Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jun 1895, p. 1

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'il I4 l VL XI WJJITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 14,9tkN.2 OUMNUO ;ANiS. LULAL NEWS V~LLIILBS. , I biLw. Pa-p i',ôoo,o 0 CEMONxcz.n CORESaxszeNsCE. ,.uplu, - - $1,500000 -- I TOWNLIN&. lev. Mr. Starr cenducted services at AI- W hitbyA genoy. monda on Sunday afternioon lasi. Mrs. Rev. Geo. Davey, of Pittsburg, is General Ba.nking Business visiîing at the home of Mr. W. J. Davey. Patron are ow enevineilir ,,. beef. Mr. Ha rrion led off wiîb an extra fine animal. We congratulate Master Ed. Hall and Master Ab Carruthera on obtaining At cer- tiîtkates during their firat year at highli acheol. BAVINOS DEPÂBTMENT. Interent alled ai higbest current rates. NO notice cf withdrawal requirodà. B. J. THORNTON, P. G. Melclrum, M. D. Licenîlate of. ihe Royal College of Physîcians, Edinburgh :MNember of the Col- lege ef Physicians mand Surgeons, of Ontario. Offioe and residenoe, north sectieti of tîhe "Terrace,- Byron Street, norili of Dundais Street-. Telephone. communication with office. Wbtby, JulY 4th, 1894. S COI0T AUCTIONEER, WHIBY, ONT. The undersgned begs te, announce that he has taken out a heense for auctioneering, and will be glad te I rders for this class of busi- ness. His beok will be kept at 1. H. Longs office, where ail information may be obtained. Whtitby. Nov. 29, '9.. N. F. PÂTERBON, Q 0., Barlsse, etc.-After two vears residence in Ragland bas resumned practîce at 136 John St ST=orn .ct94.-6 mos. LOOK at the rernarkable low prîces that 1 arn sellîng Solid Oak rMr. George Richardson who draws tbe miik froni tbis neigbborbeod te the Green- Wood creamery la now drawing good uoads. Ail parties seem well pleased witb tbe man- ner in which the affair is being managed. We expect ibat every availabue herse or frame-work of a herse will be ou the road early in the moi ning on Friday bound for that rendezvous of sport-Resebauk. We hear some talk ofthe Town Line beys play. ingt iwe teama in the FB. teurnament. We hope they will net be se inconsiderate as te dAsh the hopes of Audley again as we notice they have already won the Cowan prize-on ps per. AUDLECY. MIr. Ed. Dunlop is visiting relations here. Several are sporting at Rosebank te-day. Niessers. E. L. Chapman and A. I. Lawr- ence spent Stinday lu Kinsale. FPuckerin Bros. bave been hauling eut their surplus wbeat for a dollar a bushel recently. Simon, where art thoti now ? Notbing like it Simon. WVhile you are young bave a good trne. Each of our schools is preparing a pupil or îwo for the entrance. We wisb îbemn heartv auccess. Mr. William Bell and motber Sundayed with Mr. J. Lynde, Whitevale, aud report a pleacýant time. Our towniine scribe seems quite incensed ai the Gazette scribe. Well we will let thern fight eut their own differences. Mr Whitfieud bas just erected a fine wind- mii] on bis place bere wbicb makes it cou- venieni fer the tenant, Mr. Bye. lis, lune zî.-C.farlie Allems. the six-year. ai ex&animtionls. iDr. tClm essflioves that eld son of Mr. Wm. Allems, of the Barrie the comiCunication of Mir. McBride referring road, wais thrown trom a wagon ai noon to-day te supplies for coming examinatiors, be re- and îistantly kîlled by havlng bis head crushed ferred bo the school management cemtîtee betwecn the wagon rack and a telephone pole. wlth instructions te procure the necessary The accident ha ppened just ln front of his supplies. On motion Mr. Rae was granted father's house'" Mr. Wm. Allems la a son cf an order on the treasurer for $4.75, for ser- Mr. Charles Allemh. of ibis place, and lived here vices at the art examinatien. The finance nearly all bis life ti lie remeved te Orillia some committee wai instructed te mrake financial ten years ago. We symoathize sincerely with arrangements ta pay salaries falling due july Mr. and Mrs. Allems in their severe affliction. ist next. Board adjourned. Statute labor has kept everybody at work Net very nelghborly. during the last ten or twelve days. Messrs. Early lest spring Mr. Daniel McDermott Wm. STquires, 0. Seberi and H. Francis are -* th ahmse woebat ae nteScugog caught seven yeung foxes, and plac- vh arieusses oe vilae. Iare n gadte ed them fer safe.keeping in an eut building see some needed repaira made in the aide- as lewspeaigte o akt waiks. A general imrovement is Rpparenti few nighis ago lie beard seme persons trying n the way this work is being done, and ail te get ite the fox building. Mr. and Mrs. admt tat her wa plntyof oomforit.McDermeott went eut and the parties being admi tht terewaspleny o rom fr hdisturbed ran for dear life. They reîurned People realize more than they used te that to thel r bouse when Mr. McD. again went wben "'working for the Queen," they are e ut and bld himself lu a position where he working for tbemselves toe, and tbere ls net cudwthsol h ate eun c the same slip shod system in he work as we ceroul wtclî shouldngte patesteturn. Mc have often seen. The pathmasters this year oD emoihd neturlen t wit as they er br aal e adwl iey beîn re-apponîed break the lock. when lie called eut and the by beig re-a.A.H. parties rt'n again with McDermott ln bot W.A .pursuit. He collared ene man who drew bis Business Direomory. closed knife frem lis pocket thinking te GUY & 00., grain buyers. scare McDermott, who, as soon as he found DR.PLTER5N, ontstai ebet~shetlout who it was, let hlm go. The two men DRt PTuRaday eoy ist a eb. ahte are weill known nimrods of Scugog, affd it is BietALu, S. - Issery et Mriae Lbese thought they intended letting the young BEsidence oppsieTon allrook ila. foxes lose, and in due turne îbey would Resienc oppait Tow Hal, Bookin. have a fine time in fox hunting. What the W A MeNRLY, D V S-Graduai. cf t-ho On- euîcome tnay be is net known. It is rumor- tari e Vtorinary College, Torotite; Honors.ry ed that au Mr. McDerniott knowa the parties, mewsbor of t-he Ontario Medicai So<iity. he intends taking legal proceedinga against Treats ail liseases of t-be domesticarod animials by the moit approvod mothod. Alse them and îhey well deserve it, as it was a particular attention te sgurgical operations mean ançl centemptible action te a quiet and dentlstry. Day or ntght calls proznptlY neighbbr and good citi en as Daniel M4cDer- attended te. Offce and residence itrooklin, nt skow oboewoatnst i Ontario. owettla ilO andte be eue wo atend e i PnT Town.b-sflz andàmolesta ne one. HoLr ayBos - -A year agc o G.Oided te branci outin iour hardw-sro deparimne and have found our offertsinta diaetien t prociated by car nunsous custemers. Wonimade heavy purchases thIs spring cf nails, boîta, fonce vire (ail kinds) ferks suados, shovela, table aadpocket outiory &o. Den'tgepast us whcn y ou wat3t anytbtng in this lino-or any ethor. Dry goode and grocery depantei are fulef seasonabie geoda. Boate and shoo s are seling weil but, we keep thein weii serted tip by woekly ship menta. White Ensilage corn new isock. We have the boat turnlp ssed that oab. got. as neariy everv bod y kaews. Always sure cf a crep wben yen buy our seds. Wo are pay-ing 11 cent for eggs, snd price butter se- corcint4to quait-y. nJioeyA5,J L1 JALV u LA ul gaen purse dangaay inh thed I regret te ucaru Mr. Wmn. McGili is stili prices are frorn $2 2.50, $25,uulgrEn at n vn ran confiued to the bouse. $28.50, e83000, 835 and up. harvest home on or near labor day. 1ilt - . - wards. E. J. Johnson.ý DON'T FORGET that these goods are my own make. AUl upholstering orders given to me has my own supervision. E. J, JOHNSON, Loading Undertaker IN THE COUNTY. Pasture to Let For a imnited number of stock. First- class pasture, with live stream of water, at lot No. 30, 3rd con., Whitby.- R. j.- LYND E. Whitby, May i, 1895-22-tf WESTERN BANK 0F -CANADA$ OSHAWA, ONT. Capit1al Âuthorized $1,00,000 Capital Subscnbed 500,000 Capital Paid-up 373,000 100,0001 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. JOHN Coww, EsQ., Presîdent. REUBEN S. HkMLIN, EsQ., Vice-President. W. F. Cowan, Esq., W. F. AlIte, Esq., J. A. Gibson, Esq. Robert'Mclntosh M. D. Thomas Paterson, Esq. T. H. McMiLLAN, . Cashier BRÂNcuits.-Mldland, Tilsonburg, New Hamburg, Whitby, Paisley, Penetanguish- ene, and Port Perry. Drafts on New York and Sterling Ex- change bought an4 sold. Deposits received and interest allowiéd at blghest current rates 3%6 per cent. Collections soliclîed and promptly made. Correspondents ini New York and in Can- ada-The Merchants Bank of Canada. Lon- 1 don, Eng. -The Royal Banik of Scotland., Special attention to collection of Farmners' Sale otes.E. D. WARREN, Mlanager of Whitby rn) H. SCOTZ f PUM PM À ERIWHITBY. (Succesor Io H 77ompson.) The Subecriber lias again opened busines hmr. Hie office wilU be at E. PL Blow's telqrapb office, factory ai Mîn. Newbery'm boume on stock Street, mouili, New PoMp uaniisuâred ad oid Pampa repaled Firsi cama mateulahused îand .ork warrant- .d. V/Us %log or clegaed ont. Orders Mr. W,%. H. MadilIlihas been laid off bis teaching duties tbrougli an attack et pleunisy. rA resident ex-teaclier i8 suppiying bis place for a few days. BIROOELIN. Work is pregressing rapidly on Dr. Starr's new bouée. The îyphoid patients, Mr. Chas. Grass sud daughier, sud Mr. Mack Buroughs, are pro- gressing t-owards recovery and tibere have been n new ewcases. Ou Motiday morning uearly five tons et miik were delivered au the cheese tactory. This was tbe largest quaîty brouglinluou auy eue day since the fac tory. was stanted.- Few vent from hiere-ôn the modàel tarÏn ex- cursion. Mr. A. Ketchen îook advantage of it te pay a bnief visit te bis daugbter n aFenus and Miss Mary Kerr weuîte St. Miary's te stop for a time wîth lier sîster, Mms Beatty. Mr T. J. Colten started out bis meat wagon, uewly fixed up snd paluted, hast veek, but ou the first day au accident happeued trough whih both shahts aud the dasb board were smasbed. Repairs have beeun made and Mnr. Celton is again on the rond. Basebali bas beeu a lest art lu ibis village for a number cf yoars but there are aigusef t ls re- vival. Brookiu had a crack teani a dozea years ago aud sorne cf t-be stars of those day. are sill with us. Wiîh a few weeks practioe a gond teani couid be put in the field now. Insîead et tbc concert t-bat bas becs ialked et tic royal tempiars bave decided t-o have a garden party. Mn. A. Keiclien bas kindiy granîed t-be use et bis groundc for bbc oc- casion. The date bas net yet becs decided but wiii pnebabhy ho inîbhe irai week of Juiy. htisl expecîed t-bat the annual union pic- uic et the Sunday achool eft t-is village vill be held soon. A joint cemmitîee yul meet eariy nexi week te t-nik over t-be mat-ter and as ibis pic-uic bas aiways been sucb an en- joyable and succesul aflair, il is more iban likely ibat it viii ho arranged for as usuai. The "' raisin " et Mn. Charles Caider's uev barn t-ook place hast Saîurday. Upwards of two bundred men were at work ouni. Mn. 'Worden and bis assistants had cvcrythiug in gond order for bbc job sud ne accidents bnp- pened. The raising at Mn. Luke Robinson's vilI ho about sext Tuesday. President Vipeud wenîte Pet-erboro on Tues- day t-o attend t-be meeting of tise cheese board. 140 cheese. the make eftht-e Brooklla factery up te J une i st wene sold the pnsoe païd being a litle over seven cents per lb. T1rhe Cheese markeî bhas been veny duli ibis e ses, aImest as mueb se as the market for butter but lusbowing sigas of in- preveMent.i To-morr6w (Sauurday> 18 Our decoratian day. Members cf tise varions socleties arc t-e meci ai bbc I. O. 0. F. haIll isere the procession, bcadcd by tise-Clameniosut baud, wiii startfrnom ai p. m. TisepUblc genen- aily arc invited snd ar ecxpecuod te be pres- eut ai bise service at thse cmL.y.. The membens aud adbercntsoftbo 'meiod- isi chus-ch, snd a -honi of6tuluide -fttds,ý wene greatly pleased vben7slieewscsAueoo Wdcdytisai Rev. T»,W. U ~ ate reniais bene for spether yesr. r.Ieut au-nlved home from pW. y afiernoos. There isa À>4àIb tbIS smmeri. la the~~s bm t owands a smâUurtou jIni the art examinathens wtiicii vere made kuowu lu Tuesday's dailies, Port Perry bigli achool did welI, securing 78 certificates. Dr. Cade and Messrs. J. H. Brown sud C. J. Pearce frein Port Perry Methodisi churcis are atîending the Bay of Quinte conférence aPicicu. The new minister aseigncd our town is Rev. Mr. McCamus. Henr' Prince lias opened a rcpairing sbop for watches, dlocks and iewelry in the Har-. ringion block. He guarantces firsi class werk and moderate charges. Our firemen purpose runng an excur-, sien te, Niagara Falls on civic holiday. Evcryibing vas se successful and satisfaé-' tory a:ibe excursion to ibai begutiful place Iast yesr that -tbcy bave becs sc4uésuéed te rua anoiher. Waî and vaîch for it. Parti- cuIars in due urne. hn the arbitration case ef Savage vs. Heal judgmeuî bas becu rendcrcd by tbc arbitra- ions, Messrs. Burneti. Ross and Grabamn awarding tbe plaintiff 37 and cosns, and is said te ho a very unsaîisfactory awaid ac- cordiug te t-be evidence oftercd, ose cf sym- paihy raiher than justice. Mn. Stewart Bruce bad a succcssful barn raising on Thursday. 6tb insi., and whcn complcted wiii bave ose et tbc finest barns lu ibis section. Mr. John Povers is the cou- tracter for the Wood wonk, and Messrs. Hall aud Mitchell ton the mason work. The Misses Musner et Scugog whilc dniving le tevu ai Tlursday, 6th insi., vere ibreva eut of thein buggy ly bhc bomse be- iug scarcd ai a pile of ncv dirt î-hrewn up by bbc nood scraper. The buggy vas broken and tbc young ladies vere burt, but net seni- eusly. We now bave four lauodry agencies li towu, viz : Bond sînoci, Ernest Ebbels ; Oriental, Henr Blong ; Parisian, . Morley Prut ; Oshawa, John Cook. Te sec tbe pot- ishcd lines sud bbc gcnilcmanly appearance ef oun youuig mca accouais fer se rnany laundry agencies, as ihcy ail de nice work. Besides, ii saves thse vomen folks a lot ef haro, bot vork. Givethesi s call. The district division et tbc Sons of Tcm- perance for South Ontario mecis in Prince Albert on Pnidny, 218t ue. Mauy promis- est verkers frein aIl parts of bbc iding vili- ho preseut . GW.P. Brooks, G. S. Bevell, G. T. Walîon. sud ether veh-kuown speak- ers yull address tbc open mecting is ,bbc evenlug. A good programme is belag prno- vided. Frani reports ibis wili be escetft-be larpest semi-assual sessions over beld lu On- tarie cunty. Wby is it that tise Orieatal botl muet close lis bar sharp ai seven o'clocký on Satulr- day niguits- aud tises have parties station theniselves outaide bhc bar wiudevs;a wucb te seç if iquot is sold over bise bar or' vicket, white bbc Su. Chsarles snd Réilirdd bouse bats are said, and thatopenly,îtebe fi funilswing ons Saturdjay ,nlghtsandos god autbeniy fh is Mald Spndays asThse pen- Sons vWho bavo eosse atching tise Orlçp "0 do t Be ;oo mils ftrinthei Town ba. We did bave, some montha ago, a good brass band. The instruments and players are alu her-e, why net re-organize the band ? Catînot qb enterprising cemmilice take the malter lu h-und and ask our town council t-c make ano appropriation te bave the band play oee or twe eveninga a week on' the baudsta d ? Surely enougli could be-ke- cured fr;n the council and private subscrip- tien toe pcournge the band le atari again. Wbe.u oufr band was lu good shape it made thinga cl*crful. , The residents of our tewn or auy îd>vn that bas bad anad, know welI the goocl-eficcis of t-be recréative influence cf music. %uthcr said, '.'Music 15 a discipline and a mfptress of erder and goed manners. i rermoý,c sorrow from the beart and the fascinatipan of evii tbougbîs frem the mind. ' i bas b#a.- said a good baud bas a more qulcîiag- effeci upon a bown than a pence officer, lipd munici palities may weli cousider bbe forn*tiion of such as a measure et social cconomtçs. 1 hope te sec sanie ef our ciii- zens take ibis matter lu hand. For bbc next tuirce or four montha wc aball bave nu merous visiters ta, our preîîy town. Let us do somcthipg te, make things intercstlng and lively lof visitera and our evu iownspeople. The smdII amount i viiiceai any eue ratc- payer willtbc repaid ihrcc fold ln ihe pleas- ue detffvedli the music rendered by the beýd. »at'smen, can'î yeudo somcibing te t4 the bels moving ? Since wriiing the 1 vejiputbcband is meeting for prac- lise .petebe - v, beh. taitn îoblp bbc audme&If bey- rcei'Îvë t scceary cucouragemqut frein thc iown vo shalh soon be hearisg the!i wcci amains. Dantardly bnsl4ae& Uprigbt competition bet>wea business or professienai men is honorable in cvery way, ancLa man or finm can go ta almost un- limiced bounda tu secure business se long as uic or îbey do it in n business like way. Our four medicai mn, Dr. Mellow, Dr. Saagsîcr, Dr. Clemens and Dr. Archer ail have tele- phone connections aud privileges tbrougb tbc outling districts for bbc accommodation of their différent patients and frieurds, and up te this trne ne ene bas ever uîîered n word of cc mplaiut or donc anytb>ng te show ibeýre vas opposition te any cf our. pmedical mcn erechiug telephone Ues atiieir eva expense. Dr. Axrcherliad ai cousiderable cesi te hlmself erected 'a icIephone liUne t -o Prince Albert, Manchester, Prospect, Shir- ley, Purpie Hili and Blackstock. Ose e ven- ing lasi veek sarne eue in bbc form of s msn (?) cut dovu wiib a ssv s number ofîthe doctor's telephone poles on, bbc gravel road souih of Blackstock.- Sucli scoundrcly vork sbouid ho- puaishcd and Kingston peaites- tiiry vwouid ho the domicile of thai, man if found oui. 10isrumoied - hai the mas (?) vbo is at tbe botein of tbus nelraneu s vork did set doit birnself, but 'get a misérable tedl of a mas te do fu for a bottle, of vhlskey. There anc very strong suspicions vhois -theý orlgjsaior or tbbc meas, spiieflil job. Tîhe: party need uetuthlnk theï6ïdoctocaubebunk- cd 'as hewil keephis-lingo in. order l if h as te keep rneqte waý%fb aind caïch the, gjiltyý eue. ; .orne qucor déveloprneuisare Ibkcd for and uhey wibll be ensatiopal la'thise or- treme. Tie venden of cvoryonc ls boy au one in Càrt-*ngbîould befoudte do toc a, rascally ct, ý u the- residenus of utha fine ses living ia uhsolutoiwnusip. Our county -cqunsil blnse itnade -a mùasuanssuana ntt that aie necessary in a man tu becume a tbe general opinion that seme fiend in îuallfied member of a county- council te, en- human form, in erder te gratify Berne old ible ibem te do their duties te aIl sections of grudge, de1ijerateIy sowed the seed under the county withouî prejudice. Messrs. the cover of darkness. Ih is hard te believe Ham, Curts and Wilicox were about thei that anyene could be found with a seul only members who tiled te get ihis grant for small enough te do a contemptable act like the road. A surprise te many In town is this, but reliable parties that have examiîîed that' the reeve and two deputy reee f the field, have ne doubi :bat such is the Reacli veîed against the grant in the manert truili, however utipleasant it is te believe. they did and many are asking the cause ef 0f course it is mere speculation as te who is their opposition te a roadway ihat is a bene- the guilty party, there being ne proof te fit te their own township. Had the county fasten i on anyene, but as mighî be sup- council given a liberal g rarit of $5w, and posed there is a suspicion afloat, thai is held then asked the ceunties council of Durham by the greaier part of the community, and and Northumberland te do the same, the it appears te. point in the samse direction. two grants would have placed this roadway But public opinion is net al-ways correct in In first class condition and would have re- cases liké this. It is plain te be seen that it quired onlv a sumi yearly grant te lceep the is only the far ofithe law ihat prevents the road in geed repair. As i. is, if it gees an- perpetrAtor of an aci like this from commit- other year it will be positiveiy dangerous, ting a more heinous crime, and Mr Phoenix and a far larger sum will be necessary te is of the opinion (and net witbouî reason> make the read in passible condition. that tuila is enly a prelude te sometbing ( Balance crowded oui.) more serions i the future. W. J. NoTT. Port Perry Buniness Dir.o>y. MILLINERT BusNess FOa SÂLa.-Tbe under- signed offers for sale ber millinery -businiess at a bargain. This is a rare chance te secure a tborou.ghlv e, îabIisht>d millinerv business. possession iveti about the midd]le of June next; in the tneanthne I will sou my pro sont stock of ui illinery at and below cost. Ladies wisbing anything in my fine wiil ftnd it te tbeir aâvantage to give me a oail, Mas. FLIES ! FLIES FLIES!! 0f ail the things beneath the skies, That I abominate and despise, The worst are these pestîTerous flies. At early morn they make yeu ri e, (It matters flot about your size,) By crawling e'er your face.and eyes; They're in your milk, they're on your pies, They make their mark on things yeu prize; And tlere's ne mark that so0 defies The ela cing hand, wlîich time applies. This is a truth no one denies, They torment man until lie dies; When, free from sorrow. care and flies, He soars away beyond the skies, Honor the man whe did devise A plan te shut out these here flies. These lines are meant te advertise Screen deers and windows, every size, Parrish keeps them, and lie tries Te suit yeur wants, in style and size, Then deoflot longer jeopardize Your coinforts and your liber-ties, But be considerate and wise, And arise, and brush the flies froas your Eyes, and protect your pies from these here FLIES, FLIES, FLIES. Try W. L. Parriali. Port Perry. AFFORD To seil furniture at cost, but we can afiord te sel ai as Iow a price as is consistent with an We keep the Iargest and finest stock of Furaiture in Port Perry and our prices are the lowest. Jesslop Furniture Go., SW. J. NOTT, MANAGEB. Thomans Lave sud farnuly bave rernoved te, Toronte. Mn. and Mrs.- Edvards, et Toronto, ar. visiilng at Mn. Aksunst's. Miss Nora Burnetuie vaswusezorluay i for several days la nov convaloscentI I Mrs. A. Gardon, an., basgene (or.-abe vecks' visit te ber daugsue r Bt Oruia, ,Edmiard Phoenix, vise spends niait of bis tino ln Toronte, basbsbéen oe fora a f days. Aloi. Ervins and. LBeane bave reuurnod M (rani thein trip to bbc aId couutry, boih look- k ing voîl- The townsbipa'ws nov admachine -vas: operabluigon. ur1 streots hast veek a"id bus 1 Ïd.4eçddi -pý-vfi nTe farnfiers viso sblppeéd their cattie w-te "tise Esilsh imarket ,ave npot :becà sUnne'-b An ice creaun social wiil be given ibis even- ing Iy the Sons of Temnperance, ai the re- sidence of Mu. Allan Hayes. The Rev. Mr. Cash, ef Californîn, eccupied the Prince Alberi pulpit on Sunday evcning in tbe absence ef Mr. Wilmoît wbe is attend- iug conference ai Picton. Mrs. Wilmnoîî la visiting fricnds ai ber old homne ini -Milton. The young ladies of Prince Alberi are makîng great preparations te eniertain the delegates te the district division. Delegates and visitera- wI be bilieted both for dinner and bea. The billeting commitice has met wiih marked success in obtairnng places fr the delegates. Mucb credit is due t-be vil- uagers fer ibeir synipathy wiils the temnper- ance cause. AIl sessions wiii- be he!d in the body of tbe churcli. A sensation was creaied lu our village over the belief, thaitbe murderer Windish had been ibreugli. He called ai several places requesting bbc job of sbarpcning scls- sers and lava mowers. Aiter receiving tbe full discripiion of the aiurdcrer and bis photo nome were so certain that it vas lie, they informcd Constable Suilifî of the (oct. He set eut on the- pursuit tracing tbe man to Sundcrland wbere be found and arrcsted hlm. We bave -since iegrsed, ihai the scia sor grinder is net Windisb. Our blacksmitb was nrraingcd before Mag- isirate Bateman unsi Friday, cbarged with applying sboc leaiher, te illegal purposes on the perses cf Richard Burney. The plain- ti ff, Mrs. Burny, hd as witness Geo. Hames. The defendasi employcd. Iawyer Grant te defend the case. - The Wtncsses al swore ihat no injury was donc tbe-bby, aud ibat be had f>en ordercd offtbite pro mises but refuscd id-go. Therefore, the -casevas decided in favor ef the defendant, ud'the plaintifi pnid the cesi of court. Mr. Richard Ward bas put up a new vire: fence around bis bouse. We cau anneunce with pleasure. ihat. Miss- Alice Ward is recovering. Mr. JohnKia*g cut bis foot vhw"ian axe on, - Monday wbie cutting, wood, for:Mr.: Millet,. Mr.. Erleat ýMorris coitemplates taking trip te Engiand seaxt .wek. Safe Journey, Esnes. A lange.uumo o eol Sundayisé-boolcoeninhl at weck., Tisey report-sgo bis bike. 'Wo woùld uot b. sua hlm -ridiug ,oven ont vayon-, sosie Of tfiseeevesungs. Peace -reigns among tise me beef rink once more. -Ai hi bb bye called for:,bhcir -beef, d- 1 tisese two, bave jo ndtise Cia Rev.. Ur. reeik, aui haveo H. SCOTT, Wbuby-aMd Osawa. ;T PftZCE IxCASHI. or vMf "YI. hast odSe. si Ti CH AS. HEAD OFFicE, lest 14i189&. 1 1 Y- fl- -f- ---- --- -2-

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