suite, te fit ages 5 te 10 yaars, at $2. c3ýZDA Few Special Bargains. ~D - Yon ean't buy elsewhere 86-im. factory cotton at 8e. Oream or eolored Shaker Plannel onIy -50. Ladies1 1ess black cotton Rose 8c to 10o per pair. 8 pair liaies' 40e. Cashmýere Hloue for $1. )Ien-' Fedora Hats 85c. Men's Flannelette Shirts at 25e. Double fold (lotton 8sheè-ting-- at 15c. 86-in, Butoher's Linen 15e. White VictoriaLawn 8e, d o.10., We ask you to Cal! and: Examine aur G0(1 'n-Psc- wi RiMer s Twiùe. Ce, trai Prison Make. Thio- Twies wurweii-maae,sd gnâaratrebiimore sheaves from euoh bal 'than any other make mu ithe.market. priée 7 ets. per lb.; NO second qnality taon. AI G. AL JUST 2103 Juue:I4h, ,Li~ 4 4-~1 W. G.Walters. 'J ANI rîd of .ed out ut next ýeg. 25c. 30C. 0,c. 1Oc.& LO 12C. 12c. )C. 150. 010. 82.00. 02,25. »ice. a.é !flnd Ciep

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