Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1895, p. 8

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RellebOý,e, Paris Green and Copper Surphate PO R THE-, Gardener and Fruit Grower. Chloride of Lime, Cama- phor, Moth Camplior, Insect Powder, Copperas and Carbolie Aeid For Spring House-Cleaning Te 0. RYLET, DRUGYGIST, - osFL4 nWA. OBEAWA, JUNE 71 1895. OSIIAWA PAGEI Busxwquss NOTICE. - Oshawa subscribers Or adyetisera may transact an ybusinesq - wth th. CasioNicLD, or may obtan extra copies at any lime, from F. R. Hobbs. Farmens wlll do well ta caîl ai M. E. May's for boys' ready made cloîbiug. If you wisb a nice French china dinner or tee set, or anything in fancy china, or glass. warxe, go te E B Morgan & Son. It will psy any parties couîeînplsîiug buy. *iug an engagement or weddiug ring ta son the large stock of Fett Bras., Oshawa as they wil seib is monîh very cbeap for cash. Geaulne dlamond 14K. only s5. They are aise nxaking some apecial offers in Gents', Igadles' and Bqys' gold sud silver waîches. Sec, hem. FeIt Bras. Me. T. Galloway purposes opeuing a machine .,liop in town. Rer. Mr. Scott, of Irooklin, occupied the pul. pit of bbe Baptils churcb lasi Sabbaih. Christ church, the former place of wcrsbip of the Reformeci Anglicans, ia now oftered for sale by tlic trustees. The. Osbawa volunteers will getl utile pnevious delil this; year as Capi. Gilerson does ual take $Ie men lu baud until iVuesday. Tue demaud for O'Regan's Pointera la sîeadily lncresslnI. Me. O'Regau bas secured auotben cigar niaker and la vey busy. *Mr. Rennie. luspector for the Western banic, Intends 'removing from Oshawa. He li. uo long. e« ia the employ of the bank. ii. Osbawa division S. Q. T. will 'iit the Sol- Jna brecheru on Friday evening, The visitors will conîribute tbe programme. The. siove foundry preseuis a vasîly different appearance, with a covering of melal roofiug on the moulding shop sud store roans. Ur. W. E. Dye and Mn. O. Hezzlewood are stending thse Bay of Quinte conférence as lay dolegates (rom the Metbodist churches. Tiie social la tie Medcaif Si. churcb lasî FMiay wa well attendcd. A programme was premeuedsud ligbt mefreabments served. Rheumaîsm mceusete be a very popular and r mal Mcomplaint wiîb our besi people lu îown rýt-at present. lu faci 1 bave h oeyself. Ii. upply of tiles for deaiuiug 4mcoe St, b.- mmcin exhausted last week. Two V4ds weee ob- taigcd afterwards aud the work coutinued. The cioslng exercises or Demili Ladies' Col-. i.g. tae place on June x4lb. The graduates wer ibeir gownsansu monter boards ihese days. Mr. W. E. 0' Brien bas moved ta îown aud bus taken up bis resdence over Babcock's grac- ery. W. weicome Mr. OBrien sud bis family to tihe town. A ltle girl naed Garuet Bates bad ber leg uevcr ecut while playing whîh some cons- puiions lu Thomas' field. Several stiicheà were requlred lu dressing the wouud. The. 34îb Bail, baud compleîed is îercnadlng tour Wednesday sund Friday nigits. The asiont lu tbc treesury sbould b. considerably rgiiieted frons their efforts. ii.esrly closing movement la belug generally1 adopicc ameng. the store keepers. The news- paper bande wil bave a baif holiday for the sum- mu montus, sud ithe business concerna wiil close st I >.m. Mondeys sud Saturdays bei!Dg excepi. *d. ii. emploYeca of thc Schoieid woolen .lms go to work at 6.30 a. m. and quit ai 6 30 pao. and tihelore receipe a bif holiday ou q*wdy A general haîf holiday on Saturday1 enge b. erraged wltb a litile trouble, and base.i m. mtche or Otte sports would receive quit. "Wdd an sd Charivari. The wodding "ol place on Mdonday evcnlng ,of Mr. Bd. Coedy aud hMiss Ale. Blow autih. réldemcof thie bnlde-s parents lu Conkiowu. Ti. oercmny was p.nforned b>' tic Rey. Jas. Kines. An old-fashloncd I"siveree,to as bbc boys prenounce il, vas given tic couple, but the fa vùenu beyond ail dccciiiboundan sudmo. tUeguesue were iît witi eggs. A gangof Young- sus make a pracîlce of gaticring around any pamo wiesàawedding coeurs in ibis terni sud 9as gadielurbaneviii borne sud pans. lu tscas tiiere vcrc nany Young men oldeog te bAve boîter t=ns. Sorns, et thins ra>" le expIais ueir couduizi before thic magiLSste; but tiiey theinselves are atone te, blame, and doubtlesa If an example wcre made of oe or ivo ùe cc t oubeeuld b. prcvmned. Mlla*Wjahbreom haude exerelses 1A bklWeuualwcdding took placelu tic chbrIst- feaÎ-churcl Mondey evening. Tic coumuln C du eS pt. Miaule Eblm aHoSe mm - W DodgeoftIse & A. Ompe. Macoauine acted msbest mua msid Lieut. Wàm àsIsrlecmaki. <Captt mdlMUs. Archer sud bM s s.fjerRaid oimtuubuwd te a musical peogame4and uic tgiO nSy' was-(rW=d by ComamadatBoo&b Tb rm madautoge e pof tnstlusW *ad charkes suadmission tus cf st eats to 0 sby bad shows = atlla t zI $Ç4Ho v ï Opiw b$,#,,i nia 104,v The tadway %a playlng havoc wth W"els which Are flot Vuiy mrong. Campbell and Whlte's wheels of the dellvery wagon wers turù ed Isside oui on Saturday and others have been damaged. The horse attacbed ta the dellvery wagon of E. B. Morgan & Son. grocers, dropped dead ln the shafis on Sincoe St, Mon day afiernoon. The bors was owned by John Bone, and pro. bably succumbed t0 the beat. T. G. Ryley moves into bis new store ibis week. The Dominion bank begin their improve- menîs on the corner store as soon as Mr. Ryley moves oui. Between $2000 and $3000 wiIl be expended lu ibis mianner aud the contracta have been let lu Toronto. Wm. Cotter, an employee of the Pediar Roof- ing Co, bad bis foot hadly crushed Tuesiday morniug ai tbe works. Oue of the iron rails for tbe swiîch was beiug moved out of the way when it was droppeci catching his foot and causing paînful and severe injury to the member. The McLsughllu carniage Co. bave finisbed ibe construction aud equipmeuî of ibeir new sawmill aud the musical hum of the saw can now be heard daily. The saw is five feet in diameter snd will cut about io,oo0 feet per working day. The mnachiuery was purcbased from Goldie & McCulloch of Gait. Richatrd Moihersill, in deflance of ail authority, refuses to move bis fence back from the six feet of municipal land on which it enroaches. The other property owuers have moved the fences without resistance, sud Mn. Mothersill will have 10 move bis also, or ibere will be trouble over the maiter. Ou Friday last tbe deaîb occunred of Janet Boyd. relict of the laie Alexauder Bunnet, sud mnotber cf Mr. 1. B. Keddie, lu the 83rd year of' ber cge. She has lived wiîh ber son ou Alice atreet for very many years aud was a life-long christian. The funeral iook place to the Union csmeteny ou Sunday and was largely attendsd. The 341h Battaflon's camping zrouud has not been decided upou yeî. The officers seens to prefer Oshawa lu many respects but as Caunnug- ton bas offered $aoo for the camp, Oshawa will have t0 take immediate steps shouild the camp be desired bere. The race course is the only available spot in the town but it would serve the purpose quite easily. Mn. Borsberry bas secured the owuership of Luikes furuiture factory from Mr. D. Lick. Mr. Lick now own.s the residence occupied by C. L. Reunie. It is Mr. Borsberry's intention we un- derstaud 10 luduce a manufacturer, probably of shaes, to operate the works. Mr. Borsberr is ue of the few men who are helping t0 improve the iown, aud deserves much credit for bis enter. prise. Pont Oshawa is beiug eapidly buit up sud is asaumniug a prosperous appearauce. Cottagrers are begiuuiug 10 move ibeir effectsansd by the firai of July the camping season will be lu full hlast. Mr. Mallory is building a restaurant sud Mayor Cowan la preparing a iasty cottage. Several other buildings will be put up wbeu the railwsy la runng. The Silent Seven îook up ibnir abode ait.he lake last week. Coniplainis are beiug made of an intolerable state of affaira lu conuection with ihe Sous' Hall ou Simcoe St. Certain people make a habit of 'using the side of the buildinz tor certain pur- Poses sd the odor la most fou. TMe hall is used for a school, sud children have 10 endure this îbrougboui achool bouns. Prompt sud nstrict measures muai be used to stop tbis aud we berewiîb draw tbe constables attention to it. Iuieresting meetings are being corcducted weekly ai the Harmouy Division Sons of Tem- perauce. Sides have been chosen, sud each side preseuts îhnee progmae wiîb îwo weeks prepara- tion. Mn. Audnew Hall. thse veteran D.G.W. P., was appoiuted judge, sud be bas associaied wiîh hinm Miss Drew sud Miss Baker. Wbeu the coutest la decided a strawberry festival will be held, the losing ide paying îwo ihirds of the anst. Aflen several wceks iii neas of bronchial nature, tbe beloved wife cf John James passed peace- fully away ta ber long home on Tuesday even- iugr, a1ibe family residence, William street. The deceased was e patient sufferer sud endured ber affliction with deep chrisîlan fottude. Two daughters sud three sons survive ber, M. A. James, of tic Canatdian Statesan beiug tie eldeat.Tii. funeral on T'huesday was attended by a large number of fienda frons E. Whitby sud Danlington. wiere the famfly resided for mauy Vears. Deceased was bora lu Devon 72 years ago and came to Canada a young womau wben tbe country was scarcely settled. Tii. bereaved busbaud sud family have tbe deepent sympathy of thl- commuuiiy lu their affliction. The rifle club abat off the irai match oh the association last Friday. Tbe members are be- comingz quit. proficient with the new Martine rifles sud made ther biqeet score ai the hast match. The score la as follows: 2oo 500 6oo Total W. J. Han. 29 30 22 81 L 1IMaxwell 30 10 13 53 R billon 32 33 30 95 NiD Campbell 31 31 26 88 Geo Miler 29 27 z6 72 P HPunshon 29 28 26 83 Cap Gnerson 24 25 19 68 RJ Mackic 27 30 27 84 D Cinnamon 30 31 26 87 E S Edmondson 30 3P 82 93 291 276 237 804 Progeusaof the Hicctnic Railway Thse wlres are being placed lu position for the trolley line up Sinsco. street. On Tuesday the. building of the, switch te tic losepi Hall works was completeci. sud tb. curves are being put lu ai lise four corners tis week. Tiie freight lUne frons thc baptist churcli te cG. T.R. wll b. firlabed ti week. Il. agent of th. Page woven wlre (suce le pntilng Up fences along tbis line te kccp tic track peotecicd. A gang of mnen are wonldng througi Cedar Dale te tie laine, preparing thc reedbed, sud ticre is but lit. die doubi that lb.e oe.d, wlU hoe sdy fer tic openint ou july ast. An ires bridge wlI carry the track acrois bth e cein on Kiug su-cet weat. and also, ever the su-eram etihelak& IlTere la a runsor fling %bout tisai thce lectrlc ealiway oempany Iniend puecbsslng Prospect Park sud convcrting tic residence lo a summer betel. In thcvfc ent tis a lithle judieleus adveuililug mugit net be amis on tic part ef the tow.TIse epeniug of- tic rallway sbould b. m"adsu c.- csoforsa big cu'lbrstioa et the la"o.A md mistakte will b.mde if Publie geounda are sot secured et bbc beach, wiIe the opportly la avatable. lb les aquestimo f now or neyer sud tho suthorltlca vIE nemi te get as me os. - comaseilMeting TIse tovî cSOseled las r1plrmeeti nc mosdaj.v emng. Messes. oCav Mmd Coula. bu yocs.ted tichentlag of $" ï te ic bai, bud. 14t, N5dondsoo fviredi tai, that'teÎders be adveriised îàr the ltitIug et the atreto for tbree yearu. A aumber of *comxté were recommended 10 be pald." FRED. R. HOBiBa. Oubaa BusneuD e@oy B L. VICKEBY, barber. Slmooe Street. BROOKS' LIVERY, Sinscoe street, north. WM. ROLPH. hamneau meher. Simoos street. T. B. MOTHERSILL, butoher, King St., West. Dn. PATTERsoN, Dentiat; office over Rowse's store. A. J. STLTIt-Domlnlon pianos and organe, Sinxooe Street. A. C. WÂNNÂN, Veterlnary Surgeon and Dentist, King Street West, Oshawa, Ont. CoMMXBCIÂL Hoi'xL-J. C. WOOn, proprietor. Modern bostelry, neat and oomfortably equipped. D. M. Tor).-C aterer for Balle, AssembUiee, Wed- dings, Suppers, etc., etc. Also ail kinds of flowers. Oau.AWA BOasBTou-Full line ot books, statlonery and faney gooda. E. E. Rogers, Simcoe Street. OsuEÂw DRUG STonim-L J Maxwell, dIspensini chemnist Pull Une of pure drugsa.nd chetni cals always on hand. Jos. HolULDEN - Whltby-Oshawa stage line. Leaves Oshawa at 8 a ms and 2 p zn, and Whitby at 10 a ms and 4 p m. JosEitPH CuÂo, manufacturer of fine carniages, carIa, wagons, and ail kinda of outters anc sleighs, Repairing a upecialty. Jom.r BaEwxxt, paînter snd decorator. Dealer in waI 1 papers, ceiling decorations, paints, oil, varnishînes, brushes, wlndow shades, etc. JAMIru PELLOW, dealer lu stoves, furnaces, tin- ware, etc. Large stock Itept constantly on band. Jobblng a speoialty. Sixncoe street north. L. K. MUaTON, B. A. - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyaneer, &a. Moiuey to lend. Office over Dominion Bank, Bimcoe Street, Oshawa. M. E . MÂY.-1.ealer in Qrooeries, Fancy China, Ceockeey, Ttnware, and Fancy Gooda, Pure Teas. and Coffees. Boys' ready made suite a apeclalty-very cbeap. AucTxoN S.LmE-The ubcriber wlll be lu Osb awa at the Central Hotel, Friday of esch weeit feon one to 3 o'olock V.m., to make ar- angemneuts with parties wishiug 10 have sales. L F&mB"K~s auctioneer. F. LÂmBERT & MoNa-Tl2e leading tailoriug and gents' furnishing house of Oshawa Splendid assortmeut of tweeds, worsteds, trowenngs, shirtd, collars, etc, always kept in stock. FERLT Buaos - Wstcb.rakers aud Jewelers. Dealers lu watches. docks, jeweleey, silver- ware, spectacles, etc. Engraving, gold and silver plating. aud old gold rings made over. Fine watch, douck, sud jewelery repairing a specialty. 08UÀ&WA ROLLESI MILL-Attention of farmens la directed to feed ohopplng uow carried ou daily at 51 par bag. Celebrated Jewel brand of floue, beet lu Canada, sold by ail firat-clasa geocera in Whitby and Oshawa, sud aI our mille. Campbell & Whilte. EvBisos# & HÂwxeIN - Importersansd desiers in farmers', manufacturersa sd hoaefurnlsh- ing supplies. Manufacturera of tluware. Esys- troughlng sud other oontraetiug doue. Fur- naces, chandeliers sud lampa. A stock of bicycles kept on hand, CEDAE R E Mn. Thos. Consul was in Bowmsnville Ibis week. Miss J. Kain sud sisier, Mrs. Andemson, have gone le visit fieuda in Hastings Ca. Sialute labor is lu pragresa ibis wonk un- der the able management of Mr. Thon. Sleep. Mrs. La Rocque cf North Tarante, bas ne- tunned homne from visiîing ber sister, Mes. Walsh. We are pleased to note the excellent ap- pearance of ail crope iu Ibis viciuity aftee the recent raina. Mr. %W. J. Chaplin of the Cedar Dale works bas returned afier visiting bis family ai St. Catharines. Mn. Gea. Shipmnan is back again from lihe U. S., and is ai bis aid position as engineer for the Oshawa electric iight ca. Messrs. W. Holland, Robi. Haliet sud jack Powers have neiurn.d hbe r<om Waikerville. They report wonk being slack up there at present. We report pragness in the raîlway matter, snd it gaes without saying liatit i l being pushed forward witi ail passible specd and ere we knaw where we are the Ues will be canspleted to Conaut's point. Mn. Frank Happer bas resigued bis posi- lion with Mr. Geo. M. Ashley, grocer, sud inteuda driving one of Mr. Edmondson's bakcny wagons. Mn. Wns. Duncan ia offi- ciating in bis stead for the peesent. A number of <armera wio own pr9perty lntemsectixsg lie road running te thie ake were obliged te mave ther fences 8 or i0 ft. inward, they being on the road allowance. This was to make allowance for tise new electric railway on these ide of tise eoad. When first advised to do se by the township engineer seme eretused la move an inch, but, tiinking better of il, camplied. SHILEMY Tii. bot weather la the general topic of conversation. Mr. Hyland tank change of aur scicol on Monday morning. Mr. Win. Bycre la peeparing to brick his bouse bere Ibis summer. Mes. C. W. GI yde of Udora was vliiing among ber friends bere st week. A very sad shotîang affale happened ah tie honse of Mrs. T. Coates on Suuday mornlng. Il appears ber son Leslie .hbad loadcd tbbc siot gun on Saturday eveniug f.. r the pur- pose of killing a woodchuck, but- falng to get a setah ît he b dtiegna lnssomeof tise. obuildiaga. 'OùaSunday toralng Juo, iaby' the employ of Mr. A Vauice, tek a stro<vcr there and la comtpaîsy' wftii Harry Humpage, a Il(hle "Hoire e" boy !wbohm been wlth Mm.Ceates semac ycar W&s rumaglng arond wben tbey tound ii gunan su*blie feeling with I 1h 1hweùt off îlà tic Lande of Heablyad 1Harry recctvéd the. whole- chare la tic face, oupitl dcstryed one eye sMd sbstterag tie boues fally cutiUP -»U over. 'The. docter b.d 'n ibor ets.ivfAgbiét ta' it I.bof bhé The cnilt et lut, Modaysa usal. iMr. George Reynold "leflot exPected 1{ H R A E Mes. R. J. McCallister of a daughter ct ___________________ ,pst May. T. W. Robertson will exhibit bis new fence ln Blackstock. Mr. James McLaugblln le in search of some stray young cattle. Mr. Lattirnore Is about t0 move oui of tbe Commercial Hotel. Wm. Brown la going 10 fence the corner owned by Mes. Fluke. Rev. Mr, Phalen while drawiug sod for bis lawn unfortunately broke bis wagon. The Sons of England here intends havin,- an excursion 10 Fenelon Falls on 151h imat., per steamer Crandella 10 leave Caesarea ai 7.30 A. m. BALBAM. Balsam is imiproving. A fine brick house is being buili by Me. Edwards. Mr. Hubbard, our teacher, renewed ac- quainiances ai Shirley recenîly. After a long sleep 1 think thai I amn in a condition ta, correspond more regularly. Rev. Mr. Harriý of Mt. Zion church, bas presented the memb rs of the congregatIon wiîh his photo. A large number of the people from ibis vicinity attended the anniversary services beld ai Greeuwood on Sunday lasi. A garden party was beld ai Mr. joseph White's place an Friday last. A large nuns- ber attended. The people amused ibemsel- ves by playing difierent games. MiLîs Alice Ward, daughter of Mr. Richard Ward, met wiîh what tmay prove to be a seriou$ accident on Friday last. She was kicked in the left eye by ane of the borees. It will be a miracle if she does flot lose the sight of the e ye, We hope thai she may sôon be raised Irom her bed of affliction. The beef ring beld a meeting in tbe scbool bouse last Saturday evensng. The abject of the meeting wae 10 try ta reduce tbe remun- erRtion given ta Mn. Balsdon for killing the caille. Last faîl tbe ring decided ta give Mr. Baladon the sum Of 75c.sud the bides for killing. Now t.hat bides bave gone up in price some tbink ihat Mr. Baladon is gel. ling toc mucb. We tbink that those who maire a bargain should be men enaugb 10 stand by it. We tink lbey should be men of pninciple. Noihing was accomplished ai the meeticg. Anotioneersansd Pediare. Tbere je every reason ta believe that a very large number of public auctioneers sud pediars doing businéss in this country are ual licensed ta carry on their business. There je a law imposing a fine sud making vaniaus other stipulations, but these people do nat observe it. A good deal of this is the fauli of the people, who do not req uine hawk- ers sud pediars ta exhibit their licences, as can be doue in auy case. We underaîand ihat the couniy cou ucil aI is present sitting lutenda to entirely overbaul tbe by-law, sud in the meantime we give the names of sîl the parties now holdens of liceuses, with all particulars, as the same : AUcTIaNEERS. Date of expiry. G. A. Eabt, Canuinglan, Jan. 21,'6 $ 5 R. J. Harwood, " Jan. i8,5 Fred Postile, Pickering, Feb. 25, 14 A. J. Boyle, Mars, Mar. 21, 5 C. Manre, Mars sud Rama, Mar. 21, f96 Io T. H. Wilson, Wbitby îp. Ap. 8, '96 7 W. J. Kester, Scott, Ap. io, 8 James Bisbop, Oshawa, June 4. " 8 L. Fairbanks, County of Ontario, Sept. 26. '95 4 S. C. Hunking, Eaat Whitby, 4 Sept. 27, '95 7 R. Nelson, N. Ontario, Sept. 2j,'5 25 Wm. Gardon, Brock, Oct. 1 10 E. Bowes, Brock, Qd., 30, « 10 N. E, Smith, Uxbridge tp Nov. 13, ' 8 Thon. Pouchen, Picker-ing Dec. io, 1 4 PEDLARS. Date of expiry. Joe. Lapatuikoif, Port Perry sud Scugog (i horse). Jan. 1, '96 S3 C.- D. Manne, Wbitby sud East Whiîbyîtp. (i horse), Feb, 13, '96 6 Thos. Paies, Whitby tp. (i herse), April 2, '96 3 D. M. Stewart, Mars sud Thorai, (i borse), - May 1, '96 il A. F. Trickett, North Ontario, (1 homse), May 31, 196 1,5 Herbert Daly, County of Ontario, (2 homses), JUlY 30, '95 35 Wns. Drummond, County of On- taria, foot, Sept. 26, 195 1 Jas. Byes, Oshawa, foot, Oct. 13,'95 2 R. Troy, Wiby lown, '(i herse), Nov. 15, '9,5 4 H. Graisman, Wiitby town, (i homse) Dec. 17, '95 4 Whitby Townablp Counci. Tice court of revision for Whitby township met Monday at i0o'clock, a.m., la council rooma. Tise appeal of Mes. Lucy Almond waa suetaiaed, sud ber assesoment for per- sonal peopeety r.duced froin $1200 te $3oo. The appeal. of S. Medlaud-waa, suatained 'and is assesament for 4o0 acres on lot ý24, COA, 4 reduced from $5otc Soo ;, lsOOn 75 acres on lot 2e cou. .-Sreduced fremtm$350 330o< Tic appeal ý. of D>,. Oriaten agaînui;thel asscssmenî of art of lots,30 sd zcon.-6 was dismîss , -ne, person- a pparing in be- balf-olrard.appeal. ,aiter Rogers had hie <Lse a rm.A A r'.nhis Anem t e I ',Sdwol report for May, SO~ il ~ -__ White Swiss Stripe Muuslin 10c. per yard, worth 20e. White BO-in. Pique 5e. per yd., wortb 100. White Swiss, with eolored spots 20c., worth 85c. Ladies' and Children's tan fast eolor- ed Ilose from 14c. up. Ladies' pure silk Gloves in creamn at at 86e., worth 45c. 80 dôz. Str aw hats for Gentlemen, Chidren and Youths at j price. StYlish Millinery and Dress Goods. CASH ONLY. Tho:. Millur : : THE ARCADE. Cail at and PELLOWS, see bis Wrought Steel -AT- Also his COAL QIL and GAS STOYES -FROM- $5-50 to $25.oo. Oshawa Steamiship Ticket Agency. Steamship Tickets to Europe by the best lUnes on the Atlantic. Special railway rates, Oshawa to Montreal, in conneciion witb Steamaship Tickets. Cana.dian Express Co. Gooda forwarded on al passenger trains ; also collected and de- livered to ail parts of the town wiîhonî extra charge. IWMoney Orders on sale from eight a. ms. until eight p.m. Give themn a trial and you wil always use thens. Great Norti-weetern Telegraph Company Forward messages to ail point of Canada and U. S. Messages received promptly delivered. W. P. STERIOKER, Agent. office opposite the Post Office. W E. D YER, S e S OBIKAWA 077105. * Bale Block, just norîb of the post of- * fice. Inspector of Agencies of Aid * Savings & Loan Co., Toronto. Agent *Sun Life Assurance Company of 0 Canada and the Employers' Liabllity *Corporation of LONDON, EN;G. Is the opportunity we now ofier you of buy- ing a W ATCH at a material reduction from any prices we ever made on ihem before. For example: We will sel a watcb worth $35 for $25;' a $30 watcb for $25 ; a $25 for $20 ; a $20 watcb for $16 ; a $z6 wa7tcb for $14 ; 8 $14 for $12 a $10 watch for 8; a s8 watcb for $6.5o; a $6 watch for $5, and so on down ta the bottom. Don'tîâfil to see the bargains we are oftering in ali lines ai 0 .. * BOryD'8 TWO&ry Store. (Headquarters for Bargains) KINC. STRIEET WEST, - OSHAWA. ,HEADQLARTERS FOR-, Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, Mangels, Field Car. rots and Turnip Seeds of ail varieties. Ensilage and other corn at lowest Mar- ket prices. Staple and Fancy Groonries at bottom prices. Highest market prices for Farm Produce. Grocery, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Oshawa, ,- THE CORNER SHOE STORE, Gc-O S HAWA.-1ýD Leather SteadiIy Advanoing. Wbolesale prices for footwear aeper cent. i.Cah e.w %'Our ratenf proi tels =9 hi distr st IT odIrcRRs U P O WeSave alwys a uygeea udrie a ve f n sh es rces h. Une ortn ety Me tfulystc epridembiln ccwin olto PictOurae fraiuprofit I y wlwetnathis. ditctiye. EP sPOR Lukae Brow, s rïJ#Iaa vc 04 Gapil Iirp Gh Tran Intel No not Li Physi lege o Te-lei p l has 1 will t nesç. office Wi 95O 1O.Beaton'8 Bar Torc .1 The iossphiHall Machitne 1 1 i t (£#ront*tlt. Ontario,

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